33114/No. 148
in 2012 on Forbes, Liu
Han, blackmailing, threatening, beating up and slaying
business rivals and ordinary people while bribing police and
prosecutors, in 2010, an investor once shot up his car after
suffering losses in a deal. He called himself "Liu Han, the only
survivor, mining tycoon, his brother and 34 associates, was Liu brothers and their associates have been charged
with 15 crimes, including murder, assault, illegal detention,
blackmail and operating casinos, the court said. The alleged gang's
criminal activities, dating to 1993, helped them amass 40 billion
yuan ($6.5 billion) in assets with businesses in finance, energy,
real estate and mining, accused in the deaths of nine people, five of
whom were fatally shot, and police have seized hand grenades, a half
dozen submachine guns, 20 pistols and other firearms from gang
members-slaughter the chicken to teach the monkey. To the Chinese,
such a legacy will be revered to the end of time-corruption should be
stop, demeans all And insults by saying that we would sell out
honesty for a few pieces of silver ap/Well done ABQ, way to make
protesters look dumb, Kinda stupid to be protesting out in the middle
of traffic- they're letting the emergency vehicles through at least,
blocking highways like this as a protest only upsets the
establishment only because the laborers (i.e. employees, you) aren't
making the revenue they're "supposed to be making" for
their country for they day, cause it runs on taxes and your
cooperation.. This whole country would literally shut down if for a
day every single person that lives here stops working and banking.
And thats how you get their attention, thats how you change the rule
of law. disobeying their [corrupt ass] rules and routines ls/ face it,
more often than not conspiracy theorists believe in more than one
conspiracy and most of said conspiracies are about shackling the
middle and lower classes to a worse world forever... so why not just
accept the climate science that the world is going to cook and we are
all going to be worse off for it? I mean, most of you people are
pessimists anyway (in my experience at least), so why not just add
climate change certainty to the litany of gloom and doom scenarios
and conspiracies that you have less certainty about. If you are all
going to be miserable ignoramouses anyway, what would it hurt?-What
country are you from? And assuming you wipe your own ass, when you
look down at the brown stuff on the paper did you just find the face
of scientific reason that points to widespread doom and gloom?
Scientific reason has just concluded that many, many powerful people
have been lying. Do you know what a lie is? cdrsr/Paltrow Claims She
Has It Harder Than Moms With Regular Jobs-Christie Says Bridgegate
Will Not Impact Decision to Run in 2016-Royal Presidency, Nearly $16M
Spent in Flights on Obama Trips-4 Dems Arrested or Raided By FBI in
Recent Days-No Question Wimpy, Pathetic US Response to Ukraine
Encourages Putin-Did Pope Francis Press Obama on Religious
Freedom?- CancelColbert Starts Trending After Offensive Tweet-James
Rosen Surrendering America-O'Reilly: Almost Unbelievable, 53% Think
Obama Is a Strong Leader-I Don't Have a Racist Bone in My Body, Rand
Paul aca Full of Coercion & Mandates-Krauthammer: New Delay,
Cynicism Raised to the Level of Comedy-fni/It’s my job. But it’s
your future. Courage,
Rep. Alan Grayson Just because you don’t
take an interest in politics doesn’t mean that politics won’t
take an interest in you, Pericles-AZ lawmaker praises hate group
during vote to give its leader $18 million for border control-Oregon
woman beat son 4, to death because she thought he was gay-accuses Dem
of murdering grandkid to deflect cat leg breaking conviction-restroom
concerns for tomboy’s removal from private school-Issa: The biggest
tool we have is shame-mayor praises Fred Phelps satirical Onion
obituary-I’ll go to jail for right to open meetings with Christian
prayer-Atheists troll Georgia’s conservative governor-Koch Bros
leader: Extending Obamacare deadline takes health care from my
children-Stewart rips Hobby Lobby: Corporations aren’t just people,
they’re ill informed people-Offensive tweet launches CancelColbert
trend, says he’s not responsible-Conservatives outraged that film
deviates from Bible’s original English-Maddow rips unrelenting,
glowing, gauzy $1 million report clearing Christie- GOP rep,
bullied by Bill Maher, who bullied reporter won’t be threatened-Man
swept out to sea during California beach baptism-Off duty Florida
deputy shoots man after breaking up couple’s pool tryst-Probation
for du Pont heir in daughter rape, would not fare well in prison-Fox
host asks Lindsey Graham 4 times for GOP Obamacare
alternative-Students walk out on war criminal Dick Cheney University
speech-Weber feigns interest in science to mock top climate scientist
during hearing-Muslim victim sues Glenn Beck for defamation and
slander-Colorado GOP, Obama birth certificate a myth-Victory for
atheist denied parole for not attending religious substance abuse
program-Chemical industry-funded senators to hide chemical industry
funding of studies RSy/Journalist Crashes Wall Street Secret
Fraternity Party, Lives to Tell Bizarre Tale, journalist Kevin Roose,
vaguely reminiscent of Kubrick’s Eyes Wide Shut, without the whole
mass orgy part and with leotards and sequins. Founded at the
beginning of the Great Depression, Kappa Beta Phi is a secret
fraternity of fat cats, Citigroup CEO, BlackRock CEO Larry Fink, Home
Depot billionaire Ken Langone, Morgan Stanley bigwig Greg Fleming and
JPMorgan Chase Vice Chairman Jimmy Lee, billionaire investor Wilbur
Ross, who invited 21 new members, or neophytes (one of whom was hedge
fund billionaire Marc Lasry, AIG CEO Bob Benmosche, Wall Street
lawyer Marty Lipton and former Bear Stearns chief Alan Ace Greenberg.
