Blasts High Court, Calls For Boycott, HL is not a church. It's a
business, must and should be required to comply with neutrally
crafted laws of general applicability hp-Apparently the conservative
Court Turned The Constitution Into A Weapon of Mass Destruction
religious freedom clause was intended by the Constitution’s framers
to be a shield to protect the individual against religious tyranny.
The Court’s Christian males agreed with the religious right that
the Founding Fathers intended freedom of religion to be a
Constitutional sword to force women to comply with a corporations’
religious beliefs- Rightwingers don't teach men about responsibility
when rape, incest, beastiality, prostitution, inbreeding and child
molestation synonymous with RIGHTWINGERS! pu-fb/ Bush
Vindicated: Islamic Terrorists Overtake Saddam’s WMD
Facilities-Democrats overwhelmingly voted for the war.
Democrat, including Obama, Reid, Pelosi and Wasserman-Shultz, who
called George W. Bush a liar and every other hateful name in the
book, including every MSNBC host, owes him a huge apology-Telegraph
reports on this seizure of WMDs in Iraq-There is no debate that the
Iraq War was sold to the American public with a collection of claims
that ended up being proved false. colluding with Al Qaeda and was
somehow involved in the 911 attacks. That, too, was false, Yet many
still believe this stuff. It's a tragedy, but it's also a kind of
natural experiment in misinformation, its origins, and its
consequences. And since 2003 social scientists, psychologists, and
pollsters have been busy examining why false beliefs like these are
embraced even in the face of irrefutable evidence, and what impact
this sort of disinformation has on American political discourse. The
resulting research shows that the Iraq War looks like an early
version of a current phenomenon: the right wing rooting its stances
in simple untruths about the world (see climate change). So here's a
quick trip through some of the ground- breaking scholarship on how the
Iraq war polarized the US public over the acceptance of basic facts,
pioneering study that laid the groundwork for much future work, the
Program on International Policy Attitudes at the University of
Maryland used a series of post Iraq War polls to analyze the the
preponderance of false beliefs about the war. The study first defined
three clear falsehoods: (1)real evidence linking Iraq and Al Qaeda
had been uncovered; (2)WMD had been discovered in Iraq following the
US invasion; and (3)global public opinion was in favor of the US
invasion. Then, it examined the likelihood of holding such incorrect
beliefs based upon a person's political party affiliation habits of
news consumption, led the way in embracing these false assertions,
with 80 percent of them believing at least one of the three
Can't escape the half breed Asian African thing- can't escape
the being rich thing. Well, that is if you consider $10 million in
cash rich, which is half of what I sold my company for 5 years ago.
The rest is in my houses, retirement funds, etc, the pies were
great- Paid no taxes on this $20 million windfall, huh? Per Capita
Income; US~$53,000 India~$5000 Literacy Rate India~74% US~99%
50 years of affirmative action, they're on the bottom of the list.
