and Tea Party have proven once again they are neffective and
slobbering fools-dumb & dumber, GOP & their idiot teabagger
way for the Arabian republic to profit from putting on the games.
FACILITIES, engineering, construction subcontractors being performed
by Indian and Pakistan companies-Cantor is a pig, and he’s a pig
with no loyalty to this country, passed his bill to cut the
appropriation for food stamps by $40 million For Unemployed, Seeks
Hike In Aid To Israel-Netanyahu Reportedly Tries To Scam The Haredi
Draft Process
Regarded by some as one of Israel’s most
disingenuous prime minsters, Benjamin Netanyahu reportedly tries to
create a law that would allow haredim to dodge the draft for 7 to 8
more years, at which point, haredim will be able to politically block
the law's implementation-ultra-Orthodox Jews protested in Jerusalem
on Thursday against plans to enlist men from their community into the
military, a proposal supported by the secular majority pushing for a
more equal share of the burden on Israeli society. rabbis warn that
army service would irreparably harm their way of life-Not only is
Benjamin Netanyahu a bad man opposed to peace with the Arabs, he is
also, it seems, a criminal. Or at least that is the impression one
might get from much of the media coverage on the "corruption"
allegations-Israel is "upset and angry because it sees that its
blunted sword is being replaced with logic as the governing force in
the world, and because the Iranian nation's message of peace is being
heard better, Rouhani said Iran would never seek a nuclear weapon and
was ready to negotiate with world powers on ending a decade long
showdown. Netanyahu told the same UN forum that sanctions hurting
Iran's economy must be strengthened as the Tehran regime was hell
bent on building a nuclear bomb. If Israel is forced to stand alone,
Israel will stand alone. Hassan Firouzabadi rejected the
Israeli threat of military action as an "act of desperation"
by a "warmonger-ygs/wingers far too cowardly to default on
government debt, two candidates, one who ran on repealing Obamacare
and one who ran on keeping it. The guy who promised not to repeal it
won. What exactly do you think is left to negotiate? If they did, on
the very next day after the ceiling is reached, Social Security
checks would stop, Medicare reimbursements would stop, all government
employees, including the military, would see their pay checks stop,
all government contracts would stop, not just welfare for black kids,
Imagine the scenario, Social Security, Medicare and DoD spending all
stopped on a dime. Personally, it wouldn't bother me a bit; I'd make
a fortune picking clean the carcass of the global bond market. But
imagine that really happening. Now imagine who the constituents would
be who would be squawking in desperation. It wouldn't be the
"liberals" as you and your thought masters imagine them-at
46 and playing hoops twice a week and keeping a healthy lifestyle
negates the need for expensive healthcare. Hope you are enjoying
yourself since they shut down the CLWR board, I cashed out with
$144k-If you look at your tax bill in Sweden it might dawn on you
that your health care is not FREE, assuming you pay income
taxes-Obongo will negotiate with Iran, Putin, Syria or anyone else on
earth, except Americans who disagree with him. He is more than worthy
of scorn-maybe the Congress could hold their breath until they turn
blue. Maybe that would somehow delude Obamacare of funding, wingers'
plan to stop 0.0000000000001% of government spending is really
starting to bring some pressure to bear-yc/THE GOP HAS BEEN
DEVASTATED BY THE TEA PARTY CANCER, only have 14 months before Dems
turn America into a slave state. Sad-God i hates obama-house of
republicans are powerless according to demorats yet shut down the
govt now that's some power-They voted for him, I hope they like
subsidizing the old folks-They've been doing it since the first hour
they worked-They Don't Care!, They Only Know Racist Hate!-HEALTHY
LIFESTYLE TAX 2016, if you are in your 20s and perfectly healthy, you
will have to pay $695 to Obama if you didn't buy his insurance.
Obama's insurance will prly cost you $3800/year,, that was your new
car!-It's extorion-fair since the dorks voted for the pos-really?
Where did you get that krappola? POTA? Typical dumb as dirt
retardlican-Why rePIGphuKKKers were soooo desperate for a govt.
shutdown, a fundamental showdown over the role of government in
stemming rising inequality and making our country a fairer and more
decent place, growing “weak” and has already become the lamest of
lame ducks bo has work to do in quelling doubts about his leadership.
