said Iran's atomic drive "will be stopped-Poland's Catholic
Church has declared war on "gender theory", saying it
undermines the traditional family afp/pundits say Mr. Obama has
brought needed perspective to the legalization debate by in essence
playing down pot-Republicans need to be clear: Marijuana use doesn’t
lead to anything helpful or productive. The president won’t say so,
but Republican leaders should-individual liberty would be increased
and societal costs decreased if the US dialed back federal opposition
to marijuana-at least be talking about reducing the penalties,
danger, and illegality for a drug that society decided a long time
ago it likes csm/Omaha feed plant explosion, At least 10 people have
been hospitalized and others could be trapped-Ukrainian protesters
hurl Molotov cocktails and stones at police-These people are fighting
because their government took a HUGE 15 BILLION $$ bribe to forsake
the EU and continue to be a puppet of Russia. If people in the US
cared half as much about their government's policies as these people
do, our senators would be out of office yn/Now, the flip side of it
is there are some black folks and maybe some white folks who really
like me and give me the benefit of the doubt precisely because I’m
a black president-Michelle says Jane Fonda is one of her role models,
and that she admires her political savviness fb/you can take a
silverback out of the jungle, put her in da White Hut, but still
cannot give her one ounce of class...sad really, Barack got to
deliver late night monologue jokes, but first lady Michelle Obama was
the one who got to take part in the Heat's favorite pastime:
videobombing yhal/
ant works hard In the withering heat and the rain all summer long,
building his house And laying up supplies for the winter.The
grasshopper thinks the ant Is a fool and laughs and dances and plays
the summer away. Come winter, the shivering grasshopper Calls a press
conference and demands to know why the ant should be Allowed to be
warm and well fed while he is cold and starving.. CBS, NBC, PBS, CNN,
And ABC show up to Provide pictures of the shivering grasshopper Next
to a video of the ant In his comfortable home with a table filled
with food. America is stunned by the sharp contrast. How can this be,
that in a country of such wealth, this poor grasshopper Is allowed to
suffer so? Kermit the Frog appears On Oprah With the grasshopper And
everybody cries when they sing, 'It's Not EasyBeing Green, Occupy the
Anthill stages A demonstration in front of the ant's House where the
news stations film the SEIU group singing, We shall overcome.Then Rev
Al Sharpton's assistant Has the group kneel down to pray for the
grasshopper While he damns the ants. The Reverend Al can not attend
as he has contractual commitments to appear on his MSNBC show for
which he is paid over two million dollars a year to complain that
rich people do not care. President Obama condemns the ant And blames Bush 43, Bush 41, Reagan, Christopher
Columbus, and the Pope For the grasshopper's Plight, Nancy Pelosi &
Harry Reid Exclaim in an interview on The View That the ant has
Gotten rich off the back of the Grasshopper, And both call for an
immediate tax hike on the ant to make him pay his fair share.Finally,
the EEOC drafts The Economic Equity& Anti Grasshopper Act
Retroactive to the beginning of The summer. The ant is fined for
failing to hire a proportionate number Of green bugs and, Having
nothing left to pay his retroactive taxes, his home is confiscated by
the Government Green Czar And given to the grasshopper. The story
ends as we see the grasshopper And his free-loading friends finishing
up the last bits of the ant's food while the government house he is
in, which, as you recall, just happens to be the ant's old house,
Crumbles around them because the grasshopper doesn't maintain it. The
ant has disappeared in the snow, never to be seen again-So the moral
of the story is to eliminate Social Security, which also covered the
ant at a far higher rate than the grasshopper who worked less? Please
make your goals clear so people can realize that the indolent wealthy
are the grasshoppers of this world- So when the wealth grasshoppers
work the ants to death and deprive them of their social safety net
when times are tough and the ants die off without adequate health
care, then eventually the wealthy grasshoppers suffer too because
they didn't take care of the ants like a good liberal-sterling logic
and patience and detailed explanations were being wasted on a roomful
of allegedly bright individuals who couldn't independently or
collectively formulate a viable plan for renting comfort girls on a
troop ship (a surprisingly frequent occurance) I'd abandon diplomacy
and the scientific method and simply berate them. ROTFLMAO I mean, at
that point, why not? What's the risk? That they might not like me?
