made more wild predictions than a state fair psychic, never been
right once and yet persist in doing it over and over as if
pontificating, changing fonts and type sizes and just insisting on
your rightness makes it all true-in the face of your Zionista myopia,
you do all that you are qualified to do, namely start calling names
or making accusations. propagandist tactics. In fact, most of you
Israel firsters use the same tactics. Must be some bizarre
coincidence, what?-George F. Will, If the president does it, it’s
legal? “Exactly. bo's increasingly grandiose claims for
presidential power are inversely proportional to his shriveling
presidency. Desperation fuels arrogance, his pantry of excuses for
failure is bare, his domestic agenda is nonexistent and his foreign
policy of empty rhetorical deadlines and redlines is floundering, he
offered inconvenience as a justification for illegality iapb/which
President has not stacked regulatory committees with their own
appointees? That's one of the spoils of winning... Curious that you
weren't complaining when Bush stacked the SEC... a move that
eventually cratered the financial industry because of lack of
oversight aibafs/Malkin Annihilates Race Baiting ‘Passive
Aggressive Punk’ refers to Harry Reid as an “encrusted beltway
barnacle and his other racist minions-Right wing to trying to steel
the spines of Republican leaders. Heritage's push poll, asks
misleading questions, accidentally finds Obamacare popular, finds
most want to keep Obamacare, and that a plurality would blame
Republicans if the government were to shut down rbg/If you want to
marginalize a group of people first force them into poverty then you
can easily criminalize them tw/ As a person of color, I get very
tired of white people trying to preach to me about racism. They
should just listen and learn, and stop trying to tell me what's
offensive. Until John is ready to get a really good tan and frizz up
his hair and walk down the streets of NY and get thrown to the ground
and cuffed -- like those animals he is so offended about at the
rodeos-Regarding John citing Eddie Vedder donning a Bush mask, etc.
In 2003, Pearl Jam toured and would occasionally play their new song
"Bu$hleaguer". For that number, Vedder would put on a Bush
mask. Normally, he wouldn't do anything with the mask that was in
questionable taste. However, at one show (in Long Island), Vedder
seemingly crossed the line and many in the crowd let him know it. My
understanding of the Missouri event, the vast majority of the crowd
tastelessly cheered on the rodeo clown, which I believe is a key
difference- fb/
not intelligent enough to argue with anyone,Unless you think ad
hominem attacks are legitimate arguments iapb/I kill rattlesnakes
because I know a rattlesnake will bite me and inject me with poison.
I don’t stop to wonder why a rattlesnake will bite me; I know: It
will bite me because it's a rattlesnake and that's what rattle-
snakes do. I don’t try to reason with a rattlesnake…I just kill
it. I don’t try to get to know the rattlesnake better so I can find
a way to live with the rattlesnakes and convince them not to bite
me…I just kill them. I don’t quiz a rattlesnake to see it I can
find out where the other snakes are, because (a) it won’t tell me,
and (b) I already know they live on my place. So, I just kill the
rattlesnake and move on to the next one, on occasion, I accidentally
kill a rat snake because I thought it was a rattlesnake at the time.
