Fe city council votes to decriminalizes marijuana r/Netanyahu said
Islamist foe Hamas had achieved none of its demands-an officer was
wounded by stray fire as Syrian rebels seized control of the
crossing. Israel closed off the area around Quneitra on the occupied
Golan Heights-Retreating jihadists set three wells ablaze at a
northern Iraq oil field as Kurds attack-executions, amputations,
lashings and mock crucifixion are a regular fixture in
jihadist-controlled areas AFP/ purported Israeli drone shot down near
iranian nuclear facility-People in Uruguay who want to grow their own
marijuana at home were able to register to do- ap/Gaza stats On a
daily basis, an average of six schools where shelled, 435 families
lost their homes and 37 children were orphaned- Israeli mobs become
regular Jerusalem Palestinians face persecution & threats of
violence. aja-fb/uzi the gun that killed the west/ dunkindonuts, That
poor woman. Nobody deserves to die while trying to get some rest in
between working 4 jobs-LowPayIsNotOK People need to stop watching
fake reality shows, and take a good look at reality, we're living
it- Michael Brown and Eric Garner grand jury?-We got us an outside
agitator in Ferguson. Busted! Damn foreigners -tw/ GOP rival's
campaign brochure sneered, it isn't an internship or job training
course, But Sullivan dismisses their criticisms as desperate,
grasping at straws, Jennifer =lib vermin's worst nightmare, young,
gorgeous, smart and REPUBLICAN!-Yes your typical young Republican
leader, still lives at home with her parents, halfway through
college, admits she still quibbles with her siblings about dish duty
particularly eager to get to work repealing Common Core, soon
represent more than 150,000 constituents in the Florida
statehouse-Russian forces fighting alongside separatists in
Ukraine- What should b0 do? Never mind, you won't answer.
Conservatives never answer the question, because they have to leave
open the option to disagree with whatever he does
rmm/ gun nut education at 7, jackie inventing snow job sacrifice,
wingnutz bucket list items, hunting season fatalities lotto, blow
officially baned, rivers complications, stephy started out with hello
mastidone ended up with frozen vagina from mt baldy mishap/not
complying fast enough beaver creek dayton walmart black shot dead
purchasing pellet gun, taking heat for the universe finding it's way
kuby looking 4 slut 35 but, starting with reagan assissantion izzy
uzi 10 rounds per second makes mark in az pro training girl trained 4
home protection, caller wants to know what a world would be like
without guns, faux cameraman killed during cops taping by omaha pd,
googling copicides fatty h8r curt claims spitzacolaisms, us=
illuminati kcwabc/
afraid enough to befriend evil israel newsinvestors Conn. state
trooper Caught on Dash Cam Stealing $3,700 and Golden Crucifix from a
motorcyclist dying on the side of the road freethought project-U.S.
House votes to stop funding California high speed rail,
bizjournals-why would anyone be surprised, they even refused federal
funding for fighting wildfires in the west-GOP are very frightened
individuals. Unless it's the Koch Bros or Haliburton, they don't get
it fb/iman making losers like gunselman stars/
chuzpha pro assad
syrian wingnut targets that thanxbo should have bombed bpress/sexy
times ice machine steph frozen tundra vagina responsible for all the
outrage, another isis 6.6m$ ransom intelligence perplexed, girl 9
fatally chenny faces instructor with uzi, trading places with
illegals tax inversion burgerking boycott, carlos threatens going ice
station/pist about the end zion attacks kuby fends new holocost,
tramatized girl 9 at burgers and bullets last stop gun range az,
TX, if breasts seen as more dangerous than guns Something truly
wrong-US hypersonic weapon explodes during flight test-Fox: Solution
to over-militarization of police is painting tanks blue-West: Obama a
brown faced Clinton-Oliver destroys a piƱata to justify headline’s
use of the word-Ryan avoids Dreamers questions at book signing as
security removes them-Texas police chief shot to death during traffic
stop- blind Florida ma couldn’t see anything shoots nephew- Holder
runs Justice Dept. like the Black Panthers would-
rsy/ Ferguson Cop
Supporters Endanger Reporters's Family By Publishing Home Address- Cop
Accused Of Hog Tying And Choking kid- officer Justin Cosma allegedly
assaulted two journalists ll/On the tape, you can hear six shots
being fired, a short pause and than an addition four or five shots
WORLD HATEs HIM-My IGGY FAN CLUB worships him, kiss the ground he
walks on-gs/Auschwitz survivor urged Palestinians not to give up
their fight Hajo Meyer, raised his voice to combat Zionism and to
express his support for the struggle of the Palestinian people for
freedom and equality. For as long as I can, I will continue to utter
my criticism of inhuman Zionist behavior, passed days after his
ninetieth birthday iapb/ estimated total of US wealth hidden in
nonfinancial assets and offshore accounts is $12.4 trillion
AlterNet/Another AH HA moment, Corporate Inversion is the process
