penis festival, rude scalia eyebrow corruption specifics, (drunk off
hiss ass?) scared of terrorist bohner cries while stumping for taco
bell, on stephanie/diedra does it, salute to barbra walters stepping
down? on imus outraged at cma/faux reports 27% facts, floating
garbage big as texas in oceans (minus photographic evidence?), bbgn/
composed of a single soul inhabiting two (or more) bodies-Aristotle/I
see one Chitload of angry Americans over this health insurance, and I
am frigging happy since most of these R'tards sat back and supported
these dmocrats and Obama to get this law, who will be using Obamacare
to see the doctor? I hear that Bronze plan $7,000 deductible, Who can
shell out $7,000 before insurance start to pick up 70% of the cost
assuming the government pays your entire monthly premium? I was 100%
against this law, but now I want to stick to these R'tards so the
learn to live with the law, love it that they are getting what they
voted for-yc/Sleazy Sheldon Adelson “@Politics_PR: Supreme Court
SOCIOPATH TALK, I'm Fighting to Restore a Free Society, writes that
instead of welcoming free debate, collectivists engage in character
assassination. wsj-w’s crew deplorable return: Enough with puff
pieces about painting, and platforms for their self defense. It only
damns us to repeat the past How their reemergence sends a deadly
message salon-BridgeGate Hits Next Level As Feds Launch Grand Jury
Investigation abc-*Trips over power, When you know how they think and
feel you hold the power-Schumer Hates Koch Bros, Loves Their
Money!-tw/Mickey Rooney rip at 93-H.W. Bush Library 25 Years-Charity
Hockey Game Erupts in Brawl-KY Jail Signing Up Exiting Inmates for
Medicaid Under ObamaCare Expansion-Trying to Protect Reeva Tearful
Pistorius Apologizes-Jeb I'll Decide By Year's End-Should Childless
Americans Pay Higher Taxes? fni/100 scientists and economists call
for rejection of Keystone XL pipeline-Captain America Takes on Robert
Redford-In The Fog of War, The U.S. doesn’t do assassinations,
Senate blasted the CIA on the issue, crack documentary maker Errol
Morris got Robert McNamara to admit his regrets over the Vietnam war,
there was great anticipation over what he would get from Rumsfeld who
had the same job during the Iraq war, proved slippery, avoiding or
recasting questions, following nifty deflections with a smug smile.
from one his most famous performances when he dodged a question in a
press conference about proof of Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass
destruction, known knowns, but also known unknowns, unknown unknowns,
and even unknown knowns, to say things that you think you know that
it turns out you did not, he plays with words and semantics to Morris
and it’s a fascinating show. He’s always been an entertaining
obfuscator. nothing, let him off the hook, rarely asked follow up
questions or challenged him does get a few blows in by juxtaposing
news clips with Rumsfeld’s answers but mostly lets him show that
despite a professorial manner he really doesn’t think too deeply,
Rumsfeld doesn’t give an inch vo/Rand Paul: Dick Cheney used 9/11
as excuse to invade Iraq for the benefit of Halliburton-Artists
install massive poster of child’s face in Pakistan field to shame
drone operators-Trump tells Fox: Really unfair that Obama has a job
and Mozilla CEO doesn’t-toddler kills older sister while playing
with cocked and loaded handgun-Fox floats trial balloon that Mitt
Romney might make third run for president-
man wounds two state troopers during standoff after shooting neighbor
as he slept-GOP megadonor uses played-out Hitler meme to make attack
Obamacare-Nevada rancher threatens range war if feds don’t let him
continue grazing his cattle for free-Liz Cheney, Pelosi’s spine
doesn’t reach her brain if she’s not proud of torture-Freudian
slip? Fox host calls basketball team NAACP champs-Sharpton’s work
as FBI mob informant-Stewart rips Rumsfeld and Cheney, how f*cking
proud they are to avoid discussing torture-rsy/Taradacktyl Republican
Dirty Tricks pv/ meat suit, boat baby contrivarsy michelle anchors
chum, 23m regular workers covered by aca insurance, cowardly lion
bohner, on stephanie/ democrat progun control rep gun runner yi,
dp/wtf are we, on pv/
not that great of poker players. They pretended to have a long
straight flush, when, they were trying to draw to a short inside
straight. Everyone knows better than to try to draw to an inside
straight, Berkie, Fosco, Ackman, Obit, Nader, all knew that the fed
had a junk hand and were bluffing. Now, its time to lay down the
cards, the fed excusing itself from the game, we dont need discovery,
trust us, we have a Royal flush, We are the government and are here
to help you-rich white guy, Is that you Ranger Hitler? Why don't you
and Jeb Hensarling get your whips out and beat the F out of all non
whites, women and children until we submit? You like that control
don't you?-Fairholm & ACKMAN in possession of TARP WARRANT SCAM
WATER STONE DOCUMENTS-just the tip of the iceberg! schedule process.
