Friday, June 21, 2013

62113/demons-rats & repo-cons

62113/Isn't it a comfort knowing the far right lunatic fringe with uninformed members like this fool "anotherobamafailure" will never have any effect on anything? The loser fringe morons can do nothing other than whine, lie, complain, smear, and tea bag each other. Go lap some sack, fool.-We pay the benefits for leaches like yourself, who produce nothing of value other than a net loss to society. But once we're done producing, you're done surviving. And that is its own form of societal justice. Too bad you brazen entitled fools don't realize that you should be thanking all of us who give you your daily bread. But Ear Leader has seen to it that you feel comfortable to stand on your soapbox and proclaim your theft proudly. You should be made aware that he's doing that because it makes you bigger and better targets when your usefulness ends. Read some history, caterwauling idolator-DREAM ROBBER, BANK OF ANTICHRIST. BAC has Fhoked more Americans than SLAVERY and HOLOCAUST put together, Bank of America routinely denied qualified borrowers a chance to modify their loans to more affordable terms and paid cash bonuses to bank staffers for pushing homeowners into foreclosure, how the top 1% stay on top. they STEAL from others-Pretty dramatic subject line, the parallels make no sense. What "dream", exactly, did you have stolen? That you could buy a house, never make payments on it, and then sell it for a huge profit? If that was your dream, then you might want to reclassify it as a fantasy-ybac/ Summer Solstice is upon us: the longest day of the year in the northern hemisphere where some religions in the western world believe the sun defeats the forces of evil.And so far those sun gods seem to be winning, with the Nikkei staging a comeback and European markets higher despite the prospect of "Witching Hour" later in the trading day, when futures and options contracts expire cnbc/boner's giant caucass, on steph/mohr catches on
62013/Just another day of organized crime on fraud street lol-REP. ISSA LIED ON OBAMA THEY MAY IMPEACH ISSA- Why are ignorant southern red state lot rent single wide dwelling inbreeds the GOP base-imbeciles watch and believe the Faux News propaganda machine-BAC gave bonuses to employees for lieing to customers? stories of BAC employees getting bonuses for defrauding homeowners?-Yeah? IRS gave bigger bonuses to employees to screw targeted organizations!-don't always trust the media, few employees' allegation?? there got be some real story behind it, I just don't believe that Bank of America's management still haven't learned something after hundreds of legal battle. that would be f**&% stupid to do something silly like that, out of their f*#$#% mind? If that is the case, all the executives who involved including Brian should resign-if bonuses and such were actually involved, that there would be a paper trail and it would be easy to pinpoint who approved what-you are going to make the free market teabaggers mad with facts. They don't like facts. ybac/Red alert proven high treason criminal rulers at banking committee led by time johnson & mike crapo…..demons-rats & repo-cons raped usa 99% open challenege to debate netflix fraud loot over $50 billion by all fraud cook/book, ponzi price offering with fraud pyramid streaming scam and price/volume manipulation fraud by proven criminal thug reed hastings/goldman sachs/morgan stanley led nexus scam gang with fraud research reports..phony stock target prices with phony estimates for earnings…all proven since july 2011 netflix balance sheet became insolvent twice but $20b+ loot now over $50b+ with full protection and weapons for fraud provided by “sec’; criminals all whistles blown in 2011 and fraud proven, Michael Hasting's car "accident" and death. He was driving his Mercedes-Benz and somehow ended up hitting a tree and the car exploded. Apparently he was driving really fast. But I thought people drove a Mercedes because they are "like a tank". I don't normally do the conspiracy angle, but this really does seem kind of odd-Obama*ericholder*goldman sachs scam gang ruling usa like chicago mafia, god father final episode playing in white house and ending of this episode will lead to martial law in usa.ygs/Pukes keep whining about how bad the economy is under Obama but I dont hear Obama claiming he had to "Abandon my free market principles to save the economy" like Bush did. His worst recession since the great depression is what Bush was referring to. What a puke riot-Singapore haze at worst yet, Malaysia schools shut, urging people to remain indoors amid unprecedented levels of air pollution after a smoky haze wrought by forest fires in neighboring Indonesia worsened dramatically. Nearby Malaysia has closed 200 schools, Business and flights have not been disrupted, but the smog has strained diplomatic ties between Singapore and Indonesia. Officials in the city state say Jakarta must do more to halt fires on Sumatra island started by plantation owners and farmers to clear land cheaply. Environment Minister Vivian Balakrishnan "no country or corporation has the right to pollute the air at the expense