against the impostures of pretended patriotism, George
Washington-PRyan Clarence Thomas is a bean bag. Just flops down, says
nada, asks no nothing does whatever Robert says-PaulRyan may have
pulled up TheLadder Of Opportunity, but ClarenceThomas made it
disappear- BrantleyI say it was the hard work of doctors,
researchers, and pilots that saved his life says God saves only
whites only ebola The Koch Bros plan $$$ to beat Harry Reid-FBI: ISIS
Using Online Tactics To Radicalize, Recruit Americans-Mother fed
daughter tapeworms to lose weight for beauty pageant drudge-where is
the Ferguson NRA? they usually encouraging open carry to protect
against overzealous cops? Coulter blamed aca the charity dr getting
Ebola on makes me want to cunt punch someone tw/After 300+ years of
social and cultural isolation and financial deprivation the Civil
Rights Act gives the federal government the authority to enforce some
semblance of racial equality and the bigots resent it. The bigots see
no reason to consider past inequities- injustices added to the daily
injustices and harassment are endured by the blacks for the most
part-bigots are anxiously awaiting the civil unrest aibafs/lingering
racial tensions the Supreme Court has ignored- RNC: Child migrants
highly trained as warriors may rise up against us-Ham’s views are
even crazy to many Christians-New York couple who tried to enslave
Amish girls used dog to lure their victims-woman convicted of
downloading child pornography in attempt to frame husband- Cafeteria
workers feed teen pizza from trash, saying they were confused about
her diabetes-new charges against alleged creator of Silk Road
underground online drug market- Uygur blasts Hannity Why don’t you
shut the f*ck up?-stand your ground law after killing cousin over
Fast, Furious’ DVDs-school band teacher accused of forcing teen
girls into bondage sex in AL classroom-Oklahoma cop accused of
threatening to arrest women during on-duty sex assaults rsy/Sorbo
Totally Sorry For Calling Black Protesters Animals/international pot
football league-warrens computer that don't do blogs stars arrested
with pot, 20 lbs, ounces, then grams, mitt commits the country is
worse than even he could estimate, clam knife in the neck catches on
babin fits in and concerned about gnr managment fighting evil to kill
bad guys limited defencive persacurion, leadership success higher
level toleration standard lecture preaching flex mucle as a seal imus
agrees/savage defining a nation border language culture opposed to
geography and long held beliefs/ boys club naked not driving through
poop because vagina hurts, chris appeal, stem cells, male mistress
opening at stearling realm, ice bucketinventor drownds, als animal
testing, right to lifer special woman 62yr with fetus 38, w doesn't
know shiite cable connection fugalsangism, fumarsexual stephie
drawing fire willing to drink vomit for warmongers wanting war
thinking ransom, foley famly paid, will help though a drop in bucket
of expenditures, all liars should stfu mailee reliving bird flu scare
amid whorecalling clip abhoring walking on sunshine not wasting water
in a drout, lavine sounding caller standing foer shoddy police work,
called himself progressive until he looked up the definition,
wingnutz parting with baldwin, mudwrestling jackie with refs in
manties, intelligence failed rescue dropping sealed crate of cash
option media soccer tool, caller gives ebola scare in a authoritive
manner/multiple sources of income with drones, looking 4 gold stars
jennypv/curt mistaking humus with homicide kcwabc/ferguson phobia
hits nyc 18 rockets in izzy, wabc/not a time to dis izzy drawing
fire, suitcase bomb possible ales fueled superziongeraldo firing on
all cylinders radical islam coffee guys
libertarianism is: Smart people who have been sucked in by smarter
people into helping them have their way-corporate oligarch's water
boys-banker waterboys.-Obama’s an Odd Duck, But His GOP Critics
Screech Like Ravens on Meth Bird Watching: NewsBuster fb/Sorbo:
Ferguson unrest let black protesters be the animals they truly
