Tuesday, March 13, 2012

31312/Obama "Targeting" Kony's "Christian" LRA

31312/Sixty Thousand People Protest Gov. Scott Walker, the year anniversary
of Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker signing disastrous anti-union plans that
undermined collective bargaining rights for employees- "The Republican
presidential campaign is not just about the presidential race. Part of the
Republican strategy is to get liberals to argue against them, repeating
conservative language-Considering the White House had to deal with a
massive recession, two foreign wars and defending health care reform, it's
also safe to assume Obama did not have much time to spend on changing
Washington's attitude toward drugs or even solidifying his administration's
own policies-conviction of Bradley Manning, or any of the five others
charged by the Obama administration under the Espionage Act of 1917 with
passing government secrets to the press, would effectively terminate public
knowledge of the internal workings of the corporate state, What we will
live under if the Supreme Court upholds the use of the Espionage Act to
punish those who expose war crimes and state lies will be a species of
corporate fascism-Reform and Labor Groups Announce Campaign Against
Corporate Money in Politics, Exodus of advertising after Rush Limbaugh's
misogynist remarks now affecting all of right-wing radio, a plurality of
voters in Alabama and Mississippi believe Obama is Muslim, reform and labor
groups announce new campaign against super PACs, and more-Syria Plants
Anti-Personnel Mines on Syria-Turkey Border, where last year more than
10,000 Syrian refugees fled the Assad regime's crackdown on the
pro-democracy 'Arab Spring' uprising, Syrian witnesses said. After a family
of five were reported severely injured in a new minefield last month,
Syrian civilians, operating with primitive means ... unearthed hundreds of
those mines and reopened the way to safety-NYPD Under Fire for Surveillance
of Occupy Protesters-Kira Moyer-Sims was near the Manhattan Bridge, buying
coffee while three friends waited nearby in a car. More than a dozen blocks
away, protesters gathered for an Occupy Wall Street 'day of action,' which
organizers had described as an attempt to block the streets around the New
York Stock Exchange. Then, Ms. Moyer-Sims said, about 30 police officers
surrounded her and the people in the car-Blow the Whistle on the Air Force
Academy and Your Dog May get Poisoned, Caleb's poisoning was the random act
of some dog hater; he believes it was a deliberate act of retaliation for
blowing the whistle one too many times at his place of employment: the
United States Air Force Academy (USAFA)- Patricia Wright is 60 years old,
legally blind and wheelchair-bound. She also has Stage 4 cancer, which has
spread to her breasts and to her brain. In November 2011, doctors removed
one of three tumors from her brainstem and placed a steel plate in her
head, If Wright were anyone else, she would go home and recuperate among
family and loved ones. But she is in prison, having been sentenced to life
without parole in 1997-If a Supreme Court majority has stepped outside the
scope of its own authority - and has gotten away with it due to a
complacent and corrupt Congress which has the power to rein it in, but will
not use it - there is, at least, a strong constitutional argument to be
made that the court's unconstitutional election law edicts are not binding
on the states under the supremacy clause of the Constitution unless and
until Congress says they are-International Women's Day on March 8, such
primitive views were worth recalling; but what has happened to modern
feminism? Why is it so bereft of its political, indeed socialist roots that
any woman who 'achieves' within an immoral system is to be admired?-Jobs
are coming back fast enough to blunt Republican attacks against Obama on
the economy and to rob Romney of the issue he'd prefer to be talking about
in his primary battle against social conservatives in the GOP. But jobs
aren't coming back fast enough to significantly reduce the nation's backlog
of 10 million jobs-Nearly everyone in a top policymaking position today was
among the group of economists who could not see the $8 trillion housing
bubble that wrecked the economy when it collapsed. Economics is clearly not
the only field where failure seems the best track forward. The top ranks of
the so-called school reform movement are packed with people who have
prospered in spite of failure-Being an aggressive, effective voice for the
expression of progressive values and an independent home for muckraking
journalists tends not to go over well with some people. We attract a lot of
