11513/We can follow wisdom and
live together as humans, or we can perish together stuck in our
apathy, our ignorance and our national allegiances-WikiLeaks has
undeniably had a huge impact on the world, and unlike the Disney
turkey The Fifth Estate, the internally produced documentary
Mediastan helps put the history into a more accurate context-
Inside the Psyche of the 1%, The unsuccessful psychopath
might go to jail for swindling dozens of people with home improvement
scams while successful psychopaths might swindle millions with bank
deals, get bailed out by friends in government and never spend a day
in jail s&r/EU-funded project is developing a network of sensors
that could sniff out bomb-makers from the substances they flush into
sewers.motherboard/Lasers could prove to be the key in eliminating
brain diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's theverge/Heroic
President Obama Responds to Rep. Pete Sessions’ Ugly Insult with
Dignity and Grace-Sarah Palin Mocks the Pregnant Diabetic Who Fainted
at Obama’s Speech-Republicans Deliberately Sabotaged the ACA
Website, Hoping the Law Would Implode-Mitch McConnell Declares War on
Ted Cruz, Sarah Palin, and Tea Party Outside Groups-A Journey to the
Dark Heart of Christian Extremism-Ted Cruz’s Father is a Dangerous
Religious Fanatic-Don’t Forget to Respect Your Elders; Unless Their
Names are Charles and David Koch-Reds Have Grown To Hate
America As Much As They Hate President Obama-Darrell Issa Should
Investigate CBS’ Benghazi Witness Over His Admitted Lies
30 Senate
Republicans Vote For Legalized Workplace Discrimination Against Gays
pusa/contentious House oversight hearings last week of the NSA’s
surveillance activities highlighted two opposing interpretations of
what constitutes legal activity. House Intelligence Committee chair
Mike Rogers (R-MI) explored this disconnect while questioning
American University law professor Stephen Vladeck, eventually coming
to the logical conclusion that a woman could not be raped if she was
not aware that she was being raped. pressed Rogers to explain how far
his concept of “it’s not illegal if you don’t get caught”
would go. “If nobody knows you’ve done anything wrong, what’s
the harm?” Rogers responded. “I’d say pretty much the sky’s
the limit. Stalking, burglary, even rape.” “Rape?” asked a
clearly stunned Vladeck. “Sure. If a guy has sex with a woman who
doesn’t know they’re having sex, it’s not really rape, is it?
She doesn’t know what’s happening, so she’s not creating any
bad memories or experiencing any trauma, Say a woman’s in a coma.
What does she care if some guy has sex with her? That’s not
Hell, It might even snap her out of her coma and she’d be
grateful-Another Idiot GOP Man to make ANOTHER Stunningly Ignorant,
and Again Revealing of the True Values.Morals and Beliefs of the GOp
Not just the repig men say this. Repig women also endorse rape. They
enable the rapists. I genuinely never thought that something like
rape could ever be a right vs left issue. But protecting the planet
has become thus so I guess nothing is off limits-newslo/Col. Morris
Davis Col-Took 4 tries to vote for McCauliffe. I'd
touch his name but it would mark Cuccinelli. Had to touch above the
name to get mark in right box.
tw/O keeps digging-He didn't lie. He
communicates creatively and sometimes his advanced diction might
produce factual shortcuts in the ears of unsophisticated folks. They
wouldn't use the word "Lie" if he was white Schultz-it's
easy for you to say that, but most likely was uninformed and really
regrets having said it, just as he regrets having a tech oblivious
team launch his website. They should have worked with people in the
Insurance and IT business, but they obviously did not, and are having
to learn now, He didn't say it once off the cuff. He has been
preaching this for YEARS. He didn't misspeak. He lied-How many times
did Bush state there were WMDs in Iraq? Did he lie? Does a
creationist lie if they say the world is less than 10,000 years old?
