Friday, March 1, 2013

3113/sequestration (obrokito's fault?)

3113/(white)House Cheers Boehners Walkout 42.7 from the military, 28.7
from discretionary, 9.9 from medicare,and 4.0 from other-Republicans
proposed having Obama decide where those cuts come from within those
catagorories, so they would not have to take any blame for them, but
Obama refused theresponsibility-Still pushing the 'threat' bullshit THAT
EVEN WOODWARD has now repudiated? Bob Woodward To Hannity: I Never Called
WH Email A 'Threat'(jama deduced early on the only thing they respond
to) yfs/prophecy published in "News 7-24-09 "The crisis will last for
"IF THE WORLD FINANCE stabilized in the course of four years, the crisis
can be extended to 14 years." horoscope-kamenjeljubica/ rwn can't
remember where sequester /səˈkwestər/ Verb Isolate or hide away (someone
or something): "the artist sequestered himself in his studio for two
years". Noun A general cut in government spending. Synonyms verb.
sequestrate, seize, isolate, impound, insulate noun. segregation,
sequestration (black president's fault?) orginated, utahgovherbert
accuses bama of scare tactics, on geraldo/boner concerned about gov
shutdown, after sequester, jama assures the faithful, pay fbi cuts to
border patrols, etc challenging rlegislators to catchup, gives nutjob
basic loophole math lesson, wabc/ Surrender Is in the Air ABC/related to
sequester What is Sequestration? homeownershipmatters/
22813/Republicans are refusing to compromise, all because they don't
want to close tax loopholes for millionaires, billionaires, vacation
homes, and corporate jets. Seriously. This has very real consequences. On
the chopping block are 10,000 teaching jobs, more than 70,000 kids' spots
in Head Start, $35 million for local fire departments, $43 million to
make sure seniors don't go hungry, and access to nutrition assistance for
600,000 women and their families scbo/Fact checker says "sequestration"
will hurt, Half truths' about budget cuts, some arguments aren't true-
Benedict begins quiet final day as pope- Rodman tells North Korean leader
he has 'friend for life- Did U.S. commit atrocities in a key Afghan
province?- Mars expedition searching for a couple to take the trip-
Syrian rebels get aid, not arms, from U.S-ynews/that neither political
party can know the true outcome of a failure to make a deal. The only
certainty is that what we're watching is irresponsibility on an epic
scale Taibbi(even tho he doesn't recognize a bamagambit)-Culture of Sex
Abuse and Coverup PO2nd Class Rebecca Blumer woke up naked on a jail cell
floor, roofied and raped. When she got back to Fort Gordon, she found not
medical help but disciplinary action, happens with disturbing regularity
in the military rs/Obama Newport News The sequester will weaken America's
economic recovery. It will weaken our military readiness. And it will
weaken the basic services that the American people depend on every single
day." Republicans, meanwhile, continue to criticize the dire warnings.
"Armageddon or tax hikes," said Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell,
R-Ky, 80 Republicans Stand Up for Gay Marriage Ahead of Supreme Court
Arguments - Prominent members of the party are submitting an amicus or
"friend of the court" brief in support of a lawsuit aiming to strike down
Proposition 8, the California ballot initiative that passed in 2008
banning same sex marriage, despite staunch opposition by Boehner, hopes
the Senate "get off their ass" to figure something out (non-vulgar
definition for the word "ass" is "a stupid, foolish, or stubborn person)
said it isn't his body's job to find a way around sequester-he should
understand who is sitting on their posterior Reidsez- abc/WHY THE MARKET
Bush's fault or Boehner's or Obama or Clinton or CONgress they all belong
to the same CLUB and you ain't in it. The one to blame Every dumbed down
American that looks in a mirror. But no matter, it won't change the
inevitable, reality takes over and some just get it quicker than others.
Keep pumping the price fraud markets CONS, its your only hope- by
dexter.gestapo Goalposts get moved by the minute in Washington, Fact and
Fiction are not easily discernible from each other, Do you live in a
foreign country, Or are you a newbie to Washington??Joan Rivers Refuses
to Apologize for Holocaust Joke-Votes R IN just as th US Congress PIGG
voted 2 have wolves Murdered, 300,000,000 Americans have voted 2 have
your PIGGG NAtzcee azzes BLOwn 2 KINGDUMB KUM-Listen 4 the TRUMPETS nYc
doEs FINRA and SEC have unmarked caRz when going home 2 their PIGGS den
at night? New Yorkers are wll armed and target these #$%$ PIGGGGGGGS.
