an hour works out to just over $16,500 for a year of full-time work,
so Ohio has not exactly licked the problem of people working hard but
still living in poverty yhal/West’s Guardian of the Republic, which
outlines his political philosophy and his warrior code, includes many
quotes that have been described by historians as erroneous, West
quotes pHenry as saying, The Constitution is not an instrument for
the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the
people to restrain the government, a new one that has gained
popularity via the Internet, puzzling that it keeps getting used. You
can find similar things that Henry has said that are actual quotes,
If we admire these people, then I think we should represent what they
actually said. A government big enough to give you everything you
want is also big enough to take it away West wrote, Thomas Jefferson
Foundation in Charlottesville, Virginia, while that quote has
appeared on coffee cups and t shirts, it doesn’t appear in any of
Jefferson’s writings. So many fake quotations have been attributed
to the drafter of the Declaration of Independence, the foundation
felt compelled to create a Spurious Quotations list rpg/ Big banking's
little $20.8 trillion secret
Do you hate your bank? If you're like
most, chances are good that you answered yes mf/
sam simone dying vows to give away all his money
thanking tumors, texas holdem at adelson buttfest, on stephanie under
polar vortex freezing at 49f/deductable 10k to 1.5 for
5k$ less aca success story in ga, on ed snowden is a trader?/
I am a stinky low life goy-*, a rat from Queens
N.Y, vermin at large, If it crawls like a rat-going by a handle that
ends in 766. The real Heknewtoomuch is 768. Always use his name,
responding to him. He hates that cause it shows up in his google
rankings, Real name. *, a would be rabbi accused of
unspeakable acts on pets. Other user names include Wall, Tara Tara,
California, etc. Total welfare lower zion pig ygs
Obama waaaay better than the imbecile spaz inbreed G W Bush who
almost destroyed America in only 8 years, At least Obama has a brain
and does not act on the orders of his NeoCon Vice President and big
oil companies like G W Bush did- WHO has almost destroyed America?,
Work force participation lower under Obama than Bush, Median income
lower, Number on welfare and SNAP much higher, Debt $7 trillion
higher under Obama than Bush, 6 million lost health insurance under
Obama that had it under Bush NObamacrats in 2014 ybac/Jindal made
headlines by telling his fellow Republicans that they needed to stop
being the stupid party. Unfortunately, failed to offer any
constructive suggestions about how they might do that. And, in the
months that followed, proceeded to say and do a number of
things that were, shall we say, not especially smart, contrast,
Republicans are coming off an election in which they failed to retake
the presidency despite a weak economy, failed to retake the Senate
even though far more Democratic than Republican seats were at risk,
held the House only through a combination of gerrymandering and the
vagaries of districting. Democrats actually won the popular ballot
for the House by 1.4 million votes,s not a party that, by any
conceivable standard of legitimacy, has the right to make extreme
demands on the president-How many conservatives will go uninsured and
get ill with something this year? I can say wingnut death
panels-Their mental illness is a pre existing condition-If it
happens, they can just sign up; no penalty and they cannot be refused
yhal/Gotta love absolutely no word from Corker Warner Crapo or anyone
in Congress or White House-no details whatsoever at all about
anything that they have in their bills. All crack pipe dreams coming
from some of their menial staffers! The only momentum these stupid
bills have is negative momentum-WAG THE DOG, 911, 2 Gulf Wars,
Afghanistan, Iran, Crimea, may be more, These are MIS DIRECTIONs-911
was the jumpstart that initiated two illegal wars, Saddam threatened
not to accept dollars for oil, and Afgghanistan for the Caspian Sea
oil pipeline, the $multi trillion reserves of lithium, and the
lucrative opium crop. It had nothing to do with men in caves, Osama
Bin Laden or other such media created lies. Our troops fought not for
our freedom-They want you so poor, your guts rumble. Believe me when
your gut does the talking, you will get in line and march to the tune
of the blue helmets. You will grovel to the hands of those who
brought this on you. or else?-Stop the selling of the American!
