rips gop This strain of libertarianism that’s going through parties
right now and making big headlines I think is a very dangerous
thought, These esoteric, intellectual debates, warning that after the
next terrorist attack Americans may point to “this intellectual
debate, for challenging government surveillance programs and failing
to understand the dangers of terrorism-I didn't want to be right, but
sadly I am, Ginsburg not surprised that Southern states have pushed
ahead with tough voter identification laws, like throwing away your
umbrella in a rainstorm because you are not getting wet-Halliburton
Co has agreed to plead guilty to destroying evidence related to the
2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill, ordered workers to destroy computer
simulations that showed little difference between using six and 21
centralizers R-Those who invoke "stand your ground" to
avoid prosecution have been extremely successful. Nearly 70 percent
have gone free, Seventy-three percent of those who killed a black
person faced no penalty compared to 59 percent of those who killed a
white, also been used by a self-described "vampire" in
Pinellas County, a Miami man arrested with a single marijuana
cigarette, a Fort Myers homeowner who shot a bear and a West Palm
Beach jogger who beat a Jack Russell terrier. One man killed two
unarmed people and walked out of jail. Another shot a man as he lay
on the ground. Others went free after shooting their victims in the
back. In nearly a third of the cases the Times analyzed, defendants
initiated the fight, shot an unarmed person or pursued their victim,
and still went free-yhal/ I find Rachel Maddow attractive, and
intelligent. I guess you are the gay-basher that nolax was accused of
being. May you have a gay child...or several. Oh, and btw, men love
women in skirts! They can get to the goods much faster. Keep your
knees crossed in your mini,-aibafs/ Obama is America's finest
president EVER ! Better than the Slave Owners Washington and
Jefferson-Smarter than Lincoln ,Better endowed than Reagan-The Feds
are coming after banks again-Two very large, dishonest derivative
players will bring down the world financial markets.-What is
happening is stagnation in the major indices. This happens when the
large derivative players are shifting their positions. They are now
moving money and are going to bet against both markets. In the past
this is when large corrections take place (over 10 percent). The
large derivative players are the ones that run the indices. For
example look at Warren Buffet; he is a heavy derivative player that
has, over the last five years, substantially decreased his position
in stocks and gone the derivative route. Smart, rich player.
Derivative are an easy way to hide money.......so large losses can be
covered up. The SEC does not understand this and they cannot track
this. The result is no regulation. It will only take one major,
dishonest derivative player to send our financial systems into ruin.
"I WON'T LET DETROIT GO BANKRUPT"-uncle tom the president
of racism, is busy wit da white chukz sukkkah ybac/The Republican
party today represents the true self interests of about 1% of the
population. They manage to boondoggle another 40% or so into voting
against their own self interests through appeals to fear and anger.
That still leaves them with absolutely no chance to win national, or
even statewide, elections without suppressing the vote. This is a
purely rational strategy on the part of Republicans who have two
choices anymore, suppress the vote or lose-Why do left loons like
voter fraud?-What is wrong with you having to prove you are you?-How
would you like someone showing up saying I am voting Republican and
taking away youf vote-Without voter fraud Dems would lose every
election. They depend upon it to win elections-They just don't like
to lose, and seem to cheat at every opportunity, the Republican party
is dead. It's an albatross, hanging around their neck until the next
census because the last redistricting almost put a lock on the House
of Representatives to 2020. 7 more years of laughing at leftist
moonbats will be fun, and I am not a Republican. I don't stick with
an albatross yhal/ I don't take any of you liberals posts serious
enough to report!! In fact, I have never reported any post at any
time here or all the years I was on yahoo!! Anything posted on any
board is not important enough to report to anyone, because NOTHING on
a message board will change the world in any way!But some liberals
take the boards TOO SERIOUS, maybe because they have no real life!!
But the over enthusiastic moderators can ruin a board faster than any
posters post! Anyway, lunch time, GOOD-BYE!-what in God's name are
you complaining about-Basically, wars, including guerilla warfare,
are to kill people. What's so hard to understand about that? So a few
innocents get killed. War war war war war...we need more WAR! Sarcasm
intended-The overriding purpose to waging war is to gain massive
profit and power for a very few and the cost is innocent human lives.
