Tuesday, October 22, 2024
3 24-27 13 lost gems
32713 problems creat solutions, solutions create more problems
32613/birther truther Todd Akin goon who loves Adolf Hitler and Joseph
Goebbels talking about lying!-unknown-poet an Open Letter to the
Congress, a work in progress "We, the American people are full of faith
and credit. We finance our financial markets. In good faith we let you,
our government representatives withhold a portion of our wages, set aside
for Social Security, for our retirements. But you replaced our earnings
with U.S. Treasury Bonds backed by who, why the full faith of we, the
American people. So as not to confuse realities, we are now paying
double, you, re-selling Treasury Notes as they come due, while you, our
Congress, including president Obama want to cut the pay back by squeezing
the pay out of our retirement money. This corruption of our hard earned
benefit our dollars— is not acceptable. We foot the bill for your sweet
pensions. Upon election to public office you don’t have any skin in our
game. Upon the fiddle with our retirements you should say good-bye to
your offices. You, elected to represent us, squandered our people’s good
faith on aircraft carriers that serve to silhouette the seven seas,
fighter planes too difficult to fly, and obsolete weapon systems to
attack imagined foes, when our dollars could have been put to work in
robust enterprises, with stock dividends, instead of dead ends. Had the
Social Security been let to invest our surpluses, taking barrel head
positions in blue chips and writing mortgages, buy sell bubbles would not
have blown up, Wall Street investment banks would have been kept honest
by “we, the people’s” presence in our financial marketplace and our
government would not have had to form regulatory bureaucracies. There is
a non partisan solution to which all parties can agree. A new and
innovative non partisan financial instrument, the 2% U.S. Mortgage
Savings Bond can solve the actuarial dead end street, you, the Congress
created, in your squandering of money that was not yours to appropriate.
You, our representatives are going to make it possible, with a clearly
written Order, for we, the people to purchase all our bank held
residential mortgages in U.S.A., according to very reasonable terms:
$0.85 on the dollar for the good, $0.65 on the dollar for underwater
upside down bad, and $0.49 on the buck for the tick tock sick, soon to be
ugly foreclosures, this mass purchase accomplished with 2% U.S. Mortgage
Savings Bonds, backed by the good faith of we, the American people. We
don’t need to create a whole new agency to run this mortgage buy out.
Social security has the data in mainframe computers and we can trust them
with our money. The social Security agency is not in the habit of taking
hooray for us vacations in Vegas. The lenders shall present to our Social
Security Administration our mortgaged properties’ payoffs, along with
their assessed valuations, for every house. The 2% U.S. Savings Bonds
shall be issued to the homeowners, pay to the order of both homeowner and
mortgage holding bank. The owners shall appear at their bank branches
with their 2% U.S. Bonds, wait for a copy of their deed to come over the
fax, and then, on the bank’s computers, with a banker standing by,
rewrite their mortgage at 10 to 30 years fixed rate of 3.5,7% interest,
based on the owner’s true credit rating. The branches shall forward all
paid off property deeds and rewritten mortgages to the Social Security
Administration for safekeeping. Upside down underwater re-mortgages at
$0.65 shall carry a non-interest bearing 2nd mortgage bubble on the back
end, not to be negotiated until the house is sold, down the road,
insuring the upside down owners retain reasonable equity upon sale. When
financial calamity strikes a household, the homeowner shall have the
option to pay only interest only until the homeowners regain financial
footing. Home foreclosures shall become a rarity. The Social Security
shall redistribute the 50 million mortgages, dividing good, bad and ugly
amongst bank branches and credit unions in the same zip codes as the
houses, for servicing, allowing the branches to use the principal in the
first year’s payments, for re-loaning to independent small businesses in
their same neighborhood zip codes, to recapitalize Main St. This bank
branch service will show a profit for the banks and credit unions. But
the 50 million monthly interest payments on the 50 million residential
mortgages shall be deposited monthly by the branches with the Social
Security, the interest spread between 2% U.S. Mortgage Savings Bonds and
average 4.5% fixed rate mortgages applied to drawing down our public
debt, starting with those Treasury Bonds Congress originally shelled when
switching out the cash slice that was withheld from our pay checks. You,
our Congress shall convert the 2.7 trillion in Treasury Notes now sitting
with Social Security into 2% U.S. Mortgage Savings Bonds that we, the
people shall immediately put to work, using these converted Treasury
notes for our “we, the people” buy out of our mortgages from the too big
to fail commercial lenders. The too big to fail or jail banks who nearly
brought world trade to a stand still shall be cashed out, their golden
opportunity, at the branch level, to slip back into earning money the old
fashioned way, lending dollars to people based on tangible goods and
sweat equity, instead of credit swap paper corporation bets where heads
they win and tails the taxpayer’s money is lost. How many home owners in
your district? That is how many people will vote you out of office for
your refusal to allow them to purchase their mortgage note from the bank
with we, the people money and apply the spread to ending the national
debt so their children inherit a better life! You cannot beat the deal.