GOP is clearly divided between those who take governing seriously,
those who see in every issue the “final conflict” that Marxists
kept predicting. Stopping Obamacare to prevent the country from
reaching the end of the road to serfdom, fascinating, and this speaks
to the perceived power of the tea party in primaries, is that it has
taken only a small minority of House Republicans to push toward
Armageddon. roughly 40 conservatives revolted against their
leadership, 40 in a 435 House, What’s become of us when less than
10 percent of one chamber of Congress can unleash chaos? What does
this say about the House Republican leadership gap?-being squarely
blamed for the shutdown, tea party = american taliban
cell-Tbillies"...ALL of them smarter, better educated and better
people than YOU-yhal/ben stein republican nonsense, We Republicans
started out the idea of universal health care, 1973, sent a message
to Congress asking for universal health care. a perfectly good idea,
allow it to be fully implemented and ultimately ruin the Democratic
Party for generations not very smart-Jesus and Moses most likely
never existed, and there is no evidence for any God. JINO
Lobbyist-netanyahus speech plenty of bubble lipped faggots like
you-can you be relavant without being an idiot? a born idiot who
can't make a coherent statement without your 'signature' racist
BS-maggot, a pig, a piece of shit, and a homosexual all rolled into
one disgusting thing-bubble lipped" is racist but "thieving
Jews" is not, for a cowardly little retard with shit for brains
who's constantly yammering about hypocrisy-republican eyes wide shut
nyp-Americans may not like Obamacare the way it is right now, but
they want to give it a chance and see how it goes, Republicans are
digging themselves a grave right now, but I still had to chuckle
about how these Right Wing sources frame the amount polls on the
support of Obamacare. They fail to state that 11-15% of the people
polled who are against Obamacare, think Obamacare isn't socialistic
enough-Hebron, Occupation’s Ugly Face, 80 percent of the total
highway system in the West Bank, is prohibited for Palestinian use.
Built on private Palestinian land confiscated by the Israeli Defense
Force (IDF), these highways bisect through villages, dividing
families, and boxing Palestinians into enclaves often described as
“Bantustans, a large Israeli settlement to the right: it has
playgrounds, electricity grids, and an immense water tower. It’s as
if a small strip of Southern California suburbia was airlifted into
the throbbing heart of Palestine, A litany of armored vehicles is
parked in a scanty valley littered with jagged, pale gray rocks.
Soldiers sit atop the hills, binoculars in hand, M16s cradled in
their laps. Squatting on their haunches, they appear to be focused on
something deep in the vast panorama of rolling hillocks, Once we
enter the old city of Hebron, the final stop is Shuhada Street, where
some 500 Jewish settlers reside amid over 165,000 Palestinians.
Nowhere in the West Bank is the suffocating air of the Israeli
military so palpable. Of the over 350,000 settlers in the West Bank,
those living in Hebron most frequently attack Palestinian civilians,
and are quite possibly the most ideologically drunken band of
theocrats that the Israeli colonial establishment has to offer,
commonplace for the settlers to unleash indiscriminate vigilante
force on the local Palestinian population. 1994, Baruch Goldstein, a
New York born settler from the neighboring Kiryat Arba, robed in
military insignia and entered the Ibrahimi Mosque. The mosque is home
to the Tomb of the Patriarchs, an ancient relic holy to both Muslims
and Jews. Goldstein opened fire on the worshipers, killing 29 and
injuring 125. He fired until he ran out of ammunition, then was beat
to death by the surviving worshipers. Since 1994, an estimated 10,000
militant Jews have made “pilgrimages” to his gravesite to
celebrate the annual anniversary of the massacre. By no means,
however, is the confrontation between two equal sides. Hebron’s
settlers, vastly more aggressive and violent than anyone I’ve ever
encountered, enjoy the rigorous protection of roughly 3,000 IDF We
enter the South Hebron Hills and pass Susiya, a cringing village of
tents and caves, where the residents have been displaced by military
demolitions five times since 1985 soldiers One at a time, Germany,
huh, My people have a lot of history with you. She passes without
responding to the soldier’s subtle threat. an elementary school for
Palestinian girls is blanketed in graffiti. “Death to Arabs!” one
tag reads in crudely sprayed blue paint. “Gas the Arabs JDL,”
“Palestine will be free,” another wall reads, “from the Jordan
to the sea.” Someone has spray painted an X over “Palestine”
and written “Israel” above it. Tagged underneath it is “Zionism
is racism.” “Racism” also has a large X spray painted over it,
replaced this time by “the answer.” Three checkpoints later, we
enter the Ibrahimi Mosque, what the late journalist Christopher
Hitchens described as a “supposedly sacred boneyard in a dank local
cave.” All traffic in and out of the mosque is contingent upon the
Israeli military’s approval. “What religion are you?” a soldier
asks me, scanning the pages of my passport. “None,” I answer.
