there’s no school in a graveyard, they don’t have any children
left izzy cheers-showing Israeli troops worshipping their artillery
rounds- disgusting pigs, grown men cheering the murder of children-an
insult to pigs, Years of extreme, right wing, Zionist
propaganda-Tired of being trickled down on? Words like insane,
despicable, repulsive, appalling, and horrifying are the least of it,
now think about it. Same crowd?. Some of the same words applied to
Cheney, Rumsfeld and the neo cons-something you CAN do Join the BDS
movement, weak kneed politicians support the death Israel deals, so
they're worth less than a bucket of warm spit-missile defense shield
$$$ is on top of this annual aid to Israel now $3.15 billion
year-Every time a poor person dies a Republican gets his horns-Ayelet
Shaked being the most noteworthy, unabashedly and just short of
explicitly, using the most flimsily disguised language. So while
genocide may not be occurring yet, the world had better heed the
warning signs and do something before it does occur- Native Americans
have been severely destroyed as a culture through the taking of their
land and the killing of their people, For many the scars are still
there, a reason the world community has decided that an invading
country can not settle the land they capture through warfare. Yet,
this is exactly what Israel is allowed to do with our
blessings-sickened to see Steny Hoyer on C span, prostrating himself
in the most disgusting way at the altar of Israeli war crime as
Palestinian PEOPLE WERE BEING SLAUGHTERED. It was a vile speech
dripping with greasy over the top flattery and adulation for the
colonizers currently committing mass murder, ethnic
cleansing-persistent societal discrimination, kindergarten, where
they claimed Ethiopian Jewish children were educated in a room
separate from the rest of the children-Portion
of the adolescent prisoners in solitary on Rikers Island who have
been diagnosed with a mental illness: 70% dk/BN: Kerry’s proposal
was completely unrealistic and gives Hamas military and diplomatic
advantages-BO: Within a week of the end of Israel’s military
activities, Qatar and Turkey will begin negotiations with Hamas based
on the 2012 understandings, including Israel’s commitment to
removing the siege and restrictions on Gaza-BN: Qatar and Turkey are
the biggest supporters of Hamas. It’s impossible to rely on them to
be fair mediators-BO: I trust Qatar and Turkey. Israel is not in the
position that it can choose its mediators-BN: I protest because Hamas
can continue to launch rockets and use tunnels for terror attacks-BO:
(interrupting Netanyahu) The ball’s in Israel’s court, and it
must end all its military activities-Israel's Channel 1 refused to
retract the leaked statement. Worse, it revealed the source of the
leak as a senior American official-with friends like Israel, you
don't need enemies-The Herald Devils Sing!- Drunk In Church Israel has
the right to exist. This site is filled with Jew haters and atheists.
Repent, bitchez-The only thing holy about Israel is the trail of
bodies they leave behind riddled with holes- restoring a Commonwealth
destroyed by pax romana 1800 years ago based on practically
biological criterion (matrilenial lineage), old testament rabbinical
code is to uproot and demolish false gods, whether they be socialism,
nationalism, capitalism, Jesus or Kim kardashian's ass, But to
attribute to Zion manipulation of MSM is laughable, especially after
you realize how incompetent its so called leaders are-dry orthodoxy
have recently manifested in their studies a deepening conception of
Judaism; and have thus brought about the banishment of that
superficial rationalism which was the cause of a growing indifference
to things Jewish, keeping with the conjunction of seeming opposites,
in which Communism sometimes is bankrolled by predatory
capitalists- The difference of the inner quality [of the body] is so
great that the bodies would be considered as completely different
species. This is the reason why there is an halachic difference in
attitude about the bodies of non Jews bodies are in vain- because
you're obviously the self professed brightest bulb in the box tell me
what exactly or who I am. And be specific, am I CIA, NSA, Mossad, or
private contractor-A Christian Zionist, is my guess, you think the
descendents of people who left an area 1400 years ago, have a better
claim to it than the Muslims, whom you clearly have a deep dislike
for, And why? Because the Bible tells you so zerohedge/ Israel is
using disproportionate and indiscriminate force against civilians
