afraid of Obamacare? after it is in play for two years everyone will
realize all the lies they have been told and the GOP won't have
anything left to stand against. By the time Hillary is elected they
will be losing governor and representatives even in the south. Their
only hope is to get rid of it before everyone realizes how much of an
improvement it is. After five years of opposition not one of them
will be able to take credit for anything in it. Political disaster
looms for the GOP and they would destroy the economy in a last ditch
to try to escape the consequences of democrat success-details of
Aaron Alexis’s career with U.S. intelligence agencies will remain
inside a deep freezer alongside the dossier on another rogue
government agent, personal heroism was also told to the Seattle
police officers who questioned Alexis in 2004 after he shot the tires
of a car. Alexis suspected the construction workers inside the car of
being assassins sent to kill him. The gun charges were subsequently
dropped by one of America’s toughest police forces, certainly not
because of the cock and bull tale about WTC patriotism. Security
clearances usually get the release from police custody of secret
agents in event of common crimes, sparing the CIA the embarrassment
of a police report and court case. the Aurora movie shooter James
“the Joker” Holmes. These two villains have striking
similarities: Both are linked by an admiration for the ArmaLite AR-15
spray gun and they also suffer bizarre psychiatric disorders,
including chronic anxiety, heightened paranoia and strange voices
inside their heads-using Internet-triggered demolition, besides easy
unnoticed access to site, is that the blasts had to follow the crash
of remotely controlled jetliners into the towers. The so-called
hijacking is readily done with the remote cockpit software invented
by same Israeli company that designed drone-piloting systems for the
Israel Defense Force and also the Waterfall critical infrastructure
that protects power plants from their Stuxnet virus. The Internet is
a remarkable advance for terrorism, false flag operations, propaganda
preliminary to a political coup and for deceiving the public
afterwards. 911 was the best pyrotechnics show ever, outdoing the
Reichstag fire, Fiterman building in the total schema of 911 has gone
virtually unnoticed. The power shot that cracked the glass arch of
Winter Garden could not have been caused by the WTC-7 collapse, which
exploded toward the opposite direction. The trajectory suggests that
the Fiterman’s south face was blown away from inside by a powerful
blast from around the 5th floor. The logical deduction is that
explosives were being stored inside the Fiterman Building, located
opposite WTC7-ybac/ hussein's death-panels 'inconvenient truths=health
ins premiums RISE 88% in many juristictions middle class families
decimated ignorantlibtardsmustdie- ROMNEY CARE works fine, you repubs
nominated the guy for PREZ, whatz the problem? forrest gop- yhal/The
Earth is in the midst of a mass extinction of life. Scientists
estimate that 150-200 species of plant, insect, bird and mammal
become extinct every 24 hours. This is nearly 1,000 times the
"natural" or "background" rate, Mass Extinction
Happening Unlike Anything The World Has Seen Since Dinosaurs
Disappeared-Colion Noir, NRA Commentator, Slams Starbucks Anti Gun
Policy Using Gay Comparison hp/ Dollar General EVP John Flanigan
dumps 19,404 shares zolmax/Bloomberg Shutting down the government
won't shut down the health care law. In a quirk of the calendar, the
start of enrollment for the Affordable Care Act and the first day of
a shutdown would fall on the same day, Oct. 1/newt sez nirobi mall
attack religiously motavated, on geraldo/Stanford University, the
University of Minnesota, the University of California, San Francisco
and the Ecologic Institute, the median charge for an emergency room
trip in the U.S. comes in at $1,233. But where it really gets
interesting is when you look at the specific reasons for those E.R.