Then they go after their PIGGG children and STEAL them 4 wood chippers,
head first, just the way these #$%$ pigggs steal from U that expected
honesty. Honesty was traded 4 sniFF-Place drones in motion over sniff
city. Target all major restrooms where they LIKE 2 tap toes here at nYC
financial-There IS ONLY EVIL Man in US Congress. tHe InstanT That Bill
was signed off, sAtaN sigNed off hIZ oN The DoTTeD lIne. 1000 innocent
animals butchered by EVIL Man and sAtans PIG continue the slaughter. The
difference being a wolve or us is ONLY SEEN BY SATAN. I will be
introducing shortly THE CICERO KID. This is the real Chicagoan America.
He PROTECTS the Earth and BLOOD and FLESH of Jesus Christ and u can find
his birth certificate. He is NOT a pakisTani Imposter muslim terrorist
along with hiZ sidedick Secretary of Inferior Salamanderzar PIG. DO NOT
let this Pakistani imposter IN CHICAGO EVER. Where do u tweet 2day
Pakistani? The blackhawks, cubs, bears, white sox and bulls R NOT HIZ,
but the Pakastani sAtaneers R. YI YI The wolves and animals R made out of
the blood and flesh of Jesus Christ, just the way we R soon 2 b
terminated man Kind PIG-Special Operations ready Captain. We have all 4
corners of nYC munitionized should would be say and stricltly under US
financial TREASONIST PIG buildings Next up is Hiroshima Unit 69 munitions
R secure under GS. THey meet their messiah. Welll Done 71st. Push that
PLunger at will. Next up is SOP unit 51. U R ready 2. Fantatsic. Right
under FINRA and SEC Buildings. use your munitions on every BUilding at
THE nYC HOUSE of SATAN mAjkDanek dEath Camp. regulatory short thsi is
next after GRPN. La Cosa Nostra = FINRA +SEC + nYC MM's. This is what the
UNited States of America does 2 fulfill sAtan and how they steal moneY
aFter being bankrupted bY the red plague. They play against YOUR
portfolio America and equities. HOmeland Security is here with GYmmy at
the nORth POle. They not onlY CANNOPT protect U from Satan -anti jewish
garbage, i will laugh when you angry anti jewish people lose all your
money when the market crashes. You are low life trash(you know who you
are) that have nothing to do but lurk on the message boards with your
stupidity and venom. The real lord dealt you idiotic filth a bad hand.
You can post all you want but you are street grease bigots, what a great
religion christianity is jesus the #$%$, vmary the fraud, molester popes
the great trilogy the molesting father, the #$%$ son and casper the ghost
bad cartoon, there is a god, your momma was a hor and your on welfare
heheee..stupid goy -rodent paws all over the latest scam. Dow Chemical to
repay a billion in taxes that they tried to avoid with the help of
Goldman-  ygs/talking about the unanimous vote to reauthorize the Voting
Rights Act in 2006. "I think it is attributable, very likely
attributable, to a phenomenon that is called perpetuation of racial
entitlement. It's been written about. Whenever a society adopts racial
entitlements, it is very difficult to get out of them through the normal
political processes, That's the concern that those of us who have some
questions about this statute have. It's a concern that this is not the
kind of a question you can leave to Congress." If their questioning is
any indication, conservatives like Scalia on the court seem poised to
overturn a key part of the law, which requires states to pre-clear newly
drawn legislative boundaries with the Justice Department-making friends,
Europe Welcomes Blunt Kerry, Who Says Americans Have 'Right to Be
SPEECH EXPLORATION-Christian churches criticize Israel and nary a word in
the press- how long can the Hebrews muzzle the press?- someone was paid
off. Maybe in China. Our money in israel needs to be scrutinized. Money
was not given to make israeli politicians wealthy-I think people have a
problem with Bibi-ygs/new slang word, Armstrong has set the new gold
standard for lying, his name is now interchangeable with the word liar-
so if it turns out you're an Armstrong, you're gonna get Sanduskied-
senior White House official acknowledges that a top aide told Woodward he
would regret what he wrote, "Of course no threat was intended, The note
suggested that Mr. Woodward would regret the observation he made
regarding the sequester because that observation was inaccurate, nothing
more-bobbi has a new book to sell you know.-WTF is it with red states?  
