person who deserves the most blame for the sequester, the automatic
spending cuts that kick in March 1 and will slow GDP growth by 0.5
percent, is not President Obama or John Boehner, but House Majority
Leader Eric Cantor. That's not just because the Virginia Republican
wanted to delay a big deficit bill until after the election, when he
thought he'd be working with President-elect Mitt Romney, but because
Cantor can't decide whether the best course for his own career is to
side with Boehner and more moderate Republicans or with the Tea Party
radicals. The careening of his thinking on the question is the
backbeat of one fiscal crisis after another, Cantor comes across as
very ambitious in Lizza's profile, his staff even say he could be
president someday. But Cantor doesn't seem to know how to achieve his
career goals. He can't decide whether to help Boehner negotiate with
the White House to pass actual legislation or to undercut Boehner to
get conservatives' support. In the summer of 2011, Boehner had been
negotiating with Obama on a grand bargain to raise the debt ceiling
and reduce the deficit. Cantor helped kill it TheNewYorker-He is a
liar. On 60 minutes once he said obamacare is the law of the land.
And then he sold his soul to the insurances co.s-he is just a
delivery boy now, can't control his crowd, imo, senate will give in
on the 'tax on medical devices, but not on delaying obamacare, back
to Boehner and company, Maybe they'll claim a partial victory, And
stop getting phone calls from constituents (or block them altogether)
about vanishing 401K's and economic damage-RED ALERT:"Well, the
endgame is a total collapse, but from a higher diving board. The Fed
will continue to print and if the stock market goes down 10%, they
will print even more. And they don't know anything else to do. And
quite frankly, they have boxed themselves into a corner where they
are now kind of desperate. USA 99%V GROW BALLS AND PREPARE TO FIGHT
CRIMINAL RULERS IN USA-the end of the world is here.enjoy!-With your
evidence, if you have any evidence-ygs/ nothing compared to what will
happen in nov. if the tea party gets it's way. The GOP is trying to
destroy America-If you are a lib, then you are a bigger part of the
problem than the Tea Party people. Rooting for lower taxes and a
return to following the Constitution is much better than spending our
future generations into an unsustainable oblivion, but apparently you
only care about yourself and right now, no surprise from a #$%$ Both
parties are to blame, and people like you are the reason this country
is a sinking ship, not a minority group. Maybe you should watch more
than MSNBC for you media coverage, you might actually learn
reality-BAC board infested with selfish Libtards who can't get enough
handouts of other people's money-Even if they have to borrow it-Think
government welfare works?-Dont forget your AK47 and bullet proof
vest-Garbage company. DIE PIG-If the Government is shut down, it is
TOTALLY on Obama, Obama and Reid are playing blame game
politics!-worthless board is infested with teaparty wing nuts rooting
for America to fail!-Goona be soo funny watching inbred democrip left
wingnuts-New monthly lows being hit. Notice the trend?-Shutdown is a
bunch of noise-ANOTHER DELAY of ObamaCare just announced-Europe asia,
crashing wallStreet? holding??? ybac/ONLY ONE QUESTION JUST HOW LONG
CAN THE ISRAEL DOMINATION LAST?-We may get lucky the many dissenters
in israel will do the job-GAZA STRIP HOME OF THE BRAVE AND SOON TO BE
THEIR REAL STATE BUSINESS-what a joke we all know your an angry low
life welfare goy, son of dim witted dog feces-I smell goy stench here
ygs/With the White House cautiously optimistic meeting between
Netanyahu and President Barack Obama could be tense. I'd like to be a
fly on the wall for this one. ap Mortified that the world may be
warming up to Iran, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Don't
be fooled by Tehran's new leadership. Iran is using conciliatory
gestures as a smoke screen to conceal an unabated march toward a
nuclear bomb, fresh intelligence, to maintain tough economic
sanctions-What nukes did Israel use?-by its use of a nuke(s) on
Syria. Its objective in using a nuke(s) on Syria was likely a warning
to Iran, but in the end it demonstrated the Middle ygs/Near Eastern
loose nuclear cannon is Israel itself. Israel's pleas will now fall
on deaf ears-Did Scotty just beam you down from the Enterprise?-see
nothing wrong with the murders that occurred in Kenya?
