don't trust politicians, These guys will look you in the eye and
agree with you then stab you in the back-MAybe
it is time to get the Crappo off your Johnson and start thinking
straight, We will vote you OUT!-14.8 5.3yf/Rove tipped his hand too
early- Brain Damage Glasses- now we have time to mock him until
election day-Big Increases in Obamacare Premiums and Deductibles
Coming in November, premiums increase over 100% like they did when
george The Loser bush was in office?- Nationally, premiums for
employer sponsored health insurance increased 119 percent between
1999 and 2008, and could increase another 94 percent to an average
$23,842 per family by 2020 if cost growth continues on its current
course, according to a new Commonwealth Fund report-SO, YOU TARDS
WANT OBAMACARE HORROR STORIES?-NPR report this week got much closer
to the truth AmeriMark, a catalog retailer with 700 employees that
has long provided coverage for employees. However, the premiums for
their 2013 plans escalated 30 percent for 2014, and forced employees
to pay a higher share of premiums with higher deductibles and co
pays-Has the right wing lost its marbles? YES and Obama did it single
handed, Coulter mocking the effort to help hundreds of schoolgirls
kidnapped in Nigeria. Rush Limbaugh spending days bloviating that
climate change is a left wing political conspiracy and has nothing to
do with science. paging Dr. Rove diagnosed Hillary with brain damage,
a reasonable, responsible Republican Party. Facts don't matter,
science doesn't matter, reason is swept aside. And others follow
suit. Rubio denying that humans have anything to do with climate
change, Jindal defenders of Duck Dynasty, B]ecause they have every
right to speak their minds, Republicans should stop being the stupid
party then praise racist and homophobic Robertson-How is it that
anyone takes them seriously? I haven't a clue-All this appeals to the
base in the basest of ways. And maybe that is the goal: Go for the
lowest common denominator, be as outlandish and as outrageous as
possible-it's official, my friends. When the plight of kidnapped
children is a cause for conservative amusement, any semblance of
decency has truly died-The right's moral compass is so skewed that
mocking kidnap & rape victims is now okay-Conservatives amusing
themselves are beyond effed up yhal/team coco is prefered to nbc fallon, (pda) ales birthday,
on imus/
rush attacks cnn, on bp/
news-Restaurants are in, trouble now. This is not the way it is
supposed to work, number of diners is decreasing. If MW goes up they
will be in much bigger trouble. Fast food wants $15hr MW, Wages are
no longer based on productivity but on I need-Hopefully, this will
satisfy that small group of bonobo's gay pawns. bonobo, who
conveniently had an evolution on gay marriage on May 9th, 2012 when
his poll numbers before the election were in the tank. Ask Sharpton,
Jackson and Wright, ask bonobo what they really think
of gays. And the answer is inevitably, If you like your gayness you
can keep it, if you like your boyfriend sodomizing you, you can keep
him AND your premium gay couple will go down on each other by an
average of 2500 times per year-2001, on the CSCO board Libs were
promoting some kind of Gaye thing and under my old ID, posted Libperversion makes Conservatives PUKE. The Libs then picked up on
the word and started calling us PUKES and it stuck-yc/Where did dubya
succeed two wars couldn't even end one. Putin invades Georgia dubya
gets slapped, worst jobs record since the government started keeping
records, massive blunder after Katrina, worst recession since the
great depression, 911, $trillions wasted just to hang one man and
the list of dubyas failures goes on and on-8.14M Total Exchange
Enrollees, I'll leave the right wingers to figure out what percent
that is because the answers should be HILARIOUS-yhal/ Why is that?
schitspinners, How Come Over The Years of Watching Fox News, There
was never any Blacks shown at their Tea Party Klan Rallies?- If you
were a black person would you want to participate in a toothless mob
carrying guns, and waving Confederate Stars and Bars flags?
