Wednesday, March 7, 2012

2712b/"women belong in the kitchen laundry room"

3467 94 lm 614 18 -3498 lm622
3712/Gingrich Invents Obama Quote About Gas Prices-Senate Republicans
Backing Off Contraception Wars /Chris Matthews said
about Romney, The dogs don't like the dog food and refuse to eat
it/Madhouse Pants Label Tells Men Laundry Is A Woman's Job, the whole
"women belong in the kitchen laundry room" thing was oh-so-1950s, left
behind with June Cleaver$7B swindler Texas tycoon R.
Allen Stanford spent more than 20 years charming investors, who handed him
billions of dollars they had spent their lives accumulating through hard
work and saving, may keep Stanford behind bars for life
The state’s highest court has ruled that people can be charged with
possession with intent to distribute marijuana even if they were caught
with less than an ounce of the substance, despite the decriminalization of
simple possession of such small amounts handgun owners
with medical marijuana cards will be allowed to keep their licenses
following the U.S. Supreme Court's decision not to hear Jackson County
Sheriff Mike Winter's legal challenge that asserted U.S. law trumps Oregon
law charges, 12 counts are crimes against humanity,
which include murder, enslavement, sexual enslavement and rape. There are
another 21 counts of war crimes which include murder, cruel treatment of
civilians, intentionally directing an attack against a civilian population,
pillaging, inducing rape, and forced enlisting of children into the rebel
ranks. Kony was abducting girls to offer them as rewards to his commanders/
Woody Guthrie: “There is just one way to save yourself, and that’s to get
together and work and fight for everybody."-In these times of tinkle-down
economics — with the money powers thinking that they're the top dogs and
that the rest of us are just a bunch of fire hydrants Woody at 100
doses-children-releasing-info-public /
why_antidepressants_cause_brain_damage_breast_cancer_and_early_mortality/ /"If the
FDA violates its own laws who is left to protect the public?"  It's bad
enough we don't have a protector which is the reason for Mission Possible
Intl, but we have to contend with FDA prosecuting the supplement industry.
Sending the Forestry to destroy an herbalist's herbs is vile.  He did
apologize to the herbalist and said, "FDA made us do it.  They said they
simply couldn't have cancer cured." Why don't you care to keep the law and
protect the people instead of just Big Pharma?  FDA is an abomination to
the world.  You show you can't answer the Citizens Petition for ban because
you know its a poison- /
-Actually-The-Same-Thing.aspx /Monsanto's Roundup herbicide found to
destroy testosterone, male fertility, No wonder farmers that use roundup
are having these problems and dieing of cancer, since roundup is agent
orange/WALLACE: But you know what some people are going to say, Governor,
They say, "Look, when it's her political adversary, Rahm Emanuel, she's
going to call him out. 'He's indecent, apologize.' But when  it's a
political friend like Rush Limbaugh, 'Oh, it's satire. PALIN: I didn't hear
Rush Limbaugh calling a group of people whom he did not agree with "f'ing
retards." And we did know that Rahm Emanuel — it's been reported — did say
that. There's a big difference there/when you attack and idea by saying it
is a delusion you are saying that the person(s) who hold it are delusional,
i.e., an ad hominem attack/not so. If someone holds a view that I consider
delusional, I'm merely suggesting that they may not have examined all the
evidence to support their view. in that respect are designed to aid them in
considering their view. Unless one hears that a view may be delusional, one
may hold it without examination to one's personal detriment. There is also
the possibility (admittedly infinitesimal) that my opinion may be wrong/
gllup poll indicated 55% of Republican voters say they wish someone else
was runningbut, that leaves 45% happy with their choices (I guess if they
were Sophie, they would have just flipped a coin and been done with it).
Something has to change in this country as 93% of all income gains in 2010
(most recent figures) went to the top 1%. 93%. How does this work? In 2010,
average real income per family grew by 2.3%, but the gains were very
uneven. Top 1% incomes grew by 11.6% while bottom 99% incomes grew only by
0.2%, VERY good to be in the top 1%, being in the bottom 99%, not so much/
Phony Postal Inspector Busted For Swiping Pot Shipments On the hunt for
illegal narcotics being shipped via Express Mail, a Michigan man allegedly
repeatedly entered a sorting facility, claimed to be a postal inspector /AIPAC Works For the 1 Percent The battle for justice in
the Middle East is our battle. It is part of the vast, global battle
against the 1 percent. It is about living rather than dying. It is about
communicating rather than killing. “We have not brought Western
civilization to the Muslim world, freedom, democracy and the virtues of
state terrorism, massive destruction, war and death.”
"My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness." ~Dalai Lama/20
Obvious Lies That Will Shock Conservatives (If They Ever Bothered To Read A
Book Or Two)Whenever conservative bloggers try to be clever and 'expose'
