Goes After GOP Over ObamaCare Delays-federal charges could change
everything for George Zimmerman-Hannity Guest Berates Juan Williams
Over Zimmerman Case You Are Embarrassing Yourself! fni/major biotech company
known as Syngenta has been criminally charged for denying knowledge
that its GM Bt corn actually kills livestock.-unearthed in a field at
Crathes Castle, Aberdeenshire. believed to be the world's oldest
lunar calendar. Twelve pits, said to have been created by hunter
gatherers almost 10,000 years ago criticalbelievers/being ironic is
that everytime an anti-Israel proponent posts an electronic message,
they are relying on one or more critical pieces of Israeli
technology, be it from their desktop, laptop or smart phone. Nobody
buys Israeli technology because they want to-true. And yes, that is
also ironic. My issue has always been to expose the zionist and being
just as bad as the fundamentalist muslim, There are many good Jews,
as there are many good Muslims and Christians, But when one religion
finds it can use oppression in the name of religion, that is where I
speak out. Peace ygs/Eyewitness said gay zimmerman was man-hunting
Trayvon for a little extracurricular activity-ZIMMY WAS ACTUALLY
ZIIMMY THE NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH QUEEF??laura infected_clit-a preference
for black guys and Scotts Lawn Care employees-MCCAIN (R) WE MUST
mayers rash-limbaughs_pharmacist conservative combo hand guns and p
hags-wingers hero couldn't stand his ground like a man, hell the
zimmy #$%$ even attacks women-NOW DESPERATE ZIMMY IS STAGING RESCUE
Numbnutz?-What are the current Vegas odds that Zimmy truck crash was
staged?-feels he must save 10 lives now to make up for the one life
he ended!-rescues 10 Cabbage Patch Kids from the Cabbage Patch
Orphanage!-Marvel Comics- New Superhero- Superman, Batman, Aquaman,
and now Zimmerman-Who knows how many he saved from that thug
TrayGone-Fox News details he has so far "rescued" 48
people.....ZIMMY for PRESIDENT!-yhal/trolling
for calk-Zimmerman was one of two men who came to the aid of a family
of four parents and two children, trapped inside a blue Ford Explorer
SUV that had rolled over after traveling off the highway, I-4 and
route Route 46, less than a mile from where Zimmerman shot Martin, No
one was reported to be injured-anti American, anti government, anti
democracy, pro revolution, assault weapon ammo hoarding considered a
danger to himself and his neighbors, insisted that the president was
a Marxist, Muslim Dictator the alarms went off. He is unstable and
well armed. I hope that this one doesn't slip through the cracks like
McVeigh-Registered Democrat Hispanic, Obama voter Zimmerman under
constant threats by DEMOCRATS, should tell Hispanics
something.-rbg/Goldman Made $5 Billion By Manipulating Aluminum
Inventories What sexual favors were exchanged so that the New York
Times blunted the impact of an important, detailed investigative
story on Goldman profiteering, this time in the aluminum market
nakedcapitalism/newly reopened and renamed South Wind Woman's Center
continues the fight for reproductive justice in the conservative
state of Kansas-Crisis of Finance Capitalism and the Exhaustion of
NeoliberalismIn the five years since the Global Financial Crisis, no
policies have been developed to effectively ensure against another
systemic failure of banking and insurance systems-One of the most
common and enduring criticisms of The Feminine Mystique is that
Friedan does not say anything about working class women or
minorities. Ironically, these issues were at the forefront during
Friedan's former years as a labor journalist-solitary confinement,
the nature of time and why the humane treatment of prisoners is
integral to the preservation of human rights- Truthout/Billions of
dollars could be saved by cutting subsidies while still protecting
vital nutrition programs for the poor, if policymakers are willing to
make them ceg/Republicans want to get rid of food stamps, AND outlaw
panhandling. What are poor people supposed to do? What are poor
people supposed to do to survive?-Republican congress should come
with a final solution for the poor , maybe work camps-IDIOT .....
that's the OBAMACRATS formula in ObamaCare for anyone over 76-Good.