visits: The researchers found that the treatment price for a headache
could range from $15 to a whopping $17,797. As for a sprained ankle,
it could set someone back a paltry $4 or up to $24,110!, a sailing
buddy with friends at a medical device manufacturer, which arranged
to provide his local hospital with an implant at what was described
as the “list price” of $13,000, with no markup. But when the
hospital’s finance office estimated that the hospital charges would
run another $65,000, not including the surgeon’s fee, he knew he
had to think outside the box, and outside the country. That was a
third of my savings at the time, Very leery” of going to a
developing country like India or Thailand, which both draw so called
medical tourists, he ultimately chose to have his hip replaced in
2007 at a private hospital outside Brussels for $13,660. That price
included not only a hip joint, made by Warsaw-based Zimmer Holdings,
but also all doctors’ fees, operating room charges, crutches,
medicine, a hospital room for five days, a week in rehab and a round
trip ticket from America-Six States Want To Allow Health Insurers To
Deny Coverage To Sick People. Officials in Texas and five other GOP
led states are refusing to oversee even Obamacare’s most basic, and
popular, consumer protections and insurance market reforms. That
includes the law’s ban on denying coverage or charging more because
of a pre existing condition and discriminating against women on the
basis of gender. The decision could present major hurdles to
Americans who buy health insurance through federally run marketplaces
in the Lone Star State, Arizona, Alabama, Missouri, Oklahoma, and
Wyoming thinkprogress-name one person who believes that hospitals
don't overcharge-Boehner was so giddy the other day because he knew
Cruz let him off the hook-this will only help Cruz. Your Messiah is
becoming increasingly unpopular with nearly every group and Cruz will
gain more and more name recognition AND, why, he's "Hispanic"
so DON'T YOU DARE criticize him-to campaign on throwing children with
pre existing conditions off their health policies from a hugely
successful Obamacare and Benghazi. Bring it on Teddy-aibafs/terrorism
charges in New York City have strong ties to the same extremist
Islamic group that's claimed responsibility for the deadly attack on
an upscale Kenyan shopping mall, Brooklyn describe the defendants, as
"dangerous and influential" members of al Shabab who were
part of an elite unit of suicide bombers, were captured in Africa
last year while traveling to Yemen to team up with the al Qaida-I own
you, you dumbfuck, dead Jew worshiping Spick. And don't you dare
forget it-A worthless maggot such as yourself was born to be stepped
upon-We cannot continue negotiating with the Palestinians while they
are attacking us,” he said. “I’ve asked the Prime Minister to
hold the negotiations until Abbas comes and condemns the attacks
against Israelis. I believe the government of Israel will adopt my
position. israelnationalnews-I think the people who have bought in on
this whole man made climate change thing just got suckered-i must be
too fuqqing stooooopid-If the community center reeducation doesn't
work, the IRS can always cut off your healthcare and audit you as a
nonbeliever-the GOP's anti science stance has claimed many willfully
ignorant victims-seeker wordpress gore denies ken lay goldmansachs
ceos develop-c02 trading scheme-iapb/ movie was a lot more
entertaining. Boehner and his posse try again and again to kill the
Affordable Care Act, or run the federal government off a cliff, just
seven days left to avert a government shutdown. But instead of
negotiating, the House voted last week to slash nutrition programs
the 42nd time, to sabotage health reform. Speaker Boehner then
declared victory and sent his colleagues home romanoff/mercury
ingredients are abbreviated as TM for thimerosal, PMA for
phenylmercuric acetate, PMN for phenylmercuric nitrate, MA for
mercuric acetate, MN for mercuric nitrate, MB for merbromin, and MOY
for mercuric oxide yellow. The list includes nonhomeopathic human and
veterinary drug products and human biological products mercury in
antibiotics, they put them in eye drops, but not nasal sprays,
antibiotics too fda Regulatory Information/ nocompulsoryvaccination
silencing the opposition/Save your internet privacy #StopCISPA
Hysterical loons and wingnuts are blocked after we laugh at you.
Don't litter my timeline with stupid, rl-Saruh Palin To Chris
Wallace: Reveal Republicans Who Are Trying To 'Trash Ted Cruz, i
think she's dems secret weapon, Food Stamp Cuts Move Ahead In States
My solution? EAT THE RICH!!! there's only one thing they're good for.
#aerosmith Ted Cruz: Conservatives Were 'Embarrassed Voting' For John
McCain In 2008 LMAO that dude needs a mirror!-NeoNazi Plans To Run
North Dakota Town Decried By Protesters, Maybe if they went by their
other name #Teaparty?GOP’s secret blue-state playbook: The trick
they use to stay alive salon secret playbook how_blue state
republicans trick_democrats, Beware of reasonable sounding but
conserv voting Rmcw/Atheist Group Opening Church Like Congregations
colm-HCR or bocare is a market healthcare insurance exchange designed
by a conservative think tank. Now GOP calling it Marxist & close
Govt.jo-Church Members Mistreat Homeless Man in Church Unaware It Is
Their Pastor in Disguise This would happen to Jesus too hf-Funny how
people see themselves: The most amazing humans never see how
wonderful they are. The shitsticks always think they're God's gift
ttj-Secret American Subculture of Putin Worshippers dr-Private greed,
public innovation d-a It is not that you interest and concerns are
not important, they are, they are just powerless because we are
atomized, unite into movement-a Fool me once, shame on, shame on you,
Fool me, ya can't get fooled again-KatrinaNation So,
GOPTeaPartyRightwing seem "to believe that freedom's just
another word for not enough to eat." Free to Be Hungry-GOP
saying they are ProChoice Phax GOP Mantra For SNAP Recipients
Starve'm If You Got'em-flyafuckingkite Renee Zellweger is living
proof that if you keep making that face it's going to be stuck that
way forever-Does not wisdom call out? Does not understanding raise
her voice? Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.
