they're back, trying to rewrite history and erase the chalkboard of
reality-Hawks Push for Iraq War; the Rule of Law Prevents
It- empowered to target citizens for investigation and potential
punishment, brought down Eliot Spitzer and WikiLeaks. You could be
next-Does Snowden Know Why the NSA Doesn't Need Warrants? He Might-DC
Press Corps Part of Incestuous Culture That Worships Power-many signs
indicate we are already past the point of no return, headed toward a
dead planet-Exxon to Challenge Arkansas Oil Spill Fine at Hearing,
but the Public Is Not Allowed to Listen-Protesting Youth in an Age of
Neoliberal Cruelty-male entitlement has resulted in women often
becoming the victims of gender violence and how young feminists are
rebelling against having their voices silenced- 99 Rise on the
Move-breaking through the illusion of powerlessness that plagues the
American people Sacramento Occupation to get money out of politics
are not met by June 22- What it needs now is a unifying revolutionary
spirit-John Steppling's Blog: Even if there is a sense in white men, they are missing something, they can tell themselves, I am the
creator of my own life. I must rely on myself, and not let this mob
of complaining poor get in my way, The answer to those who threaten
white privilege is to stomp them out-Guns, Denial and Insanity, Save
for those directly impacted by the violence, the disturbing images of
mass shootings begin to fade soon after the incident, and we return
to business as usual. Until it happens again-Media Stokes Racism
Everywhere-Now, it appears, I will spend a chunk of a second decade
watching them run around trying desperately to wash that blood from
their hands, news media, is all too happy to help them do it-death of
a Pennsylvania mother in jail last week has once again highlighted
the punitive cycle of criminal justice, debt and the depth of social
change needed to reverse this trend- Southern States See Movement
Toward Marijuana Reform-Skyrocketing Salaries for Health Insurance
CEOs-California's marijuana industry is having a serious effect on
wildlife and water, now aggravated by the state's worst ever
drought- Men's Rights and the Septic Tank of History-Truthout/ ExCIA
Spy: Open Source Revolution Is Coming and It Will Conquer the
1%Guardian/ US Cardinal Needs to Embrace Gay People, Not Shun
Them- Erin Brockovich, Consumer Advocate and Self- Proclaimed Eco
Warrior- kelly Grills Dick You Got It Wrong on Iraq-Menacing Signs
for Democracy: Pentagon Researches Nonviolent Protesters as Potential
Terrorists-the horror unleashed on the Iraqi people is once again
opened, like an infected wound that never has healed- Al Qaeda Relaxes
While Gun Guys Destroy United States From Within-Responsible for
Biggest Oil Blowout, BP, Gets First FAA Rights to Use Military Style
Drones-White, Racist, Anti-Semitic, Homegrown and Hell-Bent on
Fomenting a Revolution- Want to Know the Truth About Charter Schools,
Follow the Money to the Hedge Funds- Liberal Media Myth-Fracking
Drives Farmers From Land in Illinois: Can We Live on Fossil Fuel
Instead of Food?-Death of Another Unarmed US Citizen Tests Border
Patrol's Use of Force-Corporate War Media's Cruel and Irresponsible
Lynching Bergdahl-BuzzFlash/Inside the Koch Brothers' Secret
Billionaire Summit highly secretive mega donor conference discussed
strategy on campaign finance, climate change, health care, higher
education and opportunities for taking control of the Senate. tn/Brat
Who Beat Eric Cantor, Libertarian Doesn't Believe in the Common Good
mj/DHS's Retracted 2009 Report Warned About Right Wing Extremism
Again in 2011 bb/ Cronies, Corruption and Cash: Lawrence Lessig on Why
We Need a Super PAC to End All Super PACs- Twisted New Heist of the
1%: What's Really Behind Privatization-The Despicable Return of
Oliver North World's Worst Bergdahl Hypocrite-Salon/ GOP Considers
Government Shutdown to Protect Big Oil, and More-Despite pretty solid
evidence showing that conservative policies drive up suicides,
lawmakers are just fine continuing to help big business and the
wealthy elite, while screwing over everyone else. It's time to save
American lives and stop the Party of Death-Cheney Should Be Rotting
in The Hague, Not Writing Editorials-Intelligence Agencies Say
They're Too Big to Follow Regulations-dark money machine that was the
real force behind David Brat's campaign. The media making Brat an
underdog, in reality he's strapped to the hilt with billionaire
support and billionaire money-time for the media to start calling
these attacks what they are: rightwing terrorist attacks-Hartmann/
Presbyterians Vote to Divest Holdings to Pressure Israel- Koch Cycle
of Endless Cash-Texarkana Decides Who Has Health Insurance and Who
