Is Stupid, This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. the Climate,
extractivism, activism and the way to change hearts and minds around
climate change-Mass Incarceration Can Learn From the Struggle,
activists engagement with governments, global organizations and
corporations holds many lessons in fighting for justice in the
criminal legal system.We also have fewer horses and bayonets, because
the nature of our military has changed. Obama’s famous quip, in the
final debate of 2012, was celebrated at the time for making Mitt
Romney look foolish (not the most difficult of tasks), two years
later, one can’t help but think the president accidentally let slip
a line, mainly to downplay the actual fact that we are at war. Now,
wars are not real unless there are boots on the ground. Drones don’t
count. Bombs don’t count. No boots, no war. All of which has the
effect of making too many people accept or ignore the latest
expression of US military force-bombing Syria, using the $700 billion
F22 Raptor stealth fighter for the first time. Your tax dollars at
work!- The Police and Media Control Fascism 101, you are welcome to
THE MEDIA Truthout/ All Hands on Deck Declares Ban Ki moon at UN
Climate Summit-We Have Met the Existential Threat, and It Is
Us-Nearly Annihilating Native Americans Led to Abandoning a Respect
for Nature's Limits-Climate Riders Roll to Fight the Corporate
Climate Killers- Rich Old White Men Are Taking Lunch Money Away From
Inner City Black Kids- Holder Basically Tells Wall Street to Beware of
Moles, therefore, by implication, alerting financial firms to take
more secure measures not to get caught? BuzzFlash/
FBI Gags State and
Local Police on Capabilities of Cellphone Spy Gear wt/
Syrians Say
Civilians Killed in US Airstrikes lat/nc Prison, Reports Eight Month
Lockdown, SolitaryWatch/ap Pentagon Allows Police Accused of Civil
Rights Abuses to Apply for Military Gear/rapidly growing church,
Ignite, promises red blooded young men that it will never be boring
Pastor Heath Mooneyham wants to kick you in the nuts with Christ,
sex. And guns plus free assault rifles vocativ- The globe challenges
global warming, Dowd learns how to smoke weed from the best-ONE HAPPY
CUSTOMER AT A TIME How Prozac Conquered America-digg/feugalsang tired
like reagan's second term and smelling like a porchgese whorehouse at
is making a new batch of terrorists bombing Syria-Irony: whining
argument that russia condemns isis airstrikes y-smshow caller’s
question of the day: Who lit the fuse on Lindsey Graham’s tampon?
tw/-everyone is busy going crazy over ISIS, 18,000+ Palestinians in
Yarmouk camp are dying. Day 8, no water-fb/Colorado students walk out
to protest conservative censorship-NYPD slams visibly pregnant woman
on pavement, uses stun gun on her belly-Louisiana police shoot boy 14
dead- Costco worker broke man's leg with martial arts kick for
refusing to show receipt-Christians are clueless about Jesus, who
wanted the rich to be poor- krokodil rise and fall of Russia’s
flesh eating zombie drug-Montana Catholic church bans aging gay
couple after they marry to protect assets- They're all dead Florida
family massacre 911 call- Ebola could infect 1.4 million by 2015- New
Hampshire grandma shot by cops after reaching for infant during DEA
raid-Stewart on GOP climate change like pushing a million pounds of
idiot up a mountain-OK trooper: follow the law Best way not to get
raped by cops-while outside smoking, Officer steps back, guns down
man outside liquor store-checking Facebook man shot to death by
police California-toddler drowned in church’s Alabama baptismal
water- woman accused of running grand daughter 9 to death- Cavuto
helping to minimize climate change protests- Texas soldier beats
toddler daughter to death over soiled diaper-CA Republicans clash
after candidate’s homeless stunt Felony stupid- pro pot activist in
Alaska epic on air resignation F*ck it, I quit-fla deputies gun down
man in towing dispute as son tried to explain he was deaf- Limbaugh’s
black sidekick, Snerdley: Segregation was the good old days-border
shutdown militia, 5 show blame threat of mass blood shed by cartels-
Fox News priest demands in the name of free speech government ban
Satanic masses-Switzerland Physicists set distance record in quantum
teleportation- Perry if NYC had strict Texas abortion law Joan Rivers
might still be alive rsy/rebirth of Occupy movement floods Wall
Street to protest climate change vo/ admitting no one reads them,
hiring pinheads to edit, bill explains professional writing to a core
wingnut audience idude helps, jeeter used socks sold 400$ ea,
/geraldo attemps to explain atheist or anti religious isis is a good
reason to target them/ stephie clearly having box problems, wiping her
ass with forbes explains leading from behind with reacharound never
satisfied linsey and mcstain want more bombs to give the threat
credibility, carlos guesses isis is after the oil, 4.6 billion split
between boeing and spacex dp/
those darn Israeli Jews develop a way to donate smart Jewish brain
cells (those Jews are so brilliant, they WILL find a way (and then
patent it, for the big $$$$, perhaps somone can donate to someone
with not so smart brain cells 4 the benefit of such nice wingnut folk
iapb/ Liberal thinking is based on emotion. Conservative thinking is
based in logic and reason, truly objective, logical thinker you become a Conservative. Generally, when you are young
there are many influences in your life that lead you to Liberalism.
