Tuesday, May 20, 2014

52014/bo is either evil or the most incompetent pos

52014/Koch Brothers encouraging a rally against a plan to provide $195 million in state money to help settle Detroit pension claims-bo is either evil or the most incompetent pos who ever had a job as a politician. I think it's a LOT of both-wingers still unaware tens of thousands of US troops now need medical care at the VA due to gw's cut VA funding, lying incompetence and hate for our troops stated two misguided mismanaged wars- yhal/ Should Satanists be treated like Christians? Harvard limits religious expression in the wake of an attempted black mass, trolls Christians with a Satan sculpture and a black mass-Top New Hampshire cop resigns after calling Obama the N word msnbcfb/The Market and Private Property Should Be the Slaves of Democracy-The Most Important Journalist You've Never Heard Of William Worthy-Democracy Now!-As Another Major Bank Avoids Jail, Occupy Wall Street Protester Cecily McMillan Gets Three Months truthout/from 2013 7,622 accidents 26 million gallons reported oil and fracking fluid wastewater spilled in just 15 states-No Fracking, No Pipelines, No TPP on American land, shoreline, or waterways anywhere in the US, period!-The worst is yet to come. I lived in West Texas and grew up on a farm where the well water was literally poisoned by the oil and gas exploration and drilling done in the 1930's. We had our water hauled in 1500 gallons at a time to drink and cook. Us 3 brothers took a batch all in the same water. We would always argue on whom would get to take the first bath for the water was clean. I will never forget those days-don't worry, they are coming back-please let this boom here in west texas be over soon-None of them can stop the tide~Bob Marley-VA scandal, Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric Shinseki mad as hell. Chief of Staff Denis McDonough told Major Garrett madder than hell, with all his other scandals, we’ve seen O’s madder than hell act before. It has a very short shelf life with O always doing diddly, we’re told that O is now “madder than hell. Well O, do you know what we’re madder than hell” about? We’re madder than hell that you first knew about this problem years ago and did nothing. We’re madder than hell that Jay Carney said today that you found out about this latest scandal on the news. But one thing O will make us really madder than hell. We’ll be MADDER THAN HELL if all those who placed bonuses above veterans receiving medical care do not end up behind bars!-To fix this, we must recognize the need to spend our hard earned dollars. To get more doctors, staff and beds is going to cost, there is no way to do it on the cheap-Let's JUST STOP THE WARS, free up the dollars, for our current Veterans, stop making more of Us, and cut down on the profitability and give ways to the Lockeeds, Boings, Blackwaters, and on and on! fb/ h70b joe cocker, katrianna, fat elvis chasing the elusive mcrib, hollywood and vine? on imus/hopeing 4 marcus and bill as first ladies in 16, freedom defence geller wants to leapfrog media anti muzi hitler advertisments, shock and awe christy bellydance wows jew donors, palins fortress of derpatude, sack of bengazi lying crap calls, working hard bucking up stephanie queen of barking dogs/roves attack on hillary's brain over the line, palin hopes hillary's brain is off limits, on geraldo/deblazio got street cred by converting a lesbian, man boobs, breast feeding implants on ccwabc/
51914/many are scam artists there are many who are displaced becuz of real issues. And society has lost their compassion for them. In new jersey they bulldozed a tent city and put all their stuff in a dumpster. Instead of helping them they robbed them of not only the few possessions they haf but also of hope. And alot pf vets end up homeless because they came home and couldnt pay their morgaged and get less help then those on gov hand outs. Lets not forget that old heros like robin hood had to live in the woods for poaching, becuz they were starving, soon enough we will all be displaced by the gov. Our gov has a history of giving people the booot i the ass and a good ridence cl/Karl Rove actions show he has advanced syphilis. Whisper. Whisper.tw/23.9 13.4yf/ Looks like Obama wins again. <snicker> Putin ordered troops amassed along the Ukrainian border to return to their permanent bases npr-Obama's effectiveness is mystifying to Cons for a simple reason, he gets his results without having to bomb, shell, invade, or occupy, or even having to resort to threats to do so. They can't conprehend that, or how it works. Hence, their contant look of stupification-Crossfire, turns out, look at the actual numbers. It turns out the actual numbers are 3,900 temporary jobs in the construction sector and 35 permanent jobs- charges will name several individuals who are Chinese government employees, according to a U.S. official. They used military and intelligence facilities to commit cyber espionage against U.S. companies, Chinese Government Officials are suffering from uncontrollable laughter-I can hardly wait for our racist AG to hold his press conference today to hear the rest of this story. After all the DOJ can't even keep their own people and other government organizations from spying on American citizens-contradictions are mountainous. The NSA spies on everyone on the planet, including Chinese firms-There was a lawsuit brought by 911 victims against the Saudis for their alleged involvement in allegedly funding the 911 hijackers but the suit