Friday, March 23, 2012

32312/Obama Jobs Death Toll To Rack Up All The Jobs" Lost From "Failed Public Investments"

32312/Alaska Rep. Alan Dick would advocate for criminalizing women who have
an abortion without the permission via written signature from the man who
impregnated her/"I saw dozens of peaceful protesters violently choked,
stomped on, and beaten with night sticks. I saw ny police wantonly beat
retreating protesters trying to escape. I saw a woman get sent to the
hospital after police brutally beat her and left her seizing on the ground.
I saw the first broken window of Occupy Wall Street; ironically, it came
from police smashing it with a protester's head/many people still don’t
realize that radioactive contamination is a worldwide danger. Radionuclides
are in the top six toxic threats/Andrew Bacevich talks about Sgt. Robert
Bales’ accountability, the stress of repeated tours on soldiers and how war
itself “compromises our humanity/Insider Trading Ban for Lawmakers Clears
Congress-Eric Cantor's maneuvering succeeded in preventing regulation of
"political intelligence." Just call him "Citizen Co-Conspirator." force is STROOONG in this1 but he doesnt allow posts on his
wall/400-pound gorilla escapes - A 400-pound adult male gorilla escaped his
cage at the Buffalo Zoo SWAT team leader called, "the scariest thing I've
ever done.", bites zookeeper at Buffalo Zoo before being tranquilized and
captured Reuters/Enquête Affaire Balladur : la justice retrouve en Suisse
les 10 millions fantômes-effets d'annonce ou pas ,c'est  la Justice qui
parle ,pas mediapart  qui transmet !merci d'exister  les journalistes
mediapartistes ,les bravos ,je m'en tape ;eux aussi  (j'espère)!chacun son
job du moment qu'il est bien fait-on s'en fout et c'est la Justice qui doit
s'occuper  de ce petit monde-C'est assez con,combre comme réaction!!!!
QUAND il y à trop de merde ,bin on vidange!!!un bulletin de vote çà ne
salit pas trop les mains et çà peut être utile!!!!REmarquez et c'est très
amusant,nos amis russes,s'étonnent qu'il n'y ait pas d'observateurs neutres
désignés pour nos élections,ils nous soupçonnent d'être un pays de
tricheurs peu démocratique!!! Il y aurait bien un petit fond de vérité ,des
fois!!!!!-Acharnement, non. Justice.-bonjour, et... un grand, très grand
bravo à vous, Mediapart, l'investigateur infatigable, et aussi à ces juges
courageux et honnêtes qui font honneur à LA JUSTICE. Mr Takierddine va
devoir réviser sa copie, lui qui sur france inter ce matin, vous traitait
de menteur--development of the spying scandal engulfing Swedish furniture
retail giant Ikea, Mediapart has exclusively obtained evidence that the
managing director of Ikea France personally took part in an underhand
espionage operation that illegally trawled for information into the
personal life of one of the company’s senior staff-Lasso, a powerful
herbicide produced by Monsanto. France is Europe’s biggest user, by volume,
of pesticides, and worldwide only India and the United States use more. For
François and other campaigners seeking to alert farmers to the dangers of
chemical-based phytosanitary products, their battle targets not only the
clout of the industrial lobby and a reluctance of the medical profession to
recognise the illnesses caused by pesticides, but also a silent taboo among
the farming community itself-Checcaglini rose through the party ranks as a
militant, engaged in canvassing, branch discussions and party meetings, and
socializing with fellow members. She recounts her experiences in a book,
Bienvenue au Front – Journal d'une infiltrée, (‘Welcome to the Front – An
infiltrator’s diary’-326-page document is a compilation of its
investigations and findings for the year 2011, in which it notably
denounced increasing prison overcrowding, the practice of humiliating body
searches and an emphasis on security rather than reinsertion.-Sarkozy party
MP attacks gay marriage as 'anthropological aberration' akin to incest-the
French Resistance movement, established in March 1944, demanded not only
the guarantee of freedom of the press but also the respect of “its honour”,
namely its “independence regarding the State [and] the power of capital”.-
Le storytelling de Sarkozy écrase les affaires-
Assad, 46 "We will defeat this conspiracy," he declared in January,
pledging to crush what he has cast as terrorism and sabotage. "Regional and
international sides have tried to destabilize the country," the former
ophthalmologist said. "We will not be lenient with those who work with
outsiders against the country.", has indeed earned himself some foreign
enemies. Western powers and the Arab League have told him to step aside in
a peaceful transition, while Saudi Arabia and Qatar have gone further by
calling for Syrian rebels to be armed. Many Syrians are befuddled by the
claims and counter-claims. "We might not believe pro-government television,
but we don't trust the satellite channels either," a Damascus resident
said.-please make sure before posting such news…it is fabricated just to
make jokes about Syrian regime stupidity- reuters/Dimock Fracking Study:
