400 Are as Rich as All US African-Americans, and MoreThe richest 400
people in our nation have as much wealth as the entire African
American population in the United States/Hartmann, 50 years ago, the
government declared that everyone had the right to voteSocialist"
government of French President François Hollande continues France's
time honored tradition of disagreeing with US foreign policy, with a
new twist: "Socialist" France is to the right of De Gaulle,
and, Obama-federal waiver in hand, Maryland is going to implement a
test program that will incentivize preventive medical care while
reducing costs-Sanders proposes restoring money in the budget for
military pensions by using war funding and giving us a true cost of
war at the same time- Truthout/Intifada: Three Palestinian children
were allegedly burned with lit cigarettes and denied access to food,
water or toilet facilities after being arrested and detained by
Israeli soldiers and polic/Krugman If progress against poverty has
been disappointing over the past half century, the reason is not the
decline of the family, but the rise of extreme inequality-an alarming
amount of optimism, Why? Because of the Three Stooges effect/ Antiwar
Activists Robbed the FBI, Got Away With It, and Exposed Massive
Covert Surveillance, Knopf:Criminal behavour in the extreme resulting
in government policy that pushed fuel costs skywards pushing
thousands into fuel poverty. This act caused hardship to those low
payed who live on the edge of poverty first and caused many to loose
their homes. These ''scientists should be called to account for this
criminality. They should be tried and then promptly shot. That will
put an end to "fudging figures-It's funny listening to all of
you suggest thousands of scientist are intentionally misleading
people and how they should all be punished, all the while most of you
go and tell you children that some imaginary character watches them
at all times of the day and will burn them for eternity if they don't
do as they are told. The lack of intelligence is astounding from the
right-leave out the babble?/Man Dies After Waiting 8 Hours in NYC
Hospital ER-Taylor Swift's Reaction to Losing-Mitt Slow Jams the News
With Jimmy Fallon-Man Used Photos of Fallen Soldier for Facebook
Dating Scam-Kansas Judge Says Sperm Donor Must Pay Child
Support-Cruise: Trip Cut Short as 600 Passengers, Crew Get
Sick-huckabee Hits Back at Dem Critics on 'The Kelly File- fni/ Texas
GOP candidates agree: Teach creationism and ‘always err on the side
of life-Seattle’s socialist city council member vows to keep just
34 percent of her salary-Indiana police believed woman’s tale of
supernatural haunting that ended in exorcism-Bachmann and Sanders
clash over income inequality-Olbermann slams Sochi mayor ahead of
‘most tear stained’ Olympics-Ingraham: ‘Wall off Detroit’ to
keep the immigrants in-Stewart to Sean Hannity: ‘It’s not East
Germany, you can get out’ of NY ‘any time-Erickson defends
‘Abortion Barbie’ slur of Wendy Davis with vile rant rsy/44
wasn't "a multi millionaire" until millions bought his book
in 2008 and elected him President TWICE for $400,000 per year for
life. That really pisses you off-On Average, One School Shooting
Every Other Day This Year-Our very prepared "well regulated
militia" US Milt, NG & Police drones don't fear your veiled
& often repeated threats: "As for the tax on
bullets-Right Wing Obamacare Talking Point Bites The Dust-Good news
for American employers providing jobs and workers with Affordable
Health Care in 2014, is bad news for the GOP and Cruz who still can't
find anyone injured-Cokehead Congressman Trey Radel Quits-GOP
crackPAC now blame their deeep voices on huffing steroids-Radel
involved with GWB Cheney Norton's Interior Dept MMS oil leasing
bribery scandals, 'Dude, Boehner's GOP wants their stash back now! Or
I am toast-West laments his GOP loss in his own specially
gerrymandered district, The Left Tries To Win Women's Vote By Talking
From The Waist Down-delusions deny conviction or indictment. Waaaaa
nobody likes W/O's record low approval GOPtp anymore.
on Sunday prayed for the start of a “constructive dialogue” in
Ukraine, releasing two white doves to symbolize the hope for peace.
However, immediately attacked by a crow and a seagull-Spirit Week
Intermediate School Pennsylvania! Students can expect to have a
wonderful time dressing up in zany clothes Planning ‘Duck Dynasty
Day’, Mom Terrified to Come Forward aattp-what real terrorism is,
when you have people so afraid to say what they really think for fear
of retribution from the local community, they just keep their mouth's
shut. And today I have no doubts there are large areas of the country
where this is true-Pharmaceutical CEO: Cancer Drug Is Only For
Westerners Who Can Afford It charges $69,000 for life saving
medication in India, 41 times the country's annual per capita income.
