Monday, March 3, 2025

3325 stefstuff

3:31 AM sycjim ​​πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒStephanie 6:20 AM David ​​good mornin ere'body πŸ’™ 6:21 AM David ​​πŸ€—πŸ’™ 6:21 AM David ​​πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸ€—❤πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ 6:54 AM zorroairbrush2003 ​​Good morning StephHeads πŸ’™ 6:55 AM zorroairbrush2003 ​​Slava Ukraine πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ 6:56 AM RVing5150 ​​Good morning, Steph & mooks! 6:58 AM Doggie's World ​​morn Bahama mamas 6:58 AM Craig from Canada New member ​​good morning everyone πŸŒ… 6:59 AM Girliegurl ​​Good morning 7:00 AM Flibertyjibit ​​Good morning everyone 7:00 AM zorroairbrush2003 ​​Hi Girliegurl 7:01 AM nicole reeves ​​gmornin all πŸ‘‹πŸΌ Welcome to live chat! Remember to guard your privacy and abide by our community guidelines. Learn more 7:02 AM Robert R. ​​Good morning from Canada 7:02 AM Girliegurl ​​Hi @zorroairbrush2003 πŸ‘‹ 7:02 AM sanguine111 ​​slava ukraine 7:03 AM zorroairbrush2003 ​​πŸ’• 7:03 AM sanguine111 ​​g'mornin from chilly new england, f'n cold out! 7:03 AM Craig from Canada New member ​​slava Ukraine 7:03 AM Robert R. ​​@sanguine111 Canada is with Ukraine 7:03 AM Kate Hillenbrand ​​Did anyone else see Jasmine Crockett's MSNBC appearance yesterday? She is pissed! 7:04 AM zorroairbrush2003 ​​March has come in like a little baby deer but tomorrow will be like a hungry lab 7:05 AM Robert R. ​​I shut off the news for the weekend 7:05 AM zorroairbrush2003 ​​πŸ”₯πŸ”₯JasmineπŸ”₯πŸ”₯ 7:05 AM EarlGray007 ​​Good Morning πŸŒ„☕πŸ˜ƒ 7:05 AM sycjim ​​Jasmine is πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ 7:05 AM Ruth Farrelly ​​Crockett's awesome we need a lot more like her! 7:05 AM JiN up the Bass ​​@Kate Hillenbrand Yes. I didn't think I could have a bigger adult crush on Jasmine and then she fired off like a Crockett Rocket and I realized her limits are unlimited. 7:05 AM spudwas ​​Please ...don't waste time pontificating about how wonderful Bella is. Save it for after the show.face-orange-raised-eyebrow 7:05 AM Kaitlyn ​​Good morning! 7:06 AM m red ​​Here it comes !!! face-red-heart-shapeface-red-heart-shapeface-red-heart-shapehand-pink-waving 7:06 AM gibbons666 ​​Good morning everyone!!! It’s a magical day!hands-yellow-heart-red 7:06 AM zorroairbrush2003 ​​Hi Jin up the Bass 7:06 AM Robert R. ​​I Like that Jasmine crocket, Make her President 7:06 AM JiN up the Bass ​​Good morning everyone!!!! Happy Monday. 7:06 AM JiN up the Bass ​​@zorroairbrush2003 always GTSY my friend. 7:07 AM zorroairbrush2003 ​​πŸ’•πŸ’• 7:07 AM sanguine111 ​​hey robert r 7:07 AM JIMS RADIO CHECK ​​Good morning everybody 7:08 AM JiN up the Bass ​​@sycjim Good morning!! 7:08 AM kathryn realhealthtalk ​​morning mooks 7:08 AM Stan Daniels ​​Chris welcome back 7:08 AM sycjim ​​Gm. Jin. πŸ‘‹πŸ‘‹ 7:08 AM Stan Daniels ​​Good morning all🌞🌞 7:08 AM sanguine111 ​​o dam, this guy's bac? lol, jk... 7:08 AM EarlGray007 ​​Chris is back πŸ€” Let's see how much better the show goes πŸ˜ƒ 7:08 AM Robert R. ​​@sanguine111 Don't give up the free world is with you. God Bless your country, 7:08 AM JIMS RADIO CHECK ​​Tesla crashes into a house in southwest suburbs of Chicago killing two people in a crash 7:08 AM sycjim ​​πŸ‘‹πŸ‘‹chat 7:08 AM sanguine111 ​​umm, i'm in mass, lol 7:09 AM Girliegurl ​​The only theme hotter than Al is German defense stocks. 7:09 AM Doggie's World ​​Keep booing, Canada 7:09 AM sanguine111 ​​new england is kinda it's own country, tho 7:09 AM Dennis Reynolds ​​ If Elon sees this is costing him money, he will bail. 7:10 AM Stan Daniels ​​Lil mini Mike on meet the press embarrassingly lies 7:10 AM Frank Cover Jr. ​​“Can’t dull our sparkle!”- Bella rules again.πŸ˜ŠπŸ’™ 7:10 AM kathryn realhealthtalk ​​@Jims radio. in Woodridge. I grew up in that suburb. that Tesla kinda blew up didn't it? 7:10 AM #BobbleHead ​​WTF is a BBL ? 7:10 AM Kaitlyn ​​Conan wasn’t too bad as host. 7:10 AM Kaitlyn ​​Wicked pt 2 will win the awards. 7:10 AM EarlGray007 ​​πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ 7:10 AM Girliegurl ​​I wish I cared about the Oscars. 7:11 AM sanguine111 ​​conan, from ma 7:11 AM JIMS RADIO CHECK ​​I lived in Woodridge for 10 years myself at around 83rd and Janes Yes the Tesla blew up inside the house people in the house escaped The two dead were in the car 7:11 AM Aimee Taylor ​​Wicked is for people who saw "Wizard of Oz" and thought "What is the backstory of all these side characters?" 