vacation all booked? Hoping to ignore your phone for a while, feeling
safe in your investments and secure in the knowledge that the world's
financial authorities aren't planning any surprises just yet? Think
again-Greenspan was the gift of Ronald Reagan. Bernanke was the gift
of George W. Bush-With all it's faults we are MUCH better off with
the FED controlling monetary policy than than Congress-you obviously
don't have a clue who the Fed is. Try a banking cartel that sucks the
wealth from Americans.-Hezbollah said it would keep fighting on the
Syrian government's side until victory-Bank of America and Wells
Fargo Accused of Putting Profits Ahead of People, evidence is
mounting showing Bank of America, and others have failed to comply
with the terms of a $25 billion settlement wscs/R Heavy fighting
raged around the strategic Syrian border town of Qusair and the
capital Damascus, further reports surfaced of chemical weapons
attacks by President Bashar al Assad's forces on rebel areas- Zeev
Elkin has faced a wave of criticism since he was made the de facto
chief of Israel's Foreign Ministry two months ago: He isn't prepared
for compromise with the Palestinians. He doesn't speak English well
enough. He is a West Bank settler. Ap/hardly the first time this
historically volatile brand has stumbled, but most dramatic. And when
taken in context of the recent backlash Abercrombie CEO Mike Jeffries
has faced, at the very least, it begs the question whether teen anger
has morphed into a legitimate Wall Street revolt-Most of the harm in
the world is done by good people, and not by accident, lapse, or
omission. It is the result of their deliberate actions, long
persevered in, which they hold to be motivated by high ideals toward
virtuous ends... when millions are slaughtered, when torture is
practiced, starvation enforced, oppression made a policy, as at
present over a large part of the world, and as it has often been in
the past, it must be at the behest of very many good people, and even
by their direct action, for what they consider a worthy
object-cascaded down to our children.It's fashionable to be an
Atheist, our Founding Fathers wrapped thier lives around religion.The
Social Structure of our country is being torn and frayed by single
moms with children and NO father to assist in the raising of these
babies-going into Iraq and cost hundreds of thousands of lives, and
caused Afghanistan also, and has literally changed the face of the
middle east and most likely caused millions of people to hate the US
and wish us harm. Where do these known facts fit into your analysis
of whats wrong in our world today? How about our "do nothing"
congress mostly caused by the tea party with they're heavy religous
under-pinnings. Religion causes all kinds of problems and war
yc/sanctions on Israel No apartheid, no genocide ygs/the market loves
them. and so do all of you. hmmmmm. wonder who will win. wonder what
will happen when customers and employees all leave. I guess the
accounting tricks will continue to prop up the rapidly falling
revenue. Less sales but more profit. Yeah....thats always a great
model. Customers and Employees Overwhelming hate this Bank-BOSTON
MARATHON BOMBERS CAUGHT BY NAZIS, Chasing two men brought out a
Militia that resembled #$%$ Storm Troupers. What was most worrisome
is that the Boston public seemed to sanction the city wide raids,
People were cowering in their properties just because the police
branded the action as emanating from a terrorist cellFrom now on, all
that has to happen, is that any crime committed by individuals be
branded as a terrorist act, and the Storm Troupers will come out to
catch them, Meanwhile the freedoms of thousands will be suspended.
exactly how Hitler took over the cities of Germany. Tell lies about
the enemy,(the Jewish People as an example) and the public will come
to your side without thinking, or evaluating the consequences. When
the police are handed such power, you should all be worried, very
worried. Now is the time to speak out against these phony police
reactions-(1) The double amputee who is still the sole eye-witness
who can definitively tie one of the suspect to the scene. But some
photos circulating have shown his prosthetic legs seconds after the
explosion. (2) The Chinese national abductee claimed that the suspect
brothers made confession on the bombing and the killing of Campus
Police while he was riding along with them. He has repeated the same
stories to many media outlets. (3) The younger suspect was captured
alive but had throat wound, so that he could not talk. But he was
allegedly made confession to the crime. (4) A friend of the elder
suspect was gunned down during an interview with the investigator a
few days ago. He allegedly also made confession to unrelated crimes
before he was shot. I also have doubt on the story told by the
supposedly abductee, who is allegedly a Chinese national. In his
story, he claimed that during his abduction, both the suspects had
confessed to the marathon bombing and killing of the University
policeman. He repeated his stories to many news outlets. Now the
younger brother allegedly confessed to the crime, but could not talk
due to wounded throat. All these might be just coincidence, until you
find out that the suspects' uncle Ruslan married the daughter of
publicly known CIA officer. Any rational being would wonder what is
going on-nothing wrong with remaining vigilent and attentive but now
the self confidence, beyond that allowed by data known to the
ex-trumps, and the need to be a hero to boost the ego will create
zealots just as in #$%$ germany. There is maybe some exaggeration but
the indian killers don't know their own roots.
