Friday, March 23, 2012

32312/Obama Jobs Death Toll To Rack Up All The Jobs" Lost From "Failed Public Investments"

32312/Alaska Rep. Alan Dick would advocate for criminalizing women who have
an abortion without the permission via written signature from the man who
impregnated her/"I saw dozens of peaceful protesters violently choked,
stomped on, and beaten with night sticks. I saw ny police wantonly beat
retreating protesters trying to escape. I saw a woman get sent to the
hospital after police brutally beat her and left her seizing on the ground.
I saw the first broken window of Occupy Wall Street; ironically, it came
from police smashing it with a protester's head/many people still don’t
realize that radioactive contamination is a worldwide danger. Radionuclides
are in the top six toxic threats/Andrew Bacevich talks about Sgt. Robert
Bales’ accountability, the stress of repeated tours on soldiers and how war
itself “compromises our humanity/Insider Trading Ban for Lawmakers Clears
Congress-Eric Cantor's maneuvering succeeded in preventing regulation of
"political intelligence." Just call him "Citizen Co-Conspirator." force is STROOONG in this1 but he doesnt allow posts on his
wall/400-pound gorilla escapes - A 400-pound adult male gorilla escaped his
cage at the Buffalo Zoo SWAT team leader called, "the scariest thing I've
ever done.", bites zookeeper at Buffalo Zoo before being tranquilized and
captured Reuters/Enquête Affaire Balladur : la justice retrouve en Suisse
les 10 millions fantômes-effets d'annonce ou pas ,c'est  la Justice qui
parle ,pas mediapart  qui transmet !merci d'exister  les journalistes
mediapartistes ,les bravos ,je m'en tape ;eux aussi  (j'espère)!chacun son
job du moment qu'il est bien fait-on s'en fout et c'est la Justice qui doit
s'occuper  de ce petit monde-C'est assez con,combre comme réaction!!!!
QUAND il y à trop de merde ,bin on vidange!!!un bulletin de vote çà ne
salit pas trop les mains et çà peut être utile!!!!REmarquez et c'est très
amusant,nos amis russes,s'étonnent qu'il n'y ait pas d'observateurs neutres
désignés pour nos élections,ils nous soupçonnent d'être un pays de
tricheurs peu démocratique!!! Il y aurait bien un petit fond de vérité ,des
fois!!!!!-Acharnement, non. Justice.-bonjour, et... un grand, très grand
bravo à vous, Mediapart, l'investigateur infatigable, et aussi à ces juges
courageux et honnêtes qui font honneur à LA JUSTICE. Mr Takierddine va
devoir réviser sa copie, lui qui sur france inter ce matin, vous traitait
de menteur--development of the spying scandal engulfing Swedish furniture
retail giant Ikea, Mediapart has exclusively obtained evidence that the
managing director of Ikea France personally took part in an underhand
espionage operation that illegally trawled for information into the
personal life of one of the company’s senior staff-Lasso, a powerful
herbicide produced by Monsanto. France is Europe’s biggest user, by volume,
of pesticides, and worldwide only India and the United States use more. For
François and other campaigners seeking to alert farmers to the dangers of
chemical-based phytosanitary products, their battle targets not only the
clout of the industrial lobby and a reluctance of the medical profession to
recognise the illnesses caused by pesticides, but also a silent taboo among
the farming community itself-Checcaglini rose through the party ranks as a
militant, engaged in canvassing, branch discussions and party meetings, and
socializing with fellow members. She recounts her experiences in a book,
Bienvenue au Front – Journal d'une infiltrée, (‘Welcome to the Front – An
infiltrator’s diary’-326-page document is a compilation of its
investigations and findings for the year 2011, in which it notably
denounced increasing prison overcrowding, the practice of humiliating body
searches and an emphasis on security rather than reinsertion.-Sarkozy party
MP attacks gay marriage as 'anthropological aberration' akin to incest-the
French Resistance movement, established in March 1944, demanded not only
the guarantee of freedom of the press but also the respect of “its honour”,
namely its “independence regarding the State [and] the power of capital”.-
Le storytelling de Sarkozy écrase les affaires-
Assad, 46 "We will defeat this conspiracy," he declared in January,
pledging to crush what he has cast as terrorism and sabotage. "Regional and
international sides have tried to destabilize the country," the former
ophthalmologist said. "We will not be lenient with those who work with
outsiders against the country.", has indeed earned himself some foreign
enemies. Western powers and the Arab League have told him to step aside in
a peaceful transition, while Saudi Arabia and Qatar have gone further by
calling for Syrian rebels to be armed. Many Syrians are befuddled by the
claims and counter-claims. "We might not believe pro-government television,
but we don't trust the satellite channels either," a Damascus resident
said.-please make sure before posting such news…it is fabricated just to
make jokes about Syrian regime stupidity- reuters/Dimock Fracking Study:
Result Summaries Show Methane and Hazardous Chemicals: "Although
the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 3 issued a statement last
week that its preliminary tests of water samples near drilling and fracking
sites in the Pennsylvania town of Dimock showed no health concerns, the
group Water Defense and 'Gasland' director Josh Fox went to Dimock to look
at the EPA summaries themselves, which they say do report high levels of
explosive methane, heavy metals and hazardous chemicals-The Other America:
Poverty in the United States', a haunting tour of deprivation in an
affluent society - that inspired Presidents Kennedy and Johnson to wage a
war on poverty. This slim, 186-page volume became a best-seller and became
required reading for social scientists, elected officials, college
students, members of study groups sponsored by churches and synagogues,
reporters and intellectuals, the new wave of community organizers and the
student activists who traveled to the South to join the civil rights
crusade."-Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request show a lack of clarity
about DHS's role in the surveillance and eviction of Occupy movements -
within the agency itself.... The question of whether the Occupy movements
are considered security threats and can therefore be surveilled by the
agency is detailed in internal memos that show the developing strategy
toward the Occupy movement, which DHS employees affirm is 'constitutionally
protected activity-a disturbing article this week for AOL Defense talking
about how Lockheed has not only survived the most recent defense cuts, but
actually has set itself up to be the most successful defense contractor
despite the cuts-Bluffdale, Utah, as part of a secret NSA surveillance
program codenamed 'Stellar Wind.' We speak with investigative reporter
James Bamford, who says the NSA has established listening posts throughout
the nation to collect and sift through billions of email messages and phone
calls, whether they originate within the country or overseas-WikiLeaks that
showed widespread unethical and illegal behavior by the Department of
Defense and State Department. Manning has suffered the fate the Queen put
on Alice when she was in Wonderland, 'Sentence first - verdict afterwards.'
By the time his court martial is actually held he will have been
incarcerated for more than two years, one of those years was spent in
solitary confinement. But, that is only one of many obvious injustices
Manning is being subjected to-Calls for the resignation of Nancy G.
Brinker, the founder and chief executive of Susan G. Komen for the Cure,
the breast cancer charity, grew Wednesday amid news that a second
high-profile executive was leaving the group-five banks control more than
half of all the industry's assets, President Obama announced the fast-track
approval of the southern leg for the existing Keystone pipeline today in
Oklahoma, Democrats try to curb influence of SuperPACs-the focus is now
where it arguably should have been all along. And with Spain now front and
center, the essential wrongness of the whole European policy focus becomes
totally apparent. Spain did not get into this crisis by being fiscally
irresponsible krugman-
After Bales' Arrest, Military Tried to Delete Him From Web
David Goldstein and Matthew Schofield, McClatchy Newspapers: "Besides
waiting nearly a week before identifying the Army staff sergeant who's
accused of killing 16 Afghan villagers, the US military scrubbed its
websites of references to his combat service. Gone were photographs of the
suspect, Staff Sgt. Robert Bales, as well as a recounting in his base's
newspaper of a 2007 battle in Iraq involving his unit that quoted him
extensively. But not really-Truthout/if Zimmerman were black and Martin a
local white high school teenage athlete, then Zimmerman would be in jail
facing a homicide rap, regardless of Florida's license to kill-Republicans
Must Get Over Their False Equivalency Attacks BuzzFlash /Police Chief at
Center of Trayvon Martin Shooting Steps Down nyt/GOP Budget Calls for Fire
Sale of Public Lands While Preserving $40 Billion in Tax Breaks to Big Oil
ThinkProgress/Why Conservatives Are Still Crazy After All These Years
Rolling Stone/The Silver Foot in His Mouth tpm /Five Deadly Threats to Our
Precious Drinking Water Supply AlterNet/Man Throws Fire Bomb at Democratic
State Sen. Wendy Davis' Office in Texas, no idea what motivated the
attack. “It reminds us of how important it is for us to remain very civil
in our discourse and to work not to foment this kind of anger in our
community as we discuss things that are challenges that we all face and
care about.” we’re always potentially vulnerable to things like this. We’re
thankful that no one was injured. We hope that the investigation is
concluded quickly and that they identify the suspect.-Texas reporter fired
after shocking interview on transvaginal sonograms-Everything is bigger in
Texas, including the stupid and the hate.-very much afraid that such
incidents will escalate when the Dems sweep out the Republicans in November
when there will be even more disgruntled wingnuts with ammo-Yer funny!
And I'd bet Bush will not seld any more fire bombers. Once was too much.
-You can expect more of this republican criminal action as we get closer to
the election-democrats are so loving and caring. Love them Democrats, love
that Obama. Now, ever who in the hell threw those fire bombs should never
see the light of day again. I care not what party he is from, even if he
has a party. Shoot the bastard just to make sure he will never do something
like that again-Face it, this is NOT coming from Democrats. It's ALL coming
from right-wing nuts who ALWAYS vote GOP-you still don't know jack shit!
