least five drones based at Camp Lemonnier have crashed Pentagon to
invest over $1 billion to upgrade US drone base in Djibouti forced to
relocate a large fleet of drones, plans include a $228 million
compound to house up to 700 personnel from the highly secretive Joint
Special Operations-USIS of deliberately shorting the government on
the number of trainers to increase its profit margin. More seriously,
the wb detailed two incidents in which USIS contractors allegedly had
witnessed or participated in the killing of Iraqis. A USIS
conducting investigations for the government, worth $334 million this
year contractor accompanied Iraqi police trainees during the assault
on Fallujah last November and later boasted about the number of
insurgents he had killed-A year ago, it was paid $3.8 million to
replace the Child Development Center there, a project it is scheduled
to still be working on. The new job will include repairs to the
Guantanamo Bay marina and beaches used by U.S. military personnel as
well as restoration of the recreational dive park. [Debt ceiling
debate, anyone?-infrastructure boom in Afghanistan: $37 million
aviation facility used to store opium-American wars in Afghanistan
and Iraq would end up costing as much as $6 trillion, the equivalent
of $75,000 for every American household-old Soviet-made missile,
which was taken out of service in the Syrian army long ago. It was
most important to have 'made in the USSR' written [on the missile],"
Putin said at the Valday discussion forum on Thursday. The Russian
president pointed out that the August 21st attack in Damascus was not
the first time chemical weapons had been used in Syria-1961. The
bombs fell to earth after a B-52 bomber broke up in mid-air, and one
of the devices behaved precisely as a nuclear weapon was designed to
behave in warfare: its parachute opened, its trigger mechanisms
engaged, and only one low voltage switch prevented untold carnage
Syrian armed opposition may be ordered by its foreign sponsors to
stage a false flag operation against foreign inspectors when they
arrive in the country to monitor destruction of the country's
chemical weapons stockpile, says the Syrian president. Bashar Assad
voiced his concerns in an interview by China's state television CCTV
in Damascus-Holy coincidence, Batman! *Once again,* al CIAduh
explodes the security state cash cow: Nairobi attack may trigger
tighter security at malls worldwide-Strasbourg based court is trying
to find out how closely Poland cooperated with the clandestine part
of U.S. operations-former FBI explosives expert would plead guilty to
revealing secret information for ap-Embry Riddle Aeronautical
University in Daytona Beach could be in that other room in as little
as six months with a master's degree in drone warfare, his hand on
the joystick, making $150,000 a year clg/Credit Suisse , cutting its
Q3 EPS estimate for Goldman Sachs (GS) to $2.10 from $2.63 previous
and consensus $2.75-Papa Johns customers are principally TP members
may need more delivery boys has contacted Boehner-BOEHNER MUST
code, Obviously you do not, Such is life, IGGY for you ygs/With Just
107 Words, everybody needs to know is that on their 43rd try
Republicans will not be successful in defunding Obamacare, just
beginning to catch up to the rest of the industrialized world that
guarantees healthcare to all people as a right. Cruz is quite right
that once people begin to see that healthcare is a right for human
beings. You know what? They like it, and they want more of it. And
they do not want to endanger their children, their families. and
themselves when an illness comes. Bernie Sanders Obliterates Ted
Cruz’s 21 Hour Fake Filibuster VATICAN says UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE IS
AN UNALIENABLE RIGHT-Sanders, self admitted communist. How's that
"Kill Whitey" t shirt program going?-Senile Piglosi says
she and the other democrats just are not smart enough to provide any
cuts to waste, fraud and abuse. obombothedumbo-like the 6 trillion
dollar social program called Iraq-Afghanistan war. And the phoney war
on drugs and the phoney war on terror?-So HERO Wendy Davis pulls a
"filibuster" for abortion after 20 weeks, wars will be in
the inner city areas, they won't come to the sub like where I live,
my neighbors and I have too much fire power to return-we need more
Government in our lives, huh? amazing. Do I need Gubment to take
Viagra too? How about Gubment examine me before I produce a child?