Also, I know, for every rattlesnake I kill, two more are lurking out
there in the brush. In my lifetime I will never be able to rid my
place of rattlesnakes. Do I fear them? No! Do I respect what they can
do to me? Yes! And because of that respect I give them the fair
justice they deserve...I kill them. should start giving more thought
to the fact that these jihadists' are just like rattlesnakes, and act
accordingly! "I love this country, it's the dammed government
I'm afraid of!-hussein and shillary will never accept this,s too
logical yhal/lsd_experiment There was a time when many Americans
believed Pro Wrestling was real and you wonder why the rest of the
world laughs at Americans.-Many Americans today believe in Obama, a
much bigger and more dangerous fraud than pro wrestling ever was. And
the rest of the world is still laughing at us. Well, actually, much
of the world hates us.-No there wasn't. And no I don't. That's like
laughing at the giant while he steps on you.-I don't have
beliefs.-That's nothing. Half of the world's population still
believes in a god or allah. Can you believe it?-Some might say it's
the price of semi freedom. But then, Why would illegal gambling any
worse than legal gambling? Because Uncle Sam doesn't get a piece of
it? Then how do you define gambling? Is the stockmarket gambling? Is
risking capital on a new product or business gambling? The only
difference between prostitution and dating is time frame and payment
terms. The former being paid for on a one time use cash up front
basis, the latter being lease financed over an undetermined period of
time yc/Truthout examination of America's corporate "Deathstar"
and explains why the TransPacific Partnership will allow corporations
to have "virtually unchecked control of our food supply, our
land, air, water, wallets and our future-fast-food workers fight to
raise the minimum wage-Summers and business mogul Jeff Bezos reflects
the backwards morals with which we view our society and our economy
Victoria Law updates-When Schools Become Dead Zones of the
Imagination, Rather than create autonomous, critical and civically
engaged students, the un reformers kill the imagination-ALEC's
Unwelcome Party in Chicago A wide coalition of labor, activist and
social justice grassroots groups along with concerned individuals-
Truthout about the hunger strikes at Pelican Bay State Prison in
California TruthDig: Poor, undereducated and underrepresented,
released prisoners often "disappear" into the prison
industrial complex creating a cycle of poverty and crime-
Reasons Congress Should Be Deeply Ashamed About Jobs-Canadian version
of Bill O'Reilly gets an on-air shellacking from a 14-year-old about
why GMO's should be labeled-Instead of trying to save communities
through grassroots action against predatory banking practices, the
Obama administration is threatening a California city with a mortgage
blackout, siding with banks too big to fail in an effort to shutter
houses rather than let their owners buy them back at market
value-BuzzFlash/ Lawsuit Uncovers Horrifying Scheme: Fake Mortgage
Documents-Virginia Police Department Policy Labeled All Rape Victims
Liars-Darkness in North Carolina: a Vision of the World the GOP Seeks
to Create-Salon/Krugman The GOP is about to reap a whirlwind from its
political base because it hasn’t been able to face the fact that it
has lost the war over the shape of American society/Hartmann Turning
unemployed Americans into very profitable prisoners is a booming
business/Next Fed Chief Should Meet the Elizabeth Warren
theNation/The Secret History of GI Joe, Barbie, Joe, Darth Vadar and
Making War in Children’s Culture TomDispatch/a Nobel "Bradley
Manning lifted a shroud and illuminated terrible actions of the USA's
warfare state. He chose courage on behalf of humanity. He refused to
just follow orders Solomon's Blog/Rape of Detroit, Forced to Default
so Rich Could Profit AmericaBlog/13 Weeks, 1,000 Arrests and the
Moral Monday Movement Sweeping North Carolinians have become fully
aware of the Republican-controlled Legislature's actions North
Carolina Occupy/Mendocino, California, a tolerant county sheriff sees
growing marijuana as a source of much-needed revenue for his
department and local government, even as the Obama administration
sporadically swoops down on medical marijuana
dispensaries./International Olympic Committee May Join Russia in
Punishing Gay Athletes hp/you've portrayed yourself as a Racist
Monster by LYING about that Racist Monster murdered that lil boy-
tw/Scientists Invent 'Death Test' Device That Tells You When You'll
Die-We Deplore Violence Against Civilians': President Obama Condemns
Egypt Violence-Photo Showing Officer Rescuing Dog After Car Accident
Goes Viral-Do You Know Who's Watching You? Miss Teen USA Spied On By
a Hacker-Police Launch Effort That Helps Curb Stoners' Munchies?!