Back to historical
norms, that is all the sociophiles wanted was to be normal. ROFLMFO.
It isn't so much the police as much as the ex-trump hero wannabe that
will be the problem. Try policing a NJ gas line. Policing only works
when you have a nominally stable society and a few criminals,
otherwise it is a war. You will want and need a Shah unless mind
control can fix everything-ybac/Smith killed Alicia Torres, 41, found
dead in her car about 6 a.m. also shot one person in Eden at 4:30
a.m., two people in Brady, then went back to Eden where he wounded
one other victim, shot a sheriff's deputy who came upon the suspect
on the highway just north of Eden, an assault rifle, a handgun and
hundreds of rounds of ammunition in Smith's pickup-White people
logic. 1 black guy loses his top and kills a man = Terrorism 1 white
man soldier shoots 6 different individuals and kills 1 = Isolated
"mental illness" issue-though comical, i must say that you
have a point. The hypocrisy is clear and evident in all of these
cases-AR-15, the very best Chinese plastic junk there is. When you
absolutely, positively got to kill every muthaf. the room, accept no
substitutes-Colt AR-15 Hartford, Connecticut USA- Bushmaster AR-15
Norinco CQ M311-1 (Semi-automatic "sport" rifle) Bejing,
China-sexual assaults at 26,000 a year, Air Force removes 17 launch
officers from nuclear missile base. Captain runs his ship into a reef
in the Philippines. General of the Africa Command came under scrutiny
for allegations of misusing tens of thousands of government dollars
for travel and lodging, Army has suspended the top general at
Jackson in South Carolina due to allegations of adultery and assault,
sergeant accused of videotaping female cadets at West Point. Maybe
it’s time for a worldwide stand down to evaluate how the all
volunteer military is doing!-Ever notice how the tone of the comments
is very different depending on who is accused of the crime? This guy
tried to kill six people, save the sympathy for someone who deserves
it-like Casey Anthony, Jodi Arias, or George Zimmerman?-Sometimes a
brother goes astray and loses his way, but at the end of the day he
is still your brother-so you're a terrorist sympathizer/supporter?
-You my friend are missing the point of his statement and in turn
using Straw Man Fallacy in your rebuttal. Not once did her mention
supporting terrorism, His words are true and has a profound
fundamental truth-disgusting how Marines -whom most come from a very
poor disenfranchised climate/background- are hoodwinked into risking
their lives for trinkets and breadcrumbs? They all think they're
going to retire with a full pension, a military funded McMansion, a
super model white woman, white picket fence and all. Sorry folks,
yawl are just serving your white Christian/Zionist slave masters for
free! "Thank you for your service..Hoorah!.now GO back to your
minimum wage dead end Wal Mart job you are so happy and fortunate to
have now after losing an arm and a leg overseas-cnn/kelly crawl
tornado is finger of god, catching lost sleep working overtime
sleeping in on sat ok naps also help, on wsjr/
order to assert that the claims of targeting constitute a "witch
hunt," Hiltzik has to ignore the abundant evidence of disparate
treatment between liberal groups and conservative ones, denying
stories like USA Today IRS approved liberal groups while Tea Party
in limbo, attempting to "show the IRS some love" is a
diligent effort at cranky contrarianism, an attempt to spin abusive
government behavior into the story of an innocuous, underfunded
organization befuddled by complex rules and hounded by evil
Republicans th/stockman assult rifle giveaway: shooting liberal
peruvian spirit flutes-chicago 6dead 22 wounded-tw/China Takes
Another Stab At The Dollar, Launches Currency Swap Line With France
One more domino in the dollar reserve supremacy regime falls.