7:11 AM EarlGray007 ​​We're cooked πŸ€”πŸ˜‚⚖πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ 7:11 AM kathryn realhealthtalk ​​conan got tips from Jimmy Kimmel on how to host. was a funny show 7:11 AM Aimee Taylor ​​Great joke. 7:11 AM Madeleine McKenna ​​hand-pink-waving 7:12 AM Dennis Reynolds ​​Oscars went smoothly although Adrian Brody would not shut up. 7:12 AM kathryn realhealthtalk ​​@Jims radio. hiya and that was crazy about that house 7:12 AM EarlGray007 ​​It was a humiliation ritual by evil rich fraternity boys πŸ€”⚖πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ 7:12 AM Aimee Taylor ​​Has anyone here seen Brutalist? 7:12 AM Robert R. ​​@JIMS RADIO CHECK just going to get worse but with out federal regulations for anything. 7:13 AM Aimee Taylor ​​Mike Meyers as Leon Musk was great. 7:13 AM kathryn realhealthtalk ​​@Jims radio. probably drunk or high. and stupid wreckless 7:13 AM JIMS RADIO CHECK ​​I find it bizarre all these Teslas blowing up like the one in front of Trump Tower 7:13 AM kofi ​​Vance is Peter thiel boyfriend 7:13 AM Dave ​​Barney Rubble LMFAO 7:13 AM Girliegurl ​​There it is: Trump announces the US will not be enforcing its new shell company registry, which is the single-best tool to counter kleptocracy. 7:14 AM TheystillcallMeRicky ​​lol .. ya "glitch" was funny 7:14 AM zorroairbrush2003 ​​Shady Vance looked like he was ready to attack Marco for sitting on his couch. πŸ˜‚ 7:14 AM Ann Smith1 ​​I can be funny but not today. Winston Churchill went to the White House in a shirt and slacks….because his country was at WAR. 7:15 AM Aimee Taylor ​​Our local news showed on of the protests, as it was organizing, 3-5 people milling around. There was over 2000. 7:15 AM Dennis Reynolds ​​Vance is as bad as Trump. 7:15 AM kathryn realhealthtalk ​​@Jims radio the one in front of agent orange tower.... coincidence? hm.. dunno bout that one 7:15 AM YoCuz' ​​stop using PayPal 7:15 AM Girliegurl ​​I saw the protests. 7:15 AM sanguine111 ​​can't i get a shout out to my buds in vermont??? that was amazing, c'mon 7:15 AM Mea Culpa ​​Did everyone here make $ millions on crypto after Krasnov 's tweet yesterday ? 7:15 AM Lori Woloshyn ​​Yes. there was no coverage of the protest from main stream media. I found it on social media. 7:15 AM JIMS RADIO CHECK ​​protest have been breaking out in front of Tesla dealers 7:16 AM Stagmas9 ​​Thank you Vermont!!! 7:16 AM Ann Smith1 ​​The protestors in Vermont were amazing! 7:16 AM John Welch ​​Now, where are the Simpsons going to sit ? 7:16 AM JIMS RADIO CHECK ​​by the way people that live in Illinois happy cashmere Pulaski Day 7:16 AM Dennis Reynolds ​​You would have to be a fool to buy a Tesla and put up with people keying your car. 7:16 AM zorroairbrush2003 ​​Love the Vermont protesters 7:17 AM John Welch ​​JD Vance, Jeffrey Dahmer and I went to Ohio State but didn't wrestle for Jim Jordan. 7:17 AM Robert R. ​​their 7:17 AM Robert R. ​​typing sucks 7:17 AM susan woosnam ​​Keith Olbermann pleads for everyone to go Tuesday and BOOOOOO then walk out, all on camera for the world to see 7:17 AM Girliegurl ​​Why are you watching Katy Tur? 7:17 AM Boo Bing ​​DEFUND KING MUSK. 7:17 AM Ann Smith1 ​​I think Katy went to the dark side. 7:18 AM Stan Daniels ​​ VT showed theCouch potato what was up with a warm welcome JD please leave πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ 7:18 AM Dennis Reynolds ​​Will avoid Trumps speech to Congress tomorrow. 7:18 AM JiN up the Bass ​​@Dennis Reynolds one Tesla owner in Portland has put a bumper sticker on his Tesla that says, "I bought this before I knew Elon was crazy." Not sure that will help with the keying. 7:18 AM ChefGirl ​​Don’t like Katy Tur 7:18 AM kathryn realhealthtalk ​​take mushmouth citizenship away. get everything back that he stole 7:18 AM Dennis Reynolds ​​Jin that's a good plan. 7:19 AM John Welch ​​F.orever B.usting I.talians but not Russians 7:19 AM Lib 4 life ​​I renamed my ass to the Gulf of America. 7:19 AM JIMS RADIO CHECK ​​those guys ambushed zielinsky like a bunch of pit bulls 7:19 AM a buddha ​​Too bad you didn't buy your Swastikar before I knew about Dodgy Nazi lEon. 7:19 AM #BobbleHead ​​guess I'll just ask Google (go Blank Myself) 7:19 AM JIMS RADIO CHECK ​​did you hear him screaming at zelinsky do you want world war 3 7:20 AM carol kenny ​​πŸ’™πŸ’›πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ 7:20 AM Mea Culpa ​​People made $ hundreds of millions on Crypto yesterday after Trump's tweet," Using the US Treasury to bail out Crypto Bros". 7:20 AM Charles Stanton ​​I asked Chat GPT how many time has Zelinsky thanked the American people, The answer 7:20 AM Charles Stanton ​​If you’re looking for a specific count, there isn’t an official tally, but he has thanked Americans dozens, if not hundreds, of times across various platforms. 