Seriously, would you?-Wall Street protesters were a real gathering of
the minds too-Unbelievable Keystone Cops? When will this stop the BS
and just let the damned pipeline be built, It will carry 25 times the
oil compared to tankers on the road for the amount of potential
impact the enviro whackos are worried about-Steyer proved you can buy
off the democratic party with $100 million, dangled that check in
front of Barry and got his way. Obama wont approve the pipeline. He
got bought off-You Evil DOMESTIC TERRORISTS NEOCONS prefer a THUG and
a DICTATOR like PUTIN to a Democratic President-the only thing you
can say about obama is that he has not cleaned up the bush disaster
fast enough-speaking of fistgrabbers, The Rove Gannon greased fist
fest has been common knowledge for some time,as has Beck’s uncanny
ability to avoid prosecution for the rape and murder of a black girl
in CT in 1990. I’d like to see a systematic takedown of Rush
Limbaugh for his employment of boy prostitutes in the D.R-Hunter
Biden, the younger son Joe, joining the board of a gas company
operating in Ukraine ycsco/15.2 5.5yf/nearest equivalent dynamic of
religious pilgrimage sites, whether Christian churches, Buddhist
temples or Sufi shrines. There, the mortal remains of saints, and
objects sanctified by their touch, are the focus of attention. Here,
you also walk a long, sanctified route, stopping at the equivalent of
side chapels and altars, contemplating icons, talismans and embodied
miracles: a pair of crossed steel ground zero girders that to some
eyes formed a crucifix, a Bible found fused to a hunk of steel and
opened to a passage that warns against repaying violence with
violence fb/Labour party stirred a political row, a storm in a
teacup, did not plan on making an apology, I may have been a little
graphic. I should have used the word rapacious, perhaps, Austin
Mitchell said, People across the whole country will be appalled that
anybody would try to link a proposed corporate takeover with the
horrific crime of rape, as Pfizer executives appeared in parliament
for a second day to answer questions from lawmaker after describing
U.S. drugmakers Pfizer as rapists in comments criticising the
government for its handling of a potential takeover-under
investigation for spray painting graffiti, and Joseph Kelly had
failed to show for a meeting with police. Kai Kelly told them his
father was dead inside, Based on the condition of the decomposing
body, it appeared that the man had been dead for six days, The elder
Kelly 50, died from two gunshot wounds to the head fired from a .22
rifle, One (shot) was to the back of the head and one to the temple,
the shot to the temple was a contact wound. the boy's parents are
divorced, but did not provide other details about the mother-UPDATE
1-Georgia police search for elderly widow of decapitated man-Five
killed in California car crash said to be family on way to
Disneyland-Family found dead in Tampa mansion killed in
Abramson steps down as NYT executive editor
ap/Montenez*Colon called 911 again, complaining the officer who was
at her home pissed her off. The original officer arrived, with a
second officer, Montenez*Colon reportedly complained about the
original visit to the second officer, saying, He was a perfect
gentleman, but when I asked him to [expletive] me, he turned me down
so that made me angry. When asked if she remembered the conversation
about misuse of 911, marie Montenez*Colon allegedly said, I do, but
how else am I going to get you to [expletive] me? her fifth arrest
since the beginning of 2013-Veteran War Reporter Flames U.S. on
Twitter for Backing a Torturer-Who is this man and why does the US
military like him so much? Time for a Twitter essay on torture in
Afghanistan-2011, I wrote on police chief Abdul Raziq's involvement
in torture, executions, and an outright massacre.
I provided photos
and eyewitness testimony, I met a young man who had been electrocuted
by his toes-Result? Thanks to US military support, he's a Major
General. Here he is cuddling with the #2 US general in Feb-Mealy
mouthed reporting hasn't helped. In March, WSJ referred to Raziq's
abuses as sometimes unorthodox methods, Under the Leahy Amendment,
it's illegal for the US to fund human rights abusers. Kandahar police
salaries are mostly paid for by the US-UN reported in depth on
torture in Afghan prisons and cites a persistent lack of
accountability as the problem-Guidance Counselor Arrested for DUI on
Her Morning Drive to School-Conservatives want an exception to a
recent federal rule requiring higher pay for fast food workers on
military bases, because paying Joey 10 bucks an hour to salt the
fries will drive BK out of business, and the troops will miss their
Whoppers, and why do you hate the troops?-Stop Taking Ted Cruz
Seriously, Chapter 685,491-Cliven Bundy Wisely Decides Not to Sue the
Feds for Not Arresting Him-Who's Writing the Names of Alleged Campus
Rapists on Columbia's Walls?- gawker/ Dishonest Missileers, Cosplay
Candidates and Carcass Dwellings ALTER EGOS First term U.S. Rep. Ted
Yoho of Florida is already among the House's most conservative
members, his Republican primary challenger Jake Rush (in his day job,
a lawyer) portrays supernatural characters as a prominent member of
the national Mind’s Eye Society and Florida’s Covenant of the
Poisoned Absinthe claims to be even more so but with a quixotic,
longtime hobby as a costumed, role playing gamer-originally reported.
