Where are the gutless,
threatening POS hiding? Under a hundred different IDs? Isn't it
getting unbearably sticky, stinking, and crowded under that sweaty
filth covered rock? That's the way you like it? The worse the stench,
the more the bagger perverts like it. Figures.are you the Mason that
is the gerbil that is stuck up fevoter's chute?
-or, maybe you are
just an ordinary rancid tea bagger turd. squat and squirt and maybe
he can pop you out-Reply to Was Ted Cruz rigth ?-
Who asked you, ya
rump swap? Don and I can and will resolve our differences one way or
another without your 'assistance'. Get back under YOUR rock-The
problem with ACA is tht it does not go far enough. We must
nationalize all healthcare and ensure that no one is denied
healthcare because they are poor-What about if they''re poor, because
they are lazy. Should they still get handouts?
-that is, "FAR
rigth", clueless, and wedded to a strategy of obstruction that
can only undermine his objective, not to mention tactics that have
the world laughing at the counterproductive results. ROTFLMAO. You're
winning! Keep it up! Can I buy you a microphone and some air
time?-You sure roll around on the floor a lot. Are you always drunk,
or epileptic? ybac/
at NASA in the 1960s werer hardly liberal. Vast majority directly
involved were military and ex-military. Many many defense contractors
and subcontractors and sub sub contractors involved as well-private
insurance premiums will cost more and more each year-what INSIGHT.
That's NEVER happened before! teabaggingtrash-Progressives gave us
third rated government healthcare. You
collectivst #$%$ are stupid, You just cheery pick one line and rant a
dumb talking point feralprogressive-Pukes Have Been Crying About The
"Big Dig" For Years Costing Taxpayers So Much! Cruz Tea
Klux Puke Shutdown Cost $24 Billion!-we spent that much in one month
just in Iraq for several years in a row not too long ago. All for
nothing-Vengeance! pukesaresleazy-ratchetmaddog been busy, detailed
how Obongo's hero, FDR allowed 3400 Americans and the Pacific Fleet
to be destroyed, and you have no rebuttal, detailed the case for war
crimes charges, civil rights crimes charges, and treason charges
against Obongo, and you have no rebuttal, going out to work on my
very sophisticated robotic imaging device (with 584 high energy IR
You're a LIAR. I have no use for LIARS (aka, "Democrats, Don't
bother-Words that start with the letter "R" Rodent.
Republican. Redundant- yhal/US debt problem, including the off
balance sheet items and future obligations in addition to the
sovereign debt load on the book, has probably become too big to save.
Given the intention of the policy makers demonstrated in the recent
"shut down" drama, the debt problem will get bigger and
bigger. Someday, it might get too big to be fixed by men. So why
worry?-we shouldn't. We can always print more and give it to the
Chinese. I just can't figure out why they keep taking it as if it
was real money. They can't be possibly that stupid-Can Japan refuse
payment of USD for its exports?-The only thing that the recent fake
drama in DC has achieved is to have provided the folks at the Wall
Street to execute a massive global short squeeze on the equity
markets, US will not resort to austerity to solve its debt problem.
The favored solution is to engage in demographic engineering to boost
the GDP faster than the Debt load, an apparent PONZI approach. Fed
might pump more fantasy money. The stock market might jump more. So
have a good time while you can-yc/why do NY parrots fly in circles?
because they only relate to the left wing-the right winged owls fly
anti clockwise, but you can't see them, they sleep during the day,
support your people go to starbucks you Julying fiend we are all
complicit by doing business with sbux, supporting apartheid-schultz
ceo big zionist, big donor to israel-cohen goes to prison, makes a
joke of the entire financial system, steal a coffee from sbux go to
jail, steal millions on wall street and shake hands with the
president-HAL There appears to be an earwax buildup in DC,
downstream. It's very unattractive to see such debris in so many
ears. Cotton swabs get the job done. My sister left her's on the
bathroom counter early this AM, Happy Halloween!
