Friday, May 30, 2014

53014/GOP House clears $287B business taxbreaks

53014/Republican House GOP clears $287B business taxbreaks, Why America Is Failing WordPress-Democrat Turns The Tables and Blasts House Republican for Voting Against VA Funding-Sudans Radical Govmt will die by the sword, 55 Bombs dropped on a village nubareports-The little corruption problem he just can’t shake Scott Walker falling apart salon-tw/Fresh from its new-found concern for American diplomats, you’ll recall that up until 911, 2012, Republicans hated the State Department and regularly accused American diplomats of all being communists, the Republican party has now discovered Veterans! One pines for the day that the GOP also discovers women, gays, blacks, Latinos, and immigrants. But I digress, let’s not forget the way the GOP viscerally loathed NYC until 911 when suddenly, after 3,000 Americans were dead, the Republican party’s vocal disdain for New York went down the memory hole, there are more ways than body armor to care about the troops. You can show you care by not sending them into a war based on a lie, for example-Congress GOP politicizes everything and is only interested in blaming, not fixing! handed bO a sow's ear and now blames him for not magically turning it into a silk purse! rbg/ if the payments are not blocked, countless awards totaling potentially hundreds of millions of dollars will be irreparably scattered to claimants that suffered no injury traceable to BP's conduct asks Scalia to allow the company to avoid making payments to businesses demanding compensation R- ruled that corporations are people recently. So how about the US attorney general trying them for the murder of those that lost their lives in the explosion. Furthermore, BP should have used the $100,000,000.00 it spent on Washington, D.C. lobbyists to pay claims-Exxon was able to hold off compensating Alaska fishermen for 20 years! And they got the compensation cut in half to 500 million! I used to earn 7k every year packing herring from Prince William Sound. 24 years X 7k = $168,000! My settlement? BIG FAT ZERO! There has not been one commercially fished herring out of Prince William Sound since 1993! While salmon fishing there two years ago, I dug on the beach and watched as the hole was filled with water with rainbow colors across the top! The last year we tried fishing herring, (1993) the fish were diseased with open lesions, goiters on the throat and crooked spines y/ disposable caths ads better than paltrow, imus/tony listening, no qualifications just the name like w, miller goldwater resurgence of the good gop they call us noah cause we can handle the flood, parenting basics, stephie without would be sand/fretting 4 vets geraldo/
52914/Friedman said Ariel Sharon was the personification of three phases of Israeli political life, the struggle for survival, the fantasy of strength and power, and the realist who recognized that Israel had to negotiate with the Palestinians 6 13-blonde on blonde, the babes discussed the overuse of antibiotics-mixed results in yesterday’s Texas Runoffs. Babin won! Kinky, however, did not. There goes the I-Man’s campaign contribution, not to mention that long, Hemp Green he was going to make once Kinky legalized marijuana. Kinky, unfortunately, lost to former Dairy Farmer and sometime Insurance Salesman, Jim Hogan. We’re not sure if he sold insurance from Nashville Casualty and Life…but sadly, Kinky, is now, an Austin Casualty in Life-a report about Google’s Driverless Car, Which, from what we’ve observed, already exist. At least, at first, when all you see are the wrinkled, gnarled fingers on the steering wheel on many of the highways in Southern Florida-Varney reminded of what life would be like here at Fox without Imus. A glimpse into what a Varney in the Morning would be. It’s not pretty. Na Na dare I ask, Madame, but are your peaches covered in fuzz?, THIS COWBOY IS WEARING WHITE SOCKS AND SANDALS INSTEAD OF BOOTS-Dietl finds the Lying Limey is on camera instead of him. Bo’s especially upset, as today is National Hamburger Day, or, as Deirdre likes to call, Enjoy Your Dead Animal Sandwich Day-A Best of Imus clip where Connell, Dagen, Bernard and Lou make fun of the IMan’s hair. It’s hurtful. But what we’re curious about is, how did Bigfoot choose this particular one from the approximately 37,000 similar ones saved in the digital banks. Either that, or some programmer has come up with a Bad Hair Day Generator- imus/ Clueless Stacey Dash joining FoxNews in cultural, but the move isn’t going over well with black liberals who think she is being hijacked as the network’s token black, who is also part Hispanic, quickly became a celebrity favorite among conservatives after she endorsed Mitt, received such a wave of racial criticism that then vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan personally called and thanked her for her courage-All that venom over a mediocre actress aibafs/Ratings Plunge 27% Benghazi Scandal Destroying FoxNews-murdock plans to turn around fox's dismal ratings announces all nude news-Adds Soft Core Porn Actress as a Reporter-yhal/The conflict in Ukraine might be good to US economy, forced investors to flee into USD assets and relative safer assets such as Treasury securities, A wider conflict might be even better. Then you wonder who is the main instigator of the Ukrainian crisis. Putin? yc/Tokyo Electric Power Co. has made the "painful decision" to begin purposely dumping massive amounts of radioactive water currently being stored at the destroyed Fukushima nuclear facility directly into the Pacific. criticalbelievers/hb jfk97 tw/Here we have some mind numbing audio from some backwards ass podunk-GOP sc Lt. Governor Candidate: Public schools Pagan and Godless-Do these people feel more comfortable going back in time because they are less evolved and ill equipped to cope with the changes that come from moving forward through uncharted territory? theeverlastinggopstoppers-Maybe if men like this moron robertson learned the true value of sex they would not have to barter with their women by agreeing to do chores to get laid-Your charge, now, is not only to protect our country, but to do what is right and just. bo @ West Point-conservatism's flagship magazine, Wingnuts disrespect Maya Angelou: National Review’s shameful response to her death Salon-this idiot guy!