“What do you mean?” “I don’t have one.” He looks at me
suspiciously. “What religion are your parents?” “None.”
“Grandparents?” he says, obviously frustrated “I guess they
were Christian. We cross through the final check point and make our
way to the market. After the closure of Shuhada Street, a small
portion of the vendors were able to relocate one street over. The new
market sits behind the settlements, however. After months of
having large stones and other objects thrown from the settlements,
the vendors constructed a protective net from chain link fencing. It
does not protect from smaller stones, and it does not prevent urine
or feces from being tossed down on the heads of those in the market,
as a friend of mine quickly learned when a cup of urine flew from the
window of a settlement and landed squarely on his head
counterpunch-More Arabs and Muslims have been killed in 2+ years in
Syria, than "palestinians" killed during 4 decades of
"occupation". Not that I am complaining. I'm hoping the
Arab spring comes to "Palestine" very soon-washingtontimes
we must shutdown obamas big lie-Just like Palestinians, the
Republicans lost on Obamacare and want a do over. Pathetic-by 5
million votes a bigger percentage of the popular vote, in fact, than
President thenation-Max Baucus, suffice: ObamCare's implementation is
a "train wreck-Sacrificing Israel on an Iranian Deal Altar, the
most anti Semitic US president ever, damage to Israel's deterrence
has already been immense, casts a sinister and malevolent glance at
the history of the Jewish people israelnationalnews-
iapb/staring at
this all morning, lot of visitors on the site right now, We’ll send
you to the login page as soon as we can. Thanks for your patience!
When I need a doctor I can expect more of the same-because doctors
are the same as websites-Cliff jumpers are funny, aren't they-Is it
more efficient to have more customers and few providers? It's not
more efficient when you're waiting for care-demand was overwhelming.
Americans need this. The number of people needing care hasn't
changed. Just the way people get it, earlier and cheaper-Things
changed for me yesterday, called to serve on a couple death
panels-remember. The more you "Cry Wolf", the less people
will believe you-5 year anniversary of the financial market collapse
caused by Bush Jr, and we have certainly come a long way since
September 2008-
aibafs/Fed. Repo politicians voted to ERASE $40
billion from the FARM BILL that go to FOOD STAMPS but then went on to
ensure that they continued to receive their farm subsides that their
families receive. Colorado Republican politicians voted AGAINST FEMA
funding for hurricane Sandy victims then turned around and asked for
funds for the recent CO floods, Apparently those 17 Repo politicians
believe that their families deserve farm subsidies more than American
citizens deserve to eat. DO YOU SEE A TREND? ZERO ability to
EMPATHIZE with other citizens they are ALL FOR THEMSELVES-27th DOOCY
Karl Rove said 85 percent of the country has health care and likes
it. So why blow up the entire system for 15 percent? One percent of
the country now has insurance because of the Affordable Care Act.
HASSELBECK: That's it? DOOCY: Yeah, we were told we're helping out 15
percent. But so far, just one-Rightwing Media Compare the Calgary
Cruzer to Davy Crockett, James Bowie, and John Wayne-rbn/God isn't
pleased, Poor liar gonna burn, O'Reilly's new book says Jesus died to
free the Jews from taxation-Republicans are some gullible Mo Fo's!
Palin probably has a Jesus book in the works too-GOP has completely
lost it. No end game, just political posturing wrapped in stupidity.
no clue whatsoever how to govern-Christians beseech God for military
takeover, morningstar TV host joyner this week called on God to
consider a “military takeover” of President Barack Obama’s
government because it could be the only way to save the country from
tyranny-Wizard' Behind Koch Brothers' Sean Noble was poised to launch
the Center to Protect Patient Rights, an Arizona based advocacy
group, invited to one of the secretive conferences for wealthy donors
and prominent politicos hosted by multibillionaires Charles and David
Koch. Everything the Koch's touch has a stench to it. And they
control the money machine of dark and evil characters bent on
maipulating feeble minded voter, luckily on the feeble minded fall
for it hp-esquire REIGN OF MORONS, snake handlers, Bible bangers,
ignorami, bagmen, voters of the United States elected the worst
Congress in the history of the Republic. There have been Congresses
more dilatory. There have been Congresses more irresponsible, though
not many of them. There have been lazier Congresses, more vicious-a
nation in jeopardy-America's Superpower Status Ebbs Away tuk-Treasury
now taking 'final extraordinary measures SLIP: Biden shows press
classified document politico-GOP States Won't Crack Down on Abuses by
Insurers-State begins developing 'master identity database
timesdispatch-Millions Needlessly Left Uninsured, While Passing Up
Free Money from Washington, Putting Hospitals at Risk,
Representatives Refuse to Take Constituent Calls-Greatest
Disinformation Campaign of the 21st Century dailykos-Clinton: GOP
'Begging For America To Fail-Murderous Cruelty of
Conservatives-Unintended Consequences of GOP Shutdown: No KKK Rally!
