ugly stuck up Bitch!-Noonan is one of the reasons I gave up on the
Sunday Morning shows-an irrelevant drunk who doesn't deserve a
forum-Totally don't get why they keep hauling Noonan on the Sunday
shows. She offers nothing of value-Old men think she's sexy.
tw/kicked 9 people off of the page because of them either reporting,
sending crazy messages to my inbox, me haveing to deal with their
drama constantly, and being called out on threads as to how I run
this page, etc, Not one person that I have kicked off had anything to
do with their race, you idiot! Funny I have given 9 people the boot
thus far and only ONE, read that again, ONE has been black. Go fuck
yourself for saying that I am being partisan. I have tried many
angles to make the bullshit on race stop and each time I catch hell
for my decision of my actions. I am tired of the race debate. What
the fuck is wrong with you people? I never intended to turn this into
a debate page. Well, it happened so we could all have a fun place to
hang out, discuss topics and debate. Your bigotry, racist name
calling and race baiting is not fun. That goes for all races here. It
is time you all consider that we are all friends here, and
furthermore (and most importantly), we are all one race, the human
race. I will not combat any of it anymore. It is a waste of my time
to spend half of my days here dealing with a bunch of lunatics that
are incapable of handling shit on their own. PUT YOUR FUCKING BIG BOY
GIRL SHIM PANTIES ON AND GROW A PAIR. You are all adults. Either
block the person that has insulted and or offended you or you can
leave the group. Your choice. LEAVE FAMILY OUT OF IT. DO NOT THREATEN
VIOLENCE AGAINST ANYONE ON THIS PAGE. Have a good fucking day and
smile bitches. Daddy still loves you-fb/Khameini recently
said,Zionist officials cannot be called humans, they are like
animals, some of them…the Israeli regime is doomed to failure and
annihilationAmerican Jews should ask themselves if the Jewish and
pro-Israel groups they belong to are truly serving their interests
frontpagemag sammy levine jew dropped iran deal ball/Matthews, Obama
Press Secretary? "You know what? I want to do everything I can
to make this thing work, this new presidency work, and I think that-
Scarborough: "Is that your job? You just talked about being a
journalist, Yeah, it is my job. My job is to help this country, This
country needs a successful presidency more than anything right now,
He's "Perfect, This guy’s done everything right. He’s raised
his family right. He’s fought his way all the way to the top of the
Harvard Law Review, in a blind test becomes head of the Review, the
top editor there. Everything he’s done is clean as a whistle. He’s
never not only broken any law, he’s never done anything wrong. He’s
the perfect father, the perfect husband, the perfect American. And
all they do is trash the guy. Just Like Jesus, Olbermann: "For
42 minutes, not a sour note and spellbinding throughout in a way
usually reserved for the creations of fiction. An extraordinary
political statement. Almost a fully realized, tough, crisp, insistent
speech in tone and in the sense of cutting through the clutter, I’d
love to find something to criticize about it. You got anything? No.
You know, I’ve been criticized for saying he inspires me, and to
hell with my critics! You know, in the Bible they talk about Jesus
serving the good wine last, I think the Democrats did the same, If
Your Thrill Lasts Longer Than Three Hours, it's part of reporting
this case, this election, the feeling most people get when they hear
Barack Obama's speech. My, I felt this thrill going up my leg. I
mean, I don't have that too often, matthewss multiple obamagasms
tingling quotes newbusters-Someone contrasted Obama's words yesterday
against his soaring "hope & change" rhetorical nonsense
of 2008. It was powerful stuff. He used strong words yesterday, but
some pundit rightly compared it to the funeral of hope & change,
hey america suck it-Zucker—“rhymes with hooker,” he
likes to say—also expanded on comments he has made about breaking
CNN out of a mindset created by historic rivalries with MSNBC and
Fox. He wants the network to attract “viewers who are watching
places like Discovery and History and Nat Geo and A&E. People who
traditionally just watch the cable news networks [are] a great
audience,” he said. “I’m not trying to alienate that audience.