Result Summaries Show Methane and Hazardous Chemicals: "Although
the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 3 issued a statement last
week that its preliminary tests of water samples near drilling and fracking
sites in the Pennsylvania town of Dimock showed no health concerns, the
group Water Defense and 'Gasland' director Josh Fox went to Dimock to look
at the EPA summaries themselves, which they say do report high levels of
explosive methane, heavy metals and hazardous chemicals-The Other America:
Poverty in the United States', a haunting tour of deprivation in an
affluent society - that inspired Presidents Kennedy and Johnson to wage a
war on poverty. This slim, 186-page volume became a best-seller and became
required reading for social scientists, elected officials, college
students, members of study groups sponsored by churches and synagogues,
reporters and intellectuals, the new wave of community organizers and the
student activists who traveled to the South to join the civil rights
crusade."-Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request show a lack of clarity
about DHS's role in the surveillance and eviction of Occupy movements -
within the agency itself.... The question of whether the Occupy movements
are considered security threats and can therefore be surveilled by the
agency is detailed in internal memos that show the developing strategy
toward the Occupy movement, which DHS employees affirm is 'constitutionally
protected activity-a disturbing article this week for AOL Defense talking
about how Lockheed has not only survived the most recent defense cuts, but
actually has set itself up to be the most successful defense contractor
despite the cuts-Bluffdale, Utah, as part of a secret NSA surveillance
program codenamed 'Stellar Wind.' We speak with investigative reporter
James Bamford, who says the NSA has established listening posts throughout
the nation to collect and sift through billions of email messages and phone
calls, whether they originate within the country or overseas-WikiLeaks that
showed widespread unethical and illegal behavior by the Department of
Defense and State Department. Manning has suffered the fate the Queen put
on Alice when she was in Wonderland, 'Sentence first - verdict afterwards.'
By the time his court martial is actually held he will have been
incarcerated for more than two years, one of those years was spent in
solitary confinement. But, that is only one of many obvious injustices
Manning is being subjected to-Calls for the resignation of Nancy G.
Brinker, the founder and chief executive of Susan G. Komen for the Cure,
the breast cancer charity, grew Wednesday amid news that a second
high-profile executive was leaving the group-five banks control more than
half of all the industry's assets, President Obama announced the fast-track
approval of the southern leg for the existing Keystone pipeline today in
Oklahoma, Democrats try to curb influence of SuperPACs-the focus is now
where it arguably should have been all along. And with Spain now front and
center, the essential wrongness of the whole European policy focus becomes
totally apparent. Spain did not get into this crisis by being fiscally
irresponsible krugman-
After Bales' Arrest, Military Tried to Delete Him From Web
David Goldstein and Matthew Schofield, McClatchy Newspapers: "Besides
waiting nearly a week before identifying the Army staff sergeant who's
accused of killing 16 Afghan villagers, the US military scrubbed its
websites of references to his combat service. Gone were photographs of the
suspect, Staff Sgt. Robert Bales, as well as a recounting in his base's
newspaper of a 2007 battle in Iraq involving his unit that quoted him
extensively. But not really-Truthout/if Zimmerman were black and Martin a
local white high school teenage athlete, then Zimmerman would be in jail
facing a homicide rap, regardless of Florida's license to kill-Republicans
Must Get Over Their False Equivalency Attacks BuzzFlash /Police Chief at
Center of Trayvon Martin Shooting Steps Down nyt/GOP Budget Calls for Fire
Sale of Public Lands While Preserving $40 Billion in Tax Breaks to Big Oil
ThinkProgress/Why Conservatives Are Still Crazy After All These Years
Rolling Stone/The Silver Foot in His Mouth tpm /Five Deadly Threats to Our
Precious Drinking Water Supply AlterNet/Man Throws Fire Bomb at Democratic
State Sen. Wendy Davis' Office in Texas, no idea what motivated the
attack. “It reminds us of how important it is for us to remain very civil
in our discourse and to work not to foment this kind of anger in our
community as we discuss things that are challenges that we all face and
care about.” we’re always potentially vulnerable to things like this. We’re
thankful that no one was injured. We hope that the investigation is
concluded quickly and that they identify the suspect.-Texas reporter fired
after shocking interview on transvaginal sonograms-Everything is bigger in
Texas, including the stupid and the hate.-very much afraid that such
incidents will escalate when the Dems sweep out the Republicans in November
when there will be even more disgruntled wingnuts with ammo-Yer funny!
