penalty for not buying coverage in 2014 is 1% of your yearly income,
or $95 per adult and $47.50 per child for the year, whichever is
higher, up to a projected penalty cap of $11,000 for a family of four
for 2014. The fee escalates and in 2016 will be 2.5% of income or
$695 per adult and $347.50 per child, whichever is higher, You may be
thinking you’ll just pay the penalty and sign up for a plan if the
need arises. It’s cheaper than paying the premiums and not using
the coverage, right? the next open enrollment period, which begins on
November 15. To be sure, those who have a qualifying life event can
sign up for coverage at any time during the year. The law outlines
which circumstances, such as marrying, divorcing or moving to another
state, count as qualifying events. Tearing your rotator cuff on the
golf course isn’t one of them-scary that not one Democratic leader
came forward to object to the PARTISAN formation of this predatory
law. Democrats still don't understand that real leaders create a
binding consensus of the majority. Unfortunately, Obama and his
fellow travelers never outgrew their roots-Republicans tried to
extend the deadline, but the propaganda reports only showed that they
were trying to repeal the ACA for the 50th time, and the Billions
they have wasted. The Republicans need to learn that there is no
process to change a law other than asking the King to use his
Pen-CRUZ SAID "Once they taste the sugar from Obamacare they
will quickly become addicted and we will be stuck forever" CRUZ
for ONCE was right-Koch Brothers likes to champion themselves as
crusaders against the welfare state. But a new report shows that they
took $88 million of your taxpayer dollars, financed Michigan attack
ad Af Prosperity, in which she talks about her fight against
leukemia, criticized as unaffordable, But as the controversy
surrounding the attack ad grew, Detroit News learned she’ll save
at least $1,200 compared with her former insurance plan, And she gets
to keep her SAME DOCTOR, Hmmm, why don't we hear about "the rest
of the story" on these attack ads from the right wingers?
mw/Treasury Dept. sold the last of its shares in General Motors (GM),
wrapping up the controversial bailout that began when GM declared
bankruptcy in 2009. Taxpayers ultimately lost about $10
billion-Prisoners should not be allowed to vote, They lost their
rights the minute the doors closed but O wants them to vote. Think
about the reason he wants this! fy/Higher costs for energy explain
part of the jump, since the cold winter has pushed up utility bills.
But Obamacare seems to be a much bigger factor, by far, Measured
another way, spending on healthcare rose by an estimated $29 billion
from December to January, or 1.7%, after adjusting for inflation.
“The strength in this report was on spending in healthcare,
forecasting firm IHS Global Insight, We’re not seeing strength
elsewhere xy/Virginia KKK insists: We are not the enemies of the
colored and mongrel races-Maher: Republicans are jealous starfu*kers
who really just hate liberals-CT town fights order to reinstate cop
fired for covering up his cop son’s vehicular homicide-Fans sue
Idaho hockey arena after discovery that $7 beers are actually same
size as $4 beers-Stewart roasts Feinstein: She doesn’t mind if the
NSA looks at your sh*t-Colbert: NSA’s workplace advice column
reveals total irony unawareness-Minneapolis cop lands in hot water
over racist Facebook posts rsy/Overtime pay isn’t fair to companies
because it makes employees too greedy-Enraged Taxpayer Throws Money
at CA Superintendent Making $663K-Missing Plane May Have Flown for
Hours After Losing Contact-Gretchen Presses Atty Is He
Undocumented?-Gowdy Level of Lawlessness Is Unprecedented-Paul NSA's
Tactics Could Drive Young People Away From Dems-Coulter Blasts Fake
Tea Partiers' for Going After Good Republicans-O'Reilly A Stagnant
Society Is a Weak Society Details Dangerous New Teen Drinking Game
Played on Social Mediaa fni/after victims segment, jumping heroes
day, to find and villians for harlem explosion, callers blames bo
among usual suspects including illegal aliens, unions, suicide, cops
beatdown jaywalking man 84, sueing for 5M could do a year first, on
cc/vortex theories/HB 1033 was to eliminate discriminatory and vague
laws against loitering. State loitering laws, he said, allow police
officers to demand identification from someone with no cause. That’s
a violation of the Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, You have
a right to remain silent, legislative counsel discovered that state
law barring registered sex offenders from being near where children
congregate was under the same code section as the loitering laws. To
ban loitering laws, Moore found, he had to strike the sex offender
statute. I saw it there and said it’s political suicide, I’m not
backing away from that, a conversation that needs to be
had-why don't they call it RAPE any more? Sexual assault sounds so
minor, compared to what the victims go through-There are always some
gray areas when making the claims that a gun would stop every
incident, it's the Cons who have been spending time writing bills to
change the meaning of rape, when it is rape, how a woman can avoid
pregnancy when raped IF SHE WANTS TO, if it's this or that, anything
but calling it what it is, a violent act against a woman-The