trolls, imitators and critics - we’re used to all of that, clearly making
enough waves to prompt a continuous, aggressive and costly effort to shut
us down. While this can be frustrating for our staff at times, we also take
a little pride in attracting the ire of some unknown entity which clearly
hates independent journalism-  Truthout:/Fox News Declares Paul Krugman a
"Menace to Society" nyt/Right-Wing Pundits Make Excuses for a Weak Field of
Candidates BuzzFlash/the Real ID Act was inserted in the conference report
on H.R. 1268 that was then passed by the House on May 5, 2005 by a 368-58
vote and was unanimously passed by the Senate on May 10, 2005. The Senate
never discussed or voted on the Real ID Act specifically and no Senate
committee hearings were conducted on the Real ID Act prior to its passage/
13 Nuns were pregnant at our local Roman Catholic Convent. They were made
pregnant by the Priests in the local Roman Catholic Church. The Nuns were
able to hide this terrible crime because of the loose, full habits they
wore. No children were ever born but the tale went on to say they had all
been slaughtered at birth and buried under the altar of the church, later
the Convent was torn down to make room for a new High School and the area
dug up for the foundation. No evidence of bones or dead babies appeared but
the story goes on anyway-2002-serving as bishop in Bridgeport, New York
Cardinal Edward M. Egan failed to notify police about a sexual relationship
between a 15-year-old member of a youth group and a priest, considered
statutory rape under Connecticut law, who is now 28, became pregnant with
the priest's child two months after her 16th birthday in 1989, documents
show, and today is struggling as a single mother in Bridgeport, After
learning of the pregnancy in September of that year, the priest, the Rev.
Joseph DeShan, told church officials about it and requested a leave of
absence. Egan allowed him to leave the priesthood and begin a new life as
an elementary school teacher in New Jersey -- with no record of sexual
few yrs ago an 11 yr old girl was raped by a priest AND became pregnant,
parishoners who still stood by their 'father'-Church Puts Legal Pressure on
Abuse Victims’ Group Turning the tables on an advocacy group that has long
supported victims of pedophile priests, lawyers for the Roman Catholic
Church and priests accused of sexual abuse in two Missouri cases have gone
to court to compel the group to disclose more than two decades of e-mails
that could include correspondence with victims, lawyers, whistle-blowers,
witnesses, the police, prosecutors and journalists.-“If there is one group
that the higher-ups, the bishops, would like to see silenced,” said Marci
A. Hamilton, a law professor at Yeshiva University and an advocate for
victims of clergy sex crimes, “it definitely would be SNAP. And that’s what
they’re going after. They’re trying to find a way to silence SNAP.”
"nytimes.com /Fukushima fall-out has already caused death in the U.S, from
the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Infant mortality defined as death
of children from birth to one year old is onsidered an early measure of
radiation effects because there is rapidgrowth and cell division at this
stage, found that infant mortality spiked by an average of 35 percent in
eight cities west of the Rocky Mountains, including San Francisco and
Seattle, and by 48 percent in Philadelphia during the ten weeks after the
accident began on March 11, 2011. commondreams.org/view/2012/03/05> /Crop
Circles Appear in Italy With Messages in Binary Code Interesting video
about last year’s formations in Italy, now decoded and found to contain
specific messages – one of which is about Ea Enki, the ancient Sumerian god
of creation. Atasha pastlivesglastonbury.co.uk pastlivesglastonbury.co.uk>
youtube.com/watch?v=jVEGCgvE_zs&feature=share Oklahoma House on Monday
approved legislation that would require politicians throughout the state to
be drug tested along with people receiving temporary public assistance.
legislation heads to the state Senate after being passed by a vote of 82 to
6, Human Services estimates 22,000 people in Oklahoma receive TANF
benefits, which helps poor families with children pay for living expenses,
including rent, heat, utilities and personal care items.Democrats who
opposed the legislation added an amendment that requires anyone seeking
public office to pass a drug test as well, Florida and Missouri have both
approved laws requiring low-income parents seeking federal cash assistance
to pass a drug test. In October, FloridaĆ¢€™s drug testing law was halted.
