Are All The Good Church People? /Evangelical Christianity in America
is losing its power, what happened to Orange County’s Crystal
Cathedral shows why theamericanscholar.-THEY'VE BEEN RAPTURED
digg/o'Reilly Takes on Bunny Ranch Brothel Owner for Receiving Tax
Breaks Talking Points: The Dark Side of Being a Lottery Winner- Ask Me
Anything: Krauthammer Spends an Hour With The Five-Hillary Clinton
the 'Most Fascinating Person of 2013-PETA Reprimands Teen Hunter
After She's Attacked by a Bear!-Neighbors' Letter: Christmas Lights
Are 'Flagrant Display' of Religious Beliefs-Police Chief to Kanye
West: 'Check Yourself, Before You Wreck Yourself Online Bidding
Explodes for This Painting By George Zimmerman-Judge Nap: 'NSA
Couldn't Even Prove Its Phone Surveillance Worked-Krauthammer on
'Kelly File': 'Let Congress Decide on NSA Data Collection
fni/1,500-year-old Bible in which Jesus foretold the coming of
Mohammed to Earth has attracted attention from the Vatican
criticalbelievers/Leslie marshall made the "2013 list of the top
30 hottest Political Women/menorah symbolizes the oil that burns for
7 days when only 1 days supply was available at the temple upon its
recapture-believes Keynesian lie, She actually thinks everything
works. So why do central banks spend most of their efforts
suppressing the gold price if its a barbaric relic of the past? That
light at the end of the tunnel is an oncoming train. At least
Bernanke knew he was perpetuating fraud. Yellen is clueless!-Jewish
Supremacists Hoist Menorah, but Demand Christian Cross Comes
Down-According to the Father of Propaganda, Edward Bernays, in his
book by the same name, propaganda is good or bad depending on the
"merit of the cause urged" and the "correctness of the
information published." While the post in question may meet the
criteria for "good" propaganda in the test of the "merit
of the cause", fails to do so in the sense of "correctness
of information. The claim that there are 4 sitting judges on the
Supreme Court is false, as is the claim that Jews are elevated to the
position of SCOTUS at a rate of 40 times more than non Jews. By
spinning flagrant canards to give your cause merit, you actually
damage your cause by forcing it to be seen in the light of dishonesty
and bigotry as opposed to the underlying issue, separation
of church and state" and the meting out of the principle in
equitable doses. I am not Jewish nor am I a Christian Zionist. By
invoking Christian Zionism into an argument that was void of it in
the initial post, what you seem to be claiming is that the six
sitting Roman Catholic judges are Christian Zionists, and thus are
the same as Jews and should be counted as such. That of course, is
pure folly. I don't take exception to the merit of your cause, but I
do take exception to the fact that you can not sell that cause
without resorting to untruths, which ultimately derails your cause to
potential buyers yc/Obama has spent $1 billion tax dollars on
Obamacare website to date and it's doesn't work and full of hackers
and scammers. Is Obama fit to run anything? China on the moon now for
less money yhal/Hartmann: The Super Rich Have Skipped Out on Paying
$100 Billion Dollars in Estate Taxes Since 2000, most people won't be
seeing a larger paycheck; as renewable energy becomes more popular,
the oil and gas industry is getting scared/ Truthout: Despite
overwhelming evidence that giving drug users access to clean syringes
prevents HIV and hepatitis C transmission, Republicans have worked to
keep federal funds from supporting syringe exchange programs. Now
lawmakers have a chance to change that/patriarch of "Duck
Dynasty," who revealed that he has a lot in common with Osama
bin Laden-Francis Has Antonin "Opus Dei" Scalia's Undies in
