CAN GO TO HELL!-Have it your way, under Republican supported
rapacious capitalism based healthcare..You will be charged $10k to
place your tongue back after you get through frothing at the mouth
about the affordable care act. Make sure you have your credit card
out when you hit the emergency room, Fox News is a clear and present
danger to democracy and you are a prime example of one of their
lunatic fringe! ybac/Since I am part of the 2%, I do hang out with
the elite-BEST POST OF THE DAY! A little premature, but this has GOT
TO BE IT!-What is so surprising with my post?-NO part of the 2% posts
on an internet board, you idiot. Have you even MET anyone who was
part of the 2%?-Nothing, it explains your bigotry and hatred for
those of lesser financial means than yourself. You may wish to have
your sins absolved before you depart from this life one day in the
future, Not bigorty or hatred. I do not want people trying to take my
stuff. The greed of so many, and so many on this board always wanting
to spend other people money. And things like the AMT so unfair, Stop
projection your bigotry and hatred on to me. Hope and Change-I am
sure the 47% living the puke dream of having none of their stuff
confiscated feel the same way. Thanks, what a puke riot-craggyisland
father_ted-I do not want people trying to take my stuff- It is easier
for a Rich man to fit through the eye of a needle than to give up his
riches and walk with God-sounds like you want to sodomize him as
punishment?-Well for those who believe in that bible God, that is
very good to know. So nice to have an all powerful God which can
doing anything-ignorant libturdsmustdie feral neeegro shoots Police
officer in MD and is loose. did Killer Al or Shakedown Jesse come to
help catch this ape? wonder if he looks like hussein's son?-Is he
signed up for ObamaCare yet?-Palin Broke The Seal On A Whole New
Level Of Republican Sleazy!- yhal/finally Countrywide axe
falling- What ever happened to the suntanned #$%$ who sold it to
bofa-you mean Mozilo? he's happily retired. paid about 47 million in
fines to sec. peanuts!-i am noticing a pattern here, citi bofa jpm
sac fined millions, Shareholders RAPED.get zero-NO ONE is going to
jail-probably some home owners-time to take back our markets.. ban
ygs/after approaching the boy, who was pronounced dead at the scene,
did the deputies learn that the weapon, which resembled an AK-47, was
a plastic toy. During a search, deputies also found a plastic handgun
in the boy’s waistband, eighth grader, the gun belonged to a friend
of his son. The boy’s mother, Sujey Annel Cruz Cazarez, was quoted
in the paper as saying: “Why did they kill him? Why?, a very
popular student, very smart, very capable, just one day after a
12-year-old in Sparks, Nev., opened fire at his school, killing a
teacher and wounding two students before turning a handgun on himself
nyt-committed to delaying a tax penalty provision in the health care
law and would use oversight powers to hold President Barack Obama's
administration "accountable" for problems with its launch.
Republican leaders have complained about a lack of transparency
surrounding problems with the launch of the government run health
care insurance exchanges on October 1, saying that House Democrats
were briefed by administration officials, but Republicans were not r
nugate/one insurer, 50, shopping for a silver plan would pay at least
$644.05 before federal subsidies. (Plans range in price and levels of
coverage from bronze to platinum, with silver a middle option.) A
where there are four carriers, could pay $320.06 for a comparable
plan, Comparable data for state run plans was unavailable. nyt/All
government, in its essence, is a conspiracy against the superior man:
its one permanent object is to oppress him and cripple him. If it be
aristocratic in organization, then it seeks to protect the man who is
superior only in law against the man who is superior in fact; if it
be democratic, then it seeks to protect the man who is inferior in
every way against both. One of its primary functions is to regiment
men by force, to make them as much alike as possible and as dependent
upon one another as possible, to search out and combat originality
among them. All it can see in an original idea is potential change,
and hence an invasion of its prerogatives. The most dangerous man to
any government is the man who is able to think things out for
himself, without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos.
Almost inevitably he comes to the conclusion that the government he
lives under is dishonest, insane and intolerable, and so, if he is
romantic, he tries to change it. And even if he is not romantic
personally he is very apt to spread discontent among those who are
H.L. Mencken-Most people do not know that the only money that the
gov't has is the money they TAKE from the citizens. Since we are
moving rapidly to socialism/communism the gov't must take more and
more from all of those that have some. All of the people from low
middle class up must hand over more and more of what little they
have. Bottom of the low middle class down has very little for the
gov't to take.
I am against the progressive liberal socialist form
of gov't. I do not want to give my little to gov't for them to give
to those that only want a hand out.