liberal myths, you just know it's time to pull out the rain coat, 'cause
there's gonna be a whole lot of bullshit flying around
Secretary for Housing and Urban Development Shaun Donovan details the
number of homeless in America, and explains his passion for helping those
in need 200k+ children homeless 1:6 veterans 1.2M 3Mt working families-
Cathleen Kaveny discusses the role of bishops in selecting which aspects of
the Catholic doctrine to teach within their diocese-history behind the
Catholic Church's position on contraception and capital punishment,
unedited, extended interview-David Barton 5-4-11 discusses the hostility
towards Christianity in America, wants proof that he takes historical facts
out of context, jon says religion is not the only path-May 18, 2011 Richard
Beeman reads the 14th Amendment from his pocket Constitution to dispute
David Barton's position on states' rights..
Nationals accused of defiling under-age Zambian girls acquitted, The
Luanshya Magistrate Court has acquitted four Chinese Nationals who were
accused of defiling and indecently assaulting two under-age Zambian girls.
one would say money talks,only poor people rot in jail,earth has no
justice. three days, Limbaugh Launched 46 Personal
Attacks on Fluke; He Apologized for Two Words-he the one calling he a slut
when he gets the Viagra hes taking covered by his insurance!-Fox 5's Ross
Shimabuku insults Danica Patrick,-People Who Are Destroying America Dawn
Quarles, a Florida high school teacher, faces voter fraud fines for
registering her students to vote (wait till marrage to vote like your
husband tells you).--colbert report-majority of his followers are fat old
white guys with little weenies who make fun of liberals between their bouts
with gas...then you wonder how a woman could possibly have similar
views...because they are married to these dolts- Netflix Becomes 30th
Advertiser To Drop Limbaugh- evangelist Pat Robertson took to the
airwaves of "The 700 Club" last week to condemn arrests for marijuana
possession/“Breitbart made his living by seeking to destroy the lives of
other human beings whom he had identified as “traitorous” or “dangerous.”
He would be the first to proudly own that.”
Is Sex Necessary? Lucky for you, it seems to be--especially if your goal is
the promotion of your own robust good health-Women withholding = murder /Look out Israel,here come the slinkies of mass destruction! Sep
11, 2007 - Iranian shows off silly putty - By Mr. Fish/White House also
noticed Romney’s efforts to beat the war drums. Speaking today, Obama
challenged Iran-hawks to “explain to the American people exactly why [we
should launch a war. Former Mossad Director: Romney ‘Is Making The
Situation Worse’ With Iran, Romney’s oped in today’s Washington Post
claimed — without offering any evidence — that Iran has a “nuclear-bomb
program” and that the Islamic Republic is “racing to build a nuclear bomb.”
Currently, U.S. intelligence and the IAEA do not believe either of these
claims to be true-/Obama Mocks Fox Correspondent “Ed, just from a political
perspective, do you think that the President of the United States going
into re-election wants gas prices to go higher? Is there anybody here who
thinks that makes a lot of sense?, Who Asks Why He Wants Higher Gas Prices /Palin continues to fail at understanding what the First
Amendment means. Let me help you out, imbecile: Just as Rush is free to say
whatever he wants, so, too, are decent human beings like the rest of us
free to criticize him for saying it and to use OUR free speech to punish
him for a misogynistic pig. Free speech does not mean "consequence free."
hope that clears up your confusion but you don't appear to be the sharpest
tool in the shed. More like a sledgehammer of stupidity-Palin said Tuesday
the reaction in media and political circles that prompted Rush Limbaugh to
apologize for calling a law student a “slut” was “the definition of
hypocrisy.”-something about Obama giving back money, Practice what you
preach bitch- /Scorched-Earth Politics of America's Four
Fundamentalisms "Americans seem confident in the mythical notion that the
United States is a free nation dedicated to reproducing the principles of
equality, justice and democracy. What has been ignored in this delusional
view is the growing rise of an expanded national security state since 2001
and an attack on individual rights that suggests that the United States has
more in common with authoritarian regimes like China and Cuba 'than anyone
may like to admit-Netanyahu Tells Obama Israel May Attack Iran Alone if
Necessary, Netanyahu reasserted Israel's right to take unilateral military
action, saying the Jewish state must remain 'the master of its fate-Koch
Brothers in Battle With Cato Institute Over Control, a rift with one of its
founding members - the billionaire conservative Charles Koch - is
threatening the institute's identity and independence, its leaders say, and
is exposing fault lines over Mr. Koch's aggressive and well-financed brand
of Republican politics  Truthout/More Advertisers Drop Limbaugh, Total Now
26 ThinkProgress-Female Veterans Call for American Forces Network to Drop
Rush Limbaugh Vote Vets-Santorum: Single Moms Are "Breeding More Criminals"
Mother Jones

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