a Bunch BuzzFlash/Top Tech Executives: "Pardon Edward Snowden
Daily Kos/In the War on Poverty, a Dogged Adversary nyt/GOP's New
Filibuster Strategy: A Giant Temper Tantrum Salon/Fear of a Black
Santa tpm/larry's duck dynasty debackle, on geraldo/
News didn't waste any time or ignore the obvious fit thatPhil
Robertson of Duck Dynasty Signed To Fox News After A&E Suspends
Him For Homophobic Remarks freewoodpost-fb/Unguided missiles mostly
do no harm. However Israel doesn't look at it this way. They'll do
their best to kill everyone they can, Saudi Arabia is more afraid of
Iran than it hates the Jews of Israel, knows that they can expect
mercy from the Jews of Israel and can expect no mercy from the
Shiites-politics, a nasty, backstabbing business-Any attack on Iran
will necessitate an attack on Hezbollah. Calculations are that one
third of the missiles from Iran, Hezbollah, Gaza and Syria will get
through and strike Israel-Allowing Iran to get a nuclear bomb is
suicidal. It is better for Iran, Syria, Lebanon and Gaza to be
destroyed than for Israel to be destroyed-upi Israel ready war
against Hezbollah-My Plan for an attack on Iran. Saudi Arabia allows
Israel to use an airbase, Saudi Arabia and Israel attack Iran with
airplanes, drones and missiles, Saudi Arabia pays Egypt to attack and
destroy Hamas in Gaza, Israel attacks and destroys Lebanon's and
Hezbollah's ability to make war, If Syria joins the war then Israel
attacks and ends the Syrian civil war-iapb/ duck-dynasty star
robertson digs hole deeper stinging-african americans fb/When anyone
in US thinks of Israel first and the US second, they're not American,
they're Israeli. The US does not need Israelis, we need Americans.
It's like this, the Jews don't want Christians converting their
people, do they? In that same light, the US doesn't need Jews
supporting Israel ahead of the US. You get the idea or do you need
more explanation for your numb brain?-Tell you what: we do not owe
Uncle Sam any love. He owes us to cater to our needs, in fact.
Dislike the arrangement? Perhaps some Muslim country will suit you
better iapb/Don't be deceived. Neither the adulterers, the idolaters,
the male prostitutes, the homosexual offenders, the greedy, the
drunkards, the slanderers, the swindlers won't inherit the
kingdom of God. Don't deceive yourself. It's not right,"
Robertson aibafs/
only strategy to push his socialist agenda, Black Student Hate Fox
News: Obama Racism Must Stop, protesting the use of terms like "baby
mama", "lynching party", "Osama", "terrorist
fist jab", and other racist terminology rightwingnews-why loser
talking heads at MSNBC like Chris Matthews, Al Sharpton and the
Left’s favorite lesbian Rachael Maddow spends 75% of their airtime
playing clips of Fox News Channel. It’s the only way they can draw
what little audience
in luck. A new report from the European Food Safety Authority has
affirmed the safety of aspartame, which is also OK'd by the U.S. Food
and Drug Administration, the American Heart Association, the American
Diabetes Association, and the American Academy of Nutrition and
Dietetics. perspective, a 150 pound woman could drink 20 12-ounce
cans of diet soda a day without exceeding the safety threshold,
according to Dr. Bernadene Magnusun, Senior Scientist and Regulatory
Consultant at Cantox Health Sciences International. The EFSA also
concluded that aspartame is safe for use by pregnant women, and
doesn’t cause cancer-wingnutz can't cope with Santa being 'made-up,
will ram their cars into people and buildings if they find out Jesus
is also 'made, oh never mind-assaulted while working as a bell ringer
for the Salvation Army because she greeted shoppers with the phrase
“Happy Holidays The lady looked at me, said, Do you believe in God?