The night consisted of speeches, chants, political theater,
alternating displays of machismo and drag and even a popular number
from The Book of Mormon, offered hush money but declined and instead
released pictures, recordings and his account of everything he saw. I
wasn’t going to be bribed off my story, but I understood their
panic. Here, after all, was a group that included many of the
executives whose firms had collectively wrecked the global economy in
2008 and 2009. And they were laughing off the entire disaster in
private, as if it were a long- forgotten lark. Or worse, sing about
it, one of the last skits of the night was a self ongratulatory
parody of ABBA’s Dancing Queen, Bailout King, that amounted to a
gigantic middle finger to Main Street critical believers/ BP spill at
tar sands refinery has crapped up Lake Michigan- Bill 4 Passes, opens
B.C. parks to industry vo/ Monica Jones will be on trial March 14 in
Arizona for "manifesting prostitution." She is one of 366
people who have been arrested or detained by police during Project
ROSE stings. But activists say that taking hundreds of sex workers to
jail as part of an anti trafficking initiative does little to help
trafficking victims or sex workers-The Anatomy of the Perfect Whistle
Blower, who exposed how the Army caved in regarding its contract with
Halliburton subsidiary KBR, is what a whistle blower should
be-Freedom Industries spilled 10,000 gallons of toxic 4
methylcyclohexane methanol and an unknown amount of a polyglycol
ether into the Elk River in West Virginia, many residents rely on
volunteer efforts for safe drinking water-Accounting for a Decade of
Global War The United Nations will be reviewing US compliance with
the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights today and
tomorrow. US arguments to the contrary, its record includes
violations that must be sanctioned Truthout/ Democracy Now!:
Transparency, FBI's monitoring of Occupy Houston in 2011. The case
centers on what the FBI knew about an alleged assassination plot
against Occupy leaders and why it failed to share this
information/Home Depot tycoon Ken Langone said that he hopes populist
sentiment is "not working, because if you go back to 1933, with
different words, this is what Hitler was saying in Germany. You don't
survive as a society if you encourage and thrive on envy or jealousy
/paltrow inspires wingnutz to consciencly uncouple, on
stephanie/rosebud soux stand against pipeline with 2 different
treaties, $600 vs 136$, family of 4 $240 vs $650 aca approaches 7m
after 2m calls over the weekend, round 2 dealing with twisted sisters
ed getting it right and more where that came from/fire bad, war good,
on fxpv
yrs ago Epidemic in the US Military, 22 per day, 1892 suicides in the
military, two yeas old, under 400 suicides all last year in the US
military and this year, almost 1900. Quite the price to pay-voluntary
fighting force sounds good but most didn't have a civilian life
BEFORE joining the military, that's why they joined in the first
place, Bring back the draft, let all Americans get some skin in the
game. Especially politicians and there silver spoon spawn-your c in
c is a p.o.s., a coward, a socialist, a ni**er, an imposter, a
mooslum, Headline News, cutting VA benefits, cutting military
pensions, seagal and Alaska love putin rbg/
OBOZOCARE, fail to make their payments. Imagine this feckless
government trying to monitor and force folks to pay their premiums,
ANYTHING, this will be no exception-not about comprehension it is
about credibility. Sorry for the fact that you cannot find even 1
credible Obamacare horror story, you posted stories about employer
provided health insurance, What a puke riot.- can't comprehend the
simplest of stories, can only parrot the DNC talking points,
Obamacare IS the horror story truecunt. Get it? Got it?? Good!