7:20 AM Robert R. ​​Maybe Putin will get a 5 million us Visa? 7:20 AM Doggie's World ​​because why even do this? 7:20 AM Girliegurl ​​An NIH source with direct knowledge tell Popular Information that scientific research has ground to halt because necessary supplies can no longer be purchased. 7:20 AM JIMS RADIO CHECK ​​how you doing this morning Robert 7:20 AM Stan Daniels ​​Don’t t give Lindsey Graham any more airtime 7:20 AM Doggie's World ​​So then Bannon can just fire things up 7:20 AM Dark Watcher ​​Mike Braindead Johnson. 7:21 AM Boo Bing ​​Dise king musk have a suit????? 7:21 AM JIMS RADIO CHECK ​​zielinski got a hell of a welcome in the UK yesterday 7:21 AM non-useful ​​hello 7:21 AM Robert R. ​​@JIMS RADIO CHECK good doing some baking and smoking a a joint 7:21 AM sanguine111 ​​did u guys see the vid w/ marco w/ sounds of silence playin? wicked funny.. 7:21 AM non-useful ​​hello pitchfork 7:21 AM Lib 4 life ​​@Charles Stanton I asked ChatGPT if JD wears eyeliner. It lied to me saying there is no evidence to back that up. I even told it to stop lying to me. 7:21 AM Dark Watcher ​​Lindsey Graham should've retired a decade ago. 7:21 AM Global ​​i would save the world if i could afford a lawyer 7:21 AM zorroairbrush2003 ​​Hi non-useful 7:21 AM non-useful ​​hello pitchfork, have I got a job for u. 7:22 AM mike williams ​​Does Bella have a military uniform Chat... 3:31 AMsycjim​​Stephanie 6:20 AMDavid​​good mornin ere'body 6:21 AMDavid​​ 6:21 AMDavid​​ 6:54 AMzorroairbrush2003​​Good morning StephHeads 6:55 AMzorroairbrush2003​​Slava Ukraine 6:56 AMRVing5150​​Good morning, Steph & mooks! 6:58 AMDoggie's World​​morn Bahama mamas 6:58 AMCraig from Canada ​​good morning everyone 6:59 AMGirliegurl​​Good morning 7:00 AMFlibertyjibit​​Good morning everyone 7:00 AMzorroairbrush2003​​Hi Girliegurl 7:01 AMnicole reeves​​gmornin all Welcome to live chat! Remember to guard your privacy and abide by our community guidelines. Learn more 7:02 AMRobert R.​​Good morning from Canada 7:02 AMGirliegurl​​Hi @zorroairbrush2003 7:02 AMsanguine111​​slava ukraine 7:03 AMzorroairbrush2003​​ 7:03 AMsanguine111​​g'mornin from chilly new england, f'n cold out! 7:03 AMCraig from Canada ​​slava Ukraine 7:03 AMRobert R.​​@sanguine111 Canada is with Ukraine 7:03 AMKate Hillenbrand​​Did anyone else see Jasmine Crockett's MSNBC appearance yesterday? She is pissed! 7:04 AMzorroairbrush2003​​March has come in like a little baby deer but tomorrow will be like a hungry lab 7:05 AMRobert R.​​I shut off the news for the weekend 7:05 AMzorroairbrush2003​​Jasmine 7:05 AMEarlGray007​​Good Morning 7:05 AMsycjim​​Jasmine is 7:05 AMRuth Farrelly​​Crockett's awesome we need a lot more like her! 7:05 AMJiN up the Bass​​@Kate Hillenbrand Yes. I didn't think I could have a bigger adult crush on Jasmine and then she fired off like a Crockett Rocket and I realized her limits are unlimited. 7:05 AMspudwas​​Please ...don't waste time pontificating about how wonderful Bella is. Save it for after the show. 7:05 AMKaitlyn​​Good morning! 7:06 AMm red​​Here it comes !!! 7:06 AMgibbons666​​Good morning everyone!!! It’s a magical day! 7:06 AMzorroairbrush2003​​Hi Jin up the Bass 7:06 AMRobert R.​​I Like that Jasmine crocket, Make her President 7:06 AMJiN up the Bass​​Good morning everyone!!!! Happy Monday. 7:06 AMJiN up the Bass​​@zorroairbrush2003 always GTSY my friend. 7:07 AMzorroairbrush2003​​ 7:07 AMsanguine111​​hey robert r 7:07 AMJIMS RADIO CHECK​​Good morning everybody 7:08 AMJiN up the Bass​​@sycjim Good morning!! 7:08 AMkathryn realhealthtalk​​morning mooks 7:08 AMStan Daniels​​Chris welcome back 7:08 AMsycjim​​Gm. Jin. 7:08 AMStan Daniels​​Good morning all 7:08 AMsanguine111​​o dam, this guy's bac? lol, jk... 7:08 AMEarlGray007​​Chris is back Let's see how much better the show goes 7:08 AMRobert R.​​@sanguine111 Don't give up the free world is with you. God Bless your country, 7:08 AMJIMS RADIO CHECK​​Tesla crashes into a house in southwest suburbs of Chicago killing two people in a crash 7:08 AMsycjim​​chat 7:08 AMsanguine111​​umm, i'm in mass, lol 7:09 AMGirliegurl​​The only theme hotter than Al is German defense stocks. 7:09 AMDoggie's World​​Keep booing, Canada 7:09 AMsanguine111​​new england is kinda it's own country, tho 7:09 AMDennis Reynolds​​ If Elon sees this is costing him money, he will bail. 7:10 AMStan Daniels​​Lil mini Mike on meet the press embarrassingly lies 7:10 AMFrank Cover Jr.​​“Can’t dull our sparkle!”- Bella rules again. 7:10 AMkathryn realhealthtalk​​@Jims radio. in Woodridge. I grew up in that suburb. that Tesla kinda blew up didn't it? 7:10 AM#BobbleHead​​WTF is a BBL ? 