The overall missilelaunch program, run by missileers, was judged
substandard the equivalent of an F grade in school and rehabilitated
in the eyes of Air Force officers only because the 91st Missile Wing
Command’s support staff (cooks, drivers, clerks, etc.) scored very
high and brought the command’s overall performance to the
equivalent of a D-Terry Boyd, 52, was ordered to probation in Wausau,
Wis., in February on charges of imprisoning two men in a second story
bedroom, leaving them screaming for help from a window, Boyd had
refused to release the men until at least one agreed to have sex with
her mauifeed/ Bundy and Donald Sterling are our kind of people a
leader in the Tea Party exclaimed, We respect their rights of free
speech and support what they say aibafs/Mass suicide protest at
Apple manufacturer Foxconn factory Telegraph/Around 150 Chinese
workers at Foxconn, the world's largest electronics-Government
buildings here in the America will never need suicide nets. The
working conditions are too good. Instead they may be dying of boredom
or obesity from the vending machines/kevelar blue dress, dr rove,
blowgazi? ted is sad, usps drone delievery, on stephanie/having sex
on the job on 911, on geraldo/
Standard, Dollar Selling For 4 Cents seekingalpha-Karl Rove plays
doctor. Marco Rubio plays climatologist. Next thing you know, Ann
Coulter will play a human being-Living on Borrowed Time Boehner Goes
Orange, Dark, and Gloomy-ted Cruz Democrats Block Benghazi-Geraldo,
Bolling Clash over VA Scandal, You Want to Cut Obama's Throat!-parent
arrested outraged- Fighting jihad, as Canadian as maple syrup-CAN see
Russia from Alaska-barracuda brigade/tw/5.3 14.7yf/13 Benghazis under
W's watch and 'fast and furious' began under Ws watch. Obama makes
one misstatement about the ACA and that's all the wingnuts need to
get their adrenaline fix-recent study reveals the refusal of states
to expand Medicaid will result in 7,000 to 17,000 deaths every year.
Hundreds of protesters shut down Missouri's state Senate demanding
the expansion of Medicaid under Obamacare-fb/they’ve found Santa
Maria, exactly where Columbus said it would be-FL cops fired 377
rounds at unarmed men in deafening barrage that killed suspect and
friend-Stewart blasts rage heap Rush Limbaugh: F*ck you for mocking
missing Nigerian girls-Coulter down for trolling kidnapped Nigerian
girls-Egypt, hunger striking Al Jazeera journalist is close to
death-Gingrich accuses Michael Sam fans of repressing
homophobes-worldwide water crisis lies on the horizon-Rove thinks
Hillary Clinton might have brain damage-Colbert rips NFL culture that
welcomes rapists, but not gays rsy/ ABC Host Mocks Kristol For
Lewinsky Conspiracy Theory And He Responds With Benghazi alan/Pfizer
is a company that keeps its promises, asked why the UK Government
should support a Pfizer bid, when you have a reputation of being
ruthless cost cutters, the takeover was an opportunity to domicile
the largest pharmaceutical company in the world, to bring the
strength of the combined portfolios and to bring our financial
strength into the UK and globally, distractions from would we are
doing now could run the risk of delaying our drugs pipeline, What
will we tell the person whose father died from lung cancer because
one of our medicines was delayed because our companies were involved
in saving taxes or saving costs? It is logical to assume that a
merger like this could mean substantial cost savings, and cost
savings could mean job losses-answers to direct questions tend to
sidestep the central issue, or appear to be outright obfuscation,
half truth, or poor justification for failure to uphold promises-UK
governments are unable to exercise control of the corporate sector,
even when it is against the interests of the UK. We could not and
cannot control bankers-bbc/nothing to do with liberals, in general or
loss of freedom of speech I thought, by now, that everyone knew that
one's employer does have the right to dictate the speech and actions
of their employees who represent them in public. Had the tweet been
from a non-employee of an NFL team, the outcome would be different,
perhaps scorn from other tweeters yet, if the tweet had been made by
an employee of any large corporation, that employer might have punished the employee the same get off this kick that every private
employer/employee interaction has something to do with liberals or
'the government yes, it has everything to do with liberals and
