102314/professional analysis, ISIS is equipped with firearms and ammo from about 20
different countries (dating from 1945 to 2013). They've had no
trouble getting weapons-
& trolls and posted links for their supportive friends to see.
One high school buddy is really screwed up, talking about drug
testing welfare recipients. Surprise! His daughter joined me in
putting him down-Only the GOP can protect you from ISIS and ebola and
it happens when we are in charge, we'll just make up some lie and
you're too stupid to figure it out-So many men and women served the country
well. And that dickbag Savage disparaged every single one of them.
What a vile piece of shit!- does anyone in that community feel good
about a hospital that sends someone with a high fever and viral
symptoms HOME with ANTIBIOTICS?- sms/kcwabc
newhaven 9 emergency
ebola threat voting for maloy, introvirus,
rove, you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar, but nothing
beats a 50# bag of horse shit-Sweden, where 87% of the population
belongs to the church of sweden (lutheran) but only 17% admit to
believing in a higher powerJoe McCarthy died a dissolute drunk at 48,
Cruz has about 4 to 5 years left! sms/israel planning rescue
Operation Moïse french jews jewsnews-France is nothing but backed up
pig sewage-today's La Crème de la Crème of all world Jewry. Don't
be so sure that they will want to share a homeland with the riff raff
zion-Where are they going to put all those French Jews? More land
grabs?- Anywhere they want really. Jerusalem (all parts), the
beautiful Shomron, Judea, many places. We will build and build and
build and build and build and build and build and build until the UN
executive board commits suicide-iapb/GOP candidate with fetish
related felony record warns against homosexual agenda-shots inside
Canadian parliament-A Hispanic man delivers absentee ballots,
conservatives want him dead-south should form new nation without gays
and Hispanics called Reagan- four former Blackwater guards convicted
for gunning down unarmed Iraqis-Georgia man who plotted courthouse
takeover accidentally shot himself first-lucky Florida man didn’t
kill somebody trying out concrete piercing rifle ammo downtown- group
urges blacks to defeat GOP using lynching image on flier-sphinx
discovered at mysterious ancient Greek tomb-IRS officials behind
fraudulent multi billion dollar corporate tax giveaways- Alaska Red
stuns high school crowd comparing gay marriage to bulls having
sex- Bristol’s weepy, foul mouthed post brawl statement- Accept the
culture of Jesus in schools when you come to the South-Texas Law let
lesbian ex wife divorce me antigay crusader complains- al cop charged
with raping woman following arrest on child sex abuse charges-GOP
lawmaker wants Idaho out of the marriage business-SC HS football
coach fired after team mocks Black opponents with watermelons- man
threatening lawsuit after Palin family brawl- Maddow’s Punk picks to
get you through the elections-Ramsey: Jesus was wrong to say rich
people can’t go to heaven- Did 33 cops really have to fire 600
bullets during shootout?- Kentucky prison guard avoids jail for 25
counts of sexually abusing women inmates-Gohmert’s Ebola silver
lining: Latinos too scared to cross border with infected
Africans-Savage: Boo-hoo-hoo! attacks veterans with PTSD- court
upholds black Jewish group's right to spew hateful rhetoric in
public- Ok woman claims Jesus will pay for her dinner and
drinks-Zombie glacier surprises scientists, abandoned lower section
of glacier to a tail that’s shed by a lizard when it’s attacked
by a predator, the case of the glacier, the predator is our warming
climate-global warming denial science found to be unrealistic and
inaccurate rsy/ inequality equnox hartmann/gotv, isis teen draw,
gopbola, manx jakie shares with steph
shows a link between marijuana use and mental health problems like
depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, short-term psychosis, and
schizophrenia. While it’s not clear if marijuana causes these
conditions, it can make them worse wmd/ Oliver dogs Supreme Court with
hilarious canine re enactments, slams bureaucratic clusterf*ck US
treatment of military translators-Smiley rips Bill Kristol, the worst
of America-Brand’s anti voting revolution makes Sex Pistols Johnny
Rotten want to puke-Oklahoma man opens fire on ex girlfriend for not
leaving fast enough- Tn lawmaker arrested again, this time for
stalking and threatening neighbor-Britain mulls 2 year prison
sentence for people found guilty of trolling- AL jailers let prisoners
die from easily treatable illnesses to save money-Dallas officials
fear panic with dead Ebola patient-rsy/30 gun deaths per day, or
stephs lesbian fantasies/Mega Billionaire seemingly anoints Human
Filth Hillary$$$ as America’s next President
you vote Republican they will let you die without heathcare. a TV
ad-Ebola zombies-Maddow slammed rand paul and the ebola puppets-Dad,
WTF, this is science just go sit down-texas judge opens court with
prayer to see defendants uncomfortable with christianity
addictinginfo-Walker slime ball debate was total softball- sms/ 95% of
Ebola incubations occur from 1 to 21 days, 3%, occur from 21 to 42
days, 2%, not explained- many intelligent educated people who have had
their lives ruined by just the piss on demand policies of our
government, but when they are pulled over for drunk driving they
always flash that little badge of theirs and ask for some
professional courtisy, insane and needs to stop, I for one dont care
if people smoke the weed as long as they are not stoned behind the
wheel. Its no wonder we are so in debt as a nation with every screwed
up ideal becoming law in the USA. Even free birth control. If you are
responsible enough to have sex, you should buy your own condoms.