-assholes are consistent-It is a mandatory part of becoming a right winger to check compassion, respect, intellect and comprehension at the door. fb/ 2012, Greenwald referred to Williams as NBC News top hagiographer, using his reverent, soothing, self important baritone” to deliver information in its “purest, most propagandistic, and most subservient form, worth noting at the outset that Greenwald flew all the way to Moscow specifically for the NBC News interview, and he appeared on camera with Snowden and Williams, answering questions from this so called hagiographer, Now, I’m not a Brian Williams hater. I think he’s a fine news anchor. But his interview with Ed Snowden was yet another in a long, long line of deferential, uninformed, unchallenging interviews. But it’s not a stretch to presume that Greenwald, the man who once aimed all of his wordy, caustic vitriol in Williams’ general direction, referring to him as possessing child like excitement over gaining access to a source, probably loved every minute of it. However, don’t break out the champagne just yet, NBC News; Greenwald will immediately shift gears sometime very soon and continue to indict any and all mainstream news outlets, including NBC, as being impotent, pernicious, drooling shills for President Obama and the D.C. elite, Government Exploiting 9/11 To Justify Spying, Ask The State Department Why I’m In Russia’, I Was Trained As A Spy, nra Doesn’t Give A Flying Rip About Mental Illnesses, The Constitution Or Your Civil Liberties, Greenwald To Name Americans Spied On By NSA, There Are Negotiations For Snowden To Return To U.S- Nikki Benz is from the same Toronto borough as the Ford brothers, but, unlike her opponent, she doesn’t smoke crack. Also unlike her opponent, she’s starred in 217 adult films and was Penthouse’s 2011 Pet of the Year-ll/Krauthammer: Obama's Troop Withdrawal, An Act of Personal Narcissism fni/ texas I like my beer like I like my violence: domestic-Rising sea levels will be too much, too fast for Florida-Beck airs rape comedy skit to mock sexual assaults in response to Calif. shootings rsy/bankers no honor among theives bernake, jhpv/putin using stalins ready for labor program segal putins love connection fluffer with oreilly wtfwpv/look up and out dr mayangela jwblue rip86 bp/denero at rickels roast not enough jews and frank is dead bbimus/ clipper buyout up to 2b$ opera out, dead under the chandelier, sterling where did the lady in the visor go?, royal duchess shows commando, nerds see violence flaw in rejection, medical sexism, stephie training 4 ms bates motel gig/the 2nd ammendment is stupid, rudy defends breast feeding? geraldo/ferets pulled from banned animals in nyc, curtis sucking up to rudy, ferets are dangerous attracted to lactat smells on babies, lying about going to the birthday party, pulling tastless knickknacks from 911 museum ccwabc/
52814/Let's engage in meaningful discourse with twisted Teabagger trolls. LMAO-I have a life. Try getting one. Get a job, find something worthwhile to do, and stop making a nuisance of yourself. Leave your troll life in the dust. Why keep pushing a failed agenda? And, why keep using tactics that have never worked, and will never work. Saturating public forums with lies, slander, and stupidity does not work. Your failed tactics have backfired. You have less support now for your failed agenda than ever. Teabaggers are not just considered a joke anymore, they are hated and despised-The classic teabagger retort: I know you are but what am I? Fitting given your intelligence levels-libs will ignore all you said, and again cry racist. Their cries will then rise top denial, and then descend to name calling. But you are correct and the liberals do not see what is about to happen to them, there will be a thinning of the herd-Liberal zero, you give the best advice. You should take it-ybac/gw suffered from drug and booze abuse and the fools voted for him not once but twice still refuse to hold him accountable for all the screw ups his failed policies are responsible for. now they want us to believe Hillary has brain damage and shouldn't be President, dam fools-Majority Back Clinton for President CONS FEAR HILLARY! they have every reason to-Plenty Of Idiots That Will Gladly Vote For Clinton! Got That White Trash?-Americans fear Hillary, but as we saw in the last two elections, there are more than enough stupid people in the country to elect a President based not on qualifications-your understanding of americans is myopic. as for qualifications, well you voted for w twice, so you don't have much of a record-REAL American's don't fear Hillary, what real American's fear is the possibility rightwing #$%$ will steal another election like they did in 2000-I prefer someone qualified to run the country and uphold the Constitution, unlike Barry or Hillary-Typical teahincks Praise the lord one tells the other, I finally got my 21 year old daughter signed up on Medicaid NO she won't work' so she can get free birth control pills. Her and her boy friend live with and off his parents he gets a small disability check. The one talking didn't have any front teeth, and both were at least 40 pounds over weight. Both are white by the way, over heard the other morning while and friend and I were having a cup of coffee, pretty common in the south teahickis on food stamps, welfare, housing subsidies etc. While voting GOP against their own well being and America's best interest. It's a good thing our state accepted medicaid expansion where would the teahickies be without it?