You are just mouthing because something bad has happened. You are cut from
the same cloth as Obama, blame everyone else. Yeah, I even bet Bush paid
that idiot to throw those bombs.-Right wing (non nutcase, as the terms
would be fully redundant) when caught MUST be handled in every conceivable
way as a TERRORIST! You know, because that is what he/she is.-
"untermenschen" must be brought to heel beginning with the hate-mongers
like Limbaugh, O'Reilly, Coulter, et al.-republi-can'ts got their first
lessons from the Iranians when and while they negotiated the release of the
Embassy hostages in 1980. was treason.-prison records of the USA, you will
find many, many more thieving Democrats in there than Republicans and for a
hell of a lot worse crimes. And we know Madoff wasn't a Democrat. HA, HA!
Got you on that one. Ya gotta love them lying Democrats, huh?-It was a
homeless guy.  No motive has been indicated. -Sounds like
the loyal Texas republican base is hard at work-Domestic terrorists plain
and simple. Hopefully the FBI will get involved and find this guy. If not
there will be many more incidents after Obama beats the last clown standing
from the Repugnant primary debacle-Who loves Molotov cocktails? Oh yeah .. Occupy Wall Street eviction - Protester talking about
throwing Molotov Cocktails at Macy's- Violence as a means to an end is
something conservoshits excel at conservoturds-stupid
teabagger troll Your feedback rating here is less than your IQ. After you
grow balls and a brain come and talk sense. We will educate you .The kotch
brothers are not going to like you being stupid.-Its either a random nut
Job or the Good ole Boy System (GOP) is sending her a message. Because the
knuckle draggers out there know no other way to communicate. Might makes
right in Texass.-modern day repubs=nazi- Raw Story
funny memes about pot smoking and pictures of police beating on protestors,
does that equate to images of "hard drug abuse" and "sadistic violent
images against people" (violations of FB's terms of service). I think if
police are beating protestors it should be on FB, but that's just my
opinion!, I guess I'm "encouraging bad behavior and celebrating it"
according to their rules-any excuse for a party. Those guys in the Brown
Shirts have a few beers next thing you know its a Putsch!/NYPD infiltrated
liberal political groups as part of intelligence operations attended
meetings of liberal political organizations and kept intelligence files on
activists who planned protests around the country/"Bank of America: Too
Crooked to Fail." Taibbi says, "It's no different than here on the streets
of New York where you see people selling fake Prada bags or phony blue
jeans. What they were doing is selling phony mortgages Taibbi Cenk tyt/
Want your mind blown? Watch this video! Part 24-1979-CIA TRAINED the
taliban! Ride! Meet the Companies That Don't Even Pretend to Pay
Taxes, big corporations are happy to take our tax dollars -- while finding
new ways to skip out on Uncle Sam. 2008, Goldman Sachs paid a laughable 1.1
percent of its income in taxes. That same year, it earned a profit of $2.3
billion and received an $800 billion bailout, courtesy of you and me. Let’s
savor that irony for a moment, as we recall that the bailout is not all we
paid for Goldman Sachs to operate its rapacious business, which, as the
cynical editors of Bloomberg recently reminded us, apparently has no
obligation to serve humanity. We pay for its employees to be educated. We
pay for the infrastructure required to facilitate its business. We pay a
gargantuan sum in “defense spending” which essentially funnels our tax
dollars into protections and path-smoothing that allows Goldman Sachs to
operate in, and to penetrate, foreign markets." /An Open
Letter To The American People, America Is Dying, Remember when life was
kind of normal? It wasn't too long ago. It's not hard to pinpoint when the
downfall of this country started. November 2000. The fixed election.
Republican policies are RUINING this country.
This former Marine was taken into police custody, Occupy Union Square, for
36 hours and beaten by NYPD until he was hospitalized for several broken
capillaries./SEC accuses Wells Fargo (WFC) of failing to turn over
documents in connection with a probe into the bank's $60B sale of
mortgage-backed securities during the financial crisis. The SEC is looking
into whether WFC made "material misrepresentations or omitted material
facts/puzzled and angry by O's embrace of Islamists, jihadists, Radical
Islamists are making inroads in the Arab world's most advanced, liberal,
and tolerant country. And the secularists think the United States is
helping them do it. Thousands took to the streets of Tunisia's capital
Tunis yesterday to celebrate the end of French colonial rule in 1956. As
one might expect on independence day, most were in an anti-imperialist
mood. Who are the “imperialists” in the Tunisian imagination today? Not the
French. Not anymore. The “imperialists” of today are the United States and,
oddly enough, Qatar. Both are seen, fairly or not, as the backers of
Tunisia's Islamists.I am a true anti- racist who believes in meritocracy.-
No, you are a racist......hating Obama because he's black and for no other
reason. He has done better than bush so there's no wiggle room for you. You
don't know the laws of the US land and you rail against what you don't
understand. Try again-
2444766&mid=2444815&tof=37&frt=2#2444815 /US FIRES WORLD'S MOST POWERFUL
LASER so strong, its power is almost beyond comprehension/SYRIA'S FIRST
LADY GETS BAD NEWS Her lavish tastes and wanton disregard for the suffering
of Syrians has caused the world to take note/Rush is a Big Fat Liar, Rush
defenders/sheep = less than .5% of the population. "Or, if you take the
more modest cume number of 14 million, which some inside the industry have
used to judge the talker's audience, Limbaugh's rating becomes 1.4 million,
which is roughly the same size audience that Rachel Maddow and Keith
Olbermann get each night on cable TV."
the UN needs to stand up to this bullshit and let the world know that if
you start a war without it being self-defense, you are considered a
terrorists state that should be destroyed...and no more pie as well/imus with geraldo trevor is a martre for the hoodie, teabow in gamorra,
tyson gregorious vegas show,
32212/Whitney Houston drowned accidentally; cocaine in her system, died as
the result of drowning in what the L.A. County coroner has ruled as an
accidental death. The coroner said heart disease and cocaine use were also
factors in her death. Paul Ryan’s joke of a
budget will get endless airplay unless it becomes another albatross around
the neck of the GOP. Then it will magically disappear and our “liberal”
media/Sgt. Gary Stein was notified by the Marine Corps that he was in
violation of the Pentagon’s policy for blatantly condemning President
Obama, could now lead to his dismissal and a possible downgrade in ranking.
created a Facebook page called “Armed Forces Tea Party,” which currently
has approximately 19,000 likes and has photos showcasing slogans such as
“NObama” and “One Nation, under Obama, with poverty and unemployment for
all/“A social autopsy reveals that the so-called ‘War on Drugs’ amounts to
nothing less than a double criminalization of both poverty and race through
organized containment and expulsion from public assistance programs all
neatly justified through the moralizing language of responsibility and
deservingness.” Demilitarizing the War on Drugs /
House Speaker John Boehner lent his full support Thursday to undoing a key
part of the debt limit deal he struck with President Obama and the rest of
the Congressional leadership last summer
It is no coincidence that the Republicans pushing for war with Iran are
also the same folks who do the bidding of the oil industry in Congress. /Pat Robertson On Tim Tebow Trade: "It Would Serve [The
Broncos] Right" If Manning Got Hurt-Limbaugh On Keystone: "I Wouldn't Be
Surprised If Obama Says 'I've Laid More Pipe Than Any President Except Bill
Clinton-After Anti-Obama Rant, Limbaugh Says: "This Jackass Folks, We're
Just Dealing With A Jackass"-Republican Bigotry Hate Fear Lies and
Distortion-Bill O'Reilly: "There Is Something Very Fascist" About "Vicious"
Media Matters' Campaign Against Limbaugh-Michelle Malkin: "We Need A New
Obama Jobs Death Toll To Rack Up All The Jobs" Lost From "Failed Public
Investments"-ignorant pig claims insulting children is off limits to the
insane right wing...yeah Coultergeist, tell that to Amy Carter and Chelsey
Clinton. Does anyone actually pay any attention to this pig?-Santorum
suggested Thursday that re-electing President Barack Obama would be better
than electing Republican rival Mitt Romney- fbRepublican Bigotry Hate Fear
Lies and Distortion/ U.S. Government Prepares for War by Ordering 450
MILLION Rounds of .40 Cal Ammo
/dhs-and-ice-order-450-million-rounds-of-40-caliber- ammo/
still think Republicans care about you, you're willfully ignorant and
shortsighted. Because unless you are among the 1% wealthiest people in the
US, you're about as important as a cockroach to them. Once you cast your
vote for them, they'll squash you under their Gucci loafers. /www.
The U.S. Department of Education's Office of Civil Rights has decided to
investigate complaints that the Jefferson Parish public school system
discriminates against black students by having them arrested for minor
infractions instead of disciplining them in school /supporter at
fundraiser urged President Barack Obama to avoid a war with Iran over its
disputed nuclear program. "Nobody has announced a war," Obama cautioned.
"You're jumping the gun a little bit."-he didn't give Bill Mahr his 1
million dollars back. This president is a disgrace to America.-Apparently
you confederates didn't get the message during the Civil War, the great
depression and not to mention the most recent failure of your Southern
derived Economic Philosophy and ideology?your level of selfish ignorance is
as much of a joke as the corporations which argued during the Bush
administration that people didn't want greater than 30 MPG, an educated
populace and that Tax cuts was the only solution. you have not noticed the
majority of the states lead by your ideology are welfare states, which
spend more federal dollars than is paid into the treasury? You advocate
war, complain about the debt yet you provide no fund to support you
desires, typical welfare recipient.