michael s lev inson dot commie- rbg/ breitbart looking and acting gay
except for having sex with men liking liberal women larry improves usual
horrible prozion format, flipflop lectures republican concervatives
because there are more important things effecting americans, admonishing
ohio sen cordman for changing his mind after finding his own family is
effected, difficult to satisfy reverse poligomist calls , wheel fna
helps, prop 8 quagmire,interstate problems voter givith, ussc taketh
away, on wabc geraldo/ republicans realizing extremist are the problem,
rush not so much/ driving an especially rough mortgage & insurance day
yesterday, today ussc wastes another day, pessimisticnutz pray for the
demize of bamadministration, optimist, well are optimistic, good enough
reason not to whackoneselfmortgage (Synonyms noun. hypothec, encumbrance,
pledge, pawn verb. pawn, pledge, hypothecate, to pledge as security
without delivery, bond obliged to pay back with a predetermined rate loan
secured by real property conveys the conditional right of ownership ie:
MF Global and the great Wall St rehypothecation scandal of 2011reuters/
32513/experts claim that career advancement is a function of everything
from extreme self confidence to extreme humility (or both at once). Still
others make the case that big time professional success derives from more
sinister behaviors, such as callous ambition or unfettered narcissism.
And then there is the whole “positive thinking” bandwagon, which claims
that getting ahead is primarily a function of believing you can. there’s
so much contradictory advice out there about the core components of
success that it’s enough to reduce you to a weary sigh of: “Whatever jw/
president of the Israeli regime Shimon Peres, major Zionist activists
ex director of the CIA James Woolsey, and former secretaries of state,
Henry Kissinger, and George Shultz, have joined Zionist officials and
activist in calling for Pollard’s release based on what the Israelis are
promoting as a “humanitarian” consideration. “I will sum it up in three
words: enough is enough. It is not humane to keep him (Pollard) in jail
any longer,” former Israeli Education Minister Amnon Rubinstein. Pollard,
plans to stage a “hunger strike” for his release during Obama’s three day
visit, a Jewish American at the time he volunteered to spy for the Tel
Aviv regime after approaching an Israeli officer in Washington in 1984,
Clinton, a particularly close Israeli ally during his two term presidency
from 1993 2001, attempted to release Pollard towards the end of his
second term in office but was rigorously challenged by top US military
and Republican officials and experts, who ultimately foiled the move.
zion first disowned their spy, claiming that “he was an actor in a rouge
operation,” the report says. Netanyahu, in his first term as the regime’s
prime minister in the late 1990’s, officially recognized Pollard as an
Israeli agent, including nyt-All of your neonaziswine anti-semitic post-
D.C democrap enclave North Dakota Indian welfare, Ask Dashle, New Mexico
agan a democrap run state, Alaska, the Fed owns 80% of state, could make
money anytime they allowed drilling. West Virginia , the affects of
having two democrap senators, forever. Byrd, Rockefeller, and Now Mansion
Montana, again the Fed owns 2/3's- DC is the worst but for other reasons
plus it doesn't get electoral votes ($6.17) North Dakota ($2.03) New
Mexico ($1.89) Mississippi ($1.84) Alaska ($1.82) West Virginia ($1.74)
Montana ($1.64) Alabama ($1.61) South Dakota ($1.59) Arkansas ($1.53)-
insane military spending-a new renaissance of wealth while the rest of
America continues to deteriorate financially. This vast wealth, that is
flowing into D.C., is a sign of the highest order of elitist apocrasy
against the lower castes in America! A building boom is going on in D.C.
and it's surroundings like Georgetown and other suburbs. This is at the
expense of cities like Detroit, Chicago and Atlanta, just to name a few.