7:10 AMKaitlyn​​Conan wasn’t too bad as host. 7:10 AMKaitlyn​​Wicked pt 2 will win the awards. 7:10 AMEarlGray007​​ 7:10 AMGirliegurl​​I wish I cared about the Oscars. 7:11 AMsanguine111​​conan, from ma 7:11 AMJIMS RADIO CHECK​​I lived in Woodridge for 10 years myself at around 83rd and Janes Yes the Tesla blew up inside the house people in the house escaped The two dead were in the car 7:11 AMAimee Taylor​​Wicked is for people who saw "Wizard of Oz" and thought "What is the backstory of all these side characters?" 7:11 AMEarlGray007​​We're cooked 7:11 AMkathryn realhealthtalk​​conan got tips from Jimmy Kimmel on how to host. was a funny show 7:11 AMAimee Taylor​​Great joke. 7:11 AMMadeleine McKenna​​ 7:12 AMDennis Reynolds​​Oscars went smoothly although Adrian Brody would not shut up. 7:12 AMkathryn realhealthtalk​​@Jims radio. hiya and that was crazy about that house 7:12 AMEarlGray007​​It was a humiliation ritual by evil rich fraternity boys 7:12 AMAimee Taylor​​Has anyone here seen Brutalist? 7:12 AMRobert R.​​@JIMS RADIO CHECK just going to get worse but with out federal regulations for anything. 7:13 AMAimee Taylor​​Mike Meyers as Leon Musk was great. 7:13 AMkathryn realhealthtalk​​@Jims radio. probably drunk or high. and stupid wreckless 7:13 AMJIMS RADIO CHECK​​I find it bizarre all these Teslas blowing up like the one in front of Trump Tower 7:13 AMkofi​​Vance is Peter thiel boyfriend 7:13 AMDave​​Barney Rubble LMFAO 7:13 AMGirliegurl​​There it is: Trump announces the US will not be enforcing its new shell company registry, which is the single-best tool to counter kleptocracy. 7:14 AMTheystillcallMeRicky​​lol .. ya "glitch" was funny 7:14 AMzorroairbrush2003​​Shady Vance looked like he was ready to attack Marco for sitting on his couch. 7:14 AMAnn Smith1​​I can be funny but not today. Winston Churchill went to the White House in a shirt and slacks….because his country was at WAR. 7:15 AMAimee Taylor​​Our local news showed on of the protests, as it was organizing, 3-5 people milling around. There was over 2000. 7:15 AMDennis Reynolds​​Vance is as bad as Trump. 7:15 AMkathryn realhealthtalk​​@Jims radio the one in front of agent orange tower.... coincidence? hm.. dunno bout that one 7:15 AMYoCuz'​​stop using PayPal 7:15 AMGirliegurl​​I saw the protests. 7:15 AMsanguine111​​can't i get a shout out to my buds in vermont??? that was amazing, c'mon 7:15 AMMea Culpa​​Did everyone here make $ millions on crypto after Krasnov 's tweet yesterday ? 7:15 AMLori Woloshyn​​Yes. there was no coverage of the protest from main stream media. I found it on social media. 7:15 AMJIMS RADIO CHECK​​protest have been breaking out in front of Tesla dealers 7:16 AMStagmas9​​Thank you Vermont!!! 7:16 AMAnn Smith1​​The protestors in Vermont were amazing! 7:16 AMJohn Welch​​Now, where are the Simpsons going to sit ? 7:16 AMJIMS RADIO CHECK​​by the way people that live in Illinois happy cashmere Pulaski Day 7:16 AMDennis Reynolds​​You would have to be a fool to buy a Tesla and put up with people keying your car. 7:16 AMzorroairbrush2003​​Love the Vermont protesters 7:17 AMJohn Welch​​JD Vance, Jeffrey Dahmer and I went to Ohio State but didn't wrestle for Jim Jordan. 7:17 AMRobert R.​​their 7:17 AMRobert R.​​typing sucks 7:17 AMsusan woosnam​​Keith Olbermann pleads for everyone to go Tuesday and BOOOOOO then walk out, all on camera for the world to see 7:17 AMGirliegurl​​Why are you watching Katy Tur? 7:17 AMBoo Bing​​DEFUND KING MUSK. 7:17 AMAnn Smith1​​I think Katy went to the dark side. 7:18 AMStan Daniels​​ VT showed theCouch potato what was up with a warm welcome JD please leave 7:18 AMDennis Reynolds​​Will avoid Trumps speech to Congress tomorrow. 7:18 AMJiN up the Bass​​@Dennis Reynolds one Tesla owner in Portland has put a bumper sticker on his Tesla that says, "I bought this before I knew Elon was crazy." Not sure that will help with the keying. 7:18 AMChefGirl​​Don’t like Katy Tur 7:18 AMkathryn realhealthtalk​​take mushmouth citizenship away. get everything back that he stole 7:18 AMDennis Reynolds​​Jin that's a good plan. 7:19 AMJohn Welch​​F.orever B.usting I.talians but not Russians 7:19 AMLib 4 life​​I renamed my ass to the Gulf of America. 7:19 AMJIMS RADIO CHECK​​those guys ambushed zielinsky like a bunch of pit bulls 7:19 AMa buddha​​Too bad you didn't buy your Swastikar before I knew about Dodgy Nazi lEon. 7:19 AM#BobbleHead​​guess I'll just ask Google (go Blank Myself) 7:19 AMJIMS RADIO CHECK​​did you hear him screaming at zelinsky do you want world war 3 7:20 AMcarol kenny​​ 7:20 AMMea Culpa​​People made $ hundreds of millions on Crypto yesterday after Trump's tweet," Using the US Treasury to bail out Crypto Bros". 