And we have someone from this group (mis)representing the country,
because it would be politically correct and cool to have the second
black (Clinton was the first black according to him and of course
Hillary does a fine fake black accent I ain't no way too tired, I
come too far) and the first half black president, bonobo. No wonder
the economy is in a quagmire -yc/ wow escalates/texas unequal justice,
lbjisms 4 bigots to bring peace praying 4 wise and understanding
hearts, on hartmann/ zuculfda gold digger jewess wtfaw/ obadala,beast
red meat repubs fearful of evil wombs, xman wanabee samtorum nazi
birth card far right propaganda film, christy more fun less creepy
than huckster, katerina clip, kelly kudoes, drug war rages on to keep
pisons filled, jononstephie
begets garbage, Coulter sez Tim McVeigh should have blown up the NY
Times Building instead of the Federal Courthouse-The United States is
secular & isn't forcing their personal religion on anyone. Hobby
Lobby is-No one is forcing anyone to work at Hobby Lobby-Poverty
forces people to work every day. Now people get to choose between
poverty or accepting Christian dictates- sending the Communist Chinese
millions of dollars of aid makes no sense, hl supporting Communist
China with business and thus supporting their state sponsored
abortion policie hypocrisy?- Government shouldn't be dictating health
care like you fascists want. tough shit. HL took a stand and won-it
shouldn't and corporations shouldn't be dictating religion. Yet they
both are now. Good job, Goebbels- do scientologists now have the right
to deny paying for drugs or therapy to their employees? Do Jehovah's
Witnesses have the right to deny paying for transfusions for their
employees? Can Jews now insist on a Kosher workplace? And their 401k
investments in companies that produce the very product to which they
object is at a minimum, hypocritical- ACA is a one size fits all
solution to a marketplace that demands more variety, and that's the
main issue, another trillion dollar give away to corporate America,
on par with Bush's drug plan. IF the free market is truly the answer,
then we need to go back to the market we had in the 80s where ALL
health insurers were nonprofit mutual assurance organizations
who were mandated to spend 90+ percentage of the premiums on care,
limited the salaries of the execs- aibafs/ Remarkable Unparalleled
paranoia of the right blatantly evident with 100s of IDs and 1000s of
posts-Court’s majority, the federal government
should just pay for these services, most straightforward way of doing
this would be for the Government to assume the cost of providing the
four contraceptives at issue to any women who are unable to obtain
them under their health-insurance policies due to their employers’
religious objections.” In other words, the five Republican
appointees to the Court suggest the government establish a single
payer plan for contraceptive services-illegals flowing accross the
border are getting better healthcare than are our Vets- everyone knows
illegals vote predominantly democrat. Its not like they are
teabaggers or anything- paranoid bizarro world the right wing dings
dwell in is a scary place, for them! EVERYTHING is done to
frustrate their efforts to destroy America and the world, so THEY
think! Poor lil meth ravaged brains of slobbering inbreds are
overloaded with nightmarish images of a black man in the White House!
Meanwhile, they gots to herd all their hooded kin together in a
single wide. Hee, hee-That would be one fool, with 100s of IDs and
1000s of posts, and one gerbil- The newest incarnation- COMMIE #$%$
stopspending- Right wing paranoia? You need to look into the mirror
son. Every post you folks make is about the Tea Party. You guys are
obsessed and extremely paranoid about the Tea Party. We conservatives
are very content to sit back watch you guys destroy yourselves like
you have done this past 6 years. turns out that this entire post and
all responses are from one person, how sick- ha! You think everyone
else does what you do? Sign of a true psychopath- They can and do post
all they want. They bark at the moon. What they do changes nothing.
They are completely powerless- Get a life, perverts-doing it all alone
with a dozen posts in a row shows how desperate the clinging rat is,
My impression of * is that he is a very lonely guy who uses this
message board to talk with people even if all he can do is insult
anyone who disagrees with him. A classic paranoid person with
compulsive obsessive behavior. He wants friends but he also doesn't
want friends. Very confused. snorted some meth and went on a rampage.
Be care, you don't want to dislodge the gerbil, It won't be long, and
more Teabagger futility will be realized with nothing but more
election losses, and only one lame Congressional house seat win in
Texas where Repugs always run unopposed. That is a very meager and
hollow win, Trolls, mimics, fools, liars, perverts, low life slime.