There isnt a war on women there is a war on humanity which both sides
of the isle have fostered on us-curious how the rights amazing
hypocrites opposes state's rights when it's to their positions-We
agree, It is insane and very destructive, and a waste of billions in
resources. The sad part is that so many look at smoking marijuana as
a moral issue. The self righteous are always a hoot-making Pot
illegal doesn't eliminate its use. Prostitution is also illegal but,
just like Pot is still widespread in our society-Criminalizing Pot
only makes the drug lords distributing it filthy rich. What about all
the crime and murders caused by drug lords? There's zero evidence
that legalizing Pot will increase the number of people killed. Has
the number of people killed because of Pot increased in Colorado or
Washington?-I do not want to see the 2016 have a platform of
legalization of Pot nor would I want Republicans generally to have
that in their platform. We have plenty of problems to be handled in
the platform that are far more important. I think this whole area of
accusing Republicans of wanting it in the platform is simply a
political ploy being used by Democrats thinking that will help get
them into office aibafs/2008, Abbott chose to defend the state’s
ban on the sale of sex toys, a case that emerged from the fallout of
Lawrence v. Texas, deployed novel legal arguments against gay
marriage not a case about gay marriage, about every American’s god
given right to buy dildos, in discouraging you from masturbating or
blowing your boyfriend, Davis Doubles Down: Wheelchair Ad Was Fair
And Important, thought it would be a good idea to send an press
release with dildo in the subject line and blowing your boyfriend in
the body, well, it’s almost hard to swallow dm-iapb/1% have
security clearance, 20% paid to spy on neighbors, hartmann/jewish
martial art isue, syrian, turkish, kurds fighting isis labeled
terrorist by liberal media, hotshot yogurt govani uses gmo fed milk,
get to vote three times, absentee, early voting and Nov 4th. My dog
Zorro votes too. He's dead-here in WA state where we have voting by
mail of course, we organize into teams, identify the right wing
neighborhoods, then when the ballots are mailed out people swoop into
those areas, snap those ballots up from their outside mailboxes, fill
them out as any good progressive would do and then mail them in as
was intended, here in WA vote early and vote often- Shep breaks rank,
says something sensible. Rush Limbaugh promptly mocks him-Ablow:
Obama has it in for us; that’s why he’s trying to give us
Ebola-Trump: The president is a psycho- Ingraham thinks Africa is a
country wants Americans to die- Gohmert: Infected nurses are evidence
of the Democrats war on women-Brown: Ebola would never be happening
if Mitt were president-Israel stages Ebola screening drill at Ben
Gurion-The whole thing was all because of that amateur hospital in
Texas proving once again what nincompoops Texans are-Klain is a
systems guy and that is where the solution lies. He is an excellent
choice and the Regressive whining is just what they do with
EVERYTHING Obama-isola, eboghazi, wingers will think of something-an
undeclared truce between Israel and Al-Qaeda’s branch in Syria,
Islamist militants have not engaged in any clashes with the Israeli
army, Al Nusra’s cadres prefer loose, ad hoc cooperation with other
rebel factions, including those with ties to Israel, that Israel will
not attempt to disrupt military strength of Al Qaeda affiliates-Basic
math seems beyond the grasp of Regressives but what can we expect
from people who think cutting taxes raises revenue- rbh/ CHENEY &
NRA is more deadly than EBOLA-Obama's fault full background checks
for gun buyers owners, but not for voters? a paranoid schizophrenic
with a gun is much more dangerous than a paranoid schizophrenic with
a single vote yhal/Shameless Voter Disenfranchising Schemes, there is
no voter fraud. So, there is no need to enact legislation to correct
a problem that does not exist, unless it is used for another purpose,
like keeping minority voters from voting. Everyone knows the Repug
clamor over voter fraud is nothing but a smoke screen to hide their
real agenda of voter interference. And, we're not talking about
voters who are not registered to vote. They ARE registered voters.
