truly do have a mental health problem in this country, but cons like
him prevent us from properly funding it.
At this point he must only
be trying to convince himself. Everyone else has moved on. I've read
about how the mentally ill will fixate on something like this. Why
have you moved on? And interesting how you claim to speak for
everyone else? That smacks of someone very embarrassed to have been
taken in by yet another hoax. Come on, put on your big boy pants and
challenge the calculations of the Aussie scientist- what are you
afraid of? Facts can be scary for you, I know.
Until liberals gave
us propaganda films, One Flew Over, we kept the mentally ill where
they belonged, locked up. But gasbag liberals like yourself demanded
they be released, insisting that their only problem was that they
were different. Then it was on to the next crusade, the next fad-
making deviant homos out to be normal one of your current pet fads.
You're a buffet scientist, picking and choosing only those studies
which prop up your Marxist worldview.
The grand lie upon which you
pin all of your desperate bleating hopes, the consensus, is
dispatched quite nicely in The Global Warming Swindle, in which
prestigious climate scientists admit that to speak out is an academic
death sentence. If that's the kind of science which has you beaming
with pride, perhaps you should take your rightful place amongst the
scientists of the Third Reich, who also conducted themselves in a
similar fashion-You cannot deny the words of the scientists
themselves or their university positions. They reached their
conclusions based on their own interpretations of the data and the
recognition that psuedoscience is rampant on this issue. Your
hysterical reaction to this speaks volumes about the relative
weakness of your position-not intended to be science, but they can
record the testamony of those with far greater first hand knowledge
on this issue and educational credentials than YOU, and what they are
telling us should be of concern to any sane, concerned citizen who
truly vaues science. That apparently excludes you-
Show me the
research. Youtube videos are not science- not intended to be science,
but they can record the testamony of those with far greater first
hand knowledge on this issue and educational credentials than YOU,
and what they are telling us should be of concern to any sane,
concerned citizen who truly vaues science. That apparently excludes
you- The only hysteria here is from you and the "beatdowns"
you have been receiving-aibafs/ forked tongue syndrom Hypocrisy and
Stupidity of Gun Control- imagine what would happen,if any other
ethnic PEOPLE would do that? this white People would run scared,and
start shooting.,as there excuse would be, we felt threatening by the
blacks, Hispanics, Indians, Nothing more than domestic TERRORISTS.
Ship all of this ass holes to Iraq, ASAP- you can not be
for big military & empire and be fkr small government.
intellectual dishonest-
caliman jumpstart banker centables
wingnut cartoons compound interest 3%/fighting the urge haden helps
draw isistan, sunistan, shiistan chris listens both deserve special
thanks but pushing terrorist state, splinter teabag groups but no one
know where the money is coming or going fns/bill is rocky mtn high,
reince rnc chair sez jeb not as obnoxious as hillary, back peddling 4
scalia, nbc/
Paul Skip Stam R suggested that adult sexual attraction to children
is sexual orientation, like homosexuality handed out a sheet
listing what he said were 30 different sexual orientations, argued
the definition of sexual orientation is not defined anywhere, must be
narrowed, otherwise it would include masochism, sadism, pedophilia,
along with homosexuality and heterosexuality, Marcus Brandon,
D-Guilford, argued It's offensive. Pedophilia is not a sexuality, it
is a disease. It is a problem that has to be addressed outside of
this body, the bigger issue is policies that treat some people as
second class citizens, apa says sexual orientation refers to an
enduring pattern of emotional, romantic, and or sexual attractions to
men, women, or both sexes, maintains that pedophilia is a mental
disorder and that acting on pedophilic impulses is and should be a
criminal act- wbtv fb/After the Minnesota day life was said and
done, what it all really meant was that, as the midterm elections
draw near, the best the Democrats can come up with, replicate what
worked for Barney, which was to charm potential voters by walking
around town in women’s shoes. usually acts like he’s got
political attention deficit disorder, was attempting to convey is
that, unlike his political adversaries, he really does understand
that despite Rebekah’s concerns about college and vacations, the
only real worry American women have is whether or not they’ll get
free birth control and unlimited access to abortion. Hey, here’s an