Have they
mistaken good for evil and evil for good?, in a vacuum?-Says the
angelic ethnic cleanser, How many Jews did you "settle"
today, padre? Can you feel it now? Is it just like the good ole days
when Yahweh's favorite people slew all the Canaanites?-Why aren't you
helping now? The "land" is Palestine, not in Texas-uçk you
in the åss-He's not a Catholic-You're a Jew but that won't stop you
from your faggot ways-If there are no answers on Kenya and Israeli
fuckups-Nobody was as big a faggot as Jesus was. Hence that priest
altar boy relationship thing-Tweak him and his fake religious views
but lets not insult all Christians, please-Egypt & Syria for
instance, they get massacred. In Israel, they live as free men and
women-he exonerates his Muslim brothers and blames the terrorist
attack on Israelis-Feds blame the right wing, Christians, and former
military.wt, Christians in America are more of a threat than
laughable, shows is the complete ineptitude of this
administration and our current CJS.-iapb/CNN Films canceled a planned
documentary about Hillary Clinton project’s director abruptly
dropped out of the project and said the Clinton camp had pressured
people not to talk to him, published he decided to scrap the
documentary because potential interview subjects refused to be
interviewed, imagine that? An open an honest person like Hillary?
Who woulda thunk it?-Teabaggers have discovered ANOTHER "scandal."
How many is that now? better that the Twitter "140 character"
scandal, against the film?-SAME batch of Cons were complaining about
CNN was going to do a Clinton biography, Now they're complaining,
Frickin' hilarious-Monica Lewinsky "scandal" rehashed all
over again. Or do you think we don't know enough about that
already?-a few reasons would be first her fake concussion also her
fake blood clot 6 days before she had to testify-I thrash you around
like a little rag doll on this message board-
With a pair of velvet
lined tweezers and a powerful magnifying lens you thrash something
else around all day Cletus-you have a 171 IQ and an Ivy League
graduate, lower level school (Rafael's words, not mine), and are
sending your son to public schools? Can't afford a private school to
keep him away from the dregs of society?-
aibafs/nice beaver! thanks
i just had it stuffed, half past fuckurself depending on the traffic,
lying sack of crap, boner giddy kick the can bill, good old fashion
politics, rwhappy endings seminar, cruz should sequester himself,
california success story nyt, 20 conviction for shooting warning shot
overturned, on stephanie/weiner slapped eric complains about
disenfranchised planning happy hour parties claiming tony is
condesending while eating crow, content to cover zion gifts to rebels
or amman, conspiracies abound, not meaning to sound partisan happy
with polital climate to make profits larry trading vortex regan
management skills in the actors guild hands on (couch) reliving got
shutdown in 2011, bocare signup enchouraging lying on application a
healthcare .gov also social security number, nome waits 45 sec to ask
what would the rate be at 250k per yr income, report of 9k$ at 55k,
on geraldo suspicious of neti living in a jewish world and faux
snooze refusing to believe bo racism/
parady sleep is the enemy,
pension, money cult worshipping, cruz could've read the whole
billathone 100:1 colsure, bradblog, delushional wingnut lee, pv
man bitten by shark off Ashdod coast, Attack took place on a fish
farm ten kilometers from shore; man suffered moderate wound
Haaretz/wonders if atheists can come up with language as comforting
as spiritual platitudes: “I’m sorry for your loss” felt too
impersonal. That’s what you say to acquaintances, not best friends.
“I’m here for you dishand/Israeli security officials arrested a
Belgian businessman of Iranian descent for spying on Israel and
gathering intelligence on possible terror targets wp-spy allegedly
sent to Israel by Revolutionary Guard JerusalemPost-Louisiana pastor
shot and killed while preaching, Bond is set at $1 million for a
Louisiana man accused CNN-New Mexico city that's played home to
"Breaking Bad" is preparing for the end, with the
Emmy-award winning series sfc-Saturday Night Live links Obama,
'Breaking Bad'
USATODAY-children who witnessed Newtown shooting,
fear and nightmares wp/Shutdown is Wired to Happen. No Stopping it
now. Boehner Certified-SMILE America, BAC and GOP are fhockin you in
the acss-next week will be the best for banks-NOBAMACARE, Iran issue,
DEBT, Foodstamps, etc. REPEAL EVERYTHING that NOBAMA has already done
to the country! RIDICULOUS-Did the Tea Party Destroy Detroit?? How
about Illinois or California?-GOP is DOA. The drooling far right
brain-deads on this board are a joke-Please abolish the "Debt
Ceiling-dumb & dumber GOP & their idiot teabagger brethren-If
the Government is shut down, it is TOTALLY on Obama-We really dint
like it when Obamie got us out of Irag after W got us in Iraq, I
liked Obamacare when Romney did it Massachesetts. But us Tea Baggers
hate it when Obama gets credit for doing the same thing on a national
level-Republican's are lying hypocrites courting a minority of bigots
and elitist wannabes-hypocrites liked Romneycare, but they hate
Obamacare. No explanation needed-That was the model. No one but a
liar can deny-lib,..."large majority" alright. Of DEAD and
MISSING voters in 3 key states. OHIO One election "judge"
LOL. from Ohio, a black person, is now serving 5 years in prison for
voter fraud. Only a real "simp" ,or lib in denial would not
acknowledge knowing this. She voted for 6 of her DEAD relatives, and
6 times each. Another black POS named F.Johnson admitted to a court
he voted 73 times,..again in Ohio. ALL these votes were in black
precincts. DOubt this, or are you ignorant. Due some DD at Ohio
Election Committee. facts are available- This entire problem of the
national debt is caused by current conservatives refusing to be
socially responsible-every house hold in the US owes $147,000 toward
the National Debt?-brain deads submit GOP knows who rules. They WILL
submit. Watch, learn-ybac/Kenya was warned by Israel that Israeli
owned businesses were at risk of being terrorized
timesofisrael-Israeli ownership is more than enough reason for
Islamic terrorists to attack, they have a particular hate on for all
things Israeli, thus where better to carry out their murderous acts?