Does Not in -nyt/Prosecutor Is Closing In on Governor Christie
Esquire-/Politically Explosive Documents Show How NSA Wiretaps Earth
Common Dreams/ Attorneys Have Lost Sleep After Watching Extremely
Disturbing Force Feeding Videos-NSA Can Keep Deleting Data It Was
Ordered to Retain- AJa/Newspaper Dumps George Will, Apologizes for
Offensive Rape Column tpm/ Crosscut: Ocean acidification is turning
phytoplankton toxic. This is bad news for the many species (humans
included) that rely on them as a principal source of food and
oxygen/NYC to Settle With Wrongly Convicted Central Park Five for
$40M-When Drones Fall From the Sky-wp/ Acupuncture, Yoga and Massage:
Not Just for Rich Peopleyes/Clueless on Israeli Occupation
FAIR/Explaining the Science Behind Climate Denial EcoWatch/Cable
Companies Are Astroturfing Fake Consumer Support to End Net
Neutrality VICE/ 12.0 21.9yf/I really wish we would've smoked that
joint and gone to the Mitt Romney documentary. I think I may have
been the only person on Earth who really did want to get high with
Maureen Dowd, but I had to fly out-I was focused more on the fun than
the risks. In that sense, I’m probably like many other people
descending on Denver. I take responsibility for not knowing enough
about what I was doing, Dowd wrote TPM/I really wish we would've
smoked that joint and gone to the Mitt Romney documentary. I think I
may have been the only person on Earth who really did want to get
high with Maureen Dowd, but I had to fly out/Good luck with that!
Nothing but right wing desperation-If the many investigations PROVE
unlawful acts by this president: Actual TV ad to impeach Obama-more
proof that you shouldn't watch Faux News at ANY hour of the
day-Everyone knows the threat of impeachment is an empty bluff. Why
do you waste our time?, Go ahead and impeach Obama and you will turn
him into a martyr. I would love for you to do that, fool-another scam
fraud organized crime trading day in bac stock lol fake buyers n
sellers. 90% of the volume daily is fake too same ole regurgitated
shares for rebates back n forth, conspiracy to keep sp low who would
invest in this action when its a rigged scam? hint they don't want
you to invest at least over 5 minutes-Republican Party is Dead, both
hate each other. The party should split, one could name themselves,
Confederate Tea Party, the other keep the name, Either way, a two
party system is certainly better than a one party system, which is
what they’re heading, should the GOP continue the path. Bottom
line: Our corporate tax rate is an absolute disgrace. It’s too high
and just about everyone I know, both GOP and democrat, agree that it
should be competitive with other first world nations. The loss of
Cantor in a primary spells doom for the GOPers-depends when the
bubble bursts, Did hillary demand the US boygott japan yet? All these
good people turn into monsters once the holodeck collapses, since
they are ignornat of the past they have no idea how to find better
solutions and will quickly revert but at least they have a good base
of maniplation skills in the new old zero sum game, It really does
not matter which group of sociophiles get the money if the fraccing
holes cave in and the crops fail and the foreign producers are tired
of taking greats boasts as payment. Eventually the US needs to rely
on the productive capacity of whatever equipment was put in place by
the old evil people and the ability of the live-for-the-day flower
children to use it. Cold hungry people may not care who is getting
free birth control. Oh and you won't be able to afford the risk of
diseases of indulgence killing off your field workers either, the
liberals will not have AIS drug makers to protest to and guess what
happens-ybac/all thanks to obammmmaaa and the stealth drones, war is
over, peace in Russia, Ukraine, middle east, yellen and draghi
pump-yellen loves mid east turmoil, more excuse to pump the American
markets, how many more dounuts can she eat, bigger than most cops-nEW
pApER kUrrEN SATAN at The cenTEr of the bill, WEnt 2 bED las nite in
MonTana, woKe Up in NEWZONIA-keep your mouth shut this time and don't
write anything down, get the pension poosies off their stupefied
masonic as*ses and do what NEEDS to be done-Judge Who Sentenced
Saddam Hussein to Death, Captured & Executed by ISIS- new id
chubs? any improvement on your ex, heard satan thinks he is
cool-ygs/Ocean Off Massachusetts Open for Wind Energy ABC- interactive
Time-Lapse Map Shows How the US Took More Than 1.5 Billion Acres From
Native Americans Slate-Arizona's Border Patrol Bullying Anger
Grows-Free Speech Is a Bad Excuse for Online Creeps to Threaten Rape
and Murder-Guardian/wealth gap? Danish welfare narrows
disparity-Honda recalls 2m vehicles-ap/A handful of Wall Street firms