-Noonan wrote: As for speaking truthfully, well, he speaks, in many venues and sometimes at great length. But rather than persuade the other side, he knocks down a lot of straw men and deploys no affection or regard for those who disagree with him. He says the great signature program of his presidency will do one thing and it turns out to do another. He is evasive about Benghazi and the other scandals. He winds up with polls showing Americans do not see him as a truth teller. It is an unavoidable conclusion that Barack Obama is symbolic of America’s attitude about truth in this country. He was elected twice. He is symbolic evidence that truth, as a core value, is dying in American culture. Today lies are commonplace; we have developed euphemisms for them. They are called narratives and maintaining the lie is called preserving the narrative. Spin and spin doctors are shiny euphemisms that mask ugly deceit and deceivers. Ironically, we are not ignorant of the lies. As seen here, in a Gallup poll, said they do not trust Congress, and only 23% of viewers trust the mainstream media television news, the two institutions upon which we rely on for truth in leadership and information. If telling the truth is not a core, motivating principle for these institutions, then there must have been a decision penetrating their rank and file that it is somehow better to lie. When you decide it is somehow beneficial to lie, you impair your soul-financed by Charly Charitable Foundation, the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Randa attended the all expenses paid judicial seminars are privately-funded, and the backers also include corporations like BP, Exxon Mobil, and Dow Chemical, ordering Wisconsin prosecutors to halt a secret investigation targeting illegal campaign coordination between Walker's campaign and outside conservative groups. Judge Rudolph Randa, a regular attendee at judicial junkets organized Mason University, Koch Charitable Foundation has given millions of dollars to George Mason university, contributed $51,000 to the university's Law and Economics Center. The Bradley Foundation, meanwhile, has contributed tens of thousands, including $40,000 in 2010 for educational programs for judges conducted by the Law and Economics Center. The Center for Media and Democracy reports that Michael Grebe, the president and CEO of the Bradley Foundation, chaired Walker's 2010 and 2010 gubernatorial campaigns yhal/Live tweeting the painfully slow demise of the GOP as a national party-tw/Kerry would testify, but that in complying with Issa's demands, would remove any need for the secretary to appear before the select committee on the Benghazi attacks, Trey Gowdy will not be sitting with Darrell Issa at recess any time soon The whole thing is a farce, albeit a farce disgracefully being flogged for its politics with the bodies of four brave Americans. This is Kerry's very polite way of pointing out what a farce it is. I'll talk to him, the crazy felon guy, but not to him, the Cackalacky rube with the fratboy name and the Conehead haircut esq/GOP’s new Obamacare strategy: As benefits take hold, Republicans' message falls victim to the inevitable and Why their repeal cries have suddenly shifted Salon/from an undisclosed location southern Philippine island of Mindanao, indigenous elders spoke about resisting timber and mineral interests Liberty Beat-fb/white judge moonlight bigot security gig, storming nomandy with knives, stuck at 13, like oj, sports will save the world, it was porns fault, Fun Fun Fun (Till He Has To Put His Penis Away, utah #1 in porn and drugs, undatable visits, joe not the plumber, only homos ask you out for diner and a movie, pushing guns markets to the herion and coke dealers, consider the source malady nra cooked facts, the bundy bunch, what about the 1st ammendment? lifer calls, 8$ chocolate heist nets 6 mos, on stephie tm guncanes/abdula is a friend, pagic & patune on geraldo/
52714/28 countries saw unprecedented gains for Extreme Right anti immigration and anti EU political parties that caught the wave of voter disillusionment and rode it to parliamentary seats-Pro Western candy tycoon Poroshenko promises to bring a swift end to the country's dispute with Russia ts-Can you imagine if like AlQaeda bought a Cable News network and did the EXACT same thing Fox does? It would start a WAR-vandenHeuvel GOP's not so stealth campaign, But Privatization won’t fix the VA bostonGlobe- The right’s new horror show: What reform conservatives are really peddling Salon-IMF chief says banks haven't changed since financial crisis Democratic Underground-Cyberthreats, Obama's diversion de jour BarracudaMama-two whistle blower hackers walk-Use your religion as the basis for doing good among others, not an excuse to be bigoted, racist, homophobic or misogynistic #justsaying-GOP: We can't do anything about gun violence or climate change but we won't just sit back and let women get birth control-tw/Cruz seems to believe the road to Pennsylvania Avenue runs through Jerusalem, widely believed to have presidential ambitions mondoweiss-fb/IT'S PRETTY #$%$ SICK WHEN 1 AMERICAN TELLS ANOTHER AMERICAN YOUR DEAD KIDS DONT TRUMP MY GI JOE GUN RIGHTS, TIME TO REPEAL THE 2ND CANCEROUS AMENDMENT-Yeah, sick. But, it's Joe the Idiot, a nickname that could apply to most any Republican, even those not named Joe yhal/As Veterans Die, Couch Potatos are Getting their Free ObamaCare, I used to think that a Middle Class American like me, seeing his Health Insurance premium increase from $196 in 2009 (The first provisions of ObamaCare began in 2010) to $444 today was a real Shocker, if I want to see the same Doctor I had in 2009, I have to pay $509 a month, because the $444 policy Severely Restricts you to the worst Doctors in town, now, while Obama forces me to pay so much, so that his Couch Potato Supporters can sit at home and get their ObamaCare for FREE, we're hearing that our Brave Veterans are DYING, because of the horrible, health care that Obama is providing for them, That's HORRIBLE! He hates the Military, he hates Corporations and Capitalism, and now his neglect of our Veterans is KILLING THEM, while he lavishes Free Obamacare on the people who elected him, basically the 46% of Americans who pay no Federal Income Tax, Worst president of my LIFETIME, Obama. HORRIBLE President-What could be worse? in 1993, Hillary Clinton almost succeeded in getting an even MORE, Draconian, health care bill passed into law. Hers would have been a COMPLETE government takeover, with even MORE problems than Obamacare has wrought, Socialism is ruining our once, great country. It's fast becoming the land of equal outcomes instead of the land of equal opportunity We voted for change and change we got. It is a great change from a cost of $196 to $444. We must always be careful for what we ask, we just might get it. We should have specified what we wanted. Reminds me of the elections in the middle east. Our idiot reps screamed democratic elections. This we got. Then I heard the idiots say, But what they voted for is not what we want. The idiots thought that democracy and democratic meant the same thing. They don't-yc/male 16 to Utah prison for 15 years after judge changes terms of plea deal- Likely Nebraska Senator wrote dissertation at Yale advocating populist Christian uprisings-Anti woman website predicts more Elliott Rogers if society doesn’t provide them with sex-Franklin Graham warns gays to change their ways or it’s the flames of hell for you-Breitbart blames deadly shooting spree on sex education and hippies-Memphis cop accused of molesting and raping girl for years, starting when she was 12-NE mayor challenges atheists over faith based event: Take me to f&cking court, I don’t care rsy/bo sez war wind down 98k, smart articulate callers laughing, thinking man with ciniphile gun conspiracy, cherry picking nra rights like the bible, death, white on steroids gone crazy, a curious war indeed, when will this insanity stop, on stephie for the days of being armed with popcicle sticks hit the lights america is done/absolutly no side effects geraldo wabc