7:20 AMCharles Stanton​​I asked Chat GPT how many time has Zelinsky thanked the American people, The answer 7:20 AMCharles Stanton​​If you’re looking for a specific count, there isn’t an official tally, but he has thanked Americans dozens, if not hundreds, of times across various platforms. 7:20 AMRobert R.​​Maybe Putin will get a 5 million us Visa? 7:20 AMDoggie's World​​because why even do this? 7:20 AMGirliegurl​​An NIH source with direct knowledge tell Popular Information that scientific research has ground to halt because necessary supplies can no longer be purchased. 7:20 AMJIMS RADIO CHECK​​how you doing this morning Robert 7:20 AMStan Daniels​​Don’t t give Lindsey Graham any more airtime 7:20 AMDoggie's World​​So then Bannon can just fire things up 7:20 AMDark Watcher​​Mike Braindead Johnson. 7:21 AMBoo Bing​​Dise king musk have a suit????? 7:21 AMJIMS RADIO CHECK​​zielinski got a hell of a welcome in the UK yesterday 7:21 AMnon-useful​​hello 7:21 AMRobert R.​​@JIMS RADIO CHECK good doing some baking and smoking a a joint 7:21 AMsanguine111​​did u guys see the vid w/ marco w/ sounds of silence playin? wicked funny.. 7:21 AMnon-useful​​hello pitchfork 7:21 AMLib 4 life​​@Charles Stanton I asked ChatGPT if JD wears eyeliner. It lied to me saying there is no evidence to back that up. I even told it to stop lying to me. 7:21 AMDark Watcher​​Lindsey Graham should've retired a decade ago. 7:21 AMGlobal​​i would save the world if i could afford a lawyer 7:21 AMzorroairbrush2003​​Hi non-useful 7:21 AMnon-useful​​hello pitchfork, have I got a job for u. 7:22 AMmike williams​​Does Bella have a military uniform Chat... 9:33 AMRuben Michaels​​Good morning @Korgoth of Barbaria 9:33 AMJeff Curry​​rose did you see the meme of zelensky knocking trump out??? 9:33 AMper sebra​​NO, i am not handling it well, but most black folks will say they are, just because its a brag 9:33 AMKorgoth of Barbaria​​@Ruben Michaels Hey! Good morning! 9:33 AMVD Hurtz​​nah, the mkt has been weak since trump was inaugurated 9:33 AMElia Fuimaono​​we have to step in-- to prevent catastrophe. it's in our nature 9:33 AMJiN up the Bass​​@Pink nightmare Portland, Oregon. 9:33 AMVD Hurtz​​Tesla Stock has collapse 9:34 AMFoggy Ozark G​​@Jeff Curry that was gr8 9:34 AMnon-useful​​IF U HAVE JEWELRY GET IT APPRAISED SO WHEN EVERYTHING GOES SOUTH YOU'LL KNOW HOW MUCH $$ U CAN HAGGLE WITH 9:34 AMKorgoth of Barbaria​​First Tesla, next SpaceX 9:34 AMJeff Curry​​foggy i wanted that to be real even more than bigfoot 9:34 AMFoggy Ozark G​​ha 9:34 AMStarchild​​Sorry dude, your $40/hr. union GM job was off shored. 9:34 AMSarah A. Maninger​​All Coward-Liars 9:34 AMRose Blake​​Corporate is needed against these Billionaires 9:35 AMVD Hurtz​​@Starchild that makes no sense 9:35 AMElia Fuimaono​​we're building. not tearing down 9:35 AMJiN up the Bass​​@Debbie Hopewell check your texts 9:35 AM#BobbleHead​​is Equality a Religion? 9:35 AMRagamuffin Ukes (CharLee)​​How am I holding up? At 73, on SSB for past 11 yrs, SSB has arrived at 12:01 am on the 3rd of each month. Today, it didn't show up til 5 am! I WAS HAVING A HEART ATTACK! 9:35 AMSteve Imes​​rewind 12 minutes and enjoy again 9:35 AMnon-useful​​I have over a hundred gemstones to barter with 9:35 AMPink nightmare​​ooohhh JIN are ya following me on Bluesky yet?? 9:35 AMGirliegurl​​Brag? 9:35 AMPink nightmare​​or am I following you? 9:35 AMDash​​Did Mariam Williams win a Dem Chairperson? 9:35 AMa buddha​​When we complain about cheap Chinese tools, I notice somebody is benefitting by importing those tools to sell at a profit. They could spec those old style tools that you hand down to a next generation 9:35 AMFoggy Ozark G​​@non-useful youre not supposed to broadcast it sweety 9:35 AMRuben Michaels​​The Armpit of the Kremlin 9:36 AMCarol Glynn​​NOT AMERICA - DJT! 9:36 AMSteve Imes​​then install ppv cameras 9:36 AMJiN up the Bass​​@Pink nightmare Yes but I still don't go to BlueSky ever. I'll get there but yes I'm following you Pink. 9:36 AMSuzanne Forasiepi​​I'm going to sell my Harley Davidson leather jacket it doesn't matter to me especially now 9:36 AMnon-useful​​I LIVE IN HELL FLORIDA 9:36 AM@rarelightmare​​Those of us who have been here since 1620, who founded states, worked to create egalitarianism are suffering from serious trauma from the lies we’ve been taught and taught our kids. 9:36 AM#BobbleHead​​only use CROSBY shackles 9:36 AMDash​​Are they both are ussr assets. 