I recall, GOLD was $250 when Bush entered office. $1000 when he left
having wiped 30% off the dollar-nice job pukes! borrowed 5 TRILLION
to finance his tax cuts ands wars, Oh also destroyed 34 TRILLION in
wealth too! yhal/ hilarious clinton fatigue has bloomed-Yes, you are
petty and nasty. Hillary will be a good president. Every time you
make one of your petty, nasty posts about Hillary you add another ten
votes to her election. Please continue being petty and nasty as it
shows the world you have nothing positive to add-GOPS fault, when the
GOP controlled Washington they passed a law that lets children
stay.overburdened, deeply flawed system of immigration courts
Thousands of immigrant children fleeing poverty and violence in
Central America to cross alone into the United States can live in
American cities, attend public schools and possibly work here for
years without consequences, 2002 law intended to protect children's
Driving the dramatic increases in these immigrants is the
recognition throughout Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador that
children who make the dangerous trip can effectively remain in the
U.S. for years before facing even a moderate risk of deportation
Court received a collection of Jesuit archival records about a child
sacrificial cult known as the Knights of Darkness. In 1933 the
Knights were established by the Catholic Jesuits and Nazi Waffen S.S.
Division. The records showed Ratzinger was identified as a member of
the Knights while working as an S.S. Chaplain’s assistant at the
Ravensbruck Concentration Camp in Germany. The records also stated
that Ratzinger participated in child sacrificial rites using
kidnapped children from the camps or political prisoners, a Dutch
Catholic Cardinal, plus the father of Netherlands Belgium Queen
Beatrix and Bilderberger Founder, Dutch Crown Prince Alfrink
Bernhard, Ratzinger murder a girl 1987. ugly, horrible and
didn’t happen just once. Ratzinger and Bernhard were some of the
more prominent men who took part, Ireland, Spain and Canada 34 child
mass grave sites were discovered linked to Ninth Circle
activities. The largest was the Mohawk Indian Residential School in
Brantford Ontario where child remains were identified in 2008 before
the Catholic Church, Canadian government and English Crown shut down
the dig by professional archeologists. The 2013 ICLCJ Court had found
Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip guilty for the Oct. 10 1964
disappearance of ten native children from the Catholic residential
school in Kamloops British Columbia. In the first two weeks of the
2014 court witnesses identified Dutch and Belgian royal participants
in the rape and killing of Mohawk children and newborns. Named were
Bernhard and King Hendrick, consort to Queen Wilhelmina of Holland,
Another court document called the Magisterial Privilege indicated
child sacrifice was a regular occurrence at the Vatican catacombs
beneath the Vatican sacrificed a drugged boy 3, Irish police reported
to ICLCJ, close to 800 babies buried in a Catholic Nun’s septic
tank were dismembered, decapitated and in bits and pieces, murdered
in Satanic child sacrifice rites, rape, torture and murder of
children as recently as 2010 by Catholic leaders, European royal
family members and other global elites. Murder sites of the Ninth
Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult were said to be in the catacombs
of Catholic Cathedrals including the Vatican and on private estates,
military establishments and groves in Belgium, Holland, Spain,
Australia, France, England and the US, Court has been overwhelmed
with newly discovered evidence, international child sacrifice,
kidnapping, exploitation and drug rings. five international judges
and 27 jury members were expected to remain in session for at least a
year due to the complexity of the cases criticalbelievers/ melt value
of a silver dime-Can you believe some Phd's have stated that raising
the MW will not increase the cost of goods and services. This is what
the very uneducated believe, not those that have some education-No
wonder Obama got elected twice. So your public education, or lack
there of, indoctrination has you convinced that the gov increasing
the debt, unfunded liabilities, exponentially for welfare and social
programs and then printing paper at will to pay for it with no real
growth in GDP, no trade surplus, has no impact on the country, you,
your children or your children's children's financial well being.