was dismissed by a judge citing sovereign immunity. So let's see if a judge dismisses these criminal charges based on the sovereign immunity credo. My guess is no, it always depends on who's doing the suing and who's being sued-I really like your writing most of the time, but this one is worthy of one of the polemicists of the Renaissance! Excellent piece! I can't offer you any further acclaim, Harvard Celebrates Satanism Like It's a Costume Party- Satanism is mythology. So is Catholicism. It's all, largely harmless, gibberish. Do you really think seeing a black mass performed is likely to somehow turn any significant number of student into Satanists any more than viewing a Catholic mass is likely to turn them into Catholics? Do you think that seeing a bunch of murders on TV shows turns people into murderers? harvard Celebrates Satanism Like It's a Costume Party-Neither Catholicism, nor Satanism is mythology, although each has mythical elements to it, both are is a system of thought. Catholicism, with Judeo Christianity, is one of the most successful thought systems ever devised to guide men towards right living. And secularists like you have never yet come up with a system to compete with Christianity. Don't count Satanism as a legitimate alternative, although some secular alternatives like Stalinism and Nazism certainly qualify as satanic, one thing that’s an actual fact, and not a myth: were it not for Judeo Christianity, you and I would likely not even be having this conversation right now. It is almost impossible to describe it to people as ignorant as you how brutal the world was before Judeo Christianity gave man a system of right living- much of religious ceremony IS a costume party! Look at how the Priests and Ministers, and Rabis, and Witch Doctors dress up for the ceremony. For sure, the one thing they all have in common is the mythical basis for their religious beliefs and practices. So why not view them as "Costume Parties? harvard Celebrates Satanism Like It's a Costume Party-look at how those doctors dress. Medicine is so mythical. Oh and you know what really bothers me? The way astronauts dress. Talk about mythical! Soldiers dress mythically too, And clowns, let's not forget how clowns dress. Very mythical, would explain the myth that our current commander in clown is always the smartest guy in the room, Must be a small room-There are actually valid reasons for rabbis, priest, ministers and witch doctors to dress the way they do, if you weren't so ignorant you'd look it up-the old liberal ploy of attacking the writer as unqualified, Can't liberals find actual scientists who can come up with actual models of global warming that work? the only relevant question, Maybe I should just delete every comment you make that I feel that you are unqualified to make as a scientist-No lesson seems to be so deeply inculcated by the experience of life as that you should never trust experts, said the Marquis of Salisbury. If you believe doctors, nothing is wholesome: if you believe the theologians, nothing is innocent: if you believe the soldiers, nothing is safe. They all require their strong wine diluted by a very large admixture of insipid common sense-marred by the flawed analysis of Gen McClellan. It isn't even germane to this issue of exploiting unconventional oil, but seems to be a favorite strawman among some conservatives. I note that as an old Whig, McClellan would be viewed as a conservative today (many Whigs were uncomfortable with Radical (liberal) Republicanism and for that reason shifted to the Democracy, Dear Comrade Obama: You're Wrong on Energy and Here's Why-wrong. McClellan was a coward, McClellan was a traitor, McClellan was a fake-townhall-Yield to temptation. It may not come your way again-aibafs/living on borrowed time, repubican indescretions, on bill/ robertson 700 club contradictions, on bppv/triple crown nasal strip contraversy, 26$ entry fee 911 memmorial gift shop, oliver scores, bigfoot music progressions, bernie discombobulation, redneck paradise, ipod favs, cyber espionage, on imus/i do appreciate them preserving all that evidence/282 dead in mine accident, running from sd fire, faux snooze lied, gnbb/redstate election problems despite unfounded optimism, clearchannel flagship rush 14th of 15, muzi fire terrorism, syrian floods, botched execution just late term abortion, firing squad, personal responsibility rears it's ugly head, rove beatdown continues, hb jim, and pete townsend, crying with randi, 30 of 30m wingnutz show up for the great american spring, wingnut nebraska anarcist, on stephanie with you when dreams die/owsite gets 3 months, on ccwabc/
51814/being willfully disingenuous simply because preferred candidates are so limited. Even if he loathes Al Franken, Palmer's comments are so illogical as to call into question both his intellect and his integrity. Lets just leave him to stew in the irrelevant swill native to Fox's biggest fan fb/ dick talks about accountability, lynn on madison's indescretions, on fns/
