presume malice when incompetence is an adequate
explanation-Vindicated 9,9, 2009, Joe Wilson, Congressman from South
Carolina, shouted You lie!, the only truth that Obama has ever
uttered is that He would fundamentally change America, doing
just that with lies and deceit americanthinker-Some of us believed
him from day one-Jack Straw says in parliament debate 'unlimited'
funds available to Jewish groups in US used to control America's
Mideast policy; adds Germany's 'obsession' with defending Israel
another obstacle for peace, made harsh anti-Semitics Tony Blair's
government in 2001-2006, accused Israel of cultural genocide and
ethnic cleansing, recently expressed favorability towards the new
Iranian president Hassan Rohani. “You could do business with him,
and we were able to do business with him,” Straw told CNN's
Christiane Amanpour. “I very profoundly believe that (this) is a
new chance for proper negotiations, Rohani is an Iranian and he
represents Iran’s national interest, so people have got to factor
that in, and it’s entirely right that he should do that
ynetnews-Danny Danon (Likud) is continuing his campaign to stop the
release of terrorist prisoners from Israeli jails as a gesture to the
Palestinian Authority. Releasing prisoners means encouraging
terrorists, making them stronger, boosting their spirit, I can’t
imagine that any sane country, including the United States of
America, would free terrorists after attacks, The US
wouldn’t consider releasing one terrorist. Any sane country would
do the same, we don’t need to be embarrassed. When you see that
your compassion is being used against you, it’s logical to stop, it
is not too late, I believe we can still prevent it. dismissing claims
from sources close to Hatnua head Tzipi Livni that the government was
forced to release terrorists because the political right refused to
allow it to freeze construction, That’s nonsense. This alternative
was never presented to anyone I know, and the attempt to connect
construction in Jerusalem and the land of Israel to the release of
terrorists is twisted, What needs to happen? Only if Jews are
murdered, we can build? It’s an outrage to draw that parallel,
blaming Livni alone for Israeli concessions to the PA, simply because
she heads the negotiation team, I’ve openly criticized Livni for
her behavior in negotiations, both in the past and today, but I agree
that today the general. We can’t blame Tzipi Livni alone for
terrorist release, responsibility is on the shoulders of the Prime
Minister and the government ministers israelnationalnews-The Perfect
Storm, 14 million people will be receiving health insurance
cancellation letters over the next month, Otherwise they won't know
if they are entitled to a subsidy, They will have to make the
decision to go directly to the insurance company and pay the asking
price. Which will be more than what they are currently paying, we
know that they will be cramming 6 months of work into 1 month, Tech
Surge is not possible. The people who were doing the work are the
people who will continue to do the work. There is simply not enough
time to train new people. QSSI will be doing the work nbcnews
government pledges aca will work-Those who refuse to acknowledge
reality and the facts-unrealistic" (like Don Quixote, perhaps)
rather than the enigmatic lesser intellect persuasion. The reason I
bother to take exception is that your post smacks of an insinuation
that the Jewish persuasion is a mark of a lesser intellect. The
reality and the facts, however, testify to the contrary, there is
something in Judaism, whether the millennia of cultural tradition, or
genetic endowment, or the nature of their religion, that is
conductive of superior intellectual achievement- I will grant that
they are the exception to the rule-Johnny Mandel his more famous
numbers: "Suicide Is Painless, later television series)
M*A*S*H-Bibi Doesn't Have The Cojones To Bitch Slap Tzipi, or she's
doing his bidding. Either way, somebody needs to bitch slap
HIM!-iapb/juan tries, brit accuses bo of being lazy wiggles neck held
up by chris reassuring saud, stringing words together, kerralthammer
accuses libs of being nieve and that all enemies are inheirtly evil,
on fns/end of the day ohio douchebag on mtp/ mancia tries to calm the
fearful, barasso keeps the pressure up, dick out of the loop claims
secrets are secret blaming snowden insisting iran be contained to
secure oil adversaries are un afraid should have attacked syria 7 yrs
ago, asserts gov hc may damage the nations health, since it didn't
work out for him, cokie asks bo's spiritual advisor being not clear
on feed the poor and love thy enemy, on abc/
loving us to death, as Jews face the prospect of their own declining
numbers in the United States, the vital necessity of the State of
Israel is more evident than ever. If this tiny tribe that has
remained on this earth for thousands of years, carrying out the
dictates of its ageless scrolls and following the rulings of its
millennia old sages is to survive and thrive into the unknowable
future, it will only be able to do so primarily in its own land with
its own language, a land in which Jews live with Jews, marry Jews,
and bear Jewish children who bear Jewish children of their own. Where
outreach has failed, Zionism has succeeded large partisan divide in
the U.S. over Israel," says CNN Polling Director Keating
Holland. 63% of Republicans call Israel an ally of the U.S, 33% of
Democrats politicalticker-Not 33% of the Jews who vote Democrat.