But if you are TRULY objective and logical you will reject
Liberalism. It has nothing to do with being smart or dumb. It has
everything to do with common sense-an oxymoron, moron. Today's
conservatives are conservative in name only. Uneducated radical non
thinking robots usurped the word and corrupted its meaning just as
homosexuals did with the word gay-If Sense was common you wouldn't
post such silly tripe. Lets not confuse republicans with
conservatives either. They don't conserve the planet, the
constitution nor money- Air striles hav little impact-So you've
concluded that air strikes are ineffective and Obama is clueless
based upon your extensive experience as what? Ball smuggler of The
Year? The only visible credential you have is an old Yahoo ID riddled
with racist comments, going out on a limb here, you haven't won any
awards for spelling, have you?, Buy your empty sack a bus ticket and
point it towards the 2016 RNC convention. I know, it's nearly two
years away, but ROTFLMAO I'm guessing you never won any awards for
orienteering or your sense of direction either ybac/UANI is coming
after you traitors koch boys and rightwing home grown domestic
terrorist beware devoted to tracking terrorist financing-you are
mentally challenged- Kerry was BEGGING iran at the UN the other day to
join the coalition being set up by homobama- No telling how many
teabaggager bundy type supporters will end up in jail after their
treasonous acts are exposed. Where is issa the witchhunt
specialist?-bush crime family, probably yhal/ iman asks who goes in to
find out how many children got killed after anti isis bombing,
admitting age related problems while humping brett for bernie, white
house fence jumper priors, suni bombing suni? faux still wanting
boots, bernie wants razor wire around the wh, faux weiner war/wabc
humping antib0 conspiracy book/ more wisconsin voting, tricks,
wingnutz attack france, wh enterloper security breech wingnut tipoff,
troll vaccine brainstorm, more boobs the better, eye headaches
byproduct of derangment syndrome, /olive garden and owners clash over
salt dp/
20 20 Hindsight, finding an audience with tx high school rodeo, I Man
continues to ponder why the President insists of calling them ISIL
the Terrorist Group now refers themselves as IS, As in We Just
Is-Jesus We haven’t seen so much re branding since Madonna, gives a
special shout out to his boy, Steve Schwartzman Shardon Schwanden The
Boss can’t pronounce his good friend from AT&T’s name who is
going to provide him with a new iPhone 6 Plus, Warner provides the
correct pronunciation, Steve, on the other hand, has no problem
pronouncing Imus name, I Man’s got something on his lip, He had
something removed, and now has a stitch on the lower right corner of
his mouth. We never heard anything about this surgery before,
surprising that it’s not Roger Ailes ass. and so we suspect he made
up the malady just so he could get some of those Personality Pills,
The doctor tried to give Imus F*CKING TYLENOL! Didn’t that sh*t
kill a bunch of people a few years ago?, Carley Shimkus answers the
question Should NFL players be allowed to beat their spouses, their
kids, their agents or their meat? the same way everyone else does,
Except her perception Rocky in the Butcher Locker using a side of
beef as a heavy bag. Um yeah, Carley. That’s it, Cavuto stops by
for a visit, Neil does his Scottish Accent, which sounds suspiciously
like Tom Brokaw trying to speak Mandarin Chinese, The I accuses him
of being a suck up to Rupert, Has Imus ever spoken to Mr. Murdoch?