51614/From what I hear, Wall Street, telecom, pharmaceuticals, big polluters and outsourcers are all salivating at the chance to rig the deal in the upcoming trade talks. So the question is, Why are the trade talks secret? You’ll love this answer. supporters of the deal say to me They have to be secret, because if the American people knew what was actually in them, they would be opposed Boy, the things you learn on Capitol Hill, Think about that. Real people, people whose jobs are at stake, small business owners who don’t want to compete with overseas companies that dump their waste in rivers and hire workers for a dollar a day, people without an army of lobbyists would be opposed. I believe if people across this country would be opposed to a particular trade agreement, then maybe that trade agreement should not happen Warren-Among the most dangerous but least known parts of today’s trade agreements are extraordinary new rights and privileges granted to foreign corporations and investors that formally prioritize corporate rights over the right of governments to regulate and the sovereign right of nations to govern their own affairs. These terms empower individual foreign corporations to skirt domestic courts and directly challenge any policy or action of a sovereign government before World Bank and UN tribunals, Comprised of three private attorneys, the extrajudicial tribunals are authorized to order unlimited sums of taxpayer compensation for health, environmental, financial and other public interest policies seen as undermining the corporations expected future profits, Five Supreme Court Justices, Scalia, Thomas, Roberts, Alito and Kennedy are entrenching, in a whirlwind of judicial dictates, judicial legislating and sheer ideological judgments, a mega-corporate supremacy over the rights and remedies of individuals. The artificial entity called the corporation has no mention in our Constitution whose preamble starts with We the People, not We the Corporation. Taken together the decisions are brazenly over riding sensible. Common Dreams Nader thenation/(nonsensensical?)/disgusting sandy hook truther behavior? Cons who politicized the Sandy Hook shootings will never recognize that they are partly responsible for triggering such reprehensible behavior the monkeys who unlocked the lion's cage-asshole Loser blaming Cons for the tragedy, further politicizing it like a worthless POS. What a stupid $%#$@ moron. You should be aborted-Funny you should mention that, just reminded of Martha Dean. She was the Republican candidate for AG in Connecticut in 2010 (lost to my friend George Jepsen). She got 480,310 votes. Right after Sandy Hook she became a truther, giving voice and support to these nuts. She had Facebook posts so disgusting that even Repubs denounced her and called on her to take down the posts, she ran for Governor, dropping out a week or so ago-Deal with it. And Mac, in case you forgot, this is political board. You are complaining about political posts on a political board. Do you see the irony?-or don't realize that the truthr gun nut Con reality-denier's actions and statements ARE a political statement. Granted, they are irrational, reality denying political statements, but hey, i would have thought you would recognize such, thank you for affirming my own analysis of the situation, you really WON'T, or can't, recognize the enabling that mindless trolls, such as apolgists like yourself or actual practioners like the aforemention Dean, provide for the behavior of such shitheads-I won't forget that it isn't acceptable to you to behave in a bi-partisan way, you have to be able to find a reason to blame Conservatives instead of finding a pathway to educate all people about the Truther organization (if there is an organized group) and pass blame on to individuals and not to whole groups of people that you don't even know. You don't believe there any Liberals that belong to this Truther group?-An absurd assertion. Each person is responsible for their own behavior. That would be the equivilent of blaming violent urban crime on liberals-Have you read the posts from the right wing fringes that constantly blame the darned libs and lib voters for all the ills of America's cities?-An absurd assertion. Each person is responsible for their own behavior. That would be the equivilent of blaming violent urban crime on liberals-Yet we have laws against such things as inciting riots. We as a society recognize that those who urge, provoke or instigate others can be held responsible for the actions of those other-your above crap only prolongs the torture for you so why not just shut up and come back another day with a fresh start in truth. Look up the word first, maybe that would help you-Nobody gives a shit about you, you've been proven a liar too many times for your smug, self satisfied, and self righteous airs of phony superiority to be anything but the bleatings of an attention whore-aibafs/Georgia woman sues town for banning sale of sex toys without a doctor’s prescription-Residents call on NH police official to resign for calling Obama a f cking n gger-Columbia Univ. students distribute ‘rapist list’ after after school fails to protect victims-gun extremists threatening women activists with rape, murder-Robertson: Love your lesbian family member by refusing to accept her-New Mexico county orders sheriff to defy feds in new showdown-Fast food workers go on strike nationwide to protest lack of a decent wage-Ex Navy chaplain tells transgender girl: Man up or get a spanking and an exorcism-Jindal hands out praise to Duck Dynasty, while state hands out money-Operation American Spring warns of FEMA roundup, civil war, chemtrails- SC woman fires shot at friend to test his bulletproof vest but she misses, and he’s dead-pimp tells CNN: I released Sterling tapes after he started going crazy on Magic-Ham: Atheists love pagan-Pat Robertson for making Christians looks silly-Obama plotted biggest jailbreak in history so immigrant criminals can vote Dem-MO Catholic church fires woman from job feeding hungry over