Following the announcement two weeks ago that "Australia And
China will Enable Direct Currency Convertibility", which in turn
was the culmination of two years of Yuan internationalization efforts
as summarized by the following: "World's Second (China) And
Third Largest (Japan) Economies To Bypass Dollar, Engage In Direct
Currency Trade", "China, Russia Drop Dollar In Bilateral
Trade", "China And Iran To Bypass Dollar, Plan Oil Barter
System", "India and Japan sign new $15bn currency swap
agreement", "Iran, Russia Replace Dollar With Rial, Ruble
in Trade, Fars Says", "India Joins Asian Dollar Exclusion
Zone, Will Transact With Iran In Rupees", and "The USD Trap
Is Closing: Dollar Exclusion Zone Crosses The Pacific As Brazil Signs
China Currency Swap", China has now launched yet another feeler
to see what the apetite toward its currency is, this time in the
heart of the Eurozone: Paris. According to China Daily, as reported
by Reuters, "France intends to set up a currency swap line with
China to make Paris a major offshore yuan trading hub in Europe,
competing against London." As a reminder the BOE and the PBOC
announced a currency swap line back in February, in effect linking up
the CNY to the GBP. Now it is the EUR's turn-makes sense. Screw the
IMFyc/Reagan loved Al Qaeda, blame Obama over the republican mess?
Did I mention Reagan helped Saddam?-"Nobama" DID "ban
God"! Just ONE MORE reason I'm NOT a "Democrat- Paul and
Marco "social conservative" Rubio have no chance. And I
dare them to run Paul "Rape is a method of conception"
Ryan. I dare them-fincher r family recieved 10M$-GOP will strip from
the poor and their attitude is I've got mine, screw you!-Regardless
of what you say or do or what face you show to the world, your mental
emotional state cannot be concealed. Every human being emanates an
energy field that corresponds to his or her inner state, and most
people can sense it-fb/John Valluzzo, 75, who also founded the
Military Museum of Southern Wales in 1995. Police said Valluzzo
pointed a handgun at officers when they came to his house after a
neighbor called police saying that he was intoxicated and having an
argument with his girlfriend. He reportedly was shot after refusing
to obey orders from the officers. The museum called his death a
“senseless tragedy db/wkyt kycopicide personally the target?- In a
police state, the police are the enemy, so by definition every police
officer is an enemy officer. If you don't like the laws they enforce,
you are supposed to get the laws changed, but how can you do that?
You're supposed to follow a set of rules that says you will fail.
You're supposed to they do something, and you're required to let them
get away with not doing it. They won't vote correctly unless they
feel like it, and your job is to they feel like it, which they don't.
Of course, the majority sees no problem with this, because it does
work for them. They voted for Obama and they got Obama, or they voted
for Romney and got somebody no different from Romney, namely Obama.
Defend liberty with ballots if you don't want Freedom Fighters to
defend liberty with bullets-given what was said in the report I would
lean towards the idea that the target was the unifrom and not the
man...And if the shooter was not in some group or another it will be
very hard to solve as the shooter will be less likely to brag about
it to their buddies-Why do you feel threatened when I do it
now?-sorry that you were treated so rudely on this board. You have
been so welcoming on yours and nice to everyone. Not everyone here is
rude so please come back and post with us whenever you want to-I am
not upset at all. I liken her comments to a pesky mosquito buzzing in
my ear. It is an annoyance, but the mosquito is simply doing what
mosquitos do-there's a core group of anti-American, anti-Military,
anti-Business types on here who are responsible for the majority of
the nastiness directed at good people, They're the same ones who spit
on returning Vietnam soldiers and now try to deny it ever happened.
