airline passengers will have to wear full containment suits and
astronaut diapers to fly down to Disney World-Most male Republicans
already wear DIAPERS, they're HALFWAY there yhal/wingnutz Jimmy
John’s forbids employees from making competitors sandwiches for two
years-Tony Perkins: Allowing same sex marriage is like ignoring
gravity-5 unhinged Ebola conspiracy theories expose the right’s
anti Obama delusions- You think Ebola is bad now, just wait! over
coming gay weddings NC pastor comes unglued-Georgia county threatened
to cut off hospital sewer lines over Ebola-Ohio pastor forced
vasectomies, abortions because kids divert money away from
church-Forbidden fruit: Red state Internet searchers more likely to
hunt for porn- Il
man stabbed elderly woman in grocery store because she was
black-Parent upset teacher not fired for attacking evolution,
comparing public schools to Nazi death camps-pds using private funds
to buy spy tech originally developed for the CIA-*sshole’ physicist
credited in scientific literature is a fake- Grow a spine! Huckabee
explodes giving up as gays break nature’s law-Man on week long acid
trip ends crime spree after victim takes him to McDonald’s-We’d
have an Ebola vaccine by now if not for budget cuts-ok man will keep
Obama tombstone in Halloween display despite complaints- Cop's
threaten AZ immigrant If you do something, I will kill you right
here-Sears pulls Swastika ring-not talking about guns necessarily to
fight a Bible based revolution-NBC medical expert violated Ebola
quarantine to get takeout-co family stunned: Cop breaks in, fatally
shoots man in back-Italian nurse accused of killing 38 patients
because they were annoying-Mocked by the conservative press, disabled
man at Wendy Davis event hits back-Stewart mocks media and Texas
Repub for catching ‘sanity-resistant strain of fear and Political
fundraising emails like Nigerian prince selling a Groupon deal for
boner pills-Spiritual experiences are a byproduct of humanity’s
hard wired narcissism-Robertson: Hollywood is going to force us to
watch homosexuals until Jesus comes back-Tennessee woman gets jail
time for overgrown yard-rsy/obambola-you may not personally believe
this but a lot of soft heads do and you feed them. When they see this
it encourages their stupidity. Not that I mind because them acting
stupid and saying stupid shit is exactly what makes the left look
like the much better choice for most sane people. It's just off
putting-Way too soon even for conservatard Obama haters! fb/
fraud 2025141412 dojv8002533931 intimidation hotline2025141888
fetish with starving government has helped land West Africa in an
Ebola crisis. The director of the National Institutes of Health made
that clear when he told Huffington Post that steep budget cuts by
Congress has set back the institute's work on both prevention and
treatment for the disease and that if it hadn't been for a decade's
worth of cuts-lying progressives? Peters co Jim Semerad how it’s an
untrue, that he ever learned to build bridges while getting shot at,
Excerpts from Peters’s fitness reports, written by his commanding
officers between in 1994 and 2004 and provided by his campaign,
describe the senatorial candidate as a recognized expert who perform
exceptionally, unlimited potential, Mak wrote, adding LCDR Peters is
an outstanding Supply Corps officer, says one one fitness report,
attention to detail, along with his working relationship with Air
Force officers, has been instrumental in the continuation of a very
successful and visible joint service operation while providing first
class training, top it off, Mak actually got several easy details
wrong in his story which claimed Breitbart, First of all professional
officers rarely tout weapon qualification badges, engaged in a sloppy
attempt to swift boat Peters- a Saudi who is presumably a US
citizenship holder killing Americans in Saudi Arabia? While we don’t
have a lot of information yet, unless this was a personal dispute, it
would seem to hint of Al Qaeda or ISIS, supposedly employees of a
defense contractor, the terrorist angle seems likeliest, especially
as US defense contractors would be playing a role in helping fight
off ISIS? The Islamic State has issued recently calls for the killing
of Americans. Someone may have taken them up- people in the UK know
George for the fool and racist that he is, proudly proclaimed his
hometown, Yorkshire as Israel free. England is no longer England, nor
will it ever be. so pleased with the results? The answer is simple.
