to Steal an Airplane: From 911 to MH370, the mystery of Malaysia
Airlines Flight 370 the Boeing 777 bound for Beijing that vanished
seemingly without a trace, Although unamnned aerial vehicles, or
“UAV,” like the Global Hawk, Predator and Reaper drones used in
the US’ illegal extrajudicial assassination program are thought of
as cutting edge military hardware, UAVs of various sorts have been
used since August 22, 1849, Raytheon, which successfully took off and
landed a Boeing 727 six times at Holloman AFB in New Mexico without a
pilot on board. Raytheon also developed a sensor suite for the Air
Force’s Global Hawk drones and Raytheon Network Centric Systems has
recently won multiple contracts to help develop advanced
communications systems for the E4B, the US government’s so called
doomsday plane that was spotted above the White House shortly before
the strike on the Pentagon and which has since been confirmed was one
of four functioning Doomsday Planes operating in the skies on that
day, comptroller of the Bush Pentagon and, until taking over his
Pentagon role in 2001, CEO of SPC International, a subsidiary of
Sytstem Planning Corporation, which provides a so called Flight
Termination System for the US military that the company boasts
provides a fully redundant turnkey range safety and test system for
remote control and flight termination of airborne test vehicles.”
As comptroller of the Pentagon, Zakheim was responsible for the
trillions of dollars that could not be accounted for in the
Pentagon’s books at the time of 911 and which prompted Secretary of
Defense Rumsfeld to declare a war on bureaucracy, Flight 77 was
supposedly piloted by Hani Hanjour, a flight school dropout who could
not handle a Cessna 172, but somehow managed to steer a 757 in an
8,000 foot descending 270 degree corskscrew turn at 500 mph to come
exactly level with the ground. Neither experienced pilots nor
aviation officials could believe that such a move could be pulled off
with such precision at such high speeds by any but the most
experienced pilot. Watching the flight on her radar screen, Dulles
International Airport air traffic controller Danielle O’Brien later
remarked: “The speed, the maneuverability, the way that he turned,
we all thought in the radar room, all of us experienced air traffic
controllers, that that was a military plane, No explanation of who
these men were or why they had a picture of a remote controlled jet
flying into the World Trade Center painted on their delivery van on
the morning of 911 have ever been provided, much less even asked for
by the complacent, complicit mainstream media. If and when more
details of the missing Malaysian Airlines flight do eventually
surface, don’t expect the media to do any better job answering
questions about it, or connecting any of the 9/11 dots
BoilingFrogsPost-aibafs/send ur kid to syria romney is a loser, on
cop fired fatal shot from close range into sarcastic student’s
back-Virginia KKK imperial wizard: We’re not hateful, we’re a
Christian organization-Creationists demand equal airtime on Neil
deGrasse Tyson’s Cosmos to provide balance-Ex atheist professor to
push for Christian rights watchdog at university after winning
lawsuit-Hawaii lets on duty cops have sex with prostitutes-Tennessee
police find Johnny Cash’s great niece stabbed to death in wooden
box-I Ching, The ancient Chinese book of wisdom at the heart of every
computer-Biologist explains how marijuana drives tumor cells to
suicide-Why are medical conspiracy theories so popular?-Obama pledges
to address gender pay gap, warns Dems could get ‘clobbered’ in
midterms-Kansas, 19,000 disenfranchised voters are ‘the 28 percent
procrastinators-Arizona couple awarded $5.3 million in suit against
polygamist towns-Fox News host compares missing Flight 370 to
Benghazi-Teaching evolution is an act of disloyalty to
America-Popular GA medical marijuana bill dies over objection to
treating children with autism-Eisenhower’s military industrial
warning rings truer than ever-Dawkins was No 1. Now he’s off the
list of the world’s best thinkers-new show Oliver ruthlessly mocks
Republican hipster ads-Rangel lashes out at mean, racist Tea Party
people and their Confederate flags-Maddow explores the links between
a convicted Saudi national and a Colorado cop killerrst/20 senior
staff on board Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 had just launched a new
electronic warfare gadget for military radar systems in the days
before the Boeing 777 went missing clg/2014 Revolutionary Ramadi
fighters were able to trap a convoy of Maliki soldiers Aeisha