The "few innocents" who are killed are actually more than
90% of the casualties-we all know who gets richer from war bucks. And
it's not us aibafs/5 Quotes From Obama's Jobs Speech Making Right
Wing Heads Explode, bo touting his speech on the economy in the days
leading up to it for good reason. Undeniably the speech he delivered
in Illinois yesterday will reverberate for days and weeks *(and
years) to come AgainstTeaParty/18 people in three states have
required hospitalization from the cyclospora parasite, which causes
an intestinal infection called cyclosporiasis, caused by ingesting
food or water containing a one celled parasite that is too small to
be detected without a microscope. Symptoms include watery diarrhea,
vomiting and body aches, manifest within several days of eating the
contaminated food, and include diarrhea, cramps, nausea and fatigue.
If not treated, the illness may last from a few days to a month or
longer and patients have been known to relapse-blame the worker as
opposed to the person who is paying them to work their fields?!?!??!
Makes a lot of sense to me-quit proving yourself a liberal. Are you
willing to pay 3x what you are paying now for food? While there is
room for improvement on the farmer and illegal side, we do need to
solve this illegal worker problem!-Shhh. Agro doesn't want any
negative press. This story will die quickly, as have all the others.
When the actual source of this outbreak in known, the only mention of
it will be a brief, technical blurb designed to bury the underlying
fact-People (many of then sick) are being brought into the country
illegally, with out any kind of quarantine or health screening for
highly infections and frequently fatal diseases that would normally
have them stopped at the border. agro business does this every single
year-Why? Money. They don't want to employ legal, local residents to
do the work because they would ask for minimum wage. They would also
have to provide sanitary facilities, a reasonably safe working
environment and time off. The illegals are paid cash and if they are
very sick or injured they go to the ER an are treated under the Good
Samaritan law-that is, they don't pay for their care and the farmer
doesn't either. cash they pay these workers promptly leaves the
country for Mexico--Israel has blocked the European Union from aiding
tens of thousands of Palestinians in the West Bank in retaliation for
Brussels' ban on financial assistance to Israeli organizations in the
occupied territories, a result of the EU decision "to sanction
or boycott the settlements, From our standpoint we cannot just ignore
this or treat spitting in our face as though it is rain," the
official said. guidelines render Israeli entities operating there
ineligible for EU grants, prizes or loans, beginning next year.
Settler leaders say the aid they receive from Europe is minimal. But
many in Israel worry about possible knock-on effects the EU steps may
have on individuals or companies based in Israel that might be
involved in business in the settlements, deemed illegal by the
international community. 80 aid groups, said in a report in May that
600 settler houses had been built since mid-2012 while Israel
demolished 535 Palestinian-owned homes and structures, peace talks
that have been deadlocked for three years- zionist, your arrogance
will cause your demise. You seem to be biting the hands that feed
you, very unwise choice on your part-shocker!!!! The ZioNazi
Apartheid regime suspending International Humanitarian assistance to
its VICTOMS. The so called jewsht state with 6 Million Palestinians
living in it is busy Bulldozing and Ethnic Cleansing, cut the
ZioNazis of,f stop giving them our hard earned US Taxpayer Money,
Natanhyena is a war criminal-F U ZioNazis, no one in the world
recognizes your illegal settlement's-Israel has the best education
system in the world!!! Here you can major in and master the art of
Terrorizing civilians, heavy equipment operator, organ transplants,
Hostile takeovers, sharp shooting, how to beat up Bedouins 101, Press
manipulation, Nuclear biological weapons, advanced begging for
money$, Precision civilian bombing, Zoning rights masonry, how to
take over congress, computer virus, sticky bombs, History- I am not
