of church and state is what the founding fathers wanted for the
nation, and we must never allow anyone to distort history to make it
appear otherwise. This quotation is a partial misattribution. While
the second sentence is indeed something that Jefferson said, the
first one is not. See the Thomas Jefferson Foundation's Superstition
of Christianity page under Spurious Quotations for details about the
source of both the genuine and the spurious quotation.infidels, "The
greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of
knowledge-Father, I know that I have broken your laws and my sins
have separated me from you. I am truly sorry, and now I want to turn
away from my past sinful life toward you. Please forgive me, and help
me avoid sinning again. I believe that your son, Jesus Christ died
for my sins, was resurrected from the dead, is alive, and hears my
prayer. I invite Jesus to become the Lord of my life, to rule and
reign in my heart from this day forward. Please send your Holy Spirit
to help me obey You, and to do Your will for the rest of my life. In
Jesus' name I pray, Amen-2014 could be a much better year, the choice
is yours aibafs/Nativity: Facts, Fictions & Faith-Teen Remains in
Psych Ward as Parents Dispute Doctors' Diagnosis-Independent Expert
to Examine Brain Dead Teen in Tonsillectomy Case-Man Threatened With
Ticket for Washing His Car in His Own Driveway fni/Rubio is
Confronted for Accepting $10,000 Obamacare Subsidy/Four Million Low
Income Americans Now Have Health Coverage Under Obamacare, 2.1
million poor and disabled Americans were deemed eligible for Medicaid
or CHIP in October. Another 1.7 million received eligibility in
November-Admin chose to shut down govt rather than defund delay
Obamacare not long ago. Yet, here we are cruz-Wingnut Group Seeks
Help Rewriting the Bible Because It's Not Conservative Enough
Alternet tw/Phil Doubles Down, I'm A Lover...Not A Hater-Duck DINO's
sales were 60K units annually until they all grew hillbilly beards
like Philander had. Phil says he 'stopped shaving bathing for Luck.'
The gullible A&e-Ryan Defends Balancing Budget On Backs Of
Retired Military-Corporate welfare queen Ryan's USA Today Op Ed cited
by the Moonies Washington Times "reduces the deficit by $23
billion over 10 years alan/dennis takes abuse 4 2 yrs at faux snooze,
bo shakes out the weak hands, on stephanie/
golfing again this Sunday in Honolulu $7 Million dollar vacation as
15 Million Americans have Health Insurance Cancelled yhal/Deutsche
Bank AG (DBK) will pay 1.4 billion euros ($1.9 billion) to settle
claims backed debt sold during the housing bubble that preceded the
2008 financial crisis yfmc/
Two GOP attention whores come rushing
forth to defend the right of freedom of speech for bigots What is
the fuss over duck dynasty, Robertson ? Well we all heard that he
made some comments that got him in hot water and the cable station
suspended him, why you ask because Robertson said in a manner of
words that black folks were just fine and dandy as slaves, the
problem was when they tasted freedom Yep, they were singing and a
dancin out in the cotton fields according to Robertson. Picking
cotton, they were godly and happy. Then he goes on to say the
Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor because they haven't found Jesus and
then of course his hatred of gays. In his own words "They’re
full of murder, envy, strife, hatred. They are insolent, arrogant,
God-haters, Bashir got the axe for saying Palin is full of S*** in a
matter of words and the republicans called out for his head, yet two
popular voices amongst the GOP are defending Robertson, why ? Well
what Robertson is really saying or call it defending, is a doctrinal
view about the sinfulness of homosexuality comes packaged with hatred
toward gays and retrograde views about blacks and non-Christians.
When you get down to it Robertson is saying America is for white
Evangelical Christians only, Christians are the people of privilidge
everyone else must take a back seat, not been a big turnout of
republicans that have condemned Robertson but we have folks like
Cruz and Sarah Palin running to defend his rights and saying his
suspension was unfair and have gone out of their way ro be seen with
Robertson. How do you think this will play out in the elections. The
GOP has once again shown its true colors of being the party of old
white christian folks. Seriously we really have to ask why Bashir was
forced to resign for telling the truth breitbart.com/Big Peace
Al-Qaeda Apologizes killing Muslims/Israel slams reports of U.S.
spying on prime minister cnn-Poor babies. They can have Pollard in a
few more years; say ten. Israel says it doesn't spy on the US.