resulting staff report was chilling. The interrogations and the
conditions of confinement at the CIA detention sites were far
different and far more harsh than the way the CIA had described them
to us, ostensibly backed by new President Barack Obama, who had
campaigned as an opponent of the CIA's methods, obtained the
committee's bipartisan backing for an expanded investigation. But the
CIA, led at the time by Obama appointee Leon Panetta, the former
Democratic congressman, put numerous logistical obstacles in the way
of the Senate investigation, the CIA hired a team of outside
contractors, who otherwise would not have had access to these
sensitive documents, to read, multiple times, each of the 6.2 million
pages of documents produced, before providing them to fully-cleared
committee staff conducting the committee's oversight work. This
proved to be a slow and very expensive process, so slow that the
committee's investigation has only now been completed. Along the way,
documents that Senate staffers found interesting would then
mysteriously disappear from the system. One such set of disappeared
documents, referred to as the Internal Panetta Review, is
now at the center of the CIA hacking scandal. The president has great
confidence in John Brennan and confidence in our intelligence
community and in our professionals at the CIA, It's something that
George W. Bush would have said opedn-Hypocrisy of Modern Day
Liberalism and Maggots like Feinstein, The reasons for your excuses
are clear. While attacking America (and some of your attacks are
correct), you still obviously "Want" things from the Nanny
Entitlement State and the Democratic Party Religion of Government,
This is why you will NEVER call out people like Feinstein, you shall
not bite the hands of those you Want stuff from? this erodes if not
destroys your credibility, So I'm a "psychotic. Too bad, I agree
with many things you post here, Game, Set, Match-I guess when you
take enough statements out of context, edit others so they're saying
exactly the opposite of what was really said, etc., you can make
anyone say just about anything. Every point in this vid has been
debunked. That this is still being circulated speaks to the
desperation of the right wing nuts, I have no desire to "defend"
your psychosis or your delusion that a discussion in a message forum
is a game one can win or lose-you might remember that Jesus Christ
was as Jewish as they get-aibafs/plane and covert democratic
conspiracies, on savage/
is natural, but that doesn't mean it is naturally in the food we eat.
It is a problem, As for wanting to control things. Is that really the
route you want to go here, Mr. morality cop?-If you let the wingnuts
at the NRDC run the world, we would produce nothing and would live in
caves in the dark, either find a "pristine" planet where
you can practice your (substitute) religion, or learn to deal with
the fact that normal people don't sit up and bark when left wing
scumbags tell them to aibafs/pseudo-historian Barry Fell, who claimed
to have found rock inscriptions at sites in West Virginia that tell
the story of Christ’s birth written in a Celtic script dating to
the 6th or 8th centuries, others scholars ANYTHING in the name of
religion! have strongly criticized his work and accused him of
deliberate fraud, Benefiel, a self described apostle who took part in
Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s The Response prayer rally, said these
ancient explorers brought demonic artifacts with them on their
travels, They were Baal worshippers, that was their god, and they
left their petroglyphs, their rock art, as they went along the
waterways claiming the land for Baal, nutsack in action Benefiel! to
the astonishment of his hosts-McAlister boasted that “unchurched
men will show up because of the gun giveaways, which will in turn
offer evangelism opportunities, not just in Kentucky. The Rev. John
Koletas, pastor of Grace Baptist Church in upstate New York, is
raffling off an AR-15 assault rifle, honoring gun owners and hunters,
and a help to people who have been attacked, viciously attacked, by
socialists and anti Christian people, politicians and the media,
perhaps best known to locals as the pastor who’s been arrested
seven times on disorderly conduct charges for loud and incessant
street-corner preaching, Edmond doctor is under fire for allegedly
injecting patients across Oklahoma with a mysterious formula called
the ‘Jesus shot.’ Dr. John Michael Lonergan is a former federal
prison inmate who was convicted of tax evasion, mail fraud and
healthcare fraud in Ohio. Lonergan, also known as Dr. Mike, Dalai
Lama, the exiled spiritual leader of Tibet, delivered the opening
invocation in the U.S. Senate, suggesting that purity of thought will
guide humanity’s actions, chuckled over his English
pronunciation-rbg/Remove David Koch from the Board of Trustees and
Science Visiting Council: Remove David Koch from the Board of Trustees
and Science Visiting Council: koch gifts" to PBS total less than
8 percent of what he spent in 2012 alone to defeat O'Bama. And even
that 400 MILLION represents a little more than 1/2 percent of the
brothers wealth, which they inherited fb/park ave explosion 7 dead 5
missing, on geraldo
a Dog Eared Hitler Card Common Dreams/ Apartheid Wall in Arizona?
