were more concerned in legalising weed than fixing the bridge. Not
that legal weed is a bad thing. Then we have the shovel ready
stimulus money the 800+ billions that the US pissed away which was
suppose to go to concrete infrastructure. We need to inprison the
entire political class and start over. these greedy motherfluckers
are only concerned with the good life for them while they keep us in
the dark and feed us bullshit. The bridges need fixing but all the
politicans need to stop stealing the money and giving it to their
cronies and fix the damn bridges-aibafs/
do not have the guts to go after the rich so they punish the poor for
self gratification-How do we hold ignorant hate inciters like Bryan
Bsa ‘The Boy Sodomizers Of America’ Fischer accountable? How can
we make him pay? -How does anyone jump from that to one of the idiot
religions? tw/continual "Might makes Right" lecture.
Apparently the"scenario he envisioned isn't turning out as he
was told it would. Seems Teddy was lied to by those he wishes to
believe. That is the originating nature of his angst-they are
obviously scared. They are so afraid of Media Matters that they have
become obsessed with destroying it. They are afraid that the
successful campaign against Glenn Beck will continue to unravel the
Fox News bastion of lies, racism, and partisan propaganda, fear
extends to the political candidates Fox promotes. Fox Nation recently
posted an article that makes it clear what is keeping them up nights:
Media Matters Spawn Trailing G.O.P. With Cameras. the most
frightening prospect facing any Republican is that of being captured
actually saying things to citizens. It sends them into seizures of
anxiety and wails of gotcha-ism, happy to use the IRS as a cudgel
against their own perceived enemies-80 percent of food-stamp
recipients are elderly, disabled or children; their average benefit
is $4.45 a day-three developments of great political importance: the
growth of democracy, the growth of corporate power, and the growth of
corporate propaganda as a means of protecting corporate power against
democracy Carey-The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's
oldest exercises in moral philosophy: that is the search for a
superior moral justification for selfishness Galbraith-majority of
the people are willing to spend more money for education and the
environment, but most of our legislators balk at allocating tax
dollars for anything other than the Pentagon, prison construction,
and corporate welfare. Rothschild-rbn/Illinois Ag Dept. illegally
seized privately owned bees from renowned naturalist, Terrence
Ingram, without providing him with a search warrant and before the
court hearing on the matter, reports Prairie Advocate News-Racism
within the military has long been an important tool to justify the
destruction and occupation of another country. It's long been used to
justify the killing, subjugation and torture of another people.
Racism is a vital weapon employed by this government. It's a more
important weapon than a rifle, a tank, a bomber or a battleship. It's
more destructive than an artillery shell or a bunker buster, or a
Tomahawk missile-Prescott Bush, made his fortune by funding the Nazis
and Hitler's rise to power. This is the same clan who went after
Saddam Hussein in Iraq after they put him in power and armed him in
the first place. But why pay attention to details if it interferes
with our troop worship and flag waving?
Behind the obvious violations
of his Constitutional rights is Monsanto. Ingram was researching
Roundup’s effects on bees, which he’s raised for 58 years. “They
ruined 15 years of my research- no one really wants to know the truth
about 911 except those who have another agenda, such as those who are
anti-Semitic or Holocaust deniers or those who want to "cover up
for the Islamists who did it". Everyone else is happy with the
lies and cover-ups perpetrated by government and its complicit
media-a poisoned well. You are drinking from it, your heroes are
drinking from it, undermining your credibility. This fake 'truth'
movement of yours is nothing of the sort. It is a propaganda machine
for liars who have an ulterior motive, a motive of excusing the
people who did it and pointing the finger at Jews such as
Silverstein-sadly found out, was obsessed with Jews. We ate together,
drank together, and they talked, Hardly a day passed by without at
least one interviewee talking to me about the “rich Jews," the
"shrewd Jews," the Israelis who eat Palestinians for
breakfast on a daily basis, the "manipulating Jew," or
anything else "Jew." Some told me that all Jews knew each
other, others said that all Jews helped each other, and still others
claimed that all Jews were "very good" with
money-aibafs/obamas son trayvon martinguns and weed in his cell
wingnutz abound clashdaily/targeting tea party groups? After all , it
was the entrenched GOP, Rove and all, who were really trying to scrub
out the Tea Party.... so hmmm..old Bush cabal inside the IRS trying
to get information from TP groups applying for 2006 non profit
status? not so far fetched is it?-Boehner, McConnell and Rand Paul
will fall on the sword for the Scandal and the cause dk/the same sort
of dysfunctions we’re seeing in Washington. I know it from the
backstabbing and finger-pointing, from the warring factions and power
struggles, from the gridlock and analysis paralysis, from the ivory
tower and bunker mentality, from the silo and passive aggressive
behavior, from the sacred cows and pet projects, from everyone
protecting their turf and covering their ass, when that sort of
dysfunction becomes pervasive and systemic.dysfunctional behavior
infects the executive ranks, when it ripples down through the
organization, when it becomes the norm, that organization is doomed.