fni/Israeli law will strip many Arab ‘absentees’ of land- plans
to provide scholarships to hundreds of students at its seven
universities in exchange for their making pro Israel Facebook posts
and tweets propaganda to foreign audiences-Israeli foreign ministry,
criticised the plan as “quite disgusting”. “University students
should be educated to think freely. When you buy the mind of a
student, he becomes a puppet of the Israeli government grant, You
can give a grant to do social work or teach but not to do propaganda
on controversial issues for the government-nuremberg trial judges,
know what to do with you! bigots like you are always envious of the
success of others-ygs/practice for 25 years (now retired). The
current health care reform package as it currently stands is terribly
inadequate and disappointing, at best. I thought I liked Obama, voted
for him both times, but he has also turned out to be a
disappointment. ACA is not good for patients or doctors. Its a start,
but we're still in trouble as long as insurance companies get rich
off of our misfortune-For a Conservative Republican you don't fool
anyone. ACA is the best thing that has happened for patients and
doctors in decades. The only alternative to ACA is a single payer
health care system with universal coverage for everyone-Today's
healthcare is the legal equivalent of maritime salvage, where the
services can be rendered and the price determined afterward with full
legal recourse, Probably the best option is to get govt out of every
aspect except regulation: eliminate first dollar insurance except for
wellness, require all plans to have significant deductibles and co
pays anotherobamafailure-ybac/GOP Congressman criticizes Obama's one
week vacation, in the middle of 5 week recess forwardprogressives-gop
seriously considering a plan to replace journalist debate moderators
with Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity in 2016 politicususa-This whole
thing is gonna be so much fun. I want Glenn Beck and Palin to be
their moderators-fb/It was either import wheat or import the weapons
to counter the food riots.40% of Egyptians live on less than $2
dollars a day. Bread is a large part of their food iapb/America’s
Survival, Inc. (ASI), a public policy organization, is officially
releasing a new report on radical changes at Fox News that should
cause great concern to pro family conservatives-Sick of these gays
and their gaymongering aibafs/megan kelly in hannity slot, and the
fox5 libetarian lesbian friendly, vagina and anal roadside search by
texas trooper looking for pot, king sez neocons under (bo?) spell,
john visits, on stephanie/tojan make it feel like nothing is
there/suggesting babel theory, col peters stirring anti islam for war
50 dead police, killing christians, suggesting zion has control of
egyptian military no morsi return, billy stutters wingnut talking
points, on geraldo aboard voyager at martha's vinyard with bo/
area gunhumper Anastasia Adair, 22, was passing an AK-47-style
assault rifle to her husband, Dana "Shane" Adair, when the
gun went off and shot her in the head. A second shot was fired when
she died, dropped the rifle, while the couple and three housemates
were drinking beer in their garage, authorities will investigate how
much alcohol was in the victim's blood-Hump by the Gun, Die By the
Gunr-instructor shot a student while teaching a gun safety class
demonstrating a handgun when he fired a .38 caliber bullet that
ricocheted off a desk and into student Michael Piemonte’s right
arm-no such thing as a accidental shooting, and no such thing as a
ak47 style rifle yhal/3D printers, 4K video, Oculus Rift… none of
these will change pornography in the long term. A more meaningful
shift has been brought about by the communities fostering mass
participation. Inclusion and acceptance drivers here, not circuitry
and technology, advance is inevitable, we’re seeing two dissonant
forms of entertainment emerge from the communities found on reddit
and cam sites. That’s why the new generation of porn stars aren’t
“stars” at all. They’re blank faced men and women in front of
webcams, hoping for either a donation from a stranger or personal
gratification. Sometimes, they receive both kernelmag digg/RWNJ's the
words "poor Americans" is code words for black people and
minorities. Even though many of them are poor themselves. They don't
think of themselves as that. They've been fooled by RWNJ media to
vote against their own interests. Some of them post on this board.