czarinaofcamelyacht-ygs/G W Bush record = Failed to stop 9-11, Took
us to war with wrong country for no WMD's, w lied and 4000 american
soldiers died by teabagsonscrotum-Obama Should be Impeached-People
Didn't Realize Voting for Obama was dangerous to their Health, Kaiser
Health News that hundreds of thousands of United States citizens who
had purchased policies already are having their plans cancelled by
health insurance companies because the Affordable Care Act mandates
that providers offer customers specific policies that some groups
currently don’t offer, Florida Blue terminated 300,000 policies
just recently. or around 80 percent of its individual business in the
Sunshine State. Independence Blue Cross, the major insurer in
Philadelphia, Penn, is canceling about 45 percent of its policies,
and others across the country are following suit, Insurers say the
cancellations are necessary because the policies fall short of what
the Affordable Care Act requires starting Jan. 1, Most are ending
policies sold after the law passed in March 2010. At least a few are
canceling plans sold to people with pre existing medical conditions,
What Moron would still be whining about George horsemanure- $1 Billion
to build that Obamacare website vanished too!-althcare that lasts 1
Day!-On the bright side it only cost $1 Billion. How is that
Communism working for you BO?-Jobs Vanished and Now Health Insurance
Vanishing-Is this a nightmare?-that will make 2008 look like a party
compared to what's comin-Yes, and Fox News was the Bush,Cheney news
machine for the factually handicapped!! They even lying about France
giving Saddam and family French passports. This prompting "Freedom
Fries" in the Congressional cafeteria. Turns out the only yellow
cake that is or every was in Iraq is in the pastry shops!-Taxing
Situation for U.S. Youth, Currently, on average within the 18-35 age
group, $854. annually is what is spent on health care .Based on non
partisan, Ever see a liberal confronted (adversely effected) "head
on", particularly financially, by his or her political
principles?, estimates, state exchanges need at least 2.7M signed up
in the 18-35 year old category and spend a minimum of $5800. on
average. If not, the state exchanges will FAIL!-Why don't YOU tell it
to those nice 'people' that more rational adults still refer to as
'corporations'? No firearms have been needed to persuade THEM to
abandon their lofty principals and caring programs, a few bucks more
bucks in THEIR pockets is all it took-You can fling all the BS horror
stories and made up numbers you want against the cyberwall, You
better hope you never make the mistake of laying your spiel on her,
you'll be looking to recover some of the costs incurred when the nice
folks in the ER finish extracting HER knuckle sandwich from YOUR
bleeding trachea, I have an idea for a collaborative research project
joint presentation flim flam hustle that I'd like you to review and
consider. I shoved it under your reply on last evening's national
debt' thread. It satisfies our high ethical and professional
standards as guest lecturers (a gullible, solvent audience; a subject
that allows most of the prepared material to be extracted from
previous speaking engagement notes; and of course no heavy lifting is
involved). It even includes a few nice perks (the chance to see
viewer and vie for her affections; free booze and grits, and an
opportunity to sell the same BS over and over to other fools, I mean
academics and industry leaders, with only minor re-packaging). Lemme
know if you can find time in your busy schedule to prepare it: I
think an hour would suffice (15 minutes to lash it together, and 45
minutes of rehearsal time to get the harmonies, choreography and
arrangements swinging; you know, the all important 'song and dance'
that makes or breaks any production or scam. Thanks in advance-no one
trusts the sophisticated indian killers? what has the king got
against the elegant and simple hick?, barbarians and french anyway
seem united. but there will be no spying on the socialized medicine
site once you login because the system will crash, health insurances
could you pay for with 85 billion per month? That would create lots
of jobs in health insurance and make people feel secure and then the
health insurarance workers could actually buy mcmansions. Affordable
homes had to be relative to what the consumers of those homes urned.