That we can keep the status quo, in fact we can even burden it
further by shutting off resources for alchemic reasons like climate
change, and there'll be no financial repercussions. These things,
financial calamities, times to pay the piper, are a things of the
past. Everything is just hunky dory-1964 a loaf of bread cost 20
cents. 2 silver dimes. Today a loaf of bread cost $2 or $3. You could
still buy it with 2 silver dimes today but it would take 20 or 30
modern dimes. 10 to 15 times more-yc/Four teenage girls from Lagos
created a generator that runs off urine to create electricity
forbes-A girl/woman from Africa also innovated cloth & type of
paint that make solar panels-sure to piss OPEC off-I'm Terrified By
These Zealots, Almost every day, another Republican politician claims
direct, personal communication with God. Mitt with his own Messianic
ideas. The radical Christian gang had their Faith and Freedom shout
fest, some classy person dropped images of President Obama into the
urinals and the audience went wild for Rubio, Cruz, and Santorum,
these hyper ventilating zealots start screaming, I worry. Religious
zealots have a history of horrible ideas and horrible
acts-Has he been hearing voices?-y Huckabee is one sick bastard
comparing gay marriage to a holocaust, This shows how stupid
conservatives are-a disservice to all Holocaust survivors, obviously
needs some history lessons and a conscience-The well of stupidity
truly is bottomless-Here we go again. Help stop the fear and
deception The Next Bin Laden is Here, Don't Be Fooled ISIS EXPOSED
fb/mitt tries to re emerge as force in GOP-THE
SORE LOSER, again, how many times do you need to be told: G E T P E
R M A N E N T L Y L O S T -the desperation of those wanting Mitt
Romney to prevail over President Obama in the elections, despite the
fact that these same people previously resented Mitt, and his
religious sentiment. It seems his only redeeming value was his white
skin yn/Women in CA prisons forced to undergo illegal, coercive
sterilizations-Maher: Like a bad exboyfriend, Iraq is never going to
Researchers in south Texas find mass grave with bodies of
more than 100 migrants-Handcuffed Colorado man in cop car shoots at
police after pulling gun from butt cheeks-Florida man with assault
rifle arrested on way to kill ex girlfriend, her boyfriend, her
child-Georgia man accidentally shoots his own penis while trying to
holster gun-Hillary We can’t let gun loving minority terrorize the
rest of the country-Conservative scholar: Feminist mob ruining
colleges with rape culture crusade-Stewart levels Rick Perry: Being
gay is not a choice, but being a Texas Republican is-He spoke of God
a lot, exrealtor Christian charged with stealing homes from
clients-Benghazi arrest a conspiracy to help Hillary survive Fox
interview-WV trooper harassed teen for months before fatally shooting
him-KKK member explains why he supports Tea Party-propaganda to say
GOP is against marriage equality-Robertson unloads on Bush for latest
Iraq crisis: We were sold a bill of goods!Indiana man charged after
gun goes off in walmart checkout line-Idaho boy 14 claims stress of
brother’s autism made him murder father and brother-Judge reneges
on promise to deaf girl with 65 IQ, sentences her to 15 years in
baby’s death- rsy/From Alaska to Mexico—and all along the B.C.
coast—an iconic animal is disappearing, baffling to scientists,
starfish are dying by the millions, in the grips of a mysterious
wasting disease that dissolves their bodies into goo-how the al-Qaeda
inspired, although supposedly no
longer aligned, ISIS is the product
of a NATO and Saudi conspiracy stretching
back as far as
2007-Chapman was under the control of aliens determined
to kill the
The Beatles musician to stop him spreading messages of peace-
criticalbelievers/ Chicago Tribune declined to run George Will’s
controversial column on sexual assault, under fire following a
column he wrote the supposed campus epidemic of rape and how some
schools efforts to curb the problem make victimhood, misguided and
insensitive-Adelson has some explaining to do, and his lawyer has
already gone into damage control mode, billionaire casino investor of
making an illegal campaign contribution- Texas GOP platform supports
scrapping the National Voter Registration, calls for the repeal of
the Voting Rights Act (VRA) of 1965, the most successful civil rights
law in the nation’s history-Walsh, conservative Chicago radio
station Kicked Off His Own Radio Show For Racist Slurs Twitter to
question why he was taken off his own show-Heritage Foundation Panel
On Benghazi Turns Ugly, Mocks Muslim Woman-
for the good of
humanity, is increasingly intolerable that financial markets are
shaping the destiny of peoples rather than serving their needs, Pope
Tells Rich: Get Some Ethics-Graham's Screwy Plan For Iraq Is Why He
Should Never Be Taken Seriously, now wants b0 to work with the
Iranians to stop the Sunni extremists -Kelly wanted to know if Obama
hates America so much, why would he want to be its president? Dinesh
D’Souza’s answer is incomprehensible, but has something to do
with loving your dad, even if he’s a child molester So Tangled Up
On Obama Hatred He Can't Explain Himself-Mitt knows exactly how it
should be done. All Republicans have to do, apparently, is mock
value of a silver dime-At various times and forms and fashions, we
had a metal based monetary system. The intrinsic value of the metal
in the coins matched its denomination. (The paper bills were backed
by an amount of metal equal to the denomination of the bill-No sheet
sherlock- What do they teach in public schools these days? Oh yeah,
how to put a condom on a banana-The value of hard or paper currency
is not based upon the material it is printed on but by the
denomination that is stamped on it whether it be metal or paper which
determines the purchasing power-Citi's fixed income desks on the
street have been decimated this year hearsay rumor albeit from a
trusted source) that Corbat is now requesting a meeting with Eric
Holder. The word is $6 billion US to settle-gave me major league bj,
starts getting his little tail kicked around on here and gets
embarrassed he always runs off to the imposter id's- They are like
his little security blanket to hide behind-yc/the man should have
swung from the gallows-evidence of the Bush's and the Clinton's
partnership was enough to ignite a friend's cognitive diassociance.