Israeli Company Contracted to Build US Mexico Border Fence
AlterNet/ Wingnuts Baffled by Inequality: Why They’re Totally
Confused About How To Talk About It Salon/What Happened When
Scholastic Tried To Bring Pro Coal Propaganda to School Yes!Mag/Plans
to Scan Workers With Secret Clearances to Identify Rogue Agents and
Leakers ap/The Nation: Lockouts should never be a part of union
negotiations, but in sports and beyond, they have become just a part
of the process. The Major League Soccer (MLS) refs lockout devastating for MLS and terrible for all working people, whether you
consider yourself a soccer fan or not/DST has been scientifically
proven to be the most dangerous day of the entire year. The Turn of
the Clocks is tantamount to mandated sleep deprivation in an already
sleep-deprived society Sardonicky/Disposable Assets in the Fracking
Industry Workers- BuzzFlash/New Mexicans get 90 percent of their
drinking water from groundwater. Yet the governor of this drought
plagued Southwestern state has given the copper industry carte
blanche to pollute what is left Truthout/Truthdig: Our elites have
established the most efficient system of mass surveillance in
history. They have abolished most of our civil liberties, trashed our
economy for their own personal gain, looted state treasuries and
thrown working men and women aside/Lost jet passengers with fake
passports are Iranian/deGrasse Tyson tells CNN: Stop giving equal
time to the flat Earthers, tells Stephen Colbert that science ‘is
true whether you believe in it or not-CA Gavin Newsom on marijuana,
It’s time to legalize, time to regulate-Cheney wants ‘military
options’ against Putin-Spain giving away 15th century village for
free-N*gga, please CPAC:
Working hard to make conservatism cool-Off duty Philadelphia cop
shoots man over dog poop dispute-Christian radio host: Disney’s
Frozen is Satanic tool for indoctrinating young lesbians-Lesbian
couple murdered and left near dumpster in Texas-Tennessee woman
accused of drowning her baby says Jesus came down and did it-Coulter:
Cruel for rich people not to shame poor people for having too much
sex-Lisa Murkowski r wants to use America’s oil as a weapon-Zach
Galifianakis asks bo, What’s it like to be the last black
president-Takei on Edward Snowden, he might have been safer in
American prisons-Robertson: Demons get permission to wreck your car
from X rated movies-Anti LGBT pastor, Gays causing war between
Ukraine and human rights leader Russia-Christie gave pieces of 9/11
wreckage to his cronies as gifts-Varney You can’t win! outraged
states still feeding poor despite food stamp cuts-KY churches
withhold $7 million from children’s home to force anti gay
policies-Coulter likens U.S. demographic shift to being raped, blames
Democrats-Hasselbeck: ‘Inappropriate for the president to be
advertising a law-Company withholds experimental drug from dying boy
7 to preserve profits, when charity offers to pay-rsy/Pope Francis:
Loves women, at war with GOP-seven reasons why the reforming Pope's
radical moves threaten the old guy ruling class-mw/Obama delivered
both jabs and a plug for the law in the episode, which was filmed two
weeks ago and released online Galifianakis is known for
putting his interview subjects in awkward positions and passive
aggressively insulting them in the "Funny or Die" web
series fn/ Pathetic, simply pathetic-Paul’s anti-interventionist
stance vis-à-vis Ukraine. Paul seemingly rebuked Cruz in a Breitbart
opinion piece Monday, saying “… some politicians have used this
time to beat their chest.” In an interview on “Hannity” Monday