They do show up to the polls to vote. They are then subjected to
multiple methods of interference no different than what used to be
standard practice in the South before civil rights had teeth. You
repug fools don't get how this is going to backfire in your faces.
What you do only infuriates those who you try to keep from voting,
and motivates them to vote even more just to keep you racist
repugnant rats from interfering with their right to vote-Reich What
is the Source of Conservatives utter stupidity? ybac/ Iran Once Again
Trying To Divert Attention Away From Failing Nuclear Talks
Deadline-If the Arab Nations are in fact uniting against ISIS, why in
the World is the burden on the U.S. to conduct the bombing. These are
not bombing runs against hardened targets protected by advanced anti
aircraft defenses, these are bombing runs against relatively
straightforward targets including buildings, vehicles, targets of
opportunity, The Iranian Guard alone should have been more than
sufficient to have handled this problem of 20,000 ISIS fighters from
the very beginning-Netty trying ever so hard to divert attention away
from Israel's illegal occupation of Palestine lands, Equating Hamas
to ISIS, The world is not fooled, Only his blind supporters are, Even
the US is waking up to his antics. Due to Israel policies of
apartheid and aggression, Maybe what we are seeing is Netty's last
stand, Especially with the Arabs nations uniting against ISIS, To
deflect from increasing global pressure on Israel, illegal occupation
of Palestine lands, Thought you knew everything, Turns out, your
knowledge is limited to Netty propaganda, UAE, Saudis and Bahrain are
flying their own aircraft-I pray dat billions of peepl git the
ebolla, bcoz it prophesided, only hypocrit git the ebolla, I pray
daylee fa THE ARMMAGGEDDION-ygs/
will be Obama's fault If he gets in bed with Iran to fight ISIS watch
for a Sunni oil embargo. The Sunnis nations of Saudi, Kuwaiit,
Quatar, Abu Dubai, Oman and Bahrain will not tolerate it. he knows
that. Thats why he is trying to follow Clintons lead In the Balkans
and do it with air power alone. But this time Air Power alone will
not cut it. It will only serve as a recruiting tool for Isis
iapb/Based on the testimony and numerous statistical analyses
provided at trial, this Court finds that approximately 608,470
registered voters in Texas, representing approximately 4.5% of all
registered voters, lack qualified SB 14 ID and of these, 534,512
voters do not qualify for a disability exemption, Ginsburg wrote.