Our gov't is now a : Shame
The Santa Rosa and Petaluma Police Departments, together with the
Sonoma County District Attorney’s Office, are investigating the
shooting. The sheriff’s deputies who shot the boy have not been
identified and have been placed on administrative
leave./politicalticker billionaires aim at senate
democrat Philip Ellender, president of government and public affairs
division of Koch Companies, sent a letter to Congress denying that
Koch had any role in devising the strategy to demand that Obamacare
be defunded in order to keep the federal government operating. To
which absurd claim the only answer is 'bullshit'. Funding the Tea
Party astroturfs, Freedom Works, Heritage Foundation, Americans for
Prosperity, all Koch subsidiaries, and all dedicated the purpose from
which the Kochs are now trying to distance themselves, 180 million
dollars directly to he campaigns of legislators dedicated to
destroying Obamacare, untold hundreds of millions more of untraceable
'speech' to PACS dedicated to the same purpose...Koch fingerprints
are all over this, they were caught with their hand in he cookiejar,
they were caught red handed, they are the deer ini the hedlights.
Pick your own cliche, the Kochs are trying to deny the obvious. It's
insulting to those of us who know they spent a fortune on the issue,
and it's even insulting to those poor foolish Cons who DON'T know
it-trying to deny the obvious. The question now is will come go out
and defend them like the libs have been doing for years for Soros and
his vast network of propaganda outlets-
aibafs/Saudi Arabia’s
interior ministry has warned against “disturbing social peace”
and has threatened to use force against a planned campaign by women
to challenge a de facto ban on them driving, any action that disturbs
social peace and opens the door for sedition and responds to the
illusions of prejudiced intruders with sick dreams-
visits conspiracy, amarosa of the senate, cruz is the i didn't come
here to find friends on stephanie with a tea party in her pants/
Cheating Got Me A First Class Flight AND DUFFEL BAGS OF GOLD To
London psmag-The Most And Least Lucrative College Major npr-R.I.P.
MICROSOFt Apple Just Ended The Era Of Paid Operating Systems
wired-The desktop operating system is dead as a major profit center,
and Apple just delivered the obituary-AS USUAL, THE INTERNET
EXAGGERATES How Big Is A Colossal Squid Really? deepseanews-GETTING
CHOKED BY A SEATBELT Taxi Drivers See Some Crazy Sh*t
vice-Dailydigg/people who manipulate the system for their own greed
have lost for now. But the system and its rules are "fixed",
fixed to acquiesce to that same greed that crashed the American
economy and, very nearly, the world's-Australia, the fear is that the
fires being battled by heroic public servants who got their funding
cut initially were started by arsonists. In America, the arsonists
are in Congress, on Wall Street and in the White House to no small
degree-Occupy Apocalypse, tells Truthout he has been changed
irrevocably by the movement, of which Zuccotti Park was only the
beginning, and he craves the just, humane and free society the
occupation modeled-hard to believe given the grim headlines we all
see every day, but I'm an optimist. So what stops me from sinking
into despair, given the woeful state of today's political
institutions and America's disappointing media discourse? First,
there's the fact that despair is not an option, the stakes are much
too high for that. Secondly, I've witnessed the incredible potential
power that lies in ordinary people when they come together in
solidarity and resolve to fight injustice./Consortium News: The
Radical Right, reflecting the overlapping ideologies of Ayn Rand
capitalists, Christian fundamentalists and neo Confederate white
supremacists, crippling the federal government and humiliating the
first African American president, But the extremism could shatter the
Republican Party/Fracking companies want to move in to the George
Washington National Forest, which supplies water to the DC metro
area; lawmakers in red states are enacting as many discriminatory
voting laws as possible, and now they want to rig the Electoral
College; Ohio will be the next state to expand Medicaid hartmann/
Social Security spending actually stimulates the economy BuzzFlash/
the government's evidence. Countrywide earned $165.2 million selling
"Hustle" loans to Fannie and Freddie, Quality had become a
joke, according toBut of the mortgages Countrywide sold them, The
mortgage giants' estimated "gross loss" on the "Hustle"
loans was $848.2 million, the Justice Department has said. The "net
loss, or the amount due to the portion of loans the Justice
Department says were materially defective, was $131.2 m about 43
percent were materially defective, thestar/Nick Gillespie compared
our president to Hitler on CNN- Kathleen Sebelius admitted that there
is concern in her department and the White House over the technical
debacle surrounding the Obamacare website rollout, saying “no one
could be more frustrated than I am and the president-fb/WHO RAN THE
COMMIES IN 1917 a few of the 100,000,000 Christian innocents who were
exterminated by the Anti Christian Jewish Red Commissars in Russia
under the orders of Trotsky, the Jewish Commissar of Commissars. Spielberg will never Direct a "Schindler's List" Movie for
them or their genocide. Why is that? Because Jews did it, the Jewish
anti Christian maniac banker who owned The Guaranty National Trust,
the largest bank in the United States, financed Lenin and Trotsky $35
million for the Red Revolution and the mass killing of these
Christian souls. We must never forget ygs/JP Morgan Chase is Wired,