In a country plagued with Muslim terrorism-BROKEN HOMES, BROKEN
LIVES, white woman from the West who decides to become a radical
Islamic jihadist Laithwaite, 29, has been known to law enforcement
since July 7, 2005, when her then husband detonated a bomb in
London’s subway system, killing himself and 26 civilians; back
then, she was the weeping, 8-months-pregnant widow who became the
subject of national sympathy, how did this nice young girl grow up to
become one of the world’s most wanted terrorists? defend Islam with
my life,” she told ABC News in 2008, “so that makes me a filthy,
dirty, subhuman terrorist-women are targeted by radical Muslims in
the same way most sociopaths find willing victims. They are exploited
and used, and are very expendable-iapb/45-caliber pistol that killed
Lucas Heagren, 3, on Memorial Day last year at his Ohio home had been
temporarily hidden under the couch by his father. But Lucas found it
and shot himself through the right eye. Houston, a group of youths
found a Glock pistol in an apartment closet while searching for snack
money. A boy 15 was handling the gun when it went off. Alex
Whitfield, who had just turned 11, was struck. It's always a great
idea to give 3 year olds rifles as Christmas gifts nyt- really pretty
simple, fund the government, raise the debt ceiling, or risk crashing
the entire financial system, and the teabagger anarchists don't seem
to care forbes-aibafs/As Congress Fights Over the Budget, Agencies Go
on Their "Use It or Lose It" Shopping Spreeswp/ Soaring
Number of Elderly US Women Live in Extreme Poverty
RawStory/freakoutnation house republicans drinkin booze during night
debates/pretty talking head mushroom cloud, opprotunities by juan, on
fns/non starter humping the shutdown pony cruz quoting hoffa on
premise, on nbc/iran talks sense, concrete steps, history, facts,
javid, billy sez wingnutz spiteful to the working poor, kristol
saying the party is stronger for the shutdown citing military
shutdowns 07 08 to eventually raising debt limit pist at facts,
kurgman a failure to understand, mandate for policy ignorance,
government mistrust is teabagger base, on abc/south africa elephant
poisioning via gold mining and poachers pbs/
past his potential rivals for GOP primary voters-media, left and
right, portraying him as an out of control, ambitious and egotistical
cowboy, cynically exploiting Americans growing opposition to
signature health care law. Ted Cruz is a hero his marathon speech
decrying the evils of Obamacare has enraged Washington’s ruling
class. many are vilifying him. They are wrong. Finally, a patriot has
emerged, willing to wage a frontal assault on bureaucratic
monstrosity. This is the real reason he is being demonized. Rep.
Peter T. King, New York Republican, claims that Mr. Cruz has “tapped
into a dark strain” in the national “psyche.” Senate Majority
Leader Harry Reid, Nevada Democrat, says the Texas populist is a
“political anarchist. Others on the left have gone so far as to
accuse him of engaging in terrorism, Matthews has compared a modern
day Joseph McCarthy. wt-Snowden disclosures, the Oregon Democrat told
the NSA chief: "the truth always manages to come out-They "ran
out of wars" so it makes sense to Deploy military machines in
law enforcement. Recycle, reuse! Dallas County Now Has Its Very Own
Bulletproof, "Mine protected" Military SUV, no telling when
North Texas might descend into sectarian warfare and start planting
IEDs along Riverfront Boulevard-aibafs/In the Virginia governor's
race, the Republican ticket is balanced between the far right and the
extreme right, widely assumed the Virginia GOP couldn’t pick anyone
more conservative than Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli, an anti
abortion crusader who had proposed intrusive exams for women who want
to terminate their pregnancy; wants to reinstate Virginia's
unconstitutional anti sodomy laws and has subpoenaed the research
papers of scientists who had the audacity to claim humans are
responsible for global warming, E.W. Jackson, his running mate
Republican candidate for lieutenant governor. sez, if you're Jewish
and planning on going to heaven some day, forget about it, You see,
Jews and other non Christians "are engaged in some sort of false
religion, Sunday morning in Northern Virginia-Bible Thumpers are the
reason why the South will never 'rise again-dailymail Kenya attack
torture soldiers Eyes gouged, bodies fingers removed, There is a
limit at which forbearance ceases to be a virtue Edmund Burke-It is
and if Israel warned and knew about it, why didn't they move in
before it happened instead of after it happened? If Obama had warned
and didn't follow through like Benghazi, he would be castrated like
he is now. So why isn't Israel being castrated? Everyone on here
should understand one thing, shit happens and can't always be stopped
for various reasons. You castrate one and let the other slide.