Not only do they tend to be fatter, dumber, and poorer they are also
MOOCHERS: In 2005, red states accounted for eight of the top ten
recipients of federal tax money as compared to taxes paid. ALL FIFTEEN of
the bottom recipients, along with DC, were blue states. taxfoundation, I
hardly expect the Yahoo rightwing coward platoon to go anywhere near this
stuff much less comment on it maybe an intelligent person has fact-based
explanation?-Nobody needs an abortion-Nobody needs an assault rifle, They
WANT them because it makes insecure people FEEL "tough-They are fun to
shoot. And who are you to tell me what I can and cannot have? If you
don't have anything of substance to post then stfu. Your implied
infringement of my 2nd Amendment Rights pisses me off so from now on your
1st Amendment Rights are revoked! Got it? - I prefer to blow stuff up
rather than shoot at them. It ticks me off my constitutional right to own
bombs and handgrenaded have been violated. They are arms just like guns
are-You think you have a right to own a nuke?- yep, this is where the
cowards generally let the thread end, It would undermine their faux
outrage at talk of limits to admit they already agree there should be
limits- according to cons voting isn't a right, it is a "racial
entitlement-talking about the one your mother should have had prior to
your birth? " Starting right off with vile and hateful today, ADORABLE
how you've abandoned all the threads upon which you were being exposed as
a militant ignorant! that's what adds "coward" to the mix- I don't have
autism as you do, I am not compelled to answer every post in a desperate
need to have the last word thereby "winning" in your pathetic little
world- see how he doesn't even deny it? this coward runs away from his
own words abandons threads where he's being humiliated and vanishes when
challenged to defend himself these are three easily demonstrated facts
about a coward-The funny part is that there is a lot of documentation
around the debate of the 2nd amendment, the thing is none of it supports
the insane assertion it was intended to help foment insurrections- The
Second Amendment was an insurance policy taken out by the Founding
Fathers on behalf of posterity to cover for the INEVITABLITY of
PRECISELY OUR TIME Ali Obama and his 535 Thieves are all heading for the
shootin gallery!-Chimpy will use sequester as an excuse to fire teachers,
cops, and firemen-another member of the fact-free jock-sniffer spew club
soooo mentally retarded he doesn't even know what "facts" are it's a
parody board now-another Con throwing off unfounded lies-they are feces
hurling chimps who just seek attention from their human superiors  yfs/
Salmon is not a sociliastic hack. he is merely getting paid (indirectly)
to push the banking agenda which in the very short term is pushing to get
the new deal done with argentina and screw the old investors-Argentina is
a poster child example of what happens when you have Peronist leadership,
(neocommunist) which tells the people that all the private companies are
evil, that government will provide all their needs for them at low cost
or free, and the people have become too ignorant to see the truth.
Somehow, I think I've heard that same refrain closer to home, as of
late-the press has a adoring fondness for all socialistic, communistic,
left-wing enterprises, and Argentina fits the bill in spades-Norway is a
country of 5m population, or roughly Los Angeles. 57% of Norway's GDP
comes from petroleum extraction. That is $55,435 of income for every
Norwegian, excluding EVERYTHING ELSE-in the 1960's their was a Company
that produced agent orange in New Jersey that polluted the Passaic river.
This Company was owned by YPF which was taken over by the Argentian
Government from Repsol last year with minimal Compensation. Now the
Argentinian Government is on the hook for a major lawsuit for billions of
dollars- sa/ sen grassley cries, woodward threatened by whitehouse, on
geraldo/ whoopie endorses chikfilet chicken, but wont eat there/torture
whistleblower kireoku goes to prison 4 30 months-capital inc boss holds
money in bac (bailout guarentee) bonuses rise 8% bankers wallst and
lobbist get rich, crash is the only thing that will stop it rt/
22713/What our Business Class wants, Yangtze pollution 'irreversible'
Billions of tons of waste end up in China's waterways each year Large
parts of China's longest river, the Yangtze, have been irreversibly
polluted, 6,200km long river is in a "critical condition" and nearly 30%
of major tributaries are seriously polluted bbc-1980, around the time
that globalization exploded and free trade agreements became more
prevalent, the U.S. had 19.2 million manufacturing jobs. Since then, the
sector’s total employment has fallen to just 11.6 million as jobs are
outsourced to low wage nations, like Mexico and China, Americans are
now forced to compete with China’s 113 million strong manufacturing
workforce, each of whom averaged a wage of 81 cents per hour, just three
percent of their U.S. counterparts pay, Mexico, whose 10.7 million
industrial workers average just $2.92 per hour-WalMart is worried.