Political elitists and the aids that they bring with them to Washington
are thriving in a busted economy that in many ways resembles the decline
of the Roman Empire-Interesting game you play with numbers. You should
try learning statistics. You just failed-California pays in much more and
if you look at the per capita in stead of the total amount they get back
less than they pay in unlike your red southern states like Texas and
Florida-the return ratio on federal taxes you can't spin your way out of
it, and wonder why you keep losing-lack of brains cells is endless. Kinda
oxymoronic huh?-hillbilly states like mississippi and alabama need the
dough to buy junk food and get fat. Lets expell the confederate states
once and for all-85% of red states are deadbeats and are supported and
they want cuts, go for it-Top ten donor states Colorado $0.81 New York
$0.79 California $0.78 Delaware $0.77 Illinois $0.75 Minnesota $0.72 New
Hampshire $0.71 Connecticut $0.69 Nevada $0.65 New Jersey $0.61 See a
pattern, top 20 moocher states are mostly red, if they want big cuts, a
great place to start-w recently turned New Mexico bluey- bac/ holy cow
cyprus gov took everything over 100k 4.2 billion- CYPRUS IS SAVED HOORAH!
again*. How much did Ben 'swap' the Fed so-called Balance Sheet, with
Europe to 'save cypress-Cyprusitosis" is headed to America-ygs/Article I,
Section 7 of the U.S. Constitution reads: "All bills for raising revenue
shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may
propose or concur with amendments as on other Bills." Our Constitution
grants the president absolutely no authority to raise or lower taxes. The
president is permitted to propose tax measures or veto them. Congress can
ignore proposals and override vetoes. grants Congress the final and
ultimate say on taxes. The same principle applies to spending-Since the
Reagan gang began their war on regulations that has picked up speed over
the last 30 years, instead of competing through product quality, we
compete with the lowest price being the important criteria. With
virtually all of our products being made in countries where the work
force is payed slave wages & there are no regulations on the
manufacturing process, many of our leaders demonize our regulations &
cost of our labor. We are in a race to the bottom, & no matter what
anybody says, in THAT race, ALL Americans lose Terror is a powerfully
strong fear reaction to sudden, unexpected, life threatening
circumstances—an emotion, in other words. So technically, the "War on
Terror" becomes the" War on FEAR" where there is NO defined enemy except
the manipulation of the human emotion called "FEAR", the war profiteers
dupe the American public into expending their hard earned tax dollars to
support ENDLESS wars-MORON ALERT corporate gods who are sitting on
trillions would go out of business!--New Zealand Frankenscientists fallen
even further into the surreal Announce Mutant GMO Cows to Produce Hormone
Induced ‘Engineered’ allergen milk for consumption by human babies.
worldtruth fb/might be the dumbest farm animal on the planet, Locking up
criminal Wall St. and corporate crooks, along with murderous gun kooks is
lawless?- Icelanders Force Accountability for Banks, banged pots and pans
to disrupt the meeting of parliament, the "Kitchenware Revolution," they
called it, turbulence forced Prime Minister Geir H. Haarde to announce
that he and his cabinet would resign and new elections would be held.