These fucking anti Semites don't realize it, but they are in fact
closet Zionists. Yup, exactly that. With their venom towards Jews,
Jews pack and leave for Israel. Over the summer, Jews from France
came on aliyah in droves, many of whom left businesses and homes
behind hoping to sell from here- It's rather obvious that the UK is
next in line or shall I say in queue. They'll come, settle and start
their lives over in Israel and I mean ALL OVER Israel. We'll build
all over Jerusalem, Judea and the Shomron as well as the country's
centre to accommodate our new arrivals. And, of course the Arabs, the
UN and the fucked-up misguided left will scream bloody murder. Well,
haters, I'd reach for the Halls mentholyptus and hot teas if I were
you, because you're going to be doing a shitload of hollering. From
the river to the sea, Palestine will NEVER be. Ever! not a threat,
but an outright promise. The anti Semites, BDS, ISM, Jimmy Carter,
George Galloway, to name a good few, have themselves to blame! Keep
it up! The more hatred you spew, the greater amount of Jews come to
Israel on aliyah-Sorry your Israel can't promise that. The threat for
Israel are the terrorist they support, ISIL. The truth is out tz,
Israel brings terrorists to Israel for medical help and sends them
back with their orders. You think the US doesn't know what Israel is
doing? Even you have said that Israel takes care of those wounded in
Syria, tz. So, who are those who Israel offers medical help to but
terrorists. I'd say your bragging has gotten you into trouble- such a
twisted bitch, Shirley. Where TF do you get your bullshit from? You
do put a lot of effort into it, I'll give you that, Israel helps
wounded Syrian civilians. Not terrorists. See the difference,
faggot?- Sorry, your Israel can't promise that. The threat for Israel
are the terrorist they support, ISIL. The truth is out tz, Israel
brings terrorists to Israel for medical help and sends them back with
their orders. You think the US doesn't know what Israel is doing?
iapb/a sign of Israel's echoing failures, recent weeks have seen a
growing momentum against the Occupation and what one critic calls
Israel's new barbarism, from Swedish and U.K. votes to recognize the
state of Palestine to plunging revenues for the high-profile Soda
Stream. To see why "a cold wind is blowing toward Israel from
every corner in the world," watch Israeli workers mindlessly
destroy the power grid of a beleaguered Bedouin shepherding
community, because they can rbh/ our dear leader will provide a very
detailed and accurate statement regarding this situation- LEFTISTs
Trolls love this site, love to monitor people, love to express their
disapproval, love to intimidate people, love to ride herd over their
sheople, trying to subtly threaten people? Yahoo is now posting a
warning about proceeding to the Disqus profile site. I wonder why
that would be? I’m curious what others will discover about this
Yahoo warning and I may just write to Yahoo to find out why they’ve
initiated the warning-comment to a blog post that is 27 days old,
talking about the Heartbleed bug that is a problem for Facebook and
DisqUs sites among others. Yet instead of providing a link to the
Yahoo story or mentioning the name for the bug, you are cryptic, Are
you threatening people? fp/May you finally get some introspection and
see that plank your eye aibafs/
cohen beginning in 87 attack media
clearchannel, msnbc & comcast (mit) conjunct, ebony ebola, black
death, marching sally alice thompson 91 get the mop th speaking
simply, not looking to impress journalistic teachers/ dog life big
news, texan healthworker victim not so much, kcwabc/ savage finds
black spider, eating food crumbs? thinks it's an omen, afraid b0 will
make africa the 51st state,
set aside for post Saddam Iraq turns up in Lebanese bunker-employee
steals train, goes on joyride before colliding with another train-Ala
school makes girl 5 sign contract stating won’t kill or commit
suicide-Prescription drugs flushed could be cause of wildlife
decline-Blasphemy! Krugman rates Obama’s legacy as more
consequential than Reagan’s rsy/ saracist to bomb ISIS? [scooby
wha?]-Four of the five right wingers on the court are the Koch
brothers wet dream appointees. Roberts, kinda thetheir wet dream
appointees-did you know that nbc asked Jon Stewart to host meet the
press and he turned it down which was a good that he turned it down/
Islamic paradise has nothing to do with virgins, beautiful young men
and women are serving you wine that never giv es you headaches, while
your wife is sitting next to you, and she is more beautiful than
ever-owner of the St. Louis Rams (a wal-mart family member by
marriage) is worth 10 billion dollars. He wants 1 billion to revamp
the football stadiuim or he'll move it back the LA. I say move them-I
know exactly what you mean. I know some of these people, many of who
are educated, and they have been thoroughly brainwashed. There is no
reaching them with facts. Their brains have been turned into shit
that's not even fit to use as fertilizer- while doing dog chi it came
to me-thinking about pagan polys. If anyone can make it work, they
could, but even then, it's a tough row to hoe. sms/ I know it sounds
goofy, but it was like they were building their own mini law
enforcement and intelligence agency, fewer than 10 civilian
employees, most of whom are retired military personnel, back office
support and oversight for Navy and Marine intelligence operations.