through the targeting of schools, religious institutions and
government infrastructure While the resumption of violence is
terrible news, there are positive, important things to report,
pressure leaders for humanitarian relief in Gaza Truthout/ law passed
in Puebla makes it possible for police to use firearms or deadly
force to break up demonstrations. Local inhabitants felt the impact
of the measure during a harsh crackdown on a protest against another
law that they say undermines their autonomy Ips/groups protesting
against the destruction in Gaza is If Not Now, When? a Hypocritical
Creature From the Ignorant Abyss of American Christian Extremism is
battering the United States of America, weakening and eroding the
fundamental values of tolerance and inclusion embodied by our
beautiful Constitution AlterNet
everything is made in china but courage made in palestine, and
cowardice, in izrahell- Americans For Prosperity, Backed By Charles
And David Koch, Spent Nearly $1 Million On Ads Attacking Udall
OVERREACH ON BORDER? yhal/This is going to zero. The company still
has 100s of billions in exposure in sub primes. They will be paying
300 billion in settlements over the 20 years. You were burned the
minute you bought the stock with the intention of holding it long
term, You are just too stupid to realize it- Republicans have
trespassed by voting to sue the President for allegedly exceeding his
authority. That’s just dumb. Anyone with half a brain knows a
president has authority to interpret the laws, issue executive orders
to federal contractors, and set enforcement priorities, Far more
troubling is a report confirming that the CIA has been spying on
Congress. The agency was trying to find out how Congress got a secret
CIA internal report on the agency’s use of torture. (The Senate’s
investigation apparently has concluded the CIA exaggerated torture’s
effectiveness and repeatedly misled Congress about it.) This trespass
isn’t just dumb. Spying on Congress jeopardizes our entire system
of government. It undermines our democracy’s capacity to oversee
how government uses covert violence ybac/CA guards dousing mentally
ill inmates with pepper spray prompts rule change- kid’s book
portrays day in the life of typical gun nut family- Maher hammers U.S.
funding for Israel’s weapons: We just can’t afford this sh*t
anymore-Colorado driver’s licenses for undocumented
immigrants- Ebola moving faster than control-india Rape charges have
become a fashion-Noonan: Obama shouldn’t be dropping his g’s,
slouching around- rsy/ 1201 total cases. 672 deaths. Guinea, Sierra
Leone, and Liberia, Ebola or is it psychological warfare?- bones of
dozens of Iron Age warriors found in Denmark were collected and
ritually mutilated after spending months on the
battlefield- Scientific evidence refuting the theory of modern
humanity’s African genesis is common knowledge among those familiar
on the human Genome, Mitochondrial DNA and Y chromosomes-Putin,
Russia Issues International Arrest Warrant for noted financial
terrorist and Hungarian bank dick, George Soros for using cross
collateralized Swedish and Danish foreign currency derivatives to
attack on the Russian stock market. criticalbelievers/ us gives every
Israeli $750 a year. Many countries people don't even make $750 a
year and the US gives it free to Israel iapb/
you read the Bible? pundit rips Tucker shunning child refugees-GOP
rethink everything full 911 report-media faking a series of ragegasms
for Israel to prove their love is real rsy/Doing God's Work Nugent
Says He's Being Persecuted By Lying Freaks ranting maniacally again
standing up to the liberal America haters!-Rand Paul Blasting MSNBC
Cranks and Hacks threw a hissy fit over coverage of his 2010 remarks
about the Civil Rights Act- GOP Asks Why America Can't Be More Like
Saudi Arabia same sex marriage ban-Wisconsin Supreme Court Rules In
Favor Of Scott Walker's Union Busting, not a right, but rather
something lawmakers can offer or withdraw at will-Colbert rips
corporations that flee US taxes and faux pundits who defend them-no
one wants impeachment just moments after guest begs GOP to do
it-125,000 Virginians Mistakenly Notified That They Cannot
Vote-Geraldo derails Hannity-Trolls drown ReaganBook in sea of
profanity, pornography- Santorum: Same sex marriage is to blame for
single moms, and polygamy is next-Utah man fired blog post about
homophones made school sound gay-deGrasse Tyson slams fear factor
There are no wild cows over GMOs-Peace Corps withdrawing volunteers