Israeli intelligence knew weeks months that the US was
talking/negotiating with Iran and the US had not told them so how did
they find out if they themselves weren't listening spying. This was
going on before Obama told Bibi-Maybe they were listening in on
Iraniapb/American Atheists, Inc. unveiled a billboard with the
group’s holiday message on Wednesday, asking why anyone needs
“Christ” in their Christmas at all. “This season is a great
time of year for a hundred reasons— none of them having to do with
religion,” said American Atheists President David Silverman via
press release. “This year, start a new tradition: Don’t go to
church. You hate it, it’s boring; you probably only go because you
feel guilty or obligated. Instead, spend more time with your family
and friends — or volunteer. There are better uses of your time and
money-whacky X-ians will be complaining about people 'stealing' Jesus
dolls from their lawn displays-cIA's World Factbook gives the world
population as 7,021,836,029 (July 2012 est.) and the distribution of
religions as Christian 31.59% (of which Roman Catholic 18.85%,
Protestant 8.15%, Orthodox 4.96%, Anglican 1.26%), Muslim 23.2%,
Hindu 15.0%, Buddhist 7.1%, Sikh 0.35%, Jewish 0.2%, Baha'i 0.11%,
other religions 10.95%, non-religious 9.66%, atheists 2.01%. (2010
est-theists refused to provide their so called proof of god's
existence but it is not had to find their so called proofs online.
The first one is always "intelligent design". The claim is
that the complexity of our planet points to a deliberate "Designer"
who created our universe-Creationists: Evolution Is For 'Gullible'
People Who 'Rely On Silly Stories John Morris of the Institute for
Creation Research-rbg/o show you how bad the little Greek Island of
Rhodes had flooding the end of last month. These people are on their
knee's money wise and cannot afford to replace anything. So sad for
them. This weather all over the world is totaly screwed up
criticalbelievers/ defacating ing every room woman shoots up hubby's
love triangle, on supressing erection stephanie
suspended papa duck but at the same time decided to run a marathon of
duck dynasty programs... you think it's all a coincidence?-Cannabis
and the unique chemical compounds produced by the plant, called
cannabinoids, have been at the center of one of the most exciting—and
underreported—developments in modern science. Research on
marijuana’s effects led directly to the discovery of a molecular
signaling system in the human brain and body, the endocannabinoid
system, which plays a crucial role in regulating a broad range of
physiological processes: hunger, sleep, inflammation, stress, blood
pressure, body temperature, glucose metabolism, bone density,
intestinal fortitude, reproductive fertility, circadian rhythms,
inhibits an enzyme involved in the accumulation of beta amyloid
plaque that disrupts communication between brain cells, the hallmark
of Alzheimer’s related dementia, signaling choreographs
neurogenesis (the creation of new brain cells) in adult mammals and
also regulates the migration and differentiation of stem cells,
painkilling effects of acupuncture are mediated by the same
cannabinoid receptors that are activated by THC. Cannabidiol (CBD), a
nonpsychoactive component of the cannabis plant, CBD shows promise as
a treatment for many pathological conditions, including
cardiovascular disease, diabetes, depression and psychosis.
Preclinical studies indicate that CBD can shrink malignant tumors,
alter gene expression, improve insulin sensitivity, normalize
irregular heartbeat and protect the brain against alcohol
poisoning-enenews dead creatures covered 98% 150 miles off california
coast, previously 1%-bachman is travelling to benghazi on a fact
finding mission-blackhawk crash fort riley 6 killed-Insurance makes a
windfall from Obamacrap, they can't lose-Duck Dynasty is a WASTE OF
BANDWIDTH. The diversion they represent to appropriate issues is
pathetic as are pretty much all terrible reality TV series-in the end
they'll likley laugh all the way to the bank over this one-in other
dumbing down news, tlc announced a new reality series featuring a
mormon with his five wives and 24 children-Scientists cut million
year natural process to convert algae into crude oil to about an
hour-rbh/By jailing four top officers of Iceland's failed Kaupthing
Bank, the country showed the world the right way to deal with the
people largely responsible for the 2008 financial crisis-Life was
created by Christ. Show me different-Faith, in the search for truth,
is a liability-Did you know these poems were changed into music based
on 11th, 12th and 13th Century issues similar to those issues of
today. Such as the fickleness of fortune and wealth, the ephemeral
nature of life, the joy of the return of spring, and the pleasure
and perils of drinking, gluttony, gambling and lust, but enjoys all
aspects of the season and encourages families to have traditions that
highlight the reason for the season, such as reading the biblical
Christmas story together as a family newsleader-Republicans frequent
casinos-Yes, I knew that. But you left out that they hated
TeaBaggers! rbg/WND Exclusive: Phil Robertson The Fluffer” secret
revealed, Megyn Kelly spins this breaking story as 'And “The
Fluffer” was a white guy too!-Dynasty is Fake! And That’s a Fact,
Jack! some interesting news with the world! Apparently, if you have
been enjoying the lifestyles of the Ducking idiots on A&E tw/ACA
buyers & savers for coverage beginning 1/1/14 includes Boehner,
Bachmann, Rand Paul & Rubio's entire family with a 2/3 subsidy.