April 7 is the start. More dirt will come out!-doing their best to
limit it, or delay it until after the elections. Sweeney has already
decided in fannie shareholders favor, so this is nothing more than a
hope has been quashed by Sweeney. Less-yfm/Netanyahu agreed to an
anti Semitic freeze on all Jewish building in Judea and Samaria and
to the release of hundreds of Arab terrorist murderers
jtforg/ shittroll attempt assault, rockstar fucks groupie, baby on
boat, on stephanie/cwa workers rights pv vs mainstream media politics
of fear/hl more guns and a hypocrite 2, on davepackman/slapping
hannity and other wingnutz on ed/
appears on The Ed Show on MSNBC to talk about the NEW Republican
Party, which is being led by GOP old boys Jeb Bush and Bobby Jindal.
Take Children Away From Lazy Poor People sez Jeb-Rich people let
their kids eat junk food too. It's not okay to take kids away from
their parents-Take children away from parents with corrosive and
toxic prejudice against the less fortunate and minorities in society.
Inculcating kids with extremist views is child abuse and threatens
the fabric of society-Does he have any idea how many families in
poverty have children? Or that the ex Middle Class is quickly joining
their ranks? Where will he put all those kids? GOP reassignment
camps, with RW brainwashing programs? Oh, foster homes where the
parents are paid to keep them. Then just pay their OWN parents to
keep them! Fucker (excuse me, I'm mad now. Jeb is a walking human
rights violation.-I don't want another Bush in the Whitehouse-Another
stupid comment from another stupid bush. Big surprise, obesity is a
nationwide problem. You want to take kids away from parents because
they're fat. It's people like you, and Jeb-sounds so much like that
self righteous ass Gengritch, the one that left his cancer stricken
wife while she was in hospital. the one that wanted to take children
away from single mothers and put them in foster care-fb/Scalia is a
pig who trades favors of his position to be invited to The Big Boy's
Table. bought and paid for tw/States I can open carry in USA, and
their permits are recognized in Georgia! Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas,
Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky,
Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, New Hampshire,
North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Dakota,
Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Wisconsin and Wyoming!-aibafs/Bush Crew's
Deplorable Return: How Their Reemergence Sends a Deadly Message
Salon/The Heir, the Judge and the Homeless Mom: America's Prison Bias
for the 1% Guardian/Beck Sued for Defamation Right Wing Watch/Senate
Panel Finds CIA Illegally Interrogated Terror Suspects After 911
Miami Herald/Democrats Target Republican Ties to Koch Brothers/Koch
Brother Whines About the Oppressed Rich Crooks and
Liars/horizontalism While relief organizations like the Red Cross
proved largely ineffectual in the wake of Superstorm Sandy, what made
Occupy Sandy so effective was that its relationship with victims was
based on the very characteristic that saw criticism leveled at it
throughout the occupation of Zucotti Park-While determining the risk
level of releasing incarcerated people may assuage racially coded
fears bolstered by sensational media accounts of violence, these
processes do not address the massive destruction of people and
communities wrought by our criminal justice system-a sort of orgy of
social necrophilia, the Greek government trumpets the "success"
of austerity as the people of Greece suffer high unemployment, a
shrinking of social services, the rise of diseases, drug use, and
even suicide-Beyond Homophobia: The Even Bigger Reason To Avoid World
Vision-Truthout/How Climate Change Will Kill Us in the Dumbest
Possible Way-We Are Not Brands, We Are Humans With Souls It is a
struggle to resist the corporate effort to extract our souls and turn
us into 24 hour marketing targets, to succumb is to sacrifice our
humanity-If a group of fanatics were destroying life on Earth by
creating global warming, wouldn't they be eco-terrorists? Then why
aren't fossil fuel companies branded with that name?- BuzzFlash/ ussc
Just Struck Down Democracy. What Now? Guardian/A riot cop, who was
part of a larger group of police brought in to control University of
Arizona students after the school's loss last night to Wisconsin,
leveled a girl for no apparent reason. Reddit/Cheney dismissed
Obama's negotiations with Tehran, The crowd responded approvingly
with laughter and applause, Cheney took multiple shots at Obama. The
former vice president said Obama has been a bust at home and abroad,
proving to be a weak commander inchief and failing to project strength
around the world. The bottom line is, the United States position is
worse than at any time in my lifetime. It's reached the point where
Israel and Egypt, [the United Arab] Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Jordan
are closer to one another, On the other hand, none of our adversaries
need fear us. all enemies, foreign and domestic, is not being pursued
in any kind of coherent manner. anybody who thinks back on the
problems of 911 knows it makes absolutely no sense at all, if these
programs had been in place probably would've allowed us to stop 911,
blamed the NSA's current woes on Obama, We don't have a president who
can stand up and defend the program. Nobody believes him for good
reason. Look what he did with health care-You'd think Cheney would
show a little more gratitude, given that Obama is the main thing
saving him from the gallows-Someone else, deserving, went without so
this s&t head could live a little long spewing his noxious venom.