night, Paul did not seem completely ready to bury the hatchet. Though
he didn’t discuss Cruz’s WaPo statement, Paul said I’m not
real excited about him mischaracterizing my view what’s
inappropriate is for people particularly other Republicans, to
mischaracterize, or attempt to characterize my foreign policy as
something it isn’t aibafs
participants pay $250 each to hear Republicans tell teleprompter
jokes using a teleprompter-One of the founders of Left Blogsylvania,
Bartcop, has died. Goddamnit-tw/Soviet Union went out of its way to
minimize cultural or ethnic differences... and to that end, a
self-identified Ukrainian, married to a Ukrainian, rose to the
position of First Secretary of the Communist party, the leader of the
Soviet Union, GAVE Crimea to the Ukraine in 1957, ostensibly to allow
them full responsibility for running a hydro power project, later
admitted it was a gift to his wife, irony?-solidly Republican enclave
where members must have a minimum net worth of $35 million to join,
At least two members of the club publicly expressed outrage at the
Obamas’ visit, Obama has done nothing but degrade and punish the
one percent of Americans who have done the most for this country, an
email to Ocean Reef Club board members signed by residents Joe and
Fran Murphy. To have a man here who hates us, who has divided America
along racial lines-he can be as ineffective in Key Largo as he was in
the White House, Gingrich quipped-another "angry summer"
with more than 150 temperature records smashed, a warning that
heatwaves and sweltering conditions will only get worse, Perth had
its hottest night ever at 29.7 Celsius (85.4 Fahrenheit), Adelaide
recorded its warmest February day (44.7 Celsius) while Sydney went
through its driest summer in 27 years-aibafs/if dick is the next
president, what would it take? on ed/mad, people are calling sara a
moron, on dennis/
you learn logical reasoning at the same school W did?-aibafs/A lot of
people are criticizing him for going to Key Largo" for vacation
while the crisis in the Ukraine still rages, Gingrich told a full
house at the Maryland conference, proving that he was capable of
being as ineffective in Key Largo, to laughs from the audience,
challenged them to also stand up for Obama's right to be utterly
ineffective wherever he happens to be," said Gingrich
nm-iapb/Gupta: ‘I am not backing down on medical marijuana; I am
doubling down-CPAC is crawling with closet atheists-Scenes from CPAC:
Anti NSA, pro pot cowboys and birther cabbies-Palin uses her CPAC
speech for a shout-out to the libs at MS LSD, revises Green Eggs and
Ham for enthralled CPAC crowd-voter outreach, extension of both hands
towards their intended targets-Jerry Boykin Family Research Council,
was caught on a hot mic, the Jews are the problem, person responds, I
know, that’s why we’re trying to fix everything-How the free
market takes care of racial discrimination without government
help-actress cast as ‘Annie’ is black, and Twitter racists go
nuts-Medved tells CPAC no state tried to ban gay marriage-Snowden
raised concerns with NSA 10 times-Cruz: ‘Bizarre’ to keep saying
Obama will repeal Obamacare-troubled sleep to lower brain
volume-Santorum to GOP: Sell the anti LGBT far right’ agenda by
talking like the pope-woman suffers lethal gunshot wound while
sorting clothes in thrift store-Bachmann: Tea Party is an
intellectual movement-Duke rules prn star student has not broken any
rules-bionic leaf could solve solar energy storage problem-Catholic
CPAC group complains about GOProud beavers being invited back-U.S.