gr-tw/repeal of the bipartisan ACA costs an additional $1.3 Trillion+
via CBO. Proving today's repubs are ideological con artists,
forgetting 2010's 60+ repub amendments remain funded since 10 1
13-Wife, 83, Shot To Death By Husband, 86, For Putting Ketchup Lid On
Too Tightly, States with strong gun laws and low rates of gun
ownership have 4-5 times less gun deaths i.e. Massachusetts 12.8%
guns having 3.42 gun deaths per 100K, NY's 18.1% guns 0b1/ 68 dead
175 wounded in kenyan mall, matlin discusses vodka breakfast, on
imus/kenyan mall owned and run by isreali, sara wants to be in
congress to backup cruz, rush sez bocare is like slavery, apple store
entrepanure rips off homeless to save his place in line with fake
purchase vouchers, on stephanie
House to Nominate Janet Yellen Atlantic Wire/Rand Paul Compares
Republicans to (Wait for It) Charlie Sheen Political Carnival/Ted
Cruz-ing On Empty Exposed By Shutdown Debacle tpm/Egypt Joins Israel
as Gaza's Jailer Since the Egyptian military took power Palestinians
have been unable to move in and out of Gaza via the Egyptian terminal
at Rafah, which served a "critical lifeline" for travel
Pink Tank/ Debating Capitalism, Redefining Outdated Terms Old
definitions of capitalism, socialism and communism stymie attempts to
transition to economic forms that will better serve people and
society-Writing Professor Under Fire For Attack Against Republicans:
On the "Free Exchange Of Ideas Truthout/ Israeli refusal to
provide power may sink new Gaza sewage plant Appeal for more
electricity made to Israel to no avail-Probably fewer than 20
jihad-inspired Israeli citizens are fighting alongside rebels.
Parents, clerics try to dissuade them from going- Haaretz/Good Guys"
With Guns, Just a Lot of Bad Guys" Part of an Evil Culture of
Violence-annual meeting of the AFL-CIO this year, Elizabeth Warren
delivered a message to attendees: "The American people know that
the system is rigged against them BuzzFlash/ The US Is Pushing Russia
Into Approving a UN Resolution That Would Allow for Military
Intervention in Syria RT/Pentagon, Fundamentalist Christians Protest
a Non-Existent War AlterNet/Big Business Planning Attack on Low-Wage
Worker Organizing PopularResistance/Supreme Court Appears Poised to
Allow More of the Wealthy Few to Buy Elections PoliticalCarnival/ The
Great GOP Mental Health Hypocrisy DailyBeast/if you know that Islam
is not a peaceful religion, why do you always blame the Jews?
Honestly, if they have to live around such evil and hatred, they
deserve to defend themselves as needed-They have to live around Jew
settlers and a belligerent occupation force, don't they? And so do
Christians-The rest of Islam, too, has to live around Jewish
settlers. Tough luck-Does she go with Anthony, or does she go with
Hillary? Huma has a choice to make, Top Hillary Clinton aide Huma
Abedin has been given an ultimatum: dump serial sexting hubby Anthony
Weiner, or get out of Clintontown-iapb/
loborial rip sabadazo/Jones jokingly titled the report "Goldsboro
Revisited, or: How I Learned To Mistrust the H-Bomb", a
reference to Stanley Kubrick's classic 1964 film about nuclear
Armageddon, "Dr Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying
and Love the Bomb yahoo-1961 us nearly detonated atomic bomb accident
nc-aibafs/Pat Buchanan Darling of the GOP 2010 column, Obama's
nomination of Elena Kagan, to the United States Supreme Court.