Monday, May 26, 2014

52614/Socialism for the rich

52614/Socialism for the rich and Capitalism for everyone else, PROSTITUTION, DRUGS AND BOOZE TO BE INCLUDED IN ITALIAN GDP CBC, EuroCONS showing their desperation to bolster the non existent Italian economy ygs/president of a South Carolina Bible college was charged last week with essentially treating foreign students as slaves by forcing them to perform work for little or no pay-Mark Mayfield, a member of the board of directors for the Central Mississippi Tea Party, was arrested on Thursday and is believed to be connected to the break in of a nursing home-RNC Files Lawsuit To Raise Unlimited Cash Like Super PACs, In addition to the RNC and Priebus FreakOutNation -Richard Martinez is the father of shooting victim Christopher20 Chris Died Because Of Craven Irresponsible Politicians And The NRA- Rodger wasn’t just a misogynist. He was also a racist, chronicled by Hatewatch-Cruz Fear Mongers That Democrats Will Overturn First Amendment- NRA Calls Researching Gun Violence Unethical-Dean: A Lot Of Fundraising Off Four Dead Americans, Who knows why Boehner decided to do this. It’s a great rallying cry for the Republican base, but the average American, even as reported by FOX- College Porn Star Responds To Suicide-Robertson blasted the media coverage that followed as absurd and of blurring the lines between sinners and homosexuals- ll/Kinder Morgan's historic oil spills are double the Kalamazoo disaster: NDP MP vo/GA Sen. promoting teenage homosexuality by GOP primary opponent-tweets mocking IL mayor cops raid apartment Roommate busted for weed- Bundy backs down: God didn’t ask us to sue the Feds-Colbert attacks Pope Francis, Jesus, and God for being foreigners, socialists/nc bo thinks he can change the weather because he thinks he’s God-More racist to deny climate change, Catholic priest Sajak for sinning-House Republicans move to slash summer food aid to urban kids-Florida sheriff’s news conference on gun violence interrupted by gunshots-NC GOP wants prison time for revealing frackers-Jury can’t decide if cop who destroyed woman’s eyeballs with pepper spray should go to prison-NY police chief’s child porn research became personal interest-Indiana boy 4 fatally shoots self in head-Hannity says executions are not that hard, Firing squads or hot shot of heroin-Scottish Parliament to consider petition urging asylum for Edward Snowden-Stewart explodes in epic rant on VA scandal: Fix this f*cking thing-O’Brien: Idaho GOP debate was even more bizarre than what you saw-Fla cop won’t be charged with sexual assault of dirty Jenga hostes-debtors prisons Incarceration if you’re poor, payment if you’re rich-Oklahoma $300,000 in legal fees preemptively banning Sharia law-Cronyism blamed for half of Univ. of Texas law school grads’ inability to pass the bar-FBI: Zero tolerance pot policy kills our ability to hire cyber war programmers-The world needs a sarcasm font. I was making a point that CLIMATE CHANGE AFFECTS EVERYONE, even Republicans who don't live near the coast-Sometimes we left wingers forget we are not Republicans and neglect to engage our senses of humor, In our defense, many of us are suffering from right wing troll fatigue, Republicans really do say the nastiest, most prejudiced and stupidest things-it might be too late for the ground zero of republicans to really come out and refudiate them. Up to now they have been all to happy to embrace the fringe-long as a majority of this idiot political base continues to believe their Christian faith will prevail over science, reason and reality-you seriously don't think we could've been most of the way towards the adoption of alternatives in the 33 years we've had since Reagan took back the office for big oil? So little faith in America. So brainwashed. Truly disgusting-Idaho GOP biker candidate has a Scientific Wild Ass Guess, what to do with the VA-Truthers produce deceptive look alike brochure for 911 Memorial Museum-Cruz continues to be outcrazied by his dad: The Bible tells you exactly who to vote for-DeGrasse Tyson and Miles O’Brien slam CNN as the WalMart of journalism-Feminist mob ruining colleges with rape culture crusade-Megachurch pastor predicts Auschwitz style tours of women’s clinics after abortion is banned-Maher challenges Republicans: Impeach Obama so he can kick your ass a third time-Hayes to Greenwald: You have a talent for making liberals hate you- Anti gay Texas talk show host heart pounded by half naked male strippers-Paleontologists find 90-million-year-old fossil that belonged to 80 ton dinosaur-German court: Jesus doesn’t deserve copyright protection-rsy- INFLATION IS MUCH HIGHER THAN THE INT. RATE! WE ARE BEING ROBBED BY THE FED! China considers Obamas economy parasitic. True but i'm not sure China has room to talk, they steal everything. american economists} are in bed with China. The worlds most corrupt people are now in bed with the worlds most corrupt government. Clinton made it al possible, its called NAFTA, it's good for China is what the man said. Turns out to be the big American SHAFTA, China does not play by WTO rules. Soros considers the banks parasitic, yet he is a convicted insider cheat. He still seems to want to isolate Germany, yet he helped to kill his own people, go figure. Thats the problem with these people they spew out both ends for profit. Putin also thinks the American economy is a parasite, yet look at what he does to his own people. He's a Stalinist, talk