political correctness run amok aibafs/more evidence of the increasing
antagonism against Christianity in America. Controversy arose
recently over a Ten Commandments monument outside the Oklahoma State
Capitol building. The monument was donated in 2012, and it now stands
on state property. A local group of Satanists wants their own
monument to stand next to it. The group asked for donations and
received more than they needed to make a bronze statue. Pictures of
the monument were released earlier this month, and it’s as
grotesque as I imagined it would be. You can see pictures here. Now,
I understand that there are political issues surrounding these
monuments. But the bigger issue is how this indicates where our
culture is headed ham/If Donald Sterling and Cliven Bundy aren't
speakers at the next RNC, I don't know what to believe
anymore-bipartisan energy efficiency bill is being filibustered by
some of its very own Republican co-sponsors! Mind boggling
obstruction-Laugh at GOP efforts 2 save kidnapped kids, belittle
poor, fight 2 leave ppl uninsured, go 2 church Sunday, proclaim moral
superiority-Rubio just doesn't find the evidence for climate change
as convincing as the checks from big oil-tw/If you want to live like
a Republican, vote for the Democrats. I don't know where the GOPTP
ever got the reputation for being fiscal conservatives. They spend
like drunken sailors-The only thing that has trickled down from the
leaders of the Republican Party to their tea party birther racist
base, the arrogance, the racism, the selfish justification, the
whoreship of money and corporations, the hate, the prejudice, the
sexism, the intolerance, the bigotry and the ignorance- Appropriately
enough, they're insects, not a party, not anymore, it's a religion.
They believe the infallible word of their 1% leaders, as preached by
West and Gohmert, Beck and Limbaugh. They operate on faith,
policies that don't work, and facts that don't exist. And they're
willing to die and take us all with them rather than stray from their
dogma-rename Party to Weevil, and then have conflicts between the
Grain Weevils and the Boll Weevils-Couldn't even stand the thought of
calling myself a democrat or, heaven forbid, a liberal, I realized I
was merely afraid of accepting change for no reason other than
wishing to keep some label that made me more American or tougher. Stupid when I look back, and like most
hypocritical republicans, the last straw was when I was denied health
insurance for a pre existing condition (I know it's a shock to you
all, but I'm crazy), I had to get a taste of voting against my best
interests, but I also became utterly disgusted with the lack of
respect for the President, and a new wave of racism and
hyper-Christianity bullshit, trying to make women and poor people
fon/nc gay mafia kills clay ackin foe?-douchbag lines
wide open, charley marvels about stephs radio evolution, rubio steps
on another rake, on stephanie/
spite of the continuing onslaught against reproductive justice and
women's equality, legislators in 17 states introduced 64 measures to
expand reproductive options during the first quarter of 2014, the
largest such number in 25 years-The majority of women in prison are
domestic violence survivors. Most women in prison are also mothers,
the case of Marissa Alexander in the context of reproductive justice
and the criminalization of survivors and mothers of color- I stand
with every mother who has heard that bell toll as their child is
lowered into the ground because of a gun. There are almost 4,000 such
mothers so far this year, with many more to come, because the year is
still young, and we still love our guns more than we love our
children to/the Gig Economy Gerald Friedman/What a Tangled Web We
Freeze Censorship can be accomplished in so many ways. There's the
iron fisted, potboiler spy thriller Putin way. Or the smarmy, ice
cold fingers clenching wads of cash American way,
Sardonicky:/Execution Drug Cocktail Banned From Use on
Animals-Albuquerque Residents Attempt Citizen's Arrest of Police
Chief-Occupy Trial Jurors Petition Judge, Request That Cecily
McMillan Serve No Jail Time Guardian/ OtherWords: We may very well see
the day when Uncle Sam spends more money pandering to big companies
than it receives from taxing them/Brad Blog: This week's federal
court decision to strike down Wisconsin's polling place photo ID law
has national significance and does not bode well for Republicans who