of Singaporeans' health and wellbeing. yhal/ as people like Chomsky continue to become increasingly vocal in resentment of the current White House’s actions: The true perpetrators of some of the vilest acts carried out in recent years aren’t all hiding in caves in the Third World. big shock to Chomsky, comfortable he feels younger populations are with the government’s all seeing surveillance state. It may have to do with the exhibitionist character of the internet culture, with Facebook and so on,” he said. “On the internet, you think everything is going to be public.” Unfortunately, suspected terrorists and uncooperative heads of state in the Mideast are not the only people subject to the President’s wrath; and whistle blowers, especially, have not been treated kindly in Obama’s America-You claimed a known liar's testimony is reality, while you don't need to prove your claim, besides that it has no logical credibility, the ONLY reality is that you took his word as reality- aibafs/Asked if he faced any backlash for backing Romney, “Of course, there’s blowback. I’m like the only righty in the lefty industry,” he said with a laugh. “But you know, there’s nothing wrong with standing up for what you believe in and having an honest conversation with people.It was mind-blowing to me, mind-boggling how great of a man that guy is. It really was. And I can’t say I’d do that for too many people.Kid Rock fn/U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fed­eral Cir­cuit affirmed a pre­vi­ous rul­ing that found organic grow­ers had no rea­son to try to block Mon­santo from suing them as the com­pany had pledged it would not take them to court if biotech crops acci­den­tally mix in with organics-Obesity is rampant everywhere Western food is introduced. Bee colonies collapse too. Why are we allowing this default suicide. oh..."our best and brightest science says, ignoring the obvious, profit, just like tobacco scientists since the '60's. Patenting good food staples is a path to slavery. Patenting food that is impervious to herbicides is suicide-a solution for all this. Shoot Monsanto's field inspectors on-sight. Shoot them and bury them in the fields that contaminated everyone else's. It's the only way you'll ever win-use the "act of God defense". It works for insurance companies-Monsanto should be sued for contamination, loss and damages. These farmers worked hard to build a reputation for their organic product. Monsanto's dog hopped the fence and ruined the pedigree-firsttoknow/ New Orleans said they have arrested a 13-year-old boy, Devalon Armstrong, for killing his 5-year-old sister- PALM BEACH, Fla, bodies of two custodians were found Wednesday at the Dreyfoos School of the Arts-charged with felony and misdemeanor theft counts after a trapper in Granger reported nearly $5,000 in gopher feet, used as bounty to claim government rewards to help reduce the gopher population, missing, payment rate is $3 per pair of feet submitted, Dillon turned in $1,014 worth of feet in November and Garrison $3,780 in December, figures the Harmony Township clerk said was unusually high. Garrison claimed at the time she and her son had been saving the feet for three years-upi/ 1,500 Marines with advanced arms and military equipment to Yemen, says a Yemeni military official. Some 1,500 Marines were deployed to al-Anad military base in the country's southern province of Lahij, Another 200 also arrived in the capital, Sana'a, to join the American forces already stationed in the capital's Sheraton Hotel. The official also said that American forces usually enter the country in small groups, but the recent large deployment could be in preparation for a possible imminent incident [aka US false flag] in the region-Chechen man in Orlando, Fla., who was being questioned over ties to the Boston Marathon bombing suspects, the bureau reassured the public that it would clear up the murky episode. But if such internal investigations are time tested, their outcomes are also predictable: from 1993 to early 2011, F.B.I. agents fatally shot about 70 "subjects" and wounded about 80 others, deemed justified, according to interviews and internal F.B.I. records-66,405, or 11% of the total, are structurally deficient, according to a new report. These are not rarely used, out of the way structures: Each day, Americans take 260 million trips over structurally deficient bridges, says the report from Transportation for America, a Washington, D.C.-based coalition that works to improve transportation. The structurally deficient bridges are 65 years old on average, and the Federal Highway Administration estimates that repairing them would cost $76 billion. [Right, but the sociopaths in the US government would rather fund the Syrian rebel cannibals clg/Listen to him, he studied neurology under the eminent Dr. Hfuhruhur-my brain being a man’s brain you wouldnt understand, sort of thinks differently-GOP: I'm a rapist, and I'm OK. I rape all night, then I talk about it all day...Is "man’s brain” another nickname for his penis?