But the overall cable news audience has not grown in the last 12
years, OK? We also want to broaden what people can expect from
CNN-applaud Zucker. Most of the 24/7 "news" networks dress
their ideology up as news and pass it off to a gullible audience. At
least he admits CNN isn't really in the news business-It hasn't been
since the day it exhausted every possible avenue to cover a
slow-moving vehicle containing an ex football star. While that was
news, it was hardly worthy of the type of coverage that day and the
hysteria around such mundane events pretty much ever since then. So,
you have a constant flow of trivial bullshit about the Kardashians,
half-true stories that are aired because being first is more
important than being correct and an endless assortment of talking
heads like Chris Matthews, Rachel Maddow and Bill O'Reilly who spend
their days trying to convince viewers that if you're not on their
side you hate America. To be honest, 99 per cent of the time the only
things those stations offer that is useful are the crawlers-Lebanese
Sunni Muslim organization assumed responsibility for the
assassination of senior Hezbollah leader Hassan Hawlo al Lakiss in
Beirut. The "Free People of Sunnah Brigade" made the claim
in its online Twitter account. Hezbollah is the Shiite Muslim
terrorist organization that have several elected officials in the
Lebanese parliament. The group is also responsible for numerous
deadly terrorist actions against both Lebanese and Israeli civilians
in addition to engaging in the Second Lebanon War against Israel.
Some speculated that Israelis were behind Wednesday's
assassination-iapb/Another school shooting in Orlando area, with
obama in charge-Republicans killed all gun control measures in
Congress, they own ALL these shootings as far as I'm concerned
yhal/simpsonj twins, war on english language, just a joke, linda
trupp thighmic, on stephanie/ best rap ever two minute tirade
teradactal, onpv/
the bending cost curve and you will find that the slowdown in health
costs has been dramatic is Obamacare’s Secret Success
krugman-Palin's miserable hackish attempt to profit off Christmas
totally bombed on Black Friday to the point where it was outsold by
comedian Rob Delaney's book tw/Is ObamaCare Income Redistribution?
Bishop Shocks Congregation By Disguising Himself as a Homeless
Man-Sea Eagle Steals Camera and Takes a Selfie! Fni/Larry Klayman
believes that “violent revolution” against President Obama “looms
on the horizon,” Erik Rush is now openly calling for people to
remove Obama from office rightwingwatch-How easy it is to become
mired down by the unfairness and the injustice of the world. After
all, shadows do indeed surround us, especially if we look towards the
darkest states of the world or habitually examine the disturbing
deeds of others. As seekers of light, we have discovered that we do
not suddenly happen upon the vast glow of direct sunlight; rather, we
follow the small beams and rays that lead into brilliant radiant
light of our deepest dreams. It is then we discover it was really
after all, the light of our own spirits that led us towards
illumination of loving and honoring others and self. It is the within
the light that discover that because we made a choice to retain faith
within our hearts that we could walk into our courage and embrace the
abundance meant for our life. And, it is within the light of our
spirit that we make a choice to rejoice and celebrate our life by
living on purpose sp-PR staffers were expected to counter not just
negative and even neutral blog postings but the comments beneath
them. One former staffer recalled using twenty different aliases to
post pro Fox rants. Another had one hundred. Several employees had to
acquire a cell phone thumb drive to provide a wireless broadband
connection that could not be traced back to a Fox News or News Corp
account-fb/California GOP Creates Fake Health Care Web Site to
Discourage Constituents From Obtaining Insurance DailyKos/Fast Food
Wage Strikes Planned for 100 Cities Thursday nyt/Pope Versus
Unfettered Capitalism TheNation/GOP Might as Well Be Dead wp/How
Occupy Challenged the Way We Think, Speak and Act Upon Resistance
TheseTimes/ Single-Payer Healthcare for Vermont on Track for 2017,
ready to lead the way on universal, nonprofit healthcare
coverage-Five Ways We're Being Violated by Big Business
BuzzFlash/Banksters Are Now Setting Up the Crash of 2016
Hartmann/Come back and advise the board how less fortunate people in
America have been elevated via the Modern Day Liberals Nanny
Entitlement State, cite examples in cities like Detroit where Liberal
social and economic policies have been in complete command for
decades-WHAT is with these inbred Libtards, and their love of the
Koch? Can you not remove your heads from MAObama's CROTCH long enough
to look into the eyes of George Soros? Whenever you Libtards get
pummeled in a debate, and backed into a corner, all you can do is
proclaim your love of the Koch, and making up all kinds of shit about
them. They are the carbon copy of George Soros, but I never see you
losers attack him for his shady political dealings and
donations-That's an amazing fantasy world you've created for
yourselfs-aibafs/ becoming a conservative at 40 rudy explains the
benefits of trickle down, on geraldo
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