U.S. Management don't export Their own functions; They want those profits
at the expense of even Themselves over the longer term, when shareholders
or ownership tells them to cut costs and improve profitability, they have
to or they're out on their @** yip/bammy, you promised, said only the
evil republicans would suffer, What about my $ 6.00 gas$ 5.00 bread$
25.00 for Rubbers I can't watch but 1 Porn movie in my trailer a day now.
My sex change operation will be put on marajuana plants will
die. Maybe I'll move back home. TO AFRICA! New Law should be passed,
Welfare or Govt Employees cannot vote in elections, 57% of Obama voters
in Detroit were "Admitted" illiterates, Yet this is the "Mandate" Obama
says he has-by oilisit-i have a great idea, lets start two wars and slash
revenues. Reagan proved that deficits don't matter. We won the election,
this is our due Paul O'Neill, to President Cheney-bush and tom delay blew
through a surplus on their way to doubling the national debt?-MUSLIM
Keith Ellison Went BERSERK on HANNITY Last Night, actually was concerned
that Ellison was about to issue a Fatwa against Hannity. most of my time
is used monitoring America's enemies on MSNBC- BERNANKE TELLS SENATOR:
'None Of The Things You've Said Is Accurate, if corker(Senator R-Tenn.)
repeats it three times it will become true, ayn rand said so-time Bitter
Pill, Why Medical Bills Are Killing Us, How outrageous pricing and
egregious profits are destroying our health care- yhal/Zimmerman's Gift
To Society-not a gift to society, it's a burden-If he does one year i'll
be surprised-One less Gangster the public has to worry about-I bought a
bag of skittles today in celebration of this monkeys demise yfs/so when
us bank get back some of their power, if they ever had any. don't tell me
the plan was to chopp of their b;s and completely wipe out any real
chance of recovery, still no real signs of higher interests so money is
losing it's power and draining the will for true competition, maybe it
time for another dark age?, maybe that is why it is hard to stay on
top, too many forces are pulling you down esp when you forgot how you
got there yc/The "Fix" Is In: Laying Bare Some Sequester Lies We can fund
the civilized society our citizens demonstrably approve of if we make
some cuts to the biggest, fattest, happiest 'welfare queen' on the block:
the Department of 'Defense William Rivers Pitt-Petitions of 23,000 to
Lindsey Graham: No Foul to Use A-Word on Israel-Palestine Robert Naiman,
Truthout/Too Fat to VoteAn expert from the Pew Charitable Trust was
recently featured in the New York Times claiming that the reason voter
turnout in the Deep South was so low was because of high obesity rates
Greg Palast, Vice Magazine/ Chuck Hagel's confirmation as US secretary of
defense looks likely, says Naiman, despite Sen. Lindsey Graham's attempt
to smear him for using the same "A-word" used by former Israeli leaders
to warn of Israel's future without peace-Ellen Brown, Quantitative easing
as practiced today is not designed to serve the real economy. It is
designed to serve bankers who create money as debt and rent it out for a
fee. The money power needs to be restored to the people and the
government- Truthout/The Republican Party has been hijacked by a small
group of cranky billionaires who want to rig the Electoral College in
what have historically been blue or Democratic voting states-Italian
Voters Are Fed Up With Austerity-BP trial begins; Republicans have yet
another anti-worker tactic up their sleeve th/ Christians Evangelizing
Military Youth on the Taxpayer's Dime A group of opportunistic,
fundamentalist Christians known as "Club Beyond" are using taxpayer
dollars to aggressively proselytize to youth in military families Mikey
Weinstein, AlterNet/bama has detailed the vast range of harms that the
sequester would bring. They are well-known. And they are not necessary.