/gIQAEf0PmR_video.html /American Civil Liberties Union's Michael Risher,
who filed a writ of habeas corpus on behalf of four Occupy Oakland
protesters, said the stay-away orders place a restraint on protesters who
have not been convicted of any crime. "If they violate the law, they can be
arrested and prosecuted," he said. "But the government cannot in such
extraordinary circumstances simply ban them from going out there and
expressing themselves in the first place." In many cases, they have been
issued without presentation of evidence. Two weeks ago, a judge upheld the
orders as constitutional because, she stated, Occupy is a "global
movement", so protesters are free demonstrate elsewhere. "It makes me
kind of scared to go on campus because I really don't want to be snatched
by an officer and accused of violating the stay-away order." Oakland police
department public information officer Johnna Watson said the orders were a
part of "smarter strategies" the department is looking to adopt in handling
Occupy. "We want to implement other tools that the law allows us," she
said, pointing to the department's history of asking for similar orders
against sex workers and drug dealers as well

Thursday, March 22, 2012

32212/bosco takes his orders from rothchild, zion, nazis

32212/Zimmerman knows a coon when he sees one, provided a statement
claiming he acted in self defense, which and was supported by physical
evidence and testimony,” the letter, signed by Sanford City Manager Norton
Bonaparte Jr., says. “By Florida Statute, law enforcement was PROHIBITED
from making an arrest based on the facts and circumstances they had at the
time.”-Too bad for him the 911 dispatcher told him to stop his pursuit and
Zimmerman ignored him and caught up with the kid and blew him away. Did you
hear the 911 tapes of the 17-year-old crying for help? -Skittles can be
dangerous for racoons, fortunate I dont eat sweets-SANFORD Police likely
got Zimmerman to Mexico, cops may look stupid, but they know how to put a
bullet in the back of a black kid's head, probably staying with Jeb Bush's
inlaws, Jeb signed a bad bill because he didn't have the guts to veto it.
Now his sorry assis in a sling.In any case, I doubt Zimmerman is in the
U.S. His parents own the Sanford police department. This spoiled, crazy kid
will need to be handcuffed and chained to get him back to the States. Jeb
is on the spot in this tragedy, he signed a bill no intelligent Governor
would sign will be sure to pay the Monterrey cops more than the drug
cartel-Armed criminals volunteering for Neighborhood Watch can be dangerous
to everyone. /Koch’s contango efforts to artificially drive down supply,
Fortune magazine writer Jon Birger noted they could be raising “gasoline
prices by anywhere from 20 to 40 cents a gallon” at the time. Speaking with
the Business Times, Koch executive David Chang even boasted that falling
crude prices in 2008 provided an opportunity remove oil from the market for
future delivery, .Big banks and companies like Koch employ a contango
strategy by buying up oil and storing it in massive containers both on land
and offshore to lock in the oil for sale later at a set price.
-Kochhhhhhhhhhhhhhh isn't think progress one o dem soros orgs? soros your
herder ahkmed?- While much of the attention on oil speculators has rested
on the backs of investors and commodity traders, the petrochemical
conglomerate Koch Industries occupies a unique role in manipulating the oil
market. Koch has little business in the extraction process. Koch focuses on
shipping crude oil, refining it, distributing it to retailers — then
speculating on the future price. With control of every part of the market,
Koch is able to bet on future prices with superior information, Koch along
with Enron pioneered a number of complex financial products to leverage its
privileged position in the energy industry-What Occupy Wall Street
Accomplished In Its First 6 Months-Ryan Budget Includes $3 Trillion
Giveaway To Corporations, The Rich-Spending Growth Slower Under Obama Than
Under Bush, Reagan-    Newspaper Giant Gives CEO $32 Million Severance
Package After Laying Off 20,000 Workers In Six Years-Growth In Government
Spending Under President Obama Slower Than During Bush, Reagan
Administrations-Faith Leaders Blast House GOP Budget As ‘Immoral Disaster’
That ‘Robs The Poor’-Mitch McConnell Votes Against Highway Bill He Said
He’d Work To Pass-blame Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama, the
fact is we have doubled our spending per capita since 2000. That's not
sustainable, and Obama Care Is going to make it much much /Just some more
facts the right-wing can ignore. Oooo, those darn facts!-most of the
hijackers on the planes that hit us on 9/11 were from Pakistan(saud). But
Bush didn't go into Pakistan. Three guesses why...And Bush never found
Osama Bin Laden-that's something our current President did. Care to know
how much the war in Iraq cost, in trillions of dollars, or in American
lives? Didn't think so, Or care to get the estimates-done by conservative
economists-on what the 40 million uninsured will cost the country-It took
over 220 years to accumulate our first $5 Trillion in Debt. Obama has
increased the National Debt by nearly $5 Trillion in just 3 years, and you
call him a "small spender?" Wow-No matter how many times you repeat your
silly statement, it doesn't become any more true-.
?mobile=nc /Dear America: Let me back in office. I promise not to beat you
anymore. That other guy you've been seeing, the one who took you to see the
doctor, and who helped you get back to school? He's just setting you up.
Only *I* know how to love you. sincerly, any Republican-unfortunatlely many
people will refuse to believe this if they would even bother to
look-Another Republican talking point power point presentation down the
drain-fishy doesn't bite the bait that bullshit artists dangle in front of
me... and that's what most politicians are imo, bullshit artists/HOW The
KOCH boys manipulate the Oil market, 2008, Koch called attention to itself
for “contango” oil market manipulation. A commodity market is said to be in
contango when future prices are expected to rise, that is, when demand is
expected to outstrip supply, Currently, the public knows very little about
the oil speculation industry because a conservative majority on the CFTC
has refused to implement a mandate from the Dodd-Frank Wall Street reform
bill to curb abuses. Koch boys have prodded the Republicans to block any
regulation on speculators., Meanwhile, Republicans are pushing steep cuts
to the CFTC, hampering any new rules on oil speculation that may be
released later this summer, both the Securities and Exchange Commission and
the CFTC have so far survived the latest round of budget cuts. CFTC is the
"Commodity Futures Trading Commission", Koch Brothers have targeted the
CFTC for annihilation, Gensler, the chairman of the financial regulator,
told members of the Senate Appropriations Committee that the CFTC is "not a
price-setting agency, argued that a sufficient budget would allow the CFTC
to ensure futures markets are free of "fraud, manipulation and other
abuses." /David Koch and his gang of
thieves about to blow a hole in your head..-
23fuce66&tid=1165711&mid=1166375&tof=36&frt=2#1166375 /Hamas wants not just
fuel: It hopes to leverage the crisis into getting Egypt to open a direct
trade route with Gaza. Such an outcome might stabilize the Islamic
militants' rule over the territory they seized in 2007 from Western-backed
Palestinian in the West Bank. Egypt refuses, wishing to keep Gaza at arms'
length, and to avoid absolving Israel from continuing responsibility for
the crowded, impoverished slice of Mediterranean coast. Israel withdrew
soldiers and settlers from Gaza in 2005, after a 38-year military
occupation, but still controls access by air and sea - and, except for the
several mile (kilometer) long border with Egypt, After the Hamas takeover,
Israel and Egypt imposed a border blockade on Gaza to try to dislodge the
new rulers. Since the fall of Egypt's pro-Western President Hosni Mubarak
last year, Cairo has eased restrictions on passenger traffic but has
refused to open a cargo route, The Gaza power plant shut down on Feb. 10
and has been mostly offline since. Depots of fuel for transportation
gradually ran low, and major gas stations in Gaza City closed several days
ago. ap/It is better 2 have an enemy who says :" I Hate u" than it is to
have a friend who secretly spreads lies and attributes falsehoods about
you. Islamic quote/"Fox News says marijuana is good for the brain. It isn't
April 1st already, is it? another agent in cannabis that is getting more
attention now, and that is called cannabidiol. And this is something that
you can swallow by the bucket-full, and it won't get you high at all. But
it appears to have profound nerve-protective and brain-enhancing
properties. And interestingly enough, it also induces an anti-anxiety
effect. appears to be a very important agent, perhaps useful in the
treatment of neurodegenerative disorders." NORML/Ann Coulter, a
controversial backer of Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney,
suggests that conservatives should begin attacking President Barack Obama’s
two young daughters"Bank of America: Too Crooked to Fail,"
Rolling Stone reporter Matt Taibbi chronicles the remarkable history of the
rise of Bank of America — an institution he says has defrauded "everyone
from investors and insurers to homeowners and the unemployed./Facing direct
opposition from the public, biotechnology giants like Monsanto and Dow are
now making a disturbing attempt to brainwash developing minds into
accepting their genetically modified foods/student loan debt in America has
passed the $1 trillion mark—meaning that student debt is even worse than we
thought just weeks ago—it's reassuring to also learn that this massive,
shaky bubble is perched on a firm foundation of complete financial fraud/
outrage in the Fox News comments section. Outrage that Trayvon Martin is
being treated like a victim
-monkey-fox-news-readers-set-new-high-water-mark-for-racism/ Why Do
Gangster Banks Keep Winning Public Business? that have incurred the most
penalties for rigging bids, bribery and other sordid misdeeds keep winning
the most public business, Apparently, our public officials aren't concerned
about who they hire as the people's investment bankers, if a bank pays a
$150 million settlement to the federal government for this sort of
activity, one can guess that the bank probably made ten times that amount
in profit, at least. And there are at least a dozen major banks. pretty
sad. It tells you that the system works fine for state officials and banks,
and no one is representing the people who actually lose out.
winning-public-business-why-20120322#ixzz1pswQNvkg /imus humping newt palin ticket-trevon and dirty harry zimmerman juan
blaming kids, crazy rap lyrics-bartlett eviserates santorum's no porn plan/
32112/apparently Tebow made a pass at John Elway's wife or keyed his car or
kicked his dog or something because Elway is hell-bent on putting all his
eggs in Manning's basket and getting Tebow on the first flight out of the
Mountain Time Zone /An law
school professor and former criminal defense attorney tells you why you
should never agree to be interviewed by the police.