about parasites of parasites. The common denominator between all these people and their actions is they are working with sweJ-today we remember all those who have been caught up in the machinations of the Bankers fraud and hypocrisy by being sucked into the endless wars fought in the name of bogus nationalism while the handful of inbred liars and perverts maneuver the country into collapse and the demonic world order they have so diligently planned. To those who knowingly participated in it I give you the one fingered salute and hope you enjoy your dwelling space in hell with the robchilds and their ilk-rich pigs control the game they make the masses pay for their theft of the Treasury. Ask yourself why does Congress keep borrowing money that cannot be repaid without raiding our retirement accounts? When senior citizens are earning nothing on their savings and have to drain their accounts to nothing so there is nothing left when they die isn't that theft? Forcing a senior citizen to work at McDonalds in order to live has to make God mad!-I"m hearing rumblings of cutting disability payments in Social Security. It is beginning to hit the fan people, Cutting disability payments to the developmentally disabled is not curtailing the welfare state. Cutting off trillions to the financials would be curtailing the welfare state. Enjoy the hamptons, many of the working class have to work this weekend otherwise they don't get paid. As a matter of fact, many have to serve you arrogant idiots with a smile this weekend ygs/Mandell, [Very] soon, every American will be required to register their biological property in a national system designed to keep track of the people and that will operate under the ancient system of pledging. By such methodology, we can compel people to submit to our agenda, which will effect our security as a chargeback for our fiat paper currency. Every American will be forced to register or suffer being unable to work and earn a living. They will be our chattel, and we will hold the security interest over them forever, by operation of the law merchant under the scheme of secured transactions. Americans, by unknowingly or unwittingly delivering the bills of lading to us will be rendered bankrupt and insolvent, forever to remain economic slaves through taxation, secured by their pledges. They will be stripped of their rights and given a commercial value designed to make us a profit and they will be none the wiser, for not one man in a million could ever figure our plans and, if by accident one or two should figure it out, we have in our arsenal plausible deniability. After all, this is the only logical way to fund government, by floating liens and debt to the registrants in the form of benefits and privileges. This will inevitably reap to us huge profits beyond our wildest expectations and leave every American a contributor to this fraud which we will call Social Insurance. Without realizing it, every American will insure us for any loss we may incur and in this manner, every American will unknowingly be our servant, however begrudgingly. The people will become helpless and without any hope for their redemption and, we will employ the high office of the President of our dummy corporation to foment this plot against America House Describes To President Woodrow Wilson How The Federal Reserve Act Will Be Used To Enslave The American People, 1913-yc/13.9 24.8yf/ two days after his inauguration ceremony bo initiated Executive Orders to shut down the facility, but it still takes action from the Congress, 2012, 9 Democrats joined 45 Republicans to prohibit the use of funds for the transfer or release of certain individuals from gitmo-Pope Francis sez Christian love is loving without counting the cost. Good Samaritan; this is the lesson of Jesus, May we never get used to the poverty and decay of Satan within Conservatism and Christians-Kansas is Koch Country, how the Koch Brothers are fighting against renewable energy in their home state, and losing msnbc-Ethics MIA review the rap sheet of Wall Street banks: defrauding investors, cheating homeowners, money laundering, rigging markets, tax evasion, credit card ripoffs nationofchange- While Republicans have been plotting about what to do with control GOP Closer To Death Spiral-nmemo- fb/BarracudaMama Monitor Your Parents For Thoughtcrime! Tw /forbes attacks women, bbpv/standing for women kind jimmy visits, 4th of july everyday hero writes and creates nonprofit 4 success, on stephanie/ walmart, va, on crazy uncle eddie
52514/Perhaps they will begin to understand and explore Islamic history and the terrible toll that ignorance of that bloody history exacts. Once understood, the Islamic Israeli conflict makes complete sense, the Hamas charter (citing Allah and predicting that Islam would destroy Israel) makes complete sense, and the jihad against the Jews makes complete sense. to leapfrog over a media that is not even handed, that is advancing the jihadis propaganda against the Jewish state. And it is working. People are talking. That is a good thing even if the sharia compliant media is hostile. The truth is a powerful thing, and so many people are unaware of Islamic history and the role of Muslim world during the Holocaust. But now, people are talking about the Mufti of Jerusalem and his support for Hitler. People are finally beginning to understand the root cause of the Israeli Islamic conflict. We are going to roll these ads out nationwide, Hitler and the Quran have a lot in common, they preach anti Semitism freedomoutpost-aibafs/the best words Mad Dog James Mattis has had to offer, 62, is unimposing. He is rather short and slight of build, Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet, speaks with a lisp and rarely raises his voice. His blunt tough talk, with petraeus, however, and indisputable aggressiveness in combat endear him to many Marines, especially teenage infantrymen who volunteered during wartime to kill bad guys an inspirational leader of men and his powerful words will go down in history. You go into Afghanistan, you got guys who slap women around for five years because they didn’t wear a veil. You know, guys like that ain’t got no manhood left anyway. So it’s a hell of a lot of fun to shoot them. Actually it’s quite fun to fight them, you know. It’s a hell of a hoot. It’s fun to shoot some people. I’ll be right