are-Elementary teacher suspended for asking white student cops to
shoot blacks- Sheriffs across US drawing on right wing fringe ideas
to decide which laws to enforce-Mother finds school district ignored
rapes, including her daughter’s-Ohio clinic to halt surgical
abortions-Athlete accused of rape recruited to Tulsa, where he raped
at least one more woman-al judge very embarrassed charged with wife
beating-Illinois cop fired for sex assault on underage family member
after year long investigation- Obama brought back racism, made cops
too afraid to shoot blacks- Dawkins: It would be immoral not to abort
a fetus with Down syndrome- Texas Black Panthers armed march against
killer cops-Military weapons cache found in Florida man’s car after
racially charged gas station shooting-Ok Catholic bishop sues
Satanist group for stealing wafers to use in black mass-Founded in
1935 in opposition to FDR's New Deal, the evangelical group's views
on religion and politics are so singular that some other Christian
right organizations consider them heretical, has a connection to a
house in Washington, DC known as C Street, responsible for founding
the annual National Prayer Breakfast, a supposedly ecumenical, but
implicitly Christian, event attended by the president, members of
Congress and dignitaries from around the world. The group's approach
to religion, based on a sort of trickle down fundamentalism, which
holds that the wealthy and powerful, if they can get their hearts
right with God, will dispense blessings to those underneath
them-apologizes for racist Facebook posts: I was a very active
Republican at the time-Oppression of men is worse than
slavery-endured horrific abuse before mom and boyfriend beat him 8 to
death-Robertson calls for anti Obama revolution because computers
make his doctors slow rsy/FBI Has Been Raiding Charter Schools? so
called unbiased news seeking to undermine the nation’s public
school system-Morning amnesiac talking head! Joe Forgets Bush's Now
Watch This Drive- Black Open Carry Advocates Marched In Dallas, this
protest was different- Drunk Sounding Rush Limbaug shoehorned the
crisis Tries Desperately To Link Benghazi with Ferguson-Reddit Group
Run By White Supremacists, While Liberaland Is Banned-Palin barracuda
Goes 0 For 2 In Alaska As Clout Disappears Nationally-Ferguson Cop
Who Killed Mike Brown Shot More Bullets Than The Entire British
Police Force Did Last Year ll/Killing our leaders won’t weaken us,
Al Qassam Brigades promised revenge after Israel’s nighttime
killing of its commanders. “” the group e mailed iapb/Suk it,
liberal haters! hatred or religious bigots all day long, in
accordance with the bible!-We do want people to have freedom of
religion, Take your atheist intoleance elsewhere, bigot! yhal/radio
wars, textphobia, expert testamoney, justice, maylee icewater
challenge reality, nonstop bad news, cnn helps, stephie does her best
conjac rush, dirty beaver jokes, cop phobias, playing an attorney on
the internet, offering slavery as human rights compassion, the good
old days of current tv, jackie sez do it/wasting limited resources,
bernie briefs, karli helps imus/ geraldo thinks horrific remarks
cramping zion style, isil is coming 1% of 1.2b muzies scaring
karig/curt repeating lie hamas claims responsility for 3 izzy kids,
neti insisting an american policy for izzy paintbucket
accuracy-kcwabc/professional water boarder 25 calls lavin wabc/after
rescue attempt 132m$ isis ransom demand cbs
could end up in contempt, The debt saga has strained already
difficult relations, a wave of heated exchanges with Argentine
officials, Griesa did not understand the complexities of the case and
instead blamed Griesa for overstepping his bounds and blocking the
payment. not clear whether the maneuver could succeed in sidestepping
the U.S. court's rulings and what impact it might have on the
country's default status, the holdouts, she described them vultures
could participate in the new restructuring if they accepted the same
terms as other bondholders, hedge funds have repeatedly scoffed at.