Michigan previously tried to implement a welfare drug testing law, but it
was struck down as unconstitutional by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the
Sixth Circuit in 2003
31212/Obama seems to be from the Jimmy Carter School, favoring a balance of
power among all nations. What a screwed-up worldview-begging israel not to
attack before the elections. obama is helping our enemies/People in
America's poorest state talk about how they'd rather remain wretched than
accept anything from Obama. Mississippi Conservatives Talk About Their
Hatred, that negro in the White House. They hate government handouts even
though many of them are on food stamps. They think Obama care is "retarded
and pointless" even while acknowledging that many in their state need
health care/no wonder they lost the Civil War soooo easy-‎"Red state. Low
IQs, gets more from the gov't than they give-Mississippi receives $2.47
from the Federal Government for every tax dollar they pay in-sorry criminal
saga goes on and on and at last Ron Paul calls it for what it is, Paul
Openly Charges GOP With Election Fraud/used on railway lines, urban
pavements, and roadsides. It's used to dry down grain crops before harvest.
But the single greatest use of Roundup is on genetically engineered
"Roundup Ready" crops - designed not to die when sprayed with the poison.
Monsanto's Roundup in city-dwellers' urine, Studies have already found
Monsanto's toxic herbicide Roundup in groundwater, in streams, and even in
the rain and air of US agricultural areas Global Illumination Council
thegic.org /H. Con. Res. 107: Expressing the sense of Congress that the use
of offensive military force by a President without prior and clear
authorization of an Act of Congress/Marijuana grow fires in scary TV report
were out, Fire officials point to recent fires at medical marijuana
cultivation sites as proof of increasing dangers at such facilities before
fire crews arrived blogs.westword.com/A crew of occupiers makes a home of a
Bank of America lobby with a couch, a coffee table, a rug and a potted
plant. "Bank of America took our homes so we thought-
socialequality.com /Sunshine Week: Advocacy group wants lists of concealed
carry permit holders made public The state Department of Justice keeps
lists of people who have concealed carry permits, but people can't access
them wisconsinrapidstribune.com /the administration has threatened
everyone. The FCC is run by an Oshithead puppet!-This administration is a
cancer,killing everything from the inside-any country Liberals kills it's
culture cease to exist...so watch America! it is your future hanging in the
hands of your Liberal-media-Thats why I only watch FOX and RUSH! Liberals
can't be trusted..They will go way out of there way to save a damn TREE!
But KILL an innocent Child all in the same day! so many people think he's
doing a great job.... It's the twilight zone were living in- Because they
BEAST-He also thinks it's OK to detain and/or murder Americans on our
own soil w/o due process.
1409681378&type=1&theater facebook.com/scott.w.williamson  /a picture of
our universe apod.nasa.gov/apod/image/0302/sky_wmap_big.jpg
northern-detail-rw.bmp /CINCINNATI -- A newspaper reports an agreement has
been reached between the city of Cincinnati and Occupy protesters charged
last year after police say they trespassed or refused to leave a public
park at closing wlwt. /
When a Georgia man told a local reporter it was too hot to fish, the world
took notice. This is the story of Bobby Kirk, an everyday man who said what
he thought about the weather; and the New York Times, whose embrace of
social media sets a new standard for 21st-century colbertnation.com /A
22-year sentence given an Al Qaeda-trained Algerian terrorist for plotting
to bomb Los Angeles International Airport on the eve of the millennium was
unreasonably lenient latimesblogs.latimes.com /If the big guys don't have
to follow the rules, and the individual doesn't have to follow the rules,
and the govt itself doesn't have to follow the rules, we're all screwed.
Soldier ‎38-Year-Old Staff Sergeant Had Been in Afghanistan since December
Held in Afghan Massacre Had Brain Injury, Marital Problems/An
African-American pastor affiliated with Republican presidential candidate
Rick Santorum is demanding that former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney
“renounce his racist Mormon religion rawstory.com/Breitbart Latest News
Critical Race Theory: The Constitution Is the Problem, sees the U.S.