9:36 AMRose Blake​​Everyone has a plan until they are punched in the face….Mike Tyson 9:36 AMMichael Reich​​@a buddha Better remove the Tariff on Canadian Steel. 9:37 AMnon-useful​​MY GEMSTONES ARE MARRIED TO MR. AR-15 9:37 AManajane803​​PLEASE be suspicious enough to check it out. PLEASE 9:37 AMFoggy Ozark G​​@a buddha ya the 1st 1/2 of the 20th century tools are still in ONE piece 9:37 AMzorroairbrush2003​​I am Potawatomi, Ghandi said,”. I like your christ, I just don’t like your Christian’s, they are so unlike christ.” This the heritage foundation and project 2025 9:37 AMSteve Imes​​uh ah boo boo, Mexico that way 9:37 AMPink nightmare​​I get ya JIN too many apps to follow and podcasts to listen to 9:37 AMRose Blake​​Hope we don’t have a war because we now stand alone 9:37 AMGrrace Grracy​​Peaceful protests can work and that should be the path. However, I have no illusions about how dictators have ultimately been removed. 9:37 AMFoggy Ozark G​​@non-useful set a trap! 9:38 AMSteve Imes​​john Fugelsang is awesome 9:38 AMPink nightmare​​thats my Senator! 9:38 AMElia Fuimaono​​close your Amazon tab, for starters 9:38 AMJiN up the Bass​​@Pink nightmare other than these chats, I don't social media at all. 9:38 AMa buddha​​Corporations can't make huge profits if your tool doesn't break and require periodic replacement. No recycling tools to a next generation. 9:38 AMRose Blake​​@Elia That’s a great idea 9:38 AMSetSquare​​That meeting in the Oval Office was like a mafia style shake down. 9:39 AM#BobbleHead​​Read iT 9:39 AMJIMS RADIO CHECK​​which reminds me I have to cut my credit card from Amazon up bastards charge 24% interest after 5 years of having the card 9:39 AMMichael Reich​​I liked the ones that searched "Obama Care" after they lost their ACA Insurance. 9:39 AMElia Fuimaono​​@rose start small 9:39 AMPink nightmare​​I would deactivate FB, I deactivated Twitter and use Twitch and Bluesky 9:39 AMcatcookie​​ 9:39 AMGrrace Grracy​​That's why we call them Nazis or Hitler. Everyone knows what that means. And DEPRESSION, instead of recession. 9:39 AMTamera Chance​​ 9:39 AMDash​​How do you spell, Pickle / Pickel? 9:39 AMFoggy Ozark G​​no WE ARE on the side of PUTiN now 9:39 AM#BobbleHead​​but is Equality a Religion? ...are You sure You want that, Babe? 9:39 AMLolly D​​People do not understand cause and effect. Jen is right - talk about effect - dumb it down 9:39 AMnon-useful​​ITS NOTHING FOR AN ANUS TO SWALLOW 100 GEMSTONES 9:39 AMEric Paradies​​I freaking love you, John Fugelsang!!! 9:40 AMRuben Michaels​​Not in my State @Kimo Mail in ballots or a drop box...We are blue 9:40 AMRose Blake​​I got at least 5 people to cancel Comcast….Got idea from Elizabeth 9:40 AMPink nightmare​​I need to be in touch somehow 9:40 AMYoCuz'​​what was the name of the company and Terminator 1 that was taken over the world 9:40 AMJiN up the Bass​​@non-useful Rectum? I didn't even know em. 9:40 AMPink nightmare​​Fugelsang rocks 9:40 AMDash​​Adam needs to stay away from the bread. 9:40 AMFoggy Ozark G​​@non-useful that could be hazardous to your poop chute! 9:40 AM#BobbleHead​​iT's More Like A Net #ThankYouKraken 9:40 AMSuzanne Forasiepi​​non useful I say it orifice lol 9:40 AMVD Hurtz​​I cant cancel comcast, I have no other source of internet 9:40 AMPink nightmare​​I love Karen Hunter 9:40 AMRose Blake​​@Pink nightmare Another great idea 9:40 AMChristina Weibel​​I'm an online ACTIVIST and I WON'T leave FACEBOOK. I don't use any other platform besides here And FACEBOOK. 9:41 AMTurd Nugent​​SkyNet 9:41 AMGirliegurl​​Dictionary’s exist. 9:41 AMStay Clean​​yeah, us dumb masses don't give sh!t about 9:41 AMnon-useful​​DON'T HIDE COINS IN YOUR BUM. THEY'LL RUST 9:41 AMannie Bell​​Afternoon who's the lovely person Stef is talking to 9:41 AMGirliegurl​​They even have apps. 9:41 AMcindee D​​I like that! America’s early warning system: Black women!!!!!! 9:41 AMJeff Curry​​JIN i have always wanted to hear the joke that goes with "rectum, damn near killed him" 9:41 AMSteve Imes​​only five minutes behind now... 9:41 AMMtnbike Fan​​lol Jen 9:41 AMVD Hurtz​​all stock indexes in FREE FALL once again. 9:41 AM#BobbleHead​​no such thing as a bad chicken 9:41 AMJIMS RADIO CHECK​​metronet here in the Chicago area is offering high speed fiber internet for $34.99 a month 9:41 AMElia Fuimaono​​I'm ready to intern, @Stephanie Miller Show 9:41 AMSteve Imes​​senator Chris Murphy 9:41 AMdevilbunny​​I have been anticipating this crap since SkyNet in Terminator 9:42 AMJiN up the Bass​​@Jeff Curry when it's put on a tee like that, of course i'm going to swing away. 9:42 AMScott K​​Eye contact can be creepy. I like autism instead 9:42 AMPink nightmare​​ BLAKE what lol I forgot what I said 9:42 AMJeff Curry​​JIN yep 9:42 AMEpi_gurl​​and this is why Jenn is my celeb crush! 