031408_DontTalktoPolice.wmv /Democrat vs Republican (Liberal vs
Conservative) is a well crafted diversion to distract you from what's
really going on. Look to the world banks (fed. reserve, IMF, ECB, Goldman
Sachs, JP Morgan etc...) for the truth at what's happening to this country
and to the world at large. The World banks control the media, the
Government (s) in all countries, They control everything. They have had
over 300 years of unfettered access to newly created "Money". Money they
create out of nothing, but lend to us at interest. But they have a problem
right now, the system is breaking down and collapsing in on itself./
Scottish Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon in which she had been asked
how an independent Scotland would have coped with the banking crisis, said
Scotland could have coped with the situation and explained that the
countries within whose jurisdictions the bank conducted business, including
Scotland and England, would have contributed to any bailout.However, within
hours BBC Scotland reported that Ms Sturgeon had admitted an independent
Scotland would have “relied” on England in order to save RBS from collapse.
in response to furious complaints by members of the public the BBC has
admitted its claims were “inaccurate”. The article remained unchanged for
two full days despite complaints from members of the public, it was
eventually corrected on Monday 12th March. hours later the BBC published an
article with a headline claiming Ms Sturgeon had admitted that Scotland
would have “relied” on the UK to save RBS.
scotland-to-admit-bank-article-claims-were-false /DHS Turns Over Occupy
Wall Street Documents to Truthout "Did the Department of Homeland Security
(DHS) advise local law enforcement officials on how to respond to the
nationwide Occupy Wall Street (OWS) protest movement and/or play a hands-on
role in the dismantling of more than a dozen Occupy encampments last year?
The answers to those lingering questions may be found in the first official
release of government documents related to OWS since the launch of the
movement last year. DHS turned over hundreds of pages of documents to
Truthout Wednesday morning-Talks With IAEA Belie Charge Iran Refused
Cooperation "The first detailed account of negotiations between the
International Atomic Energy Agency and Iran last month belies earlier
statements by unnamed Western officials portraying Iran as refusing to
cooperate with the IAEA in allaying concerns about alleged nuclear
weaponization work, talks in February came close to a final agreement, but
were hung up primarily over the IAEA insistence on being able to reopen
issues even after Iran had answered questions about them to the
organization's satisfaction-Health Insurance Companies Are Charging Women
an Extra Billion Dollars Annually, Health insurance companies are charging
women in America an extra billion dollars annually, the backlash against
Paul Ryan’s radical budget plan continues, the DOJ says Florida is
discriminating against minority voters-A Colossal Mistake of Historic
Proportions: The "JOBS" Bill From the 1970s until recently, Congress
allowed and encouraged a great deal of financial market deregulation
allowing big banks to become larger, to expand their scope, and to take on
more risks.... With the so-called JOBS bill, on which the Senate is due to
vote Tuesday, Congress is about to make the same kind of mistake again -
this time abandoning much of the 1930s-era securities legislation that both
served investors well and helped make the US one of the best places in the
world to raise capital-"Only two years ago, civil protests would have been
of marginal interest to most Russians.... The full sweep of these
nonviolent actions has embraced all the major population centers, having
been initially triggered by numerous reports of vote-rigging in
parliamentary elections.-Thom Hartmann's Enlightened Journey, I came of age
in a world that was fundamentally different from the world in which today's
young people are growing up. Student debt? The idea was alien to Americans
for most of our history, until the predators got into the system It's
creating a generation of serfs for the multinational corporations kids so
afraid to challenge or leave their employers that they are little better
off than the indentured workers who came here in the nineteenth century
from Europe.-SUV Burning Spurred Internal Debate at DHS on Its Role
Regarding Occupy, First Amendment Activity: "On October 24, 2011, a
domestic terrorism analyst with the Department of Homeland Security's (DHS)
Homeland Counterterrorism Division emailed colleagues an article he or she
had come upon in Grey Coast Anarchist News ... 'I'd like to know what
objections CRCL [the department's Office of Civil Rights and Civil
Liberties] might pose to such a product concerning the Occupy movement -
which has thus far been nonviolent'-Wall Street Confidence Trick: The
Interest-Rate Swaps That Are Bankrupting Local Governments "For more than a
decade, banks and insurance companies convinced local governments,
hospitals, universities and other nonprofits that interest-rate swaps would
lower interest rates on bonds sold for public projects such as roads,
bridges and schools. The swaps were entered into to insure against a rise
in interest rates; but instead, interest rates fell to historically low
levels.... The banks got in trouble, and the Federal Reserve and federal
government rushed in to bail them out, rewarding them for their misdeeds at
the expense of the taxpayers."-A Seven-Day Plan to Finally Hold Wall Street
Accountable Since the start of the financial crisis, federal and state
officials have been struggling to change Wall Street behavior. To date,
every effort has failed miserably, and the weak enforcement provisions of
the robo-mortgage settlement are unlikely to meaningfully change this
dynamic.... The greatest moral hazard now confronting the nation is what
appears to be increasingly brazen criminal activity by financial industry
executives. With each decision not to prosecute, Wall Street executives
justifiably conclude that they are immune to the rules."-Department of
Homeland Security's Office of Intelligence and Analysis submitted a Support
Request Form to the DHS ... Coates requested: 'Any DHS products identifying
and/or describing criminal activities and/or potential civil disobedience
associated with the Occupy Wall Street protests nationwide. How many
arrests have been made, type and number of weapons confiscated,
communication used to plan these crimes, etc?'" Truthout /Hagee's Christian
Zionist Enterprise Hits One Million Member Mark BuzzFlash/Florida State
Workers Face Random Drug Tests Under New Law Chicago Tribune/The GOP Body
Count BuzzFlash/Women Give Rick Perry the Facebook Backlash Washington Post
How long will trhe ditherer take to go into Syria? He is avoiding his job
and embarassing our country by showing weakness.-Fools like you who believe
everything they see on TeeVee are so easy to manipulate! The real enemy of
mankind are those you have unwittingly come to trust the most. You have
been deceived! an example of an infinitely mainstream media manipulated
dictatorship fodder unit! Investigate and prove me wrong! "Condemnation
without investigation is the height of ignorance." Albert Einstein-
warmonger you need to enlist like all warmongers should, You want war you
need to fight in them until they are over or are you a coward and a
armchair warrior. -Warmonger make sure you enlist and ask to go there when
the war starts, You warmongers need to start putting you money where your
mouth is.-Only a warmongering, keyboard commando, fool would want to invade
Syria. Any country invading Syria would have to invade Iran at the same
time. And only warmongering, keyboard commando idiot would want to open two
more war fronts. If you want a war so badly with Syria, make sure
you are the first one to enlist. Even better, and faster, get from behind
your keyboard, buy a plane ticket to Turkey right now(one way to show your
commitment), and walk across the border to Syria to join in the fight with
the rebels against Al-Assad. You should be able to find weapons in the
area, when you get there. Show us how tough you are-
2#1937233 /Other leaked stratfor emails have confirmed that Special
Operations Forces from numerous countries have been on the ground in Syria
as of December, the US government was covertly involved in training and
equipping Libyan fighters, many of whom were connected to Al Qaeda
affiliated terrorist groups, they proudly flew the distinctive black
Al-Qaeda flag over courthouses in Benghazi and other centers of power. On
the orders of Belhadj, the puppet National Transitional Council then
announced that Sharia law would be reinstated. rebels have since imposed a
reign of terror over the country, incarcerating and torturing black people
and anyone suspected of supporting Gaddafi in concentration camps and
cages-Absolutely … Bosco ( that’s the monkey nickname I gave him ) and
their ( not his ) cabinet, is a filthy little commie teleprompting puppet,
who takes his order from the ROTHCHILD ZIONIST NAZIs-lets see the
terrorists get through the Russian fighters protecting Syria-

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

32112/Obama to apologize

32112/How long will trhe ditherer take to go into Syria?-You are a perfect
example of an infinitely mainstream media manipulated dictatorship fodder
unit!, Investigate and prove me wrong!-"Condemnation without
investigation is the height of ignorance." Albert Einstein/Can't wait to
see how the GOP sells their budget to middle class, the elderly and the
poor. The campaign people are probably losing sleep trying to figure out
&ECONOMIC SYSTEM THESE DAYS-Evil prevails because there is no limit to the
crimes those in power are willing to commit! Good men are pulling their
puds instead of throwing punches at the New World Order! "All that is
necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." Edmund
Burke-I'd call it a Socialism/Capitalism hybrid.-it is common knowledge
that capitalism is a failed system. unless you call quantitative easing
american ingenuity. i call it the american scam. how many dollars were
printed out of thin air since 2007? american capitalism is a sham, a lie,
and a carnie shell game.-"Plutocratic corproate oligarchy" comes closest.
Serfs and nobles - we'll be lucky if the current system doesn't spiral down
into a corporate feudalism. Virtually everything is controlled by a tiny
minority of plutocrats operating through their rubber-stamp corporate
boards and using the power of their corporations to dominate, even in
politics now that the USSC has ratted us out.-We've successfully put
together a system of regulation, licensing, permitting, etc... that blocks
the little guy from entering the competition.-Inherently Corrupt/Marijuana
Must Be Legalized 25 militarized cops stream into the house, screaming
obscenities, shattering the terrified childrens' sleep and jarring the
scared parents awake. The SWAT team then literally destroys the home and
the furniture within, slashing couches, overturning bookcases, throwing
possessions all over the floor, carting the crying children off to Social
Services or foster care, and throwing the parents to the ground at
gunpoint, handcuffing them painfully before carting them off to the police
station. It is long past time for politicians at all levels to end this
bankrupt policy of prohibition, and stop breaking down the doors of
Americans who only want to possess a harmless plant in the comfort of their
own homes.
