Saturday, September 1, 2012

9112/Bain & Company actually included a bailout that screwed taxpayers out of at least $10 million

Consider this: Swift Boat Veterans for Truth spent about $23 million on smear ads against me in 2004.  this year, the Romney campaign and super PACs have promised to spend more than $1 billion. j kerry/records
Rolling Stone has obtained under the Freedom of Information Act reveal that Mitt Romney's mythology is just that: His much-ballyhooed transformation of Bain & Company actually included a bailout that screwed taxpayers out of at least $10 million/Sean Lennon has fond memories of the rural New York farm his parents bought in the Seventies. The property sits within potential "fracking" territory - drilling for natural gas. On Wednesday Lennon and Yoko Ono hosted an event for Artists Against Fracking in New York-rs/
What we need, according to Chris Christie, is to "fundamentally reduce the size of our government" - get them out of the way so Wall Street can control your life and steal your wages without being annoyed by the occasional, toothless Congressional inquiry. It was touching to hear that Gov. Christie's father put himself through college on the GI Bill - too bad that's one of the many programs on the chopping block under the Romney/Ryan budget
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