Mortgages just create obligations based on great boasts about future
income ybac/Dutch scientists hidden away in a top-security laboratory
create mutant flu viruses, prepare the world for a lethal pandemic by
beating nature to it. The idea of engineering viral pathogens to be
more deadly than they are already has generated huge controversy, Or,
you can just watch 'V for Vendetta' to see how this all turns
out-death penalty to be eliminated as a possible sentence in light of
alleged torture the inmates had undergone while being held by the US,
before their 2006 transfer to Guantanamo. Detainees-false flag
completely unravels: Slain Boston Marathon bombing suspect Ibragim
Todashev, 27 linked to triple killings [How convenient!] 23 Oct 2013
Slain Boston Marathon bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev took part in
a 2011 triple homicide in a nearby town, himself killed when approached by investigators for
questioning-Flu Virus H18N11 Found in Peruvian Bats-Flu fascism: New
ultimatum for Central NY health care workers this flu season: get a
shot or wear a mask-A third scientist who headed an advisory panel on
nutrition and dietetic products presided for years over the
management board of an industry-backed research group. Nearly 60
percent of the scientists used as consultants by the European Food
Safety Authority, or E.F.S.A., have direct or indirect ties to
industries regulated by the agency-Texas voter ID law may
disenfranchise a third of female voters- Psychopaths asking murderers
to fix over funded contractors' failed projects, at US taxpayer
expense! tech founder, murder suspect McAfee GOP asked to diagnose
Obamacare-Barneys and nypd have been slapped with a lawsuit by Trayon
Christian, a college student from Queens, who was arrested at the
l*xury department store in April. "His only crime was being a
young black man-nsa contractor, had done huge damage to British
security. He warned that by disclosing information from Mr Snowden
about secret surveillance methods, the Guardian had "given away
how we catch terrorists" and "put people in danger police
searched David Miranda partner Glenn Greenwald who was found carrying
58,000 highly classified British documents through at Heathrow
airport-Sonoma County sheriff's deputy while carrying a pellet gun
that resembled an assault rifle was shot seven times-Ramsey contends
he is campaigning on local issues, particularly job creation, voters
will choose a GOP nominee from among six hopefuls. Ramsey
tried to run again in 2008. 'Alleged' child abuser, killer,
sociopath, predator, contractor and anti gay candidate-clg/GOP
governors are refusing to participate. They'll screw over their
people to make an ideological point. Your state may be one of those.
Sucks to be you. But before long, the sane people in your state will
wake up and demand the same discounts that the rest of the nation
gets, the positive thing about Kochsucking, low information
Teabaggers. They're loud and wrong, but they're a minority-Under ACA,
insurance companies in the future will have to justify rate
increases. No more raising them willie-nillie like we've been
subjected to, helps explain why the GOP bet everything on killing
this law-rbg/Brad Blog: One of the world's largest ATM manufacturers
and, formerly, one of the largest manufacturers of electronic voting
systems, has been indicted by federal prosecutors for bribery and
falsification of documents/How the Wealthy Wage War on Democracy
Itself Truthdig/Trans Pacific Partnership Legalizes Corporate Rights
Prevailing Over Human Rights, government is negotiating a major
so-called "free trade agreement" that will sell workers
down the river, sacrifice human rights and endanger the
environment-Activist Silenced for Doing EPA's Work BuzzFlash /You'll
Need A Ph.D. To Fully Appreciate These 'Adult' Popsicles, debuting
Kyl21, a vegan-friendly, alcohol infused popsicle intended for adult
partygoers wired-Emoji As I write this, a drug dealer wants me dead.