Muhammad-Mia's Story, Allen Farrow, U.S. hired Nazis to test LSD CIA,
and Eight of Her Children Speak-Satanist' kills black metal
singer-Devil nurse fined $1,300 for posting pictures with dead
nursing home patients-Man admitted ritualistic killing of Dublin
landlord-smartnews/Arguing that dehumanization of the other is “the
root of all injustice and oppression” and that “the tree of fear
and bigotry bears only bitter fruit,” Waters cites the death of his
father fighting the Nazis in Italy to chide critics, especially those
penning poisonous pieces about Waters antiSemitic stench with, “Do
not presume to preach to me, my father’s son, about anti Semitism
or human rights, Look to your own house and the human rights abuses
and racism of the Israeli government you defend. If Jews and
Palestinians are to live in peace then there must be a real
acknowledgment of the fact that Israel is denying freedom to
Palestinians and abusing the term antiSemitism to intimidate people,
like me, into silence simply because we seek a better and equal
future for Palestinians and Jews alike-The greatest “anti Semitism”
comes from the views of the secular [non religious Jews who go about
gathering control of, not only the Palistanians, but the acquition of
of hegemony over the whole world. And, Netanyahu is high on the evil
totem pole of Zionism. These people worship Satan-O.k. are jews to be
hated because they are inferior or superior? Your video implies that
35 mill people control every step taken on the planet, ight? well if
thats the case then your already fucked, Billy the worm-appropriately
named yourself, We were not discussing Islam, we were discussing the
Judaic religious cults sixty five year track record of murdering the
Palestinians for their land. And for your mentally challenged
information, reread above post on NON-Semitic roots of the members of
the illegal religious cult which murders the Semitic Palestinians for
their land as well as it seems their demon god demands blood
sacrifice, and a lot of it. Such as IDF soldiers purposely shooting
pregnant Palestinian women, then wearing a tee shirt with a target on
the belly of a Palestinian women and the words, "ONE SHOT. TWO
KILLS'. Or like the proven fact that they like to drop white
phosphorus bombs on innocent children in UN safe zones. Or the
practice of IDF soldiers shooting four and five year old children in
the head in front of their parents and making jokes about it bln/
than Godzilla and King Kong? You bet. Charles and David Koch are
ginormous and superbad. Just ask Harry Reid, These two brothers are
about as un American as anyone that I can imagine. Tom Steyer Koch is
just a famously evil person. They make up the heart and the thinking
in the minds of those who would belong to the Ku Klux Klan, white
supremacists. They are men of evil. They have names the Koch
brothers, that’s their name. Harry Belafonte, kochs’ critics are
free to disagree with the Kansas industrialists and their libertarian
ideas. However, most who despise the Kochs would be shocked by what
these greedy capitalists do with their profits, beyond campaign
donations,only a liar could deny the tremendous social good that
their money secures. Rather than quietly collect mansions and yachts,
they spend billions to help school students, cure diseases, cultivate
artists and clean the Earth. If only Godzilla and King Kong were this
philanthropic (ows hit list) Lycra, Coolmax, Tactel, SolarMax,
Polarguard, Dacron, Thermolite, Comforel,• Antron Carpet Fiber,
Stainmaster Carpet, Cordura, Georgia Pacific, VanityFair, AngelSoft,
Quilted Northern, Sparkle, Brawny, MardiGras, Dixie, DensArmorPlus,
Platinum Plywood, ToughRock International Brands: Demak Up,
KittenSoft, Lotus, Moltonel, Tenderly, Nouvelle Recycling Okay,
Colhogar, Delica, Inversoft, Tutto. wt aibafs/
Angry White Males Are the New Domestic Terrorists-Christian Right's
"Religious Freedom" Wants to Elevate Beliefs Above Human
Rights - and It's Working-Predictive policing," a new high-tech
method by which police crunch crime statistics and other data with
algorithms to divine when and where future crimes are most likely to
occur, is seen to expand the militarization, including contractor
profiteering, and racialization of police work-Culling of the
American Herd Harvard CUNY predicting that as many as 17,000
Americans may die as a result of some states refusing to expand their
Medicaid programs under Obamacare, has received little
attention-calling for a ban on fracking in Ohio after a series of
small earthquakes erupted near an active fracking site last week.