No. Then YES, he DOES know he’s working for him-ISIS death threats
against the Pope, BLONDE ON BLONDE Which begins with a heated debate
about our Godless Society, ourselves are doubting the existence of a
Supreme Being, as surely, Deirdre maintains that there was Prayer in
Public Schools until 1963. Which was the year The Beatles became
known, blame John, Paul and George for replacing St. John, St. Paul
and St. George in schoolchildren’s lives. Of course, there was no
St. Ringo, but we had something to do with the reduction of numbers
in Hebrew School. We begin praying the hellish sound of the shrieking
harpies will stop, now, listening to Bernie and Connell and Dagen run
the show. He says they’re actually pretty good. Which makes us
suspicious that he’s drinking again. Listening to them and Warner
trying to keep the party going has the same effect as putting sand in
your KY Jelly. ibts/wittnessing stephy going commando on wingnutz
lifted the mandatory requirement for water fluoridation that was put
in place in 1970, now a nationwide ban on water fluoridation in
Israel, a decision Israeli Health Minister Yael German said would
allow Israeli parents and doctors to decide on their own whether to
provide fluoride to children, in what doses, and in what manner
iapb/Sick Texas hospital worker may have exposed 700 babies to TB-10
Republican red states that mooch off of coastal liberal states-32
Florida prison guards fired for alleged abuses- Nobel prizes From
Jesus on toast to baby feces in sausages-Maher says Palin needs to
stop wearing her mom genes, Graham and McCain should get a grip about
ISIS-Proud mama defends Bristol's role in brawl-British Musuem
scholars tell ISIS that holding hostage goes against Koran-Roger
Goodell: cut me a break, will you?- Miami cops fleeced immigrant’s
family for $2,400 before jailing him rsy/ Officer of the Year Using
Police Resources to Stalk Women MintPress/ truthout: Restructuring
through capitalist globalization has brought about an important shift
in Palestinians relationship to Israel that make it easier for the
Israeli right to raise the specter of genocide/ Failure to Look Into
Saudi Role in 911 Has Helped ISIS ukI/ A MUCH SCARIER
TERRORIST GROUP THAN ISIS RT- New and improved bogymen manufactured by the real terrorists, the US government. All to
justify the CONtinued push into the ME for the expansion of the
corrupt and fraudulent Central Banks, who print worthless paper that
must be used in trade around the world. Criminals-If RT states it
must be true- I assume you are a believer in the extension of the
state department presstitute bought and paid for propaganda the
spewed on a daily basis without any credible sources or proof in most
western media ygs/Turkish authorities say they have freed 49 hostages
from one of the world's most ruthless militant groups without firing
a shot, paying a ransom or offering a quid pro quo newsmax rbh/Trolls
who troll then whine that you trolled them? Fuck those ppl with
chainsaws tw/
man shoots six grandkids, daughter before killing himself-Cops say
they gunned down handcuffed man because he was armed-Houston fires
four cops and dismisses 6,000 tickets in overtime scheme-fraternity
dosed women with date rape drugs based on color coded hand stamps:
police-raging bicyclist shoots Florida cab driver in neck in gas
station dispute-Judges so angered by NCIS spying on civilians willing
to let child sex offender go free-Coulter said she’d ‘drown’ if
GOP doesn’t take Senate-Robertson loses it after Air Force nixes
‘God’ oath for atheists: ‘How can they fly?-Cliven Bundy blames
state for faulty fence after woman sues him for interstate cow
crash-Michigan school catches 5th grader with loaded gun and list of
names-Guinea's national Ebola education team believed to be abducted
or dead-Limbaugh: cheered for guts to yell f*ck her in the
p*ssy-Australia raid prevents Islamic State from carrying out random
beheading- Diet soda is probably making you fat and giving you
diabetes-1 in 4 Americans open to secession- Doocy battles Geraldo
over whether undocumented New Yorkers can vote-Miracle panda triplets
open their eyes in Chinese zoo- Rachel Maddow rips Congress for giving
itself two more months off-This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs the
Climate-End of the party? UK’s political classes paranoid after
Scotland referendum- Court hammers Florida sheriff’s office for SWAT
style raid to check for barber licenses- DNA study reveals third group
of ancient ancestors of modern Europeans-Bodies found after Ebola
health workers go missing in Guinea rsy/ Ancient Stone Constructions
12,000 Years Old In Peru? -Saihuite is about 4 hours drive south of
Cusco Peru and is rarely visited by tourists. Its claim to fame is a
large heavily carved stone, but beyond this, and in the nearby valley
are clear examples of megalithic lost ancient technology that the
resident Inca could not have made. They may be what remains of a
mysterious culture that lived there 12,000 plus years ago-Globalist
Game Plan: Conquer and Divide through ISIS? Saudi conspiracy
stretching back as far as 2007 [when] US Saudi policymakers sought to
ignite a region wide sectarian war to purge the Middle East of Iran’s
arch of influence stretching from its borders, across Syria and Iraq,
and as far west as Lebanon and the coast of the Mediterranean. ISIS
has been harbored, trained, armed, and extensively funded by a
coalition of NATO and Persian Gulf states within Turkey’s (NATO
territory Turkish artillery and air cover, cross border invasion by
Al Qaeda into Kasab village, Latikia province in northwest Syria-new
evidence of mysterious pulses that appear to come from deep in outer
space-DEVOLUTION devolved-Divide and Rule's The BBC Is Killing
Democracy-cb/40 American ISIS fighters have already returned to the
United States-Over 90% Of Troops Do Not Support Obama! Fmr. Navy SEAL
Carl Higbie-like the coffee, in the deliciousness, and the bitterness
and the addiction tw/Question for you idiot socialists If you are big
on govt spending, and the military is part of the govt. Why is it so
terrible to stimulate the economy by using govt. contractors to
provide jobs?-I'd be glad to, little of it actually trickles down,
Think $500 terlet seats, the overbilled Halliburton meals for the
soldiers etc, spending does more political sponsors, cronies and
CEO's than it does for the job at hand, defending the nation-Weird.