Why do you think they show up at anti government spending rallies
with signs that read "Keep your government hands off my
Medicare?-documented back in 1994 that a dummy wearing a President
George H.W. Bush mask, propped up by a broomstick, was employed as a
decoy during a bull riding riding contest-the 'humor' in suggesting
that Obama gets trampled by a 2000 pound enraged bull, but i suppose
something in the Con mentality makes that concept amusing,
somehow-liberals have lassoed themselves another phony scandal-The
farce is strong with this one-since you can't debate and debunk
anything in the OP, your surrender is accepted-You do know that F&F
was a continuation of the Bush Admin Operation Wide Receiver, run out
of the Phoenix ATF office without oversight from Washington, and
Holder knew nothing of it until at least 2010, yes? "what AG
Holder hoped to accomplish" is, wait for it, false to fact. He
could not have hoped to accomplish anything BECAUSE HE DIDN'T KNOW
ABOUT IT. You might with more aptness ask why the Bush Gang "hoped
to accomplish by arming the drug cartels in Mexico", especially
since they made no attempt to actually trace the straw-purchase
weapons 2006-2008 as their program was set up to do.-Libtards KNOW
F&F was an Obame creation, under the blanket of the gunwalking
program. Notice Lyin'Lion cited Operation Wide Receiver, but doesn't
acknowledge that F&F was a separate operation under the
gunwalking program. Libs can be so damn stupid-former "Hollywood
Madam" faces multiple charges after 392 marijuana plants were
discovered at her home, told the officers she was growing the
marijuana to sell to a cooperative in Las Vegas, but admitted she did
not have a license to do so, not arrested "due to the fact that
she has approximately $200,000 worth of exotic birds in the residence
plus she gave us consent to search without a warrant-aibafs/ Santorum
broke campaign finance rules by directing a $1 million check from a
donor to a super PAC backing his candidacy, according to a complaint
filed by government watchdog groups-has the baggers thowing a
fit-freakoutnation awkward treats african americans like we dont
existblack confronts gop- fb/It only took six years of complaints
from bejing neighbors who suffered from the noise and vibrations of
heavy construction machinery, water leaks, and other disturbances to
finally get the attention of authorities who recently gave the man 15
days to remove the mountain or elseThe enormous addition covers the
entire 1000-square-metre roof and was built using artificial rocks
but with real trees and grass. colossal/ Barbara Bush, 31, called
Clinton “unbelievably accomplished”, politically unaffiliated but
supports gay marriage. she works with the Clinton Health Access
Initiative and Michelle Obama’s “Let’s Move” campaign
yhal/Wingnut Small town genius tapes profanity laced, automatic
weapons punctuated, NRA PA Police Chief Suspended for misinformed
tirade against John Kerry, U.N. Arms Treaty and 'libtards
everywhere-elections conspiracy case had come about after a
years-long federal investigation and prosecution into an enormous
drug ring also being run out of the rural south-eastern Kentucky
county. For example, as part of that prosecution, there had been the
arrest of the local Mayor and others on charges of drug trafficking
and more. The sale of oxycontin, or "Hillbilly Heroine," as
well as marijuana played a large role in the first scandal that
rocked the very rural, very poor, very Republican county over the
previous decade, arrests from the narcotics ring eventually helped
lead to the later election fraud busts. During the course of the
drug-ring investigation, some defendants had begun turning on others,
and that's how the massive election fraud scheme eventually came to
light, Other than Maricle, the District Court Judge found guilty and
previously sentenced to more than 26 years in the election fraud
case, the other defendants were former school superintendent Douglas
C. Adams, former county Clerk Freddy Thompson; former Magistrate
Stanley Bowling; election commissioner Charles Wayne Jones, election
officer William E. Stivers and Bart and Debra Morris
lightening sets the kentucky creationist straight, fulner70
democrat no longer served at san diego hooters, watch ur mouth
warner, corners baker wanting a big stick humping us interests in
iraq and nsa but russian snafoo is embarrasing, glen bekibekibekistan
texas compound, summers is a dirtbag but doreen likes him,
badmouthing, but not indulging any details ginger, eagle douche off,
on imus/wsj wingnut cat lover noonan wants bo to defend bigot clown,
commadeering boat scott brown's brother bruce, arrested with hollow
point ammo for impersonating police officer, on stephanie/egyptian
army killed 700 morsi supportersnyc, on geraldo/ correctly asserts
foreign aid no more than corporate welfare, egypt not happy gets half
as much aid as izzy, texas admits gerrymandering to suppress democrat
not racial votes, hateriot mail, on thom/