yhal/politico Taxpayers in 14 states will bankroll nearly $1 billion
this year in tuition for private schools, including hundreds of
religious schools that teach Earth is less than 10,000 years old,
Adam and Eve strolled the garden with dinosaurs, and much of modern
biology, geology and cosmology is a web of lies/
definition; spineless, gutless, welfare loving parasite, Human
Parasite Leeches who pervert everything so as to satisfy your self
interests-no basis for war on Christians, that Christians are no any
longer being given special preferential treatment above other
religions-HobbyLo bby should lose because companies are not churches
and must comform to the law Personal religious beliefs don't trump the
law of the land, this would be to make the professed doctrines of
religious belief superior to the law of the land, and in effect to
permit every citizen to become a law unto himself Scalia-nobody
really cares. siding with Vladimir, believes is one Benghazi
revelation away from impeachment, seagal loves putin might become
russian citizen Rossiskaya Gazeta- aibafs/Tristan Emmanuel, a
Canadian evangelist, quoted a couple of recent remarks by Maher, who
referred to God as “a psychotic mass murderer” for flooding the
earth to punish sinners in the biblical Book of Genesis and suggested
the Almighty was even more of a dick than famously disagreeable
actor Russell Crowe. America is hanging on by a thin thread of
longsuffering divine justice, said Maher is known for his anti
religious views, but this time he’s gone too far, Does Bill Maher
deserve a whipping for slandering God?, suggesting Maher and
outspoken atheists Richard Dawkins and the late Christopher Hitchens
had much in common with the Devil. I don’t know Maher. And I have
no reason to hate him, But I do know God. And Maher’s public
vilification of God is the most offensive and slanderous thing I have
ever heard. He may have protection under the First Amendment to say
whatever slanderous thing that comes out of his toilet bowl brain,
but that does not mean Christians should turn the other cheek, the
reasons were clear: slander the ultimate authority of a nation, God,
and you ridicule the very foundation of its laws, values, public
institutions and leadership, I also think Obama is immoral, perhaps
even a lunatic? rsy/lately the Christian population and been much
more violent and just down right ridiculous- Praying for harm to come
to others and also the damnation of souls, I even had one threaten to
murder me the other day, My question is this, What the hell is wrong
with these people?-gigantic rat that invaded the home-Can we blame it
on global warming, just for the fun of it? That rat is justification
for having an AR15 in the house-forwardprogressives, Bachmann,
Complete Fool Attempting to Attack President Obama-hard for me to
take Republicans seriously anymore. Especially when it comes to their
seemingly endless attacks on President Obama. I can say with almost
absolute certainty that we’ll never see another president bashed as
often, and as aggressively-the definition of mental illness, they
love and vote for them. The kochs will out more into these nuts and
try to make them look less crazy..No matter what the right does. the
wealthy convince so many it is right-She is going to look good in an
orange jump suit her-and Palin are good chums. They're equally
stupid-the difference is that Palin is *just* stupid. Batshit
Bachmann is both stupid and dangerously insane-fb/advertising private
unemployment insurance, on wabc/
OF THE PRESS The First Amendment prevents such abuses here (so far),
but its protections will surely disappear if we, the people, allow
freedom of speech and its identical twin, freedom of the press, to
wither when a cornered bureaucrat waves the flag of national
security, Readers and viewers don’t often confuse Fox News with the
New York Times. James Risen, a reporter for the New York Times,
delivered that charge at the Sources and Secrets conference in
Manhattan where President Obama was declared to be the greatest enemy
of press freedom. Each offers a unique perspective on world events,
and it’s a rare day when the conservative cable network joins the
liberal broadsheet in a common perspective happened last
week-Petition: Mr. President: Weakness Is Dangerous-REPUBLICAN
EFFORTS IN CHICAGO, new efforts attempted in Chicago to stop the dead
from voting! hoaxslayer-Grandma was a loyal Republican until the day
she died, Ever since, she's voted democrat-pro-life crowd doesn't
really give a damn about assault rifles or vice versa but each group
thinks they are the back bone of the party. There is no back bone
though. Just postit notes on a refrigerator and talking points on
Faux Nooooz. Hippopaloram and Loppopahiram both laugh at the excited
suckers who wear the funny costumes and rant. The OWS is a rabbel
without a cause and the Tea Baggers are a gaggle of causes without a
party-aibafs/Fascists are anti immigration, ANTIGAY, antiGOV, ProWar,
ProNation over welfare of the-You think fascists are antigovernment?