Their lying posts reveal it all, poor little boys scurry from one ID
to another like rats in a maze looking for the last piece of
cheese ybac/ For the defenders of muz terror: Always an excuse always
a rationalization, Hamas may be rabid but they still have to be put
down, Empty gaza and put the ppl into the Sinai, missile hit a paint
factory in Israel. Eventually they will score a direct hit on civis,
will bring even the Usraeli to reoccupying gaza, end the gazan self
rule experiment turning gazastan into an izlamic Paradise, become a
launching pad for attacks-Amazing how many Jimmy carter defend
farmers there were, Hamas gonna pay, Oh their going to pay- FINED FOR
VIOLATING DARK POOL RULES- Every naxi war criminal was also really
only a farmer in ww2- Israelis aren't war criminals, Just plain
murderers, Of innocent women and children, And illegal occupiers,
Time is a comin- Irish are murderers. How's future Irish presidential
contender Gerry McAdams. Ordered the murder of a mother of 10. Denies
being in the IRA- ygs/ Maddow: Christian segregationists would support
Hobby Lobby ruling- NY man walks into business for a job, shoots two
workers and himself when he doesn’t get it- SC trooper threatens
Taser on cooperative NFL player during traffic arrest-Louisiana
sheriff staging In God We Trust rally to defy church state separation
July 4- Mexicans plotting your death, even as they smile and serve you
cheeseburgers- boy 13 fatally shot his friend charged with reckless
homicide- Santorum’s Hobby Lobby movie warns Christians that U.S. is
becoming Nazi Germany- O’Reilly: One more liberal Supreme Court
justice could end freedom forever- fatally shoots himself 12 in the
head at Boy Scout camp in San Diego- PA woman doctor charged giving
physicals to truckers-overturns conviction of nyc cannibal cop- Idaho
college arms guards with pistols as law allowing guns on campus takes
effect- Transgender Connecticut police officer fired after complaining
about harassment- ussc ruling fuels battle
over corporate rights- Oliver: Calling Uganda’s anti LGBT laws
harsh, like calling Stalin a bit of a grump- LA GOP candidate Climate
change is a hoax, can be disproved with thermometer- How the world is
turning tropical right before our eyes- Florida GOP ready to put Taco
Bell drunk driving arrest behind him after plea deal- Those opposing
GettysburgKKK white revolution will be going in the ground- Melissa
Stoddard moved from the North Carolina home biological mother
for her own protection claimed her brother had touched her
inappropriately, into the Florida home of her biological father,
itMisty argued parenting is hard, and parenting an autistic child is
harder, but parents do it every day. They don’t kill their
children, became common practice to tie Melissa to a makeshift device
used by Kenneth and Misty in sexual bondage fantasies, restrained her
stepdaughter for her own protection, story inconsistent with the
injuries found on her body at the time of her death attempting to
break free of the board on multiple occasions, and the scarring on
her lips was consistent with having been frequently gagged- rsy/b0 For
SCOTUS?Their Failed Trickle Down Fantasies- word or phrase best
describes Boehner & GOP's plan Will Sue b0 For Stuff He Thought
Was Totally Fine Under W? How about All Time Low?- The poor have it
easy isn't an exact quote? Rand sez Republicans are out of step with
Jesus, too eager for war, RT he said a year ago, entering into a full
scale battle with Dick soul of the GOP- Dangerous and Discriminatory
thenation-alitos opinion dangerous and discriminatory- How To Identify
Sexual Assault, In A Simple 3 Word Sentence ai- Elizabeth Can't
believe we live in a world where we'd even consider letting big corps
deny women access to basic care based on vague moral objections- Doing
the Radical Right's Dirty Work: Supreme Court’s Latest Blows
Against Women and Unions Alternet- symptiom of the disease they
pretend to cure- Where God Hides Holiness, faith, humor, grace, &
good bourbon. Tweets are opinions-tw/ Santorum, who would like to be
president, seems to pine for the day when many Americans (like women,
for example) couldn’t vote, It Wasn't Bad That Founders Limited Who
Could Vote- why former Blackwater boss Erik Prince decided to leave
the country weeks before Blackwater guards fatally shot 17 civilians
at Baghdad’s Nisour Square in 2007 Top Manager Threatened to Kill
U.S. Investigator Probing Iraq Shootings- Shouldn’t we be grateful
that Cheney is making himself the target, let’s be careful about