have been attempting to advance such electoral schemes in recent
years-Creationists Like Scalia Are as Dangerous to the Promise of
Democracy as Biblical Creationists, and most tea party advocates
really saying the US should be run by people like the founding
fathers: white males with property-The Other Scandal at Penn State,
Fracking-The War to End All Wars, Except That War, and This War, and
That War, and the Next War-Pennsylvania College Gets an F for Selling
Out to Fracking-BuzzFlash/More Cops Have Died From 911 Illnesses Than
on the Scene at Ground Zero RT/Putin Forces Russian Bloggers to
Register Mashable/Citgo's Corpus Christi Environmental Crimes: Too
Big to Punish Texas Observer/ Republicans Abandon Americans to the
Calamities of Climate Change lat/Student Led Climate Victory:
Stanford University to Purge $18 Billion Endowment of Coal
Stock-Center Ring at the Republican Benghazi Circus nyt/Koch Group
Plans to Spend $125 Million on Midterms PBS/ fBI Threats Against Law
Enforcement in Bundy Showdown lvJ/Community Electricity Lights Up
Spain Until recently it was inconceivable for small groups of
organized citizens in fully electrified industrialized countries like
Spain to generate their own power from clean sources of energy. But
now anyone can be a co-owner of community projects that promote
renewable energy ips/OtherWords: High frequency traders, relying on
computers programmed to make trades at speeds measured in the
millionths of seconds, accelerated a stock freefall by withdrawing
from the market en masse. Four years after they caused the Flash
Crash, those speed demons still rule our financial markets.
Derailing the High Speed Trading Bullet Train Before It Crashes Our
Economy/ nj to Require Justifiable Need to Carry a Firearm in
Public/Solar Panels Finally Arrive Atop the White House McClatchy
DC/Libertarians Scary New Star, Bryan Caplan, the Right’s Next
Great Philosopher Salon/Drone, Jetliner Nearly Collided Over Florida
CNN/Raising the Minimum Wage to $10.10 Would Benefit 4.7 Million Moms
epi/Silly Environmentalists, Getting Upset Over a Little Pipeline
FAIR-The Leap to Biosphere Consciousness and Collaboration: An
Interview With Author Jeremy Rifkin/Johnny is a lazy delivery guy and
an accidental mass murderer digg/Just Blame the Naysayers
Krugman/ Where is Yahoo on SEC DOJ Banamex fraud and CDO court news
SEC, DOJ Probing Banamex Fraud, issues with Summers, Rubin, Lew,
proprietary bonds, Indonesia. Does Yahoo suffer from action
criticism? Hmmm kinda like Time Warner, Dime. Citi media cover up
nothing has been fixed since the 10 for 1-Nash Equilibrium says a
citizen is looking out for his best interest if his definition of
best interest considers that all other citizens are looking out for
their best interest while at the same time considering all others are
also looking out for their best interest, say, if the country is
attacked by a bunch of suicidal kamikaze pilots, it's in the citizens
best interest to suspend his best interest, put the country's
interest first and help destroy the attackers. Paradoxically, in
putting the country's interest first temporarily, he has in fact kept
his own interest first-To me patriotism, in practically all of its
forms, is distasteful. And I confess to a feeling of strange solitude
in these days of its divinity that no other revolutionary opinions
have brought me. Much of the time I wonder what it is that separates
a handful of us from the concourse of mankind. We are so motley a
handful: Christians, Atheists, Quakers, Anarchists, Artists,
Socialists, and a few who just have a fervent pleasure in using their
brains about truth. You could bring us together, and we would not
agree upon anything else under the sun but we agree in disliking the
religion of patriotism. We can not stand up when the national anthem
is played, not because we have any theory about it, but because the
quality of the emotion expressed is alien and false to us. We cannot
partake of the communion and be true to ourselves. And so many of us
do not go to these meeting-places at all, or we come in late, or
otherwise we try to avoid the acute discomfort of sitting quiescent
under the scowling malice and ignorant suspicion of a mob indulging
its fixed and habitual emotion~ Max Eatman, reformed socialist, quote
from 1917 (i think)-Don't hate the sinner, hate the sin, no one is
responsible or has to suffer the consequences of their bad deeds.
