are the root problem behind all of the poverty and war and
destruction of our world. Then the greedy mega corporations, financed
by the bankers. Then our government, which is controlled by bankers
and corporations.
Our founding fathers did not want international
bankers doing business in this country. They got a foothold by
financing the Revolutionary and Civil Wars, both sides . During both
wars, operatives in our country fueling division and
stirring up trouble. They've financed both sides of every war we've
ever been involved in. War is for the profits of a very few, at the
expense of very many-We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard
to remain stupid, Benjamin Franklin-I'll be back, arnold 66, former
governor of California and action movie star might very well be back
in the game of politics if he gets his way, and run for the White
House in 2016 fb/Think Racism is Dead? Earl Sampson has Been Arrested
62 Times for Trespassing...At His Own Jobsite-12 Ridiculous
Anti-Woman Myths From The Dark Ages That Conservatives STILL
Believe-imprison gordon fpr bringing this all about-you defend the
#Tories? Definitely in the #MINORITY-UK daughters miner grandfather
recd "fit to work" from WCB-in Canada-he died a month later
from advanced schleroderma-abusue wont make blind bit of diffrence to
them but it wont do you any good bile rots the soul-This is why they
have to go now not 18mths time. It can happen peacefully-Israeli army
accused, Foreign Press Association claims troops directly targeted
photographers covering unrest at crossing between Jerusalem and
Ramallah tuk-tw/Since the publication of the documents last week
regarding Prince Rupert security, asked for further information on
the means and sources used in open source intelligence gathering from
social media, knowledge of the NEB’s activities have negatively
underscored the participation of individuals and advocacy groups in
the continued hearing process. “Knowledge that this is occurring is
sure to have a chilling effect on participation in Board proceedings,
Garber, “NEB Group Leader of Security”. Robinson has questioned
if the board members were aware that the NEB was collecting or had
collected information on anti oil sands organizations. Legget appears
to have had some knowledge of the intelligence gathering, seems to be
asking for less surveillance and police presence and she tells NEB
staff: “It sounds like we are in vehement agreement that, at this
point, there is no indication of a requirement for an on site police
presence. Let’s proceed on this basis and amend if Gord’s on the
ground assessment and any further intelligence indicated that this
presence is required,vo- we know they were checking FaceBook posts
because, as a test, I related the specifics on FB about how and where
we were going to protest at the second round of NEB hearings here in
Comox BC after determining the set up during the first. There was a
handicap ramp with a switchback corner reminiscent of Douglas Channel
right in front of the window in plain sight of the Head Table. I
explained where we would be with our cardboard boats in relation to
the commissioners inside and when we would commence our protest so as
to not disturb the presentations but before the hearings had been
adjourned for lunch so as to not be in contempt. At the second
hearing the position of the 3 NEB people had been shifted around the
room so that their backs were to us outside and the windows of the
hearing room had been haphazardly plastered over with butcher paper
in a fashion as if it had been haste fully done at the last minute.
Does it prove anything? No but ya gotta wonder.... It did seem to
me that they had previous knowledge and they only way they could have
gotten that was to monitor the Facebook pages about the protest at
the hearing-Chinese energy giant Sinopec's leaking oil pipeline
exploded and killed 55 people in Qingdao last Friday, the accident
hit a nerve for some BC residents.
Harvard University divested
holdings in Sinopec stock in 2006 after finding that the company was
complicit in genocide in Darfur and found to have violated human
rights as it acquired assets in developing countries in Africa and
the Middle East.