ignoring the message because we don’t like the messenger, people
were free to question Cheney’s credibility, you know, these people
were involved in making the policy? taking responsibility. Cheney is
stepping up saying, yes, I was involved, we can learn for better or
worse from their experience and the only way we can challenge them is
if they speak out. CNN wondered- Governor Paul LePage and the Tea
Party of Maine, which was reported on The Bangor Daily News,
discussed hanging Democratic lawmakers/ Communists Are Really Closeted
Christians, shocking to conservatives Francis is no capitalist,
believes there are better systems that serve the poor, and Communism
is one of them- Elton John: Jesus Would Have Supported Gay
Marriage- Supreme Court Declined Case On Gay Conversion
Therapy/ Americans Care More About World Cup Than VA, Iraq, IRS:
Pew-ll/ today I volunteer to do the dirty work for Israel, to kill as
many Arabs as necessary, to deport them, to expel and burn them, to
have everyone hate us, to pull the rug out from underneath the feet
of the Diaspora Jews, so that they will be forced to
run to us crying. Even if it means blowing up a few synagogues, I
don’t care. And I don’t mind if after the job is done you put me
in front of a Nuremberg Trial and then jail me for life. Hang me if
you want, as a war criminal, What your kind doesn't understand is
that the dirty work of Zionism is far from not finished, 1982, Sharon
quotes were attributed to Z, a high level, heavy set, Israeli officer
with a certain history who was also a prosperous farmer. Israeli
readers knew that Z was obviously Ariel Sharon 50, who perfectly fit
description, and whose real feelings about the subjects discussed in
the interview were not exactly a state secret presstv- plan on
frequently going into every Hobby Lobby, asking a ton of stupid
crafting questions, filling up my cart to the brim, walking up to the
front and then telling them my conscience won't allow me to spend my
money at a store that I don't agree with, and walking out leaving the
big mess behind for them to clean up and put away. over and over
again. Waste their employees time and the company's money, going to
make this part of my routine. Hell I may also do it at Walmart, gonna
start tomorrow, backwards shopping.. I think it must be really
catchy- Hobby Lobby Invested In Numerous Abortion And Contraception
Products While Claiming Religious just may be the most stunning
example of hypocrisy in my lifetime forbes- why do you persist in
trying to justify the fucking MOUNTAIN of shit the GOP are
perpetrating BY THEMSELVES, Only a few of you closet Teabags buy that
shit- You can bet real money the brass there are right wing, soulless
nut jobs that will say or do ANYTHING to repress any viewpoint that
varies from their own.- Notice how the defenders of this bullshit
ignore the hypocrisy Slobby Knobby is disgustingly guilty of? It was
never about their right to deny coverage. It was about their greed.
And they knew they would be talking the Sublime Courts language when
the greed rolled outfb/b0 Calls Hobby Lobby Ruling Gender Bigotry
fni/ spabota nazi, wtfaw/ ill informed factually incorrect beliefs
must be upheald because they sincerly believe them jon tries to
convince b0 to become warming denier gnbb/ussc declares domestic
violence, nudity, lsd, legal, freeing charlie, hartmann/insisting
ginsberg is 98 bill talks about his moral code, on imus/ religious
jewish mafia spawn, no nob no job, religion vs women underpaid home
health labor now supporting chinese abortion ok with unholy christian
supremists flexing hardon against all womanhood, democrat clown shoes
and bigots helping 86 more ready to join, the smartest boy in class
charlie helps judygould with no sex next big reality craze, wifeswap
goes disorganized lesbians with religious standards, pushing
rastafarians, john on stephie/ rolf glass pv/
Lobby won their Supreme Court decision 5:4-Wow, Now corporations are
people AND have religious rights that allow them to opt out of the
new health law requirement that they cover contraceptives for women
This is ridiculous. fb/doj investigating the circumstances
surrounding the recent resignation of Virginia state Sen. Phillip
Puckett D including his alleged consideration for a job on the state
tobacco commission and the pending judicial appointment of his
daughter in Southwest Virginia- OREILLY LOOKS SO OLD WITH THAT FLABBY
TURKEYNECK FLOPPING OUT OF THAT COLLAR -yhal/ There can be no question
that he was the victim of some kind of childhood trauma which now