not everyone took the closing of national parks and monuments sitting
down. A group of World War II veterans visiting the National Mall on
Tuesday stormed the WWII Memorial, now technically closed hp-see how
many are just plain unaware of what Obamacare is and how it will
affect THEM and how many of them want to shell out THOUSANDS for
something that they feel they don't need because they are still at
the age where they feel invinceable and would rather spend their $$$
on drugs and booze and video games and sports and bowling and porno.
connected with young people through schools and CNA's at nursing
homes so I have a bead on it. They'd rather pay the miniscule fine
than pay health insurance premiums-rbg/raf, Karma is going to kick
your pansy ass to the moon, fuckstick fb/(Wrong is Right, They’ve
shut down the government over an ideological crusade to deny
affordable health insurance to millions of Americans bo" isn’t
telling the whole story when it comes to the government shutdown. The
fact is that Washington Democrats have slammed the door on reopening
the government by refusing to engage in bipartisan talks. This is
part of a larger pattern: the president’s scorched-Earth policy of
refusing to negotiate in bipartisan way on his health care law,
current government funding, or the debt limit. This is the
president's government shutdown, kiddies. Make no mistake about it
really bring out the blue heads, don't they?-extremely stance. It's a
kooky, fringe (and disingenuous) far right stance. It's interesting
as an instance of why people think the tea partiers are so very odd
(and why some see them as so very calculating). But I don't know why
it was in my Google News news feed. It should not have been there. If
this sort of thing is going to be in the news feed, then stuff from
fascists, militiamen, nihilists, communists, atheists, radical
feminists, conceptual artists and all the other groups the greater
American public sees as kooky should also be there on a regular
basis-BlueHeads, Schmooheads! I'd like to see people respect a little
social media netiquette, get a fucking profile photo, and act like
adults g+/BBC Italian Premier Enrico Letta has won a confidence vote
after a last minute U turn by former PM Silvio Berlusconi-Exercise
can be as good a medicine as pills for people with conditions such as
heart disease, a study has found. The work in the British Medical
Journal (BMJ/Who's being played here?" Dems lost the austerity
battle, and sequestration is here to stay politicalcarnival- Perry
warns that implementing #Obamacare is a ‘criminal act wtf-Six
Delusional GOP Shutdown Talking Points rightwingwatch-statements that
you cannot express your opinion about racism unless you are black-tw/
Another article based on a false premise. Nowhere did the Tweeter
express that sentiment- I hv the last word abt my exp-What was
Axelrod’s original tweet? Or should I head on over to twitchy?
Maybe Malkin will mention you next time she’s on F0cks. And what
does the tag President Obama have anything to do with this poutrage
post? The purpose of this blog is for you to attack anything and
everything, no matter how petty, that emanates from the left. Then
when the right’s ideology is confronted, you view it as a “personal
attack” (which is pretty much all of the left’s posts, Did you
have something on topic to add without the name calling and personal
attacks? A hypocrite manifested-If you don’t dare to say it and put
your name on it why say it at all?, JOHN LENNON If I let my personal
fear of what someone might do if they don’t agree with something I
say in public guide my actions then any hope of ever accomplishing
anything would be hiding under the bed with me. I don’t hide under
beds-must read only the left side of the newspaper-cute little jab,
It, and does nothing to further intelligent discourse. But I’m sure
that wasn’t your intent, listing racists by political leanings
isn’t a “contest”. Racists are everywhere, vocal as well as the
“dog whistle” crowd. Even using stereotypes to classify people is
racist. There are few who don’t see race and have some preconceived
notion, oft erroneous, of that race- trb/Issa: Not Funding the
Government Is Part of Funding It tpm/Dishonesty of Voter ID Laws
nyt/No Exit Plan for Boehner db/Anti War Movement and the Spirit of
Internationalism hp/"Pipeline or Rail, the Oil Will Flow,
Industry and Canada's Petro Government Observer/Obama Owes the Tea
Party Robert Reich, From 2009 to 2011, according to the Pew Research
Center, the average wealth of the richest 8 million households, 7
percent of Americans, rose almost 30 percent to more than $3 million.