idea! Maybe instead of strolling around town pretending to be an
actual human being, bo should take the time to listen and pay
attention to the voices of those Americans who reject aca, are appalled at the IRS scandal, want to see Sgt. Andrew
Tahmooressi freed from a Mexican jail, and who fear MS-13 gang
members and children with Third World diseases streaming across our
borders jeannieology at aibafs/authors state that anything less than
a moratorium on the Canadian oil sands indicates failed leadership
vo/O'Reilly Calls for Boycott of Mexico-Gohmert Announces $1M Bounty
Bill for Missing IRS Emails fni/Ohio man arrested after friends
parade AR15s through neighborhood, spouting racial slurs-God gives
Americans the right to disobey gun laws-MS Tea Partier who conspired
to photograph Cochran’s wife commits suicide-migop Ignore my
arrests for publicly masturbating in other people’s cars-the quiet
revolution linux-Loser in OK primary claims victory because GOP
opponent is dead, replaced by android-radio host who failed to shut
down D.C. now wants to shut down the border-il minister accused of
molesting boy 8 for six years-Even basic common sense ideas can’t
get through this Congress bo keeps heat on-human rights groups to
tell all on U.S. rendition flights to Diego Garcia-Maher: Black
voters in MS knew Thad Cochran was the least sh*tty choice-NJ woman
at large after being filmed attacking mother in front of her
son 2-rsy/01%er Sees Pitchforks In The Elites Future sure as
heck is neither David nor Charles Koch-tea party official charged in
blogger break in case has committed suicide by shooting himself in
the head, Mayfield, vice chariman of the Mississippi Tea Party,
arrested and charged with conspiracy-little kids sword fighting with
dildos Kids with Dildos a Dangerous Lie Considering-Benhazi Suspect
Ahmed Abu Khatallah, taken aboard the USS New York, after his seizure
in a raid on the outskirts of Benghazi-Flying Armed Predator drones,
with Hellfire missiles Over Baghdad just to protect the U.S.
embassy-revelation that all of the emails from former IRS official,
has given new life to the long dead IRS scandal, Stewart, is failing
to report-Judge Upholds banned ammunition magazines Colorado Gun
Laws-Christian Motivational Speaker scheduled to speak to middle
school students in Evansville Jailed For Public Drunkenness- Syria
Hands Over Last wmd, bo Seeks $500M For Moderate Syrian Rebels more
American weapons that will likely eventually wind up in the wrong
hands- Johnny Rhoda argop Who Joked About Hillary Being Shot Resigns,
Tim Griffin condemned remark as offensive- The View Sherri Shepherd
Leaving The View- our good friend Maliki Waged Years Long Campaign
Against U.S. allied with Iran, because he isn’t exactly a great
friend of the United States, that’s what you get when you invade a
country and replace a secular government with a religious one- Media
Asks Dick-R.I.P. Howard Baker passed away at 88, lifelong and proud
Republican, Unlike some, however, I don’t believe loyalty to party
precludes common sense decision and policymaking, reminder of a
different time,-Joe Koblenzer 73 has been working for three years as
greeter for the restaurant Fired By Cracker Barrel For Giving Muffin
To Needy Person-Seth Rogen Responds To North Korea Calling His Movie
An Act Of War It’s unlikely that Kim Jong Un can beat him in a
game-Watch Stephen Hawking’s Remarkable Sense Of Humor-More Than
Three Quarters Of Conservatives those in the steadfast conservative,
business conservative and young outsider typology groups Say The Poor
Have It Easy-The fastest growing religions in the world: Islam and
Mormonism, religious men still cling to the idea of women contrary to
progressive thought in the modern world, no question, Still Imposing
Gender Inequality-ll/current Oklahoma law, possession of any amount
can earn one up to a year in jail for a first offense and from two to
10 years for a second offense. Marijuana sales, any amount can earn a
sentence of up to life, Oklahoma City and Tulsa, support for medical
marijuana was higher than 75%, support for decriminalization was at
67% in Tulsa and at 63% in Oklahoma City fb/Mexicans DO NOT vote for
Red, Theres NO money in it for them-The heathens have control of
America-The day is coming where "Conservatives" won't vote
for Republicans either. I hope conservatives don't turn out
for McTurtle and the Cockroach. The Senate is probably going to have
to wait another two years, when the real land slide comes. The
American public isn't going to wake up until they are on their death
bed, buckle up boys and girls, it's going to be a ruff ride for a
while-yhal/ Iraq and Detroit: Both Plundered by the Same Bandits:
Very powerful people in boardrooms and government offices made
decisions that turned Detroit into an Iraq and now sneer at pleas for
mercy. Just as Iraq's infrastructure has been destroyed, Detroit