And I'd bet Bush will not seld any more fire bombers. Once was too much.
-You can expect more of this republican criminal action as we get closer to
the election-democrats are so loving and caring. Love them Democrats, love
that Obama. Now, ever who in the hell threw those fire bombs should never
see the light of day again. I care not what party he is from, even if he
has a party. Shoot the bastard just to make sure he will never do something
like that again-Face it, this is NOT coming from Democrats. It's ALL coming
from right-wing nuts who ALWAYS vote GOP-you still don't know jack shit!
You are just mouthing because something bad has happened. You are cut from
the same cloth as Obama, blame everyone else. Yeah, I even bet Bush paid
that idiot to throw those bombs.-Right wing (non nutcase, as the terms
would be fully redundant) when caught MUST be handled in every conceivable
way as a TERRORIST! You know, because that is what he/she is.-
"untermenschen" must be brought to heel beginning with the hate-mongers
like Limbaugh, O'Reilly, Coulter, et al.-republi-can'ts got their first
lessons from the Iranians when and while they negotiated the release of the
Embassy hostages in 1980. was treason.-prison records of the USA, you will
find many, many more thieving Democrats in there than Republicans and for a
hell of a lot worse crimes. And we know Madoff wasn't a Democrat. HA, HA!
Got you on that one. Ya gotta love them lying Democrats, huh?-It was a
homeless guy.  No motive has been indicated. -Sounds like
the loyal Texas republican base is hard at work-Domestic terrorists plain
and simple. Hopefully the FBI will get involved and find this guy. If not
there will be many more incidents after Obama beats the last clown standing
from the Repugnant primary debacle-Who loves Molotov cocktails? Oh yeah .. Occupy Wall Street eviction - Protester talking about
throwing Molotov Cocktails at Macy's- Violence as a means to an end is
something conservoshits excel at conservoturds-stupid
teabagger troll Your feedback rating here is less than your IQ. After you
grow balls and a brain come and talk sense. We will educate you .The kotch
brothers are not going to like you being stupid.-Its either a random nut
Job or the Good ole Boy System (GOP) is sending her a message. Because the
knuckle draggers out there know no other way to communicate. Might makes
right in Texass.-modern day repubs=nazi- Raw Story
funny memes about pot smoking and pictures of police beating on protestors,
does that equate to images of "hard drug abuse" and "sadistic violent
images against people" (violations of FB's terms of service). I think if
police are beating protestors it should be on FB, but that's just my
opinion!, I guess I'm "encouraging bad behavior and celebrating it"
according to their rules-any excuse for a party. Those guys in the Brown
Shirts have a few beers next thing you know its a Putsch!/NYPD infiltrated
liberal political groups as part of intelligence operations attended
meetings of liberal political organizations and kept intelligence files on
activists who planned protests around the country/"Bank of America: Too
Crooked to Fail." Taibbi says, "It's no different than here on the streets
of New York where you see people selling fake Prada bags or phony blue
jeans. What they were doing is selling phony mortgages Taibbi Cenk tyt/
Want your mind blown? Watch this video! Part 24-1979-CIA TRAINED the
taliban! Ride! Meet the Companies That Don't Even Pretend to Pay
Taxes, big corporations are happy to take our tax dollars -- while finding
new ways to skip out on Uncle Sam. 2008, Goldman Sachs paid a laughable 1.1
percent of its income in taxes. That same year, it earned a profit of $2.3
billion and received an $800 billion bailout, courtesy of you and me. Let’s
savor that irony for a moment, as we recall that the bailout is not all we
paid for Goldman Sachs to operate its rapacious business, which, as the
cynical editors of Bloomberg recently reminded us, apparently has no
obligation to serve humanity. We pay for its employees to be educated. We
pay for the infrastructure required to facilitate its business. We pay a
gargantuan sum in “defense spending” which essentially funnels our tax
dollars into protections and path-smoothing that allows Goldman Sachs to
operate in, and to penetrate, foreign markets." /An Open
Letter To The American People, America Is Dying, Remember when life was
kind of normal? It wasn't too long ago. It's not hard to pinpoint when the
downfall of this country started. November 2000. The fixed election.
