11813/50 Walmart Protesters
Arrested-Billy Graham Celebrates His 95th Birthday With Sarah Palin,
Donald Trump-Obama Touts Biden As 'One Of The Best Vice Presidents In
Our History-US May Split Command Of NSA And Cybersecurity Agencies,
Veterans Affairs Slashes Claims Backlog By A Third Since March-Tax
Refund Identity Theft Is 'Growing Epidemic-Harry Reid Sets Vote For
Next Obama Nominee, Nina Pillard, As GOP Prepares To Filibuster-Ted
Cruz's Dad Declares God Is Pro Death Penalty-neti hinted at in Geneva
since it would allow Iran to keep a nuclear capability. totally
opposes these proposals, adopting them would be a mistake of historic
proportions- hp/take out the white trash Remove the Tea Bagger tumor
of sub human waste before it metastasizes-Gouge it out and flush
it-Contain it. Neutralize it. Flush it-Gotta do it. Don't let it
escape from the red states-thats what hitler told the german people
about the jews. there was not much objection. congrats!-no, little
boy. Look at your history book, and you will see that the idealogical
twin of the "not sees" were championed throughout Germany
just as the teabag garbage are lauded in the USA-Hey sicko, the Tea
Party is trying to save your sick #$%$ or at least ;your kids from a
$17 trillion debt. Don't you care what mess you leave your kids?
Didn't think so as long as you have your Bama phone life is good,
right loser. I bet you don't even care we have spent over $680
million dollars on a web site that doesn't work. Worse than Solyndra
and getting worse by the day- when Bush jr. took a surplus and turned
it into a massive deficit as well as his financing of two wars on
credit? Hypocrite. If the GOP does it, it's all good. If Obama tries
to get us out of the horrendous mess Bush jr. created, it's all bad,
right? Lying hypocrite-So far the tea party has only kept the
recession going and downgraded America, and you probably wonder why
the tea party is so hated-You stinking rich people if I cannot have
the piece of America pie then I'm going after yours. You are going to
pay dearly for my medical expense with good old Obamacare and that's
only the first step. This is America if I cannot have what I want
then I'm coming after yours so better start praying-Hey stupid I mean
hawkfreak put a cork in it & #$%$ Tired of your unending spew of
OT political diarrhea smelling up the MSFT financial board all the
time you senile SOB!-Osama Cruz not doing much talking now, that sick
POS needs to get back to Mexican held Texas-You betcha, the tea party
will pay for what they destroy, give them Nothing-Time to destroy the
love of the tea party, they are destroying our Nation. getting a kick
out of people, the voters, getting exactly what they deserved ,
fleeced!-Now he wants to let in tens of millions of people who are
immediately going to get free healthcare, food stamps and everything
else. He is going to finish the country off and I find it
hilarious-to So As Expensive as Obamacare is going to be we may beg
for Death Panels-guy is dying of cancer. His company United HC
cancelled Him due to Obumacare. His new coverage will cost $over
1,800.00 per month as opposed to current $190.00. His deductible goes
from 1,500. to 13,500 per year! he said " screw it". Not
going to starve His Family for Obuma to buy votes from the lazy crack
heads!-Sad story, but this POS should be IMPEACHED and thrown out NOW
ybac/Miriam Carey 911 Tapes Show Mom Killed In D.C. Chase Thought She
Was Being Stalked Stamford police said Carey, who grew up in the
Bedford Stuyvesant section of Brooklyn, told officers Obama had
placed her under surveillance, and she described herself as the
“Prophet of Stamford. Eric Francis, also called 911 twice to report
she was having delusions and becoming violent, CBSny/alda visits ted
vet pstd homeward bound telathone, h8n bo more than insurance cos, on
11713/VIDEO: Trucker Slams Into
Cop While Allegedly Looking at Women on Phone-Double Down' Author
Reveals to O'Reilly Why Romney Did Not Focus on Benghazi-Viral Pics:
Drunken French Teens Steal Llama From Circus-CT University Lockdown
Triggered by Misunderstanding-Mama Bear Was Awoken': Cop Describes