We’ve seen that happen time and again at companies like Enron,
WorldCom, Adelphia, Tyco, and Computer Associates (now CA
Technologies), to name a few. The sad part is, those are just the
famous ones, the ones the media had a field day covering. the same
sort of thing happen at dozens of companies, big and small. Some
you’ve definitely heard of and many you haven’t, for the same
reason. Their leaders were dysfunctional, selfish, self enriching,
self serving narcissists who used the power and authority granted by
their stakeholders to act in appalling ways that undermined the
strength and stability of those they served. And when they finally
self-destructed, those executives took their companies, their
shareholders, and theirs employees down with them fxbtobak/ Military
should conduct drone strikes: Powell-Blackstone to pull money from
SAC Capital mw/the radical Left’s intentions crystal clear. It’s
because this IRS cluster hits close to home for everyone. It’s
tangible proof of how a corrupt government can intimidate and target
a person’s record, reputation, and life, and make them feel
helpless, are a sad and stark reminder that only limited government
can ensure liberty. government is something we all “belong” to. I
guess they’re right because when the government is powerful enough
to target, intimidate, and harass us, we do “belong” to them. At
our core, we Americans just want to be left alone to live freely,
peacefully, and productively. The real question is: Will we stand
for this? bbt/A Vote for Permanent Poverty, you’d think that the
Mora County Commissioners would welcome the jobs that are boosting
the economy in the southeastern part of the state. Instead, they
voted, 2-1—in a session that may violate the Open Meetings Act as
the notice did not contain the date, time, pass an ordinance that
permanently bans oil and gas drilling. townhall/star spangled
security writer, admits drones work better than regular military,
jgowdy upset about lerner, molney frustrated, spiting into phone
carlwinger pist about trumphedup rosengate almost nothing to do with
national security, on geraldo podcast
humiliation Jewish men must feel over the Holocaust Two wrongs
however do not make a right. They shouldn't take their revenge out on
the Palistinians because they are too weak to fight the
Germans-Stealing money compensates for deep feeling of impotency and
inferiority, witness explotation of Pals-USA is financing the
genocide of the Palestinian people, the world will unite and tell
Israel to take a long walk- ygs/
America has
morphed into pre WW2 Germany, Bankers controlling the government,
squeezing the middle-class at every chance. We know how it ends. It
is hard to believe Americans have allowed this to happen. We need
politicians that will end the "Fed", dissolve the IRS,
IMMEDIATELY disband and unarm the brown shirts, er meant the DHS and
refuse to pay back the debt to the ultra rich-part of the
transformation of a true democratic system into a plutocratic one,
where the political establishement is subservient solely to the
wealthy elite. It is unfortunate, but part of the natural evolution
of things human. In our case it all began during the Reagan
Administration. Nothing can stop it. Collapse is inevitable, as
unchecked greed and pervasive corruption compromises the critical
political, economic and social institutions. We must not forget that
the human brain of the Roman days was the same as ours. It has not
evolved to truly learn from the past and avoid the calamities that
are visit upon us from time to time-yc/I want to open a tax-free corp
that pledges to work to overthrow the IRS-Now you are surprised when
the IRS gives them a hard time?-except for the fact that they will
rubber stamp any application that pledges to kill minority babies en
masse with a rusty coat hanger. That's a "tolerant" liberal
for you. They'll tolerate you, as long as you let them kill your
young, and then they'll tell you they did you a favor-Killing fetus
with a rusty coat hanger is how it was done before Roe Wade. If you
want to repeal Roe Wade that is what you go back to. Back room
abortions in unsanitary conditions and more injury to women ybac/he
war on drugs, the persecution of whistleblowers and the repression of
dissent are making a mockery of American justice, especially while
bankers who crashed the economy and torturers have impunity? then you
know that the United States and the world are in urgent need of a new
mindset - the one that our politicians and media currently have just
isn't working-Supreme Court Empowers Employers to Lock Out
Workers-Fracking's Dumping Ground Ohio has become a fracking dumping
ground, with 179 wells absorbing more than 1 billion gallons of
hazardous wastewater from the process from several states-Blood Ties,
Nepotism and Democracy In our supposedly meritocratic society, is
inheritance of wealth and position an inequity that should be
eradicated?-From its origins as the manufacturer of lethal poisons,
Monsanto represented a challenge to human and environmental health.