are much more vulnerable than their peers to a type of bank run seen
during the financial crisis. Unfortunately for investors Time to Fear
the Repo Market wsj/ insider trading, A Huge Party Happening In The
Market, Everyone On Wall Street Is Miserable-Pharmaceutical Company
Allergan, leaked from Morgan Stanley Releases Embarrassing Banker
Emails Trying To Buy It Out-Potential Hijacking Malaysia Missing Jet
Pilot Considered Prime Suspect-bi/ Seeks Fair Negotiations bb/
Argentina notches victories in the World Cup, President Cristina
Fernandez I can be the goalkeeper, truth is, given we're in a World
Cup mood, they shoot penalties at me, free kicks, they score with
their hand, referees screw us over two thirds of the time with
terrible bias, grappling with a debt crisis and feels like a
goalkeeper facing endless penalties and a biased referee-slams
holdout creditors and court rulings Reuters/Won't submit to extortion
on debt ap/ radio shack, family dollar, adt, dillards, jbanks,
brookdale senior living, frontier comm, express scripts, million
books- 24 7 worst companies r/Hannity Attacks Muslim Student Who Was
Attacked at Racist Heritage Panel-Noonan Channels Alex Jones-cnl/
operation ignore clark, id mad pooper theif given ride home by
cops-margerie kemp joan of arc 600 yrs rip, imus/fantasy w painting
crypt keeper dick, better than dr laura, zygote listeners will never
listen again listening and handing out cuddles 4 free, wingnutz gwat
about bo's sneeze guard invasion, stephie struggling backwards from
the cliff/fretting about syria iran russia wars, on geraldo/linzzy
and mcstain behind saudi support of isis, hartmann/phony suicice at
rikers prison spurs co raided yields drugs weapons-worried about
mixing politics where lawn jockies are white trading kids idea-
ccwabc/afraid of truth, after sending scathing mail, b0 asked if he
plays golf to talk and playboy coverage, butthurt on savage/
Crimes Happen BURGLARIES ARE HOT RIGHT NOW, new government study
finds that most types of crime are most likely to happen in summer.
But you might be surprised by what sorts of crimes are summer crimes,
and which ones are most common in other seasons, or aren't dependent
on the season at all- You would think that being on Earth, all the
experiment results would be close to the same. G would seem to have
to be constant based on the measurement method used. The fact that
this isn't true, tells me that we really don't understand gravity- if
we did, we could perfect a gravity drive and surf the cosmos- Google
error bars-vox/cloud atoms new measure gravitys strength value of G
ends up being 6.67191 x 10-11 cubic meters per kilogram per second
squared-You would think that being on Earth, all the experiment
results would be close to the same. G would seem to have to be
constant based on the measurement method used. The fact that this
isn't true, tells me that we really don't understand gravity-Maybe if
we did, we could perfect a gravity drive and surf the cosmos- Smack Fu
Master, Gravity is very easy to circumvent, all that is required in
order to fly is simply learning to properly throw yourself at the
ground, and miss. I read it takes some practice to get it right- all
good theoretical physicists put the value of the fine structure
constant, 7.2973525698(24)×10^−3, on the wall of their office and
worry about it. quantum electrodynamics predicts it, and the
prediction agrees with the measurement to a fantastically good degree
of accuracy, the best prediction in all of science. But we have no
idea, Stars in other universes: stellar structure with different
fundamental constants. Roughly 25% of the parameter space he worked
with, messing with values of G, α, and c, allowed stars to
exist-Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics Adams, F.C.
(2008-arstechnica//Biofilm is your food's biggest enemy, and you may
not even know it. Hebrew University Student Invents World’s First
Bacteria Free Food Packaging to keep the bacteria that has been
associated with chronic illness away from our fruits and veggies
nocamels/ 12.3 22.3yf/gunut asks, should felon rights be restored
after probation is complete? Banning felons from purchasing guns
gives them 2 choices: Be defenseless or break the law again-blue
texas it won't take 20 years, people like Cruz and Perry had
embarrassed Texas in front of the whole world- new 30.5m$ walker
investigation, like Benghazi, only they have proof & emails, They
corner the market on outrage n scandal claims, anyone outside their
cabal or cult are liars-Jindal: People Are Ready For A Hostile
Takeover hp-issuing a fatwa on the US government in the name of
religious liberty-the ones opposing the right to life for children.