thinkprogress- mug asshole should be buried up to his neck in a fire
ant colony. Worthless bag of shit-What a nasty prick this
Pharmaceutical CEO is. Most likely he's a rotten bastard
Conservative. fb/Chicago Residents Rebel Against Koch Brothers and
Rahm Emanuel Over Petroleum Coke Hazard-85 People Own as Much as Half
of the World's Population BuzzFlash/ GOP House Candidate Says God
Created Autism, Dementia and Tornadoes To Punish Gays-to Sabotage
Obamacare With Higher Premiums-tpm/Veteran CBS host schieffer laughs
in Cruz’s face after he repeatedly denies shutting down
government-84% lie ratio doubles down on propaganda minister Goebbels
repeating "the big lie." Laughable lunatic Ted Cruz' 4%
Truth Ratio is the lowest ever-Carlson: Young people people can’t
decide what to eat, so don’t let them vote-McConnell’s slogan to
win non GOP voters, the party of the private sector-pooch
is susceptible to a contagious cancer from an 11,000 yr old
dog-Painting Wendy Davis as a bad mother is political sexism at its
worst-Canadian pipeline explosion deprives 4,000 of heat and power in
subzero weather-Uncle Sugar: Huckabee was for mandatory contraception
coverage before he was against it-DNA test of 7,000 yr old tooth
overturns popular image of light-skinned European hunter
gatherers-Rand Paul worries women ‘won’ the war and are
‘conquering’ men, taking their jobs rsy/Superintendent To
Buddhist Family: Change Religions Or Find School 'Where There Are
More Asians-equally speechless, and the superintendant too! Not just
the teacher. Wow. Texas is so grateful for Louisiana and Mississippi
to keep us off the bottom-his mental midget disease seems all too
present in what's called the bibbble belt or is it bubble-taught that
both the Big Bang theory and evolution are false" That is
first-degree child abuse-These are the imbeciles the state of
Louisiana is hiring to shape young minds-WV gun slave wipes out
property owner and brother because he thought they were "trespassing"
on their own property. Proving once again why "Stand Your Ground
bo smoking pot in the wh? on geraldo/
quiet adopt israel, Israelis have socialized medicine that costs 1/2
of what America spends and they provide abortions, Did Glen Beck
mention any of that when he reported from his visit there? free in
many cases buzzfeed-aibafs/Arizona GOP passed a resolution to
censure McCain, the one time presidential nominee for what they
characterize as a liberal record that has been 'disastrous and
harmful' to the state and nationCensures McCain for Being Too Liberal
STD Superbug May be Deadlier Than AIDS; Kills in a Matter of Days
Perry told an international panel on drug legalization, I have begun
to implement policies that start us toward a decriminalization, Bobby
Jindal, told The New Orleans Times Picayune he would be “open” to
the idea of legalizing marijuana for medicinal use fb/Hatriot, Using
patriotism as a front to be racist, Anyone who loudly and publicly
exhibits hatred against a person or race or nation or religion and
believes that they are serving the national interest, who wants to
persecute all Muslims loudly and publicly, and even violently,
because they believe all Muslims are terrorists and think hatred is
valid social behavior, is a hatriot, not a patriot, hatriotism is
patriotism gone bad aibafs/AZ Sheriff Arpaio punishes ‘unpatriotic’
inmates after ethnic targeting costs county millions-GOP candidate
defends call to hang Obama by comparing him to George Zimmerman-Grand
jury declines to indict North Carolina cop who shot and killed black
car crash victim-Houston cops cuff and detain man for an hour for
giving change to homeless person-Alabama pastor charged in wife’s
stabbing was fleeing US to marry his boyfriend-Obama gives a nod to
atheists and agnostics in ‘Religious Freedom Day’
proclamation-‘Duck Dynasty’ ratings down 28 percent after Phil’s
homophobic, racist rant-Denver woman claims TSA agents sexually
assaulted her during patdown-Governments warned: Robots may take half
our jobs in 20 years, so prepare for revolution-Family suing state
after Ohio inmate’s execution with new drug mix-Maddow: Chris
Christie may have just given up on the presidency-Colbert: ‘Naughty’
Wall Street wants to be ‘spanked’ by ‘Invisible Hand’ of the
market-Stewart flushes Louie Gohmert’s ‘plumbing lessons’
argument against marriage equality-Hasselbeck: Are male-wussifying
feminists a national security problem?-Sanders rips Walmart: Why
should taxpayers subsidize ‘starvation wages-Texas schools blame
world wars on evolution and lack of religion-Maddow befuddled that
GOP continues to ‘shoot themselves in the foot’ on abortion-Feds
indict Klansman trying to build an anti Muslim X ray cannon-Fracking
dangers made up by private property-snatching socialists-Earthquake
rattled Texas town begs state to shut down fracking wells-Hannity: I
can drink two beers and not feel anything, so pot is more
dangerous-deGrasse Tyson: Republicans doomed to poverty because
they’re ‘born into’ ignorance-Boehner: ‘I have to be the
Gestapo’ because nothing is ‘conservative enough’ for Tea
Party-Atheist lawmaker targets Nebraska churches’ property tax
exemption rst/Is This the Legacy You Want?! Pastor Takes on Obama's
Defense of Pot-Five' Co Host Greg Gutfeld Compares Justin Bieber to
President Obama fni/irish afraid of pot addition bill feels sorry for
bieber, on geraldo/uncle sugar huckabee, on stephanie