are scared to death, Maureen Dowd NYT- Rupert tweets his theory,
Maybe no crash but stolen, effectively hidden, perhaps in Northern
Pakistan, like Bin Laden, 777. Still think this a reminder that US
and China should be working more closely on Muslim extremist threat,
Wild winter in US, UK, etc. no respectable evidence any of this man
made climate change in spite of blindly ignorant politicians-it's not
the Jihadists who might have hijacked it but instead the Iranian
intelligence who might be deeply involved, the Malaysian authorities
on Shiaism and the Shia sect and considering it as a blasphemy. It
might be hidden in Iran, and Iran has a lot to tell about the
disappearance of this Malaysian flight, plus the report on the stolen
passports indicates a strong clue of foul play- taken with military
preciseness, the passengers were quickly quelled probably by sleeping
gas hence the lack of phone calls texts-Lets just prey for the all
the innocents involved and hope the next this plane appears it isn't
laden with explosives heading for a building! CBO and not Fox News,
tells us that Obamacare will cost us 2.5 million job losses, another
500,000 will lose jobs if Congress raises the minimum wage, the 6 or
7 million who have lost medical insurance hurt the Dems. Their
answer, it was not the ACA but the Insurance companies fault. The
Insurance companies state that they are following the Law. I love
this finger pointing. This is not Benghazi, Fast and Furious where it
does not affect the wallet like the ACA does. This debacle will be
lingering in peoples minds for decades, waiting for Obama to BAIL OUT
the Insurance Companies due to his Socialist Agenda! Russia is
socialist and the stories about people being basically poor and there
is a direct correlation to Russia and the ACA! These Spinners are
trying to place lipstick on a hog and it's not working. ffy/Levin is
just a breath of fresh air in this otherwise stale desert of wanna be
talk show hosts. He doesn't seem to play the game Bill O'Reiley's and
Shawn Hannidy's play. Much more to the point, he doesn't go for
ratings. He lays it out as he see's it. No BS from ML. He's a Rabbi,
A Doctor, A Professor, A Mentor, A Role Model and a Mensch fb/back to
work, morning 4.7 earthquake, jw predicts radio active tzami, on
reality, fantasy stuff straight from a cold warmonger's mind, like a
dirty shirt too, maneuvering, stirring the pot via the IMF and all
the dealings behind the scenes to bribe the Ukraine to move
economically towards the East or West. Putie upped the ante on that
and went to $15 Billion with NO conditions compared to the $4 billion
with draconian, slash your social services demand for the money from
the IMF. Guess who won that one! All the governments are LYING
through their teeth to us all about what is going on, as usual.
Saying Putin is lying is like saying the sun rises in the morning,
They're ALL at it!beyond the pale, recommending total destruction of
the status quo, the infrastructure, traditional government and
alliances ignore any sectarian or cultural differences, and he would
have imposed HIS will on Iraq, then, after that invasion he'd take
over Irarq's natural resources and literally STEAL them to pay for
the 911 attack, Lite version of Iraq, it wasn't about oil, US
of A's morality, American capitalist's ability to exploit stolen
natural resources as well as America's values from the barrel of a
gun, theft of natural resources with the take over of the Iraqi
energy industry, slightly insane to suggest that might have been less
of an abortion than what we were unfortunate to witness as it was.
How many FRIENDS would the US have made with that approach? How many
enemies would the US have made using that approach? Would Putie have
been impressed? Certainly, a serious man crush for the guy. They wish
that Putie could run in the coming Republican primaries for 2016.
This idea of promoting Obama as a weak indecisive leader, one who is
wimpish, unwise and weak because he puts serious effort into
negotiating types of diplomacy is wrong headed and basically
bullschit. Look at the mess Bush created over a decade with his LACK
of doing precisely that. Same with Vietnam, when will you warmongers
learn? wanting to use the military to protect corporations interests
can KMA rbg/ Anybody blaming Bush for anything now needs to have their
head examined, After 5+ years the clown in the White House has not
improved the quality of life for the majority of U.S. citizens except
those profiting on Wall Street. Tell me something good that this
joker has accomplished, let's hear it?-Even the Taliban ran Russia
out of Afganastan, about as much military might as Spain, or Mexico,
a bunch of blowhard vodka drinking drunks-just like our NRA pukes
yhal/ Republicans Want To Sue bo For Not Arresting People For
Marijuana hp/simply cross out God in the Bible and insert State and
you have Communism, what Jewish Christianity and Islam is designed to
lead the planet into. As the Koran is just the Jewish Torah mixed
with other Christian tales mixed with Mohammed. It plugs into the
vortex of psychic power created by Judeo Christianity/The American
public must wake up, muster some courage and declare a war against
the Cancerous Parasites within, the Neocons and Christian Zionists
permeating the the American body politic. A Cure for the Cancer this
world so desperately needs for peace! prophesies of Ahmadinejad must
be made to happen. They must disappear from the pages of history.
