Perry told an international panel on drug legalization at the World
Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland that “I have begun to
implement policies that start us toward a decriminalization,
Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal, told The New Orleans Times-Picayune
on Wednesday that he would be “open” to the idea of legalizing
marijuana for medicinal use
rbg/irish afraid of pot addition bill
feels sorry for bieber, on geraldo/uncle sugar huckabee, on
HATRED & FRUSTRATION Attacking the MESSENGER never the
message, cannot withstand daily assaults on their LIAR OF THE
YEAR, PINOCCHIOBAMA, the failed obamacare, the failed economy, the
LIES and the failed foreign policy of the princess and
hildabeast-kerry, HATE being reminded of the myriad LIES, of the
terrible unemployment stats over 5 years of his presidency, his
DOUBLING in 8 yeas the National Debt, bringing it to TWENTY TRILLION
cannot accept the humiliation-Brain dead pregnant Texas woman’s
fetus is ‘abnormal’ 22 week fetus is “distinctly abnormal,”
two days before the case heads back to court. AP Muñoz’s fetus has
suffered fluid buildup in its skull and deformed “lower
extremities-they could cart her over to Rick Perry's office. She
sounds like a potentially good assistant for the man-after the kid is
born texas will throw it in the pile of kids living in poverty turn
their backs and proudly walk away-Carter's Operation Desert Claw
Sabotaged? Precisely the people in the intelligence community
commissioned to develop some kind of rescue for the hostages were
those elements of covert action close to William Casey and hostile to
Carter, of course, later became Reagan's CIA chief. But higher up in
the chain at the time of the failed rescue mission was Donald Gregg,
a member of Carter's National Security Council who later surfaced
#$%$ high level Bush operative. Gregg's close personal ties to Bush
became a serious issue in light of his extensive dealings with key
contra figures tied both to the Iran contra scandal and illegal drug
shipments coming from Central America. Gregg is now Bush's ambassador
to South Korea-Ollie North was the one that pulled the plug on the
mission that caused the accident, Reagan & Bush Sr rewarded him
with a promotion, something was rotten in the desert of Iran-Blame
Bush's for EVERYTHING! LOL, take some responsibility for once-4500 US
troops dead, 45 thousands wounded $3 trillion wasted to hang one man,
YOU GO CREEPY, you go-Twice in American History We Have Elected
Father and Son Presidents- in both cases the son was a drooling
moron-so sad that you people are so ignorant in the field of Science,
but of course, that's what the GOP wants, ignorant voters-Until the
GOP rids itself of the Teahicks and racists who run the Party they
will NEVER win again, simple-now in the 6st year of the Lame Duck
President, most say our Country is going, the people re elected your
so called "Blockers-Republican Voters Would Like to See the
Entire Economy Collapse into Depression for Just One Reason-they hate
the America-wingers cant stand the FACT they know your post is 100%
correct-GOP autopsy recommends a new path, the fix GOPers are putting
in place is just more lipstick on the same ole ugly PIG-barry care
became a national health care scam 4 years ago and now about to be a
total failure like all-so sad that lib vermin continue to try and
destroy the middle class, America realizes that America had it's
greatest economic expansion in history under GWBush 03 07, then lib
vermin stole congress and ushered in the Pelosi Reid Depression
ignorant libturdmustdie, hussein is in bed with big oil, and Reggie
Love-Biden was more qualified in 2008 to be president than Obama was.
He'd be a pretty good president too. Since Hillary will run, Biden
won't so it is a moot point at best-yhal/According to Rep Cummings (D-MD), Darrell Issa Commits A Treasonous High Crime By
Leaking Sensitive Obamacare Documents has jeopardized the security of
the ACA website by leaking sensitive Obamacare documents to
unauthorized consultants.