ROTFLMAO or refuse to take my advice? Or deny me the joy of working
with or for idiots like themselves? Keep in mind that these were
people I KNEW and had to deal with on a daily, face to face basis,
not some amorphous horde of anonymous cyber pissants. In fact, quite
of few of them were my BOSSES. As you might suspect, my no nonsense
approach to problem identification and resolution, not to mention
reluctant adopters, occasionally got me fired, but never for being
wrong. The only times I ever got canned were for being right once too
often, and or for rubbing it in again. Which reminds me: how many
times did you and your like minded pals predict the outcome of the
last President election INCORRECTLY? Answer: every time! Meanwhile, I
was consistently, repeatedly, and correctly predicting not only the
eventual winner and his popular vote margin within 1 percent, but
also the exact Electoral College within 1 state (Florida).
Nevertheless, a certain vehement subset of wingnut ignoramuses
insisted on calling me an idiot. ROTFLMAO News Flash: if I'm an
idiot, then every one of THEM is an idiot's delight ybac/Palin writes
a few words on her hand and the Dims go ballistic for a week,
extensive media coverate. Barry and Hillary's negligence causes the
death, then they are caught in a cover up, lying to protect
themselves. Dims silence, no media coverage at all. Too busy
squalling about "Traffic Cone Gate yhal/progressivepopulist
Joshua Black, a Republican candidate for Florida House District 68,
sent out a tweet on Martin Luther King day calling for Obama to be hung for “war crimes, past impeachment, on Twitter.
“It’s time to arrest and hang him high-a book that documents that
they purposefully let him go at Tora Bora to maintain the war. w
wanted war. Nothing else mattered but profiteering and to show daddy
he was a big boy-fb/
We Know: JPMorgan Chase Is Worse Than Enron/Pro Walker ads telling
Wisconsin voters about "the Wisconsin Way" were in fact
funded by an out of state Koch backed group/things are getting worse
by the second. Even those of us on the other side of the world may
soon get our own taste of Fukushima’s nuclear fallout/Dollars &
Sense: Seventeen trillion dollars certainly sounds like a big, scary
number, especially when national debt clocks tell us that this
translates into more than $53,000 for every person in the United
States/Never be proud to have won AN OPPONENT. Conquered TODAY THAT
WILL DEFEAT YOU TOMORROW.'s Only victory that endures AND THAT
Anniversary: 12 Years of a Continuing War Crime rnn/Where Does the
GOP Go When It Has Stripped the Poor of All Benefits?
Plunderbund-Toll of US Sailors Devastated by Fukushima Radiation
Continues to Climb OpEdNews/Krugman & Co.: The GOP went all in
for expansionary austerity and looming hyperinflation and has shown
no hint of learning from actual events/US House Passed Bill Ravaging
Toxic-Waste Law on the Same Day as the West Virginia Chemical Spill
RT/Elizabeth Warren's New Bill Could Save Taxpayers Billions mj/NSA
Surveillance Has Not Stopped Terrorismwp/Wall Street Predicts Banks
Will Have to Cough Up $50 Billion for Their Role in the 2008 US
Mortgage Crisisnyt/Chomsky: The Trans Pacific Partnership Is a
Neoliberal Assault to Further Corporate Domination hp/Reefer Sanity
Takes Hold in ColoradoFounder of WV Chemical Spill Company Is a Twice
Convicted Felon BuzzFlash/ Truthout: The world is returning to the
predatory laissez faire capitalism that immiserated millions in the
early 20th century and is predicated on neoliberal "voodoo
economics" void of empirical reference/Oh, look, mama, the wing
ding bung ravaged apes are throwing turd wads at us again. Lucky for
us, their aim is as bad as their stench right wing morons, white
trash roaches have been so emasculated by defeats dealt to them by
their intellectual superior DEMOCRATS, they are unable to do anything
more than further lower themselves by continuing to vomit up a never
ending putrid flow of vile and illiterate twaddle. Their empty headed
spewing of low life diatribe is, as always, absolutely ludicrous. It
makes for laughable spectator entertainment ybac/NOBODY WORKS IN
ISRAEL, They just play the U.S. Stock Market ,and decide what wars
the USA should be in GS headquartered in Israel decides when to go
long or short as Federal Reserve funds are at the call at all times,
A sweet racket I would say-EU will offer Israel upgraded trade and
diplomatic relations in more than 60 areas at a high level meeting in
Brussels on Tuesday, just weeks after European foreign ministers
warned that Israeli policies in the West Bank “threaten to make a