-Maybe you'd better give it back to a man. Maybe he can explain it more clearly-GOP outreach just continues, clueless, maybe he'll make up for it with a rape comment. We've only got TWO parties here, people! One of them CAN'T be insane! wonkette/Even The New York Times editorial board now recognizes that the so-called war on drugs is racist-NSA Responds: What Could Be More Democratic Than Spying on Everybody? (Satire, or Maybe Not?)-he President and the Media Must Educate the American People on How to Remove the Cancer From Our Politics BuzzFlash/Free Thought Blogs: A commissioning ceremony at West Point over Memorial Day weekend vindicates Page's decision to leave West Point for its failure to uphold church state separation and join the Military Religious Freedom Foundation/The Consequences of Legalizing "GI Jesus Tourette's Syndrome" As the military abuses religious morality and superiority to push an agenda of war, destruction and modern imperialism, it is the American people, believers and non believers, suffer in the end, AlterNet/Last Mystery of the Financial Crisis, long been suspected that ratings agencies like Moody's and Standard & Poor's helped trigger the meltdown. A new trove of embarrassing documents shows how they did it, the teeming rat's nest of corruption it left behind. Everybody else got plenty of blame: the greed fattened banks, the sleeping regulators, the unscrupulous mortgage hucksters, "Lord help our fucking scam . . . this has to be the stupidest place I have worked at," writes one Standard & Poor's executive. "As you know, I had difficulties explaining 'HOW' we got to those numbers since there is no science behind it," confesses a high-ranking S&P analyst. "If we are just going to make it up in order to rate deals, then quants [quantitative analysts] are of precious little value," complains another senior S&P man. "Let's hope we are all wealthy and retired by the time this house of card[s] falters," ruminates one more-Michael Hastings, the fearless journalist whose reporting for Rolling Stone brought down General Stanley McChrystal as supreme commander in Afghanistan, died yesterday at age 33 in a car accident in Los Angeles. rs/ hewey visits, 30kr to 1Md irs political donations, on dennis audited by irs drone/
61913/ Dammmmm freak Half wit African President?? And I am the Bigot? yc/ 230 people aboard TWA 800 died when the plane, headed for Paris, exploded and crashed into the Atlantic Ocean shortly after takeoff from John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York. Scores of witnesses observed a streak of light and a fireball, giving early rise to suspicions that the terrorists had struck the plane with a rocket- Coulter: U.S. 'finished' if amnesty passes There will be no point in fighting for anything anymore, CALL CONGRESS! There is no issue on which the elites and the people are so divided, but patriotic Americans have been lulled into a sense of complacency. Right now, there is a good chance this monstrosity will become law.aibafs/Synagogues promoting polygamy across Israel flooded with tens of thousands of leaflets calling on Sephardic men to marry several women, claiming ancient custom now permissible under Jewish Law-Bressler is asking if that applies to old men marrying young boys-Do the USA a big favor and leave You like Israel so much, apply for citizenship Volunteer for the front line-Obummer fine speech in Berlin It is a shame that the actions of the US government in no way reflect the words that spew out of the liar in chief's mouth, written on the teleprompter behind the bullet-proof glass wall. People have been conned too many times to believe the words of this government. If Obama lying was anything new...that would be a great revelation. But the government has been lying to us since its inception. Jesse Ventura put it in the proper perspective...."When we lie to the government and get caught...we go to jail...but when the government lie to us nothing happens." Tragic situation imo-maybe that is the point. Since, it is not the government that controls the destiny of this once great and free nation, but those who slink behind the scenes and create the dialectic HOPING that there will be civil war-our wonderful Congressmen. For the country is run by Congress Policies proposed by WH -Israel sits back and get USA condo money from taxpayers American paid off politicians will send American kids to die for israeli incited wars-By passing Congress did not start with Obama, Who was it that said Saddam had WMD and went to war, A war that still continues, further back, The lies about Vietnam, Gosh, we haven't had an honest WH, Since Kennedy at least, Except, perhaps, one gentleman peanut farmer from Georgia, Whom the American people threw out of office, BTW, Obama has not been telling the WHOLE truth, But, for the life of me, Can't find much by way of "actual lies, does that make him a liar??