residents now live without basic services, which ought to be regarded
as a human right, Black Agenda-Brad Blog The idea that the people
standing outside clinics screaming and yelling, chasing people into
the streets and threatening staff are there for First Amendment
expression reasons would be laughable if the potential for violence
wasn't so real-Red Cross hired a fancy law firm to keep secret How We
Spent Sandy Money ProPublica/ Fifty Years After Freedom Summer, US
Faces Greatest Curbs on Voting Rights Since Reconstruction dn/Koppel
Skewers Bill O'Reilly to His Face-Boston Ramps Up Police Presence
Around Abortion Clinics After ussc RawStory-Court to Rule in Landmark
Hobby Lobby Birth Control tpm/The Incompetence Dogma Krugman
nyt/Caucus Room Conspiracy hartmann/bo sez if Republicans in Congress
were less interested in stacking the deck for those at the top, and
more interested in growing the economy for everybody-How many blacks
did byrd hang as leader of the KKK. some patriot. How quick the dems
are to forget and forgive their own-1997, Byrd told an interviewer he
would encourage young people to become involved in politics but also
warned, Be sure you avoid the Ku Klux Klan. Don't get that albatross
around your neck. Once you've made that mistake, you inhibit your
operations in the political arena, Unlike TeaBaggers, Byrd was
patriot enough to admit when he was wrong-How many American soldiers
did Dubya slaughter in Iraq for nothing?-Hannity Pushes Debunked IRS
Conspiracy Theory-Gretchen Carlson baselessly accused the IRS of
knowingly canceling a contract with email archiving company Sonasoft
in order to hide emails-fbi collects 80 thousand NewsCorp internal
emails-TeaParty CAUSEd Children Crisis at the border, Obama, unlike
the Price is Right, NEVER SAID COME ON DOWN, Where are the Latin
American children and their parents hearing this FALSE idea & LIE
that if their children can simply get to the boarder and get into the
US then they can stay and be given all manners of nice things they
don't have i and can't get in their own country? Things like Peace,
Food, Education, Healthcare, WHO is saying it?-Mayfield of Ridgeland,
an attorney tea party leader, Richard Sager, elementary school P.E.
teacher and high school soccer coach, John Beachman Mary of
Hattiesburg, not taken into custody medical conditions. All face
felony conspiracy charge with Clayton Kelly to photograph Cochran's
bedridden wife in her nursing home and create a political video
against Cochran-torches too. Don't forget them along with pitchforks- pew says 62 percent of Americans think that the economic
system unfairly favors the powerful, and 78 percent think that too
much power is concentrated in too few companies conservatives agree
wp-The question for all the PhD scientist in New Jersey is why
haven't they figured out how the Romans made concrete but are so
called experts on the book of evolution. concrete was invented at or
just before the time of Christ. It would seem to me that somebody is
two thousands years behind time, and we are going backwards instead
of forwards with einsteins equations on how the earth was put
together but concrete is in another league of its own. their Chariots
were also made out of better stuff than anything made today by any of
the Industrialized Empires including the Japanese or the Germans. As
a Consequence maybe they really new how to turn water into wine, and
that's why one of the Cardinals went looking for the old recipe in
the Parthenon hidden under the Roman numerals by a Jewish Tablet and
sandscript carver. there was a great separation between the Sand Crab
and the Camel, as the camel must have stepped on the sand crabs toe
somewhere around the oasis and he ran deep into the desert and went
delarious from heat Stroke, when he came back he covered everybody
with a burka and took the pencils away from all the girls and only
gave them crayons from the west because he was color blind, As a
Further consequence a very large shipment of pencils was delivered to
the west from China because they finally learned how to put lead in
your pencil, but the only thing the government was every taught was
how to sharpen them, everything else was scratched out by the
invention of the pen and an eraser, As a result all the kids turned
to Computer games for the answer but Common Core was out to lunch on
that issue to, and the entire society fell into a deep sleep of day
dreaming, all dreaming science fantastic snuck up on them and
recorded their dreams, but the only one that could interpretate them
correctly was old Sigimus Freud, but he fell asleep on the couch too,
reading reports from wall street how they were going to save the
world too-The prosecution rests it's case, your honor. Have you lost
it, its time to get back to the basics, I think you have it spiked
with something else besides love Potion #9-neglected as a child.