Constitution as a form of "original sin"--a view later embraced by Obama as
a state legislator, and reflected in his actions and appointments/push for
a war to theoretically delay an oil-rich authoritarian country from
developing a weapon of mass destruction, Combine these situations with a
national right-wing party in meltdown, corporate vampire squids with
unlimited money to buy influence, an all-out war on whistleblowers, a
militarized police force and a 1% that reaped 93% of all income gains in
2010Where have we heard of that before? The occupation of a destitute
country gone horribly wrong, turning young men into murderers.... That also
sounds familiar/Elisabeth Hasselbeck Former helium operated Disney
animatron and insufferable mean girl, Elisabeth Hasselbeck, joined the
conservative 'screeching' fembot crowd in riling against some well-known
feministsCriticizes Gloria Steinem, Jane Fonda And Robin Morgan Over Rush
Limbaugh Op-Ed addictinginfo.org /millions of people across the country -
and tens of millions around the world - have laid down their fears. Instead
of cowering and going along, people of all generations have been standing
shoulder to shoulder to remove their consent and express their positions in
public truthout.org/rose salad
31112/What was Clinton supposed to do – veto it for show against an
overwhelming majority vote? This is the "smoking gun" on which the
Conservatives seek to hang the blame for the entire Financial Crisis on
Bill Clinton, even though "no one saw it coming" until 2008 – 7 years after
he left office. ICE was started by the Banksters in 2000 so they could get
away from US laws and bamboozle the energy markets bit.ly/t9yBsF /homeless
man that can't remember jama's name addressing lawmakers-    You lost
points when you said you support homosexual marriage. Yuck! And yes Obama
sucks!-funny...because Bush was president at that timeI hate to tell you
this, but if you are 52, white and homeless, you are SCREWED. I doubt you
will ever find a job the rest of your life. You are competeing against
healthy, young mezcuns for jobs, and you will LOSE T THEM. Might as well
go find a tall bridge with a shallow river.
youtube.com/watch?v=CUpm6dTZfMs&feature=share /The Border Wall: The Last
Stand at Making the US a White Gated Community, very little is what it
appears to be. The degree to which global corporations, demand for cheap
labor, racial attitudes and the desire for US military hegemony are among
the guiding underlying principals for that policy often remains unexposed
behind sensational initiatives such as the so-called "war on drugs."
the truth is whatever people will believe r ailes(fauxsnooze)-if we told
republicans that fox was really owned by liberals i bet republicans will
stop watching-Highly paid manipulators and brain-washers-Such dumb logic.
They believe because they want it to be true-Israel mulls charity concert
for Syrian insurgents-Tnuva milked over NIS 100m excess profit from
Israel's dairy market-Rabbi Kook's followers are still debating his legacy-
UN: Palestinians' neutrality in Syria conflict must be respected-In wake of
violence, Israel Police postpone right-wing rally outside home of Arab
MK, police expected to deploy 1,200 policemen at Zuabi's home to maintain
order. A new date for the rally will be scheduled in coordination with the
police and the right-wingers themselves. Zuabi sparked particularly heated
controversy in 2010 by sailing as a passenger on board the Mavi Marmara,
one of the ships in a Turkish flotilla that was seeking to break the
Israeli blockade of the Gaza Strip. Nine of the Mavi Marmara's passengers
were killed in a confrontation with the Israel Navy. Marzel doesn't intend
to come alone,"  She said he represents an "entire political culture that
relates to the Palestinian as an enemy or foreigner." a message is being
sent to the Israeli establishment, the right wing, and what she called the
"silent left wing" that "full national and civic equality is the interest
of all of us."-The protest should NOT have been cancelled... on the
contrary, it is MORE URGENT than ever to protest and get rid of all the
Arab supporters of terror within our own government-  -U.S. Republican
hopeful Santorum sweeps Kansas caucuses- Berlin wax museum unveils model of
Anne Frank-Haaretz.com/Fighting A Losing Battle, AT THE HEIGHT OF THE
VIETNAM WAR IN MARCH 1968, Lyndon Johnson summoned a group of wise
men to the White House and asked for their advice on America faltering
policy in the region. Former secretary of state Dean Acheson told the
generals who were briefing the group to explain exactly the goal of America
strategy in Vietnam. After a few hapless responses filled with vague
phrases like stabilize the situation, he finally thundered: Then what in
the name of God do we have 500,000 troops out there for? Chasing
girls?/pro-Palin Super PAC, have  condemned the film, calling it everything
from a "false narrative" to "sinful." To counter that "false narrative,"
Sarah PAC put out a video that juxtaposes scenes from "Game Change" with
actual clips from the 2008 campaign, palin "not concerned about an HBO
movie based on a false narrative when there are so many other things to be
concerned about." "I believe my family has the right priorities and knows
what really matters," Palin said in an email. "For instance, our son called
from Afghanistan yesterday and he sounded good, and that's what matters.