defaming the Tea Party falsely with the Crash the Tea Party movemen.
spreading lies about Christianity. Democrats are the ones attacking
religious freedom-Only the extreme ones...Both sides have them and
take the focus off of everyone else-You steal liberties, harrass
people who don't believe what you believe, slander, defame them,
speed lies about other religions, no better or worse than your own,
and when the others push back agains you, you claim that they're
waging war on your religious freedoms. Republican Christians are
xenophobic cowards-Religious liberty. Get off our backs so we can
continue to oppress-Hilary said open carry activists are
terrorists-malloy Plans to Do When He Sees an Open Carry Gun Owner,
if he sees someone open carrying a rifle, he is going to Start
screaming gun! gun! shots fired, Everyone get down! intentionally
trying to get the police to shoot the guy-Who are the real terrorists
here? I have never seen an open carry activist making death threats
to anyone-Redefines Insanity, Not only is this crazy and
dangerous- fb/ citibankrupt, no wonder the GOP is sooooo out of touch
with Main street Cantor found a new JOB!! becoming a Bank lobbyist
for Wall Street on Capitol Hill-ybac/Mississippi State Senator Chris
McDaniel’s campaign purposely took a quote by opponent Thad
Cochran’s daughter out of context and then mocked her with a
#@@ Who’sYaDaddy hastag-Joplin, Missouri, a church is being
criticized after raffling off two AR-15s during last week’s
Father’s Day celebration in order to increase attendance-enduring
potency Obama Derangement Syndrome, the condition reached new
heights of shark jumping ridiculousness-Raymond Andrews, another
person with a gun had it go off accidentally and cause great damage
Good Guy With Gun Accidentally Shoots Himself In The Head-John Baylo,
35, Christian DJ Fired After Arrest For Sexual Assault Of Young Boy
at a Christian music festival in Michigan, charged with first degree
criminal sexual conduct-As Rand Paul Calls Out sensation Dick Blame
Obama for my criminal mischief given a platform to purvey his
trademark Neocon fearmongering-Kevin McCarthy newly elected majority
leader of the House Blames Harry Reid, Not Congress For Dysfunction
In Washington, never mind all that facty stuff-Fed Up With Obama
Acting Like He's The President South Dakota passed a resolution to
impeach-Francis Condemns Torture As Mortal Sin wanted to reiterate
his firm condemnation of every kind of torture-Chrstie Stands Up For
Embattled Walker- Classy Peeing On President They put a little Obama
doll in the Faith And Freedom Conference latrines: -ll/firearm
instructors promise armed Kansas teachers will have 90 percent
accuracy- MN measles outbreak traced to single child in Somali
community fearful of vaccine myth-Oath Keepers NY official calls on
cops to disobey orders, join war vs. socialist tyranny-While church
volunteer was molesting girl, TN pastor was diverting cops-Murdered
Florida trans woman set on fire and dumped near trash bin-pro
immigration MD Gov. O’Malley Hispandering to voters-Robertson those
poor gays turn them to Jesus I’m just trying to help-Texas teen
facing life in prison for pot brownies-rsy/
average pmt 82$ per mo 80% receive gov subsidies, francis hires faux
pr? rand the teabag dove? it's just not that easy to pull out,
fundamentally disagreeing dick no one can get enough of, emergency
surgury to talk diverting voice from side, to front of mouth, bolton
the voice of reason? evidence w actually deluded patsie 4 war, icing
down after carlton groin kick, stephie paying anything to see hillary
bachmann debate/prefering roll with lynn instead of vietnam hiding
behind daughter/ militarizing police, fla swat attacks illegal
barbershops jhpv/ koch fueled canadians vs russian resource flag
contraversy, wtfaw/ radio new separated by advertising firewall mr
corporation bring ndown that wall, reagan78 us iraq=china
tibet-cambodia polpot=french revolution reset occupation woes, lbj
clips vietnam worries about korea like actions-water wars detroit
rights-hartmann/ criminals should be in jail instead of sunday talk
shows dteradactyl/ shutdown plans, ominus twin tornadoes, kochtupuss
encircles epa, encouraging students bo mocks deniers at irving,
gnbb/faux snooze get inside imus/on syrian assad's side, giving bo
slack? subway pervs, geraldo brainstorms gw bridge anti suicide
for the Syrian military's attack that killed an Israeli Arab and
wounded his family. Israel treats it's citizens equally-ISRAEL
STRIKES 9 MILITARY BASES IN SYRIA ygs/ inserting other foot
mainstream media parades usual obvious desparate suspects
cheerleading for wingnutz war nbc etc
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