A real shame, He actually does belong in prison- All Devilcrats in
office are communists, they hate this country-Wingers, birthers,
truthers, bagger, or fundies calling someone a liar,really?-mj/juan
destroys wingnut assigned talking points, everyone laughs politely,
on fns/
objective statement would be that the Earth revolves around the Sun.
There isn't another way to interpret it. But obviously the multitude
of different bibles out there interpreted by the multitude of
different Christian sects and different Christians differ on the
meaning of many of the verses. There is nothing objective about
Christians or Jews or Muslims. in an America where the separation of
church and state is absolute—where no Catholic prelate would tell
the President (should he be Catholic) how to act, and no Protestant
minister would tell his parishioners for whom to vote— where no
church or church school is granted any public funds or political
preference—and where no man is denied public office merely because
his religion differs from the President who might appoint him or the
people who might elect him. I believe in an America that is
officially neither Catholic, Protestant nor Jewish—where no public
official either requests or accepts instructions on public policy
from the Pope, the National Council of Churches or any other
ecclesiastical source—where no religious body seeks to impose its
will directly or indirectly upon the general populace or the public
acts of its officials—and where religious liberty is so indivisible
that an act against one church is treated as an act against all.
[...] I do not speak for my church on public matters—and the church
does not speak for me. Whatever issue may come before me as
President—on birth control, divorce, censorship, gambling or any
other subject—I will make my decision in accordance with these
views, in accordance with what my conscience tells me to be the
national interest, and without regard to outside religious pressures
or dictates. And no power or threat of punishment could cause me to
decide otherwise. But if the time should ever come—and I do not
concede any conflict to be even remotely possible—when my office
would require me to either violate my conscience or violate the
national interest, then I would resign the office; and I hope any
conscientious public servant would do the same iapb/aP Photographer
Killed, Reporter Wounded in Attack By Afghan Policeman- Palin on
Hannity, Ryan Has More Faith in Politicians Than I Do-Greta Takes on
Postmaster General Over Employee Credit Card Abuse-Constitutional
Madness' Concludes: And the Winner Is-Fox News Reporting: Enemies of
the State' fni/Those who voted for #Obamacare should run on its
merits & those who repeatedly voted 2 destroy it will pay a price
in the upcoming election-Tax Dodging Companies Hoarding Nearly One
Trillion Overseas common dreams-Children ask "Why?" too
often. Adults ask "Why?" too seldom. We are born as
thinkers yet die as sheep, I would judge you but I'm far too busy
doing all the stuff that makes me better than you. I shake my head at
people's stupidity so often that no one will even notice if I get
Parkinson's, Eternally trapped between boredom and laziness.-Kansas
City Boy finds father's body in trunk-Missoula student wins Montana
Geographic Bee-Scalia and Thomas are the heart of the
insanity!-People who don't believe they are better than anyone, are
better than most-You can't be offensive AND easily offended. Choose
one, motherfucker-You're not bipolar. You're a bitch-When someone is
murdered, the police investigate the spouse first, that tells you
everything you need to know about marriage.-tw/
Hood Gunman Being Vet Treated for Iraq War Mental Illness-Not Enough
Is Being Done to Treat PTSD-US Gov't Created Cuban Twitter to Stir
Unrest-Benghazi Uncle Slams bo, Delusional, Paid Liars-bill Jokes
About Hiding From Aliens With O'Reilly-ussc Sees Money as Equivalent
to Speech-Perino Gives Gutfeld a Tour of W Museum-Du Pont Heir Dodges
Jail Time For Raping Daughter 3, Because He 'Wouldn't Fare Well-CIA
Acting Director Morell's Testimony on Benghazi, a Body Blow to Intel
Operatives-Couple Arrested After Living on Yacht While Collecting
Welfare-Deadly 8.2 Chile Earthquake-PA Tree Cutter Survives After
Chain Saw Gets Stuck in His Neck-How the Stock Market Is 'Rigged'
Against You-Kickstarter Tells Gosnell, Remove References to Stabbing
Babies-Navy SEAL Provides Some Tips on Surviving a Tornado in a