Jewish nor do I reside anywhere in the ME but will defend Isreal
against the tyrannical UN and its allah infested barbarians, Israel
is not being unreasonably "nasty" or "vindictive"
at all. Jordan only ruled Area C for 19 brief years and that was 45
years ago. Prior to that the British ruled Area C. Islamic Arab rule
of Area C ended in 1917. Islamic Arab Palestinians who keep waging
war(s) against non Islamic Palestinians (Israelis) should be
expecting "nasty and vindictive" reactions-what gives the
yids the right to control a race of people ? They walk over
palestinians and do what they want and when they want and will do so
for ever with american backing and money yn/lightfoot performs nyc,
eric burton's animals cancel israeli concert, iman weiner roast
continues/bo calls gop deadbeats, zimmy alerted by police to assist,
stand your driveway, uncovers weiners shoe fetish and pics started by
sidney leathers groupie, on stephanie/holder takes texas voting
rights to task, on tunein/ rationalwiki.org/wiki/WND
Texas Republican Jeb Hensarling, chairman of the House committee,
said on Tuesday that the bill was designed for "hard working
taxpayers so they never again have to bail out corrupt ENTERPRISES
LIKE FANNIE MAE AND FREDDIE MAC? THAT is a LIE bigger than his own
state of texas...THE HEN is a vile, deceiving conniver- We all know
the BANKS caused this! they are just trying to spill blame, and
weasel their way out before being crushed by the law yfnm/This
skittles and watermelon grape drank stock is so worthless even
thugvon wouldn't steal it ybac/National Journal column titled, "The
Unprecedented and Contemptible Attempts to Sabotage Obamacare,"
Ornstein said the GOP anti-Obamacare effort is "spinning out of
control" and "simply unprecedented. Bush enacted the
Medicare prescription drug benefit in 2003, Democrats worked with
Republicans to improve it and help seniors rather than attempting to
tarnish it for political gain, "they did not try to sabotage the
surge" because it would have been close to treasonous, to do
everything possible to undercut and destroy its implementation, to
threaten the even greater disruption via a government shutdown or
breach of the debt limit in order to blackmail the president into
abandoning the law; and to hope to benefit politically from all the
resulting turmoil, is simply unacceptable, even contemptible. Boehner
is motivated by fear of his caucus, and McConnell and Cornyn by fear
of Kentucky and Texas Republican activists-Tom Cole, Seems to me
there’s appropriate ways to deal with the law, but shutting down
the government to get your way over an unrelated piece of legislation
is political equivalent of throwing a temper tantruma deputy majority
whip, has taken to the airwaves over the last 24 hours to pour cold
water on GOP attempts to demand that the party withhold support for
keeping the federal government open after Sept. 30 unless Obamacare
is gutted-McCain warns GOP, obstruction will lead to (filibuster)
rule changes, then the majority will be tempted to change the rules
of the Senate,” McCain said. “That would be the worst outcome/
Congress to Fed: End Too Big to Fail Already!until the Fed lays out
what the bar is for solvency, and the procedure it will follow to
determine if the firm is solvent, the Fed can follow the letter of
the law, without following the spirit of the law. Right now, "the
meaning of a 'solvent' institution is…in the eye of the beholder,
If there's another financial crisis, reformers warn, the Fed could
decide that even the least solvent banks are bailout worthy, and hand
trillions to those institutions all over again. "If the world
gets messy, the Fed "could blow right through those statutory
prohibitions-Even the new Basel rules will not be sufficient to
protect the banking sector and American taxpayers could once again
find themselves supporting the system-Shut down the privately owned
Federal Reserve bank and the majority of this country's economic
problems will be solved . The Federal Reserve is a criminal
enterprise that has prayed upon the population far to long , time has
come to slay the beast-When a see a bunch of expensive well barbered
suits like that smiling it makes me nervous.I don't care which party.