Fernandez told the nation of 40 million people, Excuse me if I get a
little nervous, I usually have more poise. However, I really feel
that we are living a moment of great injustice in Argentina,
sovereign debt bill will likely enjoy smooth passage through Congress
because Fernandez's faction of the ruling Peronist movement enjoys a
strong majority in both chambers-rather than trying to make a shaky
claim using unamerican principles Argentina is doing exactly what
Wall Street did to the rest of the country and the world with its AAA
rated garbage-dow 6k?-Haven't we learned anything about human
behavior. That balance between fear and greed, when everyone is
singing the same tune, watch out. The little guys will get run
over-y/Police Hacking Technologies Raise Familiar Questions About
Civil Liberties, US police have used every available tool to conduct
surveillance. Now, with the FBI taking that fight to the internet, we
must learn from our mistakes and make sure malware policing doesn't
become the norm-Commutation Allow Grandma Hardy and Thousands of Drug
War Prisoners to Finally Go Home? a review of federal drug war
prisoners sentences for possible commutation. The US Sentencing
Commission voted unanimously to allow those prisoners to
retroactively apply for reduced sentences. But will these changes
actually allow Phyllis Hardy 71 and thousands of others to finally
come home?-standing in solidarity with Ferguson and outraged over
multiple killings of people of color by police, Los Angeles
protesters express weariness over the continuous violations of their
rights via racial profiling and fear over unaccountable violence by
officers who should protect them-Understanding the Ferguson Riots as
a Symptom of Violence-Hartmann: The Banksters Who Caused the Economy
to Crash Are Raking in Record Profits- Truthout/Bamboozling the
Public in the Name of the Troops-House Committee: No Benghazi Scandal
BuzzFlash/No One Wants You to Know How Bad Fukushima Might Still Be
Vice/least dignity resign-please explain to these apes why more
scrutiny is given to LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICIALS when they break the
law. It is akin to the extra attention preachers get when they get
caught sinning, just got moved to a different church so maybe that's
not the best example or the extra attention accounting firms get when
they are caught cooking the books, scrutiny is fine, but they are
human and we all make mistakes. I just think we're too quick to
demand resignations sometimes. There's no reason to get worked up
about it. Preachers, Accountants cooking books is not the same as
someone in law enforcement breaking a law on their own time-this is
what passes for political debate nowadays folks. sad aibafs/ tornado
in the costal Genoa, Northern Italy- Hacking Into Traffic Lights With
A Plain Old Laptop Is Scary Simple gizmodo digg/ pentagon org. photo
was taken is way after the first day of the crash! And the Firetrucks
in the photo are there most likely looking for Hot Spots Tents are
set up the whole 9. yards of a after ordeal.And I am not saying that
the whole airplane Vaporized. But Titanium is a chemical element with
the symbol Ti and atomic No. 22 low in density high strength and it's
melting point is (1.668*C) it's a plating or coating. Titanium Steel
is just Steel with a coating of Titanium on it. (Again any and all
metals can be Vaporized if you get them hot enough- documented fact,
Roosevelt intentionally put merchant marine ships on courses that
would almost promise they would be sunk by U boats, thus assuring
american outrage and allow us to go to war against the Nazi's.
Precedent has already been set-NRA dreamboat Perry has probably lost
the right to buy guns or have a concealed carry permit during the
period of his indictment. Should he get convicted, he’ll lose his
right to own guns altogether for at least five years after he gets
out of prison-McCain & Lindsey talked a prince bandar to support
the resistance in Syria, which the Saudes did, which now is looking
pretty good to be where ISIL, ISIS, The Islamic State, or whatever
it, came from. TheAtlantic-Conservatives expressed their hatred of
democracy, Suggest Armed Rebellion If They Can’t Impeach bO
LIKE w BECAME PRRESIDENt-ussc installed him as Pres. before the
election was over, We still really don't know who won Ohio, but both
elections were a national disgrace due to high level cheating and
rigging, suppress votes, lie cheat and steal in order to win, Stay
tuned and keep watching them at work stealing Democracy-911, Iraq,
war crimes, housing bubble and world recession its hard to forget's
why the GOP never brings him out.-with fraud. That's the only way a
Repug can win an election- Send ISIS Terrorist to Protect Ferguson, Mo
Streets. nice in quiet overnight, and journalist would also be
absent-or Start a midnight basketball league?-If you right wingers
would stop inbreeding your intelligence level would go up But, that's
not gonna happen, is it, Bubber? yhal/SOME SHORTS. MARKET OUT OF
nailed.? does that mean my career as a joke is over?-the last shall
be first and first shall be last and the affirmative action program
for the lost sheep advanced- and satan rushed into the souls of the
stupid blind losers-being jealous of other faiths and pretending to
have a life.. pathetic ygs/foley abducted in northwestern Syria on
November 2012, isis to terrify the US into halting its aerial