same sex marriage-Colbert isn’t too sure about Pope Francis welcoming Martians into Heaven-Pentagon plan to protect U.S. from evil magic zombies not a joke-actors who play the role of journalists on TV-O’Reilly: I’m exempt from white privilege because I worked and can’t tan-Maddow mocks Bundyesque Operation American Spring Big nutball day in D.C-Woman with beach ball sized tumor turned away from four hospitals for lack of insurance-Naia 12,000 year old skeleton offers clues of first Native Americans-talk show host complains to Fox: I was threatened over my anti LGBT views-1st graders performance of Village People’s YMCA cancelled after accusations of racism-Maher hopes Hillary Clinton will choose ‘gutsy’ Elizabeth Warren as her running mate-Albuquerque police promote officer accused of burning off part of man’s ear with Taser-Vietnam War reenactors go full metal in the Oregon woods-Undocumented immigrant accused in Idaho of imprisoning woman as sex slave-Sudanese judge sentences pregnant Christian woman to death by hanging for apostasy-Anti gay Texas talk show host gets her heart pounded by half naked male strippers-GOP candidate on Civil War: The North was an abusive husband the South
52014/Koch Brothers encouraging a rally against a plan to provide $195 million in state money to help settle Detroit pension claims-bo is either evil or the most incompetent pos who ever had a job as a politician. I think it's a LOT of both-wingers still unaware tens of thousands of US troops now need medical care at the VA due to gw's cut VA funding, lying incompetence and hate for our troops stated two misguided mismanaged wars- yhal/Should Satanists be treated like Christians? Harvard limits religious expression in the wake of an attempted black mass, trolls Christians with a Satan sculpture and a black mass-Top New Hampshire cop resigns after calling Obama the N word msnbcfb/The Market and Private Property Should Be the Slaves of Democracy-The Most Important Journalist You've Never Heard Of William Worthy-Democracy Now!-As Another Major Bank Avoids Jail, Occupy Wall Street Protester Cecily McMillan Gets Three Months truthout/from 2013 7,622 accidents 26 million gallons reported oil and fracking fluid wastewater spilled in just 15 states-No Fracking, No Pipelines, No TPP on American land, shoreline, or waterways anywhere in the US, period!-The worst is yet to come. I lived in West Texas and grew up on a farm where the well water was literally poisoned by the oil and gas exploration and drilling done in the 1930's. We had our water hauled in 1500 gallons at a time to drink and cook. Us 3 brothers took a batch all in the same water. We would always argue on whom would get to take the first bath for the water was clean. I will never forget those days-don't worry, they are coming back-please let this boom here in west texas be over soon-None of them can stop the tide~Bob Marley-VA scandal, Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric Shinseki mad as hell. Chief of Staff Denis McDonough told Major Garrett madder than hell, with all his other scandals, we’ve seen O’s madder than hell act before. It has a very short shelf life with O always doing diddly, we’re told that O is now “madder than hell. Well O, do you know what we’re madder than hell” about? We’re madder than hell that you first knew about this problem years ago and did nothing. We’re madder than hell that Jay Carney said today that you found out about this latest scandal on the news. But one thing O will make us really madder than hell. We’ll be MADDER THAN HELL if all those who placed bonuses above veterans receiving medical care do not end up behind bars!-To fix this, we must recognize the need to spend our hard earned dollars. To get more doctors, staff and beds is going to cost, there is no way to do it on the cheap-Let's JUST STOP THE WARS, free up the dollars, for our current Veterans, stop making more of Us, and cut down on the profitability and give ways to the Lockeeds, Boings, Blackwaters, and on and on! fb/ h70b joe cocker, katrianna, fat elvis chasing the elusive mcrib, hollywood and vine? on imus/ hopeing 4 marcus and bill as first ladies in 16, freedom defence geller wants to leapfrog media anti muzi hitler advertisments, shock and awe christy bellydance wows jew donors, palins fortress of derpatude, sack of bengazi lying crap calls, working hard bucking up stephanie queen of barking dogs/roves attack on hillary's brain over the line, palin hopes hillary's brain is off limits, on geraldo/deblazio got street cred by converting a lesbian, man boobs, breast feeding implants on ccwabc/
51914/many are scam artists there are many who are displaced becuz of real issues. And society has lost their compassion for them. In new jersey they bulldozed a tent city and put all their stuff in a dumpster. Instead of helping them they robbed them of not only the few possessions they haf but also of hope. And alot pf vets end up homeless because they came home and couldnt pay their morgaged and get less help then those on gov hand outs. Lets not forget that old heros like robin hood had to live in the woods for poaching, becuz they were starving, soon enough we will all be displaced by the gov. Our gov has a history of giving people the booot i the ass and a good ridence cl/Karl Rove actions show he has advanced syphilis. Whisper. Whisper.tw/23.9 13.4yf/ Looks like Obama wins again. <snicker> Putin ordered troops amassed along the Ukrainian border to return to their permanent bases npr-Obama's effectiveness is mystifying