Although politicians responsible for Iceland's financial life were
resigning, the campaigners didn't stop there; they demanded, and won, the
resignation of the governing board of the Central Ban; Why Can't We? How
to Deal With Right Wing Mega Criminals: Jail corporate and financial
crooks, take back the trillions they stole from working Americans, and
throw right wing economic slavery on the ash heap of history, along with
corporate socialism, welfare for wealthy fascism, trickle down horschitt,
(dick and w) Dopenomics and Reaganomics economic rape-O'Bozo needs all
those rounds of ammo to blow away people who refuse to be forced to
pay-proof of low IQ corporate fascist cattle who hate America? if your
latest Tim McVeigh low IQ sheep tin foil hat rumor is true, and the
government is finally getting ready to take on fascist Fifth who have
raped America, take it from the least productive members of the 'Welfare
for the Wealthy State', and tax gun kooks and all right wingers for being
dangerous subhumans-we can jump start our infrastructure needs with a 5)%
tax on the wages and pensions of greedy city county sate federal gvy
union racketeers. It's time the leeches put the welfare of the country
ahead of their mindless sanctimonious greed-rbpa/Cypriot bank
restructuring plan should serve as a template for the rest of the
eurozone yfn/The political conversation should be about creating jobs,
helping people keep their homes and regulating banks. But it isn't- Obama
is not a foreign born, brown skinned, anti war socialist who gives away
healthcare. You're thinking of Jesus-rbn/ big russian money takes 49% cut
in 13B$ bailout cypress deal includes downsizing and giving up offshore
taxdodge status, humping online gambling, accusing iran, enabled by iraq
to supply amman, jesus toaster, wabc/ales new talk points, beckel leads
fauxcharge agains cbs, bernie: cbs amazing race using crashed b52
communist bastards, upton ziongroupie still in the news, pussyriot
jailing duty of sorts, warren reports danica beats 17 other drivers and
gulftown lassle long shots, diedl my stupid brother trusted a
cartiologist about circulation problems worries about cybersecurity,
daygen covers nascar fight, kinky's bipolar tour in vegas with 3500$
benis, sez michelle could be right about overweight americans iman goes
to temple, on reaffirming his faux loyality to wingnutwacko hannity, ussc
congress, and nra wasting time with same sex marrage, surgethismccain
imus/bloomberg calling anyone who resists gun control is antismetic
brietbart larry occonnor
32413/Beware the New Corporate Tax Cut Scam: LIFT Is a Big Lie Dave
Johnson, Campaign for America's Future/Ellen Brown, Web of Debt: The push
to confiscate the savings of Cypriot citizens is a hit against every
working person in the world, a wake up call to the perils of a system in
which tiny cadres of elites call the shots and the rest of us pay the
price/Louisa Abada, In the Public Interest: The more we privatize, the
less we know and the less we control/Thom Hartmann: The GOP Is Already
Hatching Its Next Plot to Take Our Nation Hostage, Boehner said the GOP
will refuse to raise the debt ceiling in May, unless the president agrees
to more spending cuts; Colorado is now the 18th state to legalize some
form of same-sex unions; Mexico is breaking up monopolies/Senate Passes
$3.7 Trillion Budget, Its First in Four Years nyt/Palestinian Authority
to Receive $500 Million in Aid as US Unblocks Frozen Funds rt/Mark
Karlin, since 2007 The cruelty and brutality of horse slaughterhouses is
apparently returning to the US soon. A New Mexico slaughterhouse worker
shoots a horse in the head to mark the occasion, videotapes it-Francis'
Silence on Pedophilia and Argentina's "Dirty War"-Afghanistan: A Dark and
Fragile Future Richard Sale, What will happen next/Mike Ludwig, Cleanup
continues at the site of an underground spill of thousands of gallons of
pollution related to the oil and gas industry in the heart of Colorado's
fracking country Truthout/Oscar winner Alex Gibney's Wikileaks
documentary We Steal Secrets got Matt Taibbi thinking about the coming
showdown between the government and the public over institutionalized
secrecy and the public's right to know rs/Ashley Judd Gives Hint About
Potential Senate Run-Biden recaps a moment he shared with two nuns, whom
he described as "lovely women," outside of St. Peter's Basilica in
Vatican City-supposed to fly by helicopter to Bethlehem but a windstorm
forced him to travel by motorcade instead. The change in plans was
cheered by Palestinians because the president drove past the large
concrete wall erected by the Israelis, giving Obama a direct look at the
hostilities facing the region on a daily basis-Congress has certainly
already acted in some ways on guns, even passing a government spending
bill that includes four gun provisions which actually loosen gun
regulations- Christie Comes Out Against Gay Conversion Therapy, After
initially saying he was undecided on the topic, look at his own prior