Republican policies are RUINING this country.
This former Marine was taken into police custody, Occupy Union Square, for
36 hours and beaten by NYPD until he was hospitalized for several broken
capillaries./SEC accuses Wells Fargo (WFC) of failing to turn over
documents in connection with a probe into the bank's $60B sale of
mortgage-backed securities during the financial crisis. The SEC is looking
into whether WFC made "material misrepresentations or omitted material
facts/puzzled and angry by O's embrace of Islamists, jihadists, Radical
Islamists are making inroads in the Arab world's most advanced, liberal,
and tolerant country. And the secularists think the United States is
helping them do it. Thousands took to the streets of Tunisia's capital
Tunis yesterday to celebrate the end of French colonial rule in 1956. As
one might expect on independence day, most were in an anti-imperialist
mood. Who are the “imperialists” in the Tunisian imagination today? Not the
French. Not anymore. The “imperialists” of today are the United States and,
oddly enough, Qatar. Both are seen, fairly or not, as the backers of
Tunisia's Islamists.I am a true anti- racist who believes in meritocracy.-
No, you are a racist......hating Obama because he's black and for no other
reason. He has done better than bush so there's no wiggle room for you. You
don't know the laws of the US land and you rail against what you don't
understand. Try again-
2444766&mid=2444815&tof=37&frt=2#2444815 /US FIRES WORLD'S MOST POWERFUL
LASER so strong, its power is almost beyond comprehension/SYRIA'S FIRST
LADY GETS BAD NEWS Her lavish tastes and wanton disregard for the suffering
of Syrians has caused the world to take note/Rush is a Big Fat Liar, Rush
defenders/sheep = less than .5% of the population. "Or, if you take the
more modest cume number of 14 million, which some inside the industry have
used to judge the talker's audience, Limbaugh's rating becomes 1.4 million,
which is roughly the same size audience that Rachel Maddow and Keith
Olbermann get each night on cable TV."
the UN needs to stand up to this bullshit and let the world know that if
you start a war without it being self-defense, you are considered a
terrorists state that should be destroyed...and no more pie as well/imus with geraldo trevor is a martre for the hoodie, teabow in gamorra,
tyson gregorious vegas show,
32212/Whitney Houston drowned accidentally; cocaine in her system, died as
the result of drowning in what the L.A. County coroner has ruled as an
accidental death. The coroner said heart disease and cocaine use were also
factors in her death. Paul Ryan’s joke of a
budget will get endless airplay unless it becomes another albatross around
the neck of the GOP. Then it will magically disappear and our “liberal”
media/Sgt. Gary Stein was notified by the Marine Corps that he was in
violation of the Pentagon’s policy for blatantly condemning President
Obama, could now lead to his dismissal and a possible downgrade in ranking.