to Cons for a simple reason, he gets his results without having to bomb, shell, invade, or occupy, or even having to resort to threats to do so. They can't conprehend that, or how it works. Hence, their contant look of stupification-Crossfire, turns out, look at the actual numbers. It turns out the actual numbers are 3,900 temporary jobs in the construction sector and 35 permanent jobs- charges will name several individuals who are Chinese government employees, according to a U.S. official. They used military and intelligence facilities to commit cyber espionage against U.S. companies, Chinese Government Officials are suffering from uncontrollable laughter-I can hardly wait for our racist AG to hold his press conference today to hear the rest of this story. After all the DOJ can't even keep their own people and other government organizations from spying on American citizens-contradictions are mountainous. The NSA spies on everyone on the planet, including Chinese firms-There was a lawsuit brought by 911 victims against the Saudis for their alleged involvement in allegedly funding the 911 hijackers but the suit was dismissed by a judge citing sovereign immunity. So let's see if a judge dismisses these criminal charges based on the sovereign immunity credo. My guess is no, it always depends on who's doing the suing and who's being sued-I really like your writing most of the time, but this one is worthy of one of the polemicists of the Renaissance! Excellent piece! I can't offer you any further acclaim, Harvard Celebrates Satanism Like It's a Costume Party- Satanism is mythology. So is Catholicism. It's all, largely harmless, gibberish. Do you really think seeing a black mass performed is likely to somehow turn any significant number of student into Satanists any more than viewing a Catholic mass is likely to turn them into Catholics? Do you think that seeing a bunch of murders on TV shows turns people into murderers? harvard Celebrates Satanism Like It's a Costume Party-Neither Catholicism, nor Satanism is mythology, although each has mythical elements to it, both are is a system of thought. Catholicism, with Judeo Christianity, is one of the most successful thought systems ever devised to guide men towards right living. And secularists like you have never yet come up with a system to compete with Christianity. Don't count Satanism as a legitimate alternative, although some secular alternatives like Stalinism and Nazism certainly qualify as satanic, one thing that’s an actual fact, and not a myth: were it not for Judeo Christianity, you and I would likely not even be having this conversation right now. It is almost impossible to describe it to people as ignorant as you how brutal the world was before Judeo-Christianity gave man a system of right living- much of religious ceremony IS a costume party! Look at how the Priests and Ministers, and Rabis, and Witch Doctors dress up for the ceremony. For sure, the one thing they all have in common is the mythical basis for their religious beliefs and practices. So why not view them as "Costume Parties? harvard Celebrates Satanism Like It's a Costume Party-look at how those doctors dress. Medicine is so mythical. Oh and you know what really bothers me? The way astronauts dress. Talk about mythical! Soldiers dress mythically too, And clowns, let's not forget how clowns dress. Very mythical, would explain the myth that our current commander in clown is always the smartest guy in the room, Must be a small room-There are actually valid reasons for rabbis, priest, ministers and witch doctors to dress the way they do, if you weren't so ignorant you'd look it up-the old liberal ploy of attacking the writer as unqualified, Can't liberals find actual scientists who can come up with actual models of global warming that work? the only relevant question, Maybe I should just delete every comment you make that I feel that you are unqualified to make as a scientist-No lesson seems to be so deeply inculcated by the experience of life as that you should never trust experts, said the Marquis of Salisbury. If you believe doctors, nothing is wholesome: if you believe the theologians, nothing is innocent: if you believe the soldiers, nothing is safe. They all require their strong wine diluted by a very large admixture of insipid common sense-marred by the flawed analysis of Gen McClellan. It isn't even germane to this issue of exploiting unconventional oil, but seems to be a favorite strawman among some conservatives. I note that as an old Whig, McClellan would be viewed as a conservative today (many Whigs were uncomfortable with Radical (liberal) Republicanism and for that reason shifted to the Democracy, Dear Comrade Obama: You're Wrong on Energy and Here's Why-wrong. McClellan was a coward, McClellan was a traitor, McClellan was a fake-townhall-Yield to temptation. It may not come your way again-aibafs/living on borrowed time, repubican indescretions, on bill/ robertson 700 club contradictions, on bppv/triple crown nasal strip contraversy, 26$ entry fee 911 memmorial gift shop, oliver scores, bigfoot music progressions, bernie discombobulation, redneck paradise, ipod favs, cyber espionage, on imus/i do appreciate them preserving all that evidence/282 dead in mine accident, running from sd fire, faux snooze lied, gnbb/redstate election problems despite unfounded optimism, clearchannel flagship rush 14th of 15, muzi fire terrorism, syrian floods, botched execution just late term abortion, firing squad, personal responsibility rears it's ugly head, rove beatdown continues, hb jim, and pete townsend, crying with randi, 30 of 30m wingnutz show up for the great american spring, wingnut nebraska anarcist, on stephanie with you when dreams die/owsite gets 3 months, on ccwabc/