I would say none of the above were lies, but faulty statements based
on bad information-You people are off your fucking rocker-He's right,
Ocare will benefit tens of millions of ordinary Americans who have no
lobbies and no money in the Caymans, and the more your boys in
Congress bïtch about that, the less popular they'll become-U.S. Jews
must say No to Obama to ask any U.S. organization to turn against a
democratic ally for the sake of appeasing and accommodating a
dictatorship and longtime enemy. But it is morally disgraceful to
pressure Jews to turn their backs on the Jewish state when Israel
will be on the front line of possible nuclear annihilation by an
enemy which has publicly stated its sinister intentions Horing barry
israels best friend-
ispb/FUN Apparel” Upsets Homosexuals Filed
under Business, Christianity, Culture, Ethics, Homosexuality, Liberal
Bullying, Religion, It’s sad in today’s culture when people from
a perverse lifestyle latch onto a word or symbol that once meant or
stood for something happy and wholesome and turn it into a trademark
for their sinful lifestyle. For example, the rainbow has stood as the
symbol of God’s promise to never again destroy the earth with
water. But the LGBT movement has stolen the rainbow to represent
their abominable and anti biblical lifestyle Dave Jolly-the first
time "Gay" was used was in the movie "Bringing up
baby" 1938. Cary Grant said "Because i just went Gay. on
being asked why he was wearing a feather boa-
New Jersey mall
shooter holed up in a back room and shot himself in the head,
Richard Shoop's body was found at 3:20 a.m. Tuesday in an obscure
part of Westfield Garden State Plaza mall, hours after he fired at
least six bullets without striking anyone in the massive shopping
center, his intent was either suicide or to do something that would
cause police to shoot him, which we call 'suicide by cop krdo/ACA
Does NOT Take Away Anyone's Insurance! Employers Do That!, If The
Insurance Is Inadequate & The Employers Or Insurers Refuse To
Upgrade They Are To Blame NOT Obamacare!-Chick a boo logic-Who says
its "INADEQUATE"? you? pinocchiobama? piglosi?
Pinocchiobama said if I liked my insurance, I could keep it. PERIOD.
He said if I liked my doctor, I could keep him. PERIOD-My insurance
suited me fine for YEARS, it was MY CHOICE, a decision made after
careful consideration and a look at the various options available to
me. The company was regulated by the State of New York and found to
be compliant with all state and federal laws. What makes the piglosi
or the pinocchiobama think they know what's better for me than I know
myself? If YOU need and want someone to hold your hand as you go
through life, while I pity you, that's your choice. Not very American
but still your choice-Why Don't You Cry To Someone Who Gives
ashit?-if you have insurance sponsored by a company, it wont be
changed by the ACA. Only individual policies are affected-When the
government runs out of crimes to charge against the people, the
tyrants simply secretly pass a number of civil statutes that carry
severe sanctions (against which the accused has virtually no defenses
or Constitutional protections), and then process the accused in a
largely invisible civil ' justice ' system (orchestrated by
government thugs and assassins) that is designed to lead to the
imprisonment or death of the accused Sosbee-yhal/
catholic school nut
shot up lax, on billpress/
11413/Why are Teabaggers so
bitter and mad at the world and blame their own miserable lives on
the blacks and browns?-Self loathing is a common trait of the less
intelligent...which is why they spend so much time trying to take out
that loathing on anyone different from themselves. It makes them feel
more secure about their otherwise empty lives. Very sad-Teabaggers
WILL NEED VISAS AFTER THEY SECEED-Teabaggers Must be Executed in a
Gruesome manner visible to the public. The general public must know
that Obama's Plans for Taking from the Rich and giving to the Poor
MUST be instituted to Rid the Teabaggers of horrible Greed, Ignorance
and Racism. Once enough Teabaggers have been terminated there will be
peace and social justice as we finally achieve equality and the
Greedy Rich Teabaggers are made poor and the poor are lifted out of
poverty-a flaming anarchist and small minded conservative pretending
to be some weird socialist that is not even in the picture. Obama is
not a socialist and neither are his supporters. Socialism is just the
boogie man of the radical conservatives and Tea Party crazies-the not
so secret longing of the neocon mind for sharia law with a 700 Club
spin, Taliban-style due process and judicial restraint, and
deliberative legislators who aren't afraid to do critical thinking
without following prepaid scripts, maybe David Duke can still be
persuaded to throw his [pointy] hat in the ring ybac/
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