created a Facebook page called “Armed Forces Tea Party,” which currently
has approximately 19,000 likes and has photos showcasing slogans such as
“NObama” and “One Nation, under Obama, with poverty and unemployment for
all/“A social autopsy reveals that the so-called ‘War on Drugs’ amounts to
nothing less than a double criminalization of both poverty and race through
organized containment and expulsion from public assistance programs all
neatly justified through the moralizing language of responsibility and
deservingness.” Demilitarizing the War on Drugs /
House Speaker John Boehner lent his full support Thursday to undoing a key
part of the debt limit deal he struck with President Obama and the rest of
the Congressional leadership last summer
It is no coincidence that the Republicans pushing for war with Iran are
also the same folks who do the bidding of the oil industry in Congress. /Pat Robertson On Tim Tebow Trade: "It Would Serve [The
Broncos] Right" If Manning Got Hurt-Limbaugh On Keystone: "I Wouldn't Be
Surprised If Obama Says 'I've Laid More Pipe Than Any President Except Bill
Clinton-After Anti-Obama Rant, Limbaugh Says: "This Jackass Folks, We're
Just Dealing With A Jackass"-Republican Bigotry Hate Fear Lies and
Distortion-Bill O'Reilly: "There Is Something Very Fascist" About "Vicious"
Media Matters' Campaign Against Limbaugh-Michelle Malkin: "We Need A New
Obama Jobs Death Toll To Rack Up All The Jobs" Lost From "Failed Public
Investments"-ignorant pig claims insulting children is off limits to the
insane right wing...yeah Coultergeist, tell that to Amy Carter and Chelsey
Clinton. Does anyone actually pay any attention to this pig?-Santorum
suggested Thursday that re-electing President Barack Obama would be better
than electing Republican rival Mitt Romney- fbRepublican Bigotry Hate Fear
Lies and Distortion/ U.S. Government Prepares for War by Ordering 450
MILLION Rounds of .40 Cal Ammo
/dhs-and-ice-order-450-million-rounds-of-40-caliber- ammo/
still think Republicans care about you, you're willfully ignorant and
shortsighted. Because unless you are among the 1% wealthiest people in the
US, you're about as important as a cockroach to them. Once you cast your
vote for them, they'll squash you under their Gucci loafers. /www.
The U.S. Department of Education's Office of Civil Rights has decided to
investigate complaints that the Jefferson Parish public school system
discriminates against black students by having them arrested for minor
infractions instead of disciplining them in school /supporter at
fundraiser urged President Barack Obama to avoid a war with Iran over its
disputed nuclear program. "Nobody has announced a war," Obama cautioned.
"You're jumping the gun a little bit."-he didn't give Bill Mahr his 1
million dollars back. This president is a disgrace to America.-Apparently
you confederates didn't get the message during the Civil War, the great
depression and not to mention the most recent failure of your Southern
derived Economic Philosophy and ideology?your level of selfish ignorance is
as much of a joke as the corporations which argued during the Bush
administration that people didn't want greater than 30 MPG, an educated
populace and that Tax cuts was the only solution. you have not noticed the
majority of the states lead by your ideology are welfare states, which
spend more federal dollars than is paid into the treasury? You advocate
war, complain about the debt yet you provide no fund to support you
desires, typical welfare recipient.
/gIQAEf0PmR_video.html /American Civil Liberties Union's Michael Risher,
who filed a writ of habeas corpus on behalf of four Occupy Oakland
protesters, said the stay-away orders place a restraint on protesters who
have not been convicted of any crime. "If they violate the law, they can be
arrested and prosecuted," he said. "But the government cannot in such
extraordinary circumstances simply ban them from going out there and
expressing themselves in the first place." In many cases, they have been
issued without presentation of evidence. Two weeks ago, a judge upheld the
orders as constitutional because, she stated, Occupy is a "global
movement", so protesters are free demonstrate elsewhere. "It makes me
kind of scared to go on campus because I really don't want to be snatched
by an officer and accused of violating the stay-away order." Oakland police
department public information officer Johnna Watson said the orders were a
part of "smarter strategies" the department is looking to adopt in handling
Occupy. "We want to implement other tools that the law allows us," she
said, pointing to the department's history of asking for similar orders
against sex workers and drug dealers as well

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