manifests itself in his SSA and other psycopathic behaviors. Maybe it
happened at boy scout camp, maybe at church, but something terrible
obviously happened to this sad, pathetic creature. I would like to
see him forced in to some kind of treatment program before he becomes
an even greater danger to society- aibafs/dissent, Ginsburg insisted
that the ruling was much broader than the conservative justices were
willing to admit, torched it as a decision of startling breadth which
paves the way for corporations, partnerships and sole proprietorships
to opt out of any law (saving only tax laws) they judge incompatible
with their sincerely held religious beliefs, linked to a Forbes list
of large private companies that could seek exemptions from laws due
to the Court's ruling, including Cargill, Koch Industries and Dell,
which together employ more than 300,000 Americans- Hobby Lobby Still
Covers Vasectomies And Viagra, now free to drop emergency morning
after pills and intrauterine devices from its workers health
insurance plans, has given no indication that it plans to stop
helping its male employees obtain erectile dysfunction hp-fb/ rick and
john laughing at wingnutz, rip womack 73, fugalsang
Explains How The Word Nigra Was Invented In The Sixties, why black
people love their Cadillacs-Many American families have one Uncle
Dick, Uncle Rummy and Little Dubya, a blame shift practitioner, the
weird uncle no one wants anything to do with. You feel obligated to
invite him to Thanksgiving dinner but, secretly, you hope he won’t
show up-Katrina wants to know why, if Bill Kristol is so gung ho in
war in Iraq, why not strap on some boots and a uniform-Republicans
are right to promote an anybody but Hillary, Golberg says Hillary is
ripe for being picked off, Urges Elizabeth Warren To run-Gunfire
Injures 7 On Bourbon Street-Russian Jets Arrive In Iraq; Maliki
Criticizes U.S. hoping the jets will make a key difference in the
fight against ISIS-Kurdish Teens Invent Promising New Bomb Detection
System- MO Citizens are outraged because molly also refers to a party
drug to lure customers Molly Ahead, Between the two lines it says
Black Market- Palin Missing Emails Attacks Lois Lerner For Missing
Emails- Virginia State Senator Allegedly Took Bribe To Resign,
Creating GOP Majority- able to turn Republicans secured a majority in
the Virginia Senate by allegedly bribing Democratic State Senator
Phillip Puckett with a car, a cell phone, a cushy job, and a
judgeship for his daughter- Michigan Has Masturbation Issue Haskins is
seen before he began serving a year long term in state prison- KKK
Grand Dragon Kicked Off Neighborhood Watch for being a Christian- W's
Gay Underground employed 70 gay staffers. This velvet mafia worked
against gay marriage and everything most gays stand for- South
Carolina don’t believe Crystal Moore should have been fired because
of her sexual preference, The town overwhelmingly voted to reinstate
Moore to her job- Caroline Sparks stepped out for a moment, leaving
boy 5 to play with his birthday present a .22 rifle. While Mom was
out, the child shot his sister 2, in the area it is not uncommon for
parents to give their young children weapons Grandma Says It Was
God's Will-ll/Firearms dealer shoots woman while teaching concealed
carry safety at PA gun show-Bill finally inhales evidence for
legalizing- Georgia father who killed his son 22m researched child
death in hot car on Internet-Experts believe Supreme Court’s calm
waters- CA woman 60 held after spraying weed killer in neighborhood
child’s face- 10 big fat lies and the liars who told them- Video
Arizona cop’s violent attack on black professor charged with
assault-Country music star rants half breed Cherokee grandma to slam
liberals- Oregon nanny charged after leaving kids in hot minivan while
she tanned- If you thought dying of loneliness was just an old wives
tale, think again- should Facebook have experimented on 689,000 users
and tried to make them sad? rsy/ America's first dictator?- what's
wrong with that? wish he had droned the welfare rancher teabugger
militia; two cops would still be alive today- Anyone think KKKarl Rove
is hetero?- Plenty of answers, you are too stupid to understand- Pukes
clukking, issued far fewer executive orders, signing statements, and
recess appointments than Booshtard- Vince Bugliosi begged for the
opportunity to prosecute Boosh and Cheney for war crimes. He has
never lost a case. Obama is not vindictive like GOPiggers though
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