What kind of fascists are those? Social democrats are nuts-Actually u
libertarian boobs =unwitting pawns of 1%, #Fascism = gov't controlled
by big biz- Homeless Woman’s Children Taken Away After She Left Them
In Car During Job Interview-These gypsies sound a lot like
rednecks-flyafuckingkite-Mississippi: Rennie Gibbs Faces Life in
Prison for Stillborn Birth-destroying your kid's life 140 characters
at a time-tw/any credible horror stories prior-till no credible
obamacare horror stories-No shyt, that whole strawman was a joke-A
normal, well adjusted male would beat the snot out of you if you
called him gay. Not George Effin Bush-Not just a compliment, the
ultimate compliment. It's because I understand my opponent. This is
the first rule of war, you know-u prove u don't understand sht,
THAT'S SO FUNNY!-Connecticut Becomes First State To Pass $10.10
Minimum Wage-a high rent state, they need the money NOW. What's this
2017 bullschip-* underwent open heart surgery, Nevada’s exchange
UnitedHealthCare claims they have no record of him and will not cover
his surgery. Xerox, a contractor for the Nevada exchange, says Basich
signed up with a different insurer, The UnitedHealthCare plan he
signed up for on Nevada’s exchange claims they have no record of
him and will not cover his surgery. Xerox, a contractor for the
Nevada exchange, says Basich signed up with a different insurer.
Right now Baisch is liable for $407,000 in costs for his
treatment-received a letter from their Florida insurance company
saying their plan would be cancelled in 2014 because of Obamacare,
fighting cancer and her physicians could not assure her that they
will take her new plan-physicians who were treating her for breast
cancer were no longer part of her network. A January 3 biopsy and
subsequent surgery were delayed as a result-shltcan insists that We
have a MUCH HIGHER percentage of Blacks than America does, 2.9% are
of Carib African decent, another 10.6% are of North African (Somali,
Algerian, etc), Latino Central South American, and other Black races,
African Americans are approx 13% of the population in the USA, So do
the MATH little guy- Correction There's MILLIONS of North African and
Latino blacks here as well Skippy- GOP Wonder Why They NEVER Get the
Women's Vote Anymore! LMAO!-Army Tank driver Dukakis would stand by
and let his wife be raped-You must be a double digit-LMIFBO!!
about calling the other side PROGFAGS, No, of course not, Are
you?-Hooray Goooooooooo, Barack! I'm gay!-ready, pukes? Now, picture
a rotund gay man in panties and a bra holding a set of Pom poms. Are
CONTROLLED?-Just delay the stupid thing indefinetly. Not even 20% of
the uninsured have signed up. 30 Million of those it's designed to
help would rather pay the fine- PROGFAGS BELIEVE IN RULE BY EMOTION,
NOT REASON, Picturing junior and phyl et al crying, tears rolling
onto their flannel jammies as they read about the poor bastids
without healthcare, Fact is, the CBO already advises that o'care will
NOT substantially reduce the number of ER visits, making the whole
FUBAR-And the GOP Wonder Why They NEVER Get the Women's Vote Anymore!