-job-bush-couldnt-be-bothered-with/ Canadian man who was texting with his
girlfriend minutes before she was killed in a car wreck has published their
final, heartfelt exchange on Facebook to speak out against
texting-while-driving.Canadian man who was texting with his girlfriend
minutes before she was killed in a car wreck has published their final,
heartfelt exchange on Facebook to speak out against texting-while-driving/
Limbaugh Backed Mass-Murdering Warlord Joseph Kony, head of the Lord's
Resistance Army (LRA), a militia group in Uganda responsible for mass
killings and mutilations in that country (often forcing children to perform
their atrocities), is the subject of a new film intended to promote efforts
to bring him to justice /only so much lift you can get
with motors that small. enough obviously to lift a human, but not enough to
lift a significant bomb-doubt it will be soon that it will be able to lift
500lb bombs or a rack of missiles
wings/Live your stupid words. Iraq was continually deemed the enemy because
they weren't good Christian men like Bush, Rumsfeld, et al. 500,000 Iraqi
corpses later, is your anti-rationalist, Christian bloodlust satisified
yet? PLEASE STOP USING medicine, trains, phones, tvs, cars, airplanes, air
conditioning, hospitals, electricity, batteries, lights, all audio
products, all mass-distributed products (no house for you) velcro, and
computers, Just sit there and pray your comfort and convenience into
existence, and that you don't get sick, science-hater. I'm sure Jesus will
get around to your prayers after he rigs the next sports game or reward
ceremony for a believer./Federal Bureau of Investigation warns account
holders of a new spam email scheme that involves a type of malware called
"Gameover." The scheme involves fake emails from the National Automated
Clearing House Association, the Federal Reserve or the FDIC. These messages
attempt to trick recipients into clicking on a link to resolve some type of
issue with their accounts or a recent ACH transaction. Once you click on
the link, Gameover takes over your computer, and thieves can steal
usernames, passwords and your money-find out everything you need to know
before putting your money into a bank that cares little for its
customers.-An LA business had $40,000 in a BofA account that was cleaned
out in minutes by a "bank in Croatia", but BofA refused to protect the
account or stop the transaction. Perhaps the banksters have "foreign
friends" working outside the US who are cleaning out our bank accounts and
giving the banksters a cut of the action?- Top Rabbi
believes Catholic Church is imposing Sharia Law on Americans over
contraception/Do you sometimes feel like the first mistake of religion was
to organize, and the second mistake was to enter politics?
encouraging-sterilization/ First, Pat Robertson and I see eye-to-eye on the
decriminalization of marijuana. Then doomsday prophet Harold Camping
concedes that his predictions for the end of the world not only were off
the mark, but actually were hubristic and sinful. Now spotlight-hungry
conservative bully Ann Coulter and I agree on the state of the GOP. You
guys keep this up and it’s going to be really hard to blindly stereotype
making-sense/imus questions leather chocolate wine, truck scandal impact"4
kidswcancer, hugh atkins utube romney rap, bernie cries about joe, overall
a gudday/Generic Drugs Prove Resistant to Damage Claims Lawsuits aimed at
generic drugs are being thrown out across the country in the wake of a 2011
Supreme Court decision favorable to the drugs’ makers-when it comes to
dirty tricks, nothing compares....big pharma should be in
porn/ Jon Stewart shames GOP & FOX on 9 11 Rescue Worker Bill-
EthicsCommission I have no evidence that non-fox sheep deny the bias of
other networks. Hell I hope not. However posting to the effect that fox
leaning right MAY be factual.  God damn. MSNBC certainly doesn't try to
hide it, or they would have to resort to some idiotic phrase about being
'fair and balanced.' If you have to systematically brainwashing USA by
telling them you're fair and balanced, then quite simply, it isn't true.
and others, conservatives are hypocrites ! 9/11 was their battle cry ! but
when it came to giving heathcare benifits for first responders the right
did not support. /1967. On February 10th,
around twenty-five members of the group, wearing black balaclavas and
carrying giant skulls, took to the streets of the financial district and
handed out this statement: WALL STREET IS WAR STREET The traders in stocks
and bones shriek for New Frontiers—but the coffins return to the Bronx and
Harlem. Bull markets of murder deal in a stock exchange of death. Profits
rise to the ticker tape of your dead sons. Poison gas RAINS on Vietnam. You
cannot plead “WE DID NOT KNOW.” Television brings the flaming villages into
the safety of your home. You commit genocide in the name of freedom. YOU
TOO ARE THE VICTIMS! If unemployment rises, you are given work, murderous
work. If education is inferior, you are taught to kill. If the blacks get
restless, they are sent to die. This is Wall Street’s formula for the great
society!-Sadly, these individual protesters see themselves as passive
victims. While they're right to experience frustration, what they should be
doing, instead, is spending their time on things they can control such as
improving job skills, eliminating debt and tax problems, and saving 20% of
their gross annual income. Events of 2008-2009 were scarey enough
street-1967.html#ixzz1pmLs1mim /Brazilian federal prosecutorEduardo Santos
de Oliveira, also filed criminal charges against 17 key executives and
employees at Chevron and Transocean, owner of the world's largest oil rig
fleet. Among the defendants is George Buck, a U.S. citizen in charge of
Chevron's operations in Brazil, the statement said. Sentences could reach
up to 31 years in jail for a November oil spill off the coast of Rio de
transocean-with-crimes-over-oil-spill/#ixzz1pmilvxo2/Thieves evade
lasers to nab Italian shipwreck's bell. Underwater thieves have evaded an
array of laser systems that measure millimetric shifts in the Costa
Concordia shipwreck and 24-hour surveillance by the Italian coast guard and
police to haul off a symbolic booty - the ship's bell./Gated Intellectuals
and Ignorance in Political Life: Toward a Borderless Pedagogy in the Occupy
Movement "A group of right-wing extremists in the United States would have
the American public believe it is easier to imagine the end of the world
than it is to imagine the end of a market society. Comprising this group
are the Republican Party extremists, religious fundamentalists such as Rick
Santorum and a host of conservative anti-public foundations funded by
billionaires such as the Koch brothers, whose pernicious influence fosters
the political and cultural conditions for creating vast inequalities and
massive human hardships throughout the globe."-"Anti-fracking activists
lashed out at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) last week after the
agency released partial results of water tests taken from private wells in
rural Dimock, Pennsylvania-a series of corporate catastrophes, for which
the perpetrator companies have escaped any meaningful accountability. Big
banks and giant Wall Street firms tricked and ripped off homeowners and
investors, and crashed the national and global economy. BP's reckless
operations poisoned the Gulf of Mexico in one of the worst oil disasters in
history. Massey Energy's cost-cutting led to the Upper Big Branch coal mine
collapse that killed 29 workers-"The Justice Department has opened an
investigation into the fatal shooting last month of an unarmed black
Florida teenager by a crime watch volunteer, a case that has set off a
national outcry. In a statement released Monday night, the Justice
Department said its Civil Rights Division, in conjunction with the Federal
Bureau of Investigation, would investigate the death of the teenager,
Trayvon Martin-"Health insurers and supporters of the Obama
administration's health-care reform law are currently in the midst drawing
up possible contingency plans in case the Supreme Court overturns the
Affordable Care Act's individual mandate Health Insurers: We'll Deny
Coverage for Pre-Existing Conditions if Health Mandate Is Repealed -the
News May Be Good, but Problems Remain Krugman 'There are some on the left
who also cling to the view that the economy is stuck in a depression - lest
it undermine their critique about the woeful inadequacy of fiscal stimulus
and the desperate need for more-Republicans in Congress released their
budget blueprint today, new bill in Florida would require all state workers
to submit to random drug testing, legislation introduced would bail out
students from their debt, and more.-McClatchy Newspapers: "The military's
embattled crime lab is trying to fire an outspoken whistleblower who's
spotlighted its problems. Earlier this month, the U.S. Army Criminal
Investigation Laboratory warned its firearms branch chief, Donald Mikko, in
a memo of its plans to fire him, in part for talking to a McClatchy
reporter-Let the Lizard Brain Bigots in Mississippi Start Their Own
Country, on Mars "You got to wonder what swamp fever can cause a guy to
claim, 'I don't care for the government, they don't show me anything,'
while admitting that he lives on food stamps. Of course, he's different
because he 'deserves' them. It must be because he's a white male and only
has a couple of teeth- Truthout/All Major News Outlets Cover Trayvon Martin
Tragedy, Except Fox News ThinkProgress/Archie Comics Defies Religious
Extremists and Celebrates Gay Marriage BuzzFlash/Job Seekers Getting Asked
for Facebook Passwords Associated Press/ In Carlisle's video, collarless
dogs pad down the middle of icy streets and roam with impunity through
decrepit buildings. In the most disturbing scene, a white pit bull tugs
long, rubbery strands from a bloody mass in the snow, like a magician
pulling handkerchiefs from a bottomless palm – the entrails, Carlisle
reveals in a voice-over, of a frozen puppy
=newsletter /The documents show that DHS alerted its agents to the Wall
Street protests — and specifically the involvement of the hacker group
Anonymous in organizing the protests — sometime before the Sept. 17 kickoff
of the protests in downtown Manhattan." Documents Show Homeland Security
Was Tracking Occupy Wall Street Even Before The First Protest. Anonymous
has DHS spooked. /
32012/The Duggar Family, everyone's favorite right wing nutjob family with
19 kids or greater is currently supporting Republican right wing nutjob
Santorum./leave the 1% alone. Sounds totally logical. House Republicans
Unveil Budget: Transforms Medicare; Slashes Food Stamps, Student Loans And
Support huffingtonpost./Bloomberg Strikes Again: NYC Bans Food Donations To
The Homeless, West Side synagogue on Monday to collect surplus bagels --
fresh nutritious bagels -- to donate to the poor, under a new edict from
the mayor's food police he can no longer donate the food to city homeless
shelters. /You want the Republicans back in charge?