echoed these findings in her dissent, texas officials dispute these
figures. The potential magnitude of racially discriminatory voter
disenfranchisement counseled hesitation before disturbing the
District Court’s findings and final judgment, Senate Bill 14 may
prevent more than 600,000 registered Texas voters (about 4.5% of all
registered voters) from voting in person for lack of compliant
identification. A sharply disproportionate percentage of those voters
are African American or Hispanic. that racial discrimination in
elections in Texas is no mere historical artifact. To the contrary,
Texas has been found in violation of the Voting Rights Act in every
redistricting cycle from and after 1970- cnn Many nations have banned
flights from other countries in recent years in hopes of blocking the
entry of viruses, including SARS and H1N1 'wine flu, None of the
bans were effective, and the viruses gained entry to populations
regardless of what radical measures governments took to keep them
out. No ban will completely stop people moving about the world, It
gives us the false assurance that we can ignore the problems that are
happening in Africa, At the end of the day, we can't. And our own
safety depends on our getting it right there, not on building the
walls. President Obama opposes a travel ban. aibafs/ Georgia gop State
sponsored religion will end big govt tyranny-Brianna Wu and the human
cost of Gamergate: Every woman I know in the industry is
scared- Maddow: Maybe Democrats deserve to lose the Senate-Darren
Wilson says Brown went for his gun- ussc denies request to block Texas
voter ID law- Ebola fearmongering is the GOP’s new crazy, racist dog
whistle-not panicked, I’m just pissed’: Bill Maher blasts Dallas
hospital morons-race baiting ad linking Nebraska Democrat to
murderer- Tesla Motors slams Michigan banning them from in state
sales-lynching lingers around hanging death of black NC high school
football player- conservative cardinal of St. Louis says he was
demoted by Pope-Pennsylvania after drunk dad tells him 8-year-old
crashes car to drive home- Ancient Siberian mummy had breast cancer
and self- medicated with marijuana-Palin’s PAC hoards cash while GOP
candidates she endorsed go begging- Hookworms could allow people with
celiac disease to safely consume gluten rsy/
to name Ron Klain Ebola and Right Wing Nonsense czar-Be afraid
everyone, New Disease Ebola Misinformation Symndrome! You get it thru
eyes and ears by listening to Fox or CNN. Also from GOP & RWNJs!
yhal/Colorado Senator Mark Udall, is the target of $22 million in
special interest dcc/az goes ssm- sms/Yellowstone: evidence for a
secret program, which is trying to make the
super volcano erupt, as
soon as possible- ISIS, Israel Secret Intel Service.!
criticalbelievers/ isis flees, new ebola business tzar, hypocondriac
jew, harvard president, kcwabc/
US Corporate Media Ignore, You have to go to The Japan Times to find
out that this week's Typhoon Phanfone caused a significant spike in
the radioactive contamination of groundwater at Fukushima
BuzzFlash/Rate of Mass Shootings Has Tripled Since 2011-Pushing
Blacks and Latinos to Vote GOP-mj/Wealth Gap: Just $3,650 Puts a
Person in Top Half of Wealth in the World Jonathan Turley's
Blog/Biden: The Tea Party Is Crazy CNN/Christian Right's Vile PR
Sham: Why Their Bizarre iFilms Are Backfiring on Them Salon/ CIA
Study: Arming Rebels Rarely Works nyTimes/ Iraqi Doctors Call
Depleted Uranium Contamination from depleted uranium munitions is
causing sharp rises in congenital birth defects, cancer cases and
other illnesses throughout much of Iraq, Use Genocide Truthout/Shep
on Fox News clip? He was being reasonable and telling people to not
freak out-a reasonable gay man who actually tries to be a journalist
on faux news? not exactly a fit/going as an Ebola-ridden, ISIS
Hobo- halloween used to be all about soaping windows and throwing tp
into the trees. Now it's ruined- why do right wing idiots like the
whiners so much like Bill O and Boner and oh who's the butch me up
guy?-linsey- these 2010 elected RW Governors wanted to pass their
unholy bullshit as soon as they could. Then hope people would forget
when they ran for re election-Scott could almost make me support
branding a big F in the middle of his forehead-Congress not doing
their job is costing Republican governors their jobs-All the bad
things go down the memory hole with a media that just focuses on
what's in front of them sms/ Who's the real threat to America? Notice
the touchy JUEWpigs on the MB why don't you join the Israli Army you
gutless Loser?-Muslum in the sticks? Or some fat slob #$%$ on Park
Avenue-even your own brethren won't bring you into the business, you
sure don't have any real money to trade with-
ygs/Bush and Cheney
repressed the report of old mustard and sarin shells because it
didn't fit their narrative of ongoing production including nukes. But
what is really unforgivable is they denied medical treatment to the
handful of Iraq and US soldiers who were exposed to these old shells
because they didn't want it known they had been found in such a
unusable condition, remnants of an arms program Iraq had rushed into
production in the 1980s Iran Iraq war, manufactured before 1991,
Filthy, rusty or corroded, a large fraction of them could not be
readily identified as chemical weapons at all. Some were empty,
though many of them still contained potent mustard agent or residual
sarin. Most could not have been used as designed, and when they
ruptured dispersed the chemical agents over a limited area rbh/
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