51814/being willfully disingenuous simply because preferred candidates are so limited. Even if he loathes Al Franken, Palmer's comments are so illogical as to call into question both his intellect and his integrity. Lets just leave him to stew in the irrelevant swill native to Fox's biggest fanfb/dick talks about accountability, lynn on madison's indescretions, on fns/
51614/Wall Street, telecom, pharmaceuticals, big polluters and outsourcers are all salivating at the chance to rig the deal in the upcoming trade talks. So the question is, Why are the trade talks secret? You’ll love this answer. supporters of the deal say to me They have to be secret, because if the American people knew what was actually in them, they would be opposed Boy, the things you learn on Capitol Hill, Think about that. Real people, people whose jobs are at stake, small business owners who don’t want to compete with overseas companies that dump their waste in rivers and hire workers for a dollar a day, people without an army of lobbyists would be opposed. I believe if people across this country would be opposed to a particular trade agreement, then maybe that trade agreement should not happen Warren-Among the most dangerous but least known parts of today’s trade agreements are extraordinary new rights and privileges granted to foreign corporations and investors that formally prioritize corporate rights over the right of governments to regulate and the sovereign right of nations to govern their own affairs. These terms empower individual foreign corporations to skirt domestic courts and directly challenge any policy or action of a sovereign government before World Bank and UN tribunals, Comprised of three private attorneys, the extrajudicial tribunals are authorized to order unlimited sums of taxpayer compensation for health, environmental, financial and other public interest policies seen as undermining the corporations expected future profits, Five Supreme Court Justices, Scalia, Thomas, Roberts, Alito and Kennedy are entrenching, in a whirlwind of judicial dictates, judicial legislating and sheer ideological judgments, a mega-corporate supremacy over the rights and remedies of individuals. The artificial entity called the corporation has no mention in our Constitution whose preamble starts with We the People, not We the Corporation. Taken together the decisions are brazenly over riding sensible. Common Dreams Nader thenation/(nonsensensical?)/disgusting sandy hook truther behavior? Cons who politicized the Sandy Hook shootings will never recognize that they are partly responsible for triggering such reprehensible behavior the monkeys who unlocked the lion's cage-asshole Loser blaming Cons for the tragedy, further politicizing it like a worthless POS. What a stupid $%#$@ moron. You should be aborted-Funny you should mention that, just reminded of Martha Dean. She was the Republican candidate for AG in Connecticut in 2010 (lost to my friend George Jepsen). She got 480,310 votes. Right after Sandy Hook she became a truther, giving voice and support to these nuts. She had Facebook posts so disgusting that even Repubs denounced her and called on her to take down the posts, she ran for Governor, dropping out a week or so ago-Deal with it. And Mac, in case you forgot, this is political board. You are complaining about political posts on a political board. Do you see the irony?-or don't realize that the truthr gun nut Con reality-denier's actions and statements ARE a political statement. Granted, they are irrational, reality denying political statements, but hey, i would have thought you would recognize such, thank you for affirming my own analysis of the situation, you really WON'T, or can't, recognize the enabling that mindless trolls, such as apolgists like yourself or actual practioners like the aforemention Dean, provide for the behavior of such shitheads-I won't forget that it isn't acceptable to you to behave in a bi-partisan way, you have to be able to find a reason to blame Conservatives instead of finding a pathway to educate all people about the Truther organization (if there is an organized group) and pass blame on to individuals and not to whole groups of people that you don't even know. You don't believe there any Liberals that belong to this Truther group?-An absurd assertion. Each person is responsible for their own behavior. That would be the equivilent of blaming violent urban crime on liberals-Have you read the posts from the right wing fringes that constantly blame the darned libs and lib voters for all the ills of America's cities?