Chasing Suspects After Being Shot-Soldier Says He Was Kicked Out of
Cab for Being in Military!-Suspended Dolphins Player Incognito in
Shirtless Bar Rage-We Have Been Deceived': Kelly File Looks at Study
Claiming 129M Will Lose Health Plans, Outrage Over ObamaCare After CA
Cancer Survivor Loses Health Plan-Obama Quote: 'I'm Really Good at
Killing People-Report Claims Dolphins Coaches Wanted Incognito to
'Toughen Up' Martin-Retired Navy SEAL Displays Remarkable Optimism
After Being Shot 8 Times-O'Reilly: Obama Should Take Note From Bush
41's Broken Promise-Sebelius Pressed on ObamaCare Website Privacy in
Senate Hearing-Menendez Slams GOP: 'You've Spent Every Waking Hour
Trying to Destroy ObamaCare-Nothing Left to Hide": Toronto Mayor
Admits to Crack Cocaine Use-Rand Paul: 'Young Healthy People Aren't
Going to Buy ObamaCare-Crime on the Rise What's triggering this wave
of lawlessness? Charles Krauthammer weighs in! fni/Lindsay Graham and
his anti-woman GOP buddies are gearing up to introduce a bill that
would prevent abortions after just 20 weeks-These attacks are
occurring all over the country. From the city of Albuquerque, New
Mexico, to the Texas State House, where Wendy Davis continues to
fight for millions of Texas women, Republicans at every level
attacking women. And with House Republicans targeting more than 20
bills at women's abortion rights, we know exactly how ready they are
to pass a federal 20 week abortion ban./Rand Paul's weekly column,
axed from The WT after plagiarism allegations, has already found a
new outlet. The conservative media outlet Breitbart News announced
Paul, the Kentucky tea party favorite and possible 2016 Republican
presidential contender, would become the newest contributor amid its
recent "period of exponential growth/w follows in the footsteps
of Glenn Beck, scheduled to keynote a fundraiser in Irving, Texas,
for the Messianic Jewish Bible Institute, a group that trains people
in the United States, Israel, and around the world to convince Jews
to accept Jesus as the Messiah. The organization's goal: to "restore"
Israel and the Jews and bring about about the second coming of
Christ, to donate money to MJBI. Money, is needed to hasten the
return of Jesus. With the funds it collects, MJBI trains "people
to preach the good news of the Messiah to the Jewish people."
That's important-iapb/1979, Washington was a Democratic city. Jimmy
Carter was the President and despite enduring the usual midterm
setbacks the Democrats had an 8 vote majority in the Senate and a 69
vote majority in the House. These were, however, tough economic
times as the economy had endured the effect of two oil embargoes in a
decade. On November 4th, Iranian protestors stormed and took over the
American Embassy in Tehran beginning what would be a 444 day hostage
drama. The nation rallied around its President with Carter’s
approval rating reaching 54% one month after. By the end of the
year, it was Carter who had a a 20 point lead over Kennedy which
would swell to a 32 point lead by late January Summons's have been
issued for Goldman Sachs (accused of fraud in eToys IPO &
Bankruptcy case), Bain Capital (acquired Kay Bee in 2000) and Michael
Glazer (CEO of Stage Stores and Kay Bee that acquired eToys) and
eToys CEO Barry Gold (Glazer’s director’s assistant at Stage
Stores). Along with Paul Traub who confessed his secret partnership
with Barry Gold. Also partners with Paul Traub is convicted fraudster
Marc Dreier and Ponzi schemer Tom Petters. During the election quest,
Traub was named as “controller” of Petters Ponzi rbg/lorida’s
Atlantic Coast, some 200 or more local parents and activists have
announced plans to show up at Tuesday’s Volusia County school board
meeting to protest the public school use of a world history textbook
that devotes a whole chapter to Islam but exactly zero chapters to
any other religions rbh/reds teaching bo about lying, cooch refuses
to concede, on stephanie/LAX Shooting: Drills, Mannequins and ‘The
New World Order, above) are no better than mannequins, because the
idea that you can do a Hollywood recreation of a shooting scenario,