Regulators ordered Hilcorp Energy to shut down its operations after
five temblors ranging from 2.1 to 3.0 in magnitude were recorded-/XL
Pipeline Corruption With State Department Should Not Be Legal-If an
industry that does harm to people or the environment needs a helping
hand, there is always a hired-gun expert who can be bought-Neocons
Are Circling Over Ukraine Like Vultures-Developed Nations Give Up on
Stopping Climate Change, Turn to Mitigating Impact, Largely
Abandoning Third World-due to global warming, our freshwater supply
is in growing peril-France Bans Patented Monsanto GMO
Corn-Republicans Confident About Their Ignorance of Global
Warming-The End Times for Fred Phelps?-Blooming Business of Global
Warming, the droll ironies of a society that can even profit from its
own self destruction
/Kochs have added wrinkles to their
network that even experts well-versed in tax law and campaign finance
say they've never seen before - wrinkles that could make it harder to
discern who controls each nonprofit in the webpp/ Kristol Calls For
Americans To Be "Awakened and Rallied" to War
Stanford Assistant Professor Chao-Lin Kuo surprises
Professor Andrei Linde with evidence that supports cosmic inflation
theory. The discovery, made by Kuo and his colleagues at the BICEP2
experiment, represents the first images of gravitational waves, or
ripples in space-time. These waves have been described as the "first
tremors of the Big Bang, bazinga digg/Krugman Harvard economist Greg
Mankiw has written another defense of the 0.1% - and this one, a
recent op-ed for The New York Times titled "Yes, the Wealthy Can
Be Deserving," is kind of amazing./Care2: More than 20 Vermont
towns met this month to weigh the merits of public banking, and the
response was extremely favorable. By a ratio of about two to one,
Vermonters advocated for public banking./Time To End All Drug
Testing-Koch brothers spent more money than the top ten unions
combined; the gamblers on Wall Street raked in $26.7 billion in
bonuses in 2013; there is no national law requiring employers to give
people paid time off when they're sick-Thom Hartmann/Senate
Investigation of Bush-Era Torture Erupts Into Constitutional
Crisis/Banks Seek To Sway Critical GAO Report/Sardonicky: If the
Democrats are wondering why their electoral chances in the midterms
are looking so dismal, they should look no farther than the
progressive wing of their own increasingly right wing corporate
party./PR Watch: New court filings confirm that Wisconsin's John Doe
campaign finance investigation hinges on how state election law
treats issue ad groups coordinating with political campaigns,
shedding new light on a Republican effort to quietly change the law
in advance of Gov. Scott Walker's re election campaign/Oakland Agrees
to $4.5 million Settlement for Wounded Occupy Protester/
aca Traffic
Up 40 Percent After Obama's Funny Or Die Interview/Chaharshanbe
Souri, an ancient Festival of Fire when Iranians jump over burning
bonfires and throw firecrackers celebrating arrival of the spring
tpm/THE PAD IS WORSE THAN THE NEEDLE, Drug Dealers Aren't To Blame
For The Heroin Boom. Doctors Are./Heroin epidemics don’t come and
go randomly, like the McRib. They have clearly identifiable causes,
and in this case, by far the largest cause is doctor, prescribed
pills/newrepublic Merkel reportedly opined that the Russian head of
state may have lost "touch with reality" and appeared to be
"living in another world, Obama himself has accused Putin of
viewing the Ukraine crisis as part of a "some Cold War
chessboard, and of "keeping one foot in the old [Cold War] ways
of doing business-fp/
that the possibility of a ground war with a power like Russia is
still possible. Those days are over with. It's either all or nothing
now. And he wants people to believe he's an Ivy League graduate!
snicker-Another vote for unilateral surrender. Got it, Always
remember what we say here in Texas beatoff, "Mess with the bull,
you get the horn, Thanks for playing-wants us fighting Russia on
Ukrainian soil... how many Americans do you want to kill?-What would
Ronny Paul do? Build a moat around the US, slash the military, and
then say let's trade with Russia, Don't forget, no more spying on
terrorists who wanna kill us. Then give the traitor hero Eddie
snoweden a bj-You should sue that Ivy League school you "graduated"
from to demand your money back aibafs
soft diplomacy only, and shy from the more controversial topics that
plague U.S.-China relations, namely human rights and economics. The
nature of her visit is really quite different, the first lady really
brings is the power of her own story, the power of American values,
Michelle Obama, her two daughters, Malia and Sasha, and her mother
touched down Thursday in China for what’s being touted as a week
long feel-good tourist event, amid increasing murmurs back home about
U.S. taxpayers having to foot the bill. wouldn’t field any
questions from journalists she encountered in Beijing, complete with
an entourage of about 70, Her travel mates will also head with her to
the western historic city of Xi’an and the southern community of
Chengdu, the latter of which is home to the nation’s famed panda
bear reserves wt-Learning to Do, Doing to Learn, Earning to Live,
Living to Serve, Water Balloon badge-At $595.6 billion, President’s
proposed defense budget is just $113 million dollars less than
expected per last year’s budget, about a 0.1 percent drop, and
calls for cuts to personnel, Chuck Hagel called on Congress to make
politically difficult choices in light of the reality of the
magnitude of our fiscal challenges, For the first time in 13 years,
we will be presenting a budget to the Congress of the United States
that's not a war footing budget, Yet the request for cuts is being
issued amid this week’s revival of Cold War tensions as the U.S.