9:42 AMVD Hurtz​​She does not have autism 9:42 AMDash​​Thank you Jen you are awesome! 9:42 AMFoggy Ozark G​​@non-useful 9:42 AMRuben Michaels​​for sure @VD Hurtz 9:42 AMMea Culpa​​Yankee Farm Wife channel she's awesome 9:42 AMElia Fuimaono​​or she can afford good meds 9:42 AMGrrace Grracy​​Jen is right. Talk hospitals closing in your neighborhood because of Medicaid cuts. It affects you, even if you don't need Medicaid. 9:42 AMRose Blake​​@Pink nightmare Shutting off Facebook and twitter 9:42 AMnon-useful​​MY GEMSTONES ARE ALL CABOCHON. NO EMERALD CUT HERE 9:43 AMStay Clean​​N. Korea 9:43 AMFoggy Ozark G​​that's me.. im the poster child 9:43 AMVD Hurtz​​I have known ,worked with AUTISTIC people. She is not autistic, 9:43 AMSuzanne Forasiepi​​pink nightmare did you watch Karen Hunter live this Saturday I did she is amazing 9:43 AM#BobbleHead​​last thing I need is another crush on a woman Steph had on the show 9:43 AMMtnbike Fan​​Ozempic and all the other GP-1 meds. 9:43 AMannie Bell​​VD do not presume 9:43 AMDash​​Back to a time when those women things didnt exist. 9:43 AMDavid Martinez​​It's too late Project 2025, is already in motion. 9:44 AMElia Fuimaono​​lol you encapsulated all of the forms of autism and their permutations? why don't we know of you 9:44 AMVD Hurtz​​@annie Bell presume? I have worked, helping autistic people. Aspergers 9:44 AMJIMS RADIO CHECK​​when I vote I vote for mostly all women 9:44 AMGrrace Grracy​​There is a wide range of autism. High functioning to non verbal. 9:44 AMannie Bell​​So what? Late diagnosis is a real thing and shouldn't be debated in chats 9:44 AMVD Hurtz​​themselves 9:45 AMVD Hurtz​​NOPE. 9:45 AMPink nightmare​​Suzanne I did not sadly. I follow too many YouTubers and its hockey season 9:45 AMRobert R.​​Mask and wash hands like covid, health Canada still has website 9:45 AMSteve Imes​​not buying Anything this week 9:45 AMVD Hurtz​​LAte diagnosis? LOL 9:45 AMRose Blake​​I don’t know Karen Hunter 9:45 AMSonya Massey​​N 9:45 AMSonya Massey​​I 9:45 AM#BobbleHead​​my crush on JKP makes me self conscious but, I think iT would be Worse if I didn't admit iT is a only a Compliment 9:45 AMSonya Massey​​G 9:45 AMSonya Massey​​G 9:45 AMSonya Massey​​E 9:45 AMSteve Imes​​continue boycott 9:45 AMSonya Massey​​R 9:45 AMannie Bell​​So what is it expert? 9:45 AMSonya Massey​​S 9:45 AMSonya Massey​​are 9:45 AMPink nightmare​​Look her up she's great! 9:45 AMSonya Massey​​excellent 9:45 AMEpi_gurl​​so you're a doctor are you? VD you're so good at diagnosing that you can diagnose someone you have never met?? check yourself. 9:45 AMSonya Massey​​pets 9:45 AMJeff Curry​​RFK tries to take away hot wings, there could be another minecraft 9:46 AMLinda Goff​​Anyone see Trump dragging his right leg on the golf course like he's had a mini stroke or other health issue? 9:46 AMzorroairbrush2003​​Grrace Grracy Zi respectfully agree to disagree with you 9:46 AMJiN up the Bass​​@Pink nightmare you happy with the Rantanen acquisition? Necas was on my Fantasy Hockey squad. 9:46 AMElia Fuimaono​​Sonya, I thought we got all the turds out 9:46 AMScott K​​A mantra for the unwise "Don't ask google 9:46 AMJIMS RADIO CHECK​​oddly enough gas hasn't gone up at all here 9:46 AM#BobbleHead​​cue: Jane's Addiction - PETS 9:46 AMRway Man​​Don't Let the Outer Layer FOOL You People HURT People Matter of Mind Mood Moment MONEY Think Twice Chose Wisely Your Being Tested 9:46 AManajane803​​OMG I do the same! 9:46 AMRose Blake​​@Steve Imes Boycotting will help….Love the ideas because not all people can think of things 9:47 AMFoggy Ozark G​​OMFG 9:47 AMEarlGray007​​I blocked so many people I can hardly make sense of the chat 9:47 AMDragon's Marine​​good to know I'm mentally weak instead of a horrible diagnosis 9:47 AMSteve Imes​​The Price of Freedom is Eternal Vigilance 9:47 AMVD Hurtz​​@Starchild your stupidity is leading to your demise 9:47 AMnon-useful​​MY NIECES 8TH GRADE PUBLIC SCHOOL OFFERS JUDEO CHRISTAIN STUDY AS AN SUBJECT. BONUS POINTS ON YOUR GRADE IF U PROVIDE INFORMATION THAT U ATTEND CHURCH SERVICE AND BIBLE CLASS. TRUE STORY 9:47 AMSteve Imes​​What we do in life echos in eternity 9:47 AMTurd Nugent​​You say something stupid in here , and these girls will beat you to a pulp . @VD Hurtz 9:47 AMcindee D​​Make our democracy great again 9:47 AMPink nightmare​​JIN I was when they traded NECAS I bought the 25th anniversary jersey with his name on it and 88 is my number eeeh we'll he could be back. Gostibhere came back 9:47 AMJeff Curry​​suzanne another guy i like to watch for a laugh is "ozzy man reviews" he hilarious 9:47 AMnevets 4ever​​Zelensky should be given the Nobel Peace Prize for how he handled that WH fiasco 9:47 AMSonya Massey​​Hippiddy 9:47 AMGrrace Grracy​​@zorroairbrush2003. It's reality, so get ready. 