Maybe I'm not a fit father. More Gubment pukes answer to any social
issue-clinton had 8 years to do womething with iraq and accomplished
nothing-What was he supposed to do? Waste 6 trillion invading and
occupying Iraq, only to have them end up as iran's ally? Because this
is what bush did about Iraq-Debt So, many unsustainable social
programs-so HERO Wendy Davis pulls a filibuster for abortion after 20
weeks-following the Hannity tradition, repeat lie over and over, We
all know-Compare BILL CLINTON with Piers Morgan, to Ted Cruz on the
HOUSE FLOOR-partyofno Tried to watch that Clinton interview, felt
embarrased for the old sperm sprayer-ARE DEMS SO FIXATED ON THE "TEA
PARTY" IF ITS SO MEANINGLESS?-because they skeered! truth,
honesty and MORALS, foreign to progressives. lies and deception are
just fine tho-a Key Difference Between a Liberal and Conservative
when a liberal hears that a killer has murdered some people, it
upsets him, period. When a conservative hears it, they ask "Were
they white?". Is that a fair assessment?-Rasmussen 8 percent
identify themselves as Tea Party members. “Views of the Tea Party
movement are at their lowest point ever, with voters for the first
time evenly divided when asked to match the views of the average Tea
Party member against those of the average member of Congress. Only
eight percent (8%) now say they are members of the Tea Party, down
from a high of 24% in April 2010 just after passage of the national
health care law” Rasmussen reports. Ouch-Why does BILL O'REILLY
proudly state that he is NOT a REPUBLICAN? fair and balanced?-Why
does he say "no spin" and then proceed to spin every god
d(*&)(*&ed topic that comes his way?-did Pelosi and the
democrats incharge of congress declare war-sorry-speaking of TICKS
and LEECHES of our society, why are Red States such deadbeats?
tbaggingretardate-Because there are lowlife Democrats in every
state-TED CRUZ for GOP nominee in 2016, SPARE ME!-names for all of
them like "SAINT-ORUM-Greenville Wal-Mart Shooter Picked Victims
By Race by whitehouse monkey-FB My biggest loser oj obama1-I can't
find anybody who will wax my SN@TCH to get that black meat. too
heavy to do it myself. My son won't do it for me anymore either Any
ideas?-you make me f'n sick to my stomach AND due to the fact that I
BELIEVE you-a government program for that should be just around the
corner-Leavitt, the secretary of health and human services, said
yesterday that Bush would request $19.7 billion in additional federal
allotments to the states for coverage of children from low-income
families in the next five years. Spending on the program from 2009 to
2013 would total $45.1 b-Miracle of Malt Liquor shiftlessnegro-Black
Man Shoots Four People Because They’re White byrdwasa
proudkkkmember. How many cures for cancer have been lost in the minds
of bright young black men and women because libs want them to stay
down in the hole? yhal/ dishonest derivative players will bring down
the world financial markets-C was one of those failing Glass Steagall
law breaking institutions that was a failing bank, a failing
investment bank AND a failing mortgage co that was just too big to
let fail-Provide names, provide specifics, give your evidence to the
sec and the justice dept, contact the sec whistleblower feature, aunt
bea and sheriff andy taylor will be available to help.-Federal
Reserve has admitted the stunning defeat-not predicting the end of
world economic system. This problem can be easily solved by
abolishing the private central banks and restructuring the debt
People tried to call McConnell and McCain yesterday after Cruz's
speech but the cowards wouldn't answer the phone. They cut them off.
Those two refused to listen to vote McConnell out now and replace him
with a small government constitutionalist-convicted in 2009 as a
member of the so-called Toronto 18 killed while fighting in Syria.
Mohamed Dirie, who had been sentenced to seven years in prison for
his role in the Canadian plot, died in Syria recently while fighting
with an extremist group-Kenya has been a beacon for democracy in
Africa. But Africa has come under the boot of Islam under a post
American U.S. president who is aiding and abetting the global jihad.