But at some point, prosecutors say, the office shifted into a grey
area of wannabe spook cops iapb/ touch your stomach, or a dog under
the skin, doughy pantload hannity likes grappeling submission sports,
obstructional fullcourt ebola press to election day perry vote id
laughed out of court, helping, charlie helps steph,2/brand book
as Addictive as Heroin, Hall finds pot is a gateway drug only
displays his active bias against the drug, it is impossible to take a
fatal overdose of cannabis, making it less dangerous at first glance
than heroin or cocaine, admits the drug is much less dangerous than
heroin or alcohol, continually mixes the terms addictive and
dependence, HE DID NO RESEARCH, reviewed 20 years of OTHER researches
work, dating back to 1993 to help shed light on the effect marijuana
has on mental and physical health-beginning to look like you may be
partaking of your share of Cannabis sport, the only way to explain
your complete lack of consistency, and overall lack of logic quite
honesty, sweet Jesus in Heaven, a statement about Junk Science, while
embracing one of the biggest examples of Junk Science the planet has
ever seen, the Monumental Modern Day Liberal Lie & Fraud of Man
Made Global Warming-Democrats are close to registering 120,000 new
voters mostly black, Hispanic, Asian and young people, before the
November elections, a broad subpoena from the office of the Georgia
secretary of state, Republican Brian Kemp, as part of an
investigation into the group stemming from evidence of fraudulent
registration applications. Kemp’s office also sent a letter to
county election officials in Georgia’s 159 counties warning that a
preliminary investigation has revealed significant illegal
activities, as if trying to intimidate the voter registration efforts
wasn't enough, the same Republican SecState is simply refusing to
register tens. of. thousands. of. voter. registrations. 40,000 people
who have registered will not get to vote because this Republican
won't get them on the rolls in time, what a coincidence, backlog of
new voter registrations some activists say is so large that it
amounts to an act of voter suppression by the Red secretary of state
politico- aibafs/Thank You, ISIS
by d horowitz, Beheadings of
innocent human beings are unspeakable acts reflecting the barbaric
savagery of the Islamic holy war against the West, despite the
intentions, they have had an unexpected utility. Their gruesome
images have entered the living rooms and consciousness of ordinary
Americans and waked them up, barbarity of the Islamic movement for
world domination has actually been evident for decades-Davis trailing
in the polls, clearly her campaign is done with more subtle reminders
that Texans shouldn’t vote for Greg Abbott because he’s a
cripple. Get it? Because he can’t run or walk. Because he’s in a
wheelchair, The truth, not surprised Reds have attempted to undermine
the Davis campaign announced impressive fundraising numbers from
donors in every county in Texas. Greg Abbott is running scared and
for good reason iapb/white power: You already have the power, you
redundant f*cks- They all blame America, diversity of thought at
Harvard-ala pastor been having sex with church members, AIDS-Ancient
prophecies of apocalypse rally Islamic State jihadists-Vote Christian
or face ISIS beheadings and sodomy based marriage- There are no poor
in America, and vampire wolves are coming Nugent’s latest rant- nj
high school cancels football season over ritual rectal hazing-Cost of
poverty greater than eliminating it, Occupy calls for guaranteed
income- Mom tried to kill daughters after receiving end of the world
messages from estranged pastor husband-Warren: Obama sided with Wall
Street over people losing their homes-Christian boarding school staff
beating teen for talking to a girl- Southern oceans heating up faster
than realized-Go f*ck yourself crying over $184 billion bailout
Stewart blasts ex AIG chief-suspect begging cop to call off out of
control K9- wi couple arrested for DUI have sex in squad car during
trip to jail-lawsuit claims 11 nuns sexually abused at least 95 kids
from Montana reservation-The Lord works in VERY mysterious ways
Letters warn La. atheist to repent or else- rsy/The debate should be
between local candidate versus local candidate, not debating with
giant Texas oil companies vo/Ranting Koch, Voter Suppression, They’re
Pond Scum Not Patriots bgk/ GovJVentura ISIS makes MILLIONS of dollars
a DAY selling oil from fields it controls in Iraq & Syria. So
who's buying it?-perfect antidote to cantankerous conservatives,
radio host Stephanie Miller joins Jesse Ventura on We the People to
discuss the crisis with ISIS, why liberals are pussies, and the
pair's crackling sexual tension. But first, the Governor and his
Vigilant Producer Alex Logan talk ebola, Dubya and pro wrestling in
North Korea! oratv/400,000,000 attaxck US Rapists Der arN White
hillsborouigh florida accident statrus rAPINgS at 19115 lIVINGstON
aVenUe lutz, fl 33559 ARAB giRL UNDER 13 beINBG raPeD. kOraNKnees
bUrnINg mOHaMMeD deFeCatION yer a white TrasH mule us pigg a
phuckling white ctrash mule chimng chong chgang ChiKNees nuke trhe
white trash china, russia, iran, north korea brING 400,000,000 2
hillBilly halfghNaNizstaN us pigg is that all ya ot us white trash
pigg der arn daawnkeyserz parasit tick leech LIVINGSTON AVENUE
stox 2 rub hiz pea niz b $ it orGaSmik gLOwING sTaRrrz =newezonia no
1 ever Buys filth e stox pEa niz drones over sprinG hollow rOAD
rATED thE dER C buT No 1 sEp E rAtES SATAN fRUm HIz BlAnkEnpoRk
BriDEZ That StARZ ygs/hollywood hate incident elon_gold-Sorry but
that's not allowed in the United States. American Jews don't get to
live a privileged life as they do in apartheid Israel-This is a
Jewish comment board. Why are you here with your antisemitic
comments. I checked your FB home page and was absolutely shocked.