politicususa/ fbi looks at christy, on ed/
Service Visits GOP Candidate Who Wants Obama Executed-Proving once
again nobody sane remains a candidate in today's GOP. FL-68 preacher
candidate Joshua Black is an al Qaeda supporter of al-Awaki &
wants President Obama hanged-Nun Roxana. 'It's a miracle virgin
birth. I flew Virgin airways once- alan/Nugent: ‘Subhuman mongrel’
Obama should get ‘just due punishment’ for treason-GOP candidate
turns Martin Luther King’s ‘I have a dream’ speech into anti
abortion rant-Oregon GOP group defends gun raffle to honor Lincoln
and MLK with inept slavery analogy-Arizona bill allows businesses to
discriminate against unmarried women, non Christians-Gohmert: I’m
no prophet but Netanyahu could be the next King David-Swiss Guard
veteran: Gay ‘secret society’ in the Vatican a security problem
for Pope Francis-Chomsky: The Tea Party is the ‘petit bourgeois’
face of corporate oligarchs-Limbaugh: Wendy Davis ‘embellished and
falsified’ her entire biography-Hannity backtracks on threat to
leave New York over Gov. Cuomo’s remarks-It’s not just ancient
Roman propaganda: Carthaginians really did sacrifice children-Current
rate of carbon emissions will double devastating El Niño weather
events-Virginia Democrat seeks to outlaw discredited ‘gay cure’
therapy for minors- N.J. lawmaker schools former RNC chair for
dismissing Dawn Zimmer as ‘lady mayor-How a 3D printer gave a
teenage bomb victim a new arm, and a reason to live-Obama suggests
racism animates some critics, animated conservative critics freak
out- 85 ‘global elites’ as wealthy as half of the world’s
population- Haribo stops making liquorice candy shaped like African
masks after racism complaint-Increasing pharmaceutical research
demand creates cadaver shortage-Stewart: The U.S. needs a miracle to
beat Russia in the ‘Homophobic Olympics- Velveeta shortage could be
buzzkill for Broncos-Seahawks Toke Bowl-Chicago GOP hopeful: Autism
and dementia are God’s punishments for LGBT rights-Alaska GOP
Senate candidate sings in tongues in a sauna to ‘save’
woman-Prosecutors won’t charge Ohio trooper who masturbated with
boy to teach him about sex-Beck: Bill Nye’s creationism denial is
like the Catholic Church jailing Galileo-GOP Force women to have
babies because abortion ‘robs men’ of fatherhood rights-Physicist
says he’s solved the big mystery, how life came from matter, and he
may be right-Arizona autistic girl arrested for strangling
man 43 during ‘consensual sex act-Rachel Maddow to Chris
Christie’s administration: You want a piece of me?-Pastor tells Fox
News: Obama’s getting us ready to embrace the anti Christ-North
Carolina school rewards Black student with a confederate hat-Colorado
GOP rep. tells Fox News: ‘Matter of time’ before legal pot turns
violent-GOP Florida House candidate on Obama: ‘It’s time to
arrest and hang him high-Nancy Grace on proposal to bring back firing
squads: There’s no pretty way to die-Stray bullet kills relative 5,
of Omaha councilman while she eats breakfast-Rape victim awarded
$150,000 after police and youth program forced her to say she
lied-Memphis teacher allegedly locked 5-year-old in closet as
punishment, then went home sick-Birch Society activist: Nullify
Obamacare and rely on churches for health care-GOP candidate wants
‘gun in every gun safe, touts his ‘really big’ balls-New
Hampshire governor promises to kill ‘historic’ marijuana
legalization bill-Republican channels the ‘thoughts of God himself’
on the House floor to attack abortion-Right Wing Swarms Film Critic
For Calling Their Jingoism Jingoism-Iranian press: Snowden docs prove
aliens who built Nazi subs also control U.S. foreign policy-Catholic
publisher fights ‘militant atheism’ with book blaming disbelief
on bad fathers-John Boehner on West Virginia chemical spill: Let’s
not rush to over regulate-Kelly advises McConnell: Stop fighting
Obama in court and ‘try to impeach him!-Radio hosts: Duck Dynasty’s
Phil Robertson proved ‘homofascist bullies’ are like
‘terrorists’-rsy/More Crude Oil Spilled in 2013 Than Previous
Four Decades Combined thecontributor- More crude oil spilled from
train accidents in 2013 alone than in the previous four decades
combined—an alarming number reported by McClatchy News on Monday
that points towards a drastic shift in the highly toxic, yet growing,
crude oil business to rail transport fb/
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