'We're not going to punish the person for the bad deed, we're going
to punish the bad deed'? except when it comes to abortion, a
victimless pseudo sin, to be confused with the the pseudonym, family
planning, where the sinner and the sin of promiscuity get a pass and
the baby gets the blame and the ultimate punishment (and in the
tard's eyes at the tax payer's expense-a version of a certain
religion which makes it haram, or forbidden, for them to take part in
any political or social activity associated with Western society.
This includes voting in elections, wearing shirts and trousers or
receiving a secular education. On the bright side, murder,
kidnapping, and human trafficking allowed idiot has as much business
being president as Elmer Fudd-Hillary Master Minded The Benghazi
Cover Up-Four Pinocchios-He and his gay agenda are a worldwide
laughingstock-tards had better get USED to looking at Trey Gowdy. Or
start telling the Truth! Because that's the ONLY way he's going
away-Gowdy looks like the product of a lot of inbreeding south
carolina deliverance- coming after you DimoRATS. Be warned-they dont
look like a troll that got their head caught in a vice. Gowdy is a
creepy looking somebody-Carville and Colmes aren't?-
yhal/Insurers To
Debunk GOP's Rigged Obamacare Study In Front Of Congress, No wonder
GOP wants to talk about #Benghazi! tpm-Gowdy Grills Media at Benghazi
Press Conference into Stunned Silence bbb tw/ Capitalism is freedom
in the area of economic transactions nothing more-Freedom from
coercion from your neighbor and especially from your government.
Economic transactions are the engine, the life blood of a
civilization. That the government would want to form a parasitical
relationship with that engine is understandable but to be avoided
(while actively working to extend freedom in all directions).
relationship the government forms with economic transactions beyond
its mandate of protection of property and the maintenance of rule of
law introduces coercion into the transactions and therein lies a
cesspool of corruption and all the evils of what a Left Wing culture
likes to ascribe to Capitalism, There is absolutely nothing in the
idea of freedom in economic transactions that prevents you (and your
like minded friends and acquaintances from pursuing a program to help
anyone you so choose to help, freedom itself demands that you not be
given a gun to coerce your neighbors into your plans. To do so is to
add a little tyranny. No matter how lofty your goals are, coercion or
tyranny writ small (or large) is not justified or justifiable, simply
intellectual doggerel, economic transactions between consenting
adults in a free society is that it causes poverty? Really?
Not only
is that statement one of moral turpitude, but it blinds one to the
actual fact that freedom in economic transactions has done away with
more poverty in the world than all other methods combined over the
whole of human history. The opposite of freedom, is slavery. Let me
guess, your one of those people for whom, Freedom is fine but a
little bit of slavery makes it better ps/Oliver pits Nye against 3
climate change denying dudes-Non Christian public prayer violates my
rights because I don’t believe that-Arizona house so full of guns,
a miracle the only now shot himself3-17 dangerous chemicals linked to
breast cancer-Hook truther steals memorial sign, tells victim’s
mother her child never existed-Woman who wrote bogus Holocaust memoir
ordered to repay publisher $22 million-Southern Ocean winds strongest
in 1,000 years due to atmospheric carbon dioxide levels-Deputy who
choked TN student opts for early retirement instead of fighting
termination-Fist waving fired HGTV hosts are ready to clean house on
the gay agenda of silence-rsy/ Republican Lobbyist Jack Burkman wants
to boycott the Kansas City Chiefs for drafting the first openly gay
player Michael Sam fb/bad meth in albequerqui, trump attacks the kiss
teat went around the world, gowdyisms abound, on stephaie/curtis
upset what caused you to pull out, cubie slapping the beret, smouch
21 hr cycles, sex education nyc style, do you want fries in 3
languages jobs, on wabccc/