-An absurd assertion. Each person is responsible for their own behavior. That would be the equivilent of blaming violent urban crime on liberals-Yet we have laws against such things as inciting riots. We as a society recognize that those who urge, provoke or instigate others can be held responsible for the actions of those other-your above crap only prolongs the torture for you so why not just shut up and come back another day with a fresh start in truth. Look up the word first, maybe that would help you-Nobody gives a shit about you, you've been proven a liar too many times for your smug, self satisfied, and self righteous airs of phony superiority to be anything but the bleatings of an attention whore-aibafs/Georgia woman sues town for banning sale of sex toys without a doctor’s prescription-Residents call on NH police official to resign for calling Obama a f cking n gger-Columbia Univ. students distribute ‘rapist list’ after after school fails to protect victims-gun extremists threatening women activists with rape, murder-Robertson: Love your lesbian family member by refusing to accept her-New Mexico county orders sheriff to defy feds in new showdown-Fast food workers go on strike nationwide to protest lack of a decent wage-Ex Navy chaplain tells transgender girl: Man up or get a spanking and an exorcism-Jindal hands out praise to Duck Dynasty, while state hands out money-Operation American Spring warns of FEMA roundup, civil war, chemtrails-SC woman fires shot at friend to test his bulletproof vest but she misses, and he’s dead-pimp tells CNN: I released Sterling tapes after he started going crazy on Magic-Ham: Atheists love pagan-Pat Robertson for making Christians looks silly-Obama plotted biggest jailbreak in history so immigrant criminals can vote Dem-MO Catholic church fires woman from job feeding hungry over same sex marriage-Colbert isn’t too sure about Pope Francis welcoming Martians into Heaven-Pentagon plan to protect U.S. from evil magic zombies not a joke-actors who play the role of journalists on TV-O’Reilly: I’m exempt from white privilege because I worked and can’t tan-Maddow mocks Bundyesque Operation American Spring Big nutball day in D.C-Woman with beach ball sized tumor turned away from four hospitals for lack of insurance-Naia 12,000 year old skeleton offers clues of first Native Americans-talk show host complains to Fox: I was threatened over my anti LGBT views-1st graders performance of Village People’s YMCA cancelled after accusations of racism-Maher hopes Hillary Clinton will choose ‘gutsy’ Elizabeth Warren as her running mate-Albuquerque police promote officer accused of burning off part of man’s ear with Taser-Vietnam War reenactors go full metal in the Oregon woods-Undocumented immigrant accused in Idaho of imprisoning woman as sex slave-Sudanese judge sentences pregnant Christian woman to death by hanging for apostasy-Anti gay Texas talk show host gets her heart pounded by half naked male strippers-GOP candidate on Civil War: The North was an abusive husband the South wanted to leave-Twitter looks for Operation American Spring: Where is everybody? I’m confused- Kansas Republican suggests replacing Common Core with Rush Limbaugh’s historical fanfiction-Free Press activist: Ted Cruz is confused about what net neutrality even means-Michigan pastor pleads guilty to climbing ladder to spy on couple having sex-Fake candidate’s Malkin, Hasselbeck and Palin f*ck, marry, or kill?’ tweet riles conservatives-Murdoch owned media hypes lone metereologist’s climate junk science-fni/ Lobbyist who wanted to ban gays in NFL now boycotting Rams and Visa over Michael Sam-The Broadcast appears to be one of those morning shows designed to provide lonely housewives with teevee friends in the hopes that, by filling up their lives with empty banter and chit chat and feel-good stuff, the housewives will put off hitting the bottle until 11AM, Maybe sneak a teensy little snort at ten thirty. The show is a little bit The View, a tad Fox & Friends, a smidgen of Real Housewives of [fill in a city, any city] , and a whole lot of listening in on a conversation at a restaurant between four idiots who make up for their lack of knowledge about current affairs with strong opinions about those same current affairs, like Crossfire, but with four S.E. Cupps, the seemingly smart one (Lisa Pineiro), who was off for a day, wants to rehash the gay kissing by strapping young NFL player story and leads off with a clip of a older sports anchor telling people to chill the hell out about the gays. When Pineiro mentions that an NFL player (doesn’t know his name, natch) was fined for making a derogatory tweet about Sam, the older common sense looks like she is smelling a dead mouse Suzie Humphreys rages that this is Murica and she thinks people should be able to say any gdam thing they want because this is Murica, one with four year-old’s hairstyle which is supposed to be whimsical explains that making mean comments about gays is racist, just like that Clippers guy, Amy Kushnir, who appears to be sitting there turning lumps of coal into diamonds with the sheer crushing force of her butt-cheeks, smolders and seethes before belching out a wingnut’s worth of gay in my face, what about Tim Tebow, my children, and gay agenda, proving that she does read stupider people than herself on the Twitter, a debate about kissing, gay and not gay, and Kushnir has had enough of Kerr’s shit and sass and she grabs her stuff and says, I’m going to Midland, which I believe is Texan for “I’m gonna go get drunk in my Escalade and I hate you I hate you I hate you, this is how people in Texas learn about what is going on in the world, which explains so very much rsy/blue texas wendy hb/rush #39 at 50m$ per yr, koch exposed, on stephanie/Even Al Qaeda has condemned Boko Haram for their kidnappings of schoolgirls. I guess they don’t want their image to get ruined rr/