Today it threatens food supplies and democracy around the
world-Foreclosure Victims Protesting Wall Street Impunity Outside DOJ
Arrested, Tasered Hundreds of to demand that Attorney General Eric
Holder prosecute the Wall Street bankers responsible for the
financial collapse and foreclosure crisis-You don't have to own Park
Place to be a winner. The maker of the board game Co-opoly tells how
the game encourages cooperation in a climate of cutthroat capitalism
Truthout/Coburn Calls Tornado Aid Debate "Typical Washington BS"
tpm/Mississippi Could Soon Jail Women for Stillbirths, Miscarriages
mj/Neocons, Hill Democrats Push for War Against Syria Nation/What
Boehner Considers "Inconceivable" MSNBC/Behold the "Job
Creators": Cash Piles Up as US CEOs Play it Safe With
Slow-Growth Economy Bloomberg/Tea Party Is Partying and Martyring
Like It's 2009 BuzzFlash/Apple Avoids $17 Million in Taxes Daily
Through Ballsy but Genius Tax Avoidance Scheme Business Insider/On
The Record: Second Term Scandals, embroiled in controversy! Greta's
in the inside track, heart of the Beltway-Paula Broadwell apologizes
for Petraeus affair-IRS official who refused to testify, resign
signed Tea Party letters in 2012-Boy Scouts
approve plan to accept openly gay members-Illinois judge charged with
heroin, gun possession-Suspect in killing of officer found dead in
cell fni/Warren Student Loans Bill Endorsed by Several Colleges,
Organizations hp/The Bush Tax Cuts Didn’t Work Roll Call/King
(R-Insane) Blames Reagan Amnesty Bill for Obama Presidency
thehill/Daily Show's Jon Stewart Annihilates Peggy Noonan tpm/defense
attorneys for George Zimmerman. Some of the photos appear to have
been released online previously while others, including photos of a
Smith & Wesson handgun, appear to be new. series of photos shows
Martin blowing smoke while another shows a close-up of a small
marijuana plant growing in a pot. In addition to the photos there are
multiple references to smoking marijuana-attorney for the family
issued a statement which read "The pretrial release of these
irrelevant red herrings is a desperate and pathetic attempt by the
defense to pollute and sway the jury pool-Holder Approved Warrant for
Fox News Emails-Cuomo Flogs Weiner: 'Shame On Us' If We Elect
Him-PALIN: Going Rogue in Wrong Direction bbt/considering a lawsuit
expected to take part in a parliamentary meeting on the slur, against
Escobedo for saying that “Jews burned better than wood” through
the voice of his puppet, Murdock the Lizard, Gabriel Zaliasnik lacks
humor, there is no reason to laugh and he has injured people’s
dignity-That would be the only mistake the Allies made in WW2, they
didn't eradicate all the nazis-Not much
different then when Saturday Night Live makes fun of Jesus. I think
their writers are Jewish too- paranoia and over sensitivity is what
makes people hate you. Keep digging your own mass graves-If millions
of your ancestors were murdered, I'm certain you wouldn't do a damn
thing about it. Spineless-Go dig your own fucking grave-destroying
Chile You are bothered about a situation of discrimination and you
are falling worse on the same thing that you condemn-how else can you
explain the total absence of forensic evidence, all of these phony
Holocaust survivors who have been living off of reparations payments
all of these decades finally get the derision and ridicule they
deserve-Hatred is the universal language of the ignorant-funny. The
Christ Killers need to lighten up a little-someone" had to kill
him so that your sins could be atones for, idiot-ALL of them didn't
have to demand that Jesus blood be on them and their descendents
while they were demanding he be executed, did they? Their own
Messiah, just like their own prophets? toi/filibusters, the
sequester, attaching bullshit to what would otherwise be good bills
and then bitching about those same things being in the bills.. You
name it and they have done it. They don't make a secret of it. Mitch
McConnell said himself that sabotaging this President was the number
one goal of the republican party. it's not illegal to search phone
records anymore, thanks to the patriot act passed under a
predominatly republican congress and george w. we TRIED to warn you
guys it was a bad idea, but were ridiculed. they fact it took place
to a reporter from fox news, the same network who mocked us on the
left by saying things like "why, do you have something to hide?"