up there with you. I like brawling (CNN) I’m going to plead with you, do not cross us. Because if you do, the survivors will write about what we do here for 10,000 years, I don’t lose any sleep at night over the potential for failure. I cannot even spell the word (San Diego Union Tribune)AP The first time you blow someone away is not an insignificant event. That said, there are some assholes in the world that just need to be shot, There are hunters and there are victims. By your discipline, cunning, obedience and alertness, you will decide if you are a hunter or a victim (Business Insider) I come in peace. I didn’t bring artillery. But I’m pleading with you, with tears in my eyes: If you fuck with me, I’ll kill you all-This policy that doesn't allow sleeve tattoos is a bunch of horseshit duffelblog/ got fired over having one of the Warrior Monk's famous quotes tattooed on his arm mt/Marijuana smoking shown to cause major deformities.A new study just released,found proof that smoking small amounts of marijuana can cause massive and irreversible deformation of the hands,feet,and genitals of the smoker.The study which started in January of 2014 and ran until May first,was the most extensive and far reaching study of its kind in scientific history.As many as 13 people were studied over a period of nearly 5 months,and almost one billion dollars was spent on the study.The latest technology and chemical assay was used in the study.The funding for the study was provided by a conglomerate of multinational pharmaceutical companies and the United States Drug Enforcement Agency.The results of the study were so shocking that it was halted less than 5 months after it started. Dr.Jack T.Ripper of the Sam Houston Institute of Technology in Deadog Texas ran the study so horrified that he felt that he must end the study and give back nearly 1% of the billion dollar grant money he received for the study.One woman in the study,had her foot turn completely inside out after smoking less than one Marijuana cigarette or joint as it is referred to by addicts. One mans penis shrunk down to the size of a kitchen match and he committed suicide by drinking gasoline. Another man had his fingers and toes grow in size while other shrank.One woman said she could not remember her name or address or who Bill O'Riely is/not saying you as a business owner should share anything. All I'm saying is that the fact that you're not going to share proves that trickle down economics doesn't work fb/mad as hell, on fns/bo checks out the herion war-ellot rodgers checked out for weird utube entry but released b4 shooting spree, fn/
52414/Oklahoma Will Charge Customers Who produce their own energy and Install Their Own Solar Panels nationofchange-fb/spoiled silver-spoon liberal in his BMW couldn't get the girls because of his whacked out upbringing, U.C. Santa Barbara, First three were all stabbed to death then he hit the street and started shooting people randomly, on You Tube WTF?-Buchanan was fired from MSNBC over passages from Suicide of a Superpower, published the remarks at Birther and conspiracy hub World NUT Daily heaped praise on Putin for being a traditional Christian leader who rejects the moral relativism of the West-Guandolo says Obama policies are pro Hamas, pro Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas is designated by the government as a terrorist organization. There are a lot of weak leaders in our government, Clinton had more than one adviser who is a terrorist-KGB general says Snowden is working for Russian Intelligence- Hiring Veterans as First Responders and Law Enforcement Officers, included $4 billion in COPS funding in his 2013 Budget to spur police officer hiring, also included $1 billion for SAFER grants to encourage firefighter hiring, grants would be given to hire post 911 veterans, $1 billion to develop a Veterans Job Corps conservation program would put up to 20,000 veterans back to work over the next five years Preserving and Restoring America’s Land and Resources-that's the trouble with you knuckle draggers, you think facts are propaganda. TOO FUNNY -rbg/The basic tenets of Christianity and Islamism are comparable, if not neatly identical. It serves as a disservice to your own faith that you'd try and demonize that of another's. It's foolish and dangerous to play the very game we're playing right now, often left to wonder if I should be more religious. Thank fuck there's still so many people like David to remind me of the hell I've avoided by not sliding into that black hole of obstinate nonsense fb/May 24, millions of activists from around the world will once again March Against Monsanto, calling for the permanent boycott of Genetically Modified Organisms and other harmful agro chemicals, on six continents, in 52 countries, with events in over 400 cities/
52314/AMAZING to me that Democrats don't hear the poison they spew 24/7. The ugliest form of life I CERTAINLY ever experienced-true, by contrast, every word from your mouth is signed with love-Think about it. He hit the nail on the head-Okay, I thought about it. He's a troll and you're an idiot yhal/14 25yf/Picture of Ellen DeGeneres has Penn. Catholic school destroying its own dance invitations-Tea Party leader arrested as creepy plot to photo Mississippi senator’s wife unravels-Mentally ill Florida inmate scalded to death by guards, and authorities don’t seem to care- West rips double-amputee veteran Tammy Duckworth for joining Benghazi panel-faux star drank vodka and took pills at airport bar after rehab release-What does Obamacare have to do with immigration?