Pulling out stats like that is like saying 90% of Republicans like
dogs, just like Hitler, only 37% of women surveyed said Israel is an
ally-He leaves out that independents also see them as friendly more
than being an ally. It's more about other nations you take joint
ventures with. It doesn't mean they consider them a 'foe, The only
reason for the surge of overemphasising support from the right is
about fundies and religious significance that ends in horror as an
angry jesus descends from the clouds and destroys all the unbelievers
with lightning bolts from his fingertips- Yeah, I get all warm and
cozy knowing that the majority of Republicans who consider Israel an
ally are anticipating the day when Zombie Jesus comes back to earth
during an earth ending fight that requires a very large number of
Jews to die-Well, he's not a "zombie." But yes, lots of
Jews may have to die. It is written-opinions like "Israel would
be no worse off today or better of today if McCain or Romney won
elections" are pure speculation. You have absolutely zero
evidence to support such a theory since neither was ever in a
position to test it. My opinion is that today's Democrat party is bad
for Israel, and Jews in general, if they care about the survival of
Judaism. I will acknowledge that many American Jews are nicely
positioned in American culture and want to be socially progressive
citizens because that is the nature of the religion (no matter what
sfb and the Protocols of Zion might say). It is a dangerous path that
has been taken before with ruinous results-opinion are yours too,
southie, but facts aren't, tactical and financial support has
climbed. Major issues like iron dome and a joint attack on iranian
computer networks stick out like glaring thumbs, the stink about the
nsa recently? Info being released that we are massively spying on
allies and everyone else throughout the world? You know what the
israeli revelation has been? It was that we have been openly and
without question sharing captured data with israeli
intelligence-iapb/ h66b hillary-the Army knows the Tea Party is a
terrorist group. Now watch the teabaggers attack our soldiers-The
American public should be outraged that the U.S. Army is teaching our
troops that evangelical Christians and tea party members are enemies
of America and that they can be punished for supporting or
participating in those groups, Don’t donate to the tea party or to
evangelical Christian groups, the message soldiers at a pre
deployment briefing at Fort Hood said they received from a counter
intelligence agent If you do, you could face punishment, that was the
other half of the message, members who donate to these groups would
be subject to disciplineas reported by Fox News. These statements
about evangelicals being domestic enemies are a serious charge. The
solider said he was worried about getting in trouble for speaking of
the incident to the press. But he also wondered how that advisement
would play out Can I tithe? Can I donate to Christian charities? What
if I donate to a politician who is a part of the tea party movement?
Another soldier confirmed the threat of
punishment, Breitbart claims weren’t true-Half a milllion
Californians could lose their health care under Obamacare next year
If you like your plan...you can fuck yourself sfgate-Malkin bOcare’s
Patient Dumping, Privacy Meddling Scheme, Anyone who isn’t
concerned about the privacy implications of this government funded
records sharing network hasn’t been paying attention are digging
for dirt on private citizens who donate to GOP campaigns. Nothing to
see or smell here? Discerning eyes and nostrils beg to
differ-dailycaller michelle princeton classmate xo bocare website-
Obongo's Buddies Are Profiting from his policies people live better
by providing health care-When it's Repugs, Halliburton, half a
million people die and just as many maimed, extremely comical to
watch as a drooler clumsily trys to excuse their own hypocrisy-have
some dignity. watch your soaps or whatever-How many years will it
take for Barrack's buddies to catch up with the Halliburton and
Blackwater rip offs?-Good to see you can admit the ACA is for many
people a rip off, shouldn't be too long-high profits for others, and
vice versa. And more and more we see a "tit for tat" effort
at fairness from the government by extremist fanatics on the left and
right-relevant? Such a sad justification for political corruption-any
credible justification for the Halliburton and Blackwater rip
offs?-course not. The Cheney Rumsfeld Powell, Rice, Bush, Wolfiwitz
Cabal are war criminals, current interventionist Neo Con not any better aibafs/Cuccinelli, Va. Candidate for
Gov., Brags About His ‘A’ NRA Rating At Site Of Mass Shooting
Where 32 People Died thinkprogress tw/Ted Cruz Is Fighting Against
Government Transparency because he doesn’t want you to know who the
backers are of his effort to run for president in 2016
liberalland/off duty Cop hits girl with motorcycle, then shoots angry
father dead, Be assured that the internal investigation will clear
the officer of all wrongdoing in the shooting. As usual RawStory-He
also thinks god speaks to him. He hears god’s voice, inside his
head. That quote was from the delusional, prophetic evangelist’s
own mouth. Oh yeah, and his delusional father believes Cruz will
become KING of America-everybody knows Ted Cruz is a Kochsucker,
a term as in the Koch brothers who are the REAL creators and FUNDING
fathers of the Tea Party and their treasonous congress members- fb/
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