Those GOPtp hypocrites sure folded their lie machine-If you like your
skimpy “catastrophic” coverage you can keep it. Or thanks to the
ACA, 56% can now buy real HC insurance for $100 per month or less
politifact- alan/Charlie Sheen Demands Apology from Phil Robertson,
or Face a 'MaSheen Style Media Beat Down, progressivepopulist-Sheen
put embattled Duck Dynasty (former?) star Phil Robertson on the spot
Saturday night with a boldly written tweet, and called on him to
apologize to the LGBT community for his anti-gay comments, which by
now you know about, unless you’ve spent the last few days in an
underground shelter-Sheen has a problem with the bible-Sheen has his
own demon's to deal with too that pointed finger Phil's message has
NOT hate is is called spiritual convictions quoted directly from the
bible, so this is more about NOT in agreement of the bible, if he has
a problem with Phil then he has a problem with a third of the nation
who are Christains, he won't change Phil and Sheen won't changePhil,
deal with people FREEDOM OF RELIGION-the Faux Libs/Firebaggers (aka,
Libertarians) who've gone apesh!t with propaganda about the NDAA
(National Defense Authorization Act). The 2014 version is now in
force, as it was passed by both Houses of Congress and signed by the
President, Several hundred of my 1,900+ FB friends don't know about
the time I spent debunking the Chicken Littles' myths about
"indefinite military detention" in December 2011 about the
2012 NDAA-fb/The question that we must ask is whether we are making
progress toward the goal of universal peace, or are we caught up on a
treadmill of history, turning forever on the axle of mindless
aggression and self-destruction? Repression, injustice and
exploitation are inimical with peace. Peace is gravely threatened by
inter-group fear and envy and by the unleashing of unrealistic
expectations. Racial, class and religious intolerance and prejudice
are its mortal enemies. The choice is Netanyahu’s haaretz-And U.S.
and Canadian Jews want to deny what Israeli Jews OPENLY say about
their regime‼ Oy vey-We do not need any special event in order to
discuss the release of Jonathan Pollard. We are dealing with it. I am
dealing with it, with all U.S. presidents, including President Obama,
all the time, including now," he said Sunday at the weekly
Cabinet meeting. "We hope that the conditions will be created
that will enable us to bring Jonathan home. This is neither
conditional on, nor related to, recent events, even though we have
given our opinion on these developments. Pollard has dual
citizenship. CNN-Poor babies. They can have Pollard in a few more
years; say ten iapb/
Baptists Are Proud Of 'Duck Dynasty's' Phil Robertson fb/Four U.S.
Soldiers Wounded Trying to Evacuate Americans from South Sudan, the
troops that attacked the plane were renegade forces, not government
troops tw/
The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute
of the
strong." - Mahatma Gandhi/Has This Been Your Worst
Year?' Obama Takes Reporters' Questions-He Recited the Bible': Palin
Sounds Off on 'Duck Dynasty' Controversy-O'Reilly: 'Duck Dynasty'
Star 'Made a Mistake-Mariah Carey Paid $1M to Perform for African
Dictator fni/Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline recommended for
approval by JRP, despite massive opposition in BC vo/2013 deaths
polish : primate Jozef Glemp, Dershowitz. Sued his anti semetic
comments, forced to apologize, Carried on the long tradition of anti
J rabble rousing, Backed the Auschwitz Carmelite nuns, trying to turn
the biggest Js graveyard in Europe into a Christian symbol-Much of
Nakba occured before the birth of the State of Israel 1937 1948-My
good friend Charlie a member The Iranians who you aplogize for
perceuted Mercilessly the Bhai faith members-Did u have a LASPE of
memory and forget the Js accepted a sliver of the land promised the
rest going to the pals?Did
u forget Ben Gurion extended his hand in friendship and peace?
Did u
forget the pals rejected two ppl's lining side by side in two nations
in peace? Instead waged a " war of extermination?" U didnt
forget u suckled like a baby, The Js were not accepting a second
Holocaust bc one insignificant Irish racist wanted it ygs/
High Court Strikes Down All Anti Prostitution Laws Alternet-Hundreds
Of Students Protest Catholic High School's Forced Resignation Of Gay
Vice Principal ThinkProgress-