Are you f-ing kidding me??? GOP Gubernatorial Candidate Wrote Book on
Soliciting Prostitutes A Republican candidate  for governor in Montana also
turns out to be an expert on 'illicit pleasures' like gambling, drugs an
prostitution, admitted. ‎"Do I know anything about finding hookers and
blow? Why, I wrote the book on it! Neil Livingstone, who bills himself as a
counterterrorism expert/Chevron, Transocean Execs Banned From Leaving
Brazil are among 17 executives at the two companies banned from leaving the
country pending an investigation into an offshore oil spill JP
Morgan Chase is closing the Vatican bank's account with an Italian branch
of the U.S. banking giant because of concerns about a lack of transparency
at the Holy See's financial institution, Italian Reuters/Republicans are
desperate. They can’t attack Obama on jobs because the jobs picture is
improving. Their attack on the Administration’s rule requiring insurers to
cover contraception has backfired. Republicans Argue When They Have Nothing
Left to Say to do now? What they always do when they have nothing else to
say? Call for a tax cut, of course /One day prior to his
arrest, actor George Clooney spoke to reporters outside the White House in
Washington, Thursday, March 15, 2012, after his meeting with the President/
Sultan Kosen because of acromegaly, a chronic metabolic disorder that
causes too much growth hormone to be produced. Because his skeleton
couldn't support him, he began taking medication and underwent radiation
was 8 ft 1 in at the time he was measured for the record and also holds the
record for the largest hands and largest feet at 27.5cm and 36.5cm
respectively. He is currently 8 ft 3 in tall, but U.S. doctors announced in
March that with the help of treatment, Kosen has stopped growing./Obama
Critic Named Archbishop, critic of contraception proposal named archbishop
of Baltimore, nation's 1st diocese-SHREVEPORT, Newt called on President
Obama to apologize for comments made by actor Robert De Niro at a
fundraiser supporting the president. “What De Niro said last night was
inexcusable and the president should apologize for him
/Mayor Defends Goldman Sachs in Resignation Flap endorsed an editorial
published by his media company, Bloomberg LP, that defended Goldman by
noting the firm is “not the Make-A-Wish Foundation — they’re a company
that’s here to make money.” defended Goldman Sachs following the scathing
public resignation of an employee who decried the firm's "toxic and
destructive" culture.-The ONLY way to stop Wall Streets Greed, and to
change the way they do business, is to DENY MONEY! The only thing they
understand is money, thTHEMey have no other feelings, none, you will never
be able to convince them to be nice or to serve humanity when all they are
concerned about is making more money. /Strong 7.6 earthquake
hits Mexico, shakes Mexico City. /March 21st is the UN
International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. Throw on
your hoodies and come gather in Union Square to show your support for
justice for Trayvon Martin! Million Hoodies March for Trayvon Martin Union
Square, NYC @ 6pm /Not only do the corporations BUY
GOVERNMENT through funding their campaigns and lifestyles, corporations get
a TAX WRITE-OFF for doing so...They BUY GOVERNMENT, then they GET THEIR
war is against the 1% and the Global Corporations, not their puppets. "As
the law puts it, companies are not allowed to deduct money, Could
Corporations Take Tax Breaks on Political ‘Dark Money’?
an end to his racist a--....just watched the whole thing on tv ...Poor fn
innocent kid and some wild puke &^& Racist FL shooter defines suspicious:
'just walking around looking about'-You should go down there and tell
Zimmerman yourself how upset you are. Face to face, at night. Show him that
rightious leftard indignation
presidentialelection2000 /(USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
(APHIS) does not even pretend to legitimately evaluate genetically-modified
organisms (GMO) before approving them anymore, having recently
green-lighted approval for a new variety of "drought-resistant" GM corn
produced by Monsanto that admittedly grows no better under drought
conditions than natural varieties do/Obama Faces Impeachment Inquiry?
Expressing the sense of Congress that the use of offensive military force
by a President without prior and clear authorization of an Act of Congress
constitutes an impeachable high (Introduced in House /Ohio, Berne Township
officials are trying to figure out who dumped approximately 3000 pairs of
panties along a one mile stretch of Crawfis Road. WBNS 10TV's /Michelle
Obama - Joining Forces *Interview Letterman joiningforces /In part two of his report on foreign aid,
John Oliver reports from Gabon, an African country that pledged $2 million
to UNESCO after the U.S. cut its funding. unesco problem as long as israel
will not negotiate with palestine, as per us law./there exists no credible,
scientific evidence for anyone having ever heard of a "Jesus the Christ"
before the end of the first century or early second. Hence, the "Christian
era" essentially did not even appear in the earliest places until the
second century./"To educate a man is to unfit him to be a slave.":
Frederick Douglass 1818-1895), escaped slave/Catholic Church is filled with
satan's minions, and any government, 'officials' whom protect it are
satan's supporters. /Government inspectors were aware that minors were
being castrated while being looked after in Catholic-run psychiatric
institutions, local paper reported on Monday. at least one boy under the
age of 16 was castrated to 'help' his homosexual feelings while in Catholic
church care in the 1950s. meetings held in the 1950s show inspectors were
present when the castrations were openly discussed, also showed directors
of the institutions did not think parents needed to be involved in the
decision-making process when minors were involved. at least 10 other boys
were also castrated, one confirmed case concerned a boy Henk Heithuis - who
reported being sexually abused by priests to the police in 1956. After
giving evidence, he was placed in a Catholic-run psychiatric institution
where he was then castrated because of his 'homosexual behaviour'.2010
after the sexual abuse scandal broke. It reported in December having
identified some 800 priests and monks who abused children in their care
between 1945 and 1985 the Limburger/gunned down by
self-appointed neighborhood watch captain George Zimmerman admitting to
following, confronting, and killing Trayvon, he has yet to be arrested or
charged with any crime.1 Just minutes before Trayvon was killed, Zimmerman
had called police stating that Trayvon looked "suspicious." Trayvon was
unarmed and walking back to his father's home in Sanford, Florida when
Zimmerman accosted him. At the crime scene, Sanford police botched their
questioning of Zimmerman, refused to take the full statements of witnesses,
and pressured neighbors to side with the shooter's claim of self-defense.2
As it turns out, Sanford' police department has a history of failing to
hold perpetrators accountable for violent acts against Black victims
peace/i think the next store person cried today after what miss
wolf and i done, there was 4grams of pot on desk i was clea
poem- "yonder wilders call me to her tawny peaks, rocks we
scale like piano keys and the Sun doth red our cheeks. i too once sensed
through your Primordial Goo. i peeked, and piqued, and peaked. and we heard
the speech of creeks. bodies boxes holding the spirit and still the spirit
leaks. forth. leaps. forth to reach and breathe and an yearn. from each to

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

32012/President of the United States may have been murdering Americans

32012/Wall Street Journal is reporting that big banks are bidding on pools
of foreclosed properties being sold by Fannie Mae. In con artistry
parlance, write Matt, it's called the reload: it's like robbing your
house, then selling you a fancy alarm system. makes mortgage lending a
basically risk-free proposition: Banks get paid for creating home loans and
they end up owning valuable property on the cheap-If you are one of those
delusional or naive souls that still clings to the notion that we have a
functioning legal system, ignore this post and return to your beloved crack
pipe. foreclosure court, in a place that isn't really court, but a place
where systemic fraud is used to rip families out of homes-sounds similar to
many things done by incompetent, self-serving or blatantly corrupt leaders,
of which there are far too many. How about this one: invade an innocent
country and then bring in your filthy contracting firms to rebuild it. Yeah
nice one G.W.