51514/the first suicide bombing was a christian newssky/Has The End Of The Banana Arrived? popsci/McConnell VA Scandal Republican Chaos Strategy is working like a charm, and now the GOP is trying to make everyone forget who the real villains are when it comes to denying benefits to our veterans-Before Reagan came to Washington, small mom and pop shops were the backbone of our economy Hartmann/Krugman While bank runs may have brought things to a head during the financial crisis, the problems ran deeper/When Propaganda Meets Social Media Care2/Burning House Explodes Live On TV as police were responding to an officer involved shooting at the home digg/Why Getting Kicked In The Balls Hurts So Damn Much, a signal is sent to the brain at approximately 265 miles per hour nerve WHY ALL MEN FEAR HEELs/The Impeachment Party NewYorker/Forced to Sign a Loyalty Oath to Catholic Doctrine, Some Teachers at Catholic Schools Are Rebelling. What Would Pope Francis Do?-Big Pharma Inflates Research Costs for New Cancer Drugs by a Factor of 10, prescription costs may be a matter of life and death to people with grave diseases. For Big Pharma, however, it is just a matter of price gouging based on misleading research-RoboBees-BuzzFlash/ Astounding Corruption in Private Equity NewRepublic/alan minus 200 iq=perry, havolina ugly, on imus/whackadoodle right, national chocolate cookie day, polish slut h8 mail damp shame with phone number, insulting christian caller calling steph a whore speaks, on stephanie/wanted to leave-Twitter looks for Operation American Spring: Where is everybody? I’m confused-Kansas Republican suggests replacing Common Core with Rush Limbaugh’s historical fanfiction-Free Press activist: Ted Cruz is confused about what net neutrality even means-Michigan pastor pleads guilty to climbing ladder to spy on couple having sex-Fake candidate’s Malkin, Hasselbeck and Palin f*ck, marry, or kill?’ tweet riles conservatives-Murdoch owned media hypes lone metereologist’s climate junk science-fni/Lobbyist who wanted to ban gays in NFL now boycotting Rams and Visa over Michael Sam-The Broadcast appears to be one of those morning shows designed to provide lonely housewives with teevee friends in the hopes that, by filling up their lives with empty banter and chit chat and feel-good stuff, the housewives will put off hitting the bottle until 11AM, Maybe sneak a teensy little snort at ten thirty. The show is a little bit The View, a tad Fox & Friends, a smidgen of Real Housewives of [fill in a city, any city] , and a whole lot of listening in on a conversation at a restaurant between four idiots who make up for their lack of knowledge about current affairs with strong opinions about those same current affairs, like Crossfire, but with four S.E. Cupps, the seemingly smart one (Lisa Pineiro), who was off for a day, wants to rehash the gay kissing by strapping young NFL player story and leads off with a clip of a older sports anchor telling people to chill the hell out about the gays. When Pineiro mentions that an NFL player (doesn’t know his name, natch) was fined for making a derogatory tweet about Sam, the older common sense looks like she is smelling a dead mouse Suzie Humphreys rages that this is Murica and she thinks people should be able to say any gdam thing they want because this is Murica, one with four year-old’s hairstyle which is supposed to be whimsical explains that making mean comments about gays is racist, just like that Clippers guy, Amy Kushnir, who appears to be sitting there turning lumps of coal into diamonds with the sheer crushing force of her butt-cheeks, smolders and seethes before belching out a wingnut’s worth of gay in my face, what about Tim Tebow, my children, and gay agenda, proving that she does read stupider people than herself on the Twitter, a debate about kissing, gay and not gay, and Kushnir has had enough of Kerr’s shit and sass and she grabs her stuff and says, I’m going to Midland, which I believe is Texan for “I’m gonna go get drunk in my Escalade and I hate you I hate you I hate you, this is how people in Texas learn about what is going on in the world, which explains so very much rsy/blue texas wendy hb/rush #39 at 50m$ per yr, koch exposed, on stephanie/Even Al Qaeda has condemned Boko Haram for their kidnappings of schoolgirls. I guess they don’t want their image to get ruined rr/
51514/the first suicide bombing was a christian newssky/Has The End Of The Banana Arrived? popsci/McConnell VA Scandal Republican Chaos Strategy is working like a charm, and now the GOP is trying to make everyone forget who the real villains are when it comes to denying benefits to our veterans-Before Reagan came to Washington, small mom and pop shops were the backbone of our economy Hartmann/Krugman While bank runs may have brought things to a head during the financial crisis, the problems ran deeper/When Propaganda Meets Social Media Care2/Burning House Explodes Live On TV as police were responding to an officer involved shooting at the home digg/Why Getting Kicked In The Balls Hurts So Damn Much, a signal is sent to the brain at approximately 265 miles per hour nerve WHY ALL MEN FEAR HEELs/The Impeachment Party NewYorker/ Forced to Sign a Loyalty Oath to Catholic Doctrine, Some Teachers at Catholic Schools Are Rebelling. What Would Pope Francis Do?-Big Pharma Inflates Research Costs for New Cancer Drugs by a Factor of 10, prescription costs may be a matter of life and death to people with grave diseases. For Big Pharma, however, it is just a matter of price gouging based on misleading research- RoboBees- BuzzFlash/Astounding Corruption in Private Equity NewRepublic/alan minus 200 iq=perry, havolina ugly, on imus/whackadoodle right, national chocolate cookie day, polish slut h8 mail damp shame with phone number, insulting christian caller calling steph a whore speaks,
on stephanie/

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