Wind-down the GOV and replace them with the fresh new reps working
for the American interest, not their "foreign Masters", but
for multinational corporations-What are they after? bankruptcy of
America, The biggest, baddest heists of all time, Stripping out the
Rights of American-What they want is for America to succumb to their
commands, the New World Order-The deal is, we send our troops on
useless errands to get them out of the country. This not only
bankrupts us, but gets our own troops out of here so that we have to
rely on UN troops for hurricanes and floods. What they want to do to
us is crash the dollar, destroy the middle class and have foreign
troops on our soil. This hastens the NWO they think they want, Romans
did the same thing, legions raised from the Danube were sent to
Britain and the legions raised in Britain went to the Danube. This
way, when Britain rebels, they don't get their sons and fathers back
from the Danube as they are now hostages, and the Danube legions have
no trouble mercilessly subduing the rebellion in Britain-globalists
want the American Citizen Taxpayer Stockholder to be as poor as the
other peons of the world. Then we will more readily accept there UN
rule over us yfnm/dubbed a gigafactory, would be the world's largest
factory by a long shot, hiring up to 6,500 workers and creating
thousands of ancillary jobs. He compares the undertaking to auto
industry pioneer Henry Ford's early 20th century Rouge complex
wsj/with an asking price of $73.5 million, G650s are also must- have
for Gulfstream parent General Dynamics, the tank and submarine maker
squeezed by shrinking U.S. defense budgets. The jets helped boost
2013 aerospace revenue 17 percent to $8.12 billion, while combat
systems unit revenue fell 23 percent to $6.12 billion-G650 can reach
627 miles an hour at 30,000 feet (9,100 meters), about 93 percent of
the speed of sound. It seats as many as 18 people. To ease jet lag,
the cabin air pressure is kept higher than on typical airplanes-There
is no other product in the world in service that will fly 7,000
miles-nothing happening in their lives can find an opportunity to
vent anti-Obama venom. Human intelligence won't improve much among
that set until they realize that the condition for their sorry lives
have nothing to do with whatever elected politician they love or
hate. Voted for Romney myself-Here we see how this toy has become the
latest stratus symbol for the world's oligarchs. The Federal Reserve
Bank of New York announced that David Cote, Chairman and Chief
Executive Officer of Honeywell International, has been elected to
serve as a Class B director, by members of Group 2, a classification
for banks with capital and surplus of $30 million to $1 billion, to
represent the public, term ends December 31, 2016-Walmart folks fly
around in these things and they raise so much hell about pay and
benefits for their people-bb/iling the claim include city and state
pension planners, and the case highlights possible illegal practices
as far back as 2003. Building on several other scandals and billions
lost in litigation fees in recent years, we recommend BAC
shareholders take some profits before more allegations of fraud
arises. Bank of America (BAC), still reeling from a variety of
regulatory probes for alleged fraud, has been sued again, this time,
along with several other major banks, including Barclays, C, GS,
HSBC, JPM, Morgan Stanley, and others. sa/
scalia and neoturds back
hobby lobby case, bernie steps up, on stephanie/
Einhorn. He's former partner of Ackman at Gotham. He knows Bruce very
well. These guys all shorted the hell out of the housing bubble. They
are now covering their shorts with long positions to make 200x what
they made on the shorting-Koch Brothers. He was also against GSEs
like Ackman of 2008. Once he realized that Berko & Ackman have
jumped in GSEs big ways, Koch Brothers are also in now-another poster
also pointed out Koch Brothers connection with the Heritage
Foundation too, so maybe they have changed their minds or they are
playing both sides. Koch Bros and a senior's' group affiliated with
them are actively campaigning AGAINST the politicians who are
legislating to wind down yFnF/a million jars of peanut butter were
dumped at a New Mexico landfill this week to expedite the sale of a
bankrupt peanut-processing plant that was at the heart of a 2012
salmonella outbreak and nationwide recall, Costco agreed to a court
order authorizing the trustee to sell it the peanut butter. But after
getting eight loads, Costco rejected it as not merchantable, all
parties agreed there's nothing wrong with the peanut butter from a
health and safety issue, court records show Costco would not agree to
any disposition, other than destruction, instead of selling or
donating the peanut butter, with a value estimated at $2.6 million,
the estate paid about $60,000 to haul the 950,000 jars of nut butter,
about 25 tons, to the Curry County landfill in Clovis, where it will
go in with our regular waste and covered with dirt
csmonitor-aibafs/PA Requests To Join UN Agencies breaches peace talk
conditions by making unilateral bid for international
recognition-Kerry Says Too Early to Declare Talks Dead-cancels
upcoming visit to Ramallah-IDF Radio reports, additional concession:
both sides must remain in peace talks well into 2015. Criticism
against the proposed deal has mushroomed, with several slamming for capitulating to PA's demands. Former Nsa compared Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to
Yitzhak Rabin, ranking Netanyahu as even worse since he is willing to
concede, as it seems, parts of Judea and Samaria inn/Hannity
Uncovers Wild Behavior on Spring Break in Florida-Suspended IL Judge
Seeks Return to Bench After Mental Episodes-Houston Woman in Stiletto
Heel Killing of Boyfriend-Admin Cooked the Books on ObamaCare
Numbers-Cruz Shows Off New Winston Churchill Tattoo on fox &
Friends-Christie Still Considering Whether to Run in 2016 fni/Hobby
Lobby’s quietly funding a vast right wing movement secret agenda,
pumping tens of millions into a mélange of fringe causes/47k
contrary answers on cruz fb, jimmy visits a nice young lady, adelson
unhappy not one asprin between the knees of gop hopefuls, jepardy
champ ken jennings via dead brett bart harrasses faux snooze, relax
ur spinters ching chong ding dong satire makes bigot wingnutz pist,
on stephanie/ trolls refuse aca facts, 9.5m previously uninsured, bo
sez sheldon should've offered him 100m$ not to run or he could've
bought an island and named it nobama, vegas buttkiss session,
inventing buttkiss reality tv on the fly, on randi
Bans Cars, Makes Transit Free To Fight Air Pollution
Grist/Harpersville, Alabama Reopens Debtor's Prison-TheNation
Corporate Interests Behind Ukraine Coup: From Cargill to Chevron
consortium-Yet Another Trader Suicide Rocks Financial World-they
warned that the problem is likely to grow substantially worse unless
greenhouse emissions are brought under control- nyt/ Exxon has yet to
pay Alaska the $92 million owed for damages from the Exxon Valdez oil
spill- Retaliation Measures Taken at Texas Detention Facility as
Detainees Resume Hunger Strike in Tacoma- to/The Watchdog That Didn't
Bark: The Financial Crisis and the Disappearance of Investigative
Journalism texas Observer/ discrepancies between the statements of
senior CIA officials in Washington and the details revealed in the
written communications of lower level employees directly involved,
millions of records make clear that the CIA’s ability to obtain the
most valuable intelligence against al Qaeda, including tips that led
to the killing of Osama bin Laden in 2011, had little, if anything,
to do with enhanced interrogation techniques wp-aibafs/unskewobamacarecom/_/rsrc/1396294727993/home/aca_chart_140330b.png
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