to “improve response times and inter-agency organization” is far
fetched, and not much better than a video game, hair trigger, ‘shoot
first narrative we see in today’s law enforcement operations, all
to acquiess the public to accept new “rules of engagement” based
on new, fear based ‘antigovernment’ profiling-1977, Dr. Jonas
Salk, who developed the first polio vaccine, testified along with
other scientists that mass inoculation against polio was the cause of
most polio cases throughout the USA since 1961, 1979, Sweden
abandoned the whooping cough vaccine due to its ineffectiveness. Out
of 5,140 cases in 1978, it was found that 84% had been vaccinated
three times!, The February 1981 issue of the Journal of the American
Medical Association found that 90% of obstetricians and 66% of
pediatricians refused to take the rubella vaccine, In Oman between
1988 and 1989, a polio outbreak occurred amongst thousands of fully
vaccinated children. The region with the highest infection rate had
the highest vaccine coverage. The region with the lowest infection
rate had the lowest vaccine coverage, In the New England Journal of
Medicine July 1994 issue, a study found that over 80% of children
under 5 years of age who had contracted whooping cough had been fully
vaccinated, 1990, the Journal of the American Medical Association had
an article on measles which stated, "Although more than 95% of
school-aged children in the US are vaccinated against measles, large
measles outbreaks continue to occur in schools and most cases in this
setting occur among previously vaccinated children, Scientific
medicine has taken credit it does not deserve for some advances in
health. Most people believe that victory over the infectious diseases
of the last century came with the invention of immunizations. In
fact, cholera, typhoid, tetanus, diphtheria and whooping cough, etc,
were in decline before vaccines for them became available, the result
of better methods of sanitation, sewage disposal, and distribution of
food and water-criticalbelievers/ Predictably, the CONtingent hates
the very idea of equal rights under the law for all, but also
prdictably, haven't got the balls to admit that they feel that way
because they're bigots-More predictably, you're a sanctimonious
asshole who demands that everyone accept your demented, perverted
worldview or be smeared as "a bigot". Well listen up
catshit, people are getting sick and tired of political correctness
and consistent with Newton's third law, the payback is going to be a
real bitch for politically correct jerkoffs like you and Satan-The
Constitution, especially the Bill of Rights and the 14th Amendment
already guarantees everyone equal rights protection. Any bill that
tries to do the same in effect says the Constitution provides no such
protection and introduces scam legislation. The problem is that there
is no such thing as equal rights protection when those who are tasked
with protecting our individual rights fail to do so. Equal rights
protection also cannot exist if those in government grant themselves
immunity to laws they create-aibafs/
11613/Debt Collectors Face New
Rules Under Proposal From Consumer Financial Protection Bureau wp/The
Great Austerity Shell Game Guardian/We're About to Lose Net
Neutrality, and the Internet as We Know It Wired/ bocare contractor
bungled canada, Similar stories are already popping up in the United
States. The Heritage Foundation revealed a case this week in which
Justin Hadley of North Carolina found his HealthCare account had all
the private application information for Tom Dougall of South
Carolina. Mr. Dougall has tried unsuccessfully to have his account
deleted from the system. Marilyn Tavenner, the Medicare administrator
who oversees the website, conceded to the Senate Health, Education,
Labor and Pensions Committee on Tuesday that the agency was aware of
the security breach and “implemented a software fix wt-Sarvis was
the spoiler in the election and Reight Wing Gurus will remind all the
Tea Baggers of the Virginia loss when they push the GOP candidate in
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