and Russia face off over Russia’s military action in the Ukraine,
Graham, R This budget by President Obama guts our defense, the budget
ignores the need to prepare for future military conflict. the
smallest army since 1940, the smallest Navy since 1915 and the
smallest air force in modern history, Republican Buck Mckeon
compulsion to continually trade national security for financial
responsibility, while getting neither, to always keep your
institution prepared, but you can’t carry a large land war Defense
Department when there is none upi-Nevada Health Link exchange in
mid November (after weeks of trying), Basich doesn’t seem to have a
plan to show for it. Despite making monthly payments since he signed
up, facing medical bills in excess of $400,000; and the plan he found
through Obamacare is lost in the Internet fog. He started with a
coronary, and then found out his “silver” level Obamacare plan
was actually cheap tin, Reid (Basich’s own Senator from the Silver
State), Basich doesn’t exist. Three weeks ago, Reid took to the
Senate floor to declare, plenty of (Obamacare) horror stories being
told. All of them are untrue, doesn’t explain how a figment of
someone else’s imagination managed to hack his way through
Obamacare’s byzantine jungle of glitches and misinformation, Julie
Boonstra. She began her year under a dark enough cloud, considering
she’s fighting leukemia. But cancer isn’t the only villain that
stalked her into the New Year, she courageously told the truth about
her own personal Obamacare horror story, While the liberal media
attack dogs, including The Washington Post, Mother Jones and others,
has gone so far as to threaten the media outlets that dare to tell
her harrowing tale. most of whom are conveniently exempt, continued
to push their multitrillion dollar fraud, Boonstra has become a
target for the shock troops deployed by the left against anyone who
dares question their criminal enterprise, a preventable tragedy
engineered by the Orwellian overlords of Obamacare. Viewed from a
liberal perspective, Boonstra’s fate is her just deserts for
disloyalty to the Democrat cause. For Boonstra and so many others
like her, 2014 is the year she learned that the President of the
United States prefers cancer to cancer patients, the lapdog media
won’t tell about a fraud the Democrats deny and about which the
President lies. Unlike the bogus enrollment figures that the media
keep breathlessly reporting on their liberal masters behalf
personalliberty aibafs/ putin dictator of love pd, on stephanie/curtis
would rather strangle small animals than accept climate change, on
cc/Richard dildoe in boot Quest, chelsie v jeb in 16? on randi/
GOP director tells women: Stop suing for equal rights and negotiate
like men-God’s Not Dead, Maher just mad at God because he is lonely
Kevin Sorbo-Corn eating worm evolves to feed on GMO corn designed to
kill it-Robertson: Woman’s cancer is her own fault for not
forgiving abusive father-Gohmert adds, Palin can see Russia from the
house, to the Congressional Record-Students sue CA school employee
after unauthorized drug sting goes horribly wrong-Lucien Greaves
can’t wait to turn Fred Phelps gay in the afterlife-pipeline leaks
more than 7,000 gallons of crude oil into Ohio nature preserve
rsy/Bachmann said US Jews sold out Israel by supporting Obama
rightwingwatch bible predicts us turn against isr-Lindsey Graham
blames the Ukraine Crisis on Benghazi, budget guts our
defense!-Israel Accuses Iran of Hijacking MH730 Goes to Highest Alert
Fears Malaysia 777's Ultimate Target tw/upset ms bo taking mother in
law to china with no reporters, on savage #1?/crimea exodus, bin
ladan son in law trial, reconviction of opposition in malasia, on