We saw what kind of degenerates they were during the Ocuppy Wall
Street "drug-in" where they relived all of their glorious
debaucheries from the 1960s with rapes, robberies, drug dealing,
murders and class actions like defecating on police cars-escorted at
gun point off a college campus by the county sheriff and campus
security in 1970. Vietnam vets were not welcome there. The Dean of
Student Affairs had played the tough guy regarding draft card burning
protesters in 1968 when I was a student there and drafted, and I
didn't feel compelled to dot all the i's and cross all the t's when
leaving for induction. When I returned 2 years later and enrolled at
a state university the college transcript showed that I had 24 units
of F's and would be on academic probation as I enrolled as a
freshman. A visit to the community college to ask that the transcript
be cleared led me to the Dean's office and he adamantly assured me
that "rules are rules" whether in the Marine Corps or his
college and the F's would stand. When I leaned over his desk to make
my point perfectly clear 2 campus security guards and the sheriff,
gun drawn, entered the office and escorted me to a sheriff's deputy's
car and another deputy took my car keys and they took me to the
county line and informed me that if I returned to that county I would
be arrested, BTW, the dean, sheriff and security guards were all hard
core Tea Baggers to be. If only they lived long enough. Hippies were
fair game for law enforcement in Mississippi at the time-CBS Sunday
Morning, conservatives who hated losing the war. Vietnam War Vet was
harassed when he tried to go to college after his return, sons of big
shots and politicians, etc, "the fortunate sons"? activist
in college, promoting the war, to harass a war vet-in essence, no
verifiable instances of the spitting actually happening, impossible
to prove that it never took place, still, the belief that it was a
common occurrence is an urban myth-Not to say anything about this
persons guilt or innocence. If I was a low level employee in the govt
in DC. The first thing I would do is get a junkyard lawyer. We know
from past experience that our elected Representatives (both Parties)
like nothing more than to crucify a person to save their own butts or
make political hay. It's a excercise in Hypocracy-Talk about a Bible
thumper Fifty-7-year-old Evelyn Mills Moore was arrested, used her
fists and a Bible to strike the other woman. also was charged with
assault accusing her of striking a man with her fist wbtw-How come
our troops arent' getting pay raises, the F-22 fighter was scrapped,
the F-35 probably not gonna get built, and of course he fired 30,000
Marines, Get some brains. military struggles to remake itself?nbc,
Democrats do NOT care about our armed forces-does it hurt to be so
very ignorant of reality? How come reality to a tard is an open ended
rant like this? What is reality? or were you to embarrassed to post
it?-Liberals = no they dont! they do not! they'd never do that!
No! why? because!-The war on terror is more political farce than
global warming. WMDs..... what a laugh. Rising sea levels is a much
greater threat to US. Those two issues need to be settled in an un
refereed kick box match between Rush and Ed aibafs/
Jesus With
Issues, God's son, also God. But different. You wouldn't understand.
Sometimes I do magic tricks, Whenever someone says they feel
"blessed" I have to smite 2 people to make up for it.
Glory!tw/dministration has warned British officials that if the UK
leaves Europe it will exclude itself from a US-EU trade and
investment partnership potentially worth hundreds of billions of
pounds a year, and that it was very unlikely that Washington would
make a separate deal with Britain. guardian/mike judge hank hill
bevis & butthead joins infowars/
still building fracture critical bridges with the belief that they're
not going break, Fracture critical bridges, like the I-5 span in
Washington, are the result of Congress trying to cut corners to save
money rather than a lack of engineering know-how Rosenker i35 Skagit
River invchair said a gusset plate, a key component of the bridge,
was too thin. an error by the bridge's designers, only half of the
required one inch thickness-freak accident? The truck trailer was to
tall for the underpass. It's ultimately the drivers responsibility
for the operation of his truck-Thousands, huh? Name 10. Name FIVE! If
you have this kind of information you're obligated to make it public
so that we can avoid those bridges!! So? Names! Give us names and
places. Or shut the hell up-bridges wear out, particularly ones that
were under built. wasting money on military empire is causing
problems at home and those problems are becoming serious. education,
jobs, a quarter of the population living in poverty-While it's the
AP's job to only report half truths and promote fear mongering. It's
obvious the two people that wrote this article have no idea what goes
in to inspecting a bridge, nor do they have any clue as to what
happened to the bridge in Washington-quick, ban assault bridges, for
the children!-don't forget that we now will have to monitor the
terrorist bridge trolls, lurking in wait for passing goats apabc/
Shakespeare for the classics, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Keats, Shelley
and modern times, Tom Clancy, Vince Flynn, Brad Thor and I of course
am writing my own novel, so therefore I am my favorite author-#1: you
are not god, Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one
thread within it.
Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All
things are bound together. All things connect Chief Seattle,
1854-Gods" ten commandments don't apply to you gentiles cause
god didn't see ahead of time that non Jews would follow him.-fb/claim
to be opposed to the real consensus of expert opinion-credentials are
listed on the website (see "About us" at
www.consensus911.org/) and none are anonymous. They have expertise in
many different areas. You are not an expert on anything other than
negativity, you're just an anonymous antagonist in this forum. Some
of your opinions have value but most of it is just made up nonsense
purely used for antagonistic purposes. The good thing is that you
don't speak for anyone but yourself and you can't decide for others
what they should or should not think and believe, others who see you
as a "winner" and that's fine. To each his own
aibafs/Oregon Teen Accused of Planning to Attack School ap/Leak
Inquiries Show How Wide a Net the US Cast nyt/Delinquent US Student
Loans Hit Record High, With Over $100 Billion Past Due rt/The future
of Bangladesh lies in the power of international cooperation and the
implementation of concrete political measures to end unfair labor
practices AlterNet/Will anyone pay attention before more American
blood gets spilled? Some analysts are suggesting Philadelphia, the
historic city of “Brotherly Love,” is where the nation’s next
terrorism attack will happen. Many of them have ties to Islamist
organizations. They have had, I use had, because they’ve gotten
smarter and have scrubbed a lot of their websites of the references,”
Zaremba said. “But there are very troubling indications of the
kinds of things they believe in and the causes they support, You can
say a lot of things about the training. You can say a lot of things
about infidels, you can say a lot of things about the whole Israel
Palestine, the Palestinian nexus, You can have ‘Reliance of the
Traveler.’ You can have a copy of that in your mosque and it’s
certainly helping to develop an atmosphere, in my mind, an attitude
that contributes to someone going over and becoming violent,” the
single most authoritative book on Islamic law. rated very high for
the likelihood for future terrorist attackswnd- aibafs/Hal board
pukes please tap three times and slide your applications under stall
#3 craig fudge packer yhal/Blackwater or related companies created to
divert attention from their bad reputation and make more profit
selling their nefarious services-ranging from information and
intelligence to infiltration, political lobbying and paramilitary
training – for other governments, banks and multinational
corporations. According to Scahill, business with multinationals,
like Monsanto, Chevron, and financial giants such as Barclays and
Deutsche Bank, are channeled through two companies owned by Erik
Prince, owner of Blackwater: Total Intelligence Solutions and
Terrorism Research Center. These officers and directors share
One of them, Cofer Black, known for his brutality as one
of the directors of the CIA, was the one who made contact with
Monsanto in 2008 as director of Total Intelligence, entering into the
contract with the company to spy on and infiltrate organizations of
animal rights activists, anti-GM and other dirty activities of the
biotech giant. Like Monsanto, Gates is also engaged in trying to
destroy rural farming worldwide, mainly through the “Alliance
for a Green Revolution in Africa†(AGRA). It works as a Trojan
horse to deprive poor African farmers of their traditional seeds,
replacing them with the seeds of their companies first, finally by
genetically modified (GM). To this end, the Foundation hired Robert
Horsch in 2006, the director of Monsanto. Now Gates, airing major
profits, went straight to the source. Blackwater, Monsanto and Gates
are three sides of the same figure: the war machine/nothing random
about such actions, as the TGI Fridays and some of the other
establishments that have been implicated are owned and managed by The
Briad Group, a restaurant management firm. So we have bar staff who
adulterate liquor because they've been told to do that by their
managers, who have been told to do that by corporate overlords
/graham Blasts Obama As 'Tone Deaf' on Terror hp/student food budget
was spent on salaries-not accepting emergency patients without money
is a crime-the closure of brick production facilitie layoffs 20
thousand 400 workers-Jalili is a misleading and an election
gimmick-140 attacks on mosques and Muslims in Britain-Conference
Syrian opposition to Assad, an ally of France-Mistake 3 trillion
dollar Bank-Gaza offensive was collected shoes from the market-Who is
the ideal candidate for the Russian presidential election in
Iran?-Syria, Russia sending missiles-2 rocket attack on southern
Beirut (neighborhood Hezbollah)-Saeed Jalili," The Economic
War-Fear of invasion and rebellion, forming new battalions-all eyes
are upon the Iranian election-Syrian plan B in case of failure of the
Geneva Conference iranpress/gunman randomly firing from his pickup
truck killed one person and wounded five, including the sheriff of
Concho County, Texas, on Sunday before the suspect was killed in a
shootout with law enforcement, recovered an assault rifle, a handgun
and hundreds of rounds of ammunition from the suspect, who was said
to be 23 years old and from North Carolina r/So bc you don't like my
political views and advocacy of them, you want to destroy my career
and life? How very Leftist of you! @ToddKincannon-Don't pull that
shit with me.This has nothing to do with your political views and
everything to do with YOU being a bully tw/
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