The response by the industry and its political allies to the scientific
studies of the health and environmental effects of fracking 'has approached
the issue in a manner similar to the tobacco industry that for many years
rejected the link between smoking and cancer-Murder Is Not an Anomaly in
War, where the enemy is elusive and rarely seen, where the cultural and
linguistic disconnect makes every trip outside the wire a visit to hostile
territory, where it is clear that you are losing despite the vast
industrial killing machine at your disposal - feeds the culture of
atrocity.... Civilians and combatants merge into one detested nameless,
faceless mass. The psychological leap to murder is short-Police Arrest 73
in Occupy Wall Street Crackdown on Protest Movement's Six-Month
Anniversary, "Many people reported excessive use of force by officers;
several cases were caught on camera. In one widely reported incident, a
young woman suffered a seizure after she was pulled from the crowd and
arrested. Witnesses say police initially ignored Cecily McMillan as she
flopped about on the sidewalk with her hands zip-tied behind her back, but
she was eventually taken away in an ambulance-Why would corporations want
to influence elections? The answer is simple. It pays-With Larry Summers'
World Bank Bid in Trouble, Mexico Insists on Open Process-Geithner
calculated that if he presented President Obama with a 'short list'
consisting of Summers and two fake candidates, then Obama would have to
choose Summers-an old story about two men in a retirement home. The first
declares, 'the food in this place is poison.' His friend agrees and adds,
'and the portions are so small.' This exchange perfectly captures the
Republican approach to Medicare-Six Months, ows movement record of
achievement reveals that it has done more than spark conversation around
Wall Street's watercoolers. Occupy groups have shifted the national debate
on taxes and inequality, helped homeowners stay in their homes, forced
major policy issues to the forefront of debate at the state and federal
level, and gotten the attention of the institutions they've challenged most
forcefully-Assange will run for Australian Senate-"Librotraficantes" Bring
Banned Books Into Arizona, Nuestra Palabra: Latino Writers Having Their
Say, a group that promotes Latino authors and culture. 'Latinos are not the
sleeping giant; we're the working giant. When any state in this nation
passes an anti-Latino law they'll know we'll respond together-Illinois has
been known to choosing Republicans of a moderate brand ... So for Mitt
Romney, with its large prize of delegates and the symbolism of President
Obama's backyard - would seem a welcome, natural fit. And yet ... Illinois
is not shaping up to be the effortless romp some had presumed-new law,
known as H.R. 347, expands the power of the Secret Service and police to
arrest protesters near a 'protected person' or at special public events
like nominating conventions.... Reflecting how dire the assault on civil
liberties has become: The aforementioned bill passed the House of
Representatives by a 388 to 3 margin (and was signed, shortly thereafter,
by President Obama- Break the Bonds of Injustice, Publix executives have
declined to meet with CIW representatives and have not answered a single
letter-The Unstoppable Legacy of the War on Terror, the threat of al-Qaeda
so diminished that it should hardly move the needle on the national worry
meter. You might think, in fact, that the moment had arrived to turn the
American gaze back to first principles: the Constitution and its
protections of rights and liberties-We're going to have our own tank.'...
[T]hanks to such richly funded boondoggles as the 'war on drugs' and the
'war on terrorism,' the federal government is throwing money at cities and
states to militarize their various police forces. The sensible people of
Keene, however, aren't swallowing the fearmonger pill, and they've forced
the town council to reconsider.-Truthout/a radio interview, Santorum would
not stand up on behalf of children - many of them now men and women who
have suffered life-long trauma as a result of institutionalized sexual
child abuse within his church. That's not a moral leader; that's an enabler
of vile and unforgivable violations of the youngest among us BuzzFlash
Krugman: Hurray for Health Reform nyt/Broadcasters Fight FCC Plan to Post
Names of Political Ad Buyers on Web Bloomberg-Bank of America: Too Crooked
to Fail Rolling Stone-Gore Endorses Eliminating the Current Obstructionist
Filibuster ThinkProgress/"The United States will continue to draw attention
to the electronic curtain that is cutting the Iranian people off from the
world. And we hope that others will join us in advancing a basic freedom
for the Iranian people: the freedom to connect with one another, and with
their fellow human beings."oja/United Nations called on Bahrain on Tuesday
to investigate reports of protesters and bystanders killed by security
forces. "We have been receiving worrying reports of the disproportionate
use of force by Bahraini security forces, including the excessive use of
tear gas, the use of bird shot pellets and rubber bullets, "The use of tear
gas in particular has reportedly resulted in a number of deaths of
protestors and bystanders -- and that number has reportedly risen in recent
months, concern about "the health of human rights defenders who are on
hunger strike in protest against their imprisonment for participating in
last year's mass demonstrations." Official media has been less hostile. But
still it's not over. There's no equal opportunity in the media, one side is
represented. They ignore Shia cultural activities in the country and
recognize Sunni culture only /There's a
development from the shocking attack yesterday on a Jewish school in
southern France that killed three children and a rabbi,  if the attack was
recorded, the shooter could view it on a computer, and even upload footage.
But the interior minister says investigators haven't found any video. Nor
have they found the gunman, despite an intense manhunt, wsj, France boosted
its terrorism alert level for the Toulose region to scarlet. That's the
highest level-Something apparently went terribly wrong in the 38-year-old
Bales' life, and "friends, relatives and his lawyer say they have an idea
of what that horrible thing was: war, Three deployments in Iraq, where he
saw heavy fighting, and a fourth in Afghanistan, where he went reluctantly,
left him struggling financially, in danger of losing his home." He also
"lost part of a foot and injured his head ... [and] was treated for mild
traumatic brain injury and possibly developed post-traumatic stress
disorder, evidence presented so far, which includes video of Bales
reportedly leaving his base and then returning to surrender, "among Afghans
... there is a widespread belief that the soldier had companions, and
perhaps official sanction, on his shooting rampage-    "On at least two
prior occasions, the Sanford Police Department was accused of giving
favorable treatment to relatives of officers involved in violent encounters
with blacks.In 2010, police waited seven weeks to arrest a lieutenant's son
who was caught on video sucker-punching a homeless black man. "In 2005, two
security guards — one the son of a longtime Sanford police officer and the
other a department volunteer — killed a black man they said was trying to
run them over. Black leaders complained of a lackluster investigation. The
guards ultimately were acquitted." /India’s official poverty rate
stands at 29.8%, or close to 350 million people using 2010 population
figures, down from around 37.2% or 400 million previously. The announcement
was based on an analysis of data gathered from roughly 100,000 households
between July 2009 and June 2010, by the National Sample Survey
Organization. This was compared to data gathered by the same organization
between July 2004 and June 2005. Are these numbers for real? Some skeptics
doubt it. The Global Post said that India had lowered the bar for itself,
noting that the per capita spending numbers used to calculate the number of
poor were below “the poverty line of 32 rupees per day for urban India and
26 rupees for rural India ($0.64 and ($0.52)” that economic planners placed
before the Supreme Court in September. The Tendulkar committee tried to
look at actual spending on food, as well as spending on health and
education. That increased the percentage of poor in India to 37.2% of the
population for the same period. People spending less than 15 rupees ($0.30)
a day in rural areas and less than 19 rupees ($0.38) a day in urban areas
were counted as poor, everyone spending less than 22.5 rupees ($0.45) a day
in rural areas and less than 28 rupees ($0.56) a day in urban areas was
counted as poor this time around. That’s a pretty significant increase in
the cut-offs compared to 2004-2005. comparison, the United States, counted
a family of five poor if the household had a combined income of $26,439 a
year, which worked out to $14.5 per person a day, or $434 a month. 2010,
the measure for a family of five worked out to roughly $14 per person per
day. In 2012, it’s closer to $15 per person for a five-member family.
Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum Secret Service code names revealed by GQ as
‘Javelin,’ ‘Petrus’, 2007, then-presidential candidate Barack Obama's code
name was revealed as "Renegade," while Michelle Obama's was "Renaissance."
Daughters Malia and Sasha go by "Radiance" and "Rosebud," respectively.
George W. went by "Trailblazer," and his wife Laura chose "Tempo."
Daughters Barbara and Jenna picked "Turquoise" and "Twinkle," . Harry
Truman as "General," John F. Kennedy as "Lancer," Ronald Reagan as
"Rawhide," George H.W. Bush as "Timberwolf" and Bill Clinton as "Eagle."
Gore's daughter, Karenna, who went by "Smurfette." Then there's Meghan went
by "Peter Sellers."
1047423 /
31912/Israeli Rabbi plans to tap support of Sephardic Jews in US teaches
that "the sole purpose of non-Jews is to serve Jews" Goyim were born only
to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve
the People of Israel/all of them long-time hubs for the military's
ongoing PTSD investigations. will study the effectiveness of D-Cycloserine
(DCS). DCS is a pharmaceutical thought to help extinguish fearful memories.