Beings that the military is itself a socialist system, confused as
ever, want to increase spending on the biggest socialist program that
we have, while wanting to end spending on socialist programs, Logic
never was your strong suit. You addressed this question to socialists
(a presumably dirty name), while pimping for more military spending,
wingers ain't much for thinkin, They make dang fine parrots though!
-i'm tired of your kind of idiocy, a waste discussing anything with
you because your responses invariably contain debunked or
questionable info, coupled with your typical and juvenile insults-How
can a community organizer send the military into battle then You are
an f'ing hypocrite-Obama, cleaning another of Bush's messes ISIS!
however never wanted to start a war for wars sake, will never go down
in history as a great Amerikan like FDR or TR, distinguished
in one respect, it is Bush bumbling that made ISIS what it is, the
asshole failed to realize that taking out Saddam would cause a power
vacuum in a very unstable cuntry-We Trained a Sunni Army, expected
them to fight ISIS Sunnis. They joined ISIS instead, Now we are going
to train the SFA who are allied with ISIS and expect them to flip and
fight ISIS-a winger, McRambo strategy. Obama caved. Liberals are not
happy with that decision but I see you think it's a great idea- It's
not unusual for right wingers to double down on stupid
on Faux Noise for information is like depending on an anvil to serve
as a life jacket
Should Stop Telling the Economically Exploited to Save Money They
Don't Have in the greatest redistribution of money to the wealthy
that the world has ever known-New Iraq War to a Nation With a Dead
Imagination-jh Populist Movement Is on the Rise-Rapture Related
Christian Movies Are More Popular Than Ever; Will the Trend Last?
BuzzFlash/life size mannequin stands over the highly polluted
Pinheiros River in Sao Paulo, Brazil, work aims to warn people about
the pollution ap/ GOP Launches 18th Benghazi investigation, they
aren't acting rational and attempting to understand what actually
took place, they are about exposing the massive conspiracy that
exists only in their head. But the conspiracy didn't and doesn't
exist, which means they are asking questions which have no answe,
already have a conclusion in their head which doesn't match reality
so they ignore reality, facts, evidence, proof, and logic
yhal/Corporate Personhood Is the Ebola Virus of Climate Chaos
EcoWatch- Gore Is Still Trying to Save Us, One Graph at a Time
Grist/Greenland's Dark Snow Should Worry You Slate/Dark Money
Apocalypse Is Upon Us mj/Next Round of an Unwinnable War Beckons
OtherWords/ FBI Rolls Out Biometric Database on Schedule,
Accompanying Privacy Impact Assessment Still Nowhere to Be Found
Techdirt/ Natural Disasters Displaced 22 Million People in 2013. Three
Times More Than Wars RT/ la Officers Kill About One Person a Week
hp/How to Make ISIS Fall on Its Own Sword Chelsea Manning/ Occupy
Abolishes $4 Million in Other People's Student Loan Debt
CNNMoney-Hannity Worries Peterson Will Prevent Parents From Teaching
Kids That Being Gay Is Not Normal Salon/ saudi pooring 60b$ annually
into military-Colombia Took On Its Drug Lords; Now It's Taking On Its
Billionaires, Why Can't We? Hartmann