He freaked and unfriendly me. He was a friend of 20 years prior to
fb. It's to much for some to reason with fb/Rangel Compares Tea Party
to Hamas?! fni/
Bible waving MN GOP Supreme Court nominee places God
above U.S. law-Huckabee: Martin Luther King Jr. would agree that gay
marriage is like the Holocaust-Cop accidentally fires his AR15 inside
Miami courthouse during training exercise with judge-Exsheriff of the
year’ jailed after missing, failing dozens of drug tests in meth
for sex case-Remember that bus driver whose Bible saved his life in
racial attack? Looks like he made it up-AZ schools chief outs himself
as anonymous Internet troll who calls poor people lazy pigs-PA man
accidentally shot, killed by guest of honor at surprise birthday
party-No charges for CO soldier who fatally shot teen stepdaughter he
mistook for burglar- Colbert destroys Fox News’ hypocrisy over
arrest of Benghazi mastermind-Florida dad killed by neighbor’s
stray bullet as family welcomes home newborn-It’s come to this: Fox
News brings Bradshaw for Benghazi analysis-rsy/sexting surgeon in
scrubs penis exposed, 6 page nc pamplet newspaper, complicent media,
kellyism, professional clown, dick in cowboy getup, stop endlesswar,
fla mom promises icecream in exchange for branding kids, walker gop
scheme includes karl, embarrassed maylee back for more, sexy liberal
wineday stand with slut extrordinair stephie/7 motherless children
DROPOUTS LEAD THE REPUBLICANS-Beck Admits Liberals Were Right on Iraq
War, B0 was CORRECT for being against the IRAQI war! You do agree
with your leader low informationpuke?-of course bobo was against the
invasion, he supports the muz terrorists, hitler was a progressive,
just like you, what about cheap labor from mexsicko? you seem to want
to add 25% more unskilled labor to the market. excessive supply and
low demand causes prices to drop- yhal/ kelly that's a lie puts dicky
denial on the spot, bernie and guns holier than hillary, deidra
wingnut attacks allan imus/net killing obstruction virus unknown
source checking usual suspects
he's open minded. I gave you examples of people from the left being
part of the FOX network and you give me a liberal who decides after 6
years that he disagrees with the President? That's rich-yhal/13.2
fb/Expect a Citizens Initiative vote in BC to force government to
kill Northern Gateway, we 300 scientists find Northern Gateway review
flawed vo/immigration reform cant wait rupert wsj/giving rude spoon
and reacharound for free, oblivious to recording devises dick
face shoots dick, stephie/
GOP Senate candidate: Blacks, Hispanics overtaking population-CA
pastor orders Christians to isolate LGBT kids then turn them over to
Satan-Joe wants Google to ban crap search results-Kelly agog at
D’Souza analogy: Are you calling America a child molester?-Walmart,
MI cops used SWAT tactics on mentally disabled woman-NY teacher
disputes firing for mental illness over gun buys-DMV bars gender
nonconforming SC teen from wearing makeup disguise-Colorado
congressman caught doing odd push ups in Denver airport-Friedman will
never ever get tired of telling Iraqis to suck on this-SC radio host
calls Lee Atwater’s widow clueless after sex ed strained
interview-Stewart rips Johnny Rotten McCain and his band of Iraq war
supporters-Hidden man found beneath surface of Picasso’s The Blue
Room-rsy/SunTrust has agreed to pay nearly $1 billion to resolve
allegations that it underwrote and provided faulty mortgage loans
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