what's to figure out? chariots, better kevlar or uranium hardened
steel? put aside your frou frou spritzers, home depot sells concrete
mix by the pallet load. He she likes to see thread on top for the
attention, so posts jibberish to him her self-he stares mouth agape
at roman ruins while we've been to the moon and back, no longer does
it take 20 thousand slaves decades to construct what we can do in a
year with a couple hundred union laborers. gv't has led the way both
in the era of pyramids and our current space age. what's with this
analogy of pencils and sharpeners? My Hard Drive has a disk in it
that was burned in by a straight lazer. Languages do not come out of
a cave riding on the back of a Dinasaur, but rather came down the
ladder from the vault of heaven after practicing a little
calligraphy-give credit to this gv't which ennabled the internet, for
providing with you a public education, for creating this greatest of
nations ever seen on face of this earth, we the people had something
to do with it but only by grace of our government. Think you had
better check your bank account in Bulgaria and be carefull who you
are sharing whisky and water with, Bulgaria set for a snap
parliamentary election. Prime Minister Plamen Oresharski's minority
government agreed to resign after the Socialists, performed badly in
May's European elections-neither we or the eu beauty queen has nary a
worry over a bulgarian blemish-This should keep you busy in the
pencil sharpener lobby-everybody rush into bitcoin!-we've already
witnessed how it's subject to vagaries in the market place including
manipulation-next up currency minted in a chocolate factory-Bit coin
the new kid on the block with a iPod and a set of ear phones.Right
now nobody is quite sure if he is playing with bow diddley or county
and western, all as anybody knows is every banker is going to see
every concert-Save a lot of money if they figured out a decent
concrete instead of repaving major highways every other year or close
to it, it seems. That would free the money for hardening the
grid-give credit to this gv't which ennabled the internet-I do
declare, Obama invented the Internet,Gore's going to be so upset!
rbh/ Canada's Supreme Court ruled must compensate former workers at a
Quebec store that was closed after they voted to become the first
WalMart store in North America to unionize-Conan O’Brien: Idaho GOP
debate was even more bizarre than what you saw, candidates Harley
Brown tattoos, prophecies from God, living in fat jacks basement,
and Walt Bayes, the wormwood Chernobyl stole the show from current
Gov. Butch Otter (R) and the other candidates by delivering
performances that were completely bizarre, should have been a minor
procedural hurdle of the Idaho Republican primary season became a
viral video sensation as Brown and Hayes held forth about restraining
orders, including never before seen footage of some candidates you
may not have noticed the first time around like a man named Sidney
who was wrapped completely in aluminum foil, a dog in a British
barrister’s wig, and a Slim Jim with googly, Now people are saying
that was a big mistake because it got a little strange and it
undermined the importance of the debate O’Brien rawstory- The very
fact that a near rapist Like Herman Cain who could not think of
anything to say about Libya at very moment it was a big news story or
Newt Gingrich (A guy who was kick out by his own party, cheated on
his first wife with his second only to cheat on that wife with his
third on WHILE speaker of the house and now makes his money of
various direct mail scams) or Donald Trump were GOP presidential
front runners at one points helps show how different the parties
actually are, What is more there is also Michele Bachmann's history
of wacky utterances and actions or Former Half term Governor Sarah
Palin who though Africa was a country and that what do you read was a
hard gotcha question, perhaps the best way to see the difference
between the two parties is too look at states like Kansas and
Oklahoma or Governors like Scott The Imperial, Skeletor Voldermort
Scott Walker or Chris Fat Bastered Traffic Jam Christie and compare
them. Further all that is leaving out Dick Cheney who is almost in a
class by him self having been part of the Nixon administration, part
of Reagan's administration where he was involved in Iran contra and
his role as Dubya's VP where he was up to his eyeballs in every dirty
deed, corrupt bargain, incompetent move and miserable failure from
the stealing of the election to soldiers electrocuted in the shower
due to third rate contractors, i could go into voter suppression,
purging of the lists of registered voters, Election fraud, the fact that
Alex Jones (widely listened to and respected on the right) has
seemingly seriously suggested that Shapeshifting Reptilian alien
race, the fact that the GOP has welcomed the John Birch Society back
into the fold or how they have held up guys like George Zimmerman and
Cliven Bundy as good guys, But that would take to long-fb
going to see something remarkable happen because I see it already
happening on the ground, all over the state Wendy Davis- msnbc- Gonna
stomp the stupid out Texas-They best commence stomping lots to be
done Fb/12.6 22.9yf/bernie sez40% of oil speculators cut, paulson and
other wingnutz opening eyes, on hartmann/rap is dictorial, no such
thing as truth, phycotic liberals should be proud of military machine
names, meth weed from syria bust in nyc, on savagewabc/
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