where a big US company buys a small foreign one, then shifts the
companies nominal control TO that country, thereby exempting from US
corporate taxes, Boehner and at least one other senior House GOP
member profited from them, fiscal conservatism, but are billing
American taxpayers $500 hr to sue. Anybody see my surprised face? bO
wants congress to make them illegal-Cornel West: b0 posed as a
progressive and turned out to be counterfeit. We ended up with a Wall
Street presidency, a drone presidency- fb/Islamist extremist group is
persecuting members of non Muslim faiths in the massive region of
Iraq and Syria it now controls. Hundreds of thousands of religious
minorities have fled, and thousands who didn't have been brutally
killed, Yezidis practice a peaceful religion, mistaken them for a
satanic sect, historically the most hated by Islamic militants
worship an angel named Malak Tawwus, who they believe once defied
God, forgiven and was welcomed back into the heavens, too close to
home for Christians and Muslims who believe that their devil figure
shared the same sort of origin. Those faiths believe the fallen angel
never regained favor with God. He became the devil, the leader of all
things evil, Al Qaida, which spawned ISIS, even once sanctioned the
indiscriminate killing of Yezidis, now, may be the most dangerous
oppressor yet. More than 600 Yezidis have been killed, and more than
100 women and children have been kidnapped. katie y/imus receives
disabled comrade warfare particulars pbs wes moore/izzy hears quiting
bell geraldo claiming zion trimph temporary solution to ancient fears
without b0's leadership media, isis drone warfare hip hop jhad, vein
pattern attempted matchup, evolving a cultural wasteland steph
concerned about wine country aftershock 4b$ but could be the cheap
stuff, mormon liberal, this is hard try it, macdonald living with mr
ball, rand comes out hawks 4 hillary? dog elected mayor in
colorado/joo teen wandering off not a seurity problem wabc/
speaks for the media? wt Instead of praying for families and focusing
our efforts on community revitalization after tragic events like the
shooting of Michael Brown, we waste our time watching television and
gossiping on social media, Ending the cycle of violence in American
requires active love that drives out fear, hatred and a mentality
obsessed with revenge. mlk Man must evolve for all human conflict a
method which rejects revenge, aggression and retaliation. The
foundation of such a method is love-Farmers 198yrs Almanac can be
forgiven for feeling smug: Theyear old publication correctly
predicted the past nasty winter while federal forecasters blew it,
polar vortex and relentless snowstorms won't soon be forgotten,
Shivery and shovelry are back. We're calling for some frigid
conditions, bitter conditions forecasts colder than normal and wetter
than usual weather for three quarters of the country east of the
Rocky Mountains. Drought stricken California, along with the Pacific
Northwest, will see normal precipitation and cool temperatures this
winter-cnn Send your kids to war or don't even talk to me Dan Rather
to hawks- all those in favor of war should go themselves, not
sacrifice their children-when a long train of abuses and usurpations,
pursuing invariably the same Object evinces an absolute Despotism, it
is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government
tJefferson-We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty, accusation is
not proof and that conviction depends upon evidence and due process
erMurrow-Rather the guy who got fired for that forged GWB piece?
after I see a jackass tell a baldface lie in front of millions of
people, I doubt everything else they say-the potential to torpedo the
president Kobach, the Republican the most prominent figure among a
small group of lawyers working to punch legal holes in Obama's
immigration policies businessinsider-Just another racist Teabagger
who hates Mexicans because they have a different skin color!- (T)he
work of science has nothing whatever to do with consensus. Consensus
is the business of politics. Science, on the contrary, requires only
one investigator who happens to be right, which means that he or she
has results that are verifiable by reference to the real world. In
science consensus is irrelevant. What is relevant is reproducible
results. The greatest scientists in history are great precisely
because they broke with the consensus-an article about Kobach in our
local paper written by one of those Left Wing Hit Men and it was
absolutely disgusting the distortions and lies used against the
man-aibafs/treason: the betrayal of a trust or confidence breach of
faith; treachery, barry barrack hussein soetoro soebarkah bounel
steve dunham obama-I put that loon winger on Iggy. Tired of reading
his racist nonsense. What a loon winger riot. Are you still deleting
all your yahoo IDs? You must have a number of them. What a puke riot
yhal/crazy bitches? religious thug pene nce?/ 879 w days vacation
billpress/bernie rivers clip/mcstain tells iman he's working on the
va problem/assume the worst feeling a surge with mcstain linzey white
foot print fighting on the ground, 3 women killed per day