Car-Rubio Blasts aca, Disrupted the Entire Health Care Marketplace
fni/Christy Clark partnered Enbridge lobbying firm before becoming BC
premier-Harper government's extensive spying of groups opposed to the
oil sands- vo/Jesus and Moses most likely never existed, and there is
no evidence for any god, a cancer on educated Jews everywhere-new CEO
of Mozilla was forced to resign over his support of prop 8,
traditional marriage. A man is entitled to a point of view, A man can
no longer have an opinion now? Where is the respect for diversity of
thought? WTF is happening to this country- The majority of Americans
support gay marriage now. That is some fringe, isn't just the gay
groups that won't take the religious bull-The public would punish
Mozilla big time if he stayed. Bull crap based beliefs don't sell ad
space anymore-a new McCarthyism slippery slope, a traditional values
company can fire people who support gay rights with their pocketbook,
the battle of two value systems. One based on god and tradition and
the other based on progress, a shame what America is doing to itself
in the name of political correctness-I hope the beliefs of tens of
millions of Americans are respected-If you believe that a couple of
the same gender is not worthy of the same rights as you, the right to
a legal union with the consenting adult you love, then that is
bigoted. By the way, I wouldn't be opposed to polygamy, either. You
know, based on that thing about consenting adults, I don't care which
holy book this supposedly comes from, or how many Americans believe
in it, shrinking anyway. It used to be that most Americans felt
blacks and others weren't entitled to the same things as whites, and
many would point to their bibles as justification, Outside the tents,
on the festival grounds, My soul swooned as I faintly heard the sound
of You spinning Israelites into 19th Nervous Breakdown- Screw the
Christian Taliban, Keep their bullshit in the pews where it belongs,
about basic human rights people want to trample- less troubling that
the direction the dems have gone, The new democrat uber left is
dangerous, Forget the economics, foreign policy is dangerous, work in
progress of the non exceptional America that withdraws and weakens
and counts on international decorum to take over, it's all about the
social agenda. But there is no social agenda without security and
that's the first job of a president- snake oil salesman, zero
credibility, cherry picking disingenuous con man, appealing to 70% of
the Jews in America,d they aren't stupid-nice example of the crazed
intolerance of the Obamite left-based on some nonsense in a holy
book. There is no reason why we should tolerate that sort of bigotry
any more than we should respect the antisemitism in the Koran because
it represents a diversity of thought-the company should be able to
dispense with this guy as soon as he becomes a liability, he's
definitely a liability-a big political victory for Democrats. They
can point to a system that is already providing vital aid to millions
of Americans, and Republicans, who were planning to run against a
debacle, have nothing to offer in response. And I mean nothing. So
far, not one of the supposed Obamacare horror stories featured in
attack ads has stood up to scrutiny, go ahead and celebrate. Oh, and
feel free to ridicule right wingers who confidently predicted doom,
there’s a lot of work ahead, we can count on the news media to play
up every hitch and glitch as if it were an existential disaster. But
Rube Goldberg has survived; health reform has won krugman
nyt-iapb/Holland and Barrett: Remove all dead sea products, the
financial mainstays of Jewish only colonies illegally built by Israel
in the occupied Palestinian territories changeorg-WaveOfAction
anti corruption campaign to kick off Global Spring of reform and
reoccupy all 951 cities across 82 countries of former Occupy
demonstrations rt-As actions begin to unfold, here’s a roundup of
recent content to help set the tone-Idealistic Citzofwrld Time to
take the gloves off when it comes to the 'evil doers' that control
the world. We saw what they did to the 'peaceful' OWS movement. No
amount of cajoling, begging, compromise, and wishful thinking
(voting) can wrestle power from the scheming, ruthless people that
hold it.fb/claiming wingnut listenership, stealing book names from
callers, on savage ridicule to display disrespect/
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