It's usually taken right before exposure therapy earlier research
efforts that tested supposed "fear-extinguishing" drugs, most notably a
series cutting-edge, controversial realm of treatment. One that'd see
military personnel popping a pill to wipe away the fear they associate with
traumatic memories. The Pentagon this week announced an $11 million grant
doled out to three research institutions, of much-touted, Pentagon-funded
studies on Propanolol at Harvard, have all been disappointments/stunning
revelation from our nation's premiere investigative reporter, Seymour
Hersh, that Vice President Dick Cheney was running an "executive
assassination ring" directly under his control and outside of the normal
chain of command has raised the specter that the Vice President of the
United States may have been murdering Americans like pat Tillman, paul
welstone..Lenin observed, "The best way to control the opposition is to
lead it"/Carasso set up the Young Turk secret society in the
1890s, Syncretism means a combination of different forms of belief or
practice; masonism fits that description. As the masons started the 1897
revolution in France with the cry "liberty, fraternity, equality," Young
Turks used the same slogan in their revolution of 1908. "the talmud
Satanic Bible of the Jews, which encourages Jews to kill, directly or
indirectly, by sayings like: "Every jew who spills the blood of the
godless, is doing the same as making a sacrifice to God, 1982, after the
Israeli army conquered Lebanon, they celebrated their victory
by massacring by proxy children and women in the Palestinian camp. Eighty
percent of the camp were killed. Nearly all of the dead were old men, women
and children and all of them had been unarmed. Not one gun, not one knife
was found in their possession, claims a Palestinian witness/Jared Lee
Loughner, said to be an MK-ULTRA-like trained assassin, is being
administered psychotropic drugs in his Kool Aid. In addition to receiving
drugs to fund its off-the-books operations, the CIA weapons smuggling
program is designed to arm the two main Mexican cartels, Sinaloa and Los
Zetas — in order to destabilize Mexico. /
400 pages of interrogations, once closely guarded as secrets of war,
were supposed to have been destroyed as the last US troops prepared to
leave Iraq, 2005 massacre by marines of Iraqi civilians in the town of
Haditha, a Euphrates River town where marines killed 24 Iraqis, including a
76-year-old man in a wheelchair and women and children, some just toddlers,
whether it's a result of our action or other action, you know, discovering
20 bodies, throats slit, 20 bodies, you know, beheaded, 20 bodies here, 20
bodies there,'' Colonel Thomas Cariker, At times, he said, deaths were
caused by ''grenade attacks on a checkpoint and, you know, collateral with
civilians/TOULOUSE, France - A gunman opened fire outside of a Jewish
school in the southwestern French city of Toulouse Monday, killing a rabbi,
his two sons and one other child Fox News/Arizona digs out from mega snow
storm The winter snow storm forced Arizona officials to temporarily close
Interstate 40 and parts of Interstate 17 Christian Science Monitor/who the
hella re you to tell a woman what form of contraceptives she should use? if
most insurance carriers didn't cover b0ner pills women wouldn't be so
concerned about getting equal coverage under modern medicinal standards/
Fluke prostituted herself for political ideology/the one who wallows in
drugs and smut, denigrating minorities and women/all we can do is fertilize
the paranoia, sit back and enjoy the clown act/Taxpayers make $25 billion
on mortgage sale does CNN really think we are that stupid? The government
basically piles all of the losses on Fannie and Freddie in hundreds of
billions, which are paid for by taxpayers. Now it is making bogus claims
about making profits on the mortgage securities that Fannie and Freddie are
taking heavy losses on?-Stop living in your own anti-intellectual filth and
stop watching FoxNews. For now, it appears that the taxpayer has made it's
money back from this sale, AND YOU COMPLAIN? Conservatism, blinded by anger
and ignorance once again- Orders
Citigroup To Pay $1.2 Million Over Bond Markups, Markdowns
-million-over-bond-markups-markdowns/#ixzz1pa31TyEu /Citigroup Sells Pudong
Bank Stake, Generates $349 Million-Goldman Sachs Group Inc. (GS), which
owns about 8.5 billion shares in Industrial & Commercial Bank of China
Ltd., held informal discussions with institutional investors including
BlackRock Inc. (BLK) about selling part of its stake to raise more than $1
billion-Bank of America Corp. sold 10.4 billion shares of China
Construction Bank Corp. (939) privately in November for a profit of about
$1.8 billion, leaving it with 1 percent stake Bank of America/ html,
Citigroup Get New Stress Test Math? Federal Reserve issued revised
estimates of loan-loss ratios for Citigroup(C), Bank of America(BAC) and
three other banks after the close on Friday, Fed to Monitor Foreclosure
Settlement Progress Bloomberg-The Federal Reserve plans to enforce remedial
action at mortgage servicing companies previously found to be negligent-
Wells Fargo Celebrates 160 Years of Service, a milestone anniversary of 160
years helping customers succeed financially and communities thrive with a
series of donations and volunteer activities/RP would be killed (either
literally or figuratively) before he'd be able to kill the fed. Ron has
talked about auditing the fed, which is a joke. The fed would bury him in
so much paper work his son Rand would pass away from old age before he got
to the bottom of it/successful bikini model also accused of international
drug dealing was caught in Australia last week. Simone Farrow, who once
posed for Ed Hardy's swimsuit line and was featured in Penthouse magazine,
was on the run after skipping out on $150,000 bailthat was paid in February
by two friends. The 37-year-old blonde's troubles began in 2009 in
Hollywood where Drug Enforcement Administration officials raided her
apartment, claiming to find evidence that she masterminded an international
crystal meth ring/Lugar (R-Ind.) has fired another round in his
increasingly bitter primary battle with Indiana state Treasurer Richard
Mourdock, calling his rival a liar in a new ad. "Richard Mourdock is
attacking Dick Lugar again, intentionally misrepresenting Lugar's record on
Obamacare," the ad says, referring to recent charges by Mourdock. "Typical
politician. Mourdock knows the truth. Lugar voted against Obamacare 32
times/supposed to be the gentler face of a would-be reformist regime. Now
Asma al-Assad has become a hate figure for many. Syria's London-born first
lady, once breathlessly described as a "rose in the desert", is ensconced
at the heart of the shadowy inner circle Crushed By Uprising Violence
(Reuters)/"Day to Night Barbie" in 1984 under the slogan "We Girls Can Do
Anything," drunk driving and sleeping around with married men probably
weren't what they had in mind. But that's the jaded fairy tale/Family Vs.
Wells Fargo Bank, year-long effort with Wells Fargo Bank to obtain a loan
modification on her mortgage failed/churches face foreclosure with debts
that fall beyond banks' graces, congregation losing its house of worship,
once a rare event, is now common in Colorado — part of a national trend of
record foreclosures on churches/Miss Universe Canada Appears To Have Banned
A Transsexual Contestant, Jenna Talackova was accepted bootleg ciggarettes /Obama Quietly Signs Executive Order
For The Mobilization and Seizure Of All American., President Obama signed
an Executive order triggering provisions and posturing for the government
seizure of any and all private property necessary (including food) for the
war effort /It's Official! Obama is an Illegal President! Now
What? I believe this story is on the level of the JFK Assassination, and
even 9/11.! Obama is clearly destroying our nation /Catholic Church is the biggest financial power,
wealth accumulator and property owner in existence. The Great Harlot (or
better yet, the Great Whore) is the biggest possessor of material riches
than any other single institution, corporation, bank, giant trust,
government or state of the whole globe
pope with evil spider /rp
slaps down the rnc -
The war began on this day in 2003.
31812/gunned down as he and his wife, who was also wounded in the attack,
waited for their child in front of a kindergarten in Tehran…. Rezaeinejad
was the fourth Iranian scientist whom the Israelis had tried to
assassinate, but what was different about his assassination is the
subsequent effort by the Israelis to justify it after the fact-Occupying
Democracy: A Moral Revolution for Social Justice, There are many
philosophical justifications for favoring the wealthy and powerful. The
Gospel of Wealth, Social Darwinism, Manifest Destiny, God's Will and
‘trickle-down economics' are but a few of the rationales. These
rationalizations are a sign of pathological narcissism, i.e., the
overvaluing of oneself and the undervaluing of others springing from greed,
insecurity, fear and the lust for power. Such philosophies stand in stark
contrast to the teachings of many spiritual traditions and the dictates of
love, compassion and empathy-Frances Fox Piven has worked as a professor of
social sciences and activist far away from public notoriety. That changed
when Glenn Beck began obsessively attacking Dr. Piven in early 2011,
charging her and her late husband Richard Cloward with everything from
treason to causing the financial crisis themselves in an attempt to
‘intentionally collapse our economic system.' The attacks quickly led to
threats on Piven's life. Rather than flee from the public spotlight,
however, Piven seized it-story of Obama the diplomat standing up to
Netanyahu the bully omits some important information. During Netanyahu's
visit, the Obama administration reportedly offered Israel a package of
advanced military technology, including bunker-busting bombs and long-range
refueling planes, as long as it postponed any attacks on Iran until 2013-
Third Circuit upheld a long-standing consent decree prohibiting the
Republican National Committee (RNC) from engaging in underhanded campaign
practices aimed at depressing voter turnout in communities of color…-"The
mercury discharged into the sea by the Chisso factory in Minamata, and the
radiation released by the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, are not
entirely different ‘accidents,' although one was the result of a ‘natural
disaster' and one not-NATO and the G-8's heads of state, intelligence
personnel, foreign ministers and generals, cabinet members and secret
operatives, advisors and bureaucrats will conspire to extend and defend
their obscene wealth, to exploit the remaining fossil fuels, natural
resources, human labor, and the living planet to the last drop, and to
dominate the people of the global majority-A new Pennsylvania law endangers
public health by forbidding health care professionals from sharing
information they learn about certain chemicals and procedures used in high
volume horizontal hydraulic fracturing ('fracking') ... The law is not only
'unprecedented,' but will 'complicate the ability of health department to
collect information that would reveal trends that could help us to protect
the public health-'With or without religion, you would have good people
doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to
do evil things, that takes religion-The Internet and social networks have
been conclusively established as tools for protest, campaigning and
circulating information, and as vehicles for freedom.... At the same time,
supposedly democratic countries continued to set a bad example by yielding
to the temptation to prioritize security over other concerns-the
unwillingness to impose serious penalties and the failure to adopt less
violent strategies say something else to many Afghans.... With the long
record of massacres that have gone unpunished or been treated lightly,
Afghans can be forgiven for demanding that the latest Son of Uncle Sam be
turned over to Afghan authorities for trial-Veterans For Peace from
Long Island will be lobbying members of Congress first to educate them
regarding what is problematic, irresponsible, and even dangerous about
Senate Resolution S. RES. 380 and its counterpart in the House H. RES. 568.
Then, we will encourage our Legislators to introduce and sponsor what I
perhaps hubristically term the 'People's Resolution' as a more sane and
efficient alternative response to the Iranian 'crisis-Arizona Senate
Judiciary Committee voted 6-2 on Monday to endorse legislation that would:
a) give employers the right to deny health insurance coverage to their
employees for religious reasons; b) give employers the right to ask their
employees whether their birth control prescriptions are for contraception
or other purposes-Truthout/ Obama, Politicians Decline to Return Stanford
Money Reuters/State Department Fires Iraq Whistleblower Mother
Jones/Documents Show Murderers Got Special Treatment From Mississippi
Governor, Wife CNN/Protests Shut Down Monsanto in Davis, California
Read the Article at the Huffington/Five Freedom-Killing Tactics Police Will
Use to Crack Down on Protests in 2012 Alternet/New Hampshire House Passes a
Bill That Falsely Claims Abortion Causes Breast Cancer ThinkProgress-
Brazil Bars Chevron Executives from Leaving the Country After Oil Spill CNN
War Is Brain-Damaging nyt/