Geological Survey confirms: Human activity caused 5.7 quake in
Oklahoma-de Grasse Tyson no center of the
universe-Louisiana demands MoveOn stop criticizing Jindal- Kelly
laughs off atheist claims that 911 cross is Christian-Alabama
candidate dumps his Nugent with Tea Party toilet-Epilepsy Foundation:
Marijuana ban blocks access and research on a potentially life-saving
treatmen-rsy/Two giant oil pipelines proposed to speed "doubling"
of tar sands, Observers say would trigger massive environmental and
economic consequences. vo/
Carnagie, of big steel, could be quoted with saying that they didn't
mind paying 95% taxes because they were making so much money it
literally did not matter-Religious Liberty sounds as oxymoranic as
Tyrannical Freedom-If there was a god, would you worship it?-What
kind of people require worship? Weak immature children? Is this a
clue as to who invented god?-Would transcendence or abilities beyond
human's abilities not deserve worship?- Why would we assume a creator
requires worship. My parents created me and they don't. I understand
myths are big on this worship thing but if there was a god I don't
think it would care. It created a immensely huge universe; why would
it care what we think or do? fb/.bush and his cronies' pure,
unmitigated greed, aka cheney haliburton, caused global warming,
which exacerbates the polar vortex, which in turn, caused the
financial meltdown, which caused barney fwank to lie his ass off
about fannie mae and freddie mac, which led to the bailout of
insurance companies, car companies, cash for clunkers, fast and
furious, sherry sherrod, van jones, typical white woman grandmother,
skip gates breaking into his own house, refusing to show a cop his
i.d., god damn america,jeremiah wright, umpteen vacations where
nothing but whitey lives, uncles that obama never knew but stayed
with for a few weeks, that should be deported like his aunt that
didn't get deported, which caused, the XL pipeline to not get
through, the IRS scandal, NSA scandal, GSA scandal, evesdropping on
angela merkel and every other american, drones used in the USA, which
caused even more severe winters, leading to a vicious YouTube video
that may or may not have caused four americans to be slaughtered at
the hands of muslims, which in turn seems to have had one positive
effect, egypt throws the muslim brotherhood the fkuc out of power
aibafs/Raygun Got Slapped By Hezbollah(Iran), Noriega, & Ortega!
Raygun Was A Dunce! poppy bush Defied Osama bin Laden & Put Poots
In Khobar! We Got 9/11 Because Of It!-poor old dear is on her weekend
booze and ganja posting spree Old geo moe gets all "fueled"
up and goes on a posting nonsense binge-you're trapped in a time
warp, We got 911 because of demented, radical moslem terrorists,
something you and your dem cohorts are scared to death of-U R A
Moron! I Saw The Video Of Osama bin Laden Warning "poppy"
Douche! yhal/rouge co sherrifs quoting rob immanual, stand and fight
bo/weirdest thing about this isn't Putin invading the Ukraine, the
same commentators now denouncing him as weak say he's trying to be a
king or imperial president. You expect a crazy guy to act crazy. The
weirdest thing is seeing conservatives in our country point at the
crazy guy and go, ‘I'll have what they're having, Let me see if i
have this right,Barack Obama is a weak, mom jeans wearing dictator
king, said Stewart yn
Misspells Respect During Tribute to Aretha Franklin fn-Economy added
more private sector jobs in February than it did during 8 years of
Bush, but Obama is black so must be horrible-CPAC claims there had
been NO economic growth under Obama. Morons-more reality and sense at
a Star Trek convention than at CPAC-Its Not Lying If Repeated Often
Enough and We Believe It-Upon hearing that Putin said to the
Ukrainians, "If you like your country, you can keep it, Uh oh
Obama responded-the Bible I read says you can't serve two masters but
I've found on countless occasions the Bible was inaccurate-tw/against
improving veterans benefits could end up being his kryptonite.
Kentucky has over 330,000 veterans who live in the state, tens of
thousands of them who receive pension payments, tuition assistance,
or health care, McConnell's vote is a slap in the face to all of
iapb/Ryan stole his 'brown bag lunch' story from a book about a
homeless child. Now he looks like an even bigger fool-Orlando gun
show canceled after GEORGE ZIMMERMAN named guest of honor
dailymail-at least they have the good taste to cancel it fb/mcconnel
goes to work with a gun, on billpress/lisney, bolton bucktooth moron
on savage/
Injustice of Overturning Chevron's $9.5 Billion Responsibility for
Toxic Pollution in Ecuador-Pentagon Now Fears Drones Being Used
Against US BuzzFlash/Truthout: the intellectual foundation for our
drug based paradigm of mental health care, is collapsing, society's
use of these medications is increasing. It is likely that the
psychiatric profession will not change until it sees the financial
benefit in doing so/Minimum Wage Hike Would Cut Food Stamp Spending
by $4.6 Billion a Year wp/
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