Obama aided Islamic supremacists in Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, and
Algeria. And Islamic supremacists have been waging a vicious jihad in
Mali, Nigeria, Sudan, Ethiopia, Tanzania...the whole continent. This
is the horror of Islamic supremacism. at-America must remain engaged
for our own security, but I also believe a world is better for it,
Some may disagree, but I believe America is exceptional, in part
because we have shown a willingness, to the sacrifice of blood and
treasure to stand up, not only for our own interests, but for the
interests of all. bo at the UN-
iapb/ Cruz has nothing if not a shaky
relationship with his own party, as he has thrown himself into
representing the grassroots at the expense of his relationship with
the Republican establishment- if people feel they are being
personally attacked report it. One mad can't do anything about it.
Something like that has to be taken to all mods and admin. And also,
if you complain about personal attacks, make sure you yourself are
not doing what you complain about-typical behavior of certain sets of
children, most prolific liars will often be the first to charge
others as liars. Some will carry it into adulthood, who frequently
use the personal attack, will often charge others with such behavior.
Some of the very damaged young people exhibit the lying and attack
traits at much higher rates than other students-Perhaps you are
seeking attention from the "fire trucks" where there is no
aibafs/fah451bkswordpress Rise of Facsism; A week after
antifascist hip hop singer Pavlos Fyssas was murdered in cold blood
by a gang of Golden Dawn thugs and the extremism of the center,
antifascist left stages an impressive show of force and numbers,
marchs on goldendawn headquarters athens 50000 strong, Clashes
briefly broke out after riot police prevented the march from reaching
the party’s offices and began firing tear gas at protesters to
disperse the crowd. Some molotov cocktails were thrown, some trash
bins burnt and some bank windows thrown in, but overall the march
remained mostly peaceful. the government finally embarks upon a
belated crackdown on the neo-Nazi party-
transgender home comming
queen, kimmel cruzapalooza, billy imatates bono, onj 62, and juan
whipping wingnutz, on imus/cruz voted 4 bocare, on billpress/va gov
wingnutitis,ya gotta be a douche if ur reading dr suess and you know
it don't come easy rocky mountain mike strikes again, transvaginal
airlines, things not to ask lesbians salon, gay muzlims make
evangicals explode, mcconnel reflips on cruz self gratification, like
a polecat in a submarine, woorley president of animal rescue
celebrity best pets competetion, visits complains about mileys
tounge, on birthday girl stephanie/teamsters fight for profit
doj-suess north and south zachs better cruz pick-1 vote to proceed
obstruction- pv/ws circle of friends coruption gasperino points to fn
talk points and jamie diamon, visits, wingnut sez listen then do the
opposite, boner repeats wingnut talk points again, on geraldo/2hr
wait soundly slapped, on ed/
a sea change takes place in the minds of the public, elected
officials and media pundits. Long overdue, that seems to be underway
now with regard to the American prison system and the war on drugs.
For decades, politicians competed to see who could be tougher on
crime, who was more in favor of locking up the most people for the
longest stretches, and the public and media, for the most part,
cheered them on. Now even Attorney General Eric Holder has called
mass incarceration a moral and economic failure. What
happened?-tiresome efforts of Ted Cruz and his fellow Republicans to
block the Affordable Care Act are still dragging on, what Truthout's
Williams Rivers Pitt called a "dismal spoon fed press clown
show- Ecuador's president has launched a call for people around the
world to boycott Chevron products, in rejection of the company's
evasion of responsibility for oil contamination in the Amazon
basin.-about indigenous people being forced by global corporate
forces and governments to leave Mexico to survive and about activists
who are resisting inhuman and toxic mining practices in an excerpt
from The Right to Stay Home: How US Policy Drives Migration. to/Half
Ounce of Pot Gets Louisiana Man 20 Years in Prison-Climate Deniers
Threaten the Lives of Our Children The future of the Earth belongs to
our children. Because of climate deniers, that may turn out to be a
lethal legacy. BuzzFlash/Economic Perspectives: The president's
choices are not limited to just refusing to negotiate or giving in to