-Michigan official compares LGBT rights supporters to Nazis-TX woman pays conservative artist to welcome Abortion Barbie Wendy Davis to Hollywood-GOP That’s what America is lawmaker defends duct tape pipeline fix in wildlife refuge-Black cop so good at using racial slurs he accidentally got elected KKK leader-Cosmos on Weed is ‘here to tell you how f*cking rad space is-NRA: Bill to allow CDC to determine how many people are killed by guns is unethical-Florida man goes on deadly shooting spree after girlfriend reneges on Triple Whopper promise-North Carolina votes to make it a crime to disclose fracking chemicals-school teacher accused of pay to potty scheme-Fifty senators support Redskins name change-Protest over CA police shootings turns violent, hospitalizing cop trying to help slain teen-Tennessee Gov Haslam signs bill allowing electric chair if state can’t obtain lethal drugs-Creation Museum to unveil dinosaur skeleton it claims will prove biblical account of flood-Colbert mocks GOP’s joy at finally having a real government scandal with VA-Stewart: Let’s just admit that America has been f*cking veterans over for centuries rsy/ Ex-CIA Pilot Gives Sworn Testimony That No Planes Hit The Twin Towers, flown over 100 different types of planes during his 40 years of flying and holds more FAA airman certificates than any other FAA certificated airman. He flew secret missions for the CIA in Southeast Asia, Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Africa between 1967 and 1983 then spent 17 years working for several passenger and cargo airlines as Captain, Check Airman and Instructor, a member of Pilots for 911 truth, which has consistently shown that it was impossible for jet airliners to have hit the Twin Towers in the way the 9/11 Commission did not take evidence from experts or pilots when it conducted its enquiry into the attacks from 2002 to 2004-New studies: Conspiracy theorists sane; government dupes crazy, hostile, contrary to mainstream media stereotypes, those labeled conspiracy theorists appear to be saner than those who accept the official versions of contested events, published on July 8th by psychologists Michael J. Wood and Karen M. Douglas of the University of Kent (UK). Entitled What about Building 7? A social psychological study of online discussion of 9/11 conspiracy theories, Of the 2174 comments collected, 1459 were coded as conspiracist and 715 as conventionalist.” In other words, among people who comment on news articles, those who disbelieve government accounts of such events as 9/11 and the JFK assassination outnumber believers by more than two to one. That means it is the pro conspiracy commenters who are expressing what is now the conventional wisdom, while the anti conspiracy commenters are becoming a small, beleaguered minority- Maybe his affiliation with CIA is what rubs me wrong, I don't really know for sure, the possibilities of planes, or not commercial jets, does not surprise me. Funny how it was mentioned that they were built to be demo'd, I wish i could remember where i read that this was a stipulation in the original permit process for insurance to cover the buildings. They secretly added the explosives during the build process, to demo the building in case of emergency, and prevent it from toppling over on the surrounding buildings, I am no explosives expert, could the explosives still be viable after all this time? Unsure, i also read about them being in process and major MAJOR expense of asbestos removal. Pretty cheap this way and receive double insurance pay out to boot!-Whilst none of the findings of the official 911 Inquiries made much, if any, sense, it can also be said that many of the so called conspiracy theories are a bit lacking in real substance too. The nett result is a credibility gap which makes you go ,Suddenly, it all makes a lot more sense with rational explanations for some of the weirder after effects experienced by first responders and so forth veteranstoday too classified to publish bush-nuclear piracy exposed discovery of these older rock lines emphasizes the geoglyphs had more than one function, Stanish said. People have long looked for "the" reason for the Nazca lines, but it's more accurate to think of the lines like multi purpose technology, The lines are effectively a social technology, They're using it for certain purposes. Some people have said the lines point out sacred mountains. Sure, why not? The lines [might] point out sacred pyramids. Why not? The lines could [also] be used to point out processions, of both the Nazca and Peru lines, Native Americans in this part of the world were extremely ingenious-criticalbelievers/ a real sickness among the Left, to believe they are above reproach while anyone that disagrees with them is evil, sick or a multitude of other equally as ludicrous descriptions of others running around in their sick minds. They are so filled with hate and anger that they have no control over their over the top posts and joining forces in their attacks is the only way they know how to function. Wolf Packs and Liberal Groupies, same psychology-aibafs/Fort McKoch? Construction of in situ facility planned next to Dunkirk River for 2016. Canadian company makes first move to exploit oil sands gold rush vo/Counting Down To Julian Assange's Potentially Dangerous Snowden Revelation dll/It isnt in the republicans in congress interest to do anything because then there dirty laundry will have to come out-tell me why he is not held accountable for any of the things I listed? I am sure Obama and his ilk has info on all of dirty laundry on everyone or will manufacture them to shut them up. Chicago thug tactics, We need to demand answers and hold Obama accountable. It starts at the top-Hold the repubs accountable also for not doing shit. Why haven't they brought charges against him?-i am pretty much sure you dont know that impeachment starts in the house oh my bad a republican held house. They could easily get the ball rolling, why havent they?-if The workers believe it and the 1% use it to control them fb/blue texas, on bill/ mommy rose meeting, her match amzn, punch and cookies, 48 out 50 freethrows trophy, on stephanie/ iowa where there are more pigs than people, on ccwabc/
