Tuesday, October 22, 2024

found on pendrive 12 years later

102412/Don't take it from me, Abraham Lincoln: "You cannot bring about
prosperity by discouraging thrift. You cannot strengthen the weak by
weakening the strong. You cannot help the wage earner by pulling down the
wage payer. You cannot further the the brotherhood of man by encouraging
class hatred. You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich. You cannot
keep out of trouble by spending more than you earn. You cannot build
character and courage by taking away man's initiative and independence.
You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they could and
should do for themselves. "You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening
the strong. You cannot help the wage earner by pulling down the wage
payer."-prosperity is all about how much is left over for investors after
the board pay themselves. Just ask Glenn Beck he'll tell you-LOL! The man
helped free the slaves. It is ironic that a black man would be the one to
counter everyone one of those statements, You don't want black men to
take over nothing. You're the Old Guard- They've got a firm hold on
violent crime yip/religion doesn't fly jets into building crooked old men
with agenda's of world domination do that-when did this atheist shoot
places up? Was it prompted by his atheism? or science? no. it wasn't, but
religionists bomb women's health centers, shoot girls for wanting to
learn etc because of their religion. HUGE difference-I'm done with this
group. It has thoroughly insulted my faith enough-Stalin, I consider it
completely unimportant who in the party will vote, or how; but what is
extraordinarily important is this, who will count the votes, and how."-
Comparing 2016 to The Eternal Jew is a sad and desperate. Playing the
Nazi card, seriously?-the name Dinesh D'Souza, I knew the movie was
nothing more than propaganda-I've had many debates with Romney zealots
and they never have ingormation to disprove what I'm saying and just come
back with nonsense. So I would not even promote this movie because all it
will do is fuel the fire for Romney zealots-getting rich off of
ignorance- as someone who lost family in the Shoah I can see where the
lies affect people's lives, too bad you do not understand or refuse to
understand or are complicit in the Goebbels sort of big lie-Moores
laughable Fahrenheit 9/11 was ok to liberals even though 99% was proven
to be false-9/11 the official government report was proven false rofl the
towers didnt fall to no gas fire and building 7 was never touched so im
pretty sure moore was closer than the government story havent seen 2016
yet but i know who the people behind it are and since most of wut these
ppl do is hate speech i prolly wont watch it-haters believe this
propaganda- It is easy to hire someone to say anything. I do not trust
any news media or movies as any kind of proofgod made rape pregancies
muordock-Ann "Sarah Palin created more jobs then Obama did" Coulter's
style-Coulter = Douche Bag-She's no clown. Clowns are funny. She is evil
and pathetic-The red nose Is an improvement!-(ann the man explodes in
mitt's face)- fb/wanted Detroit automakers to be bankrupt down and out
then Bain Capital would move in like vultures and steal all assets ybac/
Uncle Sam wants to put Bank of America outof business! Why else would
they constantly harass an American Icon with this lawsuit. Let the market
fix it self. BAC was not the reason for the fall of Freddie and Fannie
ybac/some new info on the so politically correct GOP?
Republican Fundraiser in Utah, Charged With Multiple Counts of Rape and
Kidnapping, Commits Suicide
A violent end to a tawdry tale of power and abuse
alternet-"Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood.
Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less."
—Marie Curie-not only political rhetoric, but a LIE by R-Money!

After Obama stopped the bleeding and set the economy in the right
direction, the economy will generate jobs but nobody should use such a
number given that a good part of jobs will not come back at all! That's
the reality as the world is going global and competition is tough when it
comes to manufacturing jobs. Asia (China, S. Korea, Indonesia, etc.,
etc.) can produce goods at a much lower labor costs than the U.S. That
won't change for decades until and unless the living standards in those
countries improve and labor costs go up like ours did in the past 50
years fb

lizzy blow talor swift interview
bengazi dwarfs watergate, reported 2hrs later, (as protest gone bad) eib/

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