due to Ebola virus- Brian Eno, funding Israel is like funding the
KKK- members call for shooting young refugees, Leave the corpses
laying on the border-Coulter: Why can’t we deal with our border the
way Netanyahu deals with Hamas?-Neo Nazis consider erecting monument
to the white race North Dakota-Tase me motherf*ckers! Idaho police
fulfill request- ussc asked to review Obamacare subsidy case- Texas
printing In God We Trust on official documents- Stewart says Congress
is like Sharknado 2? It was supposed to suck all along- rsy Seattle
reassign cop who issued 80 percent of city’s weed tickets-Ohio
woman slits sleeping husband’s throat, claims she was dreaming of
filleting a fish-attempting to smuggle contraband into SC prison
Drone crashes-Texas Dennis Bonnen Uses co*nass Slur To Describe Child
Victims Of Katrina- Bachmann: The president, who has deported more
people than any other president, and who wants to send back children
to Central America, actually wants them here for medical
experiments-Lerner referred to some as crazies **sholes- b0 urged
lawmakers to get to work and stop just hatin’ all the time-Heckler
Jesus Is The Lord Of Israel-hilarity immediately ensued After Awesome
Trolling ReaganBook Offline-Honoring Pope Stuck In House Because
Francis Too Liberal 19 Republicans have signed legislation-Virginia
Family Foundation 40 Days of Prayer, Fasting and Repentance, to fight
same sex marriage, only thing missing is members can still eat-Nugent
called Hillary a worthless bitch-While Trying To Shoot Pigeons tn
Churchgoers Destroy Church Roof-28 pages Hiding Saudi Complicity In
911?-ll/Art Is a Necessary Element of Every Revolution-National
Disgrace: a long way to go before indigenous women are afforded their
full civil rights-A Media Tilt to Israel in Gaza-people are being
expelled from economy, society and nation in increasing numbers
Truthout/the Whole Torah What Is Hateful to You, Do Not Do to Your
Fellow-More Blood Than Water in Detroit, Gaza and Iraq- Censoring What
US Public Can Know About Torture BuzzFlash- Forty Bullets in the Head
Shows Why Hondurans Are Fleeing to US blb/UN Informed Israel 17 Times
About Civilians in Gaza School Shelter Before Attack, Killed at Least
15/Baby boomers at work while millennials sit out of job force- Was It
Drugs Or An Accident?- Wait till they wake up and find out Obama's
been Lying to them- You Can Say What You Like, Cheney Had More To Do
With 911 Than Obl, Wake Up! Obl Would Not Lie He Promised poppy bush
That He Would Punish America If poppy Put U.S. Troops On Saudi Soil &
True To His Word That Punk POS w Let Him Get Away With It!, Or Did
He?- yhal/ more than 50 Israeli soldiers refused to join the war
effort- 465 stated that relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons
in Time of War 1949 is applicable to the Arab territories occupied by
Israel since 1967, including Jerusalem-Why they really hate Neil
deGrasse Tyson, Inside the right’s anti intellectual paranoia-I'll
give it straight, HE'S BLACK, a SCIENTIST, SMARTER THAN THEM National
Review seething resentment-The Right to Self Defense, Israel Stands
Its Ground-What's happening in Gaza makes me heartsick. As an
American, the point of fact is that I am partially complicit, as near
all my politicians reflexively support Israel-The End of
Zionism: Israel must shed its illusions & choose between
racist oppression & democracy dailykos- spending years insisting
that Obama was a complete ghost at Columbia, the story of the
Manchurian candidate, Wayne Allyn Root to assert, b0 studied how to
destroy America from within- Don Young (R-AK) grabs and twists the
arm of a staffer on Capitol Hill and it's all caught on tape. msnbc
fb/rip Zoia Horn 1918 Librarian and Activist/ Palestinians carry the
coffin of Christian woman Jalila Ayyad, 70, who was killed by an
Israeli strike hit and destroyed her house ap/baby with shirt Israel
don't kill me during a demonstration supporting Palestine, in Berlin,
Babies placed alongside dolls and doll parts with fake blood,
symbolizing the death of children in Gaza-slogans against during a
Kabul demonstration against Israel r/stephie once a whore, always a
whore/ curtis humps 4 izzy kcwabc/
compound the problem, as the IDF's rocket coverage has consistently
shown, but are skewed to blame Israel, Terrorists have also used
hospitals and schools as command centers and military bases,
previously provided video evidence that Hamas fires rockets from
inside schools and it is also known that Hamas has also been using
UNRWA schools as storage sites for its rockets. For the third time in