rumblings of capital and currency controls are causing a stir among
perceptive financial observers. You do not have to be a business
banking customer to fear the consequences of restricting the transfer
of money. Both domestic and international wires are no longer
available to be sent from a business savings account-Obama Firing of
Military Reminiscent of Stalin's Purge BATR/US quietly releases $1.6B
to Pakistan in military, will try to convince Pakistani leaders to
play a supportive role in neighboring Afghanistan once American
troops begin to pull out of the country after 2014. [Instead of
cutting food stamps, why not end the US Coalition of the Bribed? The
US bribes Pakistan to 'turn the other way' while CIAciopaths carry
out targeted killings with drones! We're going to stand by and watch
Paul Ryan and Barack Obama slash entitlements, while we pay one
country (Pakistan) to pretend to execute US foreign policy in
*another* country (Afghanistan)?-Pakistan has confirmed that of some
2,200 people killed by drone strikes in the past decade, at least 400
were civilians and an additional 200 victims were deemed "probable
non combatants-US appeals court showed openness Friday to allowing
Guantanamo Bay hunger strikers to challenge force feeding
procedures-Petraeus takes up Harvard teaching post-Israeli settlers
chopped down more than 100 olive trees near the West Bank city of
Nablus on Saturday, according to the Palestinian Authority (PA) which
has promised to reimburse farmers for financial damages-whether a
training exercise using explosives may have started one of the huge
bush fires burning in the state of New South Wales. The exercise took
place at a base near the town of Lithgow in the Blue Mountains
region-attack occurred when a Shuttle America cockpit was illuminated
by a green laser on its final approach to LaGuardia-person
identifying himself as Troy Gilmore Jr., posted on Twitter Take down
Ted Cruz, at his home, What goes around comes around CRUZ! listed
Cruz’s home address in Houston. The author of the threat uses the
Twitter handle @ArmyVet54 and identifies himself as having served in
the U.S. Army and Navy-FBI is investigating possible threats to the
water supply systems in Wichita, Kansas, and several other Midwestern
cities that are as yet unsubstantiated-tens of thousands marched
through Rome to protest against unemployment, government cuts and big
construction projects they say take money away from social services.
Hooded protesters turned over garbage bins in front of the economy
ministry and set several of them on fire. Police in riot gear
charged, chasing demonstrators up side streets to keep them away from
the ministry. Several hooded demonstrators, who threw smoke bombs,
eggs and bottles at the ministry and broke the window of a nearby
bank, were taken away by police-armored trucks, televisions, ice
cream scoops and nearly everything else shipped here for America's
war against the Taliban for the CIA's opium routes are part of the
world's biggest garage sale. Every week, as the U.S. troop drawdown
accelerates, the United States is selling 12 million to 14 million
pounds of its equipment on the Afghan market. Returning that gear to
the United States from a landlocked country halfway around the world
would be prohibitively expensive, according to U.S. officials.
Instead, they're leaving behind $7 billion worth of supplies-Monsif
Khan, who raided the supplies of his 20 man team in Kunar’s capital
Asadabad over the Eid Al Adha religious holiday, is the first special
forces commander to switch sides, joining the Hezbe Islami
organization, sent some of his comrades on leave and paid others to
go out sightseeing, and then escaped with up to [likely, US provided]
30 guns, night vision goggles, binoculars and a Humvee-Roughly half a
million Americans have applied for health insurance through new
federal, and state, exchanges-legitgov/people could end up paying
double of what they see on the website, CBS iapb/proof
teaparty succeeding Grayson, who is known for lobbing rhetorical
bombs at his political foes, accused of taking things too far, after
his campaign sent an email that compared the Tea Party to the Ku Klux
Klan while depicting a burning cross, a large image of the flaming
cross, with the letters "ea Party" etched in to the right
of it. The caption read: "Now You Know What the 'T' Stands For
fn-When Mr. Obama became president in January 2009, the total federal
debt stood at $10.6 trillion. This week, it hit $16.7 trillion, an
increase of 57 percent. In the same time frame under W. Bush, total
federal debt rose 38 percent. Under President Clinton, it rose 32
percent wt-You must be mistaken. Only Republican presidents run up
debt. Any debt incurred under Democrats can be directly attributed to
the their GOP predecessors-No, it's all the black guys fault. Don't
you read your friends posts here?-inbred, where did I say it was all
the HALF BREEDS FAULT? Obama is to blame for the spending on HIS
WATCH. Just like you losers said the same about Bush, so really, STFU
you have no say in anything-Face the facts. Your boy George was a
complete failure and there's nothing you can say to change
that- aibafs/ fauxsnooze gunnut abblow guesses bo taking power because
victim mentality works losing excellence in fear and other stupid
football ananolgies bully kids playing with fire, like americans
being bullied by bo faux flogging standdown order reliving first
barracks bombing to bring up, brock bengazi hoax 99 amazon cents in
the process changing from red to blue, gov shear 1000 signing aca
daily in kentucky, sally admits free dental with aca, on geraldo/
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