Death Threats And Instagram's Codeine Kingpin-What Makes A Boomerang
Come Back?-Brief History Of 'Dude-Democratic Gubernatorial Candidate
Doug Gansler is quite the party crasher At Wild High School Party
Digg/w contributed $5,000 to Mr. Graham’s 2014 re election
campaign-Liberals think they have discovered the 21st century version
of the Ku Klux Klan. According to many left wing Democrats, the Tea
Party is now the home for white supremacists and rabid racists. In
the wake of the partial government shutdown, the liberal ruling class
is determined to permanently smear, and destroy their conservative
critics. Their weapon: The ugly politics of race, bizarre, bordering
on the perverse, that a movement that believes in limited government,
individual rights, equality under the law and a colorblind society is
called racist by the very party and ideologues responsible for the
most heinous sins in American history. Liberals are resorting to
slander and crass emotionalism because deep down, they know one
simple truth: The Tea Party is right wt- Teabaggers are Garbage!-who
will throw their own Granny under the bus will throw ANY1 under the
bus. Just like people People who will snoop on their own citizens,
will snoop on ANY1, National Security Agency has been snooping on the
phone conversations of 35 world leaders, according to the latest leak
passed on by NSA squealer Edward Snowden nypost-tea party is a far
right group who tried to bring down the US govt-projecting their
hateful KKK and black exclusionary union roots onto the innocent.
It's part of their mental illness-a sign of desperation. Progressives
are unable to use logic or evidence to defend President Obama. Hence,
the left can only do one thing: rage against his critics. Mr. Grayson
and his ilk embody the moral and intellectual bankruptcy of modern
liberalism, Being called a racist by liberals is a badge of honor. It
means our ideas are winning-The president's health care law [is]
supposed to apply to everybody, now Management has decided that
Congress and their staff will receive extra benefits that no other
American gets. How fair is that? HASSELBECK-Applauds Sen. Cruz's
Defunding Effort, Hannity, I'm With You In This-What will all of you
have to talk, complain, cry, joke about once aca site is
fixed?-algemeiner lionel richie performs, simon cowel pledge in the
region of £150,000 $243,000 shoveling destructive trash idf
fundraiser- iapb/newsbusters matt hadro team obama can be quite nasty
to deal with, Given Costello's propensity to be a bleeding-heart
liberal-What? Obama people use threats to control things? a shame
these zealots didn't apply the same tactics to managing the launch of
the national embarrassment called ACA-usatoday buffalo muslim guilty
beheading wife-the quote referenced by Durbin, he replied, “There
is no way.” Growing agitated, he even suggested the White House had
taped the meeting without Republicans' knowledge or consent. Still,
he denied insulting the president, an absolute denial, and I already
told you I didn’t say it, Sessions said before walking away-as more
and more of the truth comes out, Sessions made an ass of himself and
the rest of the GOP made themselves look foolish by defending him,
Poor GOP, and you did it all by yourselves-either provided false
testimony, if accurate, is inexcusable and demands accountability
from your department, Issa and Alexander threatens obamacare
subpoenas, unacceptable that you are providing information to
numerous other outlets, but not to Congress, huge” and costly
“failure” If you do not comply with the committees’ requests,
Committee on Oversight and Government Reform will be forced to
consider the use of compulsory process-GOP precinct chair North
Carolina resigned over a racially charged interview on Comedy
Central's "The Daily Show, said North Carolina's new voter ID
laws will "kick the Democrats in the butt, If it hurts a bunch
of lazy blacks that want the government to give them everything, so
be it aibafs/sexy shower with wife, halfway up say, oh hi rabbi!,
more aca fun facts, on stephanie/nigerian jackers negotiate for 2
american oily hostages in the east atlantic, paula getting cooking
gigs in the south didn't wear a kkk hat, (don't worry about the food
people have to eat?), chinese dog treats killing pets, website
debacle 3m signup 40% never had insurance befor lenny don't
underestimate cruz private aca web ownership needed and jennifer
shutdown stupidity contractor resigns, too busy buffing and
protecting sen thomson repeating wingnut talk points humping gig
(long term and at the end of the day paradox) to take callers with
issues, 136 page decision reversal rfkjr groggy from gma working to
free aleged murder, on geraldo/
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