two state solution impossible, that despite private complaints of the
inconsistency of chastising Israel with one hand while rewarding it
with the other, not one minister was prepared to oppose Tuesday’s
agreement, struck by the fact that a whole range of relations was
offered to Israel, at the request of Israel, as if nothing is
happening on the ground, the diplomat said. “Most ministers are
too afraid to speak out in case they are singled out as being too
critical towards Israel, because, in the end, relations with Israel
are on the one hand relations with the Jewish community at large and
on the other hand with Washington, nobody wants to have fuss with
Washington. So [ministers] are fine with making political statements
but they refrain from taking concrete action, serves my contention
that the Israel lobby is central to the dysfunction-They are
racketeers from birth-AIPAC THREATS-Amazingly, the following sign
appears outside one of the main resort hotels in Koh Phi Phi Island
ACEPT THEIR BEHAVIOURygs/Even The Messiah Of Racist White Trash Had
Capital Gains Taxed As Income! Raygun Was Not As Evil As
"w"-Apocalypse Coming 85 People Own As Much As The Poorest
3,500,000,000! RAYGUNOMICS!-yhal/ nEWSFLASH: GOP in summation: A bunch
of guys that look like Karl Rove getting laid by a bunch of women
that think like Sarah Palin dumfux-Horses cannot vomit-An executioner
in the 1500's left a diary detailing all 361 executions he performed
in his lifetime tw/ 1964, Democrats filibustered the Civil Rights Act
1964, Everett Dirksen (R IL), the Republican Leader in the U.S.
Senate, condemned the Democrats’ 57 day filibuster against the 1964
Civil Rights Act. Leading the Democrats in their opposition to civil
rights for African Americans was Senator Robert Byrd (D WV). Byrd,
who got into politics as a recruiter for the Ku Klux Klan, spoke
against the bill for fourteen straight hours. Democrats still call
Robert Byrd “the conscience of the Senate.” In his speech,
Senator Dirksen called on the Democrats to end their filibuster and
accept racial equality. Grand Old Partisan reported, via
DANEgerus-Lincoln Republicans forced extremist Democrats beyond the
legacies of the Confederacy, slavery and the KKK and into the 20th
century where now, in the 21st century, TeaBagging Republicans have
reclaimed bigotry, wage slavery and KKK stand your ground night
riding as their own!- rbg/perhaps, the debt clock has been wound
tight by many things, one of the most prominent is the Pentagon black
hole of expenditures that have added greatly to that debt clocks
fascination. I suggest that if the nation smokes more pot the
AMERICAN PEOPLE will incur fewer debts from war. So, perhaps one
might say what you suggest-n the first year alone. Creating an
additional $100 $500 million in tourism dollar windfalls for CO.
Plus pot sales that are expected to bring in and additional $60
million alone in tax revenues for the state. "It’s all going
to be part of an aggregate effect that’s already drawing in
millions of people to the state, Economic development, pot generated
economic uptrend, common sense, Drug cartels will not be pleased.
"Legal weed is already contributing to the market for rental
cars, hotel rooms, shopping, meals, and entertainment though just how
much is anyone’s guess. Legalization and the selling of pot openly,
legally, is kind of a major moment in this country's history. As fo r
MILLIONS living in states outside of CO and WA...they are FED UP with
the nation's archaic and draconian drug law rbn/U.S. District
Montana's chief federal judge and an appointee of George W. Bush
Chief Judge Richard Cebull, retired last May after admitting he had
Sent 'Hundreds' of RACIST Emails About Obama, African Americans,
Latinos politicalblindspot-fb/murdock pulling ales, pulling rush,
pushing christy, on stephanie/
it's going Liberal Legalized Marijuana growers, This will be your
Honeymoon Period enjoy it. Why? You have two train wrecks
approaching. The first will be the very Liberal Nanny Entitlement
State you worship, that is gearing up to Tax and Regulate your little
pot business into the ground. The second will be the criminal world
(e.g. Mexican Cartels and countless others), who will gleefully move
in and undercut the prices you will be forced to charge your doped up
customers thanks to YOUR leadership's taxes & regulations. Oh the
irony's of this all, I simply cannot wait to see you finally
suffering the consequences of your Greedy & Selfish
religion-legal marajuana will be destroyed by liberalism
aibafs/Joplin's birthday is today. Celebrate the legendary singer by
listening to 60's classics-real shenanigans with temperature data!