defunding Obamacare. By framing things in this way, the media are
echoing the administration's framing of the situation and absolving
the president of his share of the blame for the crisis/Tar Sands
Blockade: Can our climate justice and other movements better support
the communities already bearing the disproportionate burden of tar
sands refining and environmental injustice?/ Somebody Stole 7
Milliseconds From the Federal Reserve, Last Wednesday, the Fed
announced that it would not be tapering its bond buying program. This
news was released at precisely 2 p.m. in Washington "as measured
by the national atomic clock." It takes seven milliseconds for
this information to get to Chicago. However, several huge orders that
were based on the Fed's decision were placed on Chicago exchanges two
to three milliseconds after 2 p.m. How did this happen? CNBC has the
story here, and the answer is: We don't know. Reporters get the Fed
release early, but they get it in a secure room and aren't permitted
to communicate with the outside world until precisely 2 p.m. Still,
maybe someone figured out a way to game the embargo. It would
certainly be worth a ton of money. Investigations are ongoing, Also
read: Is High-Speed Trading the Next Wall Street Disaster? In the
meantime, there's another useful lesson out of the whole episode. It
is the reality of how much trading activity, particularly of the
ultra high frequency variety is really a dead weight loss for
society, There is a role in [capital] markets for traders whose work
is more speculative…But when taken to its logical extremes, such as
computers exploiting five millisecond advantages in the transfer of
market moving information, it's much less clear that society gains
anything, In the high frequency trading business, billions of dollars
are spent on high speed lines, programming talent, and advanced
computers by funds looking to capitalize, Did anyone happen to notice
an extra neutrino flux in the upper Midwest corridor at 2 p.m. last
Wednesday? Perhaps Wall Street has now co-opted not just the math
geek community, and not just the physics geek community, but the
experimental physics geek community. Wouldn't that be great?-There is
also a possibility that the Chicago market did not properly account
for the time it takes for the atomic clock signal to arrive from
Boulder. Their clock may be as much as 4 milliseconds slow-really
sick of the broad argument among economists that whatever new
intentionally-complicated way the financial industry has invented to
bilk investors out of their money actually has some sort of "canary
in a coal mine" type of benefit to society-someone leaked the
news in advance, and Chicago traders punched a button and the presets
kicked off the trading shift at 1:00:00.000 CDT. somebody noticed.
Oops. THIS Insider leak, by a rich guy, trying to screw other rich
guys. Money corrupts, nuff said-mj/Robert Reich challenges O’Reilly:
‘Be a man, have the courage, let’s debate-Poop and water issues
may shut down white supremacist North Dakota town-Police: Colorado
woman beat to death homeless man she suspected of molesting
child-Edward Snowden reveals new information about NSA spying on
India-Apple Maps’ error sends motorists barreling across runways at
Alaskan airport-Senate Democrats move to end Monsanto Protection
Act-Ted Cruz declines Reid’s offer to continue speaking so he can
make Limbaugh appointment-during his appearance he complained about
his Republican Senate colleagues “showboating” and making
symbolic gestures for their constituents. We don’t even talk about
how to win a fight-Nevada Republican: 2014 will be great for us
because ‘minorities’ won’t vote-Retiree catches notorious
‘testicle eating’ fish in New Jersey lake-Bill Maher: Atheism
will be ‘the new gay marriage-Air Force converts F16 fighters into
drones-Jesus Christ was the world’s first tweeter because his
pronouncements were “brief and full of meaning-YouTube tries to
clean up its ‘barely literate’ comments-Florida man tried to pay
water bill with crack cocaine-Iranian President Hassan Rowhani on
Tuesday condemned the Holocaust as “reprehensible” in a new sign
of a radical change-Ted Cruz’s pathetic non-filibuster caused me to
realize something about the man: He’s the pure embodiment of right
wing resentment. Not just what most liberals think of when we
consider right wing resentment, resentment of women and racial
minorities gaining power, the more abstract right wing resentment
that, while not as prominent as the racism/sexism, is still a major
driving force in the culture wars: The resentment and envy of “cool”.