is nothing less than divine justice--Who's the GOP going to run in
2016?-Rubio likely the last chance for the GOP to pull something out
of the hat-a split of the Hispanic vote, and Rand will be an attempt
to bring in the fringe retards-doesn't matter since whoever it is
won't be anyone who gives a shit about average Americans instead of
just their corporate campaign contributorsfb/Bank lobbyists cut out
the middleman, writing legislation softening financial regulations on
their own instead of leaving it to lawmakers to draft the
paperwork-What does everyone think these lobbyists are doing in
Washington with millions of dollars? This is a very good investment
with a great return yc/Welcome back to the dumb season, writes Matt
Taibbi: it's debt ceiling time again. With Congress gridlocked, the
Federal Reserve is conducting a radical experiment with the American
economy. It should be stimulating profound debate about money
creation, but no-McCartney has sent handwritten letters to Russian
authorities asking them to consider parole for the incarcerated
members of Pussy Riot, one of whom has just begun a hunger strike
rs/tngop finch takes 3.5M$ farm subsidis sez food stamps are stealing
other peoples money-Republican filibuster of infrastructure bill is
one more piece of economic sabotage-foot lockr, cato fashion,
nordstrom, carter, target, kohl, jcp, macy, gap, searskmart, walmart
refuse to sign bangladesh safety accord-Sexual Harassment: You
Decide” and features a montage of various inappropriate moments
with the various ‘on-air personalities’ One has to wonder why any
woman would want to appear on Fox much less work for that lousy bunch
good ol’ boys. I mean, it’s Fox News for crying out loud. The
general rules of common decency, etiquette and respect for women do
not apply. Fair and Balanced’ news is more like ‘Fair and Are You
F**king Kidding Me?-in Canada as our relevant laws include strict
ethical standards. Needless to say, Fox's deliberate distortion of
news, let their propensity for outright fabrication to "shape"
events to fit their political views, are only the first in a long
list of factors that ensure that Canadians will never be subjected to
the blatant BS that is heaped on Americans 24/7. Oh yes, not only do
we have safeguards to keep our airwaves clean, we have universal
health care as well... and functional schools, infrastructure,
legislative assemblies- women allow them to get away with it. They
have allowed themselves to be prostituted by Roger Ailes-eye candy
with big mouths and idiotic opinions who know as much about politics,
nothing-no woman with a mind of her own would spew the shit they
do-remember Bill O’Reilly and his sexual harassment lawsuit with
his producer. Some things will never change at Pox- fb/ PBS Killed
Wisconsin Uprising Documentary "Citizen Koch", a
documentary about money in politics focused on the Wisconsin
uprising, was shunned by PBS for fear of offending billionaire
industrialist David Koch, who has given $23 million to public
television-Economically, Could Obama Be America's Best President?
forbes-Even Conservatives blame bush for his incompetence-Should the
Iranian regime-do they have the sovereign right to have civilian
nuclear power? So, like, if I were you, that's what I'd ask me. And
the answer is, yes, they do. W. 2008-Barack Obama, 47, was given the
least-desirable job in the entire country Tuesday when he was elected
president of the United States of America. In his new high-stress,
low-reward position, Obama will be charged with such tasks as
completely overhauling the nation's broken-down economy, repairing
the crumbling infrastructure, and generally having to please more
than 300 million Americans and cater to their every whim on a daily
basis. As part of his duties, the black man will have to spend four
to eight years cleaning up the messes other people left behind. The
job comes with such intense scrutiny and so certain a guarantee of
failure that only one other person even bothered applying for it-nyt
a growing, dirty side effect of refining tar sands bitumen from
Canada. Assumption Park gives residents of this city lovely views of
the Ambassador Bridge and the Detroit skyline. Lately they’ve been
treated to another sight: a three-story pile of petroleum coke
covering an entire city block on the other side of the Detroit River.
Detroit’s ever-growing black mountain is the unloved, unwanted and
long overlooked byproduct of Canada’s oil sands boom, A Black Mound
of Canadian Oil Waste Is Rising Over DetroitThe evidence is on clear
display as a black mountain piles up alongside the Detroit River,
thanks in part to Charles and David Koch aibafs/a full wrap-up from
Abby Phillip on what they have done in Washington (pass a
Transportation Bill) and what they haven't (allocate nearly enough
money).Collapse Unlikely to Move Likely To Fall on Deaf Ears in
Congress. Infrastructure has always been non-partisan, The reason
that it's contentious in Washington is because the morning prayers
are contentious in Washington..Bridge collapses, by the way,
particularly when there is no loss of life, are great for headline
puns-Did Obama Forget to Salute? of the marine standing guard at the
door of Marine One, as he climbed the steps to the helicopter cabin
abc/ living in fantasy land. The scandal is the way the RePOS are
freaking out, creating FAKE crisis and making mountains out of mole
hills-MAIN REASONS I like BO is that the is a not a blue blood silver
spooned ass hole, believing he is ENTITLED as a blue-blood family
(think Bush)....OR as Ann Rawmoney believed of Mittie, the Repo
Mormon Bishop POTUS lose rbg/No doubt however Obama could have
achieved MORE had the Republicans not been such ass holes and
determined to harm the country-Terrorism is a warfare tactic of
enemies. There is no expectation it is over, but a fear it will
continue in one form or another-you say they have US on the run.
Well, just what have the islamoterrorists accomplished since 9-11
other than scare nitwits like you- rbn/cruz don't like democrats or
republicans when it comes to debt ceiling, on glen
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