52214/FoxNews Gregg Jarrett arrested The stress of constantly lying. It was just too much to bear-Not a Single Conservative Group had its tax exempt status denied by the IRS-Bengahzi and IRS filed away under dead old fake scandals. Along with Obama was born in Kenya/Birth Certificate, Acorn, New Black Panther, bp oil spill), Rev. Wright, Solyndra, Fast and furious, Obamas a Muslim, socialist, communist, fascist, Marxist, on and on. All dead old FAKE scandals. How GD stupid are Fox News viewers?-Only In America Are Kooks Like Evolution, Climate Change Deniers Tolerated, In any other civilized country they are KICKED TO THE CURB and rightfully IGNORED, Especially POLITICIANS! yhal/Hackers raid eBay in historic breach, access 145 million records r/CNBC Marc Faber not a very healthy market/Maybe you are God. Nobody comes back with shit that clever! I relent. You are truly the master troll. THANK YOU for joining this group. It is hopefully keeping you off the streets-Tact lol. I'm you're worst nightmare. Not even Satan could match me. god can't help you now, You're in too deep-I'm off to town. It has been interesting. I'd better load up the rifles and put on the crucifix. Bye!-Who Is A Sayanim? EVERY Jewish person is expected to be a potential Sayanim agent spy, in varying degrees, If the Jewish people sense a potential threat to their Race or to their control over other Races, the Jewish Sayanim, contrary to popular belief, are ALL of the JEWS, male and female, not just a handful called Zionists or some other title the Jews have created to distract & confuse you with], is authorized to commit anything from simple harassment to business ruin, and even multiple murders. The Columbine Massacre was a perfect example. The police knew there were seven people involved, but five students, two sets of parents, one employer and psychiatrists, provided alibis and corrupted evidence. ALL Jews, Provocateurs in Peacetime, Saboteurs in Wartime, and Subversives ALL The Time. reluctant messenger judahs sceptre-draconian? texas man faces life prison 4 pot brownie-fb/the w ranch was sold right after he left office, It was just a Prop-tw/Who Quit Mid Term, Palin Uses Problems To Call bo Lazy crooksandliars/ Fun Fact: Science Committee Has Held More Hearings On Aliens Than Climate Change, After all, its members have included the likes of Todd legitimate rape Akin, Paul Pit of Hell Broun, and Dana dinosaur flatulence/How's this for /House orders the Pentagon to build more planes, rejected Pentagon cost cutting proposals, The chamber voted 325 98 to pass the 2015 National Defense Authorization Acton with a $601 billion election year defense policy bill that offered bigger military pay raises and blocked a politically tough bid to eliminate planes, ships and bases- The GOP has become so pathetic. This isn't governance, just perpetual whining and moaning and crying-a bunch of racist crybabies!-United States Senators have called for a change to change the name of the Washington Redskins Fighting Christian Supremacists Since 1492- rbg/cons love war and h8 veterans, pussy buffet, transgender agenda, cock fights, antigay safefhouse, jacki schools wingnutz, good ivanna visit, on stephanie/geraldo taking a antiwingnut stance/
52114/It’s been over a month since this story first broke, yet there are still reports of armed Bundy supporters roaming around the Nevada and Utah deserts standing up against the government. The fact that there continues to be groups of people sitting around the desert doing nothing for well over a month now has led many individuals like myself to ask the question, “Don’t they have jobs? several of these patriots who don’t need help from anyone are now asking for welfare from supporters to help them pay bills and buy food-Blaine Cooper, took up a GoFundMe collection for gas, and expenses to help in our fight with the bundies all money will be used for food and gas. How's the welfare drive going? Shitty. Cooper, who's been something of a celeb in the cause (and is incensed that prison inmates get free food), made just under $1,500 in a month and a half. Ferrell, meanwhile, has netted $170 from five donors gawker/14 25y/some people is still in denile, the people that run this government is people and they have skin in the game too...when the housing bubble crisis began these people were as afraid or even more afraid because most of their investments were in financials, these were the safest bets then and still is today but the difference with them and us they can do something, they have the power to stop the bleeding so what their reaction were normal in a panic, to those that has no skin in seeing the financial system change because they were angry and let their emotions dictate their action is now in defile and denile mode yfm/Hey, Christians are an easy target for the LGBT but what about Muslims ? Muslims recognize the issues, as do the Russians , with the lascivious nature of Gays. Number of dictators in Africa also reject the butt rangers so don't just make this a Christian thing-all the bullshit, lower taxes for the middle class, let the rich screw EVERYONE, we fight over then color of our skin, where we are from, who we date, who we love. THEY LIVE LARGE WALKING OVER US AS IF WE ARE DIRT UNDER THEIR SANDLES, as WE LIVE LIKE FARM ANIMALS, what a shame cl/Texas Prostitution Ring Busted-Third graders charged fake money to use bathroom; Two empty pocketed kids wet their pants-Over my dead body: Spies fight Obama push to downsize terror war-America's favorite whipping boys: Time Warner, Comcast/if what he's known about since he was on the Veterans Affairs Commissions turns out to be true WTF hahaha he knew about it until he was asked how it happened, then it has to be studied-Exact same response to the BP oil spill, bonuses on wall street, NSA scandal, IRS scandal Benghazi, Obamacare cancellations, mad as hell, will get to the bottom of it, responsible will be held accountable but nothing ever happens. Can't wait for Americans to actually try to use their gov't run healthcare/ wondering minus fear = enlightened? awakentfup?/ no one stole seans iq points, on imus/sudan to execute woman for being christian after giving birth to muzi child, cryptic corolla, #8 bengazi, on stephanie/ssi fraud, on geraldo stepping into politics joking about xwives/
52014/First Time, Judge Halts the Force Feeding Guantánamo Detainee NPR/Beck Supporters Turn on Him After Operation American Spring Failure BradBlog/Arizona Candidate Apologizes for Most Mass Shooters Are Democrats Remarks Salon/NSA Is Recording Every Cellphone Call in the Bahamas TheIntercept/ North Carolina GOP Pushes Unprecedented Bill to Jail Anyone Who Discloses Fracking Chemicals-Did Scientists Just Solve the Bee Collapse Mystery? mj/Greenland Glacial Melt Is Growing Factor in Rising Sea Levels Al Jazeera/ The Rise of Tent City, USA CNNMoney/FAIR: American democracy is not very democratic, But the US media largely ignores evidence/ Los Angeles Crude Oil Spill in Leaves Half Mile Knee Deep Slick/Why Do People Persist In Believing Things That Just Aren't True? To change false beliefs, appealing to a person’s sense of self may be more important than the facts newyorker/Sao Paulo, Brazil Some told local media their children hadn’t ever seen hail or played with ice-