The average wealth of the other 93 percent dropped 4 percent, from
$140,000 to $134,000. At the end of 2011, the top 7 percent of
households had 63 percent of the nation's wealth, a 7 percent rise
just since 2009. The president's liberal base is restless, angry and
dispirited. In this week's Bloomberg News poll, Obama's job approval
among Democrats fell to 78 percent from 86 percent in June. But as
long as Obama is president, the risk of Republican compromise seems
exceedingly low, and the likelihood of continuing all out attacks,
witness the blind lunges at Obamacare, exceedingly high. The left
hates this economy and the rising income polarization it produces.
But the right hates Obama more. Until that changes, Obama and
Democratic leaders on Capitol Hill probably won't have to reckon with
the left's slow burning rage-If President Obama can make a deal with
the most intransigent mullahs in the world but not with House
Republicans, maybe he is not the problem ds/
kamikazi gop shutdown,
aca ny 2M hits, on stephanie/bowling blocks facts on tw, fl ga
waterwar, bradblog, on pv/willing to negotiate. First, they wanted
to defund Obamacare. Second, they asked for a one year postponement.
(Remember, the President has already delayed some provisions by one
year.) Third, they want Congress to have to be on Obamacare. There
have been multiple offers. And Obama has said no to each one.
Bostonherald/ day_2_in_obama holding federal government
sthash./ congressing buzzwordies /wondering how much is saved, not
paying congress per day?/gawd told bill to write his stupid killing
jesus book, virtego cured by not looking at your fucking iphone every
5 min kimble, bob visits concern about what the world thinks and
politician shallow talent pool, new format ftn cbs most watched, on
imus/merk cuts 1500 jobs wkok/ wonders how much the country can save
not paying congress per day?/nervous netty ab suit gilerman sez izzy
is not gun happy, talk is cheap, /huck a new sunset clause ditch,
barney evaserates republicans, on geraldo
Meteorologist Refuses To Fly Again, After breaking down in tears over
the new climate report, Eric Holthaus live-tweeted his final flight.
salon/Gravity” is the closest most of us will ever come to going
into space, and that may be for the best. Unfortunately, with all
this verisimilitude, there is a hole in the plot: a gaping orbital
impossibility big enough to drive the Starship Enterprise through
nyt/Top MIT scientist: Newest UN climate report is ‘hilariously’
flawed-must have a low IQ and wants to turn the US into some kind
theocracy, or something-not just your run of the mill Margaret Atwood
christian theocracy, but a real hardcore one run by about 35 white
supremacists from a village in North Dakota-other stuff he's been
wrong about, the link between smoking and lung cancer is "weak,
Satellite measurements showing no warming, Decrease in water vapor
would allow carbon dioxide to escape from the atmosphere and calls it
an "old view, Solar and volcanic forcings were severely
downplayed to fudge data-skepticalscience takes on Richard
Lindzen-journalist close to the Saudi monarchy yesterday criticized
the warming of relations between Washington and Tehran inews-With its
illusions of diplomatic grandeur, Obama's speech, cited Ayatollah Ali
Khamenei's "fatwa,", or religious edict, in defense of
Iranian intentions, is an elaborate grand deception-8 to 1 favoring
the US bombing Israel and making nice to Iran-tea party are the new
jews in this version of progressivism. Progressives put Jews in
concentration camps or gulags, want to do the same with the GOP
base-So now there are old Jews and new Jews that they hate?-You can
stand with those mindless dudes who make Jew jokes, and believe it is
OK because they heard them in church, while they also think that Jews
are doomed to an eternity in hell, OK for the average Christian to
think that way, but these guys want to run the country-Netanyahu to
UN Iran’s nuclear warheads could hit NY in 3 to 4 years-your
fearless leader from the promised land is more fearful than fearless.
Fear is in the natural genetic makeup of a mouse, insane, afraid,
and paranoid (it's in their genes-
iapb/With uncharacteristic
firmness, the RNC stated flatly that it would not allow either
network to air televised debates among potential GOP candidates for
president for 2016 if the films continued. With uncharacteristic
alacrity, the two related networks have now abandoned ship wt-aibafs/
bama Slams GOP for Shutting Down Gov't With 'Ideological Crusade,
Kicks Off With Website Error Message, Glitches- D.C. Crisis
Unfolding, Obama Sets Record-O'Reilly Fires Back After Critics Mock
His Inspiration for 'Killing Jesus-Netanyahu to UN: Iran's New
President Is 'Wolf in Sheep's Clothing-Palin to GOP: 'You'll Get
Blamed for Shutdown, So Deal With It'
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