statements where he makes clear that people's sexual orientation is
determined at birth- abc/Texas fifth-grader’s test purportedly blaming
the United States for 9/11 has gone viral. test question: Why might the
United States be a target for terrorism? The correct answer was Decisions
we made in the United States have had negative effects on people
elsewhere. Flour Bluff Independent School District mom Kara Sands of
Corpus Christi told Kristv I’m not going to justify radical terrorists by
saying we did anything to deserve that, over 3,000 people died-Only a
child thinks they are always right, and America is not a child only a
fool would believe that the 911 attackers acted in a vacuum, we're
talking about Texass Con, they cannot accept any part of reality that
contradicts their worldview-freedom hating liberal would think that the
freedom hating terrorists attacked us for any reason other than their
hatred of our freedom, 9/11 attackers attacked us because they oppose
freedom and democracy, preferring instead a world ruled by religious
extremists. They perceived (correctly) that while America's
freedom-hating liberals would warmly embrace such a world, the rest of
America would stand in opposition. Their mistake was the same mistake
that Japan once made. They thought that such an attack would intimidate
us into not opposing them. iraq thought that after we left, they would
then be able to conquer all the nations of the Middle East, kill all the
non-Muslims, abolish democracy and women's rights, and set up an imperial
Islamic theocracy. They were severely disappointed with how we actually
reacted. But it's nothing that can't be cured with a good dronestrike-
4488 TRILLION$, they actually vote FOR Islamic theocracy, I believe that
the fundamentalist filth in the ME, the religious garbage if I may, are
STILL celebrating the criminal invasion of Iraq, EXACTLY what the
Iran, Hamas, Al Queda, and Hezbollah wanted us to do-contradicted by
OBL's own statements assertions are nothing but another sign that you
cannot deal with any reality outside your fantasy delusions--RIP Joe
Weider, his "sand kicked in the face" ad was in every comic I read as a
kid. He made it to 93, so evidently he did something right--Nicolas
Maduro is increasingly resorting to wild, paranoid, anti-American
outbursts in an effort to convince Venezuelans he has the machismo needed
to fill El Commandante’s boots. initial claims that the U.S. or others
had killed Chavez, Maduro followed up on March 13 by saying he intends to
form a scientific commission to review the facts, We have the intuition
that our commander Chavez was poisoned by dark forces that wanted him out
of the way, March 17, U.S. officials at the Pentagon and at the CIA are
behind a plan to assassinate the right-wing presidential candidate to
create chaos heritageorg-Hopefully, other firearms manufactures in
Colorado, New York and Maryland will follow Magpul’s example and relocate
their operations to more gun friendly states like Texas or South
Carolina. Why would they want to operate in a state that legislates
against their business and forbids residents from purchasing many of
their products? godfatherpolitics-Locusts will destroy Colorado with
their absolute stupidity-Good riddance to bad rubbish, Their whining
reminds me of the tobacco companies-Your hatred of America's freedom
reminds me of the 9/11 hijackers. They hated America's freedom too-
Tell that to the 600 people in CO who just lost their jobs but I'm sure
wherever they go most likely Texas as it's a business friendly state,
Conservatives that support unconstitutional wars, the patriot act, the
TSA and NDAA-What about the Liberals that support the patriot act?- What
you don't know would fill many libraries-I have lived nearly 40 years
longer than you have and let me tell you that what you don't know would
fill chasms. Your arrogance is amazing and you top the hater list this
morning so perhaps you should not be so smug.-nothing more than an appeal
to authority fail--Madonna showed up dressed as a Boy Scout last Saturday
night at the GLAAD Media Awards, Sporting a troop leader hat, blue shirt
and shorts and merit badges to mock the Scout’s for not permitting openly
gay people to join. Announcing she should be in the Scouts because she
could; “build a fire,” the Material Girl went backstage and rubbed two
dancers together in order to prove it, Biden visiting Italy bragged that
he had Pope Francis in his March Madness bracket, dhs trusted traveler”
status to folks they consider to be low-risk airline passengers. The good
news is that Saudi travelers will soon be able to join, and bypass what
the rest of us have been enduring since 15 Saudi hijackers along with
four others pulled off the 9-11 attacks. What could possibly go wrong? “I
like my boobs. They’ve always served me well. They’re good.” Not that
anyone is paying any attention to what I’m writing now, Ms. Love Hewitt
wants her best assets to be protected and is considering getting her
breasts insured for $5 million- patriotupdate-Senator Jeff Sessions, I.