recent days, such a stockpile was discovered in a UN school, fired
rockets from within densely populated civilian areas, making Israeli
attempts to stop them without causing collateral damage virtually
impossible- IDF operation in Gaza is expanding, 16,000 more reservists
are being called inn- IDF releases footage of a tunnel shaft in the
basement of a mosque in the Gaza Strip. The tunnel, which is next to
the prayer room, extends in various directions, and is connected to a
larger tunnel network, Weapons are also found toi-Yimach shemcha
vezechrecha The Secret Machinations of the Vatican ITT, Liberal is
another word for liar- It's official: the Democratic Party has
abandoned Israel, has nothing to do with that most ancient of
hatreds, anti Semitism. Rather, in an age when compelling narrative
increasingly trumps cold, hard history lessons, Isy's version events
leading up to Operation Protective Edge, factually sound, is a
snoozer, I don't recall a war crimes tribunal being convened against
the WINNERS of WWII, Yet, the IDF's unimaginable restraint has left
good American liberals in a tizzy of moral outrage, phenomenon may be
connected to how the liberal Democrat processes information. Slaves
to gut emotion, and averse to rigorous academic research, liberals do
not bother to figure out who is right or wrong in any conflict, Hamas
is responsible for the murder of more than 1,000 Israeli civilians
since 1996, founding charter calls for destruction of Israel and
murder of all Jews jpost-illegal immigrants steal jobs- Snowball badge
Designer badge Coder badge Hot Potato badge, IF you even HAVE a
***king job, to begin with, I will kindly give a pass, u haven't
worked a day in the US since coming from Ukraine as a refugee
iapb/mitt perfectly poised for comeback theweek-I actually don't
believe in any supernatural being, I just use the name for satirical
purposes. Christianity is the religion I was brought up in so I know
a lot about it, and I find the idea of the anti christ amusing,
especially since people are always suspecting people of being the
anti christ-Wisconsin Supreme Court upheld law effectively ended
public worker collective bargaining- aibafs/ flip flopping to amnesty
cruz bites red leadership needing another vacation, red ohio reverse
heir law with medicade, nurse jackie shares 3500$ panic attack story,
wanting to fight about who started it, izzy bombing un shelters in
gaza, sarah's catch wink, utah language teacher fired for listing
homonyms, homophones and homographs, morning joe sez izzy wrong,
blaming things on the black guy, louie reports 7k tx rapes, bring it
on cc & stephie off the rail looking 4 answers catching clues,
mooks discuss happy hr podcast/ bernie sez cruz harnessing tbag h8,
groups call for boycott of Boondocks creator’s new comedy, Black
Jesus-Washington Republican Representative Beefcake resigns over vote
fraud-Christians rise up against hypothetical atheists GOP Jody
Hice-Detroit Sleeping boy 8 shot dead in suspected domestic violence
incident-deacon who blamed Satan for sex abuse may have jail time
cut-federal employees busted for $4 million sovereign citizen tax
fraud- Russell Brand rips Fox blowhard Sean Hannity over inflammatory
Israel Gaza coverage-country music fans record rape on video at Keith
Urban concert-Misshl fired woman for taking time off to have a
baby- Colbert trolls Palin- Francis sounds too much like Obama to be
honored by Congress- Liberal bickel slut shames Bachelorette for not
marrying man after sex-Iowa sheriff’s deputies Tasing man at least
15 times before he died- Christian radio host I knew it was wrong
found guilty of sexually assault-court ruling saves Mississippi’s
last abortion clinic-Stewart channels opera doctrine in Middle East
Everybody gets some bombs! rsy/ Chinese River Turns Blood Red
Overnight-r Mike Hope has resigned after the revelation that he’s
been registered to vote in two states- Michigan Mayor Jim Fouts
Compares Atheists To Nazis, KKK- Thesaurus now includes redneck, right
winger and traditionalist as synonyms for obstructionist-ll/Household
Now Worth a Third Less, While Assets of the 1% Soar- When it comes to
economic inequality, it doesn't get any more telling than a study
that proves that the typical US household has decreased in net worth
by a third since 2003- How Capitalism Is Cheating Young
Americans- Secret Report That Helps Israelis to Hide Facts-Gun Guys
Are Into Racial Provocation- BuzzFlash/150 Bodies Recovered in Gaza as
Death Toll Exceeds 1,000 Haaretz
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