They really got to you. Homeland Security may be interested in
talking to you-You can accuse Israelis of a lot of things: excessive
chutzpah, arrogance, competitiveness, argumentativeness, aggressive
driving, pushiness. But apartheid is not one of them. Israeli society
includes Muslims, Christians, and other religious minorities, all of
whom are privileged to Israeli citizenship, freedoms, benefits,
social services and the right to vote jewishjournal fb/panetta sez
isis is well trained and managed fn/another tirefire signaling
love that this is news Did you know? Kate Middleton smiled and
twirled her hair at a Remembrance Day England's Veterans Day, don't
you know.) The royal family laid a wreath, there was a moment of
silence, and the whole world gasped as Kate reached up with a gloved
hand, grasped a lock of her shiny, be curled hair, and worked its
perfect spiral through her fingers. Primping, at such a solemn
occasion! cafemom/ hoohah is what some would refer to the female
private parts…lol nice typo Sarah’s insult to the marines. Oorah
for Marines, Hooah for Army. Hoohah for your gynecologist.
politicians who know nothing about our military? *eyeroll* sw/ the
outlying suburb of Abu Ghraib teetering on completely falling to
ISIS, if the area comes under complete control of the Islamists, the
Americans will be within easy range of ISIS artillery. Abu Gharib is
a mere 8 miles from the runway perimeter, while the distance from BGW
to the US Embassy in Baghdad's Green Zone is roughly 9.5 miles. The
Washington Times reported earlier this summer that ISIS captured
upwards of 52 American made M198mm howitzer heavy artillery pieces,
capable of hitting targets 14-20 miles away reportedly cost $500,000
per piece. To add insult to injury, the Islamists have also seized
1,500 up armored Humvees which cost the American taxpayer $220,000
TOO MUCH TO TAKE SOMETIMES! Deception and lies, yes, that is what the
media spews forth day after day! They use their lies to pick our
pockets!- works real well on the sheeple yhal
Discovers the Truth, unjust and enduring false narrative that
Columbus discovered the Americas, Dumps Columbus Day for Indigenous
Peoples Day-Raven Is a Shade of Black- Most people consider George W.
Bush a failed president, but according to the goals laid out by the
paymasters who created him, he was the most successful president in
the entire history of the country- Fracking Playgrounds a Threat to
Texas Kids buzzflash/Since the early 20th century, numerous crime
novel authors have explored politically charged themes, including
class distinctions, government corruption and oppression of women and
people of color-Truthout/Lego Ends Deal With Shell Oil After
Environmental Protests UST/Obama Weighs Options to Close Guantanamo
wsj/ Big Pharma Lobbies Hard to End India's Distribution of
Affordable Generic Drugs, Aid organizations are calling on Indian
leaders to resist US pressure to change India's patent laws, favor
the pharmaceutical industry, which the organizations believe would
drive up prices of lifesaving drugs, making it more difficult to
treat patients in the developing world-Mainstream News Coverage of
Ukraine, Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 Shows Western Propaganda Machine
at Work- Manufacturing Consent, discusses the blatant propaganda in
mainstream media coverage of the events in Ukraine-Child star Raven
Symone set the Twitter on fire when she insisted she is not African
American, comments tow the post racial line. But we are not post
racial. What we are, is post Trayvon, post Ferguson, post Bring Back
Our Girls/ Supreme Court Blocks Wisconsin's Restrictive Voter ID Law
MSNBC/Why Are Media Playing Lapdog on War in Iraq and Syria?
Guardian/ How John Oliver Won the Internet Salon/Congressional Report
on Authorized Disclosures to Media Is Classified AS/Pakistani Teen,
Indian Activist Win Nobel Peace Prize r/Strange Twists in Senate
Races Shake GOP Confidence wt/This Is How Judges Humiliate Pregnant
Teens Who Want Abortions- If 35,000 Walruses Can't Convince You
Climate Change Is Real, I Don't Know What to Tell You mj/Koch
Brothers Helped Bring About the Law That Shut Texas Abortion Clinics
American Prospect/ 3,000 New Voters Have Registered in Ferguson Since
Michael Brown's Death ThinkProgress/ Americans for Prosperity's Trail
of Voter Misinformation Goes Far Beyond North Carolina Facing
South/Koch Group Charged With Suppressing Cat Vote in North Carolina