The president sees the sequester, if it happens, as an enormous
self-inflicted wound, inflicted on America by a Republican dominated
House elected by Americans. But pointing out Republican caused harms to
millions of people, many of them Republicans, does not sway the ultra
right. Why? Democratic pundits say that Republicans want to hurt the
president, to show government doesn't work by making it not work, and to
protect "special interests" from higher taxes. All true. But there is an
additional and deeper reason. Ultra-conservatives believe that the
sequester is moral, that it is the right thing to do, ultra-conservatives
do not see all the ways in which they rely all day every day on what
other Americans have supplied for them. They actually believe that they
built it all by themselves. So for them the sequester is not a
"self-inflicted wound." It is justice. The sequester is not merely about
protecting "special interests." It is about the good people who pursued
their self-interest successfully, got rich, and have acted "morally" in
avoiding taxes that pay for public provisions by the government-bf/ Major
banks have quickly become behind-the-scenes allies of Internet-based
payday lenders, who have set up online operations in more hospitable
states or far-flung locales like Belize, Malta and the West Indies to
more easily evade statewide caps on interest rates nyt/Exactly Why Is
President Obama Going to Israel? Both Israel and the United States seek
to quash expectations that the visit will jump start the Israeli
Palestinian peace process. Carl Bloice, Foreign Policy in Focus/End
Endless War and Stop Becoming "the Evil That We Deplore "Repealing the
Authorization for Use of Military Force will be very hard. Revoking the
power to combine lovely rhetoric with pernicious militarism will be even
more difficult NormanSolomon/Montana Bill Would Give Corporations the
Right to Vote rawstory/Blackwater Felony Charges Dropped, They Were
Following CIA Orders ap/the more we learn about these bailouts, gifts and
advantages that Wall Street gets, the clearer it becomes that one set of
rules applies to the largest megabanks and another set of rules to the
smaller financial institutions and the rest of the country to/China
Admits Pollution Brought About "Cancer Villages-85B$ bank bailout- dead
mother of 5 shot 9 times at close range, of 20 this year-RT/the CIA and
U.S. government made sure to keep the Iranians in poverty, as it was
before Mossadeq tried to improve their lives, which led to the people’s
revolution known as the “Iranian Revolution” in 1979; keep that little
bit of untold history in mind when you watch the glorification of the CIA
film “Argo”.   The goal: eliminate Mossadeq.  The plan: “Operation Ajax”.
 The CIA created havoc, chaos and terrorist acts in Iran.  Then they
proceeded to buy up Iranian journalists, police and members of parliament
who were instructed by the CIA to foment opposition to the government.
The CIA purchased the services of the extremist Warriors of Islam, a
“terrorist gang,” according to a CIA history of the coup.  They spread
lies and rumors about Mossadeq. Mission accomplished.  Twenty-five years
later, the coup would come back to haunt the U.S. government.  The U.S.
would later reap the CIA seeds of destruction—as the Iranians had been
harboring hostility towards the U.S. over two decades that began with the
CIA intervention of Iran’s democratic election and overthrowing Mossadeq,
Iranians’ popular leader. By 1979, Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, who was
supported and installed by the United States and United Kingdom, was
overthrown for an Islamic republic under Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the
leader of the revolution.  To add insult to injury, President Carter
welcomed the Shah into the United States who was forced into exile.  What
else could Carter do?  The Shah, after all, was the U.S.-CIA’s puppet
dictator.  But given the Shah’s deplorable human rights record, the
Iranians were none to happy about Carter’s welcome party for the man they
despised/ bernie upset about stephanpolis's cancor, arod, jz poker
tourney pays charity 1%, clive davis, on imus/ ks teaparty sen ulcamp sez
eliminating jobs will slow growth, 300 pg dossia vatican homo activity,
beni sez god is asleep ddncr, rosa parks statue unieled, on geraldo/
22613/Is Obama going to take our Bible's also? Is the new Pope going to
be Obama's False Prophet? Is it all coming to be?-heard a congressman is
starting an investigation on "non-existing" democrat aliases in tweeter
and other media, more than one congressman as well. GOP now talking about
it-the investigation is not happening? We all know the term Knee shark.