bombardment of the militant group. telling bo, his next move will
decide the fate Steven Joel Sotloff missing aug13 wiki/ Gaza death
toll tops 2K as cease set to expire thehill/2,016 have been killed
and 10,196 wounded since the conflict began afp/civilian casualties,
which include 541 children and 240 women, 67 Israelis have been
killed, the majority soldiers ap/Affluenza teen’s father busted
for impersonating police officer-Cage fighter who savagely beat his
girlfriend: Oppression of men is worse than slavery-Florida county
unanimously bans atheists from delivering invocations-Brand rips Fox
part of the establishment’s propaganda arm-md veteran shotd
daughter 3 and cut her throat before fatal shootout with
police-Chicken suited New Hampshire Republican arrested for flapping
and clucking at Dems-Duggar’s latest, Robocall describing trans
people as child predators-wsj Holder should tell Ferguson protesters
to pull up their pants-Ohio anti Common Core bill eliminates non
English literature, encourages creationism- dies from ok B.B. gun
shot to the head 12-Kkk groups clash over Darren Wilson fundraiser
scam rsy/high death toll and large number of Palestinianhas placed
the Obama administration in a difficult spot. ceasefire deadline
looms-China, Egypt, Russia And Iran! Critic Ferguson- cnn Lemon
Quotes briefing National Guard: You Never Know What These N*ggers Are
Gonna Do-suicide bombings to executions; British extremists among
most vicious in Isis theguardian-dentist executed by IS ysterday RIP
to the thousands murdered whatever their sect, race, profession,
conspiracy to ruin the image of IS, that Foley is an US soldier-
tw/Perry If you shoot the king, you’d better kill him-Border Crisis
Solved: Deported Central American Children Are Being Murdered-Officer
GoF*ckYourself pointed his assault rifle at journalists streaming the
protests, saying I will fucking kill you-Mitch's Plan To Shut Down
The Government Again-ll/kt predicting it will get worse for the next
two years, guesses arabs were fighting be4 religion, manzel fingers
redskins dropped as starter, english accented executioner beheading
folly vid scaring wingnutz, babin gut punch, any fool could predict
what is happening in iraq now, dagen wows, beau trying to scare the
faithful with both sides do it excuse including genocide and mushroom
clouds, imus humping shooter including drunk or asshole studio
audience, if drinking don't kill me cd, bernie finally takes the calk
out/chris gaining fans, shaving going to see bf woman wrecks car as
exhusband steered, orgasm study, discussing poles obscurement during
pregnancy? steph resisting pulling it fresh, on brony raised with
women going to grade school, advice, alibi crafting with stjoe
misinformation, further mudding water kccop extends thugging neck on
fb, hug a teacher, overtested underfunded no child left behind
graduates and husband training, perry's prison blues rrm, housing
rippoff, not looking forward to telling the girls about reality
carlos installing ac units in hell, calls 4 biracial or to
inhabitants police force send tanks to ted bundy ranch, bo
orchestration conspiracy, ebola fluid transphere, rove moment of
calarity? something funny/ planting fear and loathing in the
faithful, outraged beyond pale drumming 4 war, mary world wide fear
calls? counter terrorism summit, zion pacifist? geraldo begging bo to
intervien honor and security requires hitting them hard amist
shameless ads, reports extremist savages me nazi isis declares war,
line homicides, folley beheading, plus non suni woman tied repeatedly
raped,/fracking secret ingredient diesel fuel, despite ukraine, putin
and exxon cosy gnbb/sheps coward remark dp/zion slight of hand/ proper
war ediquette, 5 ton bomb, vs beheading, shiaastan set, curt
requiting 4 crapwater antiisis esq, shoplifting vs strong arm
robbery, freedom floatilla plus reefer and pills, kcwabc/ rupert
doing isis come get some alciada bidding context, history repeating
itself, crooks needing a badguy to conduct business general long term
war economy, osama 2b$gdp at best petty criminals paid 4 by taxes,
hartmann/ praying to gawd, tapping mic savage repeating zion islamo
fascist war cry and as usual blaming bo & 316 golf rounds
promising newest book and nov rally will save the country to the tune
of highway 2 hell/alberto admits multistory problems, religious
attacks nyc rhwabc/
unites? racist killings, loss of privacy, the surveillance state's
rise, the increasing corporatization of US institutions and growing
poverty and inequality is a growing threat of authoritarianism, or
what might be otherwise called totalitarianism with
elections-Continue Ferguson Crackdown, Protesters Vow to Keep Taking
the Streets, made their point: If there is no justice for Michael
Brown, there will be no peace-When one or a handful of players
dominate the marketplace, get ready for higher prices, low quality
products and crap wages for you and me. New Monopoly Capitalism Will
Crush You to Smithereens AlterNet-Truthout/ we cannot continue in a
state of snug unawareness if we are to achieve full equality under
the law, and in reality-Police in the US: Preserving and Protecting
Disorder- Hindering Investigations Israel Bars Amnesty International
and Human Rights Watch From Entering Gaza- Willie Nelson, Neil Young
to Help Raise Money for Anti Keystone Fight-Ferguson Police Threaten
Reporters Get the F**k Out of Here-BuzzFlash/