To be clear, this kind of resentment is everywhere in American
culture—witness the relentless attacks and bile poured out over the
fact that “hipsters” exist and seem to actually enjoy their
lives, which is apparently high treason in the country, but this kind
of grumpy resentment envy finds its purest expression on the right.
the message is clear: Conservatives know liberals are cooler, and
they really, really resent that. No matter how much they clutch their
DVDs of “Duck Dynasty” to their chests and insist that tasteless,
sex-negative mediocrity is where it’s at, they aren’t convincing
outsiders, and not really convincing themselves. Which is where Ted
Cruz steps in. It’s clear that he thinks he’s on the same path as
Obama: single term Senator who, in a whirlwind of excitement, runs a
legendary campaign into the Oval Office. I bet he even falls asleep
dreaming of the inspired young artist who will give him icon status
like Obama has, Needless to say, he’s delusional, because this kind
of energy, as the poster indicates, is only driven by hope, and
conservatism is, particularly in recent years, an ideology focused on
stripping hope away. But no one ever said the wingnut envy was a
rational emotion, Now this fake filibuster. It’s not particularly
hard to see that Cruz is hoping that what worked for Wendy Davis will
work for him. Pretty much every male right winger in Texas wakes up
and falls asleep muttering “that bitch, that bitch, who does she
think she is, oh she thinks she’s so hot, but I’m just gonna call
her ‘Abortion Barbie’ that’ll wipe that smile off her too
pretty face, that bitch, because she had the gall to remind the
country what total assholes right wing Texans are, and did it while
looking fabulous the entire time. The chance that Cruz is not part of
this obsessive anger circle jerk is somewhere between 0% and .01%,
and the fact that all the degrees in the world can’t buy you the
kind of casual charisma of a Barack Obama or a Wendy Davis has got to
chap his hide. Cruz, You’re No Wendy Davis- more an issue of
identity politics with complicated questions of authenticity and
sincerity at it's heart. For conservatives, hipsters are hippies
reborn. They wear weird clothes, they listen to weird music, they're
liberal, they're politically socially engaged, they're urban yet
nature loving, they're indifferent to wealth... Reflexively hating on
all things young is part of being a conservative, but hipsters let
them fall back on their hippie-hating ways which brings an extra
serving of joy-GOP lacks originality except when it comes to making
the ordinary citizens life uncomfortable. What I've noticed in the
past 10 years is that the GOP sees something/someone who that can
fire up the liberal base and they say, "hey, I bet that can work
for us too." The Democratic Party brought both Obama and Hillary
to the presidential campaign stage and the GOP gave Americans
minorities also.....Michael Steele and Sarah Palin. That worked so
well for them eh? For the 2008 run, we kept Obama and they gave us an
embarrassing mishmash but hey! More minorities in the form of Pizza
man and Crazy eyes. Another flaming fauilure-the only times they are
funny or cool is when they don't mean to be, and then more often than
not people are laughing at them-two are expected to share their tips
on how to get paid to talk for long stretches of time without saying
or accomplishing anything in particular dk-fake filibuster is just
the GOP artificial sweetener that corporation's are trying to pour
down America's throats... its still cancerous-He attacked the
intelligence of every American. We have seen a Senator literally not
understand a book written for kindergarteners-never realized how
challenged conservatives were at literary analysis before, and now
it fascinates me-Cruz is an unmitigated asshole. He knows it, we know
it, and any comparison of his word vomiting marathon, and her genuine
filibuster is laughable.-This should prove to even the most
delusioned that the Republicans have NO desire to fix anything and
would rather the country burn than give Obama anything other than
grief-Democrat question stumps Ted Cruz during faux
filibuster-McCaskill: The moral of ‘Green Eggs and Ham’ was lost
on Ted Cruz-Gohmert: ‘Amnesty’ and Obamacare are a plot for
‘firing every fulltime American-FBI releases video of Navy Yard
shooter before he began his attack rawstory/dallas zoo gorilla
problem abc/ Conservatives are plain batshit crazy-that includes all
their "conservative" supporters here. If Obama suddenly
became a "conservative," the conservatives would give up
their "conservative" status, and be something else,
probably ultra ultra conservative, but I would not be surprised if
they became "moderates-Eradicate Islam, that's a good thing to
do. if anyone questions anything a Jew or Israeli says, The dirtbag
is an 'anti Semite, It's getting old and Americans and Europeans
especially are tiring of the same old tricks. History tends to repeat
itself. No surprises, they can count on their wannabe supporters and
ass kissers alike, kind of like enablers for drug addicts.-you decide
to take it upon yourself to pose a veiled threat? You're a punk-, I
pose no threat to nobody." So kindly stop your silly accusations
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