That's the way shit happens. Opinions, that is those who weren't
there, decide who is guilty and that depends on those who is against
who. Those who were there who don't like those who are in power
spread their opinions and shit. For those who don't understand this,
get with someone who does understand the workings of the world-jpost
Iranian Threat US Iran behind Navy breach Pentagon did not confirm
allegations of an Iranian back hack, the presidents of the US
President Barack Obama and Iranian President Hassan Rouhani spoke on
the phone, marking the first such direct contact between presidents
of the two countries since 1979-CIA believed that Israel's first
bombs may have been made with highly enriched uranium stolen in the
mid-1960s from the U.S. Navy nuclear fuel plant operated by the
Nuclear Materials and Equipment Corporation, where sloppy material
accounting would have masked the theft, 1986 said that based on a
reactor operating at 150 megawatts and a production of 40 kg of
plutonium per year, Israel had 100 to 200 nuclear devices. the mid
2000s estimates of Israel's arsenal ranged from 75 to 400 nuclear
warheads, Iran is upfront with what they want. They're not sneaky
and claim to be our friend, when they're not, ordained to happen.
iapb/Let's Take Diplomacy on Syria to a Regional Level The two stated
obstacles to a nuclear-arms-free zone in the Middle East, a broad
Arab Israeli peace and an Iranian commitment to curb its nuclear
program, addressed in international fora, for regional level
interdiction of WMD-Does Christianity Continue to Stifle Indigenous
Political Will? peoples must consciously confront and oppose the
hegemony of the Christian worldview that informs the forces of
economic oppression and ecological destruction, Four Arrows,
Truthout/India's New Food Security Bill Makes Right to Food a Law
new National Security Food Bill in India promises heavily subsidized
wheat and rice for those who live below the poverty line, which is
about 67 percent of the population- Occupy/ Feinstein Accidentally
Confirms NSA Tapped The Internet Backbone TechDirt/BRIT HUME, GOP
YOU GUESSED IT BOYS & GIRLS 0-yhal/Facts before Tea Bagger fools
= pearls before swine. Tea Bagger fools have no regard for facts. All
they do is lie, slander, bash, trash, and smear. If their not
swallowing it, their steeped in the waste of their tyrant demagogue
pundits-DO THE RIGHT THING! A lobotomy will calm your hysteria,
lessen your paranoia, stifle your hate, and, hopefully, gag your lie
holes-My, my, aren't we into the cogently thoughtsy tonight. You're a
republican trying to make dems look bad, right?-I am a democrat but
you are not swaying my opinion to support Obama with such talk. You
need to learn how to form coherent arguments ybac/If you believe Paul
Krugman then you should just follow the Judas Goat..You've earned it.
I know that we have spent trillions trying to get this train wreck of
a government-run economy on track, but if we would just spend another
300 trillion, you would see that my Keynesian economics and prognosis
are spot on said Krugman last night! If only he were a troll guarding
a bridge-Don't defund Bobocare. Let the fustercluck begin. The people
will rise up and end the madness-shut the federal government down.
Oh, it'd be like if we don't give the banks 800 million dollars than
the whole world will dissolve? Liberal ka-ka...Shut the bi.ait ch
down... really, you won't die tomorrow...We need sound commodity
currency ,not fiat fairy tale #$%$....What we are doing now does not
work-So why are the T Party fools willing to risk the economy &
the Party brand in their panic to, as Jeb Bush said, effectively
repeal a law while controlling one half of one third of the
government? Are they trying to save the left from itself? How
money laundrying case rove connection free-don.org, natural gas helps
kill coal, top 50 plants make more polution than all but 6
countries-bradblog pv/zack or sam filabsbuster, on ringoffire/rip lc
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