They can get a job just like the rich. ARe you afraid of acting white
and doing the right thing? Do you have a problem with working and
taking care of your kids?-Go ask their master leftist democrap prez,
for a job.... Or, never vote for another leftist democrap.....this
alone would increase employment big time ybac/Whether I'm "lying
to myself" and "wasting as much of my life chasing a wild
goose" or not doesn't change TRUTH and certainly, your bullshit
doesn't either. So I'll just keep on "lying to myself" and
"waste much of my life chasing as wild goose" if that's ok
with you or even if it's not. It won't change the TRUTH, which is
exactly what I'm looking for aibafs/ newswhore #1/selena gomez 21,
brent gop declares war on the liberal media, on laura insist being
able to stand question, suggesting the i don't recall reaganism
worked so well, /wingnuts label al as the biggest racist, lewis
santiago father gunpowder residue in jail for stalking exwife, of GA
face shot toddler, supposedly shot by two blacks, apologist callers
recall 09 black killing 16 yr old thief, suits upset about being
profiled, on geraldo/bradblog affirms obama derangment syndrome, on
of George Zimmerman is being used by the Zionist controlled media in
a blatant, utterly false and that the incident in Florida was just
another example of “white racism. diverting attention away from the
real cause of so many problems in black society, namely, Jewish
Supremacists ybac/hearing testimony by economic experts for the
trade center owners and for the airlines linked to the planes that
were hijacked in the attacks. The non-jury trial was held to decide
whether the owners of the owners could collect more than the nearly
$5bn they've already received toward reconstruction, ruling against
developer Larry Silverstein and World Trade Center Properties,
Hellerstein cited state laws that bar "windfalls and double
recovery on the same loss-Only a coward would use a gun in a fist
fight Gangsta" brought nothing but his fists to the fight and
proved himself the better man. The "law abiding citizen"
had to pull a gun because he got his ass kicked in a fair fight- my
Resume: I am a Human Parasite Lib Retard and a worthless piece of
American Crap. I am lazy, have a total lack of ambition, make chronic
stupid mistakes, choices and have an irresponsible lifestyle.
However, I absolve myself of as many of the responsibilities of life
as possible I feel guilt for the prosperity I have obtained. I also
have Personal GREED and Personal SELFISHNESS. I should be
exterminated from the face of this earth. I am part of the "Human
Parasite" Dependency Sub-Class of Human Filth, A.K.A Low
Information Maggots. I want an easier and responsible free life at
the expense of anyone who has a penny more in their pocket then I do.
PROUD TO BE A MAGGOT! Yay Democrats, Yay Liberals. Just don't mess
with my lady parts, you Godly Republicans! p.s. I worship Lord Obama
Have a good day-We hold THESE truths to be self-evident. Although, I
would also say that we DO have a puppet media, but not one controlled
by the government, but rather one contolled by those who CONTROL the
government, "We hold THESE truths to be self-evident, truth is
self evident and irrefutable. Truth never changes, lies always do.
Although, I would also say that we DO have a puppet media, but not
one controlled by the government, but rather one contolled by those
who CONTROL the government-So then if you believe the above, why on
earth would you accept what you've been fed by government as truth?
Regardless that you say you haven't seen anything compelling enough
to reconsider the official story, you already stated more than enough
reason to compel you to consider that it can't be truth or at the
very least that it can't ALL be true. And if that's the case,
everything must be reconsidered because you don't have enough to be
able to sort out truth from fiction. This is simple logic-Not
breaking news International Progressive, It should be no surprise to
any of us who has closely followed the case of Trayvon Martin,
according to Florida voter registration documents that George Michael
Zimmerman, born Oct. 5, 1983, registered as a Republican in Seminole
County, Fla., in August 2002, according to state voter registration
documents. freebeacon, turns out that teabagging gun-toting white
racist George Zimmerman is a Republican, to kill somebody for walking
while black, according to Fux News' viewership. Why is it that it's
only an obscure website reporting white racist Zimmerman's political
affiliation, and meanwhile the white-owned media fails to tell us
about this? Repukes inconsolable!-aibafs/bohner partician scar tissue
on cbs/
Thomas, Rabbi David Nesenoff of RabbiLive questioned Thomas as she
was leaving the White House asked for comments on Israel, she
replied: "Tell them to get the hell out of Palestine." and
"Remember, these people are occupied and it's their land. It's
not German, it's not Poland..." When asked where Israeli Jews
should go, she replied they could "go home" to Poland or
Germany or "America and everywhere else. Why push people out of
there who have lived there for centuries?" She also mentioned
she was of "Arab background, Anti Semite Liberal Maggot, Finally
Dead. liberalism and its adherents to be most uncivil, The least I
can do is acknowledge them assuming room temperature-Most uncivil and
hateful to speak of the late Helen Thomas that way, I actually found
her amusing, albeit facially challenged-Thug Von was a THUG plain and
simple, Piers Morgan is a condescending, stuffed shirt British a hole
who's incensed that a black American didn't play the role expected by
liberals of stepinfetchit, and dared to call it like it was-The worst
of the 47% "Human Parasite" Dependency Sub-Class of Human
Filth was on display at the OWS movement. Lib-Retardism is a LIE, It
must be exterminated along with everyone who espouses it-aibafs/rip
helen thomas @92 yc/
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