Being in the good graces of Hollywood's 'Team Obama' isn't top of my list."
Wallace said in October that she based the mentally ill vice-presidential
character in her fictional book, "It's Classified," off Palin. She told ABC
News' Top Line in October that Palin "seemed deeply troubled" at times
during the campaign and that some of her behaviors "concerned me."-all you
leftist liberals can do is call her names that you would normally not call
your worst enemies. Wake up and realize your real enemy lives in the white
house and until he is evicted your life or mine or the health of our nation
will only get worse-wonder why she still hits the headlines, I think it's
the for the same reasons that Hitler and bin Laden still get attention.
It's to remind ourselves that never again should we propel an unbalanced,
hateful, mean, polarizing, cruel person with charisma into positions of
leadership. I don't mind that she stays in the public eye any longer. As
Fox and the political right extreme continues to push her into the public
forum, she perpetually exposes their ignorance and pettiness and discredits
the very arguments she tries to support. If hate and stupidity is the best
they've got, let them air that dirty laundry in public rather than hide it
behind an intelligent, polished, well-crafted argument. I don't hate Sarah
Palin. I just pitty and disrespect the people who support her, stand beside
her and hide behind her-until I watched her on TV. Switched to Obama after
40 years of Republican support. Today it is even worse. What happened to
the party of Eisenhower? Amazed how many cons worship a false god Palin/ it
just really irritates you people that she isn't a liberal douche like
yourselves. only fools would believe this propaganda-not one word about the
film clip, wher she sez:" i am not ur puppet" probably the only newsworthy
piece in the whole film
152953317--abc-news.html /United States added 227,000 jobs in February in
the latest display of the economic recovery's surprising breadth and brawn.
The country has put together the strongest three months of pure job growth
since the Great Recession/US drones bombed suspected Al-Qaeda arms caches
in a hilly region in Yemen's restive southern province of Abyan
news.yahoo.com /A United States service member walked out of a military
base in a rural district of southern Afghanistan on Sunday and opened fire
on three nearby houses, killing at least 16 civilians, including several
children-Canadian Government Targeting Opponents of New Oil Sands Pipeline
Lisa Song, InsideClimate News: "As US environmental groups renew their
battle against the resurrected Keystone XL oil pipeline, their counterparts
in Canada are facing a deeper problem - a government campaign to limit
their influence over Canada's Northern Gateway pipeline.... As
environmental groups have stepped up their campaigns against the project,
key figures in the Harper administration have publicly denounced them as
extremists, and a federal finance committee has announced plans to audit
all of Canada's charities-Why Can't You Smoke Pot? .... Why do we still put
hundreds of thousands of people in steel cages for pot-related offenses?
Well, there are many reasons, but one of them is, of course, money in
politics." Because Lobbyists Are Getting Rich Off of the War on Drugs "John
Lovell is a lobbyist who makes a lot of money from making sure you can't
smoke a joint. That's his job. He's a lobbyist for the police unions in
Sacramento, and he is a driving force behind grabbing Federal dollars to
shut down the California marijuana industry-A group of pro-immigrant rights
activists in Arizona aim to develop a smartphone application that would
help immigrants notify friends, family and their attorney if they are
detained and arrested during a traffic stop.... A recent Department of
Justice investigation on racial profiling of Latinos by the Maricopa County
Sheriff's Office found that Latinos were four to nine times more likely to
be pulled over in a traffic stop than non-Latinos-truthout/Limbaugh
Attacked President Obama For "Targeting" Joseph Kony's "Christian" LRA/

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