LMAO!-Richard black is supporting demorats on that issue-Who Is
Responsible For Slavery, Racism & Injustice?, The Intellectuals
Or The Enablers? 8th On The List!-Connecticut Becomes First State To
Pass $10.10 Minimum Wage, Both chambers of the Connecticut
legislature on Wednesday evening passed a bill to raise the state's
minimum wage to $10.10 per hour by 2017, according to the Hartford
Courant, also working their way through state legislatures in
Maryland, Massachusetts and Hawaii-We're not going to pass a clean
debt limit increase, Boehner-teaparty_umpy_repubs nitwits, all are a
plague on this country!-Right Wing Americans So Pathetic and Insecure
They Need to Be Heavily Armed All the Time-yhal/JPM caused the
meltdown of Lehman Brothers by seizing 8.6 billion in "transfers
uscourts-to raking
in billions per month now. Better Churn Out A Dozen More Kill
Bills-These bozos in Congress don't have anything better to do, they
legally buy and sell stocks on insider information. Remember we voted
these suckers in, both the DemoCraps and RepuliCunts-Billions in
Fines, but No Jail Time for Bank of America-Fox guarding the
Henhouse-not just BOA. All the TBTF who f'ked FnF that DOJ allowed to
settle for fines and no jail. And then there is the BIGGEST criminal
of them all, Jamie Dimon.-Forbes article titled Feds Investigate GM
For Bankruptcy Fraud, Ignore Own Behavior On Fannie And
Freddie-Excellent! This will eventually become too hot to handle for
uncle sam. I am buying more! i'm going to switch too if they don't
get a decent streaming system, like the old streamr suite, trade
architect is too unreliable, and the thinkorswim is too complicated,
too many separate windows or too cluttered if you put everthing on
one screen....TDAmeritrade SUCKS-Wind down is NOT a 4 letter word, I
don't want to be bought out or compensated after a reverse stock
split I want the company that makes billions to make me millions so
you can take your wind down walking-Why don't they {Justicce Dept,
Govt] investigate the criminals who orchestrated te hiest of the
Century?- Conflict of interest- no payoff for FNMA investors-No wonder
they are churning out a new bill each day to scare off investors-rule
the 2012 sweep illegal, which would logically lead to the
recalculation of the $$ still owed to Treasury - $30B-$36B as of now.
The court would rule that taxpayers are entitled to the 10% dividends
under extremely risky circumstance, yet shareholders are also
entitled for clarify of their rights. Finally, the court would yield
the future of GSE reforms to Congress but in the interim, FnF must be
restored to normal business functions until Congress can pass a bill
to change their charter-Ground Control to Major Tom-That was some
serious Fannie Slappage! Dominator? fnmy-c michigan spill bp crude
oil lake refinery oil-In all honesty, it wasn't just local news
covering it. I live in Seattle and I heard about at least one of the
spills in the Houston area a couple times on my local NPR
station-Paul experiences first speed bumps, is getting a taste of the
hard knocks politics that can accompany an early front runner tw/military
pimp busted, on dppv/
ape foreign policy-Rand Paul: Obama Should Tell Pope Francis He Won't
Spy on Him Anymore-Identical Legs Seen on Photos of Flight 370
Passengers With Stolen Passports-Minnesota Couple Who Lived on Yacht
Accused of Welfare Fraud-Dozens Injured in Train Derailment Under
Chicago's O'Hare Airport-Krauthammer: Single Payer System Would've
Been Better Than aca- People Have a Right to Certain Weapons,
School Workbook Rewrites 2nd Amendment-The World's Always Been Messy,
U.S. Response to Putin-NYT Obama Greatest Enemy of Press
Freedom-contraception rule forces Hobby Lobby to cover euthanasia
fni/Louisiana senators vote to keep unconstitutional creationism law
on the books-Stewart roasts Fox and CNN’s nonsensical news loop-I
wanna get this white trash on tape Glass user releases video from bar
attack-Neil deGrasse Tyson introduces fans to stoned version of
himself tells Laurence Fishburne about the science flub in The
Matrix, Creationists,Evolution isn’t scientific, but the Book of
Genesis is-Texas Buddhist claims he was fired for refusing to print
Bible quotes in company newsletter-Rumsfeld: U.S. diplomacy would be
better if Obama was a trained ape-couple with yacht and $3 million in
the bank got more than $167,000 in welfare benefits-New Mexico Helmet
camera captures police shoot homeless man-Robertson: Atheist women
were likely raped, and that’s why they reject Jesus-rst/Can
millennials be convinced to care about job creators? RNC’s
embarrassing, cool young Republican! Maybe this guy in a leather
jacket and glasses can do it tw/
don't hate people because of their race. We are a Christian
organization, Frank Ancona, the imperial wizard of the Traditional
American Knights of the KKK, asserting that he is seeking to set the
record straight, distancing himself from the Klan's violent history
NBC-they can't write anything about GOP success in the arena of
actual policy because they're all proven failure, all they can do is
name call others. Small minded reading for small minded folks
dk- Conservative Book Club Where ya get 3 books by O'Reilly, Coulter,
Hannity, etc, for $1 each, and then you have to pay wholesale prices
for a few more books. rbg/1700 nukes with nowhere to go, on ed/
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