-ask jesu.s why he was illegtimate goy-u don't really hate Jewish people! no, its just your stupidity. Get yourself checked by a good and famous psychiatrist who will most probably be of the Jewish faith or from the Hindu faith. Either one will confirm what I suspect-that u r an UNEDUCATED & UNEMPLOYED poster whiling away his time spouting acerbic comments on people of different faiths. Ask Pat Robertson or Billy Graham, the "stalwart Scammers" and they will agree with me-If he is unemployed it is because of jwe thievery on wall street which led to the economic meltdown on loss of millons of jobs, Yes jwes are responsible for the downfall of the USA they are the pits of humanity-The current economic crisis and a real 12% unemployment is a two edged sword for American Jwey. On the one hand, Jwes fear that an economic downturn will provoke a backlash against them for being responsible for the crisis. This fear was justified recently in a November 2008 poll which showed that 51% of Europeans blame Jwes for the global financial crisis. But on the other hand, this economic crisis coupled with a rising military state under the Zi.onist puppet-president, Barack Obama, ensures that Jwes will be protected from a civil uprising against them-for being a welfare whiney little goy, talk to your savior maybe he is not tied up now.-ygs/whistle-blowers tell USA TODAY that Edward Snowden succeeded where they failed-Coulter's objective is to keep the Pharr Reight fringes in the Tea Party in the dark. She is to keep the Tea Baggers in line, voting the Republican ticket out of fear aibafs/Selling "Obama Phones" for Heroin?! Shocking Undercover Videos You Won't Believe-Ron Paul: NSA "Fudged the Figures" on Terror Plots-Wouldn't Be the First Time He's Made a Mistake": Rand Paul Fires Back at Dick Cheney fni/General Electric mechanic in New York, arrested and charged with conspiracy to provide support to terrorists after he developed a truck mounted radiation weapon, 49-year-old Glendon Scott Crawford, identified himself a member of the Ku Klux Klan, specifically, the United Northern & Southern Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, on a recorded telephone call. Eric J. Feight, 54, was charged as a co-conspirator for agreeing to help, Both made an initial appearance in U.S. District Court in Albany, They face up to 15 years in prison if convicted, to covertly emit ionizing radiation strong enough to bring about radiation sickness or death, Crawford had approached local Jewish organizations seeking out individuals who might offer assistance in helping him with a type of technology that could be used against people he perceived as enemies of Israel rbg/Texas Representative Louie Gohmert bravery in the face of so-called “terror babies” and “radical Islamists who are trained to act Hispanic, Claims Moshing, actually based on Sufi dervish dancing. “People may not realize this, but wild, dangerous Sufi dancing is part of the Muslim tradition. The same tradition that has declared war on the West and its Christian values. While metal fans think they are simply pitting to noisy, violent music, they are, in fact, praising a God worshipped by people who want to destroy us. passing anti-pit laws is not the solution to this national crisis, he does see a viable alternative. “If you want to stop pits from breaking out, the quickest, most effective solution is the widespread distribution of M4 assault rifles to all red-blooded, patriotic Americans, ‘they that go down quickly into the pit; shall understand that they have provoked the Lord.’ Men and women who enter mosh pits are sinful and are, in fact, provoking God’s wrath. Pitting violates God’s law.-Republican Says Atheist Chaplains Would Call Fallen Soldiers 'Worm Food, no atheists in foxholes, the saying goes. Republicans in Congress don't want them in the military chaplain corps, either-Stewart Trashes Fox News For Throwing Out The Constitution:The Law Is No Match For Freedom Math-GOP Rep Joe Barton (R-Texas) turned to the BibleCites Great Flood To Disprove Human Role In Climate Change-rJoe Barton believes wind turbines may slow down the wind, thereby heating up the globe!- conservatives are socially stupid but liberals are fiscally insane.Jerry Sandusky.... Ted Bundy (serial killer) was a Republican Activist. Hitler was a devoted Conservative, Timothy McVeigh was a Republican. thousands of priests that were pedophiles were also pro life Republicans!-Obstructing every piece of legislation while force feeding the false narrative upon Americans that it's Obama that's being obstructed, when the truth is that it's Americans themselves that are being obstructed. Jobs, Gays, Women, Students, Elderly, Middle Class, Unions, Veterans...even America's children. All have been successfully obstructed be republicans- they're good at. Missing the most obvious solutions to problems.-fb/obama bullies teaparty, on dennis encouraging listeners to smell the roses instead of daily obama rage, sez hannity commands red and blue state firefight charlitan hate department because he's smarter? he also wonders why some weird jew sects wear a yamaka at all times
61813/Hartmann Big banks have reached a new low. Six former employees of Bank of America have come forward alleging that the big bank intentionally denied eligible homeowners mortgage loan modifications and lied to those homeowners about the status of their mortgage payments and documents./A police dog died of heat stroke after being left in a patrol car in Woodstock, Georgia cnntw/

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