domestically, cartman sand in vigina, dean finds doj perry link
still his best chance running on whacko donation money, making tits
look better, wine country diasaster breakfast wine spill via
earthquake and uppity vacationing black dood, love letters, mad
dogging on baldy, darth troll calls-denying h8 finding nazi ties
female writer lawyer hoping for a strongly worded message instead of
sounding insane worried about hotbed of terrorist wingnut adding all
usual talk points incensed bo would play both sides for a greater
good, hartmann attempts kid gloves treatment/kuby proves freedom
floatilla success, curt worries about were the latioes went and
untaxed cigarettes, kcwabc/tx superfood media blitz, geraldo
admonished for critizing dress as first impression importance
reguardless of style professional calls reafirming all recycled lies
Innocent Gazans blood bucket challenge-death toll reaches 2,120
including 503 children & 10500+ injuries-1,0482 Injured 3,189
Children 1,994 Women 388 Elderly GazaUnde rAttack-izzy jets target
shopping center in Rafah, multiple injuries-can't find new buildings
to bomb so it's re bombing the bombed-Qusai, 4 months old. He was
found in a tree. Israeli shells have killed both his parents -Bring
the War Criminals to Justice or they will make sure this is b0's
Legacy. FYI users paid to spread Israeli propaganda-not only by this
zionist occupation, but with the global silence- digging graves bombed
him and his dead relatives murdered by izzy-3 children & man 20
farming a small land they owned- killed 8 including a pregnant woman
& children-Made in, Paid for by Americans to murder babies in
their sleep-tw/Wipe Israel off the map nyt op-ed-Two children found
stabbed to death in Jerusalem-Famous Arab Israeli singer gunned
down-CIA Analyst I’d Dump the Israelis Tomorrow-Why Christiane
Amanpour is dangerous- I don’t like Jews because they just don’t
understand that the world actually does like them, it’s just their,
you know, ways, They just don’t get it, ISIS and Al Qaeda and Boka
Haram and Fatah and Hamas are only after human rights and Arab
dignity. If Israel would just stop attacks on all the Muslims in the
world and stop taking over the media in America and Europe and stop
pretending that Jews were in Israel for more than just a few years
and stop relying on their outdated Bible, because all the artifacts
discovered and excavations uncovered in Israel are just propaganda-
2001: Israel Warns US of Big Attack that bin Laden was planning a
large scale terror attack on condition of anonymity, everybody knew
about a heightened alert, Silverstein being he's friends with
Netanyahoo knew about it-98 & 99, the CIA discovered an Israeli
couple did incredible damage, subcontracted to a US phone company,
were working for Mossad, Assange, Snowden hiding. Manning got 35
years and these people went home-ITS PURELY JEALOUSY THATS THE REASON
Netanya the Israeli Riviera-now’s the perfect time to get out and
see Israel’s top attractions-Jerusalem is charging double
municipality taxes on vacant apartments-toi/Terrorists feared us when
the GOP had the white house. There was no Isis/ Isil, and Al-Qaida
WAS on the run-GOP had the Taliban on their side, until they f***ed
it up. There was no al qaeda in Iraq, until the GOP f***ed it up. In
fact, the ME was stable until the GOP f***ed it up. Once upon a time,
there was no dominant power in the ME, and then the GOP destabilized
Iraq and handed the power to Iran targeting chicago, brilliant
strategy-St Louis bigots are loud and proud. And you Tea Baggers do
love them-Another misfortune was the swiftness of how this
unfortunate situation was hijacked and exploited by outsiders seeking
to advance their personal agendas wt race hustlers rioters looters
bullies-Billionaire Tom Steyer attempted to explain Americans that do
not buy in to global warming alarmism by, basically, generalizing
virtually all of America as not super sophisticated nsnews-aibafs
Sides Using US-Made Weapons in Iraq War, Pentagon and arms dealers
huge stockpile of war weapons, which they have happily sold to police
forces all over the United States, in communities big and small. This
process has been matched by a shocking increase in police violence,
which should come as no surprise-bac $16.6 Billion Mortgage Fraud
Agreement Is Another Public Relations Stunt- Ku Klux Klan Holding
Fundraiser BuzzFlash/ Tear Gas, Stun Grenades, Sound Cannons:
Companies Profiting From Police Crackdowns AlterNet/ Gaza Counts Cost
of War as More Than 360 Factories Destroyed or Damaged Guardian/
ferguson Feeding Off Poor: Three Warrants a Year Per Household
db/Another Black Man Near Ferguson Protests Warrants Probe-media
Keeps Fracking Data in the Dark-Why Washington's War on Terror
Failed, Underrated Saudi Connection-truthout/ against further
threatspresiding judge issues warning implied threats or otherwise by
Rick Perry directed to the grand jury that indicted him, carries up
to 20 years in prison-8,000 Gallons of Oil Spill Into Ohio River from
Duke Energy Coal Plant-juan drawing hannity lie fire tw/
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