Right Warren?-better crank up the SPIN and BLAMING before it's too late,
by dumpobamie, urged Congress to come up with ANOTHER SHORT TERM FIX, a
campaigner not a LEADER, plans to "listen," not present Mideast peace
plan-ybac/Why does Yahoo protect GS?-Prove your claim that gs is avoiding
prosecution, you made the claim. prove your claim ( i mean another of
about having their most profitable Qtr in history are the DOW was tanking
to 6500?- transatlantic laughs at your ignorant statements! you continue
to spin in circles chasing your tail!. you promote and incite hatred, you
post accusations that you cannot prove- Goldman cuts loyal employees to
try to show a profit. They don't even care about their own people, Things
can't be very good if this is the only way to make money-'sequestration'
synonymus with 'castration' Deep cuts with impact-We need to know who GS
pays to avoid prosecution-TO PROMOTE AND INCITE HATRED- Mr. President,
Homeland Security Cannot protect us pigs from satan.PIgS NESTS 4 SATAN
Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, NYC, Republican Party, Secretary of
Interior-LONG LIVE BURLOSCONI BEST IN THE WORLD by dexter.gestapo lived
in Rome for 8 years and Berlusconi had his residence across the street
from a lapdance bar and chinese restaurant-Goldman Sachs if you like
losing money, and want to support a bad behavior around the world, like a
large toilet that will flush your money right into their pocketbook-
charges one and all with fraud but the biggest fraud of all GS escapes
his wrath. We need not wonder why ygs/Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu, in
Arizona, said Tuesday that Immigration and Customs Enforcement released
more than 500 detainees in his county alone over the weekend. A spokesman
for Babeu said that ICE officials have plans to release a total of nearly
10,000 illegal immigrants. Babeu described the move as a "mass budget
pardon" and suggested the administration was going to unnecessary lengths
to demonstrate the impact of the so-called sequester. "President Obama
would never release 500 criminal illegals to the streets of his home
town, yet he has no problem with releasing them in Arizona. The safety of
the public is threatened and the rule of law discarded as a political
tactic in this sequester battle-Elizabeth Warren forcefully demonstrated
that no one has gone to trial or jail for the Busch ,Paulsen coverup of
the scandal the banks got us into.Not only should we support her but we
should advise every member of congress that thwarts her efforts will be
run out of Congress and tar and feathered. If ever the country needs a
female president she is the one and far more preferable then Hillary-
pinning a label on anyone accomplishes anything. The fact is that you and
I will be paying higher taxes for the gross greediness of a few bankers
in Wall Street who more about fleecing the rest of us then doing a good
job- Warrent is a socialist. That makes you a loser for supporting her-I
appreciate that you say you don't have to bring them to trial," Warren
said. "My question is, when did you bring them to trial? I'm really
concerned that 'too big to fail' has become 'too big for trial,
instrumental in setting up the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and
has often been at odds with the financial services industry. knows a
thing or two about debt and bankruptcy, she has a surprising debt of her
own to pay down. Even after raising a whopping $42 million for her Senate
race this year, the Harvard Law professor, asked for donations to help
her wash away the red ink." "One of the results of our embarrassment of
riches was, well I’ll come out and say it, we ended up with a little bit
of debt,” Warren wrote. “Everyone, we need a little more money to pay off
our final bills. Can you help one more time?- Why ma I not surprised?"
she also shares the Libocrits genetic defect of fiscal incompetence- Now
America will get even more opportunities to watch executives be publicly
shamed for flying private to a congressional hearing-the whole market
area needs cleaning up and anyone involved in corrupt or unethical
practices needs to go to jail for a long time to insure that they don't
do it again. May be then we will have a markets for investments rather
then credit default swaps and naked shorting which make the market a
casino rather then investing ybac/Israel, and the Zionist forces count,
are they not guilty of fraud?-Prove your claims! you make accusations for
which have no evidence! you are a fraud continue to use this goldman
message board to promote your anti semitism-GS promotes a lack of
credibility daily, and champions a free pass-- Power of Zionism is
unknown Christian churches criticize Israel and nary a word in the press,
It is believed to have permeated all levels of the society at large-ygs/
butthurt by seth, since antisemitism is so prevelate-christian jailed
for 8 yrs in iran redstate senators on board, antisemitism increases 58%
in france-mexican priest uses watergun to disperse holy blessings-
national guard sent to 3" snow storm in ks jn1/berlin wins-italy split
election farce senate deadlock-cpt12/US Supreme Court refuses to let
Americans challenge FISA eavesdropping law-Obama to threaten Iran with
military strike in June, Israeli media reports-R/army refuses to drop
charges against Bradley Manning-drone pilots getting ptsd-rt/ 

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