Buchanan wrote: "If Kagan is confirmed, Jews, who represent less
than 2 percent of the US population, will have 33 percent of the
Supreme Court seats. Is this the Democrats' idea of
diversity?-Lustick dissertation titled Arabs in the Jewish State : a
study in the effective control of a minority population 1980, his
2006 book Trapped in the War on Terror in which he argues that the
War on Terrorism is an irrational policy for fighting America's
enemies. the War on Terrorism was initially conceived of by neo
conservatives at the Project for a New American Century has
ultimately turned into something beyond anyone's control
iapb/O'Reilly to GOP: Give Up 'Futile' Effort to Defund ObamaCare
fni/Bravo Putin he also stands up for Christians unlike Obama-How are
the children like the ancient Hittites? The * doesn't give a shit
about any of them. tw/ on deathbed jewish inventor of adhd admits
fraud-unityofnobility/ UK Govt. will cover the 55,000 children
developed Narcolepsy from Glaxo Smith Kline Pandemrix vaccine/ TV ads
telling young people ESPECIALLY but even poor people in the
electorate that they don't need health insurance, BUT...that they
sure need guns-alj Syria's main Western-backed opposition group on
Friday slammed al Qaida, linked gunmen and their expanding influence
in the country, saying the jihadis' push to establish an Islamic
state undermines the rebels' struggle for a free Syria-Syria is
believed to possess an estimated 1,000 tons of toxins, and has agreed
to destroy them under the joint U.S. Russia plan-Bill Nye still
doesn’t understand the difference between historical science and
observational science–so he may be known as ‘Bill Nye the science
guy, but he doesn’t understand science correctly, sayeth
Creationist Ken Ham as he gets to pretend he understands better than
scientists, and simultaneously allows him to deny every scientific
observation, ever rbn/VASTY MAJORITY of SNAP food stamp recipients
either work or are children, disabled or elderly, Yet the Christian
religion followers, the ignorers of Christ's teachings and
exhortations to feed clothe the poor and heal the sick as if they
were doing it to him, the Republican supporters of the 1% in other
words, the ones that are abrogating the social contract between
corporate America the Rich and the citizenry, are complaining about
the program thinking it might make them pay more taxes rbg/
ads telling young people ESPECIALLY but even poor people in the
electorate that they don't need health insurance, BUT...that they
sure need guns-Americans don't recognize Obamcare when they see it, 5
TIMES more money has been spent attacking it than supporting it.
Republicans in the know are TERRIFIED of Affordable Care Act-Liberal
IDIOT-uk University suspends prof who hoped for murder of NRA
children-Universities are no place for the free expression of
ideas-Ted Cruz is a ‘fraud,’ and ‘bad for the party-Christian
pastor, Earlier this year, Ferrandino’s gay kiss and women wearing
pants were linked to forest fires, radio host Kevin Swanson this week
pointed to abortion, marijuana legalization and “decadent
homosexual activity, let’s break God’s law with impudence at
every single level, at every single level let’s make sure that we
offend whoever wrote the Bible, so we have the worst year possible
politically in the state of Colorado and it happens to be the worst
year ever-we've killed 100,000 civilians in the last decade, spread
the gospel of starve the poor and feed the rich across the planet and
He pours His blessings upon us, but God killed some folks in CO.
because of a few cocksuckers and bong hitters. That God! He's SUCH a
kidder! I miss the good ol' days when God commanded false prophets to
be drug to the city limits and crush their skulls with rocks-Health
reform passed. It became law. It got ruled constitutional by the
United States Supreme Court and it’s now going into effect,
Obamacare is turning into the GOP’s Waterloo-Hillary lover marixst
Who's more despicable, one engaged in speech, or 'Welfare for the
Wealthy' thugs who could care less if children starve or gun kooks
slaughter schoolchildren?-the most dangerous terrorist on Earth wild
eyed gun worshipper who loves the Klan-interesting how the Right in
the US mirrors the mistreatment of women in the Muslim world? Along
with gun worship and hatred of democracy, another area they share
with their right wing brothers in the ME-incase you still believe
Barack Hussein ISN'T one, National Park Service videos praise Islam's
contributions to women's rights-Wholly krap, you actually think our
president is Muslim to don't you? you really are a parnoid pinheaded
bigot anti muslim freak-Boehner has a case of "Putin envy,
arguing that the president was more willing to negotiate with his
Russian counterpart than with the speaker, GOP is pushing a plan that
offers a one year debt ceiling hike along with approval of the
Keystone XL pipeline, tax reform and a one year delay of
Obamacare-Chutzpah has been defined as “that quality enshrined in a
man who, having killed his mother and father, throws himself on the
mercy of the court because he is an orphan..Want to know who is
behind the misinformation campaign aimed toward only the feeble
minded?denialists told how to think by Koch's and Exxon, Greenwashing
Hypocrite Of The Year the brazen hypocrisy of Rex Tillerson, head of
the second biggest fossil fuel funder of anti science disinformation
whose goal is to kill the public’s trust in scientists and the
scientific method, is worried that young people don’t want to study
science or pursue science as a career rbg/
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