9:47 AMSonya Massey​​Hoppiddy 9:48 AMSonya Massey​​all 9:48 AMSonya Massey​​N 9:48 AMSonya Massey​​I 9:48 AMSonya Massey​​G 9:48 AMSonya Massey​​G 9:48 AMSonya Massey​​E 9:48 AMSonya Massey​​R 9:48 AMElia Fuimaono​​tell your friends to stop being landlords and we'll begin to heal 9:48 AMSonya Massey​​S 9:48 AMDash​​And Who made the most money from 9-11. 9:48 AMSonya Massey​​are 9:48 AMSonya Massey​​property 9:48 AMMea Culpa​​suicides are never reported in the news unless it involves others. Who really knows how many people unlive themselves ? died at home 9:48 AMAgolf Twittler​​"I will wear a costume after this war will finish. Maybe something like yours. Maybe something better." - Zalensky... 9:48 AMkathryn realhealthtalk​​blessings to all 9:48 AMVD Hurtz​​FDJT 9:48 AMJIMS RADIO CHECK​​did you see how Trump had his hands on zalinski when he was yelling at him 9:48 AMRose Blake​​@nevets 4 ever Yes he does 9:48 AMPink nightmare​​JIN I'm neutral about Mikki he and Aho are close like Fishy and Turbo were 9:48 AMGrrace Grracy​​Sonya should be blocked. 9:48 AMGirliegurl​​I don’t know why there is a fake Sonya Massey still in the chat. The only Sonya Massey I recognize; is the one that was murdered. 9:48 AMElia Fuimaono​​sonyaaaa, is a plagiarist 9:48 AMVD Hurtz​​FDJT 9:48 AMVD Hurtz​​FDJT 9:49 AMDash​​Wasn't his attempt to make Jr. look bad. 9:49 AMJiN up the Bass​​@Pink nightmare 88 is your number? Should we be alarmed - H.H. and all? 9:49 AMPink nightmare​​F45 9:49 AMmike williams​​It's not just NORWAY 9:49 AMVD Hurtz​​FDJT 9:49 AMVD Hurtz​​FDJT 9:49 AMMea Culpa​​spontaneous combustion 9:49 AM#BobbleHead​​love triangles are Not Romantic 9:49 AMzorroairbrush2003​​I will continue to smoke my sacred pipe and send prayers of love around the world 9:49 AMGirliegurl​​HAPPENING NOW: At a hearing on dismantling of CFPB, Judge Amy Berman Jackson suggests that she wants an evidentiary hearing. 9:49 AMTurd Nugent​​ 9:49 AMGirliegurl​​Anna Bower 9:49 AMSuzanne Forasiepi​​CE u next Tues Sonya 9:49 AMRobert R.​​@Elia Fuimaono She watches the vegan teacher or is her 9:49 AMTurd Nugent​​ 9:49 AMRose Blake​​@JIMS RADIO CHECK Yes I did and I think trump should be arrested 9:50 AMJiN up the Bass​​@bobblehead Tubberville thinks Trigons are romantic. 9:50 AMPink nightmare​​my grandma's license plate has 88 in it my plate now 9:50 AMMea Culpa​​Brian Shapiro 9:50 AMVD Hurtz​​FDJT 9:50 AM#BobbleHead​​yeah . 9:50 AMPink nightmare​​HH? 9:50 AMJeff Curry​​love triangle are not romantic, but depends who is in them, so ive heard... 9:50 AMVD Hurtz​​FDJT 9:50 AMDash​​MarA-lagoon slips into a sinkhole. 9:50 AM*Elena*​​I feel like the Gorillas made the point “On melancholy hill”. Happy ending everyone hope for 9:50 AMScott K​​JD Vance is gonna make the saying "The ugly american" in vogue again 9:50 AMMark​​screwing w NOAA is worse than Stephen King thinjs even, fishing and shipping industries also heavily rely on it 9:51 AMRose Blake​​I love Joe Biden 9:51 AMJIMS RADIO CHECK​​yeah Mark tornado season started the other day and Trump cuts the national weather service 9:51 AMPink nightmare​​love Jojo! 9:51 AMRobert R.​​FAA maybe AA too 9:51 AMsanguine111​​great seein u guys, gatta get goin, c u tmrw 9:51 AMSteve Imes​​SNL skewered trump's oval office meeting this week. HILARIOUS 9:51 AMPink nightmare​​I dont have enough monitors set up lol 9:51 AMSteve Imes​​watch it on YouTube 9:51 AMNeuroGeezer​​ Have a great day. I'm having my head examined. 9:51 AMTurd Nugent​​cu @sanguine111 9:51 AMSteve Imes​​only 3 minutes behind... 9:51 AM*Elena*​​I don’t watch the republicans. Thank you, nope 9:51 AMzorroairbrush2003​​Bye bye @ sanguine 9:52 AMFoggy Ozark G​​Click thatClick It GOODoff to the Rush Limbaugh of the left The Tony MIchaels podcastthank you STEPHANiE 9:52 AMJiN up the Bass​​@Pink nightmare are you sitting in you Connecticut Command Center trying to follow all of your follows? 9:52 AMDash​​Sinkhole from the pits of hell opens up after the submarine port collapses. 9:52 AMRobert R.​​fun finding out what the world thinks of this 9:52 AMPink nightmare​​has Biden spoken out lately 9:52 AMGrrace Grracy​​@nevets 4ever THAT would be perfect. 9:52 AMRose Blake​​Marco Rubio was like why did y’ll put next to Vance on sofa 9:52 AMSteve Imes​​see i can watch the entire show in less than two hours 9:52 AMTurd Nugent​​ Chat...

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