F. Stone said: “All governments are run by liars and nothing they say
should be believed. The Democrats are constantly braying about fiscal
responsibility; paying our deficits, and balancing the budget; but their
actual intentions could not be farther from the truth. In fact, they lie.
Whether or not that lying is intentional or just part of their essence as
a human bei–politician–is up for debate. Either way, a lie is a lie
Sherrod Brown (D-OH): “Before I ask for your vote, I owe it to you to
tell you where I stand. I’m for…a balanced budget amendment.” Senator
Mark Begich (D-AK): “It’s time to stop playing political brinksmanship
with the budget and do what every Alaskan is doing, balance the budget.”
Senator Mark Udall (D-CO): “I’ve long gone by the saying, if you find
yourself in a hole, stop digging. By restoring healthy and responsible
spending through a reasonable Balanced Budget Amendment, we can begin
filling in that hole.” And, Obama 2008: The problem is, is that the way
Bush has done it over the last eight years is to take out a credit card
from the Bank of China in the name of our children, driving up our
national debt from $5 trillion dollars for the first 42 presidents,
number 43 added $4 trillion dollars by his lonesome, so that we now have
over $9 trillion dollars of debt that we are going to have to pay back,
$30,000 for every man, woman and child. That’s irresponsible. It’s
unpatriotic. This clever gambit made by Sen Sessions was brilliantly
designed to reveal just who the Democrats truly are: liars. Good on Jeff
Sessions for artfully revealing what lies beneath the Democrats’ facade.
lastresistance-liberal democrats are the worst liars in congress!- No one
who has watched Michelle Bachmann in action could seriously make such a
claim-aibafs/Republicans Struggle to Recover From TeaPartyitis
BuzzFlash/Danny Katch, SocialistWorker We need to wrest control of our
schools away from the modern day segregationists, and put it in the hands
of parents and teachers who believe that all children have talents and
gifts that need to be nurtured, rather than ranked/we can't have our
constitution raped our guns restricted, and our christian values
destroyed. These politicians have to go. SOON-multinational corporations
have no loyalty to this country over another. Most people can tell things
are getting worse if they're even remotely paying attention. Less
freedom, more poverty, more people on assistance, an increase in violent
crime, breakdown in traditional family, longer working hours and less
vacation, closures of schools, widening school achievement gaps between
hispanics and whites, inflation, ballooning expenses of health care and
higher education, etc, etc. The United States is a big rotting empire.
Most people just don't want to admit it. A trillion dollar war here, a
bailout there. This stuff adds up and sometimes the consequences take
years to trickle down to where they hurt the average person- cl/chief
financial officer of a nonprofit home health care service in Fort Collins
and Greeley has been sentenced to six years in prison for stealing half a
million dollars from his employer Dp/12-year-old Orlando, Fla. boy is
dead after his 16-year-old brother accidentally shot him with a gun rbg/
government employees staged a protest against the sequester, Blame
Congress, Not Obama conservativevideos 7,933 likes fb/ gen ret paul
eaton, unprepared top brass and civil leaders led catastrophic failure in
iraq cctv/ suzi orman want or need-francis visits beni to make sure
everything is kewl, california, woman rents couch for 40$ per night,
goodhousekeeping seal boosts qvc, giste finally does porn queen desirie
hope, a piece worth watching, on cbssm/ssm cbs/usmc chesty fn/bo swaping
talking points occupation is not the answer, daring zion to deal with wmd
amman-Comic Sheds Light on Secret Army Spy Unit, According to the few
books written about the ISA, and the smattering of newspaper articles
over the last 30 years that have identified the unit, the Intelligence
Support Activity began in the early 1980s after the military's disastrous
attempt to rescue Americans during the Iran Hostage Crisis-Supreme Court
to Take on Gay Marriage-Italian prosecutors appealing Knox's release from
prison are set to appear in court. Amanda Knox's Legal Trouble Not Yet
Over- Coney Island Reopens for First Time Since Superstorm Sandy abc/
It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see. Henry David
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