New Climate Data Rigging Scandal Rocks US Government adjustments to
the “raw” thermometer measurements made by the climate scientists
“turns a 90 year cooling trend into a warming trend, plain as day
evidence not only proves the officially claimed one degree increase
in temperatures is entirely fictitious, it also discredits the
reliability of any assertion by such agencies to possess a reliable
and robust temperature record. principiascientific-g+/
have three allies in the region that are supplied with KC-135s. We
sustain the fleet by us at no cost to them. That’s Egypt, Turkey
and Israel. Israel has, I believe, seven KC-135s, and as you know,
the Israelis are always available in a matter of minutes
iapb/Marijuana Shop Owner Says Edibles Are So Popular, She's Had to
Impose Purchase Limit gma/sheriff is demanding that the U.S.
government pay an estimated $39 million to pay racial profiling
compliance costs-Supporters of a medical marijuana constitutional
amendment in Florida say they have collected enough voter signatures
to put their proposal TALLAHASSEE R/Francis has looked beyond the
usual Vatican circles for new cardinals and overhauled the governance
of the Vatican bank at the start of a year that heralds key reforms
for the Roman Catholic Church-Israeli air strikes in the Gaza Strip
overnight wounded a woman and four children, with Israel saying it
had struck in retaliation for rocket fire afp/Methodist Church has
formally charged another clergyman for presiding at the same sex
wedding of his son-2,700 calls, emails and letters flooded the Utah
governor's office in the days and weeks after a surprise ruling
legalized gay marriage-poker blogger was sentenced to a probation
program for stealing nearly $700 at a Connecticut casino by using
chopsticks to pull cash out of a hole-father of a Milwaukee-area teen
who died in 2012 after being restrained in a convenience store
unconscionable-Egypt: 98.1 percent of voters approve constitution
CAIRO Voters overwhelmingly supported- ap/Gov. Jerry Brown, the
cheapskate who also thinks big," and nowhere is this more
apparent today than in his avowed dream California bullet train? How
Jerry Brown is at war with himself csm/Lower Cost Universal
Healthcare Services, easy, Just cut out the middle-man (insurance
companies) and get tough bargaining the fees for service with Dr's
and pharmaceutical companies, DEMANDING volume discounts and lower
costs for fees for service, comparable to what those same procedures
cost in other first world nations. Allow more Dr's into the US from
other nations that want to emigrate here, Increase gov.'t funding for
expansion of medical students into US system. Come on America,
geeze, times a'wastin rbg/reds hitch wagon to cfl repeal to save coal
plants, on bp/christy was not aware of the bridge, cause he was at
the frige rmmpv/travis attack, sandyhook shooter call in, gilligans
island professor died today survived by ginger and mary ann, on
stephanie/wabc freespeech friday suddenly snowden is the talk point,
on geraldo jewalapluzia/bohner defends freedom chemical spill,
austrialia heat wave melting roads, gnbbpv/
policemen stand outside the court in the working class Imbaba
neighbourhood of Cairo on January 14, 2014 after blast hit the
building two hours before polls opened for Egyptians to vote on a new
constitution-Newscom/Truthout: What is more caustic to this society:
marijuana (which is already everywhere anyway, and that is fact) or
thousands upon thousands of people consigned to the tender mercies of
the penal system? Marijuana or thousands of people suffering and
dying in needless and preventable pain?/ Hartmann: Right Wing Media
Point to Polar Vortex to Support Climate Denial, 900 of the
wealthiest Americans won't pay any more into Social Security for the
rest of the year; moral Mondays are coming to Georgia, advanced
legislation to extend long term unemployment benefits, all but six
Republicans declined to vote for it; our cars and hamburgers are even
more toxic than we thought; Seattle has sworn in a Socialist/Krugman
prestigious economists were all too eager to turn their backs on
standard macroeconomics, even when it was working very well, because
of their political leanings. We don't seem to need different
economics as much as we need different economists/ Republican Voter
Identification Falls to New Low Point as Independent Voters Surge
Neither political party should take heart in a new Gallup poll that
indicates a surge in self identified independent voters. It still
remains unclear if this presages a serious threat to the two party
national governance monopoly-A Return to Prohibition? As David Brooks
Says, "Been There, Done That-war on the poor, Until Republicans
Stop Hating the Social Safety Net, Poverty Will Continue To Grow
BuzzFlash/ happy gun stories, absurity today, on pv/