Crisis in Ukraine fomented by the Neo Con Kagan family
bollyn/ lipstick on a pig bhohner, wingnutz look to putin as how to
deal with aca, upset fla election, on fns/20days left to find ze
plane boss, katrina makes billy cia is bo's fault cry, brown surfs to
conn on carpetbag, on abc/
the champion of deregulation, bailed out the banks, I’ve abandoned
free market principles to save the free market system. when I first
heard it my head exploded- Twilight Zone pastiche intro, equating
Congress popularity w toe fungus&Last wk Palin =fraction term
Gov-only thing more offensive than offensive speech is the effort to
rid offensive speech-New GOP frontrunner for 2016: Vladimir Putin AKA
rabble rouser-Giuliani: A noun, a verb and nine compliments to
Putin-If you can't beat em GOP vote to repeal it 50
times!-Breitbart met with Occupy protestors at the Conservative
Political Action Conference, Behave yourselves and stop raping
people, he screeched-Dupuy/members of the least productive Congress
in history lament about all those other lazy people suckling off the
government teat-tw/palins message the time period of the 1700s and
starring Anthony Quinn. A small village was brutally abused by an
evil bandit and his army of thugs. Quinn's character organized and
inspired the fearful villagers to fight back. When villagers were
killed, many blamed, criticized, and rejected Quinn. Displaying true
leadership, Quinn remained willing to fight. He informed his critics
that cowardice begets more tyranny. Freedom ain't free-not perfect.
She is a human being like the rest of us. But Sarah Palin is an
unmistakably gifted, charismatic born leader who inspires millions to
fight back against the horrible evil attempting to overtake our great
nation. Palin's passion is fueled by her love for God, family, and
country and her knowledge that freedom ain't free. Thank God Palin is
conservative. CPAC speech confirms that she continues to lead the
charge. Her battle cry is loud, strong, and clear. If the GOP wishes
to repeat the victory it enjoyed in 2010, it had better embrace the
Tea Party (conservatism). americanthinker-aibafs/A 2006 panel of
legal scholars and lawyers assembled by the American Bar Association
is sharply criticizing the use of "signing statements" by
President Bush that assert his right to ignore or not enforce laws
passed by Congress. yhal
a budding constitutional crisis on his hands, with a leading Senate
Democrat accusing Obama's CIA director of spying on Intelligence
Committee staff. But at the heart of the issue is a still classified,
6,000 page report said to catalog abuses and deceptions perpetrated
by the Central Intelligence Agency as part of so called enhanced
interrogation techniques. Which means that five years after he put an
end to Bush's regime of detainee torture, Barack Obama is facing the
blowback from his decision to leave its architects unpunished,
violations of American and international law that the United States
is treaty bound to prosecute, Eric Holder declared, waterboarding is
torture, Criminalizing politics, after all, is the defense Republican
miscreants used to fight off scandals including Iran Contra, the
Valerie Plame affair, illicit domestic surveillance by the NSA and
the Bush administration's prosecutors' purge. And when the Obama
administration in April 2009 released the four torture memos authored
by Bush obama covering torture 4 years firstlook-rbg/Stewart flattens
Fox News’ Eric Bolling for trying to school him on shaming the
poor-Robertson: God shut off D.C. power as a fun way to punish Dems
for climate lies-Christie explodes at hecklers: Get out! We’re done
with you!-Rafael Cruz blames UN Agenda 21, Mother Earth
worship-Chinese woman chops off alleged rapist’s penis and beats
him to death with a hammer-House GOP passes bill to force Obama to
crack down on legal weed in states that allow it-New Jersey bans
Tesla Motors from selling its electric cars directly to the
public-West Virginia officials try to censor poem on industrial
homicide of coal miners-
Creationist slams Neil deGrasse Tyson’s
Cosmos for blind faith in scientific theories-Colbert tears HPost a
new one over campus anal sex click bait rsy/Deputy Sobs After
Shooting Veteran 70, Who Grabbed Cane-Small Scale Attack on U.S.
Power Grid Could Cause Nationwide Blackout-Lobster Eating Food Stamp
Recipient Refuses Hannity's Job Sabotage or Hijacking of Missing
Plane-Pro Life Activist Assaulted Me at Anti Abortion Protestfni
far as Bush "kissing" King Abdullah (not a prince you
idiots" is another sign of respect. MANY cultures do this. And
it takes a special kind of gay Libtard to Photoshop the pic into
something it's not-a blurring of the lines. Its all they got.
Jewishness is genetic, Islam is not aibafs/Texas found a boy 17 in
his daughter’s bedroom, The boy did not break into the home, and
was let in. her father shot him dead-stump, Greg Brannon, the tea
party candidate in North Carolina's competitive Senate race, preaches
personal responsibility, Jury finds tea party Senate candidate misled
investors, $250,000 mj-Catholic Human Rights Activist Austin Ruse
Says Liberal leftist haters who run modern universities should be
shot samuelwarde-Woman admits to infecting 324 guys with HIV virus
rollingout-Michigan Rape Insurance Bill Passes Into Law that will ban
all insurance plans in the state from covering abortion unless the
woman's life is in danger, will force women and employers to purchase
a separate abortion rider hp-fb/IDF Tanks Strike Gaza, have already
eliminated two terror targets iapb/
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