You’re supposed to say Merry Christmas, and that’s when she hit
KILLERS GO UNPUNISHED-Well, maybe we do NOT know *'s "interpretation
point out there was an investigation by Israelis, Yes we ALSO KNOW
ALL ABOUT THAT INVESTIGATION, And like Rachels. parents and the rest
of the world, We know the result of the investigation was
pre-determined, One would have thought, The Izzies were smart enough,
To find guilty and punish them, To show the world that they DO have a
system of laws, BUT THEY SHOWED THEIR TRUE SELVES-Maybe new Pope will
come clean re: ww2 files, I'm starting to like the guy doesn't mind,
ruffling feathers, The Swiss bankers came clean on their, blood
stained money they were hiding, It's time pope, Open up the archives
then get absolution-Rip-Offs Corporations and the Wealthy Don't Want
You to Know About, no limit ability to draw profit while screwing
over Americans, Tax avoiding, consumer exploiting big business
leaders are largely responsible for these abuses. Congress just lets
it happen, An economic system which, as Milton Friedman once
believed, "distributes the fruits of economic progress among all
people-cia benghazi allegations that the CIA ordered security
personnel to "stand down" and not help the people inside
the diplomatic mission, and perhaps was the source of accusations the
administration failed to answer a call from the CIA security team,
clash led stand down report bigstory rbh/As Obamacare Improves,
Republicans Just Become More Enraged Krugman/NSA Officials Consider
Edward Snowden Amnesty in Return for Documents Guardian/White House
Delayed Enacting Rules Ahead of 2012 Election to Avoid Controversy
wp/Dallas Bans Fracking in Most of the City Grist/Seven Ripoffs That
Capitalists Would Like to Keep Out of the Media-Three Questions About
the Motor City-Pope Francis vs. Rush Limbaugh: Swatting Away the
Smack Down King BuzzFlash/Ryan Indicates GOP Willing to Hold Debt
Limit Hostage Again tpm/Sheriffs Refuse to Enforce Laws on Gun
Control nyt/walmart Wage Theft Settlement Yields Millions Salon/OBAMA
HE'S BLACK-Stop your racism, it's easy enough to trash Obama on the
merits. And if you can't, then shut up-Brainwashed sheep waiting for
the J*ew controlled Federal Reserve to tell them what to do, Holding
Pattern Till The Chosen Ones Speak-yc/Syrian Rebels Throw Civilians
in Ovens, Both sides accused each other of slaughter as an opposition
group said Syrian troops bombed Aleppo and the government said
Islamic rebels executed civilians, more than 80 civilians in Adra
were executed by Islamic rebels and other civilians were kidnapped
for use as human shields,worst crime they committed was that they
toasted people in ovens used to bake bread when those people came to
buy it RT-aerial attacks by Syrian government forces in Aleppo killed
at least 83 people, including at least 27 children and eight women,
Sunday. At least 50 people were reported injured breitb-Atheists are
among us, even in Oklahoma, Twenty per cent of America… up five per
cent [from 15] in just the last five years, by far the biggest, most
under represented minority in America." Pew reckons atheists
have grown by 25 per cent in five years, Adults in the US are growing
up and are starting to stop believing in ridiculous fairy tales
scienceblogs-I hope this is hyperbole, it's more a matter of trading
one set of nonsense beliefs for another-In the culture war for
mankind's future, Is Putin One of Us? Pat Buchanan-iapb/maybe your
mama can drive a bulldozer in Palestine, complements of the poor,
overburdened America taxpayer-This tsunami of madness is only
indirectly connected to the anti-Jewish passages in the core Islamic
texts … Hostility to the Jews was connected to the abasement …
Now, as ‘rulers of the world,’ they are deemed responsible for
all misfortunes, and this leaves only one way out: to save the world
by eradicating them. The extermination of Jewry throughout the
world,” declared aq Nazi directive from 1943, is “the
precondition for an enduring peace wt-aibafs/Wet Lipped Psychopaths
lewrockwell-Fred Reed on USG drone operators. -quoteable Then Bush
II, for whom mediocrity would have been an achievement, like winning
a marathon while hopping backward on one leg-EPA's highest paid
worker pretended to be a CIA agent for 12 years, only to avoid
working businessinsider. He pled guilty to defrauding the U.S.
government out of nearly $900,000 since 2000. fb/42yr stone baby
found in 82 yr old, on stephanie/coulter errs sez he was a jew, but
jesus was the king of the jews, nyt wingnutz ponder snowden mess, on