Sinopec has invested billions in Alberta's tar
sands and holds a five per cent stake in the proposed Enbridge
Northern Gateway Pipeline. The Chinese state-owned company is also
discussing investments in Kitimat LNG projects with Apache and
Chevron and has plans to expand its shale gas operations in BC, a
group of residents who came together during the 2012 Enbridge
hearings, said Kitimat would stand no chance if an accident like the
blast in Qingdao took place, If an oil spill happened further down
our valley and the pipeline caught on fire, we'd be trapped," he
said. "There's only one road out of here, he didn't know about
Sinopec's safety standards in China, but that Enbridge's safety
record is "pathetic, 2007, two Chinese temporary foreign workers
brought to work in Alberta’s oil sands by Sinopec were killed when
a tank’s structure collapsed on them, pleaded guilty to three out
of an unprecedented 53 charges laid by the Alberta government for
breaching safety measures. Two years later, Sinopec was fined $1.5
million for the deaths, Police detained nine Sinopec employees after
the pipeline erupted. vo/ We can't do anything about highway
congestion, but we can make sure you have the information you need to
answer a bonkers question about President Obama's record on jobs or
the perfect fact to respond to a ridiculous argument about the
Affordable Care Act, make sure you get that information whenever you
need it, we designed YourRepublicanUncle/Amazon is working on drones
that can deliver packages up to five pounds, to your house in less
than half an hour digg/Christmas lights have been turned on at the
Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, in front of a crowd of
thousands. Pilgrims from all over the world gathered to see the tree,
decorated with some 45,000 lights and more than 6,000 baubles,
outside the church where Jesus is believed to have been
born-Palestinians are being squeezed and killed for me, not for you,
Michael Neumann-Bashar al Assad praised Iran for nuclear agreement
with the West, if Assad likes it, must be a good thing for
Lying isn’t incidental to a liberal. Liberal is another
word for liar Daniel Greenfield
sandyhook shooter 5th grade
essay, hobbylobby falwel rejected by ussc, child buggery vs antigay
church debate, and other douche baggery on stephanie/
Exxon's Pegasus pipeline ruptured March 29 and spilled the oil in the
Mayflower community about 30 miles northwest of Little Rock, there
have been at least 17 lawsuits/son of billionaire investor Warren
Buffett, Peter, on the conflict between capitalism and humanism, You
can't have both grittv/MintPress, The State Department approved
$44.28 billion in arms shipments to 173 nations in the last fiscal
year, has anyone asked where these weapons will ultimately end
up?/Cayman Islands to Report US Citizens' Offshore Assets Under
Controversial Law RT/Will Massachusetts Become the Second State to
Ban Fracking? Grist/Washington stabbed the Saudis in the back, and
why the Iran deal will start a nuclear arms race in the Persian Gulf.
Pundits and policymakers are missing the big worry about the Obama
administration's Iranian nuclear deal: its greatest impact is not
ensuring that Iran doesn't get the bomb, but that the Saudis
will.Fear and Loathing in the KingdomIndeed, the risk of arms race in
the Middle East, on a nuclear hair trigger, just went up rather
dramatically. And it increasingly looks like the coming Sunni Shiite
war will be nuclearized, Whether or not President Obama fully
appreciates that distinction, the Saudis most definitely do
foreignpolicy iapb/yahoo legal fallout continues arkansas-Hey let's
build the Keystone pipeline. Arkansas pipeline spill. North Dakota
spill. Greenville, Texas spill. What could go wrong?-Hey lets stop
all planes, trains,cars and trucks, what can go wrong. Freezing in
the dark that is the solution-build a pipeline in * backyard so he
won't have to freeze in the dark. What were you thinking
monkeyboy!-clearly thinks the only possible way to generate energy is
though fossil fuels. Seems like *'s been brainwashed-Red States are
so dumb. I know...I live in one (Oklahoma). Those of us who advocate
for strong environmental protections are called all sorts of names
around these parts. BUT, then something like this happens and guess
who looks to liberals for help? I say build the damn XL pipeline and
any and all oil and chemical #$%$ you want. JUST DON'T ASK FOR ANY
morons, want to poison their lands and their water and their food,
why the #$%$ do liberals, like me, try to stop them? Let them learn
their lesson, residents in that area of Arkansas are going to listen
to liberals now!-Right wing propaganda machine knows just what
buttons to push, Its "head shaking nonsense" to liberals,
but these folks are wired different, One thing's for sure Allure of
deep pockets and a potential windfall payout is catnip, they claim to
hate most, big government, is seen as indispensable-When doing their
bidding-Now they want a lawyer-Do you think the natural gas pipeline
explosion in San Bruno, California was because of the regulations of
a Red state-maybe the one in Allentown, Pa. was because of Red
states, or was it the one in Hanoverton, ohio that was caused by a
Red state-you sure make a good argument AGAINST pipelines, thanks for
pointing out all those states with pipeline problems-take out all the
pipelines Will, you can cut wood and burn it to keep warm this
winter-Some of us do dennis, the thing is why did you only mention
pipeline spillage in blue states when there are as many or more in
red states, and the point being made in the original post was when
any state gets a spill call the government for help, don't hold the
corporations responsible that would hurt their bottom line-I guess
you missed the first thing Blacknagus posted, was that just liberal
blindness ? Thank you for making my point that stuff happens in both
red and blue states. What's it going to look like when everyone in
New York is burning wood to keep warm/FCA Faces Calls for More
Disclosure on Currency Rigging, U.K.’s Investment Management
Association, whose members oversee about 4.5 trillion pounds ($7.4
trillion) of assets, is pressing regulators to provide more
information Bloomberg
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