I check my wallet to make sure my money is stll there and twitch my
shoulder blades and make sure there is not a knife is in my back If
the foxes are running the hen house how much chicken are the rest of
us going to get to eat?-Five years since the big collapse and big
bailout and relatively little has changed and no one has been
prosecuted. In fact many of these large banks have followed business
as usual and even been found criminally conspiratory and laundering
money for criminal organizations given only a slap on the wrist-The
general population is investigated, prosecuted and penalized to the
full extent of the law for criminal activity. Thanks to a corrupt and
totally compromised government and justice system, the corporate
elite and the ultra rich are not to be inconvenienced or embarrassed
with exposure of their crimes mj/world’s greatest liars and
manipulators, Masters of Unreality known as Jews, so eager to get
their hands on it once it had been invented by Whites. They already
had firm control of those two other great tools of deceit and
manipulation, newspapers and the movies, so they weren’t going to
let TV slip through their greasy fingers. today the alphabet soup of
TV is as kosher as gefilte fish. ABC, BBC, CBS, CBC, CNN, NBC and the
rest, staffed and controlled by Jews, and they all pump out Jewish
lies on race and sex, deceiving and manipulating Whites into
accepting their own destruction ybac/Madonna, Alicia Keys, Rolling
Stones Deny Involvement in Stevie Wonder's Florida Boycott, Nugent
tore into Wonder's boycott of Florida over that state's controversial
"Stand Your Ground" laws focusing on the shooting death of
Florida teen Trayvon Martin while ignoring black on black violence.
in reference to Wonder's boycott. "Braindead." "Numbnuts."
And, perhaps worst of all, "soulless.-What clout does a
poopy-pants pedophile who is so cowardly he attacks a blind man have,
really? You can find better role models, can't you?-If he is winning,
who is losing?-Booze Allen Hamilton and the Carlisle Group,
hopefully-Libstains still talk abut the CARLYLE Group?bo claim: "The
income of the top 1 percent nearly quadrupled from 1979 to 2007,
while the typical family's barely budged, paints himself as the
savior of the middle class—and it's the nefarious 1 percent he's
going to save us from, so he has to drive a wedge between the
classes-If Geraldo is conservative then Obama is the greatest
president this country has ever had-aibafs/2013 THUGREPORT Body
Counts L.A.: 140 Chicago: 204 NYC: 166 Baltimore: 129 St. Louis: 56
Philly: 136 NOLA: 80 Detroit: 167-You can't put the man in jail even
though in our hearts we felt he was guilty," said the woman who
was identified only as Juror B29 during the trial. "But we had
to grab our hearts and put it aside and look at the evidence yet
feels she owes an apology Martin's parents. rbg/There's only one way
to put George Zimmerman out of business: Justice can only come out of
the barrel of a lawsuit Greg Palast-How Low Can Your Salary Go? 117
ALEC Bills in 2013 Fuel Race to the Bottom As working Americans speak
out for higher wages, better benefits and respect in the workplace, a
coordinated, nationwide campaign to silence them is mounting - and
ALEC is at the heart of it PRWatch: physician George Pauk takes a
closer look at the Guantanamo hunger strikers and hypothesizes about
where starvation fits into our freedom today-novelist Theodore
Dreiser believed we need to take matters into our own hands and "stop
expecting those who have great power and official eminence to carry
out our democratic will.- Truthout/Incrementally, a surveillance
state apparatus is being built. It's dangerous mission creep as
exemplified in Oakland-England Celebrates a Royal Birth, Republicans
Celebrate Their Royal Shaft of the American People BuzzFlash/Obama
Administration Sues Exxon for Polluting Pennsylvania Drinking Water
With Toxic Fracking Waste AllGov/The second juror to speak publicly
about George Zimmerman's trial tells ABC News that she feels the
neighborhood watch volunteer got away with murder for fatally
shooting Trayvon Martin, Says She Owes Martin's Parents
Apology-McCain drops veil and all pretense, reveals self as complete
traitor. Yes and Benedict Arnold was a war hero before he turned
traitor- rbn/ in the wake of its $18 billion Chapter 9 bankruptcy,
Detroiters are threatened with losing democratic control over public
services in a city looking to infuse its budget with much-needed
revenue. Donald Cohen the inherent dangers of privatization
Truthout/Time to Send the Crony Banksters to Jail When are we going
to put an end to the administration's "too big to fail" and
"too big to jail" policies? Hartmann/GOP and the Albatross
of White Racial Panic tpm/The GOP and Immigration Reform: Born to
Fail BuzzFlash/Larry Summers Will Destroy the Economy (Again)
Salon/Four Protesters Arrested at Enbridge Pipeline Construction Site
Charged with Felony MLive/Get rid of the TRUTH!! the ONLY WAY THE
WORTHLESS liberal democrats can win! aibafs/weiner parade, on
imus/guliani jumping on weiner, on stephanie/pailin blames atheist
war on christmas pakman/ rolanda hazzard on s/gasparino, hedgefund
insider steve cohen possible indicted payoffs 9b$ on geraldo/bo
challenges voting laws in tx/kudro visits with hollywood insider,
caller sez he's wonderful, on dennis/
General talks for the whole world, or worlds peopls, or world
republic, constitution, and freedom of all nutty religions. They just
talk about their countrys position and countrys national interests.
Thats not good enough in a world that is crowding into each other all
the time and screwwing the worlds people as much as it ever has in
the elites interests not the peoples, This US General ames mattis is
clueless and up a Creek to the above. Or more likely, more than aware
of it but not for prime time explaining otherwise the US and worlds
people would be on to it and stop it businessinsider/GW Bush lied
about Saddams nuclear intentions, his possession of enormous amounts
of WMD, his plans and capability to attack the US and England,
etc.etc. When one reason for invading Iraq was disproven and
discredited, Bush would simply drop it and trot out another. There is
a website somewhere that lists 20 of these reasons, ALL lies. He lied
about our intention to liberate Iraq and form a truly democratic
government. These were just the lies told at the start of the war, in
order to bring the American people along with the war. Then for six
years he lied about our progress there, said we were constantly,
steadily making progress. He lied about torture and rendition, about
the cost of the war, etc. All in all he told more lies than he told
the truth. And anyone who disagreed with him was smeared as
antiAmerican-few would have imagined that a million and a half tons
of aluminum, a quarter of the national supply at any given moment,
typically sits in a network of 27 Detroit warehouses owned by Goldman
Sachs. And hardly anyone would have thought that manufacturers
seeking to purchase that aluminum might wait 18 months or more for
delivery, while warehouse owners like Goldman Sachs collect
additional rent, paid for by consumers of aluminum products ranging
from beer cans to home siding ygs/Because only US corpora-terrorists
and their benefactors can get US tax dollars.] --Documents reveal US
money trail to Egyptian groups that pressed for president's removal.
10 Jul 2013 President Barack Obama recently stated the United States
was not taking sides as Egypt's crisis came to a head with the
military overthrow, Washington has quietly funded senior Egyptian
opposition figures who called for toppling of the country, vigorously
supported activists and politicians who have fomented unrest in
Egypt, dubbed by US officials as a "democracy [sic] assistance"
initiative, is part of a wider Obama administration effort to try to
stop the retreat of pro Washington secularists, and to win back
influence in Arab Spring countries that saw the rise of Islamists,
who largely oppose US [corpora-terrorists'] interests in the Middle
East.-Rick Snyder, R-Dirt-bag-Mich., said Sunday on "Face the
Nation" that granting Detroit a government bailout would be the
wrong way to help the bankrupt city. "I do not view that as the
right answer," Snyder told "Face the Nation" host Bob
Schieffer when asked whether he would ask the federal government for
a bailout. "The right answer is, bankruptcy is there to deal
with the debt question." Snyder said the state cannot bail out
Detroit, and while the federal government will make its own decision
on a bailout-National Cattlemen's Beef Association, is among a group
of cattle producers and meat companies that has sued the U.S.
Department of Agriculture for moving ahead in late May with new
country-of-origin labeling rules. In a lawsuit filed July 8 in U.S.
District Court in Washington, the groups claim the labels will hurt
beef exports and are unconstitutional as "compelled speech"
[?!